using SFML.Graphics; using SFML.System; using SFML.Window; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Xml; namespace Otter { /// /// Various extensions for classes are in here. /// public static class Extensions { #region XML /// /// Parse an attribute from an XmlElement as an int. /// /// The XmlElement to parse. /// The name of the attribute. /// An value as an int. public static int AttributeInt(this XmlNode xml, string name) { return int.Parse(xml.Attributes[name].Value); } /// /// Parse an attribute from an XmlElement as an int. /// /// The XmlElement to parse. /// The name of the attribute. /// The default value to return if that attribute doesn't exist. /// The value as an int. public static int AttributeInt(this XmlNode xml, string name, int returnOnNull) { if (xml == null) return returnOnNull; if (xml.Attributes[name] == null) return returnOnNull; return int.Parse(xml.Attributes[name].Value); } /// /// Parse an attibute from an XmlElement as a string. /// /// The XmlElement to parse. /// The name of the attribute. /// The value as a string. public static string AttributeString(this XmlNode xml, string name) { return xml.Attributes[name].Value; } /// /// Parse an attibute from an XmlElement as a string. /// /// The XmlElement to parse. /// The name of the attribute. /// The default value to return if that attribute doesn't exist. /// The value as a string. public static string AttributeString(this XmlNode xml, string name, string returnOnNull) { if (xml == null) return returnOnNull; if (xml.Attributes[name] == null) return returnOnNull; return xml.Attributes[name].Value; } /// /// Parse an attribute from an XmlElement as a float. /// /// The XmlElement to parse. /// The name of the attribute. /// The value as a float. public static float AttributeFloat(this XmlNode xml, string name) { return float.Parse(xml.Attributes[name].Value); } /// /// Parse an attribute from an XmlElement as a float. /// /// The XmlElement to parse. /// The name of the attribute. /// The default value to return if that attribute doesn't exist. /// The value as a float. public static float AttributeFloat(this XmlNode xml, string name, float returnOnNull) { if (xml == null) return returnOnNull; if (xml.Attributes[name] == null) return returnOnNull; return float.Parse(xml.Attributes[name].Value); } /// /// Parse an attribute from an XmlElement as a bool. /// /// The XmlElement to parse. /// The name of the attribute. /// The value as a bool. public static bool AttributeBool(this XmlNode xml, string name) { return bool.Parse(xml.Attributes[name].Value); } /// /// Parse an attribute from an XmlElement as a bool. /// /// The XmlElement to parse. /// The name of the attribute. /// The default value to return if that attribute doesn't exist. /// The value as a bool. public static bool AttributeBool(this XmlNode xml, string name, bool returnOnNull) { if (xml == null) return returnOnNull; if (xml.Attributes[name] == null) return returnOnNull; return bool.Parse(xml.Attributes[name].Value); } /// /// Parse an attribute from an XmlElement as a Color. /// /// The XmlElement to parse. /// The name of the attribute. /// The value as a Color. public static Color AttributeColor(this XmlNode xml, string name) { return new Color(xml.Attributes[name].Value); } /// /// Parse an attribute from an XmlElement as a Color. /// /// The XmlElement to parse. /// The name of the attribute. /// The default value to return if that attribute doesn't exist. /// The value as a Color. public static Color AttributeColor(this XmlNode xml, string name, Color returnOnNull) { if (xml == null) return returnOnNull; if (xml.Attributes[name] == null) return returnOnNull; return new Color(xml.Attributes[name].Value); } /// /// Parse the inner text of an XmlElement as an int. /// /// The XmlElement to parse. /// The value as an int. public static int InnerInt(this XmlNode xml) { return int.Parse(xml.InnerText); } public static int InnerInt(this XmlNode xml, int returnOnNull) { if (xml != null) return xml.InnerInt(); return returnOnNull; } /// /// Parse the inner text of an XmlElement as a float. /// /// /// The value as a float. public static float InnerFloat(this XmlNode xml) { return float.Parse(xml.InnerText); } public static float InnerFloat(this XmlNode xml, float returnOnNull) { if (xml != null) return xml.InnerFloat(); return returnOnNull; } public static string InnerText(this XmlNode xml, string returnOnNull) { if (xml != null) return xml.InnerText; return returnOnNull; } /// /// Parse the inner text of an XmlElement as a bool. /// /// /// The value as a bool. public static bool InnerBool(this XmlNode xml) { return bool.Parse(xml.InnerText); } /// /// Parse the inner text of an XmlElement as a Color. /// /// /// The value as a Color. public static Color InnerColor(this XmlNode xml) { return new Color(xml.InnerText); } /// /// Parse an int from an attribute collection. /// /// /// The attribute to parse. /// The value to return if null. /// The attribute as an int. public static int Int(this XmlAttributeCollection a, string name, int returnOnNull) { if (a[name] == null) return returnOnNull; return int.Parse(a[name].Value); } #endregion #region String // String Extensions static public string ClearWhitespace(this string str) { return Regex.Replace(str, @"\s+", ""); } #endregion #region Dictionary /// /// Get a value out of a Dictionary of strings as an int, and return a default value if the key /// is not present in the Dictionary. /// /// The Dictionary. /// The key to search for. /// The value to return if that key is not found. /// The value from the Dictionary as an int. static public int ValueAsInt(this Dictionary d, string key, int onNull = 0) { if (d.ContainsKey(key)) { return int.Parse(d[key]); } return onNull; } /// /// Get a value out of a Dictionary of strings as a a float, and return a default value if the key /// is not present in the Dictionary. /// /// The Dictionary. /// The key to search for. /// The value to return if that key is not found. /// The value from the Dictionary as an float. static public float ValueAsFloat(this Dictionary d, string key, float onNull = 0) { if (d.ContainsKey(key)) { return float.Parse(d[key]); } return onNull; } /// /// Get a value out of a Dictionary of strings as a a bool, and return a default value if the key /// is not present in the Dictionary. /// /// The Dictionary. /// The key to search for. /// The value to return if that key is not found. /// The value from the Dictionary as a bool. static public bool ValueAsBool(this Dictionary d, string key, bool onNull = false) { if (d.ContainsKey(key)) { return bool.Parse(d[key]); } return onNull; } /// /// Get the value out of a Dictionary of strings as a Color, and return a default value if the key /// is not present in the Dictionary. /// /// The Dictionary. /// The key to search for. /// The value to return if that key is not found. /// The value fro the Dictionary as a Color. static public Color ValueAsColor(this Dictionary d, string key, Color onNull = null) { if (d.ContainsKey(key)) { return new Color(d[key]); } return onNull; } static public void AddOrUpdate(this Dictionary d, TKey key, TValue value) { if (d.ContainsKey(key)) d[key] = value; else d.Add(key, value); } static public TValue GetOrAdd(this Dictionary d, TKey key, TValue value = default(TValue)) { if (d.ContainsKey(key)) return d[key]; d.Add(key, value); return value; } #endregion #region List /// /// Removes an item from a list only if the list contains that item. /// /// /// /// The element to remove. /// True if the element was removed successfully. static public bool RemoveIfContains(this List l, T element) { if (l.Contains(element)) { l.Remove(element); return true; } return false; } /// /// Add multiple items to a list. /// /// The type of items. /// The list. /// The elements to add. static public void Add(this List l, params T[] elements) { foreach (var i in elements) { l.Add(i); } } static public void MoveForward(this List list, T item) { var oldIndex = list.IndexOf(item); list.Remove(item); list.InsertOrAdd(oldIndex - 1, item); } public static void MoveBackward(this List list, T item) { var oldIndex = list.IndexOf(item); list.Remove(item); list.InsertOrAdd(oldIndex + 1, item); } public static void MoveToFront(this List list, T item) { list.Remove(item); list.InsertOrAdd(0, item); } public static void MoveToBack(this List list, T item) { list.Remove(item); list.Add(item); } #endregion #region SFML public static void Append(this VertexArray vertices, float x, float y, Color color, float tx, float ty) { vertices.Append(new Vertex(new Vector2f(x, y), color.SFMLColor, new Vector2f(tx, ty))); } public static void Append(this VertexArray vertices, float x, float y, Color color = null) { if (color == null) color = Color.White; vertices.Append(new Vertex(new Vector2f(x, y), color.SFMLColor)); } public static void Append(this VertexArray vertices, double x, double y, Color color) { vertices.Append(new Vertex(new Vector2f((float)x, (float)y), color.SFMLColor)); } public static void Append(this VertexArray vertices, Vert vert) { vertices.Append(vert.X, vert.Y, vert.Color, vert.U, vert.V); } #endregion #region Other /// /// Converts a RGB or RGBA uint value to a Color. /// /// The uint. /// A new Color from the uint. public static Color ToColor(this uint i) { return new Color(i); } /// /// Converts a RGB or RGBA int value to a Color. /// /// The int. /// A new Color from the int. public static Color ToColor(this int i) { return new Color((uint)i); } /// /// Check to see if a flags enumeration has a specific flag set. /// /// Flags enumeration to check /// Flag to check for /// True if the Enum contains the flag. public static bool HasFlag(this Enum variable, Enum value) { // if (variable == null) return false; if (value == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("value"); // Not as good as the .NET 4 version of this function, but should be good enough if (!Enum.IsDefined(variable.GetType(), value)) { throw new ArgumentException(string.Format( "Enumeration type mismatch. The flag is of type '{0}', was expecting '{1}'.", value.GetType(), variable.GetType())); } ulong num = Convert.ToUInt64(value); return ((Convert.ToUInt64(variable) & num) == num); } #endregion } }