using System;
using System.IO;
namespace Otter {
/// Class that represents a player session. Use this for maintaining and using information about
/// a player. For example a two player game might have two sessions, one for each player, each with
/// their own controls configured and save data.
public class Session {
static private int nextSessionId = 0;
/// Create a new Session using the current Game.Instance.
static public Session Create(string name) {
return new Session(Game.Instance, name);
static public Session Create(Enum name) {
return Session.Create(Util.EnumValueToString(name));
/// The name of this Session. This is important as it will determine the name of save data
/// files and you can also find a session by name.
public string Name = "";
/// The Controller to use for this Session.
public Controller Controller = new Controller();
/// Gets the Controller as a specific type of Controller.
/// The type of Controller.
/// The Controller as type T.
public T GetController() where T : Controller {
return Controller as T;
/// The Id of this session in the Game.
public int Id { get; internal set; }
public DataSaver Data { get; private set; }
/// The game that manages this session.
public Game Game { get; internal set; }
/// Create a new Session.
/// The Game that the session is tied to.
public Session(Game game, string name) {
Game = game;
Name = name;
var folder = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments) + "/" + Game.GameFolder;
var path = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments) + "/" + Game.GameFolder + "/" + Name + ".";
if (!Directory.Exists(folder)) {
Data = new DataSaver(path);
Id = nextSessionId;
internal void Update() {
if (Controller != null) {