using System; using System.Linq; using Duality; using Duality.Cloning; using Duality.Components; using Duality.Drawing; using Duality.Editor; using Duality.Properties; using Steering.Properties; namespace Steering { /// /// An agent is the basic component you want to attach to computer-controlled characters. /// It contains functionallity to avoid collisions with other agents/obstacles and tries /// to get to some defined target-location. The avoidance is only local therefore it's /// possible that the agent get stuck in local minima. For more complex navigation you /// need a high-level pathfinding layer on top of the local avoidance. /// [RequiredComponent(typeof(Transform))] [EditorHintCategory(CoreResNames.CategoryAI)] [EditorHintImage(SteeringResNames.ImageAgent)] public class Agent : Component { private IVelocitySampler sampler = null; private IAgentCharacteristics characteristics = null; private ISteeringTarget target = null; private float radius = 64.0f; private float toiHorizon = 240.0f; [DontSerialize] private Vector2 suggestedVel = Vector2.Zero; public IVelocitySampler Sampler { get { return this.sampler; } set { this.sampler = value; } } public IAgentCharacteristics Characteristics { get { return this.characteristics; } set { this.characteristics = value; } } public ISteeringTarget Target { get { return; } set { = value; } } /// /// [GET / SET] The Agents target velocity, i.e. the one which it tries to acquire. /// This is a convenience property that automatically sets and /// to the appropriate values. /// [EditorHintFlags(MemberFlags.AffectsOthers)] public Vector2 TargetVel { get { if ( is DirectionTarget) { return ( as DirectionTarget).Direction * this.TargetSpeed; } else { return Vector2.Zero; } } set { if (!( is DirectionTarget)) = new DirectionTarget(); float valueLen = value.Length; ( as DirectionTarget).Direction = value / (valueLen > 0.0f ? valueLen : 1.0f); this.TargetSpeed = value.Length; } } /// /// [GET / SET] The Agents target velocity, i.e. the one which it tries to acquire. /// This is a convenience property that automatically sets and /// to the appropriate values. /// [EditorHintFlags(MemberFlags.AffectsOthers)] public Vector2 TargetPos { get { if ( is PointTarget) { return ( as PointTarget).Location; } else { return Vector2.Zero; } } set { if (!( is PointTarget)) = new PointTarget(); ( as PointTarget).Location = value; } } /// /// [GET / SET] The target speed this Agent attempts to acquire unless distracted by other Agents. /// [EditorHintRange(0.0f, 10000.0f)] public float TargetSpeed { get { return this.characteristics != null ? this.characteristics.PreferredSpeed : 0.0f; } set { this.AcquireConfigObjects(); this.characteristics.PreferredSpeed = value; } } /// /// [GET / SET] The radius of the agent (an agent is always representet as circle) /// [EditorHintRange(0.0f, 10000.0f)] public float Radius { get { return this.radius; } set { this.radius = value; } } /// /// [GET / SET] The maximum time of impact wich the agent will react on. /// If you set this too high your agent will oscillate alot in crowded situations and if you set /// it too low your agent will avoid very late which looks artificial. /// public float ToiHorizon { get { return this.toiHorizon; } set { this.toiHorizon = value; } } /// /// [GET] The calculated velocity which the agent calculated as optimum. /// public Vector2 SuggestedVel { get { return this.suggestedVel; } } public Agent() { this.AcquireConfigObjects(); } internal void Update() { this.AcquireConfigObjects(); Transform transform = this.GameObj.Transform; float scaledRad = this.radius * transform.Scale; Agent[] otherAgents = AgentManager.Instance.FindNeighborAgents(this).ToArray(); this.sampler.Reset(); bool keepSampling = true; Vector2 bestVelocity = Vector2.Zero; float bestScore = float.PositiveInfinity; while (keepSampling) { Vector2 sample = this.sampler.GetCurrentSample(this) * this.characteristics.MaxSpeed; // penalities float toiPenality = 0f; // check against every obstacle foreach (Agent otherAgent in otherAgents) { Transform otherTransform = otherAgent.GameObj.Transform; float curToiPenality = 0f; // calculate helper variables for RVO Vector2 relPos = otherTransform.Pos.Xy - transform.Pos.Xy; // -> calculate side (only sign is of interest) for HRVO Vector2 averageVel = 0.5f * (transform.Vel.Xy + otherTransform.Vel.Xy); float side = Vector2.Dot(relPos.PerpendicularRight, sample - averageVel); float selfFactor = 0f; float otherFactor = 1f; if (side >= 0f) { // this is different from original RVO - we use the ratio of the observed velocities to determine // how much responsibility one agent has float selfSpeed = transform.Vel.Xy.Length; float otherSpeed = otherTransform.Vel.Xy.Length; selfFactor = 0.5f; var selfPlusOtherSpeed = selfSpeed + otherSpeed; if (selfPlusOtherSpeed > float.Epsilon) selfFactor = otherSpeed / selfPlusOtherSpeed; otherFactor = 1f - selfFactor; } // check time of impact float curMinToi; float curMaxToi; Vector2 expectedRelVel = sample - (selfFactor * transform.Vel.Xy + otherFactor * otherTransform.Vel.Xy); float otherScaledRad = otherAgent.radius * otherTransform.Scale; if (ToiCircleCircle(relPos, scaledRad + otherScaledRad, expectedRelVel, out curMinToi, out curMaxToi) && 0f < curMaxToi) { if (curMinToi <= 0f) { // we collided - check which way we get here out if (MathF.Abs(curMinToi) < MathF.Abs(curMaxToi)) { // => if minT (which is behind us) is lower then it's a bad idea to keep going because the // other way would bring us out earlier curToiPenality = float.PositiveInfinity; } else { curToiPenality = curMaxToi; } } else { // this is a new minimum toi // => calculate penality curToiPenality = MathF.Max(0f, this.toiHorizon - curMinToi) / this.toiHorizon; } } toiPenality = MathF.Max(toiPenality, curToiPenality); } // ask the characteristics implementation how good this sample is float score = characteristics.CalculateVelocityCost(this, sample, toiPenality); // update sampler and check if we should stop keepSampling = sampler.SetCurrentCost(score); // check if this velocity is better then everything else we've seen so far if (score < bestScore) { bestScore = score; bestVelocity = sample; } #region visual logging of all sampled velocities #if DEBUG if (DebugVisualizationMode != VisualLoggingMode.None && DebugVisualizationMode != VisualLoggingMode.VelocityOnly && DebugVisualizationMode != VisualLoggingMode.AllVelocities) { Vector2 debugPos = sample / this.characteristics.MaxSpeed * DebugVelocityRadius; float debugColorFactor = 0.0f; switch (DebugVisualizationMode) { case VisualLoggingMode.Cost: debugColorFactor = score; break; case VisualLoggingMode.ToiPenalty: debugColorFactor = toiPenality; break; } ColorRgba debugColor = ColorRgba.Lerp(ColorRgba.White, ColorRgba.Black, MathF.Pow(debugColorFactor, 1f/4f)); VisualDebugLog.DrawCircle(debugPos.X, debugPos.Y, 4f).AnchorAt(this.GameObj).WithColor(debugColor); } #endif #endregion } this.suggestedVel = bestVelocity; #region visual logging of the velocities #if DEBUG if (DebugVisualizationMode == VisualLoggingMode.AllVelocities) { Vector2 selfDebugVelocity = transform.Vel.Xy / Characteristics.MaxSpeed * DebugVelocityRadius; VisualDebugLog.DrawVector(0f, 0f, selfDebugVelocity.X, selfDebugVelocity.Y).AnchorAt(GameObj).WithColor(ColorRgba.DarkGrey); foreach (var otherAgent in otherAgents) { Transform otherTransform = otherAgent.GameObj.Transform; Vector2 debugVelocity = otherTransform.Vel.Xy / otherAgent.Characteristics.MaxSpeed * DebugVelocityRadius; VisualDebugLog.DrawVector(0f, 0f, debugVelocity.X, debugVelocity.Y).AnchorAt(otherAgent.GameObj).WithColor(ColorRgba.DarkGrey); } } if (DebugVisualizationMode != VisualLoggingMode.None) { Vector2 curVelocity = transform.Vel.Xy / Characteristics.MaxSpeed * DebugVelocityRadius; VisualDebugLog.DrawVector(0f, 0f, curVelocity.X, curVelocity.Y).AnchorAt(GameObj).WithColor(ColorRgba.DarkGrey); var debugVelocity = this.suggestedVel / characteristics.MaxSpeed * DebugVelocityRadius; VisualDebugLog.DrawVector(0f, 0f, debugVelocity.X, debugVelocity.Y).AnchorAt(this.GameObj); } #endif #endregion } private void AcquireConfigObjects() { if (this.sampler == null) this.sampler = new AdaptiveVelocitySampler(); if ( == null) = new DirectionTarget(); if (this.characteristics == null) this.characteristics = new DefaultAgentCharacteristics(); } // TODO: move me to a more general place private static float RayRayIntersect(Vector2 start1, Vector2 dir1, Vector2 start2, Vector2 dir2) { var relStart = start2 - start1; var num = dir2.Y * relStart.X - dir2.X * relStart.Y; var den = dir1.X * dir2.Y - dir2.X * dir1.Y; if (den <= float.Epsilon) return float.NaN; return num / den; } // TODO: move me to a more general place private static bool ToiCircleCircle(Vector2 relPos, float obstacleRadius, Vector2 relVel, out float minT, out float maxT) { // special handling for zero vector if (relVel == Vector2.Zero) { // check if we collide if (relVel.Length <= obstacleRadius) { minT = 0f; maxT = float.PositiveInfinity; return true; } else { minT = maxT = 0f; return false; } } /* * Matlab: * syms vx vy t cx cy x y r; * x = vx * t; * y = vy * t; * res = solve((x - cx)^2 + (y - cy)^2 - r^2 == 0, t); * * (cx*vx + cy*vy + (- cx^2*vy^2 + 2*cx*cy*vx*vy - cy^2*vx^2 + r^2*vx^2 + r^2*vy^2)^(1/2))/(vx^2 + vy^2) * (cx*vx + cy*vy - (- cx^2*vy^2 + 2*cx*cy*vx*vy - cy^2*vx^2 + r^2*vx^2 + r^2*vy^2)^(1/2))/(vx^2 + vy^2) */ var cx = relPos.X; var cy = relPos.Y; var vx = relVel.X; var vy = relVel.Y; var r = obstacleRadius; var sqrtTerm = -(cx * cx) * (vy * vy) + 2 * cx * cy * vx * vy - (cy * cy) * (vx * vx) + (r * r) * (vx * vx) + (r * r) * (vy * vy); if (sqrtTerm < 0f) { minT = maxT = float.NaN; return false; } var denom = ((vx * vx) + (vy * vy)); if (Math.Abs(denom) < float.Epsilon) { if(denom < 0f) minT = maxT = float.NegativeInfinity; else minT = maxT = float.PositiveInfinity; return true; } maxT = (cx * vx + cy * vy + MathF.Sqrt(sqrtTerm)) / denom; minT = (cx * vx + cy * vy - MathF.Sqrt(sqrtTerm)) / denom; return true; } #region visual logging stuff public enum VisualLoggingMode { None, VelocityOnly, AllVelocities, ToiPenalty, Cost } #if DEBUG private VisualLoggingMode debugVisualizationMode; public VisualLoggingMode DebugVisualizationMode { get { return debugVisualizationMode; } set { debugVisualizationMode = value; } } static Agent() { VisualDebugLog.BaseColor = ColorRgba.White; } private static readonly VisualLog VisualDebugLog = VisualLog.Get("agent"); private const float DebugVelocityRadius = 100f; #endif #endregion } }