2d Game Development Framework based on SFML.Net
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Otter.PolygonCollider Member List

This is the complete list of members for Otter.PolygonCollider, including all inherited members.

AddTag(int tag)Otter.Collider
AddTag(params Enum[] tags)Otter.Collider
AddTag(params int[] tags)Otter.Collider
Collide(float x, float y, List< Entity > entities)Otter.Collider
Collide(float x, float y, params int[] tags)Otter.Collider
Collide(float x, float y, params Enum[] tags)Otter.Collider
Collide(float x, float y, Collider c)Otter.Collider
Collide(float x, float y, Entity e)Otter.Collider
Collide(float x, float y, List< int > tags)Otter.Collider
Collide(float x, float y, List< Enum > tags)Otter.Collider
Collide< T >(float x, float y, List< T > entities) (defined in Otter.Collider)Otter.Collider
CollideEntities(float x, float y, params int[] tags)Otter.Collider
CollideEntities(float x, float y, params Enum[] tags)Otter.Collider
CollideEntities(float x, float y, List< Enum > tags)Otter.Collider
CollideEntities(float x, float y, List< int > tags)Otter.Collider
CollideEntities< T >(float x, float y, params int[] tags)Otter.Collider
CollideEntities< T >(float x, float y, params Enum[] tags)Otter.Collider
CollideEntities< T >(float x, float y, List< Enum > tags)Otter.Collider
CollideEntities< T >(float x, float y, List< T > entities)Otter.Collider
CollideEntity(float x, float y, params int[] tags)Otter.Collider
CollideEntity(float x, float y, params Enum[] tags)Otter.Collider
CollideEntity(float x, float y, Entity e)Otter.Collider
CollideEntity(float x, float y, Collider c)Otter.Collider
CollideEntity(float x, float y, List< int > tags)Otter.Collider
CollideEntity(float x, float y, List< Entity > entities)Otter.Collider
CollideEntity< T >(float x, float y, params int[] tags)Otter.Collider
CollideEntity< T >(float x, float y, params Enum[] tags)Otter.Collider
CollideEntity< T >(float x, float y, Entity e)Otter.Collider
CollideEntity< T >(float x, float y, Collider c)Otter.Collider
CollideEntity< T >(float x, float y, List< int > tags)Otter.Collider
CollideEntity< T >(float x, float y, List< T > entities)Otter.Collider
CollideList(float x, float y, params int[] tags)Otter.Collider
CollideList(float x, float y, params Enum[] tags)Otter.Collider
CollideList(float x, float y, List< Enum > tags)Otter.Collider
CollideList(float x, float y, List< int > tags)Otter.Collider
Count (defined in Otter.PolygonCollider)Otter.PolygonCollider
FlippedX (defined in Otter.PolygonCollider)Otter.PolygonCollider
FlippedY (defined in Otter.PolygonCollider)Otter.PolygonCollider
HasTag(params Enum[] tags) (defined in Otter.Collider)Otter.Collider
HasTag(params int[] tags) (defined in Otter.Collider)Otter.Collider
Height (defined in Otter.PolygonCollider)Otter.PolygonCollider
Overlap(float x, float y, int px, int py)Otter.Collider
Overlap(float x, float y, params int[] tags)Otter.Collider
Overlap(float x, float y, Collider c)Otter.Collider
Overlap(float x, float y, Entity e)Otter.Collider
Overlap(float x, float y, List< int > tags)Otter.Collider
Overlap(float x, float y, params Enum[] tags)Otter.Collider
Overlap(float x, float y, List< Enum > tags)Otter.Collider
Overlap(float x, float y, List< Entity > entities)Otter.Collider
Overlap< T >(float x, float y, List< T > entities)Otter.Collider
Points (defined in Otter.PolygonCollider)Otter.PolygonCollider
Polygon (defined in Otter.PolygonCollider)Otter.PolygonCollider
PolygonCollider(Polygon polygon, params int[] tags) (defined in Otter.PolygonCollider)Otter.PolygonCollider
PolygonCollider(Polygon polygon, Enum tag, params Enum[] tags) (defined in Otter.PolygonCollider)Otter.PolygonCollider
PolygonCollider(params float[] points) (defined in Otter.PolygonCollider)Otter.PolygonCollider
PolygonCollider(Vector2 firstPoint, params Vector2[] points) (defined in Otter.PolygonCollider)Otter.PolygonCollider
RemoveTag(int tag)Otter.Collider
RemoveTag(params int[] tags)Otter.Collider
RemoveTag(params Enum[] tags)Otter.Collider
Render(Color color=null)Otter.PolygonCollidervirtual
Rotation (defined in Otter.PolygonCollider)Otter.PolygonCollider
ScaleX (defined in Otter.PolygonCollider)Otter.PolygonCollider
ScaleY (defined in Otter.PolygonCollider)Otter.PolygonCollider
SetOrigin(float x, float y)Otter.Collider
SetOrigin(Vector2 xy)Otter.Collider
SetPosition(float x, float y)Otter.Collider
SetPosition(Vector2 xy)Otter.Collider
this[int index] (defined in Otter.PolygonCollider)Otter.PolygonCollider
Width (defined in Otter.PolygonCollider)Otter.PolygonCollider