DynamicLighting.core Defines the dynamic lighting core plugin. This static class contains constant string representations of certain resource names. Renders an animated sprite using dynamic lighting, either per-vertex or per-pixel, depending on the DrawTechnique that is used. [GET / SET] Specifies the objects translucency for Light when using vertex lighting. A very translucent object (1.0) is affected from Lights behind it as well as from Lights in front of it. Non-translucent objects (0.0) are only affected by Lights in front of them. A source of light. Supported light types are directional, ambient, point and spot. To create directional or ambient lights, add this Component to a GameObject without Transform. [GET / SET] The direction this Light points to. Used in spot and directional light. Set this to zero in order to create a point light. [GET / SET] The Lights main color. [GET / SET] The Lights intensity. [GET / SET] The Lights ambient color value. Ambient light is used as base value in directional lighting. [GET / SET] The Lights ambient intensity. Ambient light is used as base value in directional lighting. [GET / SET] The Lights range. Only applies to point and spot lights. [GET / SET] The Lights spot focus. The higher this value is, the smaller the spot radius. Renders a sprite using dynamic lighting, either per-vertex or per-pixel, depending on the DrawTechnique that is used. [GET / SET] Specifies the objects translucency for Light when using vertex lighting. A very translucent object (1.0) is affected from Lights behind it as well as from Lights in front of it. Non-translucent objects (0.0) are only affected by Lights in front of them.