This is a public interface that allows this sample project to
communicate with all its different CameraController implementations,
without knowing them personally. If you just want to pick one specific
CameraController for your project, you don't need this interface at all.
Just remove it.
[GET / SET] The object which is followed by this controller.
[GET / SET] How smooth the camera should follow its target.
[GET / SET] The distance threshold that needs to be exceeded before the camera starts to move.
[GET / SET] How smooth the camera should follow its target.
This class is in control of the example scene. It draws some debug information
and makes sure that users can select a camera controller to use, etc.
[GET / SET] The main camera, on which sample camera controllers will be installed.
[GET / SET] The target object, which sample camera controllers will be configured to follow.
[GET / SET] The index of the currently active camera controller.
[GET / SET] The maximum movement speed of the player character.