2d Game Development Framework based on SFML.Net
This is the complete list of members for Otter.Vector3, including all inherited members.
Add(Vector3 value1, Vector3 value2) (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | static |
Add(ref Vector3 value1, ref Vector3 value2, out Vector3 result) (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | static |
Backward (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | static |
Barycentric(Vector3 value1, Vector3 value2, Vector3 value3, float amount1, float amount2) (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | static |
Barycentric(ref Vector3 value1, ref Vector3 value2, ref Vector3 value3, float amount1, float amount2, out Vector3 result) (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | static |
CatmullRom(Vector3 value1, Vector3 value2, Vector3 value3, Vector3 value4, float amount) (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | static |
CatmullRom(ref Vector3 value1, ref Vector3 value2, ref Vector3 value3, ref Vector3 value4, float amount, out Vector3 result) (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | static |
Clamp(Vector3 value1, Vector3 min, Vector3 max) (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | static |
Clamp(ref Vector3 value1, ref Vector3 min, ref Vector3 max, out Vector3 result) (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | static |
Cross(Vector3 vector1, Vector3 vector2) (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | static |
Cross(ref Vector3 vector1, ref Vector3 vector2, out Vector3 result) (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | static |
Distance(Vector3 vector1, Vector3 vector2) (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | static |
Distance(ref Vector3 value1, ref Vector3 value2, out float result) (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | static |
DistanceSquared(Vector3 value1, Vector3 value2) (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | static |
DistanceSquared(ref Vector3 value1, ref Vector3 value2, out float result) (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | static |
Divide(Vector3 value1, Vector3 value2) (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | static |
Divide(Vector3 value1, float value2) (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | static |
Divide(ref Vector3 value1, float divisor, out Vector3 result) (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | static |
Divide(ref Vector3 value1, ref Vector3 value2, out Vector3 result) (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | static |
Dot(Vector3 vector1, Vector3 vector2) (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | static |
Dot(ref Vector3 vector1, ref Vector3 vector2, out float result) (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | static |
Down (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | static |
Equals(object obj) (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | |
Equals(Vector3 other) (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | |
Forward (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | static |
GetHashCode() (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | |
Hermite(Vector3 value1, Vector3 tangent1, Vector3 value2, Vector3 tangent2, float amount) (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | static |
Hermite(ref Vector3 value1, ref Vector3 tangent1, ref Vector3 value2, ref Vector3 tangent2, float amount, out Vector3 result) (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | static |
Left (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | static |
Length() (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | |
LengthSquared() (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | |
Lerp(Vector3 value1, Vector3 value2, float amount) (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | static |
Lerp(ref Vector3 value1, ref Vector3 value2, float amount, out Vector3 result) (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | static |
Max(Vector3 value1, Vector3 value2) (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | static |
Max(ref Vector3 value1, ref Vector3 value2, out Vector3 result) (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | static |
Min(Vector3 value1, Vector3 value2) (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | static |
Min(ref Vector3 value1, ref Vector3 value2, out Vector3 result) (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | static |
Multiply(Vector3 value1, Vector3 value2) (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | static |
Multiply(Vector3 value1, float scaleFactor) (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | static |
Multiply(ref Vector3 value1, float scaleFactor, out Vector3 result) (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | static |
Multiply(ref Vector3 value1, ref Vector3 value2, out Vector3 result) (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | static |
Negate(Vector3 value) (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | static |
Negate(ref Vector3 value, out Vector3 result) (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | static |
Normalize() (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | |
Normalize(Vector3 vector) (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | static |
Normalize(ref Vector3 value, out Vector3 result) (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | static |
One (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | static |
operator SFML.System.Vector3f(Vector3 vector) (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | explicitstatic |
operator Vector3(SFML.System.Vector3f vector) (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | explicitstatic |
operator!=(Vector3 value1, Vector3 value2) (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | static |
operator*(Vector3 value1, Vector3 value2) (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | static |
operator*(Vector3 value, float scaleFactor) (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | static |
operator*(float scaleFactor, Vector3 value) (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | static |
operator+(Vector3 value1, Vector3 value2) (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | static |
operator-(Vector3 value) (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | static |
operator-(Vector3 value1, Vector3 value2) (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | static |
operator/(Vector3 value1, Vector3 value2) (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | static |
operator/(Vector3 value, float divider) (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | static |
operator==(Vector3 value1, Vector3 value2) (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | static |
Reflect(Vector3 vector, Vector3 normal) (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | static |
Reflect(ref Vector3 vector, ref Vector3 normal, out Vector3 result) (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | static |
Right (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | static |
SmoothStep(Vector3 value1, Vector3 value2, float amount) (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | static |
SmoothStep(ref Vector3 value1, ref Vector3 value2, float amount, out Vector3 result) (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | static |
Subtract(Vector3 value1, Vector3 value2) (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | static |
Subtract(ref Vector3 value1, ref Vector3 value2, out Vector3 result) (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | static |
ToString() (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | |
Transform(Vector3 position, Matrix matrix) (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | static |
Transform(ref Vector3 position, ref Matrix matrix, out Vector3 result) (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | static |
Transform(Vector3[] sourceArray, ref Matrix matrix, Vector3[] destinationArray) (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | static |
Transform(Vector3[] sourceArray, int sourceIndex, ref Matrix matrix, Vector3[] destinationArray, int destinationIndex, int length) (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | static |
Transform(Vector3 vec, Quaternion quat) | Otter.Vector3 | static |
Transform(ref Vector3 value, ref Quaternion rotation, out Vector3 result) | Otter.Vector3 | static |
Transform(Vector3[] sourceArray, ref Quaternion rotation, Vector3[] destinationArray) | Otter.Vector3 | static |
Transform(Vector3[] sourceArray, int sourceIndex, ref Quaternion rotation, Vector3[] destinationArray, int destinationIndex, int length) | Otter.Vector3 | static |
TransformNormal(Vector3 normal, Matrix matrix) (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | static |
TransformNormal(ref Vector3 normal, ref Matrix matrix, out Vector3 result) (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | static |
UnitX (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | static |
UnitY (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | static |
UnitZ (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | static |
Up (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | static |
Vector3(float x, float y, float z) (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | |
Vector3(float value) (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | |
Vector3(Vector2 value, float z) (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | |
X (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | |
Y (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | |
Z (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | |
Zero (defined in Otter.Vector3) | Otter.Vector3 | static |