using System;
using Duality;
using Duality.Editor;
using Duality.Components.Renderers;
using Duality.Drawing;
using Duality.Resources;
using Duality.Properties;
using DynamicLighting.Properties;
namespace DynamicLighting
/// Renders an animated sprite using dynamic lighting, either per-vertex or per-pixel, depending on the DrawTechnique that is used.
public class LightingAnimSpriteRenderer : AnimSpriteRenderer
private float vertexTranslucency = 0.0f;
[DontSerialize] private VertexC1P3T2A4[] verticesLight = null;
[DontSerialize] private VertexC1P3T4A4A1[] verticesLightSmooth = null;
/// [GET / SET] Specifies the objects translucency for Light when using vertex lighting.
/// A very translucent object (1.0) is affected from Lights behind it as well as from Lights in front of it.
/// Non-translucent objects (0.0) are only affected by Lights in front of them.
[EditorHintRange(0.0f, 1.0f)]
public float VertexTranslucency
get { return this.vertexTranslucency; }
set { this.vertexTranslucency = value; }
protected void PrepareVerticesLightSmooth(ref VertexC1P3T4A4A1[] vertices, IDrawDevice device, float curAnimFrameFade, ColorRgba mainClr, Rect uvRect, Rect uvRectNext, DrawTechnique tech)
bool perPixel = tech is LightingTechnique;
Vector3 pos = this.GameObj.Transform.Pos;
Vector3 posTemp = pos;
float scaleTemp = 1.0f;
device.PreprocessCoords(ref posTemp, ref scaleTemp);
Vector2 xDot, yDot;
float rotation = this.GameObj.Transform.Angle;
MathF.GetTransformDotVec(rotation, out xDot, out yDot);
Rect rectTemp = this.rect.Transformed(this.GameObj.Transform.Scale, this.GameObj.Transform.Scale);
Vector2 edge1 = rectTemp.TopLeft;
Vector2 edge2 = rectTemp.BottomLeft;
Vector2 edge3 = rectTemp.BottomRight;
Vector2 edge4 = rectTemp.TopRight;
MathF.TransformDotVec(ref edge1, ref xDot, ref yDot);
MathF.TransformDotVec(ref edge2, ref xDot, ref yDot);
MathF.TransformDotVec(ref edge3, ref xDot, ref yDot);
MathF.TransformDotVec(ref edge4, ref xDot, ref yDot);
// Using Per-Vertex Lighting? Calculate vertex light values
Vector4[] vertexLight = null;
if (!perPixel)
vertexLight = new Vector4[4];
Light.GetLightAtWorldPos(pos + new Vector3(edge1), out vertexLight[0], this.vertexTranslucency);
Light.GetLightAtWorldPos(pos + new Vector3(edge2), out vertexLight[1], this.vertexTranslucency);
Light.GetLightAtWorldPos(pos + new Vector3(edge3), out vertexLight[2], this.vertexTranslucency);
Light.GetLightAtWorldPos(pos + new Vector3(edge4), out vertexLight[3], this.vertexTranslucency);
Vector2.Multiply(ref edge1, scaleTemp, out edge1);
Vector2.Multiply(ref edge2, scaleTemp, out edge2);
Vector2.Multiply(ref edge3, scaleTemp, out edge3);
Vector2.Multiply(ref edge4, scaleTemp, out edge4);
// Using Per-Pixel Lighting? Pass objRotation Matrix via vertex attribute.
Vector4 objRotMat = Vector4.Zero;
if (perPixel)
objRotMat = new Vector4((float)Math.Cos(-rotation), -(float)Math.Sin(-rotation), (float)Math.Sin(-rotation), (float)Math.Cos(-rotation));
if (vertices == null || vertices.Length != 4) vertices = new VertexC1P3T4A4A1[4];
// Calculate UV coordinates
float left = uvRect.X;
float right = uvRect.RightX;
float top = uvRect.Y;
float bottom = uvRect.BottomY;
float nextLeft = uvRectNext.X;
float nextRight = uvRectNext.RightX;
float nextTop = uvRectNext.Y;
float nextBottom = uvRectNext.BottomY;
if ((this.flipMode & FlipMode.Horizontal) != FlipMode.None)
MathF.Swap(ref left, ref right);
MathF.Swap(ref nextLeft, ref nextRight);
if ((this.flipMode & FlipMode.Vertical) != FlipMode.None)
MathF.Swap(ref top, ref bottom);
MathF.Swap(ref nextTop, ref nextBottom);
// Directly pass World Position with each vertex, see note in Light.cs
vertices[0].Pos.X = posTemp.X + edge1.X;
vertices[0].Pos.Y = posTemp.Y + edge1.Y;
vertices[0].Pos.Z = posTemp.Z + this.VertexZOffset;
vertices[0].TexCoord.X = left;
vertices[0].TexCoord.Y = top;
vertices[0].TexCoord.Z = nextLeft;
vertices[0].TexCoord.W = nextTop;
vertices[0].Color = mainClr;
vertices[0].Attrib = perPixel ? objRotMat : vertexLight[0];
vertices[0].Attrib2 = curAnimFrameFade;
vertices[1].Pos.X = posTemp.X + edge2.X;
vertices[1].Pos.Y = posTemp.Y + edge2.Y;
vertices[1].Pos.Z = posTemp.Z + this.VertexZOffset;
vertices[1].TexCoord.X = left;
vertices[1].TexCoord.Y = bottom;
vertices[1].TexCoord.Z = nextLeft;
vertices[1].TexCoord.W = nextBottom;
vertices[1].Color = mainClr;
vertices[1].Attrib = perPixel ? objRotMat : vertexLight[1];
vertices[1].Attrib2 = curAnimFrameFade;
vertices[2].Pos.X = posTemp.X + edge3.X;
vertices[2].Pos.Y = posTemp.Y + edge3.Y;
vertices[2].Pos.Z = posTemp.Z + this.VertexZOffset;
vertices[2].TexCoord.X = right;
vertices[2].TexCoord.Y = bottom;
vertices[2].TexCoord.Z = nextRight;
vertices[2].TexCoord.W = nextBottom;
vertices[2].Color = mainClr;
vertices[2].Attrib = perPixel ? objRotMat : vertexLight[2];
vertices[2].Attrib2 = curAnimFrameFade;
vertices[3].Pos.X = posTemp.X + edge4.X;
vertices[3].Pos.Y = posTemp.Y + edge4.Y;
vertices[3].Pos.Z = posTemp.Z + this.VertexZOffset;
vertices[3].TexCoord.X = right;
vertices[3].TexCoord.Y = top;
vertices[3].TexCoord.Z = nextRight;
vertices[3].TexCoord.W = nextTop;
vertices[3].Color = mainClr;
vertices[3].Attrib = perPixel ? objRotMat : vertexLight[3];
vertices[3].Attrib2 = curAnimFrameFade;
if (this.pixelGrid)
vertices[0].Pos.X = MathF.Round(vertices[0].Pos.X);
vertices[1].Pos.X = MathF.Round(vertices[1].Pos.X);
vertices[2].Pos.X = MathF.Round(vertices[2].Pos.X);
vertices[3].Pos.X = MathF.Round(vertices[3].Pos.X);
if (MathF.RoundToInt(device.TargetSize.X) != (MathF.RoundToInt(device.TargetSize.X) / 2) * 2)
vertices[0].Pos.X += 0.5f;
vertices[1].Pos.X += 0.5f;
vertices[2].Pos.X += 0.5f;
vertices[3].Pos.X += 0.5f;
vertices[0].Pos.Y = MathF.Round(vertices[0].Pos.Y);
vertices[1].Pos.Y = MathF.Round(vertices[1].Pos.Y);
vertices[2].Pos.Y = MathF.Round(vertices[2].Pos.Y);
vertices[3].Pos.Y = MathF.Round(vertices[3].Pos.Y);
if (MathF.RoundToInt(device.TargetSize.Y) != (MathF.RoundToInt(device.TargetSize.Y) / 2) * 2)
vertices[0].Pos.Y += 0.5f;
vertices[1].Pos.Y += 0.5f;
vertices[2].Pos.Y += 0.5f;
vertices[3].Pos.Y += 0.5f;
protected void PrepareVerticesLight(ref VertexC1P3T2A4[] vertices, IDrawDevice device, ColorRgba mainClr, Rect uvRect, DrawTechnique tech)
bool perPixel = tech is LightingTechnique;
Vector3 pos = this.GameObj.Transform.Pos;
Vector3 posTemp = pos;
float scaleTemp = 1.0f;
device.PreprocessCoords(ref posTemp, ref scaleTemp);
Vector2 xDot, yDot;
float rotation = this.GameObj.Transform.Angle;
MathF.GetTransformDotVec(rotation, out xDot, out yDot);
Rect rectTemp = this.rect.Transformed(this.GameObj.Transform.Scale, this.GameObj.Transform.Scale);
Vector2 edge1 = rectTemp.TopLeft;
Vector2 edge2 = rectTemp.BottomLeft;
Vector2 edge3 = rectTemp.BottomRight;
Vector2 edge4 = rectTemp.TopRight;
MathF.TransformDotVec(ref edge1, ref xDot, ref yDot);
MathF.TransformDotVec(ref edge2, ref xDot, ref yDot);
MathF.TransformDotVec(ref edge3, ref xDot, ref yDot);
MathF.TransformDotVec(ref edge4, ref xDot, ref yDot);
// Using Per-Vertex Lighting? Calculate vertex light values
Vector4[] vertexLight = null;
if (!perPixel)
vertexLight = new Vector4[4];
Light.GetLightAtWorldPos(pos + new Vector3(edge1), out vertexLight[0], this.vertexTranslucency);
Light.GetLightAtWorldPos(pos + new Vector3(edge2), out vertexLight[1], this.vertexTranslucency);
Light.GetLightAtWorldPos(pos + new Vector3(edge3), out vertexLight[2], this.vertexTranslucency);
Light.GetLightAtWorldPos(pos + new Vector3(edge4), out vertexLight[3], this.vertexTranslucency);
Vector2.Multiply(ref edge1, scaleTemp, out edge1);
Vector2.Multiply(ref edge2, scaleTemp, out edge2);
Vector2.Multiply(ref edge3, scaleTemp, out edge3);
Vector2.Multiply(ref edge4, scaleTemp, out edge4);
// Using Per-Pixel Lighting? Pass objRotation Matrix via vertex attribute.
Vector4 objRotMat = Vector4.Zero;
if (perPixel)
objRotMat = new Vector4((float)Math.Cos(-rotation), -(float)Math.Sin(-rotation), (float)Math.Sin(-rotation), (float)Math.Cos(-rotation));
// Calculate UV coordinates
float left = uvRect.X;
float right = uvRect.RightX;
float top = uvRect.Y;
float bottom = uvRect.BottomY;
if ((this.flipMode & FlipMode.Horizontal) != FlipMode.None)
MathF.Swap(ref left, ref right);
if ((this.flipMode & FlipMode.Vertical) != FlipMode.None)
MathF.Swap(ref top, ref bottom);
if (vertices == null || vertices.Length != 4) vertices = new VertexC1P3T2A4[4];
// Directly pass World Position with each vertex, see note in Light.cs
vertices[0].Pos.X = posTemp.X + edge1.X;
vertices[0].Pos.Y = posTemp.Y + edge1.Y;
vertices[0].Pos.Z = posTemp.Z + this.VertexZOffset;
vertices[0].TexCoord.X = left;
vertices[0].TexCoord.Y = top;
vertices[0].Color = mainClr;
vertices[0].Attrib = perPixel ? objRotMat : vertexLight[0];
vertices[1].Pos.X = posTemp.X + edge2.X;
vertices[1].Pos.Y = posTemp.Y + edge2.Y;
vertices[1].Pos.Z = posTemp.Z + this.VertexZOffset;
vertices[1].TexCoord.X = left;
vertices[1].TexCoord.Y = bottom;
vertices[1].Color = mainClr;
vertices[1].Attrib = perPixel ? objRotMat : vertexLight[1];
vertices[2].Pos.X = posTemp.X + edge3.X;
vertices[2].Pos.Y = posTemp.Y + edge3.Y;
vertices[2].Pos.Z = posTemp.Z + this.VertexZOffset;
vertices[2].TexCoord.X = right;
vertices[2].TexCoord.Y = bottom;
vertices[2].Color = mainClr;
vertices[2].Attrib = perPixel ? objRotMat : vertexLight[2];
vertices[3].Pos.X = posTemp.X + edge4.X;
vertices[3].Pos.Y = posTemp.Y + edge4.Y;
vertices[3].Pos.Z = posTemp.Z + this.VertexZOffset;
vertices[3].TexCoord.X = right;
vertices[3].TexCoord.Y = top;
vertices[3].Color = mainClr;
vertices[3].Attrib = perPixel ? objRotMat : vertexLight[3];
public override void Draw(IDrawDevice device)
Texture mainTex = this.RetrieveMainTex();
ColorRgba mainClr = this.RetrieveMainColor();
DrawTechnique tech = this.RetrieveDrawTechnique();
Rect uvRect;
Rect uvRectNext;
bool smoothShaderInput = tech != null && tech.PreferredVertexFormat == VertexC1P3T4A4A1.Declaration;
this.GetAnimData(mainTex, tech, smoothShaderInput, out uvRect, out uvRectNext);
if (!smoothShaderInput)
this.PrepareVerticesLight(ref this.verticesLight, device, mainClr, uvRect, tech);
if (this.customMat != null) device.AddVertices(this.customMat, VertexMode.Quads, this.verticesLight);
else device.AddVertices(this.sharedMat, VertexMode.Quads, this.verticesLight);
this.PrepareVerticesLightSmooth(ref this.verticesLightSmooth, device, this.CurrentFrameProgress, mainClr, uvRect, uvRectNext, tech);
if (this.customMat != null) device.AddVertices(this.customMat, VertexMode.Quads, this.verticesLightSmooth);
else device.AddVertices(this.sharedMat, VertexMode.Quads, this.verticesLightSmooth);