using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Duality;
using Duality.Components;
using Duality.Drawing;
using Duality.Components.Renderers;
namespace BasicMenu
/// This Component implements an OnUpdate-based MenuController.
/// Pros: Easier to set up, requires only to implement OnUpdate.
/// Cons: The controller logic is called on every frame, even when nothing is happening.
public class UpdateMenuController : MenuController, ICmpUpdatable
private Vector2 mousePosition;
private MenuComponent currentComponent;
void ICmpUpdatable.OnUpdate()
// No menus currently active? Switch to StartingMenu - this is checked everytime
if (this.currentMenu == null)
mousePosition.X = DualityApp.Mouse.X;
mousePosition.Y = DualityApp.Mouse.Y;
// check all MenuComponents under the mouse and sort them by Z,
// to find the one nearest to the Camera
MenuComponent hoveredComponent = this.GameObj.ParentScene.FindComponents()
.Where(mc => mc.GameObj.Active && mc.GetAreaOnScreen().Contains(mousePosition))
.OrderBy(mc => mc.GameObj.Transform.Pos.Z)
// I found my hovered menu component.. is it different from the current one?
if (hoveredComponent != currentComponent)
// if the old one is not null, leave it.
if (currentComponent != null)
// if the new one is not null, enter it.
if (hoveredComponent != null)
// set the current component to the hovered one.
currentComponent = hoveredComponent;
// did I click the left button and am I hovering a component? do something!
if (DualityApp.Mouse.ButtonHit(Duality.Input.MouseButton.Left) && currentComponent != null)