@ -67,48 +67,71 @@ java_minecraft_servers = {
main_menu = [
{"text": "Tool Commands", "callback_data": "tools"},
{"text": "Tool Commands", "callback_data": "tools"},
{"text": "Game Server", "callback_data": "game_servers"}
# Add neue Hauptmenu Elemente hier
# Add neue Hauptmenu Elemente hier
tools_menu = [
{"text": "Status", "callback_data": "nuc_satus"},
{"text": "Shutdown", "callback_data": "nuc_shutdown"},
{"text": "<- Zurück", "callback_data": "nuc_back"}
# Add neue Tool Commands here
# Add neue Tool Commands here
gameserver_menu = [
{"text": "Status Server", "callback_data": "gameservers_satus"},
{"text": "Minecraft", "callback_data": "gameservers_minecraft"},
{"text": "Ragnarok Online", "callback_data": "gameservers_ragnarok_online"},
{"text": "World of Warcraft", "callback_data": "gameservers_wow"},
{"text": "<- Zurück", "callback_data": "gameservers_back"}
# Add neue Gameserver Commands here
{"text": "<- Zurück", "callback_data": "gameservers_back"}
{"text": "Minecraft", "callback_data": "gameservers_minecraft"}
{"text": "Ragnarok Online", "callback_data": "gameservers_ragnarok_online"}
{"text": "World of Warcraft", "callback_data": "gameservers_wow"}
# Add neue Gameserver Commands here
minecraft_menu = [
{"text": "<- Zurück", "callback_data": "minecraft_back"}
{"text": "Minecraft Vanilla 1.21", "callback_data": "minecraft_vanilla"},
{"text": "The 1.12.2 Pack (SanderPack)", "callback_data": "minecraft_sanderpack"},
{"text": "The 1.12.2 Pack (SanderPack)", "callback_data": "minecraft_sanderpack"},
{"text": "GT New Horizons 2.6.0 (SanderHorizons)", "callback_data": "minecraft_sanderhorizon"},
{"text": "RLCraft 2.9.3 (SanderHardcore)", "callback_data": "minecraft_sanderhardcore"},
{"text": "Farming Valley 1.1.2 (SanderValley)", "callback_data": "minecraft_sandervalley"},
{"text": "<- Zurück", "callback_data": "minecraft_back"}
# Add neue Minecraft Commands here
# Add neue Minecraft Server here
mc_vanilla_menu = [
{"text": "Start", "callback_data": "mc_vanilla_start"},
{"text": "Stop", "callback_data": "mc_vanilla_stop"},
{"text": "Stop", "callback_data": "mc_vanilla_stop"},
{"text": "<- Zurück", "callback_data": "mc_vanilla_back"}
@ -117,6 +140,8 @@ mc_sanderpack_menu = [
{"text": "Start", "callback_data": "mc_sanderpack_start"},
{"text": "Stop", "callback_data": "mc_sanderpack_stop"},
{"text": "<- Zurück", "callback_data": "mc_sanderpack_back"}
@ -125,6 +150,8 @@ mc_sanderhorizon_menu = [
{"text": "Start", "callback_data": "mc_sanderhorizon_start"},
{"text": "Stop", "callback_data": "mc_sanderhorizon_stop"},
{"text": "<- Zurück", "callback_data": "mc_sanderhorizon_back"}
@ -133,6 +160,8 @@ mc_sanderhardcore_menu = [
{"text": "Start", "callback_data": "mc_sanderhardcore_start"},
{"text": "Stop", "callback_data": "mc_sanderhardcore_stop"},
{"text": "<- Zurück", "callback_data": "mc_sanderhardcore_back"}
@ -141,31 +170,61 @@ mc_sandervalley_menu = [
{"text": "Start", "callback_data": "mc_sandervalley_start"},
{"text": "Stop", "callback_data": "mc_sandervalley_stop"},
{"text": "<- Zurück", "callback_data": "mc_sandervalley_back"}
dont_starve_menu = [
{"text": "Start", "callback_data": "dst_start"},
{"text": "Stop", "callback_data": "dst_stop"},
{"text": "<- Zurück", "callback_data": "dst_back"}
{"text": "Don't Starve at Sanders (Vanilla)", "callback_data": "dst_vanilla"},
{"text": "Don't Starve differently at Sanders (Modded)", "callback_data": "dst_modded"},
dst_vanilla_menu = [
{"text": "<- Zurück", "callback_data": "dst_vanilla_back"}
{"text": "Start", "callback_data": "dst_vanilla_start"},
{"text": "Stop", "callback_data": "dst_vanilla_stop"}
dst_modded_menu = [
{"text": "<- Zurück", "callback_data": "dst_modded_back"}
{"text": "Start", "callback_data": "dst_modded_start"},
{"text": "Stop", "callback_data": "dst_modded_stop"}
ragnarok_online_menu = [
{"text": "<- Zurück", "callback_data": "ro_back"}
{"text": "Start", "callback_data": "ro_start"},
{"text": "Stop", "callback_data": "ro_stop"},
{"text": "<- Zurück", "callback_data": "ro_back"}
wow_menu = [
{"text": "Start", "callback_data": "wow_start"},
{"text": "Stop", "callback_data": "wow_stop"},
{"text": "<- Zurück", "callback_data": "wow_back"}
{"text": "Start", "callback_data": "wow_start"},
{"text": "Stop", "callback_data": "wow_stop"}
@ -424,7 +483,7 @@ async def handle_callback(update: Update, context: ContextTypes.DEFAULT_TYPE) ->
case "gameservers_ragnarok_online":
await query.message.reply_text("Wähle eine Aktion für den Ragnarok Online Server:", reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(ragnarok_online_menu))
case "gameservers_wow":
await query.message.reply_text("Wähle einen Aktion für den World of Warcraft Server:", reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(minecraft_menu))
await query.message.reply_text("Wähle einen Aktion für den World of Warcraft Server:", reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(wow_menu))
case "gameservers_back":
await send_main_menu(context, query.message.chat_id)
# Minecraft Servers