Gravity.core Defines a Duality core plugin. This component will gravitate other objects based on it's configuration. The maximum range at which this object will gravitate other objects. The amount with which the gravitational force is multiplied with. The type of gravitation that will be caused by this object. This function attracts all RigidBodies that are in a list of RigidBodies towards this GameObject. This code is heavily based on a Unity3D Wiki page. This component receives user input and performs actions based on the input. The prefab used to create a new Ball object. The prefab used to create a new Gravitator object. This function creates a Ball object using the Ball prefab assigned in this component, and places it at a specified position. The location the Ball object is to be placed at. This function creates a Gravitator object using the Gravitator prefab assigned in this component, and places it at a specified position. The location the Gravitator object is to be placed at.