package Main; import org.newdawn.slick.Animation; import org.newdawn.slick.Color; import org.newdawn.slick.GameContainer; import org.newdawn.slick.Graphics; import org.newdawn.slick.Image; import org.newdawn.slick.Input; import org.newdawn.slick.SlickException; import org.newdawn.slick.SpriteSheet; public class Level { private Image cyberg, title, paused, instructionScreen, missionScreen, alert, clearedLevel; private Invader invader; private Player protector; private UserInterface ui; private State state; // Levelbezeichnungen private String[] level = { "-1- First Contact |", "-2- Two Paths to Core |", "-3- Cyberlabyrinth", "-4-", " -5- Final Fight |" }; // Game Over Screen Erstellung private Image game_over_screen0, game_over_screen1, game_over_screen2, game_over_screen3, game_over_screen4, game_over_screen5, game_over_screen6, game_over_screen7, game_over_screen8; Image[] game_over_screens = { this.game_over_screen0, this.game_over_screen1, this.game_over_screen2, this.game_over_screen3, this.game_over_screen4, this.game_over_screen5, this.game_over_screen6, this.game_over_screen7, this.game_over_screen8 }; int selectedString, currentLevel; SpriteSheet shock, arrows_sheet, walk_demo_sheet, virus_demo_sheet, rider_demo_sheet, shock_demo_sheet; Animation selected, arrows, walk_demo, game_over, virus_demo, rider_demo, shock_demo; Panel panel; float waiter;// Ingame Zeit boolean changedDirection = false;// Indikator für Richtungswechsel public void init(final GameContainer gc, final Invader invader, final Player player, final UserInterface ui, final State gameState, final Panel panel, final float waiter) throws SlickException { this.game_over_screen0 = new Image("Main/cybergrid.png"); this.game_over_screen1 = new Image("Main/game_Over1.png"); this.game_over_screen2 = new Image("Main/game_Over2.png"); this.game_over_screen3 = new Image("Main/game_Over3.png"); this.game_over_screen4 = new Image("Main/game_Over4.png"); this.game_over_screen5 = new Image("Main/game_Over5.png"); this.game_over_screen6 = new Image("Main/game_Over6.png"); this.game_over_screen7 = new Image("Main/game_Over7.png"); this.game_over_screen8 = new Image("Main/game_Over8.png"); this.waiter = waiter; this.panel = panel; this.state = gameState; this.invader = invader; this.protector = player; this.ui = ui; this.alert = new Image("Main/Hack_Alert.png"); this.clearedLevel = new Image("Main/level_cleared_screen.png"); this.instructionScreen = new Image("Main/key_instructions.png"); this.missionScreen = new Image("Main/mission.png"); this.arrows_sheet = new SpriteSheet("Main/arrows_sheet.png", 101, 101); this.walk_demo_sheet = new SpriteSheet("Main/robot_sheet_good.png", 50, 100); this.virus_demo_sheet = new SpriteSheet("Main/Virus_sheet.png", 72, 72); this.rider_demo_sheet = new SpriteSheet("Main/rider.png", 75, 75); this.shock_demo_sheet = new SpriteSheet("Main/shock.png", 75, 45); this.arrows = new Animation(this.arrows_sheet, 0, 0, 3, 2, true, 200, true); this.walk_demo = new Animation(this.walk_demo_sheet, 0, 0, 5, 2, true, 200, true); this.virus_demo = new Animation(this.virus_demo_sheet, 2, 1, 3, 4, true, 200, true); this.rider_demo = new Animation(this.rider_demo_sheet, 0, 0, 2, 0, true, 200, true); this.shock_demo = new Animation(this.shock_demo_sheet, 0, 0, 3, 0, true, 200, true); this.selectedString = 0;// Default Auswahl im Menu this.currentLevel = 1;// Initial Level zu Begin this.cyberg = new Image("Main/cybergrid.png"); this.title = new Image("Main/titel.png"); this.paused = new Image("Main/paused_menu.png"); this.shock = new SpriteSheet("Main/shock.png", 75, 45); this.selected = new Animation(this.shock, 0, 0, 3, 0, true, 250, true); this.protector.init(gc, gameState, 100);// Roboter Initialisierung an // YPosition 100 invader.init(gc, gameState); } public void render(final GameContainer gc, final Graphics g) throws SlickException { // Rendering abhängig von State switch (this.state.currentState) { case "win":// Sieges Screen g.drawImage(this.clearedLevel, 0, 0); g.setColor(Color.cyan); g.drawLine(0, 100, 800, 100); break; // game over Pseudo-Animation case "gameOver": if (this.waiter > 5) { g.drawImage(this.game_over_screen8, 0, 0); } else if (this.waiter > 4.2) { g.drawImage(this.game_over_screen7, 0, 0); } else if (this.waiter > 3.8) { g.drawImage(this.game_over_screen6, 0, 0); } else if (this.waiter > 3.2) { g.drawImage(this.game_over_screen5, 0, 0); } else if (this.waiter > 2.8) { g.drawImage(this.game_over_screen4, 0, 0); } else if (this.waiter > 2.2) { g.drawImage(this.game_over_screen3, 0, 0); } else if (this.waiter > 1.8) { g.drawImage(this.game_over_screen2, 0, 0); } else if (this.waiter > 1.2) { g.drawImage(this.game_over_screen1, 0, 0); } else { g.drawImage(this.game_over_screen0, 0, 0); } break; // Steuerungs Screens case "controlInstructions": if (this.waiter < 5) { g.drawImage(this.instructionScreen, 0, 0); this.arrows.draw(150, 200); this.walk_demo.draw(550, 200); } else if (this.waiter > 6) {// "Missions screen" g.drawImage(this.missionScreen, 0, 0); this.walk_demo.draw(550, 200); this.virus_demo.draw(550, 300); this.rider_demo.draw(550, 430); this.shock_demo.draw(550, 460); } break; case "level_intro": // Level intro je nach currentLevel switch (this.currentLevel) { case 1: this.alert.draw(0, 0); g.setColor(; g.drawLine(0, 200, 800, 200); g.drawLine(0, 400, 800, 400); g.setColor(Color.white); g.drawString("1", 300, 330); g.drawString("-First Contact-", 330, 330); break; case 2: this.alert.draw(0, 0); g.setColor(; g.drawLine(0, 200, 800, 200); g.drawLine(0, 400, 800, 400); g.setColor(Color.white); g.drawString("2", 300, 330); g.drawString("-Two Paths to the Core-", 330, 330); break; case 3: this.alert.draw(0, 0); g.setColor(; g.drawLine(0, 200, 800, 200); g.drawLine(0, 400, 800, 400); g.setColor(Color.white); g.drawString("3", 300, 330); g.drawString("-The Cyberlabyrinth-", 330, 330); break; case 4: this.alert.draw(0, 0); g.setColor(; g.drawLine(0, 200, 800, 200); g.drawLine(0, 400, 800, 400); g.setColor(Color.white); g.drawString("4", 300, 330); g.drawString("-The prelast level-", 330, 330); break; case 5: this.alert.draw(0, 0); g.setColor(; g.drawLine(0, 200, 800, 200); g.drawLine(0, 400, 800, 400); g.setColor(Color.white); g.drawString("5", 300, 330); g.drawString("-Final Fight-", 330, 330); break; } break; case "titel": g.drawImage(this.title, 0, 0); break; case "paused": this.cyberg.draw(0, 0, 800, 600); this.panel.render(gc, g); this.protector.render(gc, g); this.invader.render(gc, g); g.setColor(Color.magenta); // Pause Menü Tags this.paused.draw(225, 250); g.drawString("Resume Game", 425, 290); g.drawString("Options(Not Implemented)", 425, 320); g.drawString("Exit Game", 425, 350); // Name des Levels in der UI switch (this.currentLevel) { case 1: g.drawString(this.level[0], 30, 555); break; case 2: g.drawString(this.level[1], 30, 555); break; case 3: g.drawString(this.level[2], 30, 555); break; case 4: g.drawString(this.level[3], 30, 555); break; case 5: g.drawString(this.level[4], 30, 555); break; } switch (this.selectedString) { case 0: this.selected.draw(325, 280); break; case 1: this.selected.draw(325, 310); break; case 2: this.selected.draw(325, 340); break; } break; case "start": this.cyberg.draw(0, 0, 800, 600); this.panel.render(gc, g); this.protector.render(gc, g); this.invader.render(gc, g); g.setColor(; g.drawLine(0, gc.getHeight() - 50, 800, gc.getHeight() - 50);// Systemlebenslinie g.setColor(Color.magenta); switch (this.currentLevel) { case 1: g.drawString(this.level[0], 30, 555); break; case 2: g.drawString(this.level[1], 30, 555); break; case 3: g.drawString(this.level[2], 30, 555); break; case 4: g.drawString(this.level[3], 30, 555); break; case 5: g.drawString(this.level[4], 30, 555); break; } break; } } public void update(final GameContainer gc, final float _delta) throws SlickException { this.waiter += _delta;// Ingame Zeit switch (this.state.currentState) { case "paused": // Kontrolle im Menü if (gc.getInput().isKeyPressed(Input.KEY_UP) && (this.selectedString > 0)) { this.selectedString--; } if (gc.getInput().isKeyPressed(Input.KEY_DOWN) && (this.selectedString < 2)) { this.selectedString++; } break; case "start": this.protector.update(gc, _delta); this.invader.update(gc, _delta); if (!this.invader.isParalized && (this.invader.para_timer >= 5) && (this.currentLevel == 5)) { // invader movement in final level// if (((this.invader.riderX + 75) > (this.panel.xPos + (this.panel.xSize * 15))) && (this.changedDirection == false)) { this.invader.flightSpdX *= -1; this.invader.fly_right = false; this.changedDirection = true; } if (((this.invader.riderX - 75) < (this.panel.xPos + (this.panel.xSize * 1))) && (this.changedDirection == false)) { this.invader.flightSpdX *= -1; this.invader.fly_right = true; this.changedDirection = true; } if ((this.invader.riderX < (this.panel.xPos + (this.panel.xSize * 9))) && (this.invader.riderX > (this.panel.xPos + (this.panel.xSize * 6))) && (this.changedDirection == true)) { this.changedDirection = false; } // Ball Bewegung im letzten level if ((this.invader.ball.xPos - 36) > (this.panel.xPos + (this.panel.xSize * 15))) { this.invader.ball.collisionManager("x_inverted"); } if ((this.invader.ball.xPos + 36) < (this.panel.xPos + (this.panel.xSize * 1))) { this.invader.ball.collisionManager("x_inverted"); } } // Level ende und wechsel zum nächsten Level if ((this.panel.xPos <= -4350) && this.protector.isLanded) { this.currentLevel++; this.waiter = 0; this.state.stateId = 5; this.panel.init(gc, this.state, this.currentLevel); this.protector.init(gc, this.state, -100); this.invader.init(gc, this.state); this.ui.sbar_width = 0; this.invader.isParalized = false; this.panel.xPos = 350; } // Roboter - Panel kollision for (int i = 1; i < this.panel.collisionarea.length; i++) { if (this.panel.collisionarea[i].intersects(this.protector.getCollisionarea()) && !this.protector.hasFloorContact) { this.protector.ySpd = 0; this.protector.setFloorContact(true); this.protector.isLanded = true; } else { this.protector.hasFloorContact = false; } // einsetzen der "Gravitation" if (this.panel.collisionarea[i].intersects(this.protector.getCollisionarea()) && !this.protector.hasFloorContact) { this.protector.ySpd *= 0; } } // Roboter Sprung if (gc.getInput().isKeyDown(Input.KEY_UP) && this.protector.isLanded) { if (this.protector.isRunningRight) { this.protector.move = 3; } else if (this.protector.isRunningLeft) { this.protector.move = 4; } else { this.protector.move = 0; } this.protector.hasFloorContact = false; this.protector.ySpd = -400; this.protector.isLanded = false; } // Ball fliegt oben aus dem Screen if ((this.invader.ball.yPos < 0) && !this.invader.ball.ballIsKilled) { this.invader.ball.killBall(gc); this.protector.ballhit = false; } // Kollision Ball - Hacker if ((this.invader.ball.yPos < (this.invader.riderY + 75)) && (this.invader.ball.yPos > this.invader.riderY) && (this.invader.ball.xPos < (this.invader.riderX + 75)) && (this.invader.ball.xPos > this.invader.riderX)) { this.invader.ball.killBall(gc); this.ui.sbar_width += 20; this.protector.ballhit = false; } // Disconnected Erzeugung if ((this.ui.sbar_width >= 100) && !this.invader.isParalized) { this.invader.isParalized = true; this.invader.paralized(); } // ReConect des Hackers if ((this.invader.para_timer >= 5) && (this.ui.sbar_width >= 100)) { this.ui.sbar_width -= 100; this.invader.isParalized = false; } // Ball Kollidiert mit Systemlebenslinie if ((this.invader.ball.yPos >= (gc.getHeight() - 50))) { this.invader.ball.killBall(gc); this.protector.ballhit = false; if (this.ui.dbar_width > 0) { this.ui.dbar_width -= 20; } } // Ball - Roboter Kollision if ((this.invader.ball.yPos >= (this.protector.yPos - 50)) && (this.invader.ball.xPos >= (this.protector.xPos - 25)) && (this.invader.ball.xPos <= (this.protector.xPos + 25)) && (this.invader.ball.yPos <= (this.protector.yPos + 50)) && !this.protector.ballhit) { this.invader.ball.collisionManager("y_inverted"); this.protector.ballhit = true; } // roboter rechtsbewegung if (gc.getInput().isKeyDown(Input.KEY_RIGHT)) { if (this.protector.isLanded) { this.protector.move = 1; } else { this.protector.move = 3; } this.panel.xSpd = -200; this.invader.ball.xPos -= 3; if (!this.invader.isParalized) { this.invader.riderX -= 3; } } else // roboter Linksbewegung if (gc.getInput().isKeyDown(Input.KEY_LEFT)) { if (this.protector.isLanded) { this.protector.move = 2; } else { this.protector.move = 4; } this.panel.xSpd = 200; this.invader.ball.xPos += 3; if (!this.invader.isParalized) { this.invader.riderX += 3; } } else {// roboter stand bewegung this.protector.move = 0; this.panel.xSpd = 0; } // roboter fliegt unten durch den Screen if (this.protector.yPos > 800) { this.protector.init(gc, this.state, -100); this.panel.xPos = 350; this.invader.init(gc, this.state); this.invader.ball.killBall(gc); this.ui.sbar_width = 0; this.ui.dbar_width -= 20; this.invader.isParalized = false; } break; } } }