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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Duality;
using Duality.Editor;
using Duality.Components;
using Duality.Components.Physics;
using Duality.Components.Renderers;
using Duality.Resources;
using Duality.Drawing;
using Duality.Audio;
namespace DualStickSpaceShooter
public class EnemyClaymore : Component, ICmpUpdatable, ICmpInitializable, ICmpCollisionListener, ICmpMessageListener
public enum BehaviorFlags
private enum MindState
private struct SpikeState
public float OpenValue;
public float OpenTarget;
public float Speed;
public bool Blinking;
public int ContactCount;
private const float WakeupDist = 300.0f;
private const float SpikeAttackMoveDist = 100.0f;
private const float SleepTime = 3000.0f;
private MindState state = MindState.Asleep;
private BehaviorFlags behavior = BehaviorFlags.Chase;
private float idleTimer = 0.0f;
private float blinkTimer = 0.0f;
private float eyeOpenValue = 0.0f;
private float eyeOpenTarget = 0.0f;
private float eyeSpeed = 0.0f;
private bool eyeBlinking = false;
private bool spikesActive = false;
private SpikeState[] spikeState = new SpikeState[4];
private ContentRef<EnemyBlueprint> blueprint = null;
[DontSerialize] private AnimSpriteRenderer eye = null;
[DontSerialize] private SpriteRenderer[] spikes = null;
[DontSerialize] private SoundInstance moveSoundLoop = null;
[DontSerialize] private SoundInstance dangerSoundLoop = null;
public BehaviorFlags Behavior
get { return this.behavior; }
set { this.behavior = value; }
public ContentRef<EnemyBlueprint> Blueprint
get { return this.blueprint; }
set { this.blueprint = value; }
private void Sleep()
if (this.state == MindState.Asleep) return;
if (this.state == MindState.FallingAsleep) return;
this.state = MindState.FallingAsleep;
this.eyeOpenTarget = 0.0f;
this.eyeBlinking = false;
this.eyeSpeed = Time.SPFMult / MathF.Rnd.NextFloat(1.5f, 3.5f);
private void Awake()
if (this.state == MindState.Idle) return;
if (this.state == MindState.Awaking) return;
this.state = MindState.Awaking;
this.eyeOpenTarget = 1.0f;
this.eyeBlinking = false;
this.eyeSpeed = Time.SPFMult / MathF.Rnd.NextFloat(1.0f, 1.5f);
private void RandomizeBlinkTimer()
this.blinkTimer += MathF.Rnd.Next(100, 10000);
private void BlinkEye(float blinkStrength = 1.0f)
this.eyeBlinking = true;
this.eyeOpenTarget = MathF.Min(1.0f - blinkStrength, this.eyeOpenTarget);
this.eyeSpeed = Time.SPFMult / MathF.Rnd.NextFloat(0.05f, 0.25f);
private void BlinkSpikes(float blinkStrength = 1.0f)
if (!this.spikesActive) return;
for (int i = 0; i < this.spikeState.Length; i++)
this.spikeState[i].Blinking = true;
this.spikeState[i].OpenTarget = MathF.Min(1.0f - blinkStrength, this.eyeOpenTarget);
this.spikeState[i].Speed = Time.SPFMult / MathF.Rnd.NextFloat(0.1f, 0.2f);
private void DeactivateSpikes()
if (!this.spikesActive) return;
this.spikesActive = false;
for (int i = 0; i < this.spikeState.Length; i++)
this.spikeState[i].Blinking = false;
this.spikeState[i].OpenTarget = 0.0f;
this.spikeState[i].Speed = Time.SPFMult / MathF.Rnd.NextFloat(0.25f, 1.0f);
private void ActivateSpikes()
if (this.spikesActive) return;
this.spikesActive = true;
for (int i = 0; i < this.spikeState.Length; i++)
this.spikeState[i].Blinking = false;
this.spikeState[i].OpenTarget = 1.0f;
this.spikeState[i].Speed = Time.SPFMult / MathF.Rnd.NextFloat(0.25f, 1.0f);
private void FireExplosives()
// Set up working data
EnemyBlueprint blueprint = this.blueprint.Res;
Ship ship = this.GameObj.GetComponent<Ship>();
Vector2 pos = this.GameObj.Transform.Pos.Xy;
// Push other objects away
obj => obj.GameObj != this.GameObj);
// Damage other objects
body => body.GameObj.GetComponent<Ship>() != null && body.GameObj != ship.GameObj);
// Die instantly
// Spawn explosion effects
if (blueprint.ExplosionEffects != null)
Transform transform = this.GameObj.Transform;
for (int i = 0; i < blueprint.ExplosionEffects.Length; i++)
GameObject effectObj = blueprint.ExplosionEffects[i].Res.Instantiate(transform.Pos);
// Play explosion sound
if (blueprint.ExplosionSound != null)
SoundInstance inst = DualityApp.Sound.PlaySound3D(blueprint.ExplosionSound, new Vector3(pos));
inst.Pitch = MathF.Rnd.NextFloat(0.8f, 1.25f);
private bool HasLineOfSight(GameObject obj, bool passThroughShips)
Transform otherTransform = obj.Transform;
Transform transform = this.GameObj.Transform;
RayCastData firstHit;
bool hitAnything = RigidBody.RayCast(transform.Pos.Xy, otherTransform.Pos.Xy, data =>
if (data.GameObj == this.GameObj) return -1;
if (data.Shape.IsSensor) return -1;
if (passThroughShips)
Ship otherShip = data.GameObj.GetComponent<Ship>();
if (otherShip != null && otherShip.Owner == null) return -1;
return data.Fraction;
}, out firstHit);
return hitAnything && firstHit.GameObj == obj;
private GameObject GetNearestPlayerObj(out float nearestDist)
nearestDist = float.MaxValue;
GameObject nearestObj = null;
Transform transform = this.GameObj.Transform;
foreach (Player player in Scene.Current.FindComponents<Player>())
if (player.ControlObject == null) continue;
if (!player.ControlObject.Active) continue;
Transform shipTransform = player.ControlObject.GameObj.Transform;
float dist = (shipTransform.Pos - transform.Pos).Length;
if (dist < nearestDist)
nearestDist = dist;
nearestObj = player.ControlObject.GameObj;
return nearestObj;
private int GetSpikeIndex(ShapeInfo spikeShape)
RigidBody body = this.GameObj.GetComponent<RigidBody>();
if (body == null) return -1;
int i = 0;
foreach (ShapeInfo shape in body.Shapes.Skip(1))
if (spikeShape == shape) return i;
return -1;
void ICmpUpdatable.OnUpdate()
EnemyBlueprint blueprint = this.blueprint.Res;
Transform transform = this.GameObj.Transform;
RigidBody body = this.GameObj.GetComponent<RigidBody>();
Ship ship = this.GameObj.GetComponent<Ship>();
// Calculate distress caused by going in a different direction than desired
float moveDistress = 0.0f;
if (body.LinearVelocity.Length > 1.0f)
Vector2 actualVelocityDir = body.LinearVelocity.Normalized;
Vector2 desiredVelocityDir = ship.TargetThrust;
float desiredDirectionFactor = Vector2.Dot(actualVelocityDir, desiredVelocityDir);
moveDistress = MathF.Clamp(1.0f - desiredDirectionFactor, 0.0f, 1.0f) * MathF.Clamp(body.LinearVelocity.Length - 0.5f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
// Do AI state handling stuff
float moveTowardsEnemyRatio = 0.0f;
switch (this.state)
case MindState.Asleep:
// Wake up, if there is a player near
float nearestDist;
GameObject nearestObj = this.GetNearestPlayerObj(out nearestDist);
if (nearestObj != null && nearestDist <= WakeupDist && this.HasLineOfSight(nearestObj, true))
// Don't move actively
ship.TargetThrust = Vector2.Zero;
ship.TargetAngle = MathF.Rnd.NextFloat(-MathF.RadAngle30, MathF.RadAngle30);
ship.TargetAngleRatio = 0.0f;
case MindState.FallingAsleep:
if (this.eyeOpenValue <= 0.0001f)
this.state = MindState.Asleep;
case MindState.Awaking:
if (this.eyeOpenValue >= 0.9999f)
this.state = MindState.Idle;
case MindState.Idle:
// Follow, if there is a player near
float nearestDist;
GameObject nearestObj = this.GetNearestPlayerObj(out nearestDist);
if (nearestObj != null && this.HasLineOfSight(nearestObj, false))
if (behavior.HasFlag(BehaviorFlags.Chase))
Transform nearestObjTransform = nearestObj.Transform;
Vector2 targetDiff = nearestObjTransform.Pos.Xy - transform.Pos.Xy;
ship.TargetThrust = targetDiff / MathF.Max(targetDiff.Length, 25.0f);
moveTowardsEnemyRatio = ship.TargetThrust.Length;
ship.TargetThrust = Vector2.Zero;
ship.TargetAngle += 0.001f * Time.TimeMult;
ship.TargetAngleRatio = 0.1f;
this.idleTimer = MathF.Rnd.NextFloat(0.0f, SleepTime * 0.25f);
if (nearestDist <= SpikeAttackMoveDist)
moveDistress = 0.0f;
if (!this.spikesActive)
else if (ship.TargetThrust.Length > 0.1f)
if (this.spikesActive)
// Try to stay in place otherwise
ship.TargetThrust = -body.LinearVelocity / MathF.Max(body.LinearVelocity.Length, ship.Blueprint.Res.MaxSpeed);
ship.TargetAngleRatio = 0.1f;
this.idleTimer += Time.MsPFMult * Time.TimeMult;
if (this.spikesActive)
// Blink occasionally
this.blinkTimer -= Time.MsPFMult * Time.TimeMult;
if (this.blinkTimer <= 0.0f)
// Go to sleep if nothing happens.
if (this.idleTimer > SleepTime)
// Udpate the eyes state and visual appearance
float actualTarget = MathF.Clamp(this.eyeOpenTarget - moveDistress * 0.35f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
float eyeDiff = MathF.Abs(actualTarget - this.eyeOpenValue);
float eyeChange = MathF.Sign(actualTarget - this.eyeOpenValue) * MathF.Min(this.eyeSpeed, eyeDiff);
this.eyeOpenValue = MathF.Clamp(this.eyeOpenValue + eyeChange * Time.TimeMult, 0.0f, 1.0f);
if (this.eyeBlinking && this.eyeOpenValue <= this.eyeOpenTarget + 0.0001f) this.eyeOpenTarget = 1.0f;
if (this.eye != null)
this.eye.AnimTime = this.eyeOpenValue;
// Update the spikes state and visual appearance
for (int i = 0; i < this.spikeState.Length; i++)
float actualTarget = MathF.Clamp(this.spikeState[i].OpenTarget - moveDistress, 0.0f, 1.0f);
if (actualTarget > this.spikeState[i].OpenValue)
Vector2 spikeDir;
switch (i)
case 0: spikeDir = new Vector2(1, -1); break;
case 1: spikeDir = new Vector2(1, 1); break;
case 2: spikeDir = new Vector2(-1, 1); break;
case 3: spikeDir = new Vector2(-1, -1); break;
Vector2 spikeBeginWorld = transform.GetWorldPoint(spikeDir * 4);
Vector2 spikeEndWorld = transform.GetWorldPoint(spikeDir * 11);
bool hitAnything = false;
RigidBody.RayCast(spikeBeginWorld, spikeEndWorld, data =>
if (data.Shape.IsSensor) return -1;
if (data.Body == body) return -1;
Ship otherShip = data.GameObj.GetComponent<Ship>();
if (otherShip != null && otherShip.Owner != null) return -1;
hitAnything = true;
return 0;
if (hitAnything)
actualTarget = 0.0f;
float spikeMoveDir = MathF.Sign(actualTarget - this.spikeState[i].OpenValue);
this.spikeState[i].OpenValue = MathF.Clamp(this.spikeState[i].OpenValue + spikeMoveDir * this.spikeState[i].Speed * Time.TimeMult, 0.0f, 1.0f);
if (this.spikeState[i].Blinking && this.spikeState[i].OpenValue <= this.spikeState[i].OpenTarget + 0.0001f)
this.spikeState[i].OpenTarget = 1.0f;
this.spikeState[i].Speed = Time.SPFMult / MathF.Rnd.NextFloat(0.25f, 1.0f);
// If we're extending a spike where the sensor has already registered a contact, explode
if (this.spikeState[i].OpenValue > 0.75f && this.spikeState[i].ContactCount > 0)
if (this.spikes != null)
for (int i = 0; i < this.spikes.Length; i++)
if (this.spikes[i] == null) continue;
Rect spikeRect = this.spikes[i].Rect;
spikeRect.Y = MathF.Lerp(3.5f, -4.5f, this.spikeState[i].OpenValue);
this.spikes[i].Rect = spikeRect;
// Make a sound while moving
if (blueprint.MoveSound != null)
// Determine the target volume
float targetVolume = MathF.Clamp(moveTowardsEnemyRatio, 0.0f, 1.0f);
// Clean up disposed loop
if (this.moveSoundLoop != null && this.moveSoundLoop.Disposed)
this.moveSoundLoop = null;
// Start the loop when requested
if (targetVolume > 0.0f && this.moveSoundLoop == null)
this.moveSoundLoop = DualityApp.Sound.PlaySound3D(blueprint.MoveSound, this.GameObj);
this.moveSoundLoop.Looped = true;
// Configure existing loop and dispose it when no longer needed
if (this.moveSoundLoop != null)
this.moveSoundLoop.Volume += (targetVolume - this.moveSoundLoop.Volume) * 0.05f * Time.TimeMult;
if (this.moveSoundLoop.Volume <= 0.05f)
this.moveSoundLoop = null;
// Make a danger sound while moving with spikes out
if (blueprint.AttackSound != null)
// Determine the target volume
float targetVolume = this.spikesActive ? MathF.Clamp(moveTowardsEnemyRatio, 0.25f, 1.0f) : 0.0f;
// Clean up disposed loop
if (this.dangerSoundLoop != null && this.dangerSoundLoop.Disposed)
this.dangerSoundLoop = null;
// Start the loop when requested
if (targetVolume > 0.0f && this.dangerSoundLoop == null)
this.dangerSoundLoop = DualityApp.Sound.PlaySound3D(blueprint.AttackSound, this.GameObj);
this.dangerSoundLoop.Looped = true;
// Configure existing loop and dispose it when no longer needed
if (this.dangerSoundLoop != null)
this.dangerSoundLoop.Volume += (targetVolume - this.dangerSoundLoop.Volume) * 0.1f * Time.TimeMult;
if (this.dangerSoundLoop.Volume <= 0.05f)
this.dangerSoundLoop = null;
void ICmpMessageListener.OnMessage(GameMessage msg)
// We're dead? Damnit! Blow up at least.
if (msg is ShipDeathMessage)
void ICmpInitializable.OnInit(Component.InitContext context)
if (context == InitContext.Activate)
// Retrieve eye object references and initialize it
GameObject eyeObject = this.GameObj.ChildByName("Eye");
this.eye = eyeObject != null ? eyeObject.GetComponent<AnimSpriteRenderer>() : null;
if (this.eye != null)
this.eye.AnimLoopMode = AnimSpriteRenderer.LoopMode.FixedSingle;
this.eye.AnimDuration = 1.0f;
this.eye.AnimTime = this.eyeOpenValue;
// Retrieve spike references
GameObject[] spikeObj = new GameObject[4];
spikeObj[0] = this.GameObj.ChildByName("SpikeTopRight");
spikeObj[1] = this.GameObj.ChildByName("SpikeBottomRight");
spikeObj[2] = this.GameObj.ChildByName("SpikeBottomLeft");
spikeObj[3] = this.GameObj.ChildByName("SpikeTopLeft");
this.spikes = new SpriteRenderer[spikeObj.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < spikeObj.Length; i++)
this.spikes[i] = spikeObj[i] != null ? spikeObj[i].GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>() : null;
void ICmpInitializable.OnShutdown(Component.ShutdownContext context)
if (context == ShutdownContext.Deactivate)
// Fade out playing loop sounds, if there are any. Clean up!
if (this.moveSoundLoop != null)
this.moveSoundLoop = null;
if (this.dangerSoundLoop != null)
this.dangerSoundLoop = null;
void ICmpCollisionListener.OnCollisionBegin(Component sender, CollisionEventArgs args)
RigidBodyCollisionEventArgs bodyArgs = args as RigidBodyCollisionEventArgs;
if (bodyArgs == null) return;
if (bodyArgs.OtherShape.IsSensor) return;
Bullet otherBullet = bodyArgs.CollideWith.GetComponent<Bullet>();
int spikeIndex = this.GetSpikeIndex(bodyArgs.MyShape);
if (spikeIndex != -1 && otherBullet == null)
if (this.state != MindState.Asleep)
if (spikeIndex != -1)
if (this.spikeState[spikeIndex].OpenValue > 0.75f && otherBullet == null)
if (otherBullet != null)
this.BlinkSpikes(MathF.Rnd.NextFloat(0.5f, 1.0f));
this.BlinkEye(MathF.Rnd.NextFloat(0.35f, 0.6f));
void ICmpCollisionListener.OnCollisionEnd(Component sender, CollisionEventArgs args)
RigidBodyCollisionEventArgs bodyArgs = args as RigidBodyCollisionEventArgs;
if (bodyArgs == null) return;
if (bodyArgs.OtherShape.IsSensor) return;
Bullet otherBullet = bodyArgs.CollideWith.GetComponent<Bullet>();
int spikeIndex = this.GetSpikeIndex(bodyArgs.MyShape);
if (spikeIndex != -1 && otherBullet == null)
void ICmpCollisionListener.OnCollisionSolve(Component sender, CollisionEventArgs args)