# https://github.com/TankerHQ/tbump # https://hackernoon.com/lets-automate-version-number-updates-not-a91q3x7n # Uncomment this if your project is hosted on GitHub: github_url = "https://github.com/biojppm/rapidyaml/" [version] current = "0.4.0" # Example of a semver regexp. # Make sure this matches current_version before # using tbump regex = ''' (?P\d+) \. (?P\d+) \. (?P\d+) (-(?P[a-z]+)(?P\d+))? ''' [git] message_template = "chg: pkg: version {new_version}" tag_template = "v{new_version}" # For each file to patch, add a [[file]] config section containing # the path of the file, relative to the tbump.toml location. [[file]] src = "CMakeLists.txt" search = "c4_project\\(VERSION {current_version}" [[file]] src = "test/test_install/CMakeLists.txt" search = "c4_project\\(VERSION {current_version}" [[file]] src = "test/test_singleheader/CMakeLists.txt" search = "c4_project\\(VERSION {current_version}" # You can specify a list of commands to # run after the files have been patched # and before the git commit is made # [[before_commit]] # name = "check changelog" # cmd = "grep -q {new_version} Changelog.rst" # TODO: add version header, containing commit hash # TODO: consolidate changelog from the git logs: # https://pypi.org/project/gitchangelog/ # https://blogs.sap.com/2018/06/22/generating-release-notes-from-git-commit-messages-using-basic-shell-commands-gitgrep/ # https://medium.com/better-programming/create-your-own-changelog-generator-with-git-aefda291ea93 # Or run some commands after the git tag and the branch # have been pushed: # [[after_push]] # name = "publish" # cmd = "./publish.sh"