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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Duality;
using Duality.Components;
using Duality.Resources;
using Duality.Input;
namespace DualStickSpaceShooter
public class InputMapping
private InputMethod method = InputMethod.Unknown;
private int creationFrame = Time.FrameCount;
private Vector2 controlMovement = Vector2.Zero;
private float controlLookSpeed = 0.0f;
private float controlLookAngle = 0.0f;
private bool controlFireWeapon = false;
private bool controlQuit = false;
private bool controlStart = false;
public InputMethod Method
get { return this.method; }
set { this.method = value; }
public Vector2 ControlMovement
get { return this.controlMovement; }
public float ControlLookSpeed
get { return this.controlLookSpeed; }
public float ControlLookAngle
get { return this.controlLookAngle; }
public bool ControlFireWeapon
get { return this.controlFireWeapon; }
public bool ControlQuit
get { return this.controlQuit; }
public bool ControlStart
get { return this.controlStart; }
public void Update(Transform referenceObj)
if (this.method == InputMethod.Unknown)
if (Time.FrameCount - this.creationFrame < 5) return;
InputMethod[] takenMethods =
.Select(p => p.InputMethod)
.Where(m => m != InputMethod.Unknown)
InputMethod[] freeMethods =
for (int i = 0; i < freeMethods.Length; i++)
if (this.Detect(freeMethods[i]))
this.method = freeMethods[i];
this.UpdateFrom(referenceObj, this.method);
private bool Detect(InputMethod method)
switch (method)
case InputMethod.MouseAndKeyboard: return this.DetectMouseAndKeyboard(DualityApp.Mouse, DualityApp.Keyboard);
case InputMethod.FirstGamepad: return this.DetectGamepad(DualityApp.Gamepads[0]);
case InputMethod.SecondGamepad: return this.DetectGamepad(DualityApp.Gamepads[1]);
default: return false;
private bool DetectMouseAndKeyboard(MouseInput mouse, KeyboardInput keyboard)
keyboard[Key.W] || keyboard[Key.A] || keyboard[Key.S] ||keyboard[Key.D] ||
mouse[MouseButton.Left] ||
mouse.Vel.Length > 50.0f;
private bool DetectGamepad(GamepadInput gamepad)
gamepad.LeftThumbstick.Length > 0.5f ||
gamepad.RightThumbstick.Length > 0.5f ||
gamepad[GamepadAxis.RightTrigger] > 0.5f ||
private void UpdateFrom(Transform referenceObj, InputMethod method)
switch (method)
case InputMethod.MouseAndKeyboard: this.UpdateFromMouseAndKeyboard(referenceObj, DualityApp.Mouse, DualityApp.Keyboard); break;
case InputMethod.FirstGamepad: this.UpdateFromGamepad(referenceObj, DualityApp.Gamepads[0]); break;
case InputMethod.SecondGamepad: this.UpdateFromGamepad(referenceObj, DualityApp.Gamepads[1]); break;
private void UpdateFromMouseAndKeyboard(Transform referenceObj, MouseInput mouse, KeyboardInput keyboard)
Camera mainCamera = Scene.Current.FindComponent<Camera>();
Vector3 objPos = (referenceObj != null) ? referenceObj.Pos : Vector3.Zero;
Vector2 objPosOnScreen = (mainCamera != null) ? mainCamera.GetScreenCoord(objPos).Xy : Vector2.Zero;
this.controlLookAngle = (mouse.Pos - objPosOnScreen).Angle;
this.controlLookSpeed = MathF.Clamp((mouse.Pos - objPosOnScreen).Length / 100.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
this.controlMovement = Vector2.Zero;
if (keyboard[Key.W]) this.controlMovement += new Vector2(0.0f, -1.0f);
if (keyboard[Key.A]) this.controlMovement += new Vector2(-1.0f, 0.0f);
if (keyboard[Key.S]) this.controlMovement += new Vector2(0.0f, 1.0f);
if (keyboard[Key.D]) this.controlMovement += new Vector2(1.0f, 0.0f);
if (this.controlMovement.Length > 1.0f)
this.controlFireWeapon = mouse[MouseButton.Left];
this.controlQuit = keyboard.KeyHit(Key.Escape);
this.controlStart = keyboard.KeyHit(Key.Enter);
private void UpdateFromGamepad(Transform referenceObj, GamepadInput gamepad)
float referenceAngle = (referenceObj != null) ? referenceObj.Angle : 0.0f;
if (gamepad.LeftThumbstick.Length > 0.25f)
float mappedLength = (gamepad.LeftThumbstick.Length - 0.25f) / 0.75f;
this.controlMovement = gamepad.LeftThumbstick * mappedLength / gamepad.LeftThumbstick.Length;
this.controlMovement = Vector2.Zero;
if (gamepad.RightThumbstick.Length > 0.5f)
this.controlLookAngle = gamepad.RightThumbstick.Angle;
this.controlLookSpeed = (gamepad.RightThumbstick.Length - 0.5f) / 0.5f;
else if (gamepad.LeftThumbstick.Length > 0.25f)
this.controlLookAngle = gamepad.LeftThumbstick.Angle;
this.controlLookSpeed = (gamepad.LeftThumbstick.Length - 0.25f) / 0.75f;
bool targetAimed = MathF.CircularDist(referenceAngle, this.controlLookAngle) < MathF.RadAngle1 * 10;
this.controlFireWeapon =
(targetAimed && gamepad.RightThumbstick.Length > 0.9f) ||
gamepad[GamepadAxis.RightTrigger] > 0.5f ||
gamepad[GamepadButton.RightShoulder] ||
this.controlQuit = gamepad.ButtonHit(GamepadButton.Back);
this.controlStart = gamepad.ButtonHit(GamepadButton.Start);