SnowyPeak.Duality.Data.core Defines the core plugin. Loads a data file at runtime Allows Row/Column based access to a valid Json file Abstract class allowing access to the contents arbitary text-based file. Constructor Creates an empty file if it's not already existing. The path of the file to create. Returns the default extension for the file type. Sets the SourcePath variable and calls the Reload method. The path of the file to be loaded Overridden will perform custom logic after the file has been reloaded. [GET] The contents of the imported file. [GET] The size, in bytes, of the source file [GET] The encoding of the source file [GET] The encoding of the source file Creates a new, empty JsonData. [GET] Indicates if the json file is valid. Allow line-based access to the contents of a text (.txt) file. Constructor [GET] The lines in the imported file. Allows Row/Column based access to a valid CSV file Creates a new, empty CsvFile. Get a single column of data, accessed by column. Get a single column of data, accessed by field. Access the data by row and column and returns it converted to the desired type. Access the data by index and column and returns it converted to the desired type. Access the data by row and field and returns it converted to the desired type. Access the data by index and field and returns it converted to the desired type. Get a single row of data, accessed by row. Get a single row of data, accessed by index. [GET] The number of Columns present in the file. [GET / SET] The character used as field separator in the file. Defaults as ';'. [GET / SET] Indicates if the first field of each line in the source file has to be treated as a unique index that can be used to directly access the relative row of data. [GET / SET] Indicates if the first row of the file has to be treated as column headers so that they can be used to directly access the realative field of data. [GET] Indicates if the csv file is valid (i.e. all rows are comprised of the same number of values). [GET] The number of rows loaded, including the Header row (if present). [GET / SET] The string qualifier character is removed from the beginning and the end of all values. Access the data by row and column. Access the data by row and field. Access the data by index and column. Access the data by index and field. Represents a validated XmlDocument which consists of an XmlFile and an optional XmlSchema Constructor Validates the XmlData. This is done automatically whenever the Resource or its componets are changed. [GET] Indicates if the file is a well formed xml and, if Schema is set, is valid. The content of the file, as an XmlDocument object Represents an arbitrary piece of XML-formatted data. Constructor [GET] The namespace set as the xsd file's targetNamespace attribute