Duality.Plugins.Pathfindax.core Provides a way for other components to request a path from A to B. Uses the A* algorithm. Not used If True the will be drawn to the scene using a Generic interface for duality pathfinders The that is used for pathfinding Interface for duality pathfinders The id of the pathfinder. This is used by the to get the correct pathfinder if there are multiple pathfinders in the Calls the callbacks on the completed paths and removes them from the completed queue Base class for duality pathfinders The that will be doing the pathfinding on separate threads Called when initializing the pathfinder Requests a new path Provides a way for other components to request a path from A to B. Uses the A* algorithm. Not used If True the will be drawn to the scene using a Extensions for Converts the to a Not used Not used Class for visualizing a The collision category that will be used to draw the nodes that are blocked. Creates a new instance This will draw the and their connections to other in the Class for visualizing a The collision category that will be used to draw the nodes that are blocked. Creates a new instance of the This will draw the and their connections to other in the Defines a Duality core plugin. Creates a new and does some initialization work Gets the with the same id and type. If the parameter is null then the first pathfinder will be returned. If there are multiple pathfinders of the same type and no id was supplied this will throw a exception. Provides access to the pathfinder. public class PathfinderProxyExample : Component, ICmpInitializable { private PathfinderProxy<ISourceNodeGrid<ISourceGridNode>> _pathfinderProxy; public void OnInit(InitContext context) { if (context == InitContext.Activate && DualityApp.ExecContext == DualityApp.ExecutionContext.Game) { _pathfinderProxy = new PathfinderProxy<ISourceNodeGrid<ISourceGridNode>>(); //Now you can use _pathfinderProxy.RequestPath(PathRequest) to request a path from the pathfinder } } public void OnShutdown(ShutdownContext context) { } } The type of source network the pathfinder uses The id of the pathfinder. You can keep this empty if you only have 1 pathfinder in a The actual pathfinder Creates a new with no id. This will only work if there is only 1 in the scene. Creates a new The id that will be used to find the Requests the for a new path