# This file is a part of rAthena. # Copyright(C) 2021 rAthena Development Team # https://rathena.org - https://github.com/rathena # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # ########################################################################### # Skill Database ########################################################################### # # Skill Settings # ########################################################################### # - Id Unique skill ID. # Name Skill Aegis name. # Description Skill description. # MaxLevel Max skill level. # Type Skill type. (Default: None) # TargetType Skill target type. (Default: Passive) # DamageFlags: Skill damage properties. # Flags: Skill information flags. # Range: Skill range. (Default: 0) # - Level Skill level. # Size Range at specific skill level. # Hit Skill hit type. (Default: Normal) # HitCount: Skill hit count. (Default: 0) # - Level Skill level. # Count Number of hits at specific skill level. # Element: Skill element. (Default: Neutral) # - Level Skill level. # Element Element at specific skill level. # SplashArea: Skill splash area of effect. (Default: 0) # - Level Skill level. # Area Splash area at specific skill level. # ActiveInstance: Maximum amount of active skill instances that can be on the ground. (Default: 0) # - Level Skill level. # Max Active instances at specific skill level. # Knockback: Amount of tiles the skill knockbacks. (Default: 0) # - Level Skill level. # Amount Knockback count at specific skill level. # GiveAp: Gives AP on successful skill cast. (Default: 0) # - Level Skill level. # Amount AP gained at specific skill level. # CopyFlags: Determines if the skill is copyable. (Optional) # Skill: Type of skill that can copy. # RemoveRequirement: Remove a requirement type. (Optional) # NoNearNPC: Determines if the skill can be used near a NPC. (Optional) # AdditionalRange Number of cells from an NPC where the skill can be cast. (Optional) # Type: Type of NPC. # CastCancel Cancel cast when hit. (Default: false) # CastDefenseReduction Defense reduction rate during skill cast. (Default: 0) # CastTime: Time to cast the skill in milliseconds. (Default: 0) # - Level Skill level. # Time Cast time at specific skill level in milliseconds. # AfterCastActDelay: Time the character cannot use skills in milliseconds. (Default: 0) # - Level Skill level. # Time After cast action delay at specific skill level in milliseconds. # AfterCastWalkDelay: Time before the character can move again in milliseconds. (Default: 0) # - Level Skill level. # Time After cast walk delay at specific skill level in milliseconds. # Duration1: Duration of the skill in milliseconds. (Default: 0) # - Level Skill level. # Time Skill duration at specific skill level in milliseconds. # Duration2: Duration of the skill in milliseconds. (Default: 0) # - Level Skill level. # Time Skill duration at specific skill level in milliseconds. # Cooldown: Time before the character can use the same skill again in milliseconds. (Default: 0) # - Level Skill level. # Time Cooldown at specific skill level in milliseconds. # FixedCastTime: Time that is fixed during cast of the skill in milliseconds. (Default: 0) # - Level Skill level. # Time After cast action delay at specific skill level in milliseconds. # CastTimeFlags: Effects of the skill's cast time. (Optional) # CastDelayFlags: Effects of the skill's delay. (Optional) # Requires: List of requirements to cast the skill. (Optional) # HpCost: HP required to cast. (Default: 0) # - Level Skill level. # Amount HP required at specific skill level. # SpCost: SP required to cast. (Default: 0) # - Level Skill level. # Amount SP required at specific skill level. # ApCost: AP required to cast. (Default: 0) # - Level Skill level. # Amount AP required at specific skill level. # HpRateCost: HP rate required to cast. If positive, uses current HP, else uses Max HP. (Default: 0) # - Level Skill level. # Amount HP rate required at specific skill level. # SpRateCost: SP rate required to cast. If positive, uses current SP, else uses Max SP. (Default: 0) # - Level Skill level. # Amount SP rate required at specific skill level. # ApRateCost: AP rate required to cast. If positive, uses current AP, else uses Max AP. (Default: 0) # - Level Skill level. # Amount AP rate required at specific skill level. # MaxHpTrigger: Maximum amount of HP to cast the skill. (Default: 0) # - Level Skill level. # Amount Maximum HP trigger required at specific skill level. # ZenyCost: Zeny required to cast. (Default: 0) # - Level Skill level. # Amount Zeny required at specific skill level. # Weapon: Weapon required to cast. (Default: All) # Ammo: Ammo required to cast. (Default: None) # AmmoAmount: Ammo amount required to cast. (Default: 0) # - Level Skill level. # Amount Ammo amount required at specific skill level. # State Special state required to cast. (Default: None) # Status: Status change required to cast. (Default: nullptr) # SpiritSphereCost: Spirit sphere required to cast. (Default: 0) # - Level Skill level. # Amount Spirit sphere required at specific skill level. # ItemCost: Item required to cast. (Default: 0) # - Item Item name. # Amount Item amount. # Level Skill level. Makes the skill item check become level dependent if supplied. (Default: applies to all levels) # Equipment: Equipped item required to cast. (Default: nullptr) # Unit: Skill unit values. (Optional) # Id Skill unit ID. # AlternateId: Alternate skill unit ID. (Default: 0) # Layout: Skill unit layout. (Default: 0) # - Level Skill level. # Size Unit layout at specific skill level. # Range: Skill unit range. (Default: 0) # - Level Skill level. # Size Unit range at specific skill level. # Interval Skill unit interval in milliseconds. (Default: 0) # Target Skill unit target type. (Default: All) # Flag: Skill unit flags. (Default: None) # Status Status Change that is associated to the skill. (Optional) ########################################################################### Header: Type: SKILL_DB Version: 3