# This file is a part of rAthena. # Copyright(C) 2021 rAthena Development Team # https://rathena.org - https://github.com/rathena # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # ########################################################################### # Item Database ########################################################################### # # Item Settings # ########################################################################### # - Id Item ID. # AegisName Server name to reference the item in scripts and lookups, should use no spaces. # Name Name in English for displaying as output. # Type Item type. (Default: Etc) # SubType Weapon, Ammo or Card type. (Default: 0) # Buy Buying price. When not specified, becomes double the sell price. (Default: 0) # Sell Selling price. When not specified, becomes half the buy price. (Default: 0) # Weight Item weight. Each 10 is 1 weight. (Default: 0) # Attack Weapon's attack. (Default: 0) # MagicAttack Weapon's magic attack. (Default: 0) # Defense Armor's defense. (Default: 0) # Range Weapon's attack range. (Default: 0) # Slots Available slots in item. (Default: 0) # Jobs Jobs that can equip the item. (Map default is 'All: true') # Classes Upper class types that can equip the item. (Map default is 'All: true') # Gender Gender that can equip the item. (Default: Both) # Locations Equipment's placement. (Default: None) # WeaponLevel Weapon level. (Default: 1 for Weapons) # ArmorLevel Armor level. (Default: 1 for Armors) # EquipLevelMin Minimum required level to equip. (Default: 0) # EquipLevelMax Maximum level that can equip. (Default: 0) # Refineable If the item can be refined. (Default: false) # Gradable If the item can be graded. (Default: false) # View View sprite of an item. (Default: 0) # AliasName Another item's AegisName that will be sent to the client instead of this item's AegisName. (Default: null) # Flags: Item flags. (Default: null) # BuyingStore If the item is available for Buyingstores. (Default: false) # DeadBranch If the item is a Dead Branch. (Default: false) # Container If the item is part of a container. (Default: false) # UniqueId If the item is a unique stack. (Default: false) # BindOnEquip If the item is bound to the character upon equipping. (Default: false) # DropAnnounce If the item has a special announcement to self on drop. (Default: false) # NoConsume If the item is consumed on use. (Default: false) # DropEffect If the item has a special effect on the ground when dropped by a monster. (Default: None) # Delay: Item use delay. (Default: null) # Duration Duration of delay in seconds. # Status Status Change used to track delay. (Default: None) # Stack: Item stack amount. (Default: null) # Amount Maximum amount that can be stacked. # Inventory If the stack is applied to player's inventory. (Default: true) # Cart If the stack is applied to the player's cart. (Default: false) # Storage If the stack is applied to the player's storage. (Default: false) # GuildStorage If the stack is applied to the player's guild storage. (Default: false) # NoUse: Conditions when the item is unusable. (Default: null) # Override Group level to override these conditions. (Default: 100) # Sitting If the item can not be used while sitting. (Default: false) # Trade: Trade restrictions. (Default: null) # Override Group level to override these conditions. (Default: 100) # NoDrop If the item can not be dropped. (Default: false) # NoTrade If the item can not be traded. (Default: false) # TradePartner If the item can not be traded to the player's partner. (Default: false) # NoSell If the item can not be sold. (Default: false) # NoCart If the item can not be put in a cart. (Default: false) # NoStorage If the item can not be put in a storage. (Default: false) # NoGuildStorage If the item can not be put in a guild storage. (Default: false) # NoMail If the item can not be put in a mail. (Default: false) # NoAuction If the item can not be put in an auction. (Default: false) # Script Script to execute when the item is used/equipped. (Default: null) # EquipScript Script to execute when the item is equipped. (Default: null) # UnEquipScript Script to execute when the item is unequipped or when a rental item expires. (Default: null) ########################################################################### Header: Type: ITEM_DB Version: 3 Body: - Id: 501 AegisName: Red_Potion Name: Red Potion Type: Healing Buy: 50 Weight: 70 Script: | itemheal rand(45,65),0; - Id: 502 AegisName: Orange_Potion Name: Orange Potion Type: Healing Buy: 200 Weight: 100 Script: | itemheal rand(105,145),0; - Id: 503 AegisName: Yellow_Potion Name: Yellow Potion Type: Healing Buy: 550 Weight: 130 Script: | itemheal rand(175,235),0; - Id: 504 AegisName: White_Potion Name: White Potion Type: Healing Buy: 1200 Weight: 150 Script: | itemheal rand(325,405),0; - Id: 505 AegisName: Blue_Potion Name: Blue Potion Type: Healing Buy: 5000 Weight: 150 Script: | itemheal 0,rand(40,60); - Id: 506 AegisName: Green_Potion Name: Green Potion Type: Healing Buy: 40 Weight: 70 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_end SC_Poison; sc_end SC_Silence; sc_end SC_Blind; - Id: 507 AegisName: Red_Herb Name: Red Herb Type: Healing Buy: 18 Weight: 30 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(18,28),0; - Id: 508 AegisName: Yellow_Herb Name: Yellow Herb Type: Healing Buy: 40 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(38,58),0; - Id: 509 AegisName: White_Herb Name: White Herb Type: Healing Buy: 120 Weight: 70 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(75,115),0; - Id: 510 AegisName: Blue_Herb Name: Blue Herb Type: Healing Buy: 60 Weight: 70 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal 0,rand(15,30); - Id: 511 AegisName: Green_Herb Name: Green Herb Type: Healing Buy: 10 Weight: 30 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_end SC_Poison; - Id: 512 AegisName: Apple Name: Apple Type: Healing Buy: 15 Weight: 20 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(16,22),0; - Id: 513 AegisName: Banana Name: Banana Type: Healing Buy: 15 Weight: 20 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(17,21),0; - Id: 514 AegisName: Grape Name: Grape Type: Healing Buy: 200 Weight: 20 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal 0,rand(10,15); - Id: 515 AegisName: Carrot Name: Carrot Type: Healing Buy: 15 Weight: 20 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(18,20),0; - Id: 516 AegisName: Sweet_Potato Name: Potato Type: Healing Buy: 15 Weight: 20 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(15,23),0; - Id: 517 AegisName: Meat Name: Meat Type: Healing Buy: 50 Weight: 150 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(70,100),0; - Id: 518 AegisName: Honey Name: Honey Type: Healing Buy: 500 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(70,100),rand(20,40); - Id: 519 AegisName: Milk Name: Milk Type: Healing Buy: 25 Weight: 30 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(27,37),0; - Id: 520 AegisName: Leaflet_Of_Hinal Name: Hinalle Leaflet Type: Healing Buy: 150 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(175,235),0; - Id: 521 AegisName: Leaflet_Of_Aloe Name: Aloe Leaflet Type: Healing Buy: 360 Weight: 20 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(325,405),0; - Id: 522 AegisName: Fruit_Of_Mastela Name: Mastela Fruit Type: Healing Buy: 8500 Weight: 30 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(400,600),0; - Id: 523 AegisName: Holy_Water Name: Holy Water Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 30 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_end SC_Curse; - Id: 525 AegisName: Panacea Name: Panacea Type: Healing Buy: 500 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_end SC_Poison; sc_end SC_Silence; sc_end SC_Blind; sc_end SC_Confusion; sc_end SC_Curse; sc_end SC_Hallucination; - Id: 526 AegisName: Royal_Jelly Name: Royal Jelly Type: Healing Buy: 7000 Weight: 150 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(325,405),rand(40,60); sc_end SC_Poison; sc_end SC_Silence; sc_end SC_Blind; sc_end SC_Confusion; sc_end SC_Curse; sc_end SC_Hallucination; - Id: 528 AegisName: Monster's_Feed Name: Monster's Feed Type: Healing Buy: 60 Weight: 150 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(72,108),0; - Id: 529 AegisName: Candy Name: Candy Type: Healing Buy: 10 Weight: 30 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(45,65),0; - Id: 530 AegisName: Candy_Striper Name: Candy Cane Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 40 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(105,145),0; - Id: 531 AegisName: Apple_Juice Name: Apple Juice Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 40 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(25,35),0; - Id: 532 AegisName: Banana_Juice Name: Banana Juice Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 40 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(26,34),0; - Id: 533 AegisName: Grape_Juice Name: Grape Juice Type: Healing Buy: 250 Weight: 40 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal 0,rand(15,25); - Id: 534 AegisName: Carrot_Juice Name: Carrot Juice Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 40 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(27,33),0; - Id: 535 AegisName: Pumpkin Name: Pumpkin Type: Healing Buy: 15 Weight: 20 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal 19,0; - Id: 536 AegisName: Ice_Cream Name: Ice Cream Type: Healing Buy: 150 Weight: 80 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(105,145),0; sc_start SC_Freeze,10000,0,2500,0; - Id: 537 AegisName: Pet_Food Name: Pet Food Type: Healing Buy: 1000 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(50,90),0; - Id: 538 AegisName: Well_Baked_Cookie Name: Well-baked Cookie Type: Healing Buy: 1000 Weight: 30 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(160,200),0; - Id: 539 AegisName: Piece_Of_Cake Name: Piece of Cake Type: Healing Buy: 3000 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(270,330),0; - Id: 540 AegisName: Falcon's_Feed Name: Falcon Food Type: Healing Buy: 2000 Weight: 50 Script: | itemheal rand(185,225),0; - Id: 541 AegisName: Pecopeco's_Feed Name: PecoPeco Food Type: Healing Buy: 3000 Weight: 50 Script: | itemheal rand(325,405),0; - Id: 544 AegisName: Fish_Slice Name: Raw Fish Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 30 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(25,60),0; - Id: 545 AegisName: Red_Slim_Potion Name: Condensed Red Potion Type: Healing Buy: 150 Weight: 10 Script: | itemheal rand(45,65),0; - Id: 546 AegisName: Yellow_Slim_Potion Name: Condensed Yellow Potion Type: Healing Buy: 600 Weight: 20 Script: | itemheal rand(175,235),0; - Id: 547 AegisName: White_Slim_Potion Name: Condensed White Potion Type: Healing Buy: 1650 Weight: 20 Script: | itemheal rand(325,405),0; - Id: 548 AegisName: Cheese Name: Cheese Type: Healing Buy: 2800 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal 0,rand(10,15); - Id: 549 AegisName: Nice_Sweet_Potato Name: Yam Type: Healing Buy: 180 Weight: 80 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(50,100),0; sc_start SC_Stun,3000,0,1500,0; - Id: 550 AegisName: Popped_Rice Name: Rice Cake Type: Healing Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(10,15),0; - Id: 551 AegisName: Shusi Name: Sushi Type: Healing Buy: 1 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(50,60),0; - Id: 552 AegisName: KETUPAT Name: Ketupat Type: Healing Buy: 1 Weight: 10 Script: | itemheal rand(70,90),rand(20,30); - Id: 553 AegisName: Bun Name: Bao Type: Healing Buy: 1 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(35,70),0; - Id: 554 AegisName: Mojji Name: Mochi Type: Healing Buy: 400 Weight: 80 Script: | itemheal rand(105,145),0; sc_start SC_Stun,3000,0; sc_start SC_Blind,2000,0,1500,0; - Id: 555 AegisName: Rice_Cake Name: Traditional Rice Cake Type: Healing Buy: 100 Weight: 20 Script: | itemheal rand(105,145),0; - Id: 556 AegisName: Long_Rice_Cake Name: Rice Cake Stick Type: Healing Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Script: | itemheal rand(20,25),0; - Id: 557 AegisName: Hash_Rice_Cake Name: Neatly Sliced Rice Cake Type: Healing Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Script: | itemheal rand(25,30),0; - Id: 558 AegisName: Chocolate Name: Chocolate Type: Healing Buy: 1 Weight: 20 Script: | itemheal 1,1; - Id: 559 AegisName: HandMade_Chocolate Name: Hand-made Chocolate Type: Healing Buy: 1 Weight: 80 Script: | itemheal 50,50; - Id: 560 AegisName: HandMade_Chocolate_ Name: Handmade White Chocolate Type: Healing Buy: 5000 Weight: 80 Script: | itemheal 50,50; - Id: 561 AegisName: White_Chocolate Name: White Chocolate Type: Healing Buy: 5000 Weight: 80 Script: | itemheal 50,50; - Id: 562 AegisName: Pizza Name: Doublecrust Swiss Fondue Type: Healing Buy: 100 Weight: 150 Script: | itemheal rand(70,100),0; - Id: 563 AegisName: Pizza_01 Name: Doublecrust Swiss Fondue Type: Healing Buy: 1200 Weight: 150 Script: | itemheal rand(375,445),0; - Id: 564 AegisName: Rice_Ball Name: Rice Ball Type: Healing Buy: 1 Weight: 30 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal 200,0; - Id: 565 AegisName: Vita500_Bottle Name: Vita500 Type: Healing Buy: 580 Weight: 100 Script: | itemheal rand(142,274),0; - Id: 566 AegisName: Tomyumkung Name: Tom Yum Goong Type: Healing Buy: 10000 Weight: 150 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(244,350),rand(10,30); sc_end SC_Poison; sc_end SC_Silence; sc_end SC_Blind; sc_end SC_Confusion; sc_end SC_Curse; sc_end SC_Hallucination; - Id: 567 AegisName: Prawn Name: Shrimp Type: Healing Buy: 500 Weight: 40 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(117,192),0; - Id: 568 AegisName: Lemon Name: Lemon Type: Healing Buy: 60 Weight: 40 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal 0,rand(10,20); - Id: 569 AegisName: Novice_Potion Name: Novice Potion Type: Healing Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(22,33),0; - Id: 570 AegisName: Lucky_Candy Name: Lucky Candy Type: Healing Buy: 10 Weight: 30 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(45,65),0; - Id: 571 AegisName: Lucky_Candy_Cane Name: Lucky Candy Cane Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 40 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(105,145),0; - Id: 572 AegisName: Lucky_Cookie Name: Lucky Cookie Type: Healing Buy: 1000 Weight: 30 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(160,200),0; - Id: 573 AegisName: Chocolate_Drink Name: Chocolate Drink Type: Healing Buy: 7000 Weight: 150 Script: | itemheal rand(330,410),rand(45,65); sc_end SC_Poison; sc_end SC_Silence; sc_end SC_Blind; sc_end SC_Confusion; sc_end SC_Curse; sc_end SC_Hallucination; - Id: 574 AegisName: Egg Name: Egg Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 30 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(33,42),0; - Id: 575 AegisName: Piece_Of_Cake_ Name: 2nd Anniversary Cake Type: Healing Buy: 10 Weight: 100 Script: | itemheal rand(270,330),0; - Id: 576 AegisName: Prickly_Fruit Name: Prickly Fruit Type: Healing Buy: 540 Weight: 60 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(150,300),rand(20,30); - Id: 577 AegisName: Grain Name: Bag of Grain Type: Healing Buy: 200 Weight: 20 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(60,70),0; - Id: 578 AegisName: Strawberry Name: Strawberry Type: Healing Buy: 200 Weight: 20 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal 0,rand(16,28); - Id: 579 AegisName: Delicious_Fish Name: Fresh Fish Type: Healing Buy: 250 Weight: 20 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(100,150),0; - Id: 580 AegisName: Bread Name: Bread Type: Healing Buy: 150 Weight: 20 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(50,90),0; - Id: 581 AegisName: Mushroom Name: Edible Mushroom Type: Healing Buy: 40 Weight: 20 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(20,30),0; - Id: 582 AegisName: Orange Name: Orange Type: Healing Buy: 300 Weight: 20 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(10,20),rand(10,20); - Id: 583 AegisName: KETUPAT_ Name: Ketupat Sayur Type: Healing Buy: 7000 Weight: 150 Script: | itemheal rand(325,405),rand(40,60); sc_end SC_Poison; sc_end SC_Silence; sc_end SC_Blind; sc_end SC_Confusion; sc_end SC_Curse; sc_end SC_Hallucination; - Id: 584 AegisName: Fish_Ball_Soup Name: Fish Cake Soup Type: Healing Buy: 100 Weight: 60 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(40,70),0; - Id: 585 AegisName: Wurst Name: Brusti Type: Delayconsume Buy: 2 Weight: 40 Script: | itemheal rand(15,20),0; itemskill "PR_MAGNIFICAT",3; - Id: 586 AegisName: Mother's_Cake Name: Mother's Cake Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 100 Script: | itemheal rand(325,405),0; - Id: 587 AegisName: Prickly_Fruit_ Name: Red Prickly Fruit Type: Healing Buy: 880 Weight: 60 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(270,330),rand(20,30); - Id: 588 AegisName: Spaghetti Name: Spaghetti Type: Healing Buy: 100 Weight: 100 Script: | itemheal rand(40,70),0; - Id: 589 AegisName: Pizza_02 Name: Pizza Type: Healing Buy: 1200 Weight: 150 Script: | itemheal rand(375,445),0; - Id: 590 AegisName: Brezel_ Name: Pretzel Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 20 Script: | itemheal rand(50,90),0; - Id: 591 AegisName: Caviar_Pancake Name: Caviar Pancake Type: Healing Weight: 150 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(325,405),rand(40,60); sc_end SC_Poison; sc_end SC_Silence; sc_end SC_Blind; sc_end SC_Confusion; sc_end SC_Curse; sc_end SC_Hallucination; - Id: 592 AegisName: Jam_Pancake Name: Jam Pancake Type: Healing Weight: 150 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(325,405),rand(40,60); sc_end SC_Poison; sc_end SC_Silence; sc_end SC_Blind; sc_end SC_Confusion; sc_end SC_Curse; sc_end SC_Hallucination; - Id: 593 AegisName: Honey_Pancake Name: Honey Pancake Type: Healing Weight: 150 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(325,405),rand(40,60); sc_end SC_Poison; sc_end SC_Silence; sc_end SC_Blind; sc_end SC_Confusion; sc_end SC_Curse; sc_end SC_Hallucination; - Id: 594 AegisName: Sour_Cream_Pancake Name: Sour-Cream Pancake Type: Healing Weight: 150 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(325,405),rand(40,60); sc_end SC_Poison; sc_end SC_Silence; sc_end SC_Blind; sc_end SC_Confusion; sc_end SC_Curse; sc_end SC_Hallucination; - Id: 595 AegisName: Mushroom_Pancake Name: Mushroom Pancake Type: Healing Weight: 150 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(325,405),rand(40,60); sc_end SC_Poison; sc_end SC_Silence; sc_end SC_Blind; sc_end SC_Confusion; sc_end SC_Curse; sc_end SC_Hallucination; - Id: 596 AegisName: Cute_Strawberry_Choco Name: Cute Strawberry-Choco Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 100 Script: | itemheal 0,rand(1,100); - Id: 597 AegisName: Lovely_Choco_Tart Name: Lovely Choco-Tart Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 100 Script: | itemheal rand(10,400),0; - Id: 598 AegisName: Light_Red_Pot Name: Light Red Potion Type: Healing Buy: 50 Weight: 10 Script: | itemheal rand(45,65),0; - Id: 599 AegisName: Light_Orange_Pot Name: Light Orange Potion Type: Healing Buy: 200 Weight: 10 Script: | itemheal rand(105,145),0; - Id: 601 AegisName: Wing_Of_Fly Name: Fly Wing Type: Delayconsume Buy: 60 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemskill "AL_TELEPORT",1; - Id: 602 AegisName: Wing_Of_Butterfly Name: Butterfly Wing Type: Delayconsume Buy: 300 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemskill "AL_TELEPORT",3; - Id: 603 AegisName: Old_Blue_Box Name: Old Blue Box Type: Usable Buy: 10000 Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getrandgroupitem(IG_BlueBox,1); - Id: 604 AegisName: Branch_Of_Dead_Tree Name: Dead Branch Type: Usable Buy: 50 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true DeadBranch: true Script: | monster "this",-1,-1,"--ja--",-1-MOBG_BRANCH_OF_DEAD_TREE,1,""; - Id: 605 AegisName: Anodyne Name: Anodyne Type: Delayconsume Buy: 2000 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemskill "SM_ENDURE",1; - Id: 606 AegisName: Aloebera Name: Aloevera Type: Delayconsume Buy: 1500 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | itemskill "SM_SELFPROVOKE",1; - Id: 607 AegisName: Yggdrasilberry Name: Yggdrasil Berry Type: Healing Buy: 5000 Weight: 300 Flags: BuyingStore: true Delay: Duration: 5000 Status: Reuse_Limit_F Script: | percentheal 100,100; - Id: 608 AegisName: Seed_Of_Yggdrasil Name: Yggdrasil Seed Type: Healing Buy: 5000 Weight: 300 Flags: BuyingStore: true Delay: Duration: 3000 Status: Reuse_Limit_G Script: | percentheal 50,50; - Id: 609 AegisName: Amulet Name: Amulet Type: Usable Buy: 100 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true - Id: 610 AegisName: Leaf_Of_Yggdrasil Name: Yggdrasil Leaf Type: Delayconsume Buy: 4000 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemskill "ALL_RESURRECTION",1; - Id: 611 AegisName: Spectacles Name: Magnifier Type: Delayconsume Buy: 40 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemskill "MC_IDENTIFY",1; - Id: 612 AegisName: Portable_Furnace Name: Mini Furnace Type: Usable Buy: 150 Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | produce 21; - Id: 613 AegisName: Iron_Hammer Name: Iron Hammer Type: Usable Buy: 1000 Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | produce 1; - Id: 614 AegisName: Golden_Hammer Name: Golden Hammer Type: Usable Buy: 3000 Weight: 300 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | produce 2; - Id: 615 AegisName: Oridecon_Hammer Name: Oridecon Hammer Type: Usable Buy: 5000 Weight: 400 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | produce 3; - Id: 616 AegisName: Old_Card_Album Name: Old Card Album Type: Usable Buy: 10000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getrandgroupitem(IG_CardAlbum,1); - Id: 617 AegisName: Old_Violet_Box Name: Old Purple Box Type: Usable Buy: 10000 Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getrandgroupitem(IG_VioletBox,1); - Id: 618 AegisName: Worn_Out_Scroll Name: Worn Out Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 50 Weight: 20 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true - Id: 619 AegisName: Unripe_Apple Name: Unripe Apple Type: Usable Buy: 1000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1002; - Id: 620 AegisName: Orange_Juice Name: Orange Juice Type: Usable Buy: 1500 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1113; - Id: 621 AegisName: Bitter_Herb Name: Bitter Herb Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1031; - Id: 622 AegisName: Rainbow_Carrot Name: Rainbow Carrot Type: Usable Buy: 2500 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1063; - Id: 623 AegisName: Earthworm_The_Dude Name: Earthworm the Dude Type: Usable Buy: 4000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1049; - Id: 624 AegisName: Rotten_Fish Name: Rotten Fish Type: Usable Buy: 2500 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1011; - Id: 625 AegisName: Lusty_Iron Name: Rusty Iron Type: Usable Buy: 100 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1042; - Id: 626 AegisName: Monster_Juice Name: Monster Juice Type: Usable Buy: 1500 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1035; - Id: 627 AegisName: Sweet_Milk Name: Sweet Milk Type: Usable Buy: 7000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1167; - Id: 628 AegisName: Well_Dried_Bone Name: Well-Dried Bone Type: Usable Buy: 10000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1107; - Id: 629 AegisName: Singing_Flower Name: Singing Flower Type: Usable Buy: 300 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1052; - Id: 630 AegisName: Dew_Laden_Moss Name: Dew Laden Moss Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1014; - Id: 631 AegisName: Deadly_Noxious_Herb Name: Deadly Noxious Herb Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1077; - Id: 632 AegisName: Fatty_Chubby_Earthworm Name: Fatty Chubby Earthworm Type: Usable Buy: 5000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1019; - Id: 633 AegisName: Baked_Yam Name: Sweet Potato Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1056; - Id: 634 AegisName: Tropical_Banana Name: Tropical Banana Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1057; - Id: 635 AegisName: Horror_Of_Tribe Name: Orc Trophy Type: Usable Buy: 300 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1023; - Id: 636 AegisName: No_Recipient Name: No Recipient Type: Usable Buy: 100 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1026; - Id: 637 AegisName: Old_Broom Name: Old Broom Type: Usable Buy: 350 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1110; - Id: 638 AegisName: Silver_Knife_Of_Chaste Name: Silver Knife of Chastity Type: Usable Buy: 12000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1170; - Id: 639 AegisName: Armlet_Of_Obedience Name: Armlet of Obedience Type: Usable Buy: 18000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1029; - Id: 640 AegisName: Shining_Stone Name: Shining Stone Type: Usable Buy: 3000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1155; - Id: 641 AegisName: Contracts_In_Shadow Name: Contract in Shadow Type: Usable Buy: 100 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1109; - Id: 642 AegisName: Book_Of_Devil Name: Book of the Devil Type: Usable Buy: 1800 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1101; - Id: 643 AegisName: Pet_Incubator Name: Pet Incubator Type: Usable Buy: 3000 Weight: 30 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | bpet; - Id: 644 AegisName: Gift_Box Name: Gift Box Type: Usable Buy: 1000 Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getrandgroupitem(IG_GiftBox,1); - Id: 645 AegisName: Center_Potion Name: Concentration Potion Type: Usable Buy: 800 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_ASPDPOTION0,1800000,0; - Id: 656 AegisName: Awakening_Potion Name: Awakening Potion Type: Usable Buy: 1500 Weight: 150 Jobs: Alchemist: true Archer: true Assassin: true Blacksmith: true Crusader: true Gunslinger: true Hunter: true Knight: true Mage: true Merchant: true Monk: true Ninja: true Novice: true Rogue: true Sage: true SoulLinker: true StarGladiator: true SuperNovice: true Swordman: true Taekwon: true Thief: true Wizard: true EquipLevelMin: 40 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_ASPDPOTION1,1800000,0; - Id: 657 AegisName: Berserk_Potion Name: Berserk Potion Type: Usable Buy: 3000 Weight: 200 Jobs: Alchemist: true Blacksmith: true Crusader: true Gunslinger: true Knight: true Mage: true Merchant: true Rogue: true SoulLinker: true StarGladiator: true Swordman: true Taekwon: true Wizard: true EquipLevelMin: 85 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_ASPDPOTION2,1800000,0; - Id: 658 AegisName: Union_Of_Tribe Name: Union of Tribe Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 500 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | guildgetexp rand(600000,1200000); - Id: 659 AegisName: Heart_Of_Her Name: Her Heart Type: Usable Buy: 500 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1188; - Id: 660 AegisName: Prohibition_Red_Candle Name: Forbidden Red Candle Type: Usable Buy: 20000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1200; - Id: 661 AegisName: Sway_Apron Name: Soft Apron Type: Usable Buy: 20000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1275; - Id: 662 AegisName: Inspector_Certificate Name: Authoritative Badge Type: Usable Buy: 1450 Weight: 30 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_SPEEDUP0,180000,25; - Id: 663 AegisName: Korea_Rice_Cake Name: Korean Rice Cake Type: Healing Buy: 1 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | percentheal 10,0; - Id: 664 AegisName: Gift_Box_1 Name: Gift Box Type: Usable Buy: 1000 Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getrandgroupitem(IG_GiftBox_1,1); - Id: 665 AegisName: Gift_Box_2 Name: Gift Box Type: Usable Buy: 1000 Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getrandgroupitem(IG_GiftBox_2,1); - Id: 666 AegisName: Gift_Box_3 Name: Gift Box Type: Usable Buy: 1000 Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getrandgroupitem(IG_GiftBox_3,1); - Id: 667 AegisName: Gift_Box_4 Name: Gift Box Type: Usable Buy: 1000 Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getrandgroupitem(IG_GiftBox_4,1); - Id: 668 AegisName: Handsei Name: Red Envelope Type: Usable Weight: 20 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | set Zeny,Zeny+rand(1000,10000); - Id: 669 AegisName: Rice_Cake_Soup Name: Tempting Rice-Cake Soup Type: Healing Buy: 500 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | percentheal -100,-100; - Id: 678 AegisName: Poison_Bottle Name: Poison Bottle Type: Usable Buy: 5000 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | if (Class == Job_Assassin_Cross) { sc_start SC_DPoison,60000,0; sc_start SC_ASPDPOTION3,60000,0; } else percentheal -100,-100; - Id: 679 AegisName: Gold_Pill Name: Pilule Type: Usable Buy: 5000 Weight: 300 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_DPoison,10000,0,1000,0; sc_start SC_Poison,50000,0; - Id: 680 AegisName: Magical_Carnation Name: Magic Carnation Type: Healing Weight: 1000 Script: | percentheal 0,20; - Id: 681 AegisName: Memory_Of_Wedding Name: Sweet Memory of Marriage Type: Usable Buy: 50000 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | if (getpartnerid()) sc_start SC_WEDDING,600000,0; - Id: 682 AegisName: Realgar_Wine Name: Distilled Fighting Spirit Type: Usable Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_ATKPOTION,60000,30; - Id: 683 AegisName: Exorcize_Herb Name: Herb of Incantation Type: Usable Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_MATKPOTION,60000,30; - Id: 684 AegisName: Durian Name: Durian Type: Usable Buy: 15000 Weight: 300 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_ATKPOTION,60000,10; sc_start SC_MATKPOTION,60000,10; - Id: 685 AegisName: RAMADAN Name: Ramadan Type: Healing Buy: 5000 Weight: 300 Script: | percentheal 100,50; - Id: 686 AegisName: Earth_Scroll_1_3 Name: Level 3 Earth Spike Type: Delayconsume Buy: 1000 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | itemskill "WZ_EARTHSPIKE",3; - Id: 687 AegisName: Earth_Scroll_1_5 Name: Level 5 Earth Spike Type: Delayconsume Buy: 2000 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | itemskill "WZ_EARTHSPIKE",5; - Id: 688 AegisName: Cold_Scroll_1_3 Name: Level 3 Cold Bolt Type: Delayconsume Buy: 1000 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | itemskill "MG_COLDBOLT",3; - Id: 689 AegisName: Cold_Scroll_1_5 Name: Level 5 Cold Bolt Type: Delayconsume Buy: 2000 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | itemskill "MG_COLDBOLT",5; - Id: 690 AegisName: Fire_Scroll_1_3 Name: Level 3 Fire Bolt Type: Delayconsume Buy: 1000 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | itemskill "MG_FIREBOLT",3; - Id: 691 AegisName: Fire_Scroll_1_5 Name: Level 5 Fire Bolt Type: Delayconsume Buy: 2000 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | itemskill "MG_FIREBOLT",5; - Id: 692 AegisName: Wind_Scroll_1_3 Name: Level 3 Lightening Bolt Type: Delayconsume Buy: 1000 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | itemskill "MG_LIGHTNINGBOLT",3; - Id: 693 AegisName: Wind_Scroll_1_5 Name: Level 5 Lightening Bolt Type: Delayconsume Buy: 2000 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | itemskill "MG_LIGHTNINGBOLT",5; - Id: 694 AegisName: Ghost_Scroll_1_3 Name: Level 3 Soul Strike Type: Delayconsume Buy: 1000 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | itemskill "MG_SOULSTRIKE",3; - Id: 695 AegisName: Ghost_Scroll_1_5 Name: Level 5 Soul Strike Type: Delayconsume Buy: 2000 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | itemskill "MG_SOULSTRIKE",5; - Id: 696 AegisName: Fire_Scroll_2_1 Name: Level 1 Fire Ball Type: Delayconsume Buy: 1000 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | itemskill "MG_FIREBALL",1; - Id: 697 AegisName: Fire_Scroll_2_5 Name: Level 5 Fire Ball Type: Delayconsume Buy: 2000 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | itemskill "MG_FIREBALL",5; - Id: 698 AegisName: Fire_Scroll_3_1 Name: Level 1 Fire Wall Type: Delayconsume Buy: 1000 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | itemskill "MG_FIREWALL",1; - Id: 699 AegisName: Fire_Scroll_3_5 Name: Level 5 Fire Wall Type: Delayconsume Buy: 2000 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | itemskill "MG_FIREWALL",5; - Id: 700 AegisName: Cold_Scroll_2_1 Name: Level 1 Frost Diver Type: Delayconsume Buy: 1000 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | itemskill "MG_FROSTDIVER",1; - Id: 6046 AegisName: Clothing_Dye_Coupon Name: Clothing Dye Coupon Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 6047 AegisName: Clothing_Dye_Coupon_II Name: Clothing Dye Coupon II Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 11500 AegisName: Light_Yellow_Pot Name: Light Yellow Potion Type: Healing Buy: 550 Weight: 10 Script: | itemheal rand(175,235),0; - Id: 11501 AegisName: Light_White_Pot Name: Light White Potion Type: Healing Buy: 1200 Weight: 10 Script: | itemheal rand(325,405),0; - Id: 11502 AegisName: Light_Blue_Pot Name: Light Blue Potion Type: Healing Buy: 5000 Weight: 10 Script: | itemheal 0,rand(40,60); - Id: 11503 AegisName: Siege_White_Potion Name: WoE White Potion Type: Healing Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemheal rand(400,500),0; - Id: 11504 AegisName: Siege_Blue_Potion Name: WoE Blue Potion Type: Healing Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemheal 0,rand(50,70); - Id: 11505 AegisName: Iris Name: Iris Type: Healing Weight: 30 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemheal 0,150; - Id: 11506 AegisName: Fanta_Orange Name: Fanta Orange Type: Healing Buy: 800 Weight: 100 Script: | itemheal rand(50,70),rand(10,12); - Id: 11507 AegisName: Fanta_Grape Name: Fanta Grape Type: Healing Buy: 800 Weight: 100 Script: | itemheal rand(50,70),rand(10,12); - Id: 11508 AegisName: Karada_Meguri_Tea Name: Karada Meguricha Type: Healing Buy: 800 Weight: 100 Script: | itemheal rand(50,70),rand(10,12); - Id: 11509 AegisName: Royal_Milk_Tea Name: Black Tea Kochakaden Type: Healing Buy: 800 Weight: 100 Script: | itemheal rand(50,70),rand(10,12); - Id: 11510 AegisName: Coke_Zero Name: Coca Cola Zero Type: Healing Buy: 800 Weight: 100 Script: | itemheal rand(50,70),rand(10,12); - Id: 11511 AegisName: Coke_No_Cal Name: Diet Coca Cola Type: Healing Buy: 800 Weight: 100 Script: | itemheal rand(50,70),rand(10,12); - Id: 11512 AegisName: Coca_Cola Name: Coca Cola Type: Healing Buy: 800 Weight: 100 Script: | itemheal rand(50,70),rand(10,12); - Id: 11513 AegisName: Protect_Neck_Candy Name: Protect Neck Candy Type: Healing Buy: 200 Weight: 1 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(5,25),0; - Id: 11514 AegisName: Enriched_Slim_Pot Name: Enriched Slim Pot Type: Healing Weight: 50 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemheal rand(335,415),0; - Id: 11515 AegisName: Coconut Name: Coconut Type: Healing Buy: 1500 Weight: 120 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(300,400),0; - Id: 11516 AegisName: Asai_Fruit Name: Asai Fruit Type: Healing Buy: 15 Weight: 20 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(16,22),0; - Id: 11517 AegisName: Puri_Potion Name: Puri Potion Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(400,600),0; - Id: 11518 AegisName: N_Blue_Potion Name: Blue Potion Type: Healing Weight: 50 Script: | itemheal 0,5; - Id: 11519 AegisName: Beef_Toast Name: Beef Toast Type: Healing Buy: 650 Weight: 40 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(170,250),0; - Id: 11520 AegisName: Mora_Mandarin Name: Mora Mandar Type: Healing Buy: 500 Weight: 20 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal 0,rand(50,80); - Id: 11521 AegisName: Pingui_Berry_Juice Name: Pingui Berry Juice Type: Healing Buy: 500 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(400,800),rand(50,80); - Id: 11522 AegisName: Red_Raffle_Sap Name: Red Raffle Sap Type: Healing Buy: 2000 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Delay: Duration: 1000 Status: Reuse_Limit_E Script: | itemheal rand(400,800),0; - Id: 11523 AegisName: Yellow_Raffle_Sap Name: Yellow Raffle Sap Type: Healing Buy: 2400 Weight: 120 Flags: BuyingStore: true Delay: Duration: 2000 Status: Reuse_Limit_E Script: | itemheal rand(600,1000),0; - Id: 11524 AegisName: White_Raffle_Sap Name: White Raffle Sap Type: Healing Buy: 2800 Weight: 140 Flags: BuyingStore: true Delay: Duration: 3000 Status: Reuse_Limit_E Script: | itemheal rand(800,1200),0; - Id: 11525 AegisName: Mora_Hip_Tea Name: Mora HIp Tea Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 150 Flags: BuyingStore: true Delay: Duration: 5000 Status: Reuse_Limit_H Script: | itemheal rand(1500,2000),0; - Id: 11526 AegisName: Rafflecino Name: Rafflecino Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal 0,rand(120,160); - Id: 11527 AegisName: Baklava Name: Baklava Type: Healing Buy: 3500 Weight: 600 Script: | itemheal 1200,440; - Id: 11528 AegisName: Kanafeh Name: Kanafeh Type: Healing Buy: 1500 Weight: 200 Script: | itemheal 300,240; - Id: 11529 AegisName: MAAMOUL_ Name: Maamoul Type: Healing Buy: 500 Weight: 100 Script: | itemheal 120,60; - Id: 11530 AegisName: Jujube Name: Jujube Type: Healing Buy: 10 Weight: 100 Script: | itemheal 30,0; - Id: 11531 AegisName: Coffee Name: Coffee Type: Healing Buy: 10 Weight: 100 Script: | itemheal 0,10; - Id: 11701 AegisName: Girl_Bunch_Of_Flower Name: Girl's Bouquet Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Script: | itemheal rand(105,145),0; - Id: 11702 AegisName: Moon_Cookie Name: Moon Cookie Type: Healing Weight: 300 NoUse: Sitting: true - Id: 11703 AegisName: Mysterious_Blood Name: Mystery Blood Type: Healing Weight: 30 Script: | itemheal 0,rand(25,35); - Id: 11704 AegisName: KETUPAT_F Name: Ketupat Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Script: | itemheal rand(70,90),0; - Id: 11705 AegisName: Special_White_Potion Name: Children's Potion Type: Healing Buy: 1 Weight: 10 Script: | itemheal rand(425,425),0; - Id: 11706 AegisName: Steak Name: Steak Type: Healing Buy: 1 Weight: 200 Script: | itemheal rand(700,1000),0; - Id: 11707 AegisName: Roasted_Beef Name: Roast Beef Type: Healing Buy: 1 Weight: 200 Script: | itemheal 0,rand(100,200); - Id: 11708 AegisName: Fore_Flank_Sirloin Name: Fore Flank Sirloin Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 100 Script: | itemheal rand(30,50),rand(1,5); - Id: 11709 AegisName: Fanta_Zero_Lemon Name: Fanta Zero Lemon Type: Healing Buy: 800 Weight: 100 Script: | itemheal rand(50,70),rand(10,12); - Id: 11710 AegisName: Sakura_Mist Name: Sakura Mist Type: Healing Buy: 800 Weight: 100 Script: | itemheal rand(50,70),rand(10,12); - Id: 11711 AegisName: Sakura_Milk_Tea Name: Sakura Milk Tea Type: Healing Buy: 800 Weight: 100 Script: | itemheal rand(50,70),rand(10,12); - Id: 11712 AegisName: First_Leaf_Tea Name: Flower Type: Healing Buy: 800 Weight: 100 Script: | itemheal rand(50,70),rand(10,12); - Id: 12000 AegisName: Cold_Scroll_2_5 Name: Level 5 Frost Diver Type: Delayconsume Buy: 2000 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | itemskill "MG_FROSTDIVER",5; - Id: 12001 AegisName: Holy_Scroll_1_3 Name: Level 3 Heal Type: Delayconsume Buy: 2000 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | itemskill "AL_HEAL",3; - Id: 12002 AegisName: Holy_Scroll_1_5 Name: Level 5 Heal Type: Delayconsume Buy: 2000 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | itemskill "AL_HEAL",5; - Id: 12003 AegisName: Holy_Scroll_2_1 Name: Level 1 Teleport Type: Delayconsume Buy: 1000 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemskill "AL_TELEPORT",1; - Id: 12004 AegisName: Arrow_Container Name: Quiver Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 250 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | getitem 1750,500; - Id: 12005 AegisName: Iron_Arrow_Container Name: Iron Arrow Quiver Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 250 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | getitem 1770,500; - Id: 12006 AegisName: Steel_Arrow_Container Name: Steel Arrow Quiver Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 250 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | getitem 1753,500; - Id: 12007 AegisName: Ori_Arrow_Container Name: Oridecon Arrow Quiver Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 250 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | getitem 1765,500; - Id: 12008 AegisName: Fire_Arrow_Container Name: Fire Arrow Quiver Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 250 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | getitem 1752,500; - Id: 12009 AegisName: Silver_Arrow_Container Name: Silver Arrow Quiver Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 250 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | getitem 1751,500; - Id: 12010 AegisName: Wind_Arrow_Container Name: Wind Arrow Quiver Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 250 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | getitem 1755,500; - Id: 12011 AegisName: Stone_Arrow_Container Name: Stone Arrow Quiver Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 250 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | getitem 1756,500; - Id: 12012 AegisName: Crystal_Arrow_Container Name: Crystal Arrow Quiver Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 250 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | getitem 1754,500; - Id: 12013 AegisName: Shadow_Arrow_Container Name: Shadow Arrow Quiver Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 250 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | getitem 1767,500; - Id: 12014 AegisName: Imma_Arrow_Container Name: Immaterial Arrow Quiver Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 250 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | getitem 1757,500; - Id: 12015 AegisName: Rusty_Arrow_Container Name: Rusty Arrow Quiver Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 250 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | getitem 1762,500; - Id: 12016 AegisName: Speed_Up_Potion Name: Speed Potion Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_SPEEDUP1,5000,50; - Id: 12017 AegisName: Slow_Down_Potion Name: Slow Potion Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_SLOWDOWN,5000,100; - Id: 12018 AegisName: Fire_Cracker Name: Firecracker Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 20 Flags: BuyingStore: true - Id: 12019 AegisName: Holy_Egg Name: Holy Egg Type: Delayconsume Buy: 2 Weight: 150 Script: | itemskill "ALL_RESURRECTION",2; - Id: 12020 AegisName: Water_Of_Darkness Name: Cursed Water Type: Delayconsume Buy: 2 Weight: 30 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemskill "ITEM_ENCHANTARMS",8; - Id: 12021 AegisName: Pork_Belly Name: Pork Type: Healing Weight: 10 Script: | itemheal rand(70,99),0; - Id: 12022 AegisName: Spareribs Name: Galbi Type: Healing Weight: 10 Script: | itemheal rand(70,99),0; - Id: 12023 AegisName: Giftbox_China Name: Wrapped Box Type: Usable Buy: 1000 Weight: 200 Flags: Container: true Script: | getrandgroupitem(IG_GiftBoxChina,1); - Id: 12024 AegisName: Red_Pouch_Of_Surprise Name: Red Pouch Type: Usable Buy: 50 Weight: 50 Flags: DeadBranch: true Script: | monster "this",-1,-1,"--ja--",-1-MOBG_RED_POUCH_OF_SURPRISE,1,""; - Id: 12025 AegisName: Egg_Boy Name: Dano Festival Egg Type: Usable Buy: 1000 Weight: 200 Flags: Container: true Script: | getrandgroupitem(IG_EggBoy,1); - Id: 12026 AegisName: Egg_Girl Name: Dano Festival Egg Type: Usable Buy: 1000 Weight: 200 Flags: Container: true Script: | getrandgroupitem(IG_EggGirl,1); - Id: 12027 AegisName: Giggling_Box Name: Giggling Box Type: Usable Buy: 1000 Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | percentheal 9,0; sc_start SC_Curse,30000,0,3000,0; - Id: 12028 AegisName: Box_Of_Thunder Name: Box of Thunder Type: Usable Buy: 1000 Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | sc_start SC_SPEEDUP0,20000,25; - Id: 12029 AegisName: Gloomy_Box Name: Box of Gloom Type: Delayconsume Buy: 1000 Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | itemskill "AC_CONCENTRATION",1; - Id: 12030 AegisName: Box_Of_Grudge Name: Box of Resentment Type: Usable Buy: 1000 Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | sc_start SC_ATKPOTION,60000,20; - Id: 12031 AegisName: Sleepy_Box Name: Box of Drowsiness Type: Usable Buy: 1000 Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | sc_start SC_MATKPOTION,60000,20; - Id: 12032 AegisName: Box_Of_Storm Name: Box of Storms Type: Delayconsume Buy: 1000 Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | itemskill "ITEM_ENCHANTARMS",2; - Id: 12033 AegisName: Box_Of_Sunlight Name: Box of Sunlight Type: Usable Buy: 1000 Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | sc_start SC_Intravision,30000,0; - Id: 12034 AegisName: Painting_Box Name: Box of Panting Type: Usable Buy: 1000 Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | percentheal 0,9; sc_start SC_Silence,30000,0,3000,0; - Id: 12035 AegisName: Lotto_Box01 Name: Lotto Box 01 Type: Usable Weight: 20 Script: | getitem rand(7361,7370),1; - Id: 12036 AegisName: Lotto_Box02 Name: Lotto Box 02 Type: Usable Weight: 20 Script: | getitem rand(7371,7380),1; - Id: 12037 AegisName: Lotto_Box03 Name: Lotto Box 03 Type: Usable Weight: 20 Script: | getitem rand(7381,7390),1; - Id: 12038 AegisName: Lotto_Box04 Name: Lotto Box 04 Type: Usable Weight: 20 Flags: Container: true Script: | getrandgroupitem(IG_LottoBox,1); - Id: 12039 AegisName: Lotto_Box05 Name: Lotto Box 05 Type: Usable Weight: 20 Script: | getitem rand(7542,7546),1; - Id: 12040 AegisName: Stone_Of_Intelligence_ Name: Stone of Sage Type: Usable Buy: 100000 Weight: 300 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | homevolution; - Id: 12041 AegisName: Str_Dish01 Name: Fried Grasshopper Legs Type: Healing Buy: 2000 Weight: 60 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_STRFOOD,1200000,1; percentheal 5,0; - Id: 12042 AegisName: Str_Dish02 Name: Seasoned Sticky Webfoot Type: Healing Buy: 4000 Weight: 500 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_STRFOOD,1200000,2; percentheal 5,0; - Id: 12043 AegisName: Str_Dish03 Name: Bomber Steak Type: Healing Buy: 6000 Weight: 500 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_STRFOOD,1200000,3; percentheal 5,0; - Id: 12044 AegisName: Str_Dish04 Name: Herb Marinade Beef Type: Healing Buy: 8000 Weight: 500 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_STRFOOD,1200000,4; percentheal 5,0; - Id: 12045 AegisName: Str_Dish05 Name: Lutie Lady's Pancake Type: Healing Buy: 10000 Weight: 500 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_STRFOOD,1200000,5; percentheal 10,0; - Id: 12046 AegisName: Int_Dish01 Name: Grape Juice Herbal Tea Type: Healing Buy: 2000 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_INTFOOD,1200000,1; percentheal 0,5; - Id: 12047 AegisName: Int_Dish02 Name: Autumn Red Tea Type: Healing Buy: 4000 Weight: 500 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_INTFOOD,1200000,2; percentheal 0,5; - Id: 12048 AegisName: Int_Dish03 Name: Honey Herbal Tea Type: Healing Buy: 6000 Weight: 500 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_INTFOOD,1200000,3; percentheal 0,5; - Id: 12049 AegisName: Int_Dish04 Name: Morocc Fruit Wine Type: Healing Buy: 8000 Weight: 300 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_INTFOOD,1200000,4; percentheal 0,5; - Id: 12050 AegisName: Int_Dish05 Name: Mastela Fruit Wine Type: Healing Buy: 10000 Weight: 400 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_INTFOOD,1200000,5; percentheal 0,10; - Id: 12051 AegisName: Vit_Dish01 Name: Steamed Crab Nippers Type: Healing Buy: 2000 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_VITFOOD,1200000,1; percentheal 5,0; - Id: 12052 AegisName: Vit_Dish02 Name: Assorted Seafood Type: Healing Buy: 4000 Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_VITFOOD,1200000,2; percentheal 5,0; - Id: 12053 AegisName: Vit_Dish03 Name: Clam Soup Type: Healing Buy: 6000 Weight: 300 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_VITFOOD,1200000,3; percentheal 5,0; - Id: 12054 AegisName: Vit_Dish04 Name: Seasoned Jellyfish Type: Healing Buy: 8000 Weight: 500 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_VITFOOD,1200000,4; percentheal 5,0; - Id: 12055 AegisName: Vit_Dish05 Name: Spicy Fried Bao Type: Healing Buy: 10000 Weight: 800 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_VITFOOD,1200000,5; percentheal 10,0; - Id: 12056 AegisName: Agi_Dish01 Name: Frog Egg Squid Ink Soup Type: Healing Buy: 2000 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_AGIFOOD,1200000,1; percentheal 3,1; - Id: 12057 AegisName: Agi_Dish02 Name: Smooth Noodle Type: Healing Buy: 4000 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_AGIFOOD,1200000,2; percentheal 3,1; - Id: 12058 AegisName: Agi_Dish03 Name: Tentacle Cheese Gratin Type: Healing Buy: 6000 Weight: 500 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_AGIFOOD,1200000,3; percentheal 3,1; - Id: 12059 AegisName: Agi_Dish04 Name: Lutie Cold Noodle Type: Healing Buy: 8000 Weight: 400 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_AGIFOOD,1200000,4; percentheal 3,1; - Id: 12060 AegisName: Agi_Dish05 Name: Steamed Bat Wing in Pumpkin Type: Healing Buy: 10000 Weight: 500 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_AGIFOOD,1200000,5; percentheal 6,2; - Id: 12061 AegisName: Dex_Dish01 Name: Honey Grape Juice Type: Healing Buy: 2000 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_DEXFOOD,1200000,1; percentheal 2,2; - Id: 12062 AegisName: Dex_Dish02 Name: Chocolate Mousse Cake Type: Healing Buy: 4000 Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_DEXFOOD,1200000,2; percentheal 2,2; - Id: 12063 AegisName: Dex_Dish03 Name: Fruit Mix Type: Healing Buy: 6000 Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_DEXFOOD,1200000,3; percentheal 2,2; - Id: 12064 AegisName: Dex_Dish04 Name: Cream Sandwich Type: Healing Buy: 8000 Weight: 500 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_DEXFOOD,1200000,4; percentheal 2,2; - Id: 12065 AegisName: Dex_Dish05 Name: Green Salad Type: Healing Buy: 10000 Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_DEXFOOD,1200000,5; percentheal 5,5; - Id: 12066 AegisName: Luk_Dish01 Name: Fried Monkey Tails Type: Healing Buy: 2000 Weight: 60 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_LUKFOOD,1200000,1; percentheal 3,2; - Id: 12067 AegisName: Luk_Dish02 Name: Mixed Juice Type: Healing Buy: 4000 Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_LUKFOOD,1200000,2; percentheal 3,2; - Id: 12068 AegisName: Luk_Dish03 Name: Fried Sweet Potato Type: Healing Buy: 6000 Weight: 500 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_LUKFOOD,1200000,3; percentheal 4,2; - Id: 12069 AegisName: Luk_Dish04 Name: Steamed Ancient Lips Type: Healing Buy: 8000 Weight: 500 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_LUKFOOD,1200000,4; percentheal 4,2; - Id: 12070 AegisName: Luk_Dish05 Name: Fried Scorpion Tails Type: Healing Buy: 10000 Weight: 400 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_LUKFOOD,1200000,5; percentheal 5,2; - Id: 12071 AegisName: Str_Dish06 Name: Shiny Marinade Beef Type: Healing Buy: 20000 Weight: 800 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_STRFOOD,1200000,6; percentheal 10,2; - Id: 12072 AegisName: Str_Dish07 Name: Whole Roast Type: Healing Buy: 40000 Weight: 1000 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_STRFOOD,1200000,7; percentheal 10,4; - Id: 12073 AegisName: Str_Dish08 Name: Bearfoot Special Type: Healing Buy: 60000 Weight: 500 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_STRFOOD,1200000,8; percentheal 15,6; - Id: 12074 AegisName: Str_Dish09 Name: Tendon Satay Type: Healing Buy: 80000 Weight: 1000 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_STRFOOD,1200000,9; percentheal 15,8; - Id: 12075 AegisName: Str_Dish10 Name: Steamed Tongue Type: Healing Buy: 100000 Weight: 1000 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_STRFOOD,1200000,10; percentheal 20,20; - Id: 12076 AegisName: Int_Dish06 Name: Red Mushroom Wine Type: Healing Buy: 20000 Weight: 300 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_INTFOOD,1200000,6; percentheal 2,10; - Id: 12077 AegisName: Int_Dish07 Name: Special Royal Jelly Herbal Tea Type: Healing Buy: 40000 Weight: 800 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_INTFOOD,1200000,7; percentheal 4,10; - Id: 12078 AegisName: Int_Dish08 Name: Royal Family Tea Type: Healing Buy: 60000 Weight: 1000 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_INTFOOD,1200000,8; percentheal 6,10; - Id: 12079 AegisName: Int_Dish09 Name: Tristan XII Type: Healing Buy: 80000 Weight: 1000 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_INTFOOD,1200000,9; percentheal 8,15; - Id: 12080 AegisName: Int_Dish10 Name: Dragon Breath Cocktail Type: Healing Buy: 100000 Weight: 1000 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_INTFOOD,1200000,10; percentheal 10,20; - Id: 12081 AegisName: Vit_Dish06 Name: Awfully Bitter Bracer Type: Healing Buy: 20000 Weight: 500 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_VITFOOD,1200000,6; percentheal 13,0; - Id: 12082 AegisName: Vit_Dish07 Name: Sumptuous Feast Type: Healing Buy: 40000 Weight: 400 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_VITFOOD,1200000,7; percentheal 16,0; - Id: 12083 AegisName: Vit_Dish08 Name: Giant Burito Type: Healing Buy: 60000 Weight: 1000 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_VITFOOD,1200000,8; percentheal 19,0; - Id: 12084 AegisName: Vit_Dish09 Name: Ascending Dragon Soup Type: Healing Buy: 80000 Weight: 1000 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_VITFOOD,1200000,9; percentheal 22,0; - Id: 12085 AegisName: Vit_Dish10 Name: Immortal Stew Type: Healing Buy: 100000 Weight: 1000 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_VITFOOD,1200000,10; percentheal 25,0; - Id: 12086 AegisName: Agi_Dish06 Name: Chile Shrimp Gratin Type: Healing Buy: 20000 Weight: 800 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_AGIFOOD,1200000,6; percentheal 7,2; - Id: 12087 AegisName: Agi_Dish07 Name: Steamed Alligator with Vegetable Type: Healing Buy: 40000 Weight: 800 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_AGIFOOD,1200000,7; percentheal 8,2; - Id: 12088 AegisName: Agi_Dish08 Name: Incredibly Spicy Curry Type: Healing Buy: 60000 Weight: 1000 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_AGIFOOD,1200000,8; percentheal 9,2; - Id: 12089 AegisName: Agi_Dish09 Name: Special Meat Stew Type: Healing Buy: 80000 Weight: 1000 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_AGIFOOD,1200000,9; percentheal 10,2; - Id: 12090 AegisName: Agi_Dish10 Name: Steamed Desert Scorpions Type: Healing Buy: 100000 Weight: 1000 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_AGIFOOD,1200000,10; percentheal 15,5; - Id: 12091 AegisName: Dex_Dish06 Name: Peach Cake Type: Healing Buy: 20000 Weight: 800 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_DEXFOOD,1200000,6; percentheal 5,6; - Id: 12092 AegisName: Dex_Dish07 Name: Soul Haunted Bread Type: Healing Buy: 40000 Weight: 800 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_DEXFOOD,1200000,7; percentheal 5,7; - Id: 12093 AegisName: Dex_Dish08 Name: Special Toast Type: Healing Buy: 60000 Weight: 1000 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_DEXFOOD,1200000,8; percentheal 5,8; - Id: 12094 AegisName: Dex_Dish09 Name: Heavenly Fruit Juice Type: Healing Buy: 80000 Weight: 500 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_DEXFOOD,1200000,9; percentheal 5,9; - Id: 12095 AegisName: Dex_Dish10 Name: Hwergelmir's Tonic Type: Healing Buy: 100000 Weight: 1000 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_DEXFOOD,1200000,10; percentheal 10,10; - Id: 12096 AegisName: Luk_Dish06 Name: Lucky Soup Type: Healing Buy: 20000 Weight: 300 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_LUKFOOD,1200000,6; percentheal 6,3; - Id: 12097 AegisName: Luk_Dish07 Name: Assorted Shish Kebob Type: Healing Buy: 40000 Weight: 800 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_LUKFOOD,1200000,7; percentheal 7,3; - Id: 12098 AegisName: Luk_Dish08 Name: Strawberry Flavored Rice Ball Type: Healing Buy: 60000 Weight: 400 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_LUKFOOD,1200000,8; percentheal 9,3; - Id: 12099 AegisName: Luk_Dish09 Name: Blood Flavored Soda Type: Healing Buy: 80000 Weight: 1000 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_LUKFOOD,1200000,9; percentheal 10,4; - Id: 12100 AegisName: Luk_Dish10 Name: Cooked Nine Tail's Tails Type: Healing Buy: 100000 Weight: 500 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_LUKFOOD,1200000,10; percentheal 14,8; - Id: 12101 AegisName: Citron Name: Citron Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 300 Flags: BuyingStore: true - Id: 12102 AegisName: Meat_Skewer Name: Grilled Skewer Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 300 Flags: BuyingStore: true - Id: 12103 AegisName: Bloody_Dead_Branch Name: Bloody Branch Type: Usable Buy: 10000 Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true DeadBranch: true Script: | monster "this",-1,-1,"--ja--",-1-MOBG_BLOODY_DEAD_BRANCH,1,""; - Id: 12104 AegisName: Random_Quiver Name: Random Quiver Type: Usable Buy: 10000 Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getrandgroupitem(IG_Quiver,1); - Id: 12105 AegisName: Set_Of_Taiming_Item Name: Taming Gift Set Type: Usable Buy: 10000 Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getrandgroupitem(IG_Taming,1); getrandgroupitem(IG_Taming,1); getrandgroupitem(IG_Taming,1); - Id: 12106 AegisName: Accessory_Box Name: Jewelry Box Type: Usable Buy: 10000 Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getrandgroupitem(IG_Accesory,1); - Id: 12107 AegisName: Wrapped_Mask Name: Wrapped Mask Type: Usable Buy: 10000 Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getrandgroupitem(IG_Mask,1); - Id: 12108 AegisName: Bundle_Of_Magic_Scroll Name: Scroll Package Type: Usable Buy: 10000 Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getrandgroupitem(IG_Scroll,1); getrandgroupitem(IG_Scroll,1); getrandgroupitem(IG_Scroll,1); getrandgroupitem(IG_Scroll,1); getrandgroupitem(IG_Scroll,1); - Id: 12109 AegisName: Poring_Box Name: Poring Box Type: Usable Buy: 10000 Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true DeadBranch: true Script: | monster "this",-1,-1,"--ja--",-1-MOBG_PORING_BOX,1,""; - Id: 12110 AegisName: First_Aid_Kit Name: First Aid Kit Type: Usable Buy: 10000 Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getrandgroupitem(IG_FirstAid,1); getrandgroupitem(IG_FirstAid,1); getrandgroupitem(IG_FirstAid,1); getrandgroupitem(IG_FirstAid,1); getrandgroupitem(IG_FirstAid,1); - Id: 12111 AegisName: Food_Package Name: Bundle of Food Type: Usable Buy: 10000 Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getrandgroupitem(IG_FoodBag,1); getrandgroupitem(IG_FoodBag,1); getrandgroupitem(IG_FoodBag,1); - Id: 12112 AegisName: Tropical_Sograt Name: Tropical Sograt Type: Usable Buy: 1000 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_Curse,10000,1; - Id: 12113 AegisName: Vermilion_The_Beach Name: Vermilion on the Beach Type: Usable Buy: 1000 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_Stun,10000,1; - Id: 12114 AegisName: Elemental_Fire Name: Elemental Converter Type: Delayconsume Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemskill "ITEM_ENCHANTARMS",4; - Id: 12115 AegisName: Elemental_Water Name: Elemental Converter Type: Delayconsume Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemskill "ITEM_ENCHANTARMS",2; - Id: 12116 AegisName: Elemental_Earth Name: Elemental Converter Type: Delayconsume Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemskill "ITEM_ENCHANTARMS",3; - Id: 12117 AegisName: Elemental_Wind Name: Elemental Converter Type: Delayconsume Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemskill "ITEM_ENCHANTARMS",5; - Id: 12118 AegisName: Resist_Fire Name: Fireproof Potion Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start4 SC_ARMOR_ELEMENT_FIRE,1200000,-15,0,20,0; - Id: 12119 AegisName: Resist_Water Name: Coldproof Potion Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start4 SC_ARMOR_ELEMENT_WATER,1200000,20,0,0,-15; - Id: 12120 AegisName: Resist_Earth Name: Earthproof Potion Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start4 SC_ARMOR_ELEMENT_EARTH,1200000,0,20,-15,0; - Id: 12121 AegisName: Resist_Wind Name: Thunderproof Potion Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start4 SC_ARMOR_ELEMENT_WIND,1200000,0,-15,0,20; - Id: 12122 AegisName: Sesame_Pastry Name: Sesame Pastry Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 70 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_HITFOOD,1800000,30; - Id: 12123 AegisName: Honey_Pastry Name: Honey Pastry Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 70 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_FLEEFOOD,1800000,30; - Id: 12124 AegisName: Rainbow_Cake Name: Rainbow Cake Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 70 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_BATKFOOD,60000,10; sc_start SC_MATKFOOD,60000,10; - Id: 12125 AegisName: Outdoor_Cooking_Kits Name: Outdoor Cooking Kit Type: Usable Buy: 500 Weight: 20 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | cooking 11; - Id: 12126 AegisName: Indoor_Cooking_Kits Name: Home Cooking Kit Type: Usable Buy: 1000 Weight: 30 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | cooking 12; - Id: 12127 AegisName: High_end_Cooking_Kits Name: Professional Cooking Kit Type: Usable Buy: 2000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | cooking 13; - Id: 12128 AegisName: Imperial_Cooking_Kits Name: Royal Cooking Kit Type: Usable Buy: 5000 Weight: 70 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | cooking 14; - Id: 12129 AegisName: Fantastic_Cooking_Kits Name: Fantastic Cooking Kit Type: Usable Buy: 10000 Weight: 70 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | cooking 15; - Id: 12130 AegisName: Cookie_Bag Name: Cookie Bag Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 70 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getrandgroupitem(IG_CookieBag,1); getrandgroupitem(IG_CookieBag,1); getrandgroupitem(IG_CookieBag,1); - Id: 12131 AegisName: Lucky_Potion Name: Lucky Potion Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 100 - Id: 12132 AegisName: Red_Bag Name: Santa's Bag Type: Usable Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_Xmas,600000,0; - Id: 12133 AegisName: Ice_Cream_ Name: McDonald's Ice Cone Type: Healing Weight: 80 Script: | if (gettime(DT_DAYOFMONTH) != MDiceCone) { set MDiceCone,gettime(DT_DAYOFMONTH); percentheal 50,50; } - Id: 12134 AegisName: Red_Envelope Name: Red Envelope Type: Usable Buy: 1 Weight: 10 Script: | set Zeny,Zeny+rand(1000,10000); - Id: 12135 AegisName: Green_Ale Name: Green Ale Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 30 Script: | percentheal 50,50; sc_start SC_Confusion,10000,0,1000,0; - Id: 12136 AegisName: Women's_Bundle Name: Women's Bundle Type: Usable Weight: 100 Script: | getitem callfunc("F_Rand",558,529,2668,7518),1; - Id: 12137 AegisName: 1st_Stage_Prize Name: First Stage Prize Type: Usable - Id: 12138 AegisName: 2nd_Stage_Prize Name: Second Stage Prize Type: Usable - Id: 12139 AegisName: 3rd_Stage_Prize Name: Third Stage Prize Type: Usable - Id: 12140 AegisName: 4th_Stage_Prize Name: Fourth Stage Prize Type: Usable - Id: 12141 AegisName: 5th_Stage_Prize Name: Fifth Stage Prize Type: Usable - Id: 12142 AegisName: Magic_Book Name: Book of Magic Type: Usable Weight: 100 Trade: NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_AGIFOOD,1800000,10; - Id: 12143 AegisName: Red_Can Name: Red Can Type: Usable Buy: 50000 Weight: 300 - Id: 12144 AegisName: Sphere_Case_Wind Name: Lightning Sphere Pack Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 350 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | getitem 13204,500; - Id: 12145 AegisName: Sphere_Case_Darkness Name: Blind Sphere Pack Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 350 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | getitem 13206,500; - Id: 12146 AegisName: Sphere_Case_Poison Name: Poison Sphere Pack Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 350 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | getitem 13205,500; - Id: 12147 AegisName: Sphere_Case_Water Name: Freezing Sphere Pack Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 350 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | getitem 13207,500; - Id: 12148 AegisName: Sphere_Case_Fire Name: Flare Sphere Pack Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 350 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | getitem 13203,500; - Id: 12149 AegisName: Bullet_Case Name: Cartridge Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 250 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | getitem 13200,500; - Id: 12150 AegisName: Bullet_Case_Blood Name: Blood Cartridge Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 250 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | getitem 13202,500; - Id: 12151 AegisName: Bullet_Case_Silver Name: Silver Cartridge Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 250 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | getitem 13201,500; - Id: 12152 AegisName: Special_Box Name: Special Present Type: Usable Weight: 100 - Id: 12153 AegisName: Bow_Mercenary_Scroll1 Name: Bowman Scroll 1 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | mercenary_create 6017,1800000; - Id: 12154 AegisName: Bow_Mercenary_Scroll2 Name: Bowman Scroll 2 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | mercenary_create 6018,1800000; - Id: 12155 AegisName: Bow_Mercenary_Scroll3 Name: Bowman Scroll 3 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | mercenary_create 6019,1800000; - Id: 12156 AegisName: Bow_Mercenary_Scroll4 Name: Bowman Scroll 4 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | mercenary_create 6020,1800000; - Id: 12157 AegisName: Bow_Mercenary_Scroll5 Name: Bowman Scroll 5 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | mercenary_create 6021,1800000; - Id: 12158 AegisName: Bow_Mercenary_Scroll6 Name: Bowman Scroll 6 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | mercenary_create 6022,1800000; - Id: 12159 AegisName: Bow_Mercenary_Scroll7 Name: Bowman Scroll 7 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | mercenary_create 6023,1800000; - Id: 12160 AegisName: Bow_Mercenary_Scroll8 Name: Bowman Scroll 8 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | mercenary_create 6024,1800000; - Id: 12161 AegisName: Bow_Mercenary_Scroll9 Name: Bowman Scroll 9 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | mercenary_create 6025,1800000; - Id: 12162 AegisName: Bow_Mercenary_Scroll10 Name: Bowman Scroll 10 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | mercenary_create 6026,1800000; - Id: 12163 AegisName: SwordMercenary_Scroll1 Name: Fencer Scroll 1 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | mercenary_create 6037,1800000; - Id: 12164 AegisName: SwordMercenary_Scroll2 Name: Fencer Scroll 2 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | mercenary_create 6038,1800000; - Id: 12165 AegisName: SwordMercenary_Scroll3 Name: Fencer Scroll 3 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | mercenary_create 6039,1800000; - Id: 12166 AegisName: SwordMercenary_Scroll4 Name: Fencer Scroll 4 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | mercenary_create 6040,1800000; - Id: 12167 AegisName: SwordMercenary_Scroll5 Name: Fencer Scroll 5 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | mercenary_create 6041,1800000; - Id: 12168 AegisName: SwordMercenary_Scroll6 Name: Fencer Scroll 6 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | mercenary_create 6042,1800000; - Id: 12169 AegisName: SwordMercenary_Scroll7 Name: Fencer Scroll 7 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | mercenary_create 6043,1800000; - Id: 12170 AegisName: SwordMercenary_Scroll8 Name: Fencer Scroll 8 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | mercenary_create 6044,1800000; - Id: 12171 AegisName: SwordMercenary_Scroll9 Name: Fencer Scroll 9 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | mercenary_create 6045,1800000; - Id: 12172 AegisName: SwordMercenary_Scroll10 Name: Fencer Scroll 10 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | mercenary_create 6046,1800000; - Id: 12173 AegisName: SpearMercenary_Scroll1 Name: Spearman Scroll 1 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | mercenary_create 6027,1800000; - Id: 12174 AegisName: SpearMercenary_Scroll2 Name: Spearman Scroll 2 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | mercenary_create 6028,1800000; - Id: 12175 AegisName: SpearMercenary_Scroll3 Name: Spearman Scroll 3 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | mercenary_create 6029,1800000; - Id: 12176 AegisName: SpearMercenary_Scroll4 Name: Spearman Scroll 4 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | mercenary_create 6030,1800000; - Id: 12177 AegisName: SpearMercenary_Scroll5 Name: Spearman Scroll 5 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | mercenary_create 6031,1800000; - Id: 12178 AegisName: SpearMercenary_Scroll6 Name: Spearman Scroll 6 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | mercenary_create 6032,1800000; - Id: 12179 AegisName: SpearMercenary_Scroll7 Name: Spearman Scroll 7 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | mercenary_create 6033,1800000; - Id: 12180 AegisName: SpearMercenary_Scroll8 Name: Spearman Scroll 8 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | mercenary_create 6034,1800000; - Id: 12181 AegisName: SpearMercenary_Scroll9 Name: Spearman Scroll 9 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | mercenary_create 6035,1800000; - Id: 12182 AegisName: SpearMercenary_Scroll10 Name: Spearman Scroll 10 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | mercenary_create 6036,1800000; - Id: 12183 AegisName: Holy_Arrow_Quiver Name: Holy Arrow Quiver Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 250 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | getitem 1772,500; - Id: 12184 AegisName: Mercenary_Red_Potion Name: Mercenary Red Potion Type: Usable Buy: 500 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | mercenary_heal 1000,0; - Id: 12185 AegisName: Mercenary_Blue_Potion Name: Mercenary Blue Potion Type: Usable Buy: 1000 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | mercenary_heal 0,100; - Id: 12186 AegisName: Red_Box Name: Old Red Box Type: Usable Buy: 50000 Weight: 200 Flags: Container: true Script: | getrandgroupitem(IG_RedBox,1); - Id: 12187 AegisName: Green_Box Name: Old Green Box Type: Usable Buy: 50000 Weight: 200 Flags: Container: true Script: | getrandgroupitem(IG_GreenBox,1); - Id: 12188 AegisName: Magical_Moon_Cake Name: Grace Moon Cake Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 300 Script: | percentheal 50,50; - Id: 12189 AegisName: Red_Box_ Name: Old Red Box Type: Usable Buy: 50000 Weight: 200 Flags: Container: true Script: | getrandgroupitem(IG_RedBox_2,1); - Id: 12190 AegisName: Moon_Cake Name: Moon Cake Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 300 - Id: 12191 AegisName: Special_Moon_Cake Name: Special Moon Cake Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 500 - Id: 12192 AegisName: Pumpkin_Pie Name: Pumpkin Pie Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | percentheal 5,5; - Id: 12193 AegisName: Brezel Name: Pretzel Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 20 - Id: 12194 AegisName: Hometown_Gift Name: Hometown Gift Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getrandgroupitem(IG_HometownGift,1); getrandgroupitem(IG_HometownGift,1); getrandgroupitem(IG_HometownGift,1); - Id: 12195 AegisName: Plain_Rice_Cake Name: Plain Rice Cake Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | percentheal 0,20; - Id: 12196 AegisName: Hearty_Rice_Cake Name: Hearty Rice Cake Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | percentheal 50,0; - Id: 12197 AegisName: Salty_Rice_Cake Name: Salty Rice Cake Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | percentheal 10,10; - Id: 12198 AegisName: Lucky_Rice_Cake Name: Lucky Rice Cake Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_INCLUK,1200000,21; - Id: 12199 AegisName: Rice_Scroll Name: Scroll of Magic Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 12200 AegisName: Event_Cake Name: X-mas Cake Type: Delayconsume Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Script: | itemskill "PR_MAGNIFICAT",3; - Id: 12201 AegisName: Red_Box_C Name: Commonplace Red Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 200 - Id: 12202 AegisName: Str_Dish10_ Name: Steamed Tongue Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_FOOD_STR_CASH,1800000,10; percentheal 15,5; - Id: 12203 AegisName: Agi_Dish10_ Name: Steamed Scorpion Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_FOOD_AGI_CASH,1800000,10; percentheal 15,5; - Id: 12204 AegisName: Int_Dish10_ Name: Dragon Breath Cocktail Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_FOOD_INT_CASH,1800000,10; percentheal 15,5; - Id: 12205 AegisName: Dex_Dish10_ Name: Hwergelmir's Tonic Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_FOOD_DEX_CASH,1800000,10; percentheal 15,5; - Id: 12206 AegisName: Luk_Dish10_ Name: Cooked Nine Tail's Tails Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_FOOD_LUK_CASH,1800000,10; percentheal 15,5; - Id: 12207 AegisName: Vit_Dish10_ Name: Stew Of Immortality Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_FOOD_VIT_CASH,1800000,10; percentheal 15,5; - Id: 12208 AegisName: Battle_Manual Name: Battle Manual Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Delay: Duration: 60000 Status: Reuse_Limit_C Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_EXPBOOST,1800000,50; - Id: 12209 AegisName: Insurance Name: Life Insurance Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_LIFEINSURANCE,1800000,0; - Id: 12210 AegisName: Bubble_Gum Name: Bubble Gum Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Delay: Duration: 60000 Status: Reuse_Limit_D Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_ITEMBOOST,1800000,100; - Id: 12211 AegisName: Kafra_Card Name: Kafra Card Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | callfunc "F_CashStore"; - Id: 12212 AegisName: Giant_Fly_Wing Name: Giant Fly Wing Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | callfunc "F_CashPartyCall"; - Id: 12213 AegisName: Neuralizer Name: Neuralizer Type: Delayconsume Buy: 2 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | callfunc "F_CashReset"; - Id: 12214 AegisName: Convex_Mirror Name: Convex Mirror Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_BOSSMAPINFO,600000,0; - Id: 12215 AegisName: Blessing_10_Scroll Name: LV10 Blessing Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | skilleffect "AL_BLESSING",0; sc_start SC_BLESSING,240000,10; - Id: 12216 AegisName: Inc_Agi_10_Scroll Name: LV10 Agil Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | if (Hp>15) { skilleffect "AL_INCAGI",0; sc_start SC_INCREASEAGI,240000,10; heal -15,0; } - Id: 12217 AegisName: Aspersio_5_Scroll Name: LV5 Aspersio Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | if (countitem(523)>0) { skilleffect "PR_ASPERSIO",0; sc_start SC_ASPERSIO,180000,5; delitem 523,1; } - Id: 12218 AegisName: Assumptio_5_Scroll Name: LV5 Assumptio Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_ASSUMPTIO,100000,5; skilleffect "HP_ASSUMPTIO",0; - Id: 12219 AegisName: Wind_Walk_10_Scroll Name: LV10 Wind Walker Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | skilleffect "SN_WINDWALK",0; sc_start SC_WINDWALK,250000,5; - Id: 12220 AegisName: Adrenaline_Scroll Name: LV5 Adrenaline Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | set .@type,getiteminfo(getequipid(EQI_HAND_R), ITEMINFO_VIEW); if (.@type == W_1HAXE || .@type == W_2HAXE || .@type == W_MACE) { skilleffect "BS_ADRENALINE",0; sc_start SC_ADRENALINE,150000,5; } - Id: 12221 AegisName: Megaphone_ Name: Megaphone Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | input @megaphone$; announce strcharinfo(0) + ": " + @megaphone$,bc_all,0xFF0000; - Id: 12225 AegisName: Sweet_Candy_Striper Name: Sweet Candy Cane Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 50 NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1245; - Id: 12226 AegisName: Examination1 Name: Examination 1 Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Script: | sc_start SC_SPEEDUP0,5400000,25; percentheal 100,100; sc_start SC_STRFOOD,5400000,10; sc_start SC_DEXFOOD,5400000,5; sc_start SC_ATKPOTION,5400000,22; sc_start SC_MATKFOOD,5400000,15; - Id: 12227 AegisName: Examination2 Name: Examination 2 Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Script: | sc_start SC_SPEEDUP0,5400000,25; percentheal 100,100; sc_start SC_INTFOOD,5400000,8; sc_start SC_VITFOOD,5400000,7; sc_start SC_LUKFOOD,5400000,7; sc_start SC_ATKPOTION,5400000,10; - Id: 12228 AegisName: Examination3 Name: Examination 3 Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Script: | sc_start SC_SPEEDUP0,5400000,25; percentheal 100,100; sc_start SC_AGIFOOD,5400000,15; sc_start SC_ATKPOTION,5400000,52; sc_start SC_MATKFOOD,5400000,10; - Id: 12229 AegisName: Examination4 Name: Examination 4 Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Script: | sc_start SC_SPEEDUP0,5400000,25; percentheal 100,100; sc_start SC_STRFOOD,5400000,3; sc_start SC_AGIFOOD,5400000,5; sc_start SC_VITFOOD,5400000,10; sc_start SC_MATKFOOD,5400000,52; - Id: 12230 AegisName: Examination5 Name: Examination 5 Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Script: | sc_start SC_SPEEDUP0,5400000,25; percentheal 100,100; sc_start SC_INTFOOD,5400000,3; sc_start SC_DEXFOOD,5400000,12; sc_start SC_ATKPOTION,5400000,20; sc_start SC_MATKFOOD,5400000,20; - Id: 12231 AegisName: Examination6 Name: Examination 6 Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Script: | percentheal 100,100; sc_start SC_SPEEDUP0,5400000,25; sc_start SC_STRFOOD,5400000,6; sc_start SC_DEXFOOD,5400000,6; sc_start SC_AGIFOOD,5400000,6; sc_start SC_INTFOOD,5400000,6; sc_start SC_VITFOOD,5400000,6; sc_start SC_LUKFOOD,5400000,6; sc_start SC_ATKPOTION,5400000,24; sc_start SC_MATKFOOD,5400000,24; - Id: 12232 AegisName: Gingerbread Name: Ginger Bread Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 150 Script: | sc_start SC_ASPDPOTION1,900000,0; sc_start SC_SPEEDUP0,900000,25; - Id: 12233 AegisName: Kvass Name: Kvass Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 200 Script: | percentheal 100,100; - Id: 12234 AegisName: Cacao99 Name: Fierce Cacao 99% Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 100 Script: | percentheal 25,0; - Id: 12235 AegisName: Strawberry_Choco Name: Chocolate Strawberry Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 100 NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | percentheal 0,5; skilleffect "AL_BLESSING",0; sc_start SC_BLESSING,240000,10; - Id: 12236 AegisName: Choco_Tart Name: Chocolate Tart Type: Delayconsume Buy: 20 Weight: 100 NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | percentheal 5,0; itemskill "AL_ANGELUS",5; - Id: 12237 AegisName: Choco_Lump Name: Junky Chocolate Type: Usable Weight: 100 NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | percentheal 0,5; sc_start SC_Poison,18000,0; sc_start SC_Bleeding,18000,0; - Id: 12238 AegisName: New_Year_Rice_Cake_1 Name: New Year Rice Cake Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 100 Script: | sc_start SC_DPoison,10000,0,1000,0; sc_start SC_Poison,50000,0; - Id: 12239 AegisName: New_Year_Rice_Cake_2 Name: New Year Rice Cake Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 100 Script: | sc_start SC_DPoison,10000,0,1000,0; sc_start SC_Poison,50000,0; - Id: 12240 AegisName: Old_Yellow_Box Name: Old Yellow Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 200 Flags: Container: true Script: | getrandgroupitem(IG_YellowBox,1); - Id: 12241 AegisName: M_Center_Potion Name: Mercenary Concentration Potion Type: Usable Buy: 800 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | mercenary_sc_start SC_ASPDPOTION0,1800000,0; - Id: 12242 AegisName: M_Awakening_Potion Name: Mercenary Awakening Potion Type: Usable Buy: 1500 Weight: 150 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | mercenary_sc_start SC_ASPDPOTION1,1800000,0; - Id: 12243 AegisName: M_Berserk_Potion Name: Mercenary Berserk Potion Type: Usable Buy: 3000 Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | mercenary_sc_start SC_ASPDPOTION2,1800000,0; - Id: 12244 AegisName: Old_Gift_Box Name: Old Gift Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 200 Flags: Container: true Script: | getrandgroupitem(IG_OldGiftBox,1); - Id: 12245 AegisName: Green_Ale_US Name: Green Ale Type: Healing Buy: 5000 Weight: 500 Script: | percentheal 100,0; - Id: 12246 AegisName: Magic_Card_Album Name: Mystical Card Album Type: Usable Buy: 10000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getrandgroupitem(IG_MagicCardAlbum,1); - Id: 12247 AegisName: Halohalo Name: Halo-Halo Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 100 EquipLevelMin: 20 Script: | sc_start SC_INCALLSTATUS,600000,3; - Id: 12248 AegisName: Masquerade_Ball_Box Name: Fancy Ball Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getrandgroupitem(IG_Masquerade,1); - Id: 12249 AegisName: Payroll_Of_Kafra_ Name: Payment Statement for Kafra Employee Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 12250 AegisName: Str_Dish10_M Name: Steamed Tongue Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_STRFOOD,3600000,10; percentheal 20,20; - Id: 12251 AegisName: Agi_Dish10_M Name: Steamed Desert Scorpions Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_AGIFOOD,3600000,10; percentheal 15,5; - Id: 12252 AegisName: Int_Dish10_M Name: Dragon Breath Cocktail Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_INTFOOD,3600000,10; percentheal 10,20; - Id: 12253 AegisName: Dex_Dish10_M Name: Hwergelmir's Tonic Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_DEXFOOD,3600000,10; percentheal 10,10; - Id: 12254 AegisName: Luk_Dish10_M Name: Cooked Nine Tail Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_LUKFOOD,3600000,10; percentheal 14,8; - Id: 12255 AegisName: Vit_Dish10_M Name: Immortal Stew Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_VITFOOD,3600000,10; percentheal 25,0; - Id: 12256 AegisName: PRO_Gift_Box Name: PRO Gift Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 12257 AegisName: Cold_Medicine Name: Cold Medicine Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 100 EquipLevelMin: 50 Script: | percentheal 25,25; - Id: 12258 AegisName: Bombring_Box Name: Bomb Poring Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | if (strcharinfo(3) == "job3_rang02") { monster "this",-1,-1,"--ja--",1904,1,""; } - Id: 12259 AegisName: Miracle_Medicine Name: Miracle Tonic Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getexp2(3000000,1500000); - Id: 12260 AegisName: Cool_Summer_Outfit Name: Cool Summer Outfit Type: Usable Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_Summer,600000,0; - Id: 12261 AegisName: Secret_Medicine Name: Leap of Fantasy Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getexp2(2000000,1000000); - Id: 12262 AegisName: Inspector_Certificate_ Name: Authoritative Badge Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_SPEEDUP0,540000,25; - Id: 12263 AegisName: Comp_Battle_Manual Name: Field Manual Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_EXPBOOST,1800000,50; - Id: 12264 AegisName: Comp_Bubble_Gum Name: Bubble Gum Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_ITEMBOOST,1800000,100; - Id: 12265 AegisName: Comp_Insurance Name: Life Insurrance Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_LIFEINSURANCE,1800000,0; - Id: 12266 AegisName: Sesame_Pastry_ Name: Sesame Pastry Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 70 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_HITFOOD,180000,30; - Id: 12267 AegisName: Honey_Pastry_ Name: Honey Pastry Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 70 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_FLEEFOOD,180000,30; - Id: 12268 AegisName: Rainbow_Cake_ Name: Rainbow Cake Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 70 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_ATKPOTION,60000,10; sc_start SC_MATKFOOD,60000,10; - Id: 12269 AegisName: Tasty_Colonel Name: Tasty Pink Ration Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 70 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_ATKPOTION,600000,15; - Id: 12270 AegisName: Tasty_Major Name: Tasty White Ration Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 70 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_MATKPOTION,600000,15; - Id: 12271 AegisName: Mre_A Name: Military Ration A Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 70 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | percentheal 5,0; - Id: 12272 AegisName: Mre_B Name: Military Ration B Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 70 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_HITFOOD,600000,33; - Id: 12273 AegisName: Mre_C Name: Military Ration C Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 70 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_FLEEFOOD,600000,33; - Id: 12274 AegisName: Gold_Pill_1 Name: Daehwandan Type: Healing Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start2 SC_INCREASE_MAXHP,3600000,5,10; percentheal 10,0; - Id: 12275 AegisName: Gold_Pill_2 Name: Taecheongdan Type: Healing Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start2 SC_INCREASE_MAXSP,3600000,5,10; percentheal 0,10; - Id: 12276 AegisName: Mimic_Scroll Name: Mimic Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | mercenary_create 2058,1800000; - Id: 12277 AegisName: Disguise_Scroll Name: Disguise Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | mercenary_create 2059,1800000; - Id: 12278 AegisName: Alice_Scroll Name: Alice Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | mercenary_create 2060,1800000; - Id: 12279 AegisName: Undead_Element_Scroll Name: Undead Elemental Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start4 SC_ARMOR_RESIST,300000,20,20,20,20; - Id: 12280 AegisName: Holy_Element_Scroll Name: Holy Elemental Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | specialeffect2 EF_BENEDICTIO; sc_start SC_BENEDICTIO,300000,1; - Id: 12281 AegisName: Tresure_Box_WoE Name: Event Treasure Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 150 Flags: Container: true Script: | getrandgroupitem(IG_Tresure_Box_WoE,1); - Id: 12282 AegisName: Internet_Cafe1 Name: Internet Cafe1 Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_INCALLSTATUS,5400000,3; sc_start SC_ATKPOTION,5400000,15; sc_start SC_MATKPOTION,5400000,15; - Id: 12283 AegisName: Internet_Cafe2 Name: Internet Cafe2 Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_INCSTR,5400000,8; sc_start SC_INCDEX,5400000,4; sc_start SC_INCAGI,5400000,6; sc_start SC_ATKPOTION,5400000,32; sc_start SC_INCFLEE,5400000,5; - Id: 12284 AegisName: Internet_Cafe3 Name: Internet Cafe3 Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_INCINT,5400000,8; sc_start SC_INCVIT,5400000,4; sc_start SC_INCDEX,5400000,6; sc_start SC_MATKPOTION,5400000,40; - Id: 12285 AegisName: Internet_Cafe4 Name: Internet Cafe4 Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_INCDEX,5400000,8; sc_start SC_INCLUK,5400000,4; sc_start SC_INCAGI,5400000,6; sc_start SC_ATKPOTION,5400000,24; sc_start SC_MATKPOTION,5400000,24; - Id: 12286 AegisName: Masquerade_Ball_Box2 Name: Masquerade Ball Box2 Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getrandgroupitem(IG_Masquerade_2,1); - Id: 12287 AegisName: Love_Angel Name: Love Angel Magic Powder Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | setfont 1; UnEquipScript: | setfont 0; - Id: 12288 AegisName: Squirrel Name: Squirrel Magic Powder Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | setfont 2; UnEquipScript: | setfont 0; - Id: 12289 AegisName: Gogo Name: Gogo Magic Powder Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | setfont 3; UnEquipScript: | setfont 0; - Id: 12290 AegisName: Mysterious_Can Name: Mysterious Can Magic Powder Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | percentheal 5,0; skilleffect "AL_BLESSING",0; sc_start SC_BLESSING,120000,5; - Id: 12291 AegisName: Mysterious_PET_Bottle Name: Mysterious PET Bottle Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | percentheal 5,0; skilleffect "AL_INCAGI",0; sc_start SC_INCREASEAGI,120000,5; - Id: 12292 AegisName: Unripe_Fruit Name: Unripe Fruit Type: Healing Buy: 500 Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | percentheal 20,0; - Id: 12293 AegisName: Dried_Yggdrasilberry Name: Dried Yggdrasilberry Type: Healing Buy: 500 Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | percentheal 0,20; - Id: 12294 AegisName: PC_Bang_Coin_Box1 Name: PC-Room Coin Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 2740,1; - Id: 12295 AegisName: PC_Bang_Coin_Box2 Name: PC-Room Coin Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 2739,1; - Id: 12296 AegisName: PC_Bang_Coin_Box3 Name: PC-Room Coin Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 2738,1; - Id: 12297 AegisName: PC_Bang_Coin_Box4 Name: PC-Room Coin Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 2738,2; - Id: 12298 AegisName: SP_Potion Name: SP Consumption Reduction Potion Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_SPCOST_RATE,3600000,15; - Id: 12299 AegisName: Mega_Resist_Potion Name: Mega Resist Potion Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_COMMONSC_RESIST,3600000,10; - Id: 12300 AegisName: Wild_Rose_Scroll Name: Wild Rose Contract Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | mercenary_create 1965,1800000; - Id: 12301 AegisName: Doppelganger_Scroll Name: Doppelganger Contract Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | mercenary_create 1966,1800000; - Id: 12302 AegisName: Ygnizem_Scroll Name: Egnigem Cenia Contract Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | mercenary_create 1967,1800000; - Id: 12303 AegisName: Water_Of_Blessing Name: Blessing Of Water Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 12304 AegisName: Picture_Diary Name: Diary Magic Powder Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | setfont 4; UnEquipScript: | setfont 0; - Id: 12305 AegisName: Mini_Heart Name: Mini Heart Magic Powder Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | setfont 5; UnEquipScript: | setfont 0; - Id: 12306 AegisName: Newcomer Name: Freshman Magic Powder Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | setfont 6; UnEquipScript: | setfont 0; - Id: 12307 AegisName: Kid Name: Kid Magic Powder Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | setfont 7; UnEquipScript: | setfont 0; - Id: 12308 AegisName: Magic_Castle Name: Magic Magic Powder Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | setfont 8; UnEquipScript: | setfont 0; - Id: 12309 AegisName: Bulging_Head Name: JJangu Magic Powder Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | setfont 9; UnEquipScript: | setfont 0; - Id: 12310 AegisName: Spray_Of_Flowers Name: Spray Of Flowers Type: Usable Weight: 50 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_FLEEFOOD,300000,10; - Id: 12311 AegisName: Large_Spray_Of_Flowers Name: Huge Spray Of Flowers Type: Delayconsume Weight: 100 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemskill "ALL_PARTYFLEE",1; - Id: 12312 AegisName: Thick_Manual50 Name: Thick Battle Manual Type: Usable Script: | sc_start SC_EXPBOOST,3600000,50; - Id: 12313 AegisName: Protection_Of_Angel Name: Guardian Angel Type: Usable NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | /* itemskill "ALL_ANGEL_PROTECT",1; */ - Id: 12314 AegisName: Noive_Box Name: Noive Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 12315 AegisName: Goddess_Bless Name: Goddess Of Blessing Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 12316 AegisName: Angel_Bless Name: Angel Of Blessing Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 12317 AegisName: Powder_Snow Name: Snow Powder Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 12318 AegisName: Little_Heart Name: Small Hearts Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 12319 AegisName: Strawberry_Cake Name: Rune Strawberry Cake Type: Usable Weight: 300 Script: | sc_start SC_ATKPOTION,600000,5; sc_start SC_MATKPOTION,600000,5; - Id: 12320 AegisName: Pineapple_Juice Name: Schwarzwald Pine Jubilee Type: Usable Weight: 300 Script: | sc_start SC_HITFOOD,600000,10; sc_start SC_FLEEFOOD,600000,20; - Id: 12321 AegisName: Spicy_Sandwich Name: Arunafeltz Desert Sandwich Type: Usable Weight: 300 Script: | sc_start SC_INCCRI,600000,7; - Id: 12322 AegisName: Chocolate_Pie Name: Chocolate Pie Type: Healing Weight: 50 Script: | percentheal 5,5; - Id: 12323 AegisName: N_Fly_Wing Name: Novice Fly Wing Type: Delayconsume NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemskill "AL_TELEPORT",1; - Id: 12324 AegisName: N_Butterfly_Wing Name: Novice Butterfly Wing Type: Delayconsume NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemskill "AL_TELEPORT",3; - Id: 12325 AegisName: N_Magnifier Name: Novice Magnifier Type: Delayconsume NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemskill "MC_IDENTIFY",1; - Id: 12326 AegisName: J_Firecracker Name: Large Firecracker Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 20 - Id: 12327 AegisName: Charm_Of_Luck Name: Charm Of Luck Type: Usable Buy: 1000 Weight: 50 - Id: 12328 AegisName: Charm_Of_Happiness Name: Charm Of Happiness Type: Usable Buy: 1800 Weight: 100 Script: | sc_start SC_INCLUK,3600000,20; - Id: 12329 AegisName: Recall_MaleGM Name: Summon Male GameMaster Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | mercenary_create 2000,1800000; - Id: 12330 AegisName: Recall_FemaleGM Name: Summon Female GameMaster Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | mercenary_create 2001,1800000; - Id: 12331 AegisName: Ginseng Name: Ginseng Type: Healing Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | percentheal 6,0; - Id: 12332 AegisName: Fruit_Juice Name: Fruit Juice Type: Healing Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | percentheal 0,6; - Id: 12333 AegisName: Ansila Name: Ancilla Type: Usable Weight: 10 Stack: Amount: 3 Inventory: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | percentheal 0,15; - Id: 12334 AegisName: Cherish_Box Name: Treasure Edition Helm Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getrandgroupitem(IG_Cherish_Box,1); - Id: 12335 AegisName: Yummy_Skewered_Dish Name: Grilled Delicious Skewer Type: Healing Buy: 1000 Weight: 350 Script: | percentheal 60,60; - Id: 12336 AegisName: Baked_Mushroom Name: Grilled Mushroom Type: Healing Buy: 500 Weight: 300 Script: | percentheal 30,30; - Id: 12337 AegisName: Grilled_Sausage Name: Grilled Sausages Type: Healing Buy: 300 Weight: 200 Script: | percentheal 20,20; - Id: 12338 AegisName: Grilled_Corn Name: Grilled Corn Type: Usable Buy: 100 Weight: 100 Script: | sc_start SC_INCSTR,180000,2; sc_start SC_INCINT,180000,2; sc_start SC_INCAGI,180000,2; - Id: 12339 AegisName: Cherish_Box_Ori Name: Treasure Edition Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getrandgroupitem(IG_Cherish_Box_Ori,1); - Id: 12340 AegisName: Mysterious_Rice_Powder Name: Chewy Rice Powder Type: Usable Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | pet 1815; - Id: 12341 AegisName: Special_Alloy_Trap_Box Name: Special Alloy Trap Box Type: Usable Buy: 30000 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | getitem 7940,100; - Id: 12342 AegisName: Manuk's_Opportunity Name: Manuk's Opportunity Type: Usable Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_POTION_BERSERK; sc_start SC_MANU_ATK,600000,10; - Id: 12343 AegisName: Manuk's_Courage Name: Manuk's Courage Type: Usable Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_GUARD; sc_start SC_MANU_DEF,600000,10; - Id: 12344 AegisName: Pinguicula's_fruit_Jam Name: Pinguicula's Fruit Jam Type: Usable Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_POTION_BERSERK; sc_start SC_SPL_ATK,600000,10; - Id: 12345 AegisName: Luciola's_Honey_Jam Name: Luciola's Honey Jam Type: Usable Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_GUARD; sc_start SC_SPL_DEF,600000,10; - Id: 12346 AegisName: Unripe_Acorn Name: Unripe Acorn Type: Usable Flags: BuyingStore: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | heal -100,0; - Id: 12347 AegisName: Acorn_Jelly Name: Acorn Jelly Type: Delayconsume Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | itemskill "ALL_REVERSEORCISH",1; - Id: 12348 AegisName: Manuk's_Faith Name: Manuk's Faith Type: Usable Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_POTION_BERSERK; sc_start SC_MANU_MATK,600000,10; - Id: 12349 AegisName: Cornus'_Tears Name: Cornus' Tears Type: Usable Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_POTION_BERSERK; sc_start SC_SPL_MATK,600000,10; - Id: 12350 AegisName: Angeling_Potion Name: Angeling Potion Type: Delayconsume Buy: 20 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | skilleffect "AL_BLESSING",0; sc_start SC_BLESSING,120000,5; itemskill "AL_ANGELUS",5; - Id: 12351 AegisName: Shout_Megaphone Name: Scream Megaphone Type: Delayconsume Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemskill "MC_LOUD",1; - Id: 12352 AegisName: Dun_Tele_Scroll3 Name: Dungeon Teleport Scroll 3 Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | callfunc "F_CashDungeon",3; - Id: 12353 AegisName: Tiny_Waterbottle Name: Small Bottle Type: Usable Buy: 800 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_WATERWEAPON,90000,1; - Id: 12354 AegisName: Buche_De_Noel Name: Buche De Noel Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_ANGELUS; sc_start SC_INCMHPRATE,600000,3; sc_start SC_INCMSPRATE,600000,3; sc_start SC_INCHITRATE,600000,3; sc_start SC_INCCRI,600000,7; - Id: 12355 AegisName: Xmas_Gift Name: Xmas Gift Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getrandgroupitem(IG_Xmas_Gift,1); - Id: 12356 AegisName: Louise_Costume_Box Name: Louise Costume Box Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getrandgroupitem(IG_Louise_Costume_Box,1); - Id: 12357 AegisName: Shiny_Wing_Gown Name: Shiny Wing Gown Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Script: | pet 1630; - Id: 12358 AegisName: Fan_Of_Wind Name: Fan Of Wind Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1513; - Id: 12359 AegisName: Very_Soft_Plant Name: Very Soft Plant Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1586; - Id: 12360 AegisName: Very_Red_Juice Name: Very Red Juice Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1505; - Id: 12361 AegisName: Delicious_Shaved_Ice Name: Delicious Shaved Ice Type: Usable NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | pet 1143; - Id: 12362 AegisName: Kuloren Name: Kuloren Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1401; - Id: 12363 AegisName: Fit_Pipe Name: Fit Pipe Type: Usable NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | pet 1179; - Id: 12364 AegisName: Staff_Of_Leader Name: Staff Of Leader Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1299; - Id: 12365 AegisName: Charming_Lotus Name: Charming Lotus Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1416; - Id: 12366 AegisName: Gril_Doll Name: Girl's Doll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1404; - Id: 12367 AegisName: Luxury_Whisky_Bottle Name: Luxury Whisky Bottle Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1504; - Id: 12368 AegisName: Splendid_Mirror Name: Splendid Mirror Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1148; - Id: 12369 AegisName: Oilpalm_Coconut Name: Oilpalm Coconut Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1495; - Id: 12370 AegisName: Gril's_Naivety Name: Girl's Naivety Type: Usable NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | pet 1374; - Id: 12371 AegisName: Magical_Lithography Name: Magical Lithography Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1040; - Id: 12372 AegisName: Hell_Contract Name: Hell Contract Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1379; - Id: 12373 AegisName: Boy's_Naivety Name: Boy's Pure Heart Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1370; - Id: 12374 AegisName: Flaming_Ice Name: Ice Fireworks Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1837; - Id: 12375 AegisName: Acaraje Name: Akaraje Type: Usable Weight: 80 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_STEAL; bonus_script "{ bonus bHit,5; bonus bAspdRate,10; }",1200,0,0,EFST_ACARAJE; - Id: 12376 AegisName: Mysterious_Can2 Name: Mysterious Can2 Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | percentheal 3,0; itemskill "PR_GLORIA",2; - Id: 12377 AegisName: Mysterious_PET_Bottle2 Name: Mysterious PET Bottle2 Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | percentheal 0,3; itemskill "PR_MAGNIFICAT",1; - Id: 12378 AegisName: 2009_Rice_Cake_Soup Name: Rice Cake Soup Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 100 Script: | /* percentheal 50,50; */ - Id: 12379 AegisName: Pope's_Cookie Name: Pope Cookie Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true - Id: 12380 AegisName: Desert_Wolf_Babe_Scroll Name: Job Change Flute Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Script: | mercenary_create 2034,1800000; - Id: 12381 AegisName: ValkyrieA_Scroll Name: Ancient Languages Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Script: | if (strcharinfo(3) == "job3_arch02") { mercenary_create 2037,1800000; } - Id: 12382 AegisName: ValkyrieB_Scroll Name: Ancient Languages Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Script: | if (strcharinfo(3) == "job3_arch02") { mercenary_create 2038,1800000; } - Id: 12383 AegisName: Vulcan_Bullet_Magazine Name: Vulcan Bullet Magazine Type: Usable Buy: 11000 Weight: 500 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | getitem 6145,1000; - Id: 12384 AegisName: Rainbow_Ruby_Water Name: Rainbow Ruby Type: Delayconsume Weight: 50 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | /* if (strcharinfo(3) == "job3_war02") { itemskill "WL_FROSTMISTY",5; } */ - Id: 12385 AegisName: Rainbow_Ruby_Fire Name: Rainbow Ruby Type: Delayconsume Weight: 50 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | /* if (strcharinfo(3) == "job3_war02") { itemskill "WL_CRIMSONROCK",5; } */ - Id: 12386 AegisName: Rainbow_Ruby_Wind Name: Rainbow Ruby Type: Delayconsume Weight: 50 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | /* if (strcharinfo(3) == "job3_war02") { itemskill "WL_CHAINLIGHTNING",5; } */ - Id: 12387 AegisName: Rainbow_Ruby_Earth Name: Rainbow Ruby Type: Delayconsume Weight: 50 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | /* if (strcharinfo(3) == "job3_war02") { itemskill "WL_EARTHSTRAIN",5; } */ - Id: 12388 AegisName: Runstone_Crush Name: Rhydo Runestone For Apprentice Type: Delayconsume Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | /* if (strcharinfo(3) == "job3_rune02") { itemskill "RK_CRUSHSTRIKE",1; } */ - Id: 12389 AegisName: Runstone_Storm Name: Pertz Runestone For Apprentice Type: Delayconsume Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | /* if (strcharinfo(3) == "job3_rune02") { itemskill "RK_STORMBLAST",1; } */ - Id: 12390 AegisName: Runstone_Millennium Name: Verkana Runestone For Apprentice Type: Delayconsume Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | /* if (strcharinfo(3) == "job3_rune02") { itemskill "RK_MILLENNIUMSHIELD",1; } */ - Id: 12391 AegisName: Lucky_Egg_C Name: Lucky Egg Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 12392 AegisName: RepairA Name: Repair A Type: Usable Buy: 220 Weight: 100 Jobs: Blacksmith: true Classes: Third: true Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | if (checkmadogear() ) { itemheal rand(200,300),0; } - Id: 12393 AegisName: RepairB Name: Repair B Type: Usable Buy: 500 Weight: 140 Jobs: Blacksmith: true Classes: Third: true Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | if (checkmadogear() ) { itemheal rand(300,400),0; } - Id: 12394 AegisName: RepairC Name: Repair C Type: Usable Buy: 1100 Weight: 180 Jobs: Blacksmith: true Classes: Third: true Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | if (checkmadogear() ) { itemheal rand(400,500),0; } - Id: 12395 AegisName: Tantanmen Name: Tantan Noodle Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | pet 1519; - Id: 12396 AegisName: Fools_Day_Box Name: Gift Box? Type: Delayconsume Buy: 20 Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | .@rnd = rand(1,10); if (.@rnd == 1) itemskill "AL_TELEPORT",1; else if (.@rnd == 2) itemskill "AL_TELEPORT",3; else if (.@rnd == 3) percentheal 50,0; else if (.@rnd == 4) percentheal 0,50; else if (.@rnd == 5) end; else if (.@rnd == 6) getitem 512,1; else if (.@rnd == 7) itemskill "ALL_REVERSEORCISH",1; else if (.@rnd == 8) specialeffect2 EF_MAPPILLAR2; else if (.@rnd == 9) specialeffect2 EF_ANGEL2; else specialeffect2 EF_COIN; - Id: 12397 AegisName: Fools_Day_Box2 Name: Gift Box? Type: Delayconsume Buy: 20 Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | .@rnd = rand(1,10); if (.@rnd == 1) itemskill "TF_DETOXIFY",1; else if (.@rnd == 2) itemskill "TF_PICKSTONE",1; else if (.@rnd == 3) itemskill "BA_FROSTJOKER",1; else if (.@rnd == 4) itemskill "DC_SCREAM",1; else if (.@rnd == 5) end; else if (.@rnd == 6) getitem 909,1; else if (.@rnd == 7) itemskill "AL_RUWACH",1; else if (.@rnd == 8) specialeffect2 EF_BEGINASURA; else if (.@rnd == 9) specialeffect2 EF_MVP; else specialeffect2 EF_CURSEATTACK; - Id: 12398 AegisName: PCBang_Gift_Box Name: PCBang Gift Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 12399 AegisName: Castle_Treasure_Box Name: Castle Treasure Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 1000 Script: | Zeny += 1000000; - Id: 12400 AegisName: Water_Of_Blessing_ Name: Water Of Blessing Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 12401 AegisName: Rune_Kn_Test_Int Name: Rune Kn Test Int Type: Usable Script: | sc_start SC_INCINT,300000,40; - Id: 12402 AegisName: 29Fruit Name: 29Fruit Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | percentheal 5,5; - Id: 12403 AegisName: Lucky_Egg_C2 Name: Lucky Egg2 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 12404 AegisName: Acti_Potion Name: Acti Potion Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 12405 AegisName: Underripe_Yggseed Name: Underripe Yggseed Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | percentheal 30,30; skilleffect "AL_BLESSING",0; sc_start SC_BLESSING,140000,5; - Id: 12406 AegisName: Psychic_ArmorS Name: Psychic ArmorS Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 12407 AegisName: PCBang_Coupon_Box Name: PCBang Coupon Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 12408 AegisName: Leaf_Cat_Ball Name: Leaf Cat Ball Type: Usable Script: | pet 2081; - Id: 12409 AegisName: Pork_Belly_H Name: 1st Class Pork Belly Type: Usable - Id: 12410 AegisName: Spareribs_H Name: Thick Pork Belly H Type: Usable - Id: 12411 AegisName: HE_Battle_Manual Name: HE Battle Manual Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_EXPBOOST,900000,200; - Id: 12412 AegisName: HE_Bubble_Gum Name: HE Bubble Gum Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_ITEMBOOST,900000,200; - Id: 12413 AegisName: PCBang_Coupon_Box2 Name: PCBang Coupon Box2 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 12414 AegisName: Guarana_Candy Name: Guarana Candy Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_ASPDPOTION0,1800000,0; sc_start SC_INCREASEAGI,140000,5; skilleffect "AL_INCAGI",0; - Id: 12415 AegisName: Siege_Teleport_Scroll2 Name: Siege Teleport Scroll Silver Type: Usable Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true - Id: 12416 AegisName: Lucky_Egg_C3 Name: Lucky Egg C3 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 12417 AegisName: Boost500 Name: Boost500 Type: Usable Buy: 100 Weight: 50 Script: | sc_start SC_BOOST500,500000,10; - Id: 12418 AegisName: Full_SwingK Name: Full SwingK Type: Usable Buy: 100 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_FULL_SWING_K,500000,50; - Id: 12419 AegisName: Mana_Plus Name: Mana Plus Type: Usable Buy: 100 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_MANA_PLUS,500000,50; - Id: 12420 AegisName: Stamina_Up_M Name: Stamina Up M Type: Usable Buy: 100 Weight: 50 Script: | sc_start SC_MUSTLE_M,500000,5; - Id: 12421 AegisName: Digestive_F Name: Falmons F Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_LIFE_FORCE_F,500000,5; - Id: 12422 AegisName: HP_Increase_PotionS Name: HP Increase Potion (Small) Type: Usable Buy: 100 Weight: 20 Classes: Normal: true Upper: true Baby: true Third: true Third_Upper: true Third_Baby: true Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start2 SC_PROMOTE_HEALTH_RESERCH,500000,1,1; percentheal 1,0; - Id: 12423 AegisName: HP_Increase_PotionM Name: HP Increase Potion (Medium) Type: Usable Buy: 100 Weight: 40 Classes: Normal: true Upper: true Baby: true Third: true Third_Upper: true Third_Baby: true Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start2 SC_PROMOTE_HEALTH_RESERCH,500000,1,2; percentheal 2,0; - Id: 12424 AegisName: HP_Increase_PotionL Name: HP Increase Potion (Large) Type: Usable Buy: 100 Weight: 80 Classes: Normal: true Upper: true Baby: true Third: true Third_Upper: true Third_Baby: true Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start2 SC_PROMOTE_HEALTH_RESERCH,500000,1,3; percentheal 5,0; - Id: 12425 AegisName: SP_Increase_PotionS Name: SP Increase Potion (Small) Type: Usable Buy: 100 Weight: 20 Classes: Normal: true Upper: true Baby: true Third: true Third_Upper: true Third_Baby: true Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start2 SC_ENERGY_DRINK_RESERCH,500000,1,1; percentheal 0,2; - Id: 12426 AegisName: SP_Increase_PotionM Name: SP Increase Potion (Medium) Type: Usable Buy: 100 Weight: 40 Classes: Normal: true Upper: true Baby: true Third: true Third_Upper: true Third_Baby: true Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start2 SC_ENERGY_DRINK_RESERCH,500000,1,2; percentheal 0,4; - Id: 12427 AegisName: SP_Increase_PotionL Name: SP Increase Potion (Large) Type: Usable Buy: 100 Weight: 80 Classes: Normal: true Upper: true Baby: true Third: true Third_Upper: true Third_Baby: true Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start2 SC_ENERGY_DRINK_RESERCH,500000,1,3; percentheal 0,8; - Id: 12428 AegisName: Enrich_White_PotionZ Name: Concentrated White Potion Z Type: Healing Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_EXTRACT_WHITE_POTION_Z,500000,20; heal 1000,0; - Id: 12429 AegisName: Savage_BBQ Name: Savage Full Roast Type: Usable Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_SAVAGE_STEAK,300000,20; - Id: 12430 AegisName: Wug_Blood_Cocktail Name: Cocktail Warg Blood Type: Usable Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_COCKTAIL_WARG_BLOOD,300000,20; - Id: 12431 AegisName: Minor_Brisket Name: Minor Stew Type: Usable Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_MINOR_BBQ,300000,20; - Id: 12432 AegisName: Siroma_Icetea Name: Siroma Iced Tea Type: Usable Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_SIROMA_ICE_TEA,300000,20; - Id: 12433 AegisName: Drocera_Herb_Stew Name: Drosera Herb Salad Type: Usable Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_DROCERA_HERB_STEAMED,300000,20; - Id: 12434 AegisName: Petti_Tail_Noodle Name: Petite Tail Noodles Type: Usable Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_PUTTI_TAILS_NOODLES,300000,20; - Id: 12435 AegisName: Black_Thing Name: Black Mass Type: Usable Weight: 50 Script: | sc_start SC_STOMACHACHE,60000,rand(5,10); - Id: 12436 AegisName: Vitata500 Name: Vitata 500 Type: Healing Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_VITATA_500,500000,0; itemheal 0,200; - Id: 12437 AegisName: Enrich_Celermine_Juice Name: Concentrated Ceromain Soup Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_EXTRACT_SALAMINE_JUICE,500000,10; - Id: 12438 AegisName: F_Giant_Fly_Wing Name: F Giant Fly Wing Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 - Id: 12439 AegisName: F_Battle_Manual Name: F Battle Manual Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 - Id: 12440 AegisName: F_Insurance Name: F Insurance Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 - Id: 12441 AegisName: F_Bubble_Gum Name: F Bubble Gum Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 - Id: 12442 AegisName: F_Kafra_Card Name: F Kafra Card Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 - Id: 12443 AegisName: F_Neuralizer Name: F Neuralizer Type: Usable Buy: 2 - Id: 12444 AegisName: F_Dun_Tele_Scroll1 Name: F Dun Tele Scroll1 Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 12445 AegisName: F_Str_Dish10_ Name: F Str Dish10 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 - Id: 12446 AegisName: F_Agi_Dish10_ Name: F Agi Dish10 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 - Id: 12447 AegisName: F_Int_Dish10_ Name: F Int Dish10 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 - Id: 12448 AegisName: F_Dex_Dish10_ Name: F Dex Dish10 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 - Id: 12449 AegisName: F_Luk_Dish10_ Name: F Luk Dish10 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 - Id: 12450 AegisName: F_Vit_Dish10_ Name: F Vit Dish10 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 - Id: 12451 AegisName: F_WOB_Rune Name: F WOB Rune Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 12452 AegisName: F_WOB_Schwaltz Name: F WOB Schwarz Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 12453 AegisName: F_WOB_Rachel Name: F WOB Rachel Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 12454 AegisName: F_WOB_Local Name: F WOB Local Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 12456 AegisName: F_Greed_Scroll Name: F Greed Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 12457 AegisName: F_Glass_Of_Illusion Name: F Glass Of Illusion Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 12458 AegisName: F_Abrasive Name: F Abrasive Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 12459 AegisName: F_Med_Life_Potion Name: F Med Life Potion Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 12460 AegisName: F_Small_Life_Potion Name: F Small Life Potion Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 12461 AegisName: F_Regeneration_Potion Name: F Regeneration Potion Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 12462 AegisName: F_B_Mdef_Potion Name: F B Mdef Potion Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 12463 AegisName: F_S_Mdef_Potion Name: F S Mdef Potion Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 12464 AegisName: F_B_Def_Potion Name: F B Def Potion Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 12465 AegisName: F_S_Def_Potion Name: F S Def Potion Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 12466 AegisName: F_Blessing_10_Scroll Name: F Blessing 10 Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 - Id: 12467 AegisName: F_Inc_Agi_10_Scroll Name: F Inc Agi 10 Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 - Id: 12468 AegisName: F_Aspersio_5_Scroll Name: F Aspersio 5 Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 - Id: 12470 AegisName: F_Wind_Walk_10_Scroll Name: F Wind Walk 10 Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 - Id: 12471 AegisName: F_Adrenaline_Scroll Name: F Adrenaline Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 - Id: 12472 AegisName: F_Convex_Mirror Name: F Convex Mirror Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 - Id: 12473 AegisName: RWC_Parti_Box Name: RWC Parti Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 12474 AegisName: RWC_Final_Comp_Box Name: RWC Final Comp Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 12475 AegisName: Cure_Free Name: Cure Free Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_end SC_SILENCE; sc_end SC_BLEEDING; sc_end SC_POISON; sc_end SC_CURSE; sc_end SC_ORCISH; sc_end SC_CHANGEUNDEAD; itemheal 500,0; - Id: 12476 AegisName: PCBang_Coupon_Box3 Name: PCBang Coupon Box3 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 12477 AegisName: Gift_Bundle Name: Gift Bundle Type: Usable - Id: 12478 AegisName: Chance_Box Name: Chance Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 12479 AegisName: Caracas_Ring_Box Name: Caracas Ring Box Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 12480 AegisName: Attend_3Day_Box Name: Attend 3Day Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 12481 AegisName: Attend_7Day_Box Name: Attend 7Day Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 12482 AegisName: Attend_10Day_Box Name: Attend 10Day Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 12483 AegisName: Attend_15Day_Box Name: Attend 15Day Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 12484 AegisName: Attend_20Day_Box Name: Attend 20Day Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 12485 AegisName: Attend_25Day_Box Name: Attend 25Day Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 12486 AegisName: GoldPC_First_Box Name: GoldPC First Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 12487 AegisName: PC_4Leaf_Clover_Box Name: PC 4Leaf Clover Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 12488 AegisName: Ticket_Gift_Box Name: Ticket Gift Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 12489 AegisName: Ticket_Gift_Box2 Name: Ticket Gift Box2 Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 12490 AegisName: Vivid_Notation Name: Vivid Notation Type: Usable Buy: 20 Flags: BuyingStore: true - Id: 12491 AegisName: Curious_Snowball Name: Curious Snowball Type: Usable Buy: 20 Script: | callfunc "F_Snowball"; - Id: 12492 AegisName: Crumpled_Paper Name: Crumpled Paper Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 12493 AegisName: Lucky_Egg_C4 Name: Lucky Egg C4 Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 12494 AegisName: E_Giant_Fly_Wing Name: E Giant Fly Wing Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 - Id: 12495 AegisName: E_Battle_Manual Name: E Battle Manual Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 - Id: 12496 AegisName: E_Insurance Name: E Insurance Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 - Id: 12497 AegisName: E_Bubble_Gum Name: E Bubble Gum Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 - Id: 12498 AegisName: E_Kafra_Card Name: E Kafra Card Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 - Id: 12499 AegisName: E_Neuralizer Name: E Neuralizer Type: Usable Buy: 2 - Id: 12500 AegisName: E_Dun_Tele_Scroll1 Name: E Dun Tele Scroll1 Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 12501 AegisName: E_Str_Dish10_ Name: E Str Dish10 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 - Id: 12502 AegisName: E_Agi_Dish10_ Name: E Agi Dish10 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 - Id: 12503 AegisName: E_Int_Dish10_ Name: E Int Dish10 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 - Id: 12504 AegisName: E_Dex_Dish10_ Name: E Dex Dish10 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 - Id: 12505 AegisName: E_Luk_Dish10_ Name: E Luk Dish10 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 - Id: 12506 AegisName: E_Vit_Dish10_ Name: E Vit Dish10 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 - Id: 12507 AegisName: E_WOB_Rune Name: Yellow Butterfly Wing Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | callfunc "F_CashCity",1; - Id: 12508 AegisName: E_WOB_Schwaltz Name: Green Butterfly Wing Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | callfunc "F_CashCity",2; - Id: 12509 AegisName: E_WOB_Rachel Name: Red Butterfly Wing Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | callfunc "F_CashCity",3; - Id: 12510 AegisName: E_WOB_Local Name: Blue Butterfly Wing Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | callfunc "F_CashCity",5; - Id: 12511 AegisName: E_Siege_Teleport_Scroll Name: E Siege Teleport Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 12512 AegisName: E_Greed_Scroll Name: E Greed Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 12513 AegisName: E_Glass_Of_Illusion Name: E Glass Of Illusion Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 12514 AegisName: E_Abrasive Name: E Abrasive Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 12515 AegisName: E_Med_Life_Potion Name: E Med Life Potion Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 12516 AegisName: E_Small_Life_Potion Name: E Small Life Potion Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 12517 AegisName: E_Regeneration_Potion Name: E Regeneration Potion Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 12518 AegisName: E_B_Mdef_Potion Name: E B Mdef Potion Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 12519 AegisName: E_S_Mdef_Potion Name: E S Mdef Potion Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 12520 AegisName: E_B_Def_Potion Name: E B Def Potion Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 12521 AegisName: E_S_Def_Potion Name: E S Def Potion Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 12522 AegisName: E_Blessing_10_Scroll Name: E Blessing 10 Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 - Id: 12523 AegisName: E_Inc_Agi_10_Scroll Name: E Inc Agi 10 Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 - Id: 12524 AegisName: E_Aspersio_5_Scroll Name: E Aspersio 5 Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 - Id: 12525 AegisName: E_Assumptio_5_Scroll Name: E Assumptio 5 Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 - Id: 12526 AegisName: E_Wind_Walk_10_Scroll Name: E Wind Walk 10 Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 - Id: 12527 AegisName: E_Adrenaline_Scroll Name: E Adrenaline Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 - Id: 12528 AegisName: E_Convex_Mirror Name: E Convex Mirror Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 - Id: 12529 AegisName: White_Slim_Potion_Box Name: White Slim Potion Box Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 12530 AegisName: Mastela_Fruit_Box Name: Mastela Fruit Box Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 12531 AegisName: White_Potion_Box Name: White Potion Box Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 12532 AegisName: Royal_Jelly_Box2 Name: Royal Jelly Box2 Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 12533 AegisName: Blue_Herb_Box2 Name: Blue Herb Box2 Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 12534 AegisName: Yggdrasil_Seed_Box Name: Yggdrasil Seed Box Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 12535 AegisName: Iggdrasilberry_Box Name: Iggdrasilberry Box Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 12536 AegisName: NY_Rice_Cake_Soup Name: NY Rice Cake Soup Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true - Id: 12537 AegisName: Solo_Gift_Basket Name: Solo Gift Basket Type: Usable Buy: 1000 Weight: 10 - Id: 12538 AegisName: Couple_Event_Basket Name: Couple Event Basket Type: Usable Buy: 2000 Weight: 10 - Id: 12539 AegisName: Splendid_Box Name: Splendid Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true - Id: 12540 AegisName: GM_Warp_Box Name: GM Warp Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 12541 AegisName: Fortune_Cookie1 Name: Fortune Cookie1 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 12542 AegisName: Fortune_Cookie2 Name: Fortune Cookie2 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 12543 AegisName: Fortune_Cookie3 Name: Fortune Cookie3 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 12544 AegisName: Mystic_Tree_Branch Name: Mystic Tree Branch Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 12545 AegisName: Lucky_Egg_C5 Name: Lucky Egg C5 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 12546 AegisName: Suspicious_Dish Name: Suspicious Dish Type: Usable Buy: 100 Weight: 50 - Id: 12547 AegisName: Chalcenodny_Box Name: Chalcenodny Box Type: Usable Weight: 200 - Id: 12548 AegisName: Buy_Market_Permit2 Name: Shabby Purchase Street Stall License Type: Usable Buy: 500 Weight: 10 Script: | buyingstore 2; - Id: 12549 AegisName: White_Slim_Pot_Box2 Name: White Slim Pot Box2 Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 12550 AegisName: Poison_Bottle_Box2 Name: Poison Bottle Box2 Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 12551 AegisName: MVP_Tele_Scroll Name: MVP Tele Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 12552 AegisName: Quest_Tele_Scroll Name: Quest Tele Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 12553 AegisName: Brysinggamen_Piece_Box Name: Brysinggamen Piece Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 12554 AegisName: Asprika_Piece_Box Name: Asprika Piece Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 12555 AegisName: Brynhild_Piece_Box Name: Brynhild Piece Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 12556 AegisName: Sleipnir_Piece_Box Name: Sleipnir Piece Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 12557 AegisName: Mjolnir_Piece_Box Name: Mjolnir Piece Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 12558 AegisName: Magingiorde_Piece_Box Name: Magingiorde Piece Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 12559 AegisName: Tenkaippin_Strong Name: Tenkaippin Strong Type: Usable Buy: 650 Weight: 200 - Id: 12560 AegisName: Tenkaippin_Clean Name: Tenkaippin Clean Type: Usable Buy: 650 Weight: 200 - Id: 12561 AegisName: Mysterious_Seed Name: Mysterious Seed Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true - Id: 12562 AegisName: Bubble_Gum_Plus Name: Bubble Gum Plus Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 - Id: 12563 AegisName: BM75 Name: BM75 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 - Id: 12564 AegisName: 3D_Glasses_Box Name: 3D Glasses Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 12565 AegisName: Cheer_Scarf_Box Name: Cheer Scarf Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 12566 AegisName: Cheer_Scarf2_Box Name: Cheer Scarf2 Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 12567 AegisName: Cheer_Scarf3_Box Name: Cheer Scarf3 Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 12568 AegisName: Cheer_Scarf4_Box Name: Cheer Scarf4 Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 12569 AegisName: Cheer_Scarf6_Box Name: Cheer Scarf6 Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 12570 AegisName: Cheer_Scarf8_Box Name: Cheer Scarf8 Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 12571 AegisName: Cheer_Scarf10_Box Name: Cheer Scarf10 Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 12572 AegisName: Cheer_Scarf10_Box2 Name: Cheer Scarf10 Box2 Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 12573 AegisName: Fruit_Basket Name: Fruit Basket Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 50 - Id: 12574 AegisName: Mora_Berry Name: Mora Berry Type: Usable Weight: 20 Flags: BuyingStore: true - Id: 12575 AegisName: Arrow_Of_Elf_Cntr Name: Arrow Of Elf Cntr Type: Usable Buy: 500 Weight: 250 Flags: BuyingStore: true - Id: 12576 AegisName: Hunting_Arrow_Cntr Name: Hunting Arrow Cntr Type: Usable Buy: 500 Weight: 250 Flags: BuyingStore: true - Id: 12577 AegisName: Lucky_Egg_C6 Name: Lucky Egg C6 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 12578 AegisName: Rapid_Life_Water Name: Rapid Life Water Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 12579 AegisName: Ring_Of_Valkyrie_Box Name: Ring Of Valkyrie Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 - Id: 12580 AegisName: Vending_Search_Scroll Name: Universal Catalog Silver Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | searchstores 10, SEARCHSTORE_EFFECT_NORMAL; - Id: 12581 AegisName: Vending_Search_Scroll2 Name: Universal Catalog Gold Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | searchstores 10, SEARCHSTORE_EFFECT_REMOTE; - Id: 12591 AegisName: Uni_Catalog_Bz Name: Universal Catalog Bronze Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | searchstores 10, SEARCHSTORE_EFFECT_REMOTE; - Id: 12609 AegisName: Old_Ore_Box Name: Old Ore Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 100 Classes: Normal: true Upper: true Baby: true Third: true Third_Upper: true Third_Baby: true - Id: 12701 AegisName: Old_Blue_Box_F Name: Old Blue Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 12702 AegisName: Old_Bleu_Box Name: Old Navy Box Type: Usable Weight: 200 Flags: Container: true Script: | getrandgroupitem(IG_BleuBox,1); getrandgroupitem(IG_BleuBox,1); - Id: 12703 AegisName: Holy_Egg_2 Name: Holy Egg Type: Delayconsume Weight: 50 - Id: 12704 AegisName: Elixir_Of_Life Name: Elixir of Life Type: Healing Weight: 10 EquipLevelMin: 85 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | percentheal 100,0; - Id: 12705 AegisName: Noble_Nameplate Name: Noble Nameplate Type: Usable Weight: 100 EquipLevelMin: 90 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_EXPBOOST,1800000,100; - Id: 12706 AegisName: Lucky_Cookie01 Name: Lucky Cookie Type: Delayconsume Weight: 100 NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | itemskill "PR_GLORIA",5; - Id: 12707 AegisName: Lucky_Cookie02 Name: Lucky Cookie Type: Delayconsume Weight: 100 NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | itemskill "PR_MAGNIFICAT",1; - Id: 12708 AegisName: Lucky_Cookie03 Name: Lucky Cookie Type: Delayconsume Weight: 100 NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | itemskill "PR_IMPOSITIO",3; - Id: 12709 AegisName: Guyak_Candy Name: Guyak Candy Type: Healing Weight: 150 Script: | percentheal 30,30; - Id: 12710 AegisName: Guyak_Pudding Name: Guyak Pudding Type: Usable Weight: 200 Script: | sc_start SC_SPEEDUP1,300000,50; - Id: 12711 AegisName: Pretzel Name: Pretzel Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Script: | itemheal rand(50,90),0; - Id: 12712 AegisName: Green_Beer Name: Green Beer Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Script: | percentheal 0,50; - Id: 12713 AegisName: Monster_Extract Name: Monster Extract Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 12714 AegisName: Easter_Scroll Name: Easter Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 1 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getrandgroupitem(IG_Easter_Scroll,1); - Id: 12715 AegisName: Black_Treasure_Box Name: Black Treasure Box Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 12716 AegisName: Indian_Rice_Cake Name: Indian Rice Cake Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 12717 AegisName: Poison_Paralysis Name: Paralyze Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_PARALYSE,300000,0,10,0; - Id: 12718 AegisName: Poison_Leech Name: Leech End Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_LEECHESEND,300000,0,10,0; - Id: 12719 AegisName: Poison_Oblivion Name: Oblivion Curse Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_OBLIVIONCURSE,300000,0,10,0; - Id: 12720 AegisName: Poison_Contamination Name: Disheart Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_DEATHHURT,300000,0,10,0; - Id: 12721 AegisName: Poison_Numb Name: Toxin Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_TOXIN,300000,0,10,0; - Id: 12722 AegisName: Poison_Fever Name: Pyrexia Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_PYREXIA,300000,0,10,0; - Id: 12723 AegisName: Poison_Laughing Name: Magic Mushroom Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_MAGICMUSHROOM,300000,0,10,0; - Id: 12724 AegisName: Poison_Fatigue Name: Venom Bleed Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_VENOMBLEED,15000,0,10,0; - Id: 12725 AegisName: Runstone_Nosiege Name: Nauthiz Rune Type: Usable Buy: 100 Weight: 100 Classes: Third: true Stack: Amount: 60 Inventory: true NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | if ((eaclass()&EAJ_THIRDMASK) == EAJ_RUNE_KNIGHT) unitskilluseid getcharid(3),"RK_REFRESH",1; - Id: 12726 AegisName: Runstone_Rhydo Name: Raido Rune Type: Usable Buy: 100 Weight: 100 Classes: Third: true Stack: Amount: 60 Inventory: true NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | if ((eaclass()&EAJ_THIRDMASK) == EAJ_RUNE_KNIGHT) unitskilluseid getcharid(3),"RK_CRUSHSTRIKE",1; - Id: 12727 AegisName: Runstone_Verkana Name: Berkana Rune Type: Usable Buy: 100 Weight: 100 Classes: Third: true Stack: Amount: 60 Inventory: true NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | if ((eaclass()&EAJ_THIRDMASK) == EAJ_RUNE_KNIGHT) unitskilluseid getcharid(3),"RK_MILLENNIUMSHIELD",1; - Id: 12728 AegisName: Runstone_Isia Name: Isa Rune Type: Usable Buy: 100 Weight: 100 Classes: Third: true Stack: Amount: 60 Inventory: true NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | if ((eaclass()&EAJ_THIRDMASK) == EAJ_RUNE_KNIGHT) unitskilluseid getcharid(3),"RK_VITALITYACTIVATION",1; - Id: 12729 AegisName: Runstone_Asir Name: Othila Rune Type: Usable Buy: 100 Weight: 100 Classes: Third: true NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | if ((eaclass()&EAJ_THIRDMASK) == EAJ_RUNE_KNIGHT) unitskilluseid getcharid(3),"RK_FIGHTINGSPIRIT",1; - Id: 12730 AegisName: Runstone_Urj Name: Uruz Rune Type: Usable Buy: 100 Weight: 100 Classes: Third: true Stack: Amount: 60 Inventory: true NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | if ((eaclass()&EAJ_THIRDMASK) == EAJ_RUNE_KNIGHT) unitskilluseid getcharid(3),"RK_ABUNDANCE",1; - Id: 12731 AegisName: Runstone_Turisus Name: Thurisaz Rune Type: Usable Buy: 100 Weight: 100 Classes: Third: true NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | if ((eaclass()&EAJ_THIRDMASK) == EAJ_RUNE_KNIGHT) unitskilluseid getcharid(3),"RK_GIANTGROWTH",1; - Id: 12732 AegisName: Runstone_Pertz Name: Wyrd Rune Type: Usable Buy: 100 Weight: 100 Classes: Third: true NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | if ((eaclass()&EAJ_THIRDMASK) == EAJ_RUNE_KNIGHT) unitskilluseid getcharid(3),"RK_STORMBLAST",1; - Id: 12733 AegisName: Runstone_Hagalas Name: Hagalaz Rune Type: Usable Buy: 100 Weight: 100 Classes: Third: true Stack: Amount: 60 Inventory: true NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | if ((eaclass()&EAJ_THIRDMASK) == EAJ_RUNE_KNIGHT) unitskilluseid getcharid(3),"RK_STONEHARDSKIN",1; - Id: 12734 AegisName: Runstone_Quality Name: Luxurious Rune Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Jobs: Knight: true Classes: Third: true Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | makerune 5; - Id: 12735 AegisName: Runstone_Ancient Name: Ancient Rune Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Jobs: Knight: true Classes: Third: true Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | makerune 11; - Id: 12736 AegisName: Runstone_Mystic Name: Mystic Rune Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Jobs: Knight: true Classes: Third: true Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | makerune 14; - Id: 12737 AegisName: Runstone_Ordinary Name: General Rune Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Jobs: Knight: true Classes: Third: true Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | makerune 2; - Id: 12738 AegisName: Runstone_Rare Name: Rare Rune Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Jobs: Knight: true Classes: Third: true Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | makerune 8; - Id: 12739 AegisName: Snow_Flower Name: Snow Flowers Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true - Id: 12740 AegisName: Inc_Str_Scroll Name: Amplification Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 1 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true - Id: 12741 AegisName: Inc_Int_Scroll Name: Intellect Amplification Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 1 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true - Id: 12742 AegisName: Valentine_Gift_Box1 Name: Valentine Gift Box Type: Usable - Id: 12743 AegisName: Valentine_Gift_Box2 Name: Valentine Gift Box Type: Usable - Id: 12744 AegisName: Chocotate_Box Name: Chocolate Box Type: Usable - Id: 12745 AegisName: Skull_Scroll Name: Skull Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 12746 AegisName: Destruction_Scroll Name: Destruction Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 12747 AegisName: Royal_Scroll Name: Royal Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 12748 AegisName: Immune_Scroll Name: Immune Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 12749 AegisName: Mystic_Scroll Name: Mystic Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 12750 AegisName: Battle_Scroll Name: Battle Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 12751 AegisName: Armor_Scroll Name: Armor Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 12752 AegisName: Prayer_Scroll Name: Prayer Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 12753 AegisName: Soul_Scroll Name: Soul Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 12754 AegisName: New_Year_Bun Name: Chinese Pastel Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 12755 AegisName: Traditional_Firecrack Name: Chinese Fireworks Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_POK_JAP; /* itemskill "MO_CALLSPIRITS",3; itemskill "MO_FINGEROFFENSIVE",5; */ - Id: 12756 AegisName: New_Gift_Envelope Name: Chinese New Year Envelope Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 12757 AegisName: Loyal_Ring1_Box Name: Loyal Ring1 Box Type: Usable Buy: 10 - Id: 12758 AegisName: Loyal_Ring2_Box Name: Loyal Ring2 Box Type: Usable Buy: 10 - Id: 12759 AegisName: Loyal_Ring3_Box Name: Loyal Ring3 Box Type: Usable Buy: 10 - Id: 12760 AegisName: Bubble_Gum_Green Name: Bubble Gum Green Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 12761 AegisName: Bubble_Gum_Yellow Name: Bubble Gum Yellow Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 12762 AegisName: Bubble_Gum_Orange Name: Bubble Gum Orange Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 12763 AegisName: Bubble_Gum_Red Name: Bubble Gum Red Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 12764 AegisName: Fools_Day_Box_Tw Name: Fools Day Box Tw Type: Usable - Id: 12765 AegisName: Summer_Knight_Box Name: Summer Knight Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 12766 AegisName: Reward_Job_BM25 Name: Reward Job BM25 Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 12767 AegisName: Passion_FB_Hat_Box Name: Passion FB Hat Box Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 12768 AegisName: Cool_FB_Hat_Box Name: Cool FB Hat Box Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 12769 AegisName: Victory_FB_Hat_Box Name: Victory FB Hat Box Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 12770 AegisName: Glory_FB_Hat_Box Name: Glory FB Hat Box Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 12771 AegisName: Passion_Hat_Box2 Name: Passion Hat Box2 Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 12772 AegisName: Cool_Hat_Box2 Name: Cool Hat Box2 Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 12773 AegisName: Victory_Hat_Box2 Name: Victory Hat Box2 Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 12831 AegisName: Potion_Box Name: Potion Box Type: Usable Weight: 50 Classes: Normal: true Upper: true Baby: true Third: true Third_Upper: true Third_Baby: true - Id: 12848 AegisName: Falcon_Flute Name: Falcon Flute Type: Delayconsume Weight: 10 Script: | if (getskilllv("HT_FALCON")) { if (!checkoption(Option_Wug) && !checkoption(Option_Wugrider)) setfalcon (!checkfalcon()); } - Id: 12900 AegisName: Battle_Manual_Box Name: Battle Manual Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12208,10; - Id: 12901 AegisName: Insurance_Package Name: Insurance Package Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12209,10; - Id: 12902 AegisName: Bubble_Gum_Box Name: Bubble Gum Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12210,10; - Id: 12903 AegisName: Str_Dish_Box Name: Steamed Tongue Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12202,10; - Id: 12904 AegisName: Agi_Dish_Box Name: Steamed Scorpion Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12203,10; - Id: 12905 AegisName: Int_Dish_Box Name: Dragon Breath Cocktail Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12204,10; - Id: 12906 AegisName: Dex_Dish_Box Name: Hwergelmir's Tonic Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12205,10; - Id: 12907 AegisName: Luk_Dish_Box Name: Nine Tail Dish Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12206,10; - Id: 12908 AegisName: Vit_Dish_Box Name: Stew Of Immortality Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12207,10; - Id: 12909 AegisName: Kafra_Card_Box Name: Kafra Card Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12211,10; - Id: 12910 AegisName: Giant_Fly_Wing_Box Name: Giant Fly Wing Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12212,10; - Id: 12911 AegisName: Neuralizer_Box Name: Neuralizer Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12213,1; - Id: 12912 AegisName: Convex_Mirror_Box Name: Convex Mirror Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12214,10; - Id: 12913 AegisName: Blessing_10_Scroll_Box Name: Blessing 10 Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12215,10; - Id: 12914 AegisName: Inc_Agi_10_Scroll_Box Name: Increase AGI 10 scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12216,10; - Id: 12915 AegisName: Aspersio_5_Scroll_Box Name: Aspersio 5 Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12217,10; - Id: 12916 AegisName: Assumptio_5_Scroll_Box Name: Assumptio 5 Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12218,10; - Id: 12917 AegisName: Wind_Walk_10_Scroll_Box Name: Wind Walk 10 Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12219,10; - Id: 12918 AegisName: Adrenaline_Scroll_Box Name: Adrenaline 5 Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12220,10; - Id: 12919 AegisName: Megaphone_Box Name: Megaphone Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12221,10; - Id: 12920 AegisName: Enriched_Elunium_Box Name: Enriched Elunium Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 7619,10; - Id: 12921 AegisName: Enriched_Oridecon_Box Name: Enriched Oridecon Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 7620,10; - Id: 12922 AegisName: Token_Of_Siegfried_Box Name: Token of Siegfried Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 7621,10; - Id: 12923 AegisName: Pet_Egg_Scroll_Box1 Name: December Lucky Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12925,1; - Id: 12924 AegisName: Pet_Egg_Scroll_Box2 Name: Pet Egg Box 2 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12926,1; - Id: 12925 AegisName: Pet_Egg_Scroll1 Name: Kafra Item Mall Prize Package Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 12926 AegisName: Pet_Egg_Scroll2 Name: December Lucky Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 12927 AegisName: J_Aspersio_5_Scroll_Box Name: Aspersio Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12928,10; - Id: 12928 AegisName: J_Aspersio_5_Scroll Name: Sacred Scroll Type: Delayconsume Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemskill "PR_ASPERSIO",5; - Id: 12929 AegisName: Pet_Egg_Scroll_Box3 Name: Pet Egg Box 3 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12932,1; - Id: 12930 AegisName: Pet_Egg_Scroll_Box4 Name: Pet Egg Box 4 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12933,1; - Id: 12931 AegisName: Pet_Egg_Scroll_Box5 Name: Pet Egg Box 5 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12934,1; - Id: 12932 AegisName: Pet_Egg_Scroll3 Name: Episode 13.2 Key Package Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 12933 AegisName: Pet_Egg_Scroll4 Name: Summer Hat Pack Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 12934 AegisName: Pet_Egg_Scroll5 Name: Pet Egg Scroll5 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 12935 AegisName: Infiltrator_Box Name: Infiltrator Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 1267,604800; - Id: 12936 AegisName: Muramasa_Box Name: Muramasa Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 1173,604800; - Id: 12937 AegisName: Excalibur_Box Name: Excalibur Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 13401,604800; - Id: 12938 AegisName: Combat_Knife_Box Name: Combat Knife Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 13021,604800; - Id: 12939 AegisName: Counter_Dagger_Box Name: Dagger of Counter Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 13022,604800; - Id: 12940 AegisName: Kaiser_Knuckle_Box Name: Kaiser Knuckle Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 1817,604800; - Id: 12941 AegisName: Pole_Axe_Box Name: Poll Axe Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 1419,604800; - Id: 12942 AegisName: Mighty_Staff_Box Name: Mighty Staff Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 1623,604800; - Id: 12943 AegisName: Right_Epsilon_Box Name: Light Epsilon Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 1372,604800; - Id: 12944 AegisName: Balistar_Box Name: Ballista Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 1728,604800; - Id: 12945 AegisName: Diary_Of_Great_Sage_Box Name: Sage's Diary Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 1563,604800; - Id: 12946 AegisName: Asura_Box Name: Asura Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 13023,604800; - Id: 12947 AegisName: Apple_Of_Archer_Box Name: Apple of Archer Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 5265,1209600; - Id: 12948 AegisName: Bunny_Band_Box Name: Bunny Band Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 5266,1209600; - Id: 12949 AegisName: Sahkkat_Box Name: Sakkat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 5267,1209600; - Id: 12950 AegisName: Lord_Circlet_Box Name: Grand Circlet Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 5268,1209600; - Id: 12951 AegisName: Elven_Ears_Box Name: Elven Ears Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 2686,604800; - Id: 12952 AegisName: Steel_Flower_Box Name: Steel Flower Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 2687,1209600; - Id: 12953 AegisName: Critical_Ring_Box Name: Critical Ring Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 2688,604800; - Id: 12954 AegisName: Earring_Box Name: Earring Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 2689,604800; - Id: 12955 AegisName: Ring_Box Name: Ring Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 2690,604800; - Id: 12956 AegisName: Necklace_Box Name: Necklace Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 2691,604800; - Id: 12957 AegisName: Glove_Box Name: Glove Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 2692,604800; - Id: 12958 AegisName: Brooch_Box Name: Brooch Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 2693,604800; - Id: 12959 AegisName: Rosary_Box Name: Rosary Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 2694,604800; - Id: 12960 AegisName: Safety_Ring_Box Name: Safety Ring Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 2695,604800; - Id: 12961 AegisName: Vesper_Core01_Box Name: Vesper Core 01 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 2696,604800; - Id: 12962 AegisName: Vesper_Core02_Box Name: Vesper Core 02 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 2697,604800; - Id: 12963 AegisName: Vesper_Core03_Box Name: Vesper Core 03 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 2698,604800; - Id: 12964 AegisName: Vesper_Core04_Box Name: Vesper Core 04 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 2699,604800; - Id: 12965 AegisName: Emergency_Box1 Name: Emergency Level 1 Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12968,1; - Id: 12966 AegisName: Emergency_Box2 Name: Emergency Level 2 Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12969,1; - Id: 12967 AegisName: Emergency_Box3 Name: Emergency Level 3 Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12970,1; - Id: 12968 AegisName: Emergency_Scroll1 Name: Emergency Level 1 Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Delay: Duration: 300000 Status: Reuse_Limit_Recall Script: | unitskilluseid getcharid(3),"GD_ITEMEMERGENCYCALL",1; - Id: 12969 AegisName: Emergency_Scroll2 Name: Emergency Level 2 Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Delay: Duration: 300000 Status: Reuse_Limit_Recall Script: | unitskilluseid getcharid(3),"GD_ITEMEMERGENCYCALL",2; - Id: 12970 AegisName: Emergency_Scroll3 Name: Emergency Level 3 Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Delay: Duration: 300000 Status: Reuse_Limit_Recall Script: | unitskilluseid getcharid(3),"GD_ITEMEMERGENCYCALL",3; - Id: 12971 AegisName: Teleport_Box1 Name: Teleport Scroll Box 1 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12977,10; - Id: 12972 AegisName: Teleport_Box2 Name: Teleport Scroll Box 2 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12978,10; - Id: 12973 AegisName: Teleport_Box3 Name: Teleport Scroll Box 3 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12979,10; - Id: 12974 AegisName: Teleport_Box4 Name: Teleport Scroll Box 4 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12980,10; - Id: 12975 AegisName: Teleport_Box5 Name: Teleport Scroll Box 5 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12981,10; - Id: 12976 AegisName: Teleport_Box6 Name: Teleport Scroll Box 6 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12982,10; - Id: 12977 AegisName: Teleport_Scroll1 Name: Teleport Scroll 1 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Script: | callfunc "F_CashTele",1; - Id: 12978 AegisName: Teleport_Scroll2 Name: Teleport Scroll 2 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Script: | callfunc "F_CashTele",2; - Id: 12979 AegisName: Teleport_Scroll3 Name: Teleport Scroll 3 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Script: | callfunc "F_CashTele",3; - Id: 12980 AegisName: Teleport_Scroll4 Name: Teleport Scroll 4 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Script: | callfunc "F_CashTele",4; - Id: 12981 AegisName: Teleport_Scroll5 Name: Teleport Scroll 5 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Script: | callfunc "F_CashTele",5; - Id: 12982 AegisName: Teleport_Scroll6 Name: Teleport Scroll 6 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Script: | callfunc "F_CashTele",6; - Id: 12983 AegisName: Pet_Egg_Scroll_Box6 Name: Pet Egg Scroll Box 6 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12989,1; - Id: 12984 AegisName: Pet_Egg_Scroll_Box7 Name: Pet Egg Scroll Box 7 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12990,1; - Id: 12985 AegisName: Pet_Egg_Scroll_Box8 Name: Pet Egg Scroll Box 8 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12991,1; - Id: 12986 AegisName: Pet_Egg_Scroll_Box9 Name: Adventurer Pack Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12992,1; - Id: 12987 AegisName: Pet_Egg_Scroll_Box10 Name: Pet Egg Scroll Box 10 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12993,1; - Id: 12988 AegisName: Pet_Egg_Scroll_Box11 Name: Pet Egg Scroll Box 11 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12994,1; - Id: 12989 AegisName: Pet_Egg_Scroll6 Name: Pet Egg Scroll 6 Type: Delayconsume Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 12990 AegisName: Pet_Egg_Scroll7 Name: Pet Egg Scroll 7 Type: Delayconsume Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 12991 AegisName: Pet_Egg_Scroll8 Name: Party Hard Pack Type: Delayconsume Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 12992 AegisName: Pet_Egg_Scroll9 Name: Adventurer Pack Type: Delayconsume Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 12993 AegisName: Pet_Egg_Scroll10 Name: Pet Egg Scroll 10 Type: Delayconsume Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 12994 AegisName: Pet_Egg_Scroll11 Name: Pet Egg Scroll 11 Type: Delayconsume Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 12995 AegisName: White_Herb_Box Name: White Herb Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 509,15; - Id: 12996 AegisName: Blue_Herb_Box Name: Blue Herb Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 510,15; - Id: 12997 AegisName: Elunium_Box Name: Elunium Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 985,5; - Id: 12998 AegisName: Oridecon_Box Name: Oridecon Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 984,5; - Id: 12999 AegisName: Branch_Of_Dead_Tree_Box Name: Dead Branch Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 604,3; - Id: 13500 AegisName: Insurance60_Package Name: Life Insurrance Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 14500,10; - Id: 13501 AegisName: Assorted_Scroll_Box Name: Experience Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 13502 AegisName: Drooping_Kitty_Box Name: Refined Drooping Cat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 5279,604800; - Id: 13503 AegisName: Magestic_Goat_Box Name: Baphomet Horns Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 5280,604800; - Id: 13504 AegisName: Deviruchi_Cap_Box Name: Refined Deviruchi Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 5281,604800; - Id: 13505 AegisName: Executioner_Box Name: Executioner Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 1174,604800; - Id: 13506 AegisName: Brood_Axe_Box Name: Refined Bloody Axe Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 1373,604800; - Id: 13507 AegisName: Tomahawk_Box Name: Tomahawk Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 1374,604800; - Id: 13508 AegisName: Bow_Of_Rudra_Box Name: Rudra Bow Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 1729,604800; - Id: 13509 AegisName: Cutlas_Box Name: Cutlus Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 13402,604800; - Id: 13510 AegisName: Solar_Sword_Box Name: Solar Sword Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 13403,604800; - Id: 13511 AegisName: Sword_Breaker_Box Name: Refined Swordbreaker Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 13024,604800; - Id: 13512 AegisName: Mail_Breaker_Box Name: Refined Mailbreaker Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 13025,604800; - Id: 13513 AegisName: Moonlight_Sword_Box Name: Moonlight Dagger Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 13026,604800; - Id: 13514 AegisName: Spanner_Box Name: Wrench Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 1534,604800; - Id: 13515 AegisName: Grape_Box Name: Grape Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 514,10; - Id: 13516 AegisName: Royal_Jelly_Box Name: Royal Jelly Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 526,5; - Id: 13517 AegisName: Yggdrasilberry_Box Name: Yggdrasil Berry Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 607,3; - Id: 13518 AegisName: Weapon_Card_Scroll_Box Name: Weapon Card Pet Egg Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 13558,1; - Id: 13519 AegisName: Armor_Card_Scroll_Box Name: Armor Card Pet Egg Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 13559,1; - Id: 13520 AegisName: Helmet_Card_Scroll_Box Name: Helmet Card Pet Egg Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 13560,1; - Id: 13521 AegisName: Hood_Card_Scroll_Box Name: Garment Card Pet Egg Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 13561,1; - Id: 13522 AegisName: Hood_Card_Scroll_Box2 Name: Shield Card Pet Egg Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 13562,1; - Id: 13523 AegisName: Shoes_Card_Scroll_Box Name: Shoes Card Pet Egg Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 13563,1; - Id: 13524 AegisName: Accy_Card_Scroll_Box Name: Accessory Card Pet Egg Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 13564,1; - Id: 13525 AegisName: Zeny_Scroll_Box Name: Zeny Pet Egg Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 14508,1; - Id: 13526 AegisName: Pet_Egg_Scroll_Box1_ Name: Pet Egg Scroll Box 12 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12925,30; - Id: 13527 AegisName: Pet_Egg_Scroll_Box2_ Name: Pet Egg Scroll Box 13 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12926,30; - Id: 13528 AegisName: Pet_Egg_Scroll_Box3_ Name: Pet Egg Scroll Box 14 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12932,30; - Id: 13529 AegisName: Pet_Egg_Scroll_Box4_ Name: Pet Egg Scroll Box 15 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12933,30; - Id: 13530 AegisName: Pet_Egg_Scroll_Box5_ Name: Pet Egg Scroll Box 16 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12934,30; - Id: 13531 AegisName: Light_Red_Pot_Box Name: Light Red Potion Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 598,50; - Id: 13532 AegisName: Light_Orange_Pot_Box Name: Light Orange Potion Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 599,50; - Id: 13533 AegisName: Light_Yellow_Pot_Box Name: Light Yellow Potion Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 11500,50; - Id: 13534 AegisName: Light_White_Pot_Box Name: Light White Potion Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 11501,50; - Id: 13535 AegisName: Light_Center_Pot_Box Name: Light Concentration Potion Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 14509,20; - Id: 13536 AegisName: Light_Awakening_Pot_Box Name: Light Awakening Potion Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 14510,20; - Id: 13537 AegisName: Light_Berserk_Pot_Box Name: Light Berserk Potion Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 14511,20; - Id: 13538 AegisName: Meteor_10_Scroll_Box Name: Meteor Storm Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 14512,10; - Id: 13539 AegisName: Storm_10_Scroll_Box Name: Storm Gust Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 14513,10; - Id: 13540 AegisName: Vermilion_10_Scroll_Box Name: Lord of Vermilion Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 14514,10; - Id: 13541 AegisName: Lex_Aeterna_Scroll_Box Name: Lex Aeterna Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 14515,10; - Id: 13542 AegisName: Magnificat_5_Scroll_Box Name: Magnificat Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 14516,10; - Id: 13543 AegisName: CP_Helm_Scroll_Box Name: Chemical Protection Helm Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 14517,10; getitem 7139,10; - Id: 13544 AegisName: CP_Shield_Scroll_Box Name: Chemical Protection Shield Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 14518,10; getitem 7139,10; - Id: 13545 AegisName: CP_Armor_Scroll_Box Name: Chemical Protection Armor Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 14519,10; getitem 7139,10; - Id: 13546 AegisName: CP_Weapon_Scroll_Box Name: Chemical Protection Weapon Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 14520,10; getitem 7139,10; - Id: 13547 AegisName: Repair_Scroll_Box Name: Repair Weapon Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 14587,5; getitem 1002,5; getitem 998,5; getitem 756,5; getitem 999,5; - Id: 13548 AegisName: Big_Bun_Box Name: Big Bun Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 14522,10; - Id: 13549 AegisName: Pill__Box Name: Pill Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 14523,10; - Id: 13550 AegisName: Superb_Fish_Slice_Box Name: Fish Slice Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 14524,10; - Id: 13551 AegisName: Chewy_Ricecake_Box Name: Chewy Ricecake Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 14525,10; - Id: 13552 AegisName: Oriental_Pastry_Box Name: Pastry Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 14526,10; - Id: 13553 AegisName: Dun_Tele_Scroll1_Box Name: Dungeon Teleport Scroll 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 14527,5; - Id: 13554 AegisName: Weapon_Card_Scroll_Box2 Name: Weapon Card Pet Egg Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 13565,1; - Id: 13555 AegisName: Weapon_Card_Scroll_Box3 Name: Weapon Card Pet Egg Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 13566,1; - Id: 13556 AegisName: Armor_Card_Scroll_Box2 Name: Armor Card Pet Egg Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 13567,1; - Id: 13557 AegisName: Accy_Card_Scroll_Box2 Name: Accessory Card Pet Egg Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 13568,1; - Id: 13558 AegisName: Weapon_Card_Scroll Name: Weapon Card Pet Egg Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 13559 AegisName: Armor_Card_Scroll Name: Armor Card Pet Egg Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 13560 AegisName: Helmet_Card_Scroll Name: Helmet Card Pet Egg Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 13561 AegisName: Hood_Card_Scroll Name: Garment Card Pet Egg Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 13562 AegisName: Hood_Card_Scroll2 Name: Shield Card Pet Egg Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 13563 AegisName: Shoes_Card_Scroll Name: Shoes Card Pet Egg Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 13564 AegisName: Accy_Card_Scroll Name: Accessory Card Pet Egg Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 13565 AegisName: Weapon_Card_Scroll2 Name: Weapon Card Pet Egg Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 13566 AegisName: Weapon_Card_Scroll3 Name: Weapon Card Pet Egg Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 13567 AegisName: Armor_Card_Scroll2 Name: Armor Card Pet Egg Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 13568 AegisName: Accy_Card_Scroll2 Name: Accessory Card Pet Egg Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 13569 AegisName: PVP_Tele_Scroll_Box Name: PVP Teleport Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 14528,10; - Id: 13570 AegisName: Giant_Fly_Wing_Box50 Name: Giant Fly Wing 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12212,50; - Id: 13571 AegisName: Giant_Fly_Wing_Box100 Name: Giant Fly Wing 100 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12212,100; - Id: 13572 AegisName: Dex_Dish_Box30 Name: Hwergelmir's Tonic 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12205,30; - Id: 13573 AegisName: Dex_Dish_Box50 Name: Hwergelmir's Tonic 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12205,50; - Id: 13574 AegisName: Luk_Dish_Box30 Name: Nine Tail Dish 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12206,30; - Id: 13575 AegisName: Luk_Dish_Box50 Name: Nine Tail Dish 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12206,50; - Id: 13576 AegisName: Inc_Agi_10_Box30 Name: Increase Agility Scroll 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12216,30; - Id: 13577 AegisName: Inc_Agi_10_Box50 Name: Increase Agility Scroll 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12216,50; - Id: 13578 AegisName: Vit_Dish_Box30 Name: Stew of Immortality 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12207,30; - Id: 13579 AegisName: Vit_Dish_Box50 Name: Stew of Immortality 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12207,50; - Id: 13580 AegisName: Insurance_Package30 Name: Life Insurrance 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12209,30; - Id: 13581 AegisName: Insurance_Package50 Name: Life Insurrance 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12209,50; - Id: 13582 AegisName: Convex_Mirror_Box5 Name: Convex Mirror 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12214,5; - Id: 13583 AegisName: Convex_Mirror_Box30 Name: Convex Mirror 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12214,30; - Id: 13584 AegisName: Blessing10_Box30 Name: Blessing Scroll 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12215,30; - Id: 13585 AegisName: Blessing10_Box50 Name: Blessing Scroll 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12215,50; - Id: 13586 AegisName: Adrenaline10_Box30 Name: Adrenaline Rush Scroll 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12220,30; - Id: 13587 AegisName: Adrenaline10_Box50 Name: Adrenaline Rush Scroll 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12220,50; - Id: 13588 AegisName: Assumptio_5_Box30 Name: Assumptio Scroll 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12218,30; - Id: 13589 AegisName: Assumptio_5_Box50 Name: Assumptio Scroll 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12218,50; - Id: 13590 AegisName: Aspersio_5_Box30 Name: Aspersio Scroll 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12217,30; - Id: 13591 AegisName: Aspersio_5_Box50 Name: Aspersio Scroll 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12217,50; - Id: 13592 AegisName: Agi_Dish_Box30 Name: Steamed Scorpion 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12203,30; - Id: 13593 AegisName: Agi_Dish_Box50 Name: Steamed Scorpion 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12203,50; - Id: 13594 AegisName: Wind_Walk10_Box30 Name: Wind Walk Scroll 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12219,30; - Id: 13595 AegisName: Wind_Walk10_Box50 Name: Wind Walk Scroll 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12219,50; - Id: 13596 AegisName: Int_Dish_Box30 Name: Dragon Breath Cocktail 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12204,30; - Id: 13597 AegisName: Int_Dish_Box50 Name: Dragon Breath Cocktail 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12204,50; - Id: 13598 AegisName: Battle_Manual_Box1 Name: Field Manual Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12208,1; - Id: 13599 AegisName: Battle_Manual_Box5 Name: Field Manual 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12208,5; - Id: 13600 AegisName: Siegfried_Box5 Name: Token of Siegfried 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 7621,5; - Id: 13601 AegisName: Siegfried_Box20 Name: Token of Siegfried 20 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 7621,20; - Id: 13602 AegisName: Kafra_Card_Box30 Name: Kafra Card 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12211,30; - Id: 13603 AegisName: Kafra_Card_Box50 Name: Kafra Card 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12211,50; - Id: 13604 AegisName: Str_Dish_Box30 Name: Steamed Tongue 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12202,30; - Id: 13605 AegisName: Str_Dish_Box50 Name: Steamed Tongue 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12202,50; - Id: 13606 AegisName: Bubble_Gum_Box1 Name: Bubble Gum Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12210,1; - Id: 13607 AegisName: Bubble_Gum_Box5 Name: Bubble Gum 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12210,5; - Id: 13608 AegisName: Megaphone_Box1 Name: Megaphone Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12221,1; - Id: 13609 AegisName: Megaphone_Box5 Name: Megaphone 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12221,5; - Id: 13610 AegisName: Enriched_Elunium_Box5 Name: Enriched Elunium 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 7619,5; - Id: 13611 AegisName: Enriched_Oridecon_Box5 Name: Enriched Oridecon 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 7620,5; - Id: 13612 AegisName: Handcuff_Box Name: Arrest Handcuffs Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 2706,1; - Id: 13613 AegisName: Super_Pet_Egg_Box1 Name: Super Pet Egg Box 1 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 13617,1; - Id: 13614 AegisName: Super_Pet_Egg_Box2 Name: Super Pet Egg Box 2 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 13618,1; - Id: 13615 AegisName: Super_Pet_Egg_Box3 Name: Super Pet Egg Box 3 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 13619,1; - Id: 13616 AegisName: Super_Pet_Egg_Box4 Name: Super Pet Egg Box 4 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 13620,1; - Id: 13617 AegisName: Super_Pet_Egg1 Name: Super Pet Egg 1 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 13618 AegisName: Super_Pet_Egg2 Name: Super Pet Egg 2 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 13619 AegisName: Super_Pet_Egg3 Name: Super Pet Egg 3 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 13620 AegisName: Super_Pet_Egg4 Name: Super Pet Egg 4 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 13621 AegisName: Greed_Box30 Name: Greed Scroll 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 14529,30; - Id: 13622 AegisName: Greed_Box50 Name: Greed Scroll 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 14529,50; - Id: 13623 AegisName: Greed_Box100 Name: Greed Scroll 100 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 14529,100; - Id: 13624 AegisName: Flee_30_Scroll_Box Name: Evasion Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 14530,1; - Id: 13625 AegisName: Accuracy_30_Scroll_Box Name: Concentration Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 14531,1; - Id: 13626 AegisName: Super_Card_Pet_Egg_Box1 Name: Super Card Pet Egg Box 1 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 13630,1; - Id: 13627 AegisName: Super_Card_Pet_Egg_Box2 Name: Super Card Pet Egg Box 2 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 13631,1; - Id: 13628 AegisName: Super_Card_Pet_Egg_Box3 Name: Super Card Pet Egg Box 3 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 13632,1; - Id: 13629 AegisName: Super_Card_Pet_Egg_Box4 Name: Super Card Pet Egg Box 4 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 13633,1; - Id: 13630 AegisName: Super_Card_Pet_Egg1 Name: Super Card Pet Egg 1 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 13631 AegisName: Super_Card_Pet_Egg2 Name: Super Card Pet Egg 2 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 13632 AegisName: Super_Card_Pet_Egg3 Name: Super Card Pet Egg 3 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 13633 AegisName: Super_Card_Pet_Egg4 Name: Super Card Pet Egg 4 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 13634 AegisName: Vigorgra_Package1 Name: 1 Hour Package Vol. 1 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12250,2; getitem 12251,2; getitem 12208,2; getitem 12215,15; getitem 12216,15; getitem 12211,1; getitem 7621,1; - Id: 13635 AegisName: Vigorgra_Package2 Name: 1 Hour Package Vol. 2 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12250,2; getitem 12255,2; getitem 12208,2; getitem 12215,15; getitem 12216,15; getitem 12211,1; getitem 7621,1; - Id: 13636 AegisName: Vigorgra_Package3 Name: 1 Hour Package Vol. 3 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12252,2; getitem 12253,2; getitem 12208,2; getitem 12215,15; getitem 12216,15; getitem 12211,1; getitem 7621,1; - Id: 13637 AegisName: Vigorgra_Package4 Name: 1 Hour Package Vol. 4 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12252,2; getitem 12255,2; getitem 12208,2; getitem 12215,15; getitem 12216,15; getitem 12211,1; getitem 7621,1; - Id: 13638 AegisName: Vigorgra_Package5 Name: 1 Hour Package Vol. 5 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12252,2; getitem 12250,2; getitem 12208,2; getitem 12215,15; getitem 12216,15; getitem 12211,1; getitem 7621,1; - Id: 13639 AegisName: Vigorgra_Package6 Name: 1 Hour Package Vol. 6 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12250,2; getitem 12251,2; getitem 12208,2; getitem 12215,15; getitem 12217,20; getitem 12211,1; getitem 7621,1; - Id: 13640 AegisName: Vigorgra_Package7 Name: 2 Hour Package Vol. 1 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12250,4; getitem 12251,4; getitem 12208,4; getitem 12215,30; getitem 12216,30; getitem 12211,2; getitem 7621,2; - Id: 13641 AegisName: Vigorgra_Package8 Name: 2 Hour Package Vol. 2 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12250,4; getitem 12255,4; getitem 12208,4; getitem 12215,30; getitem 12216,30; getitem 12211,2; getitem 7621,2; - Id: 13642 AegisName: Vigorgra_Package9 Name: 2 Hour Package Vol. 3 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12252,4; getitem 12253,4; getitem 12208,4; getitem 12215,30; getitem 12216,30; getitem 12211,2; getitem 7621,2; - Id: 13643 AegisName: Vigorgra_Package10 Name: 2 Hour Package Vol. 4 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12252,4; getitem 12255,4; getitem 12208,4; getitem 12215,30; getitem 12216,30; getitem 12211,2; getitem 7621,2; - Id: 13644 AegisName: Vigorgra_Package11 Name: 2 Hour Package Vol. 5 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12252,4; getitem 12250,4; getitem 12208,4; getitem 12215,30; getitem 12216,30; getitem 12211,2; getitem 7621,2; - Id: 13645 AegisName: Vigorgra_Package12 Name: 2 Hour Package Vol. 6 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12250,4; getitem 12251,4; getitem 12208,4; getitem 12215,30; getitem 12217,40; getitem 12211,2; getitem 7621,2; - Id: 13646 AegisName: Infiltrator_Box1 Name: Refined Infiltrator Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 1267,604800; - Id: 13647 AegisName: Muramasa_Box1 Name: Refined Muramasa Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 1173,604800; - Id: 13648 AegisName: Excalibur_Box1 Name: Refined Excalibur Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 13401,604800; - Id: 13649 AegisName: Combat_Knife_Box1 Name: Refined Combat Knife Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 13021,604800; - Id: 13650 AegisName: Counter_Dagger_Box1 Name: Refined Dagger of Counter Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 13022,604800; - Id: 13651 AegisName: Kaiser_Knuckle_Box1 Name: Refined Kaiser Knuckle Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 1817,604800; - Id: 13652 AegisName: Pole_Axe_Box1 Name: Refined Pole Axe Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 1419,604800; - Id: 13653 AegisName: Mighty_Staff_Box1 Name: Refined Mighty Staff Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 1623,604800; - Id: 13654 AegisName: Right_Epsilon_Box1 Name: Refined Light Epsilon Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 1372,604800; - Id: 13655 AegisName: Balistar_Box1 Name: Refined Ballista Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 1728,604800; - Id: 13656 AegisName: Diary_Of_Sage_Box1 Name: Refined Sage's Diary Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 1563,604800; - Id: 13657 AegisName: Asura_Box1 Name: Refined Ashura Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 13023,604800; - Id: 13658 AegisName: Apple_Of_Archer_Box1 Name: Refined Apple of Archer Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 5265,1209600; - Id: 13659 AegisName: Bunny_Band_Box1 Name: Refined Bunny Band Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 5266,1209600; - Id: 13660 AegisName: Sahkkat_Box1 Name: Refined Sakkat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 5267,1209600; - Id: 13661 AegisName: Lord_Circlet_Box1 Name: Refined Grand Circlet Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 5268,1209600; - Id: 13662 AegisName: Elven_Ears_Box1 Name: Refined Elven Ears Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 2686,1209600; - Id: 13663 AegisName: Steel_Flower_Box1 Name: Refined Romantic Flower Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 2687,1209600; - Id: 13664 AegisName: Critical_Ring_Box1 Name: Refined Critical Ring Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 2688,604800; - Id: 13665 AegisName: Earring_Box1 Name: Refined Earring Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 2689,604800; - Id: 13666 AegisName: Ring_Box1 Name: Refined Ring Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 2690,604800; - Id: 13667 AegisName: Necklace_Box1 Name: Refined Necklace Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 2691,604800; - Id: 13668 AegisName: Glove_Box1 Name: Refined Glove Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 2692,604800; - Id: 13669 AegisName: Brooch_Box1 Name: Refined Brooch Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 2693,604800; - Id: 13670 AegisName: Rosary_Box1 Name: Refined Rosary Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 2694,604800; - Id: 13671 AegisName: Safety_Ring_Box1 Name: Refined Safety Ring Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 2695,604800; - Id: 13672 AegisName: Vesper_Core01_Box1 Name: Refined Vesper Core 01 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 2696,604800; - Id: 13673 AegisName: Vesper_Core02_Box1 Name: Refined Vesper Core 02 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 2697,604800; - Id: 13674 AegisName: Vesper_Core03_Box1 Name: Refined Vesper Core 03 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 2698,604800; - Id: 13675 AegisName: Vesper_Core04_Box1 Name: Refined Vesper Core 04 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 2699,604800; - Id: 13676 AegisName: Drooping_Kitty_Box1 Name: Refined Drooping Cat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 5279,1209600; - Id: 13677 AegisName: Magestic_Goat_Box1 Name: Refined Majestic Goat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 5280,1209600; - Id: 13678 AegisName: Deviruchi_Cap_Box1 Name: Refined Deviruchi Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 5281,1209600; - Id: 13679 AegisName: Executioner_Box1 Name: Refined Executioner Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 1174,604800; - Id: 13680 AegisName: Brood_Axe_Box1 Name: Refined Bloody Axe Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 1373,604800; - Id: 13681 AegisName: Tomahawk_Box1 Name: Refined Tomahawk Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 1374,604800; - Id: 13682 AegisName: Bow_Of_Rudra_Box1 Name: Refined Rudra Bow Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 1729,604800; - Id: 13683 AegisName: Cutlas_Box1 Name: Refined Cutlus Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 13402,604800; - Id: 13684 AegisName: Solar_Sword_Box1 Name: Refined Solar Sword Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 13403,604800; - Id: 13685 AegisName: Sword_Breaker_Box1 Name: Refined Swordbreaker Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 13024,604800; - Id: 13686 AegisName: Mail_Breaker_Box1 Name: Refined Mailbreaker Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 13025,604800; - Id: 13687 AegisName: Moonlight_Sword_Box1 Name: Refined Moonlight Dagger Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 13026,604800; - Id: 13688 AegisName: Spanner_Box1 Name: Refined Wrench Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 1534,604800; - Id: 13689 AegisName: Bok_Choy_Box Name: Bok Choy Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 7766,100; - Id: 13690 AegisName: Chung_E_Cake_Box Name: Green Maiden Cake Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 7767,100; - Id: 13691 AegisName: Freyja_Overcoat_Box Name: Freya's Clothes Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 2369,604800; - Id: 13692 AegisName: Freyja_Boots_Box Name: Freya's Boots Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 2428,604800; - Id: 13693 AegisName: Freyja_Cape_Box Name: Freya's Manteau Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 2533,604800; - Id: 13694 AegisName: Freyja_Crown_Box Name: Freya's Crown Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 5306,604800; - Id: 13695 AegisName: Battle_Manual25_Box Name: Field Manual 25% Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 14532,10; - Id: 13696 AegisName: Battle_Manual100_Box Name: Field Manual 100% Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14533,10; - Id: 13697 AegisName: J_Blessing10_Box Name: Blessing Scroll 10 Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12215,10; - Id: 13698 AegisName: J_Inc_Agi10_Box Name: Increase Agility Scroll 10 Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12216,10; - Id: 13699 AegisName: J_Wind_Walk10_Box Name: Wind Walk Scroll 10 Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12219,10; - Id: 13700 AegisName: J_Adrenaline10_Box Name: Adrenaline Rush Scroll 10 Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12220,10; - Id: 13701 AegisName: Pet_Egg_Scroll12 Name: Pet Egg Scroll 12 Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 13702 AegisName: Pet_Egg_Scroll13 Name: Pet Egg Scroll 13 Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 13703 AegisName: Pet_Egg_Scroll14 Name: Pet Egg Scroll 14 Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 13704 AegisName: Super_Pet_Egg5 Name: Super Pet Egg 5 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true - Id: 13705 AegisName: Super_Pet_Egg6 Name: Super Pet Egg 6 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true - Id: 13706 AegisName: Super_Pet_Egg7 Name: Super Pet Egg 7 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true - Id: 13707 AegisName: Super_Pet_Egg8 Name: Super Pet Egg 8 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true - Id: 13708 AegisName: Pet_Egg_Scroll_E Name: Pet Egg Scroll E Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 13709 AegisName: BRO_Package_1 Name: BRO Package Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 13710 AegisName: Max_Weight_Up_Box Name: Gym Pass Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 7776,10; - Id: 13711 AegisName: Small_Life_Potion_Box Name: Small Life Potion 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 14534,10; - Id: 13712 AegisName: Small_Life_Potion_Box30 Name: Small Life Potion 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 14534,30; - Id: 13713 AegisName: Small_Life_Potion_Box50 Name: Small Life Potion 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 14534,50; - Id: 13714 AegisName: Med_Life_Potion_Box Name: Medium Life Potion 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 14535,10; - Id: 13715 AegisName: Med_Life_Potion_Box30 Name: Medium Life Potion 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 14535,30; - Id: 13716 AegisName: Med_Life_Potion_Box50 Name: Medium Life Potion 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 14535,50; - Id: 13717 AegisName: Abrasive_Box5 Name: Abrasive 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 14536,5; - Id: 13718 AegisName: Abrasive_Box10 Name: Abrasive 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 14536,10; - Id: 13719 AegisName: Regeneration_Box5 Name: Regeneration Potion 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 14537,5; - Id: 13720 AegisName: Regeneration_Box10 Name: Regeneration 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 14537,10; - Id: 13721 AegisName: Dun_Tele_Scroll_Box10 Name: Dungeon Teleport Scroll 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 14527,10; - Id: 13722 AegisName: Pecopeco_Hairband_Box Name: Peco Peco Hairband Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 5286,1; - Id: 13723 AegisName: Red_Glasses_Box Name: Red Glasses Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 5288,1; - Id: 13724 AegisName: Whisper_Mask_Box Name: Whisper Mask Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 5294,1; - Id: 13725 AegisName: Ramen_Hat_Box Name: Ramen Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 5293,1; - Id: 13726 AegisName: Gold_Box_ Name: Golden Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 7777,1; - Id: 13727 AegisName: Silver_Box_ Name: Silver Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 7778,1; - Id: 13728 AegisName: Gold_Key1_Box Name: Golden Key 1 Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 7779,1; - Id: 13729 AegisName: Gold_Key5_Box Name: Golden Key 5 Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 7779,5; - Id: 13730 AegisName: Silver_Key1_Box Name: Silver Key 1 Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 7780,1; - Id: 13731 AegisName: Silver_Key5_Box Name: Silver Key 5 Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 7780,5; - Id: 13734 AegisName: Pecopeco_Hairband_Box1 Name: Peco Peco Hairband Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 5286,1; - Id: 13735 AegisName: Red_Glasses_Box1 Name: Red Glasses Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 5288,1; - Id: 13736 AegisName: Whisper_Mask_Box1 Name: Whisper Mask Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 5294,1; - Id: 13737 AegisName: Ramen_Hat_Box1 Name: Ramen Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 5293,1; - Id: 13738 AegisName: Glass_Of_Illusion_Box5 Name: Glass of Illusion 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 14538,5; - Id: 13739 AegisName: Glass_Of_Illusion_Box10 Name: Glass of Illusion 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 14538,10; - Id: 13740 AegisName: Shadow_Armor_S_Box5 Name: Shadow Armor Scroll 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 14539,5; - Id: 13741 AegisName: Shadow_Armor_S_Box10 Name: Shadow Armor Scroll 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 14539,10; - Id: 13742 AegisName: Shadow_Armor_S_Box30 Name: Shadow Armor Scroll 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 14539,30; - Id: 13743 AegisName: Holy_Armor_S_Box5 Name: Holy Armor Scroll 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 14540,5; - Id: 13744 AegisName: Holy_Armor_S_Box10 Name: Holy Armor Scroll 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 14540,10; - Id: 13745 AegisName: Holy_Armor_S_Box30 Name: Holy Armor Scroll 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 14540,30; - Id: 13746 AegisName: S_Def_Potion_Box10 Name: Small Defense Potion 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 14541,10; - Id: 13747 AegisName: S_Def_Potion_Box30 Name: Small Defense Potion 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 14541,30; - Id: 13748 AegisName: S_Def_Potion_Box50 Name: Small Defense Potion 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 14541,50; - Id: 13749 AegisName: B_Def_Potion_Box10 Name: Big Defense Potion 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 14542,10; - Id: 13750 AegisName: B_Def_Potion_Box30 Name: Big Defense Potion 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 14542,30; - Id: 13751 AegisName: B_Def_Potion_Box50 Name: Big Defense Potion 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 14542,50; - Id: 13752 AegisName: S_Mdef_Potion_Box10 Name: Small Magic Defense Potion 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 14543,10; - Id: 13753 AegisName: S_Mdef_Potion_Box30 Name: Small Magic Defense Potion 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 14543,30; - Id: 13754 AegisName: S_Mdef_Potion_Box50 Name: Small Magic Defense Potion 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 14543,50; - Id: 13755 AegisName: B_Mdef_Potion_Box10 Name: Big Magic Defense Potion 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 14544,10; - Id: 13756 AegisName: B_Mdef_Potion_Box30 Name: Big Magic Defense Potion 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 14544,30; - Id: 13757 AegisName: B_Mdef_Potion_Box50 Name: Big Magic Defense Potion 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 14544,50; - Id: 13758 AegisName: Battle_Manual_X3_Box Name: Field Manual 300% Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 14545,20; - Id: 13759 AegisName: In_Blue_Herb_Box Name: Blue Herb Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 510,50; - Id: 13760 AegisName: Honey_Box Name: Honey Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 518,100; - Id: 13761 AegisName: Empty_Bottle_Box Name: Empty Bottle Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 713,500; - Id: 13762 AegisName: In_Royal_Jelly_Box Name: Royal Jelly Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 526,70; - Id: 13763 AegisName: 5_Anniversary_Coin_Box Name: Coin Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 2709,1; - Id: 13764 AegisName: Battle_Manual_Box_TW Name: Beginner's Field Manual 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 7803,5; - Id: 13765 AegisName: Certificate_TW_Box Name: Certificate Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 7804,1; - Id: 13766 AegisName: Nagan_Box Name: Refined Nagan Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 13407,604800; - Id: 13767 AegisName: Skewer_Box Name: Refined Brocca Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 1424,604800; - Id: 13768 AegisName: Survival_Rod_Box Name: Refined Survivor's Rod Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 1628,604800; - Id: 13769 AegisName: Quadrille_Box Name: Refined Quadrille Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 1537,604800; - Id: 13770 AegisName: Great_Axe_Box Name: Refined Great Axe Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 1378,604800; - Id: 13771 AegisName: Bloody_Roar_Box Name: Refined Bloody Roar Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 1273,604800; - Id: 13772 AegisName: Hardback_Box Name: Refined Hardcover Book Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 1567,604800; - Id: 13773 AegisName: Fire_Brand_Box Name: Refined Fireblend Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 13408,604800; - Id: 13774 AegisName: Immaterial_Sword_Box Name: Refined Immaterial Sword Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 13409,604800; - Id: 13775 AegisName: Unholy_Touch_Box Name: Refined Unholy Touch Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 1274,604800; - Id: 13776 AegisName: Cloak_Of_Survival_Box Name: Refined Survivor's Manteau Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 2535,1209600; - Id: 13777 AegisName: Masquerade_Box Name: Refined Masquerade Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 5326,1209600; - Id: 13778 AegisName: Orc_Hero_Helm_Box Name: Refined Helmet of Orc Hero Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 5327,1209600; - Id: 13779 AegisName: Evil_Wing_Ears_Box Name: Refined Wing of Diablo Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 5328,1209600; - Id: 13780 AegisName: Dark_Blindfold_Box Name: Refined Dark Blinder Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 5329,1209600; - Id: 13781 AegisName: kRO_Drooping_Kitty_Box Name: Refined Drooping Cat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 5330,1209600; - Id: 13782 AegisName: Corsair_Box Name: Refined Corsair Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 5331,1209600; - Id: 13783 AegisName: Bloody_Iron_Ball_Box Name: Refined Bloodied Shackle Ball Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 2710,604800; - Id: 13784 AegisName: Spiritual_Ring_Box Name: Refined Spiritual Ring Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 2711,604800; - Id: 13785 AegisName: Nagan_Box1 Name: Refined Nagan Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 13407,86400; - Id: 13786 AegisName: Skewer_Box1 Name: Refined Brocca Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 1424,86400; - Id: 13787 AegisName: Survival_Rod_Box1 Name: Refined Survivor's Rod Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 1628,86400; - Id: 13788 AegisName: Quadrille_Box1 Name: Refined Quadrille Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 1537,86400; - Id: 13789 AegisName: Great_Axe_Box1 Name: Refined Great Axe Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 1378,86400; - Id: 13790 AegisName: Bloody_Roar_Box1 Name: Refined Bloody Roar Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 1273,86400; - Id: 13791 AegisName: Hardback_Box1 Name: Refined Hardcover Book Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 1567,86400; - Id: 13792 AegisName: Fire_Brand_Box1 Name: Refined Fireblend Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 13408,86400; - Id: 13793 AegisName: Immaterial_Sword_Box1 Name: Refined Immaterial Sword Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 13409,86400; - Id: 13794 AegisName: Unholy_Touch_Box1 Name: Refined Unholy Touch Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 1274,86400; - Id: 13795 AegisName: Cloak_Of_Survival_Box1 Name: Refined Survivor's Manteau Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 2535,86400; - Id: 13796 AegisName: Masquerade_Box1 Name: Refined Masquerade Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 5326,86400; - Id: 13797 AegisName: Orc_Hero_Helm_Box1 Name: Refined Helmet of Orc Hero Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 5327,86400; - Id: 13798 AegisName: Evil_Wing_Ears_Box1 Name: Refined Wing of Diablo Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 5328,86400; - Id: 13799 AegisName: Dark_Blindfold_Box1 Name: Refined Dark Blinder Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 5329,86400; - Id: 13800 AegisName: kRO_Drooping_Kitty_Box1 Name: Refined Drooping Cat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 5330,86400; - Id: 13801 AegisName: Corsair_Box1 Name: Refined Corsair Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 5331,86400; - Id: 13802 AegisName: Bloody_Iron_Ball_Box1 Name: Refined Bloodied Shackle Ball Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 2710,86400; - Id: 13803 AegisName: Spiritual_Ring_Box1 Name: Refined Spiritual Ring Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 2711,86400; - Id: 13804 AegisName: Fire_Cracker_Love_Box Name: I Love You Firecracker Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 14546,10; - Id: 13805 AegisName: Fire_Cracker_Wday_Box Name: Whiteday Firecracker Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 14547,10; - Id: 13806 AegisName: Fire_Cracker_Vday_Box Name: Valentine's Day Firecracker Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 14548,10; - Id: 13807 AegisName: Fire_Cracker_Bday_Box Name: Birthday Firecracker Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 14549,10; - Id: 13808 AegisName: Fire_Cracker_Xmas_Box Name: Xmas Firecracker Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 14550,10; - Id: 13809 AegisName: Blue_Gemstone_Box Name: Blue Gemstone Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 717,100; - Id: 13810 AegisName: Blue_Potion_Box Name: Blue Potion Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 11502,25; - Id: 13811 AegisName: Food_Box_Lv1 Name: Food Box Vol 1 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 14551,1; getitem 14554,1; getitem 14557,1; getitem 14560,1; getitem 14563,1; getitem 14566,1; - Id: 13812 AegisName: Food_Box_Lv2 Name: Food Box Vol 2 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 14552,1; getitem 14555,1; getitem 14558,1; getitem 14561,1; getitem 14564,1; getitem 14567,1; - Id: 13813 AegisName: Food_Box_Lv3 Name: Food Box Vol 3 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 14553,1; getitem 14556,1; getitem 14559,1; getitem 14562,1; getitem 14565,1; getitem 14568,1; - Id: 13814 AegisName: Indonesia_Box Name: Healing Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 13815 AegisName: Knife_Goblin_Box Name: Knife Goblin Taming Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 14569,10; - Id: 13816 AegisName: Flail_Goblin_Box Name: Flail Goblin Taming Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 14570,10; - Id: 13817 AegisName: Hammer_Goblin_Box Name: Hammer Goblin Taming Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 14571,10; - Id: 13818 AegisName: Red_Deleter_Box Name: Red Deleter Taming Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 14572,10; - Id: 13819 AegisName: Diabolic_Box Name: Diabolic Taming Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 14573,10; - Id: 13820 AegisName: Wanderer_Box Name: Wanderer Taming Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 14574,10; - Id: 13821 AegisName: Green_Apple_Box Name: Green Apple Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 7821,10; - Id: 13822 AegisName: Whole_Barbecue_Box Name: Barbeque Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 7822,10; - Id: 13823 AegisName: Meat_Veg_Skewer_Box Name: Meat Skewer Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 7823,10; - Id: 13824 AegisName: Spirit_Liquor_Box Name: Spirit Liquor Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 7824,10; - Id: 13825 AegisName: Green_Box_ Name: Old Green Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 13826 AegisName: Power_Box1 Name: Power Box 1 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 682,1; getitem 12123,1; getitem 12122,1; - Id: 13827 AegisName: Power_Box2 Name: Power Box 2 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 683,1; getitem 12123,1; getitem 12122,1; - Id: 13828 AegisName: Resist_Box1 Name: Resist Box 1 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12118,1; getitem 12119,1; - Id: 13829 AegisName: Resist_Box2 Name: Resist Box 2 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12120,1; getitem 12121,1; - Id: 13830 AegisName: Stat_Boost1 Name: Stat Boost 1 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_INCSTR,60000,5; sc_start SC_INCAGI,60000,5; sc_start SC_INCVIT,60000,5; - Id: 13831 AegisName: Stat_Boost2 Name: Stat Boost 2 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_INCINT,60000,5; sc_start SC_INCLUK,60000,5; sc_start SC_INCDEX,60000,5; - Id: 13832 AegisName: Stat_Boost3 Name: Stat Boost 3 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_INCAGI,60000,5; sc_start SC_INCVIT,60000,5; sc_start SC_INCDEX,60000,5; - Id: 13833 AegisName: Stat_Boost4 Name: Stat Boost 4 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_INCINT,60000,5; sc_start SC_INCVIT,60000,5; sc_start SC_INCDEX,60000,5; - Id: 13834 AegisName: Dun_Tele_Scroll2_Box5 Name: Dungeon Teleport Scroll II 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 14581,5; - Id: 13835 AegisName: Dun_Tele_Scroll2_Box10 Name: Dungeon Teleport Scroll II 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 14581,10; - Id: 13836 AegisName: Mbl_Str_Dish_Box Name: Steamed Tongue Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12250,1; - Id: 13837 AegisName: Mbl_Agi_Dish_Box Name: Steamed Desert Scorpions Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12251,1; - Id: 13838 AegisName: Mbl_Int_Dish_Box Name: Dragon Breath Cocktail Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12252,1; - Id: 13839 AegisName: Mbl_Dex_Dish_Box Name: Hwergelmir's Tonic Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12253,1; - Id: 13840 AegisName: Mbl_Luk_Dish_Box Name: Cooked Nine Tail Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12254,1; - Id: 13841 AegisName: Mbl_Vit_Dish_Box Name: Immortal Stew Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12255,1; - Id: 13842 AegisName: Mbl_Kafra_Card_Box Name: Payment Statement for Kafra Employee Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12249,1; - Id: 13843 AegisName: Mbl_Battle_Manual_Box Name: Field Manual Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 14532,1; - Id: 13844 AegisName: Heroic_Stone_Box Name: Heroic Stone Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 7825,1; - Id: 13845 AegisName: Mysterious_Travel_Sack1 Name: Mystery Travel Sack A Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 13846 AegisName: Mysterious_Travel_Sack2 Name: Mystery Travel Sack B Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 13847 AegisName: Mysterious_Travel_Sack3 Name: Mystery Travel Sack C Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 13848 AegisName: Mysterious_Travel_Sack4 Name: Mystery Travel Sack D Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 13849 AegisName: WOB_Box_Rune5 Name: Yellow Butterfly Wing 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 14582,5; - Id: 13850 AegisName: WOB_Box_Rune10 Name: Yellow Butterfly Wing Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 14582,10; - Id: 13851 AegisName: WOB_Box_Schawaltz5 Name: Green Butterfly Wing 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 14583,5; - Id: 13852 AegisName: WOB_Box_Schawaltz10 Name: Green Butterfly Wing Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 14583,10; - Id: 13853 AegisName: WOB_Box_Rachel5 Name: Red Butterfly Wing 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 14584,5; - Id: 13854 AegisName: WOB_Box_Rachel10 Name: Red Butterfly Wing Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 14584,10; - Id: 13855 AegisName: WOB_Box_Local5 Name: Blue Butterfly Wing 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 14585,5; - Id: 13856 AegisName: WOB_Box_Local10 Name: Blue Butterfly Wing Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 14585,10; - Id: 13857 AegisName: Spark_Candy_Box5 Name: Candy 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 14586,5; - Id: 13858 AegisName: Spark_Candy_Box10 Name: Candy 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 14586,10; - Id: 13859 AegisName: Directive_A_Envelope Name: Directive Envelope A Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 2734,1; - Id: 13860 AegisName: Directive_B_Envelope Name: Directive Envelope B Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 2735,1; - Id: 13861 AegisName: Mini_Battle_Manual_Box Name: Small Field Manual Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12208,4; - Id: 13862 AegisName: Trial_Box Name: Trial Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12208,2; getitem 12215,15; getitem 12216,15; - Id: 13863 AegisName: Repair_Scroll_Box10 Name: Repair Weapon Scroll 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14521,10; getitem 1002,10; getitem 998,10; getitem 756,10; getitem 999,10; - Id: 13866 AegisName: Flying_Angel_Box Name: Flying Angel Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5210,1; - Id: 13867 AegisName: Neko_Mimi_Box Name: Neko Mimi Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5099,1; - Id: 13868 AegisName: MFH_Box Name: Moonlight Flower Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5214,1; - Id: 13869 AegisName: Chick_Hat_Box Name: Baby Chick Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5283,1; - Id: 13870 AegisName: New_Style_Box Name: Beauty Gift Certificate Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 7622,1; - Id: 13871 AegisName: Magician_Card_Box Name: Mage Card Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 4327,1; getitem 4309,1; getitem 4325,1; getitem 4208,1; getitem 4258,1; getitem 4191,1; - Id: 13872 AegisName: Acolyte_Card_Box Name: Acolyte Card Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 4185,1; getitem 4312,1; getitem 4217,1; getitem 4280,1; getitem 4293,1; - Id: 13873 AegisName: Archer_Card_Box Name: Archer Card Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 4297,1; getitem 4234,1; getitem 4199,1; getitem 4178,1; getitem 4252,1; - Id: 13874 AegisName: Swordman_Card_Box Name: Swordman Card Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 4319,1; getitem 4331,1; getitem 4220,1; getitem 4311,1; getitem 4246,1; - Id: 13875 AegisName: Thief_Card_Box Name: Thief Card Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 4230,1; getitem 4210,1; getitem 4257,1; getitem 4172,1; getitem 4272,1; - Id: 13876 AegisName: Merchant_Card_Box Name: Merchant Card Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 4206,1; getitem 4281,1; getitem 4186,1; getitem 4233,1; getitem 4321,1; - Id: 13877 AegisName: Clock_Tower_Card_Box Name: Clock Tower Card Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 4244,1; getitem 4299,1; getitem 4313,1; getitem 4229,1; - Id: 13878 AegisName: Geffenia_Card_Box Name: Geffenia Card Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 4218,1; getitem 4269,1; - Id: 13879 AegisName: Owl_Card_Box Name: Owl Card Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 4237,1; getitem 4238,1; - Id: 13880 AegisName: Ghost_Card_Box Name: Ghost Card Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 4193,1; getitem 4294,1; - Id: 13881 AegisName: Nightmare_Card_Box Name: Nightmare Card Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 4127,1; getitem 4166,1; - Id: 13882 AegisName: Curse_Card_Box Name: Curse Card Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 4076,4; - Id: 13883 AegisName: Sleep_Card_Box Name: Sleep Card Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 4024,4; - Id: 13884 AegisName: Freeze_Card_Box Name: Freeze Card Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 4055,4; - Id: 13885 AegisName: Stun_Card_Box Name: Stun Card Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 4017,4; - Id: 13886 AegisName: Silence_Card_Box Name: Silence Card Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 4057,4; - Id: 13887 AegisName: Blind_Card_Box Name: Blind Card Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 4020,4; - Id: 13888 AegisName: Chaos_Card_Box Name: Chaos Card Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 4104,4; - Id: 13889 AegisName: Elunium_Box_ Name: Elunium Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 985,10; - Id: 13890 AegisName: Oridecon_Box_ Name: Oridecon Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 984,10; - Id: 13891 AegisName: Fire_Converter_Box Name: Fire Converter Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12114,10; - Id: 13892 AegisName: Water_Converter_Box Name: Water Converter Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12115,10; - Id: 13893 AegisName: Wind_Converter_Box Name: Wind Converter Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12117,10; - Id: 13894 AegisName: Earth_Converter_Box Name: Earth Converter Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12116,10; - Id: 13895 AegisName: Starter_Pack Name: Starter Pack Type: Cash Buy: 20 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 7229,2; getitem 569,300; getitem 504,20; getitem 505,20; getitem 7060,30; getitem 2403,1; getitem 5039,1; getitem 2503,1; getitem 2307,1; getitem 616,1; getitem 603,1; getitem 617,1; getitem 610,5; getitem 604,5; - Id: 13896 AegisName: Mimic_Summon_Box5 Name: Mimic Summoning 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 12276,5; - Id: 13897 AegisName: Disguise_Summon_Box5 Name: Disguise Summoning 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 12277,5; - Id: 13898 AegisName: Alice_Summon_Box5 Name: Alice Summoning 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 12278,5; - Id: 13899 AegisName: Mimic_Summon_Box10 Name: Mimic Summoning 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 12276,10; - Id: 13900 AegisName: Disguise_Summon_Box10 Name: Disguise Summoning 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 12277,10; - Id: 13901 AegisName: Alice_Summon_Box10 Name: Alice Summoning 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 12278,10; - Id: 13902 AegisName: Fish_Head_Hat_Box Name: Fish Head Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5380,1; - Id: 13903 AegisName: Santa_Poring_Hat_Box Name: Santa Poring Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5381,1; - Id: 13904 AegisName: Bell_Ribbon_Box Name: Bell Ribbon Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5382,1; - Id: 13905 AegisName: Hard_Core_Set_Box Name: XM Hardcore Set Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12208,10; getitem 12209,10; getitem 12210,10; - Id: 13906 AegisName: Kitty_Set_Box Name: XM Kitty Set Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5230,1; getitem 5231,1; getitem 5232,1; getitem 5233,1; getitem 5234,1; - Id: 13907 AegisName: Soft_Core_Set_Box Name: XM Softcore Set Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12208,5; getitem 12209,5; getitem 12210,5; - Id: 13908 AegisName: Deviruchi_Set_Box Name: XM Deviruchi Set Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5227,1; getitem 5228,1; getitem 5229,1; - Id: 13909 AegisName: MVP_Hunt_Box Name: MVP Hunting Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 7621,1; getitem 12210,1; getitem 12221,1; getitem 12214,3; - Id: 13910 AegisName: Brewing_Box Name: XM Brewing Set Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12204,10; getitem 12205,10; getitem 12206,10; - Id: 13911 AegisName: Xmas_Pet_Scroll Name: Christmas Pet Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 13912 AegisName: Party_Blessing_Box Name: Party Blessing 10 Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 14588,10; - Id: 13913 AegisName: Party_Inc_Agi_Box Name: Party Increase Agi 10 Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 14589,10; - Id: 13914 AegisName: Party_Assumptio_Box Name: Party Assumptio 5 Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 14590,10; - Id: 13915 AegisName: Love_Angel_Box Name: Love Angel Magic Powder Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 12287,604800; - Id: 13916 AegisName: Squirrel_Box Name: Squirrel Magic Powder Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 12288,604800; - Id: 13917 AegisName: Gogo_Box Name: Gogo Magic Powder Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 12289,604800; - Id: 13926 AegisName: Crusader_Card_Box Name: Crusader Card Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 4371,1; getitem 4311,1; getitem 4319,1; getitem 4331,1; - Id: 13927 AegisName: Alchemist_Card_Box Name: Alchemist Card Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 4281,1; getitem 4233,1; getitem 4343,1; getitem 4186,1; getitem 4036,1; - Id: 13928 AegisName: Rogue_Card_Box Name: Rogue Card Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 4039,1; getitem 4210,1; getitem 4257,1; getitem 4230,1; getitem 4348,1; - Id: 13929 AegisName: Bard_Dancer_Card_Box Name: Bard Dancer Card Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 4297,1; getitem 4234,1; getitem 4178,1; getitem 4381,1; getitem 4252,1; - Id: 13930 AegisName: Sage_Card_Box Name: Sage card box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 4382,1; getitem 4258,1; getitem 4325,1; getitem 4208,1; getitem 4327,1; - Id: 13931 AegisName: Monk_Card_Box Name: Monk Card Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 4312,1; getitem 4332,1; getitem 4185,1; getitem 4293,1; - Id: 13932 AegisName: Sylph_Box Name: Sylph Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 4345,4; - Id: 13933 AegisName: Undine_Box Name: Undine Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 4350,4; - Id: 13934 AegisName: Salamander_Box Name: Salamander Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 4380,4; - Id: 13935 AegisName: Soul_Box Name: Soul Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 4388,4; - Id: 13936 AegisName: Noum_Bpx Name: Gnome Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 4335,4; - Id: 13937 AegisName: Robo_Eye_Box Name: Robo Eye Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5325,1; - Id: 13938 AegisName: Twin_Ribbon_Box Name: Maiden's Twin Ribbon Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5187,1; - Id: 13940 AegisName: Siege_Tele_Scroll_Box Name: WoE Teleport Scroll 100 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14591,100; - Id: 13941 AegisName: Valentine_Scroll_TW Name: Taiwan Valentine Scroll Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 13942 AegisName: Love_Angel_Box_1m Name: Love Angel Magic Powder Box 30 Days Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14009,1; - Id: 13943 AegisName: Squirrel_Box_1m Name: Squirrel Magic Powder Box 30 Days Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14010,1; - Id: 13944 AegisName: Gogo_Box_1m Name: Gogo Magic Powder Box 30 Days Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14011,1; - Id: 13945 AegisName: Br_SwordPackage Name: Brazil Swordsman Package Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 2317,1; getitem 2106,1; getitem 2406,1; getitem 2506,1; getitem 4003,1; getitem 4133,1; getitem 2607,2; getitem 2229,1; getitem 2266,1; - Id: 13946 AegisName: Br_MagePackage Name: Brazil Magician Package Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 2322,1; getitem 2102,1; getitem 2104,1; getitem 2504,1; getitem 4003,1; getitem 4077,1; getitem 2607,2; getitem 5027,1; - Id: 13947 AegisName: Br_AcolPackage Name: Brazil Acolyte Package Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 2326,1; getitem 2104,1; getitem 2404,1; getitem 2504,1; getitem 4003,1; getitem 4100,1; getitem 2607,2; getitem 2217,1; - Id: 13948 AegisName: Br_ArcherPackage Name: Brazil Archer package Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 2331,1; getitem 1716,1; getitem 2406,1; getitem 2504,1; getitem 4064,1; getitem 4102,1; getitem 2607,2; getitem 2285,1; - Id: 13949 AegisName: Br_MerPackage Name: Brazil Merchant Package Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 2315,1; getitem 2104,1; getitem 2406,1; getitem 2506,1; getitem 4003,1; getitem 4133,1; getitem 2607,2; getitem 5021,1; - Id: 13950 AegisName: Br_ThiefPackage Name: Brazil Thief Package Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 2336,1; getitem 2104,1; getitem 2406,1; getitem 2506,1; getitem 4097,1; getitem 4102,1; getitem 2607,2; getitem 2274,1; - Id: 13951 AegisName: Wasteland_Outlaw_Box Name: Western Outlaw Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 13109,604800; - Id: 13952 AegisName: Lever_Action_Rifle_Box Name: Lever Action Rifle Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 13170,604800; - Id: 13953 AegisName: All_In_One_Ring_Box Name: All In One Ring Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 2741,604800; - Id: 13954 AegisName: Spiritual_Tunic_Box Name: Spiritual Tunic Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 2384,604800; - Id: 13955 AegisName: Recuperative_Armor_Box Name: Recuvative Armor Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 2385,604800; - Id: 13956 AegisName: Shelter_Resistance_Box Name: Shell Of Resistance Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 2132,604800; - Id: 13957 AegisName: Sylphid_Manteau_Box Name: Silf Manteau Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 2543,604800; - Id: 13958 AegisName: Refresh_Shoes_Box Name: Refresh Shoes Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 2439,604800; - Id: 13959 AegisName: Toast_Box Name: Crunch Toast Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 5391,604800; - Id: 13960 AegisName: Name_Change_Coupon_Box Name: Identification Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 7623,1; - Id: 13961 AegisName: Mojji_Box Name: Mochi Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 554,5; - Id: 13962 AegisName: Deprotai_Doll_Hat_Box Name: Defolty Doll Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5340,1; - Id: 13963 AegisName: Claris_Doll_Hat_Box Name: Glaris Doll Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5341,1; - Id: 13964 AegisName: Sorin_Doll_Hat_Box Name: Sorin Doll Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5342,1; - Id: 13965 AegisName: Tayelin_Doll_Hat_Box Name: Tailring Doll Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5343,1; - Id: 13966 AegisName: Binit_Doll_Hat_Box Name: Vinit Doll Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5344,1; - Id: 13967 AegisName: Debril_Doll_Hat_Box Name: W Doll Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5345,1; - Id: 13970 AegisName: Iron_10_Box Name: Iron Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 998,10; - Id: 13971 AegisName: Steel_10_Box Name: Steel Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 999,10; - Id: 13972 AegisName: Coal_10_Box Name: Coal Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 1003,10; - Id: 13973 AegisName: Poison_Bottle_30_Box Name: Poison Bottle Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 678,30; - Id: 13974 AegisName: TW_Scroll01 Name: Fisherman Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 13975 AegisName: Picture_Diary_Box Name: Diary Magic Powder Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 12304,604800; - Id: 13976 AegisName: Mini_Heart_Box Name: Mini Heart Magic Powder Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 12305,604800; - Id: 13977 AegisName: Newcomer_Box Name: Freshman Magic Powder Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 12306,604800; - Id: 13978 AegisName: Kid_Box Name: Kid Magic Powder Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 12307,604800; - Id: 13979 AegisName: Magic_Castle_Box Name: Magic Magic Powder Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 12308,604800; - Id: 13980 AegisName: Bulging_Head_Box Name: JJangu Magic Powder Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 12309,604800; - Id: 13981 AegisName: Picture_Diary_Box_1m Name: Diary Magic Powder Box 30 Days Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 12304,2592000; - Id: 13982 AegisName: Mini_Heart_Box_1m Name: Mini Heart Magic Powder Box 30 Days Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 12305,2592000; - Id: 13983 AegisName: Newcomer_Box_1m Name: Freshman Magic Powder Box 30 Days Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 12306,2592000; - Id: 13984 AegisName: Kid_Box_1m Name: Kid Magic Powder Box 30 Days Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 12307,2592000; - Id: 13985 AegisName: Magic_Castle_Box_1m Name: Magic Magic Powder Box 30 Days Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 12308,2592000; - Id: 13986 AegisName: Bulging_Head_Box_1m Name: JJangu Magic Powder Box 30 Days Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 12309,2592000; - Id: 13987 AegisName: Ori_Stone_5_Box Name: Rough Oridecon 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 756,5; - Id: 13988 AegisName: Ori_Stone_50_Box Name: Rough Oridecon 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 756,50; - Id: 13989 AegisName: Acidbomb_10_Box Name: Acid Bomb 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 7135,10; getitem 7136,10; - Id: 13990 AegisName: Job_Manual50_Box Name: JOB Battle Manual Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14592,10; - Id: 13991 AegisName: Tiger_Mask_Box Name: Tiger Mask Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5098,1; - Id: 13992 AegisName: Cat_Hat_Box Name: Pussy Cat Bell Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5099,1; - Id: 13993 AegisName: Alice_Doll_Box Name: Alice Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5137,1; - Id: 13994 AegisName: Speed_Up_Potion_Box5 Name: Speed Potion 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12016,5; - Id: 13995 AegisName: Speed_Up_Potion_Box10 Name: Speed Potion 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12016,10; - Id: 13996 AegisName: Big_Bun_Box100 Name: Big Bun 100 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14522,100; - Id: 13997 AegisName: Big_Bun_Box500 Name: Big Bun 500 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14522,500; - Id: 13998 AegisName: Giant_Fly_Wing_Box500 Name: Giant Fly Wing 500 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12212,500; - Id: 13999 AegisName: Pill__Box100 Name: Pill 100 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14523,100; - Id: 14000 AegisName: Pill__Box500 Name: Pill 500 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14523,500; - Id: 14001 AegisName: Basic_Siege_Supply_Box Name: Recruit Siege Supply Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 11503,25; getitem 11504,10; - Id: 14002 AegisName: Adv_Siege_Supply_Box Name: Veteran Siege Supply Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 11503,50; getitem 11504,20; - Id: 14003 AegisName: Elite_Siege_Supply_Box Name: Elite Siege Supply Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 11503,100; getitem 11504,50; - Id: 14004 AegisName: Poison_Bottle_10_Box Name: Poison Bottle 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 678,10; - Id: 14005 AegisName: Poison_Bottle_5_Box Name: Poison Bottle 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 678,5; - Id: 14006 AegisName: F_Drooping_W_Kitty_Box Name: Evolved Drooping Cat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5372,1; - Id: 14007 AegisName: F_Rabbit_Ear_Hat_Box Name: Evolved Rabbits Headband Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5378,1; - Id: 14008 AegisName: F_L_Orc_Hero_Helm_Box Name: Evolved Helmet Of Orc Hero Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5375,1; - Id: 14009 AegisName: F_Love_Angel_Box Name: Love Angel Magic Powder Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 12287,604800; - Id: 14010 AegisName: F_Squirrel_Box Name: Squillroll Magic Powder Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 12288,604800; - Id: 14011 AegisName: F_Gogo_Box Name: Gogo Magic Powder Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 12289,604800; - Id: 14012 AegisName: F_Love_Angel_Box_1m Name: Love Angel Magic Powder Box 30 Days Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 13915,2592000; - Id: 14013 AegisName: F_Squirrel_Box_1m Name: Squillroll Magic Powder Box 30 Days Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 13916,2592000; - Id: 14014 AegisName: F_Gogo_Box_1m Name: Gogo Magic Powder Box 30 Days Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 13917,2592000; - Id: 14015 AegisName: F_Wasteland_Outlaw_Box Name: Western Outlaw Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 13107,604800; - Id: 14016 AegisName: F_Lever_Action_Rifle_Box Name: Lever Action Rifle Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 13170,604800; - Id: 14017 AegisName: F_All_In_One_Ring_Box Name: All In One Ring Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 2741,604800; - Id: 14018 AegisName: F_Spritual_Tunic_Box Name: Spiritual Tunic Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 2384,604800; - Id: 14019 AegisName: F_Recuperative_Box Name: Recuvative Armor Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 2385,604800; - Id: 14020 AegisName: F_Shelter_Resist_Box Name: Shell Of Resistance Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 2132,604800; - Id: 14021 AegisName: F_Sylphid_Manteau_Box Name: Silf Manteau Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 2543,604800; - Id: 14022 AegisName: F_Refresh_Shoes_Box Name: Refresh Shoes Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 2439,604800; - Id: 14023 AegisName: F_Toast_Box Name: Crunch Toast Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 5391,604800; - Id: 14024 AegisName: F_Robo_Eye_Box Name: Robo Eye Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5325,1; - Id: 14025 AegisName: F_Twin_Ribbon_Box Name: Maiden's Twin Ribbon Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5187,1; - Id: 14027 AegisName: F_Fish_Head_Hat_Box Name: Fish Head Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5380,1; - Id: 14028 AegisName: F_Santa_Poring_Hat_Box Name: SantaPoring Cap Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5381,1; - Id: 14029 AegisName: F_Bell_Ribbon_Box Name: Bell Ribbon Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5382,1; - Id: 14030 AegisName: F_Mimic_Scroll_Box5 Name: Mimic Summoning 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12276,5; - Id: 14031 AegisName: F_Disguise_Scroll_Box5 Name: Disguise Summoning 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12277,5; - Id: 14032 AegisName: F_Alice_Scroll_Box5 Name: Alice Summoning 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12278,5; - Id: 14033 AegisName: F_Mimic_Scroll_Box10 Name: Mimic Summoning 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12276,10; - Id: 14034 AegisName: F_Disguise_Scroll_Box10 Name: Disguise Summoning 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12277,10; - Id: 14035 AegisName: F_Alice_Scroll_Box10 Name: Alice Summoning 10 Box) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12278,10; - Id: 14036 AegisName: F_New_Style_Coupon_Box Name: New Style Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 7622,1; - Id: 14037 AegisName: F_Repair_Scroll_Box Name: Repair Weapon Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14521,5; getitem 1002,5; getitem 998,5; getitem 756,5; getitem 999,5; - Id: 14038 AegisName: F_Repair_Scroll_Box10 Name: Repair Weapon Scroll 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14521,10; getitem 1002,10; getitem 998,10; getitem 756,10; getitem 999,10; - Id: 14041 AegisName: F_WOB_Rune_Box5 Name: Yellow Butterfly Wing 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14582,5; - Id: 14042 AegisName: F_WOB_Rune_Box10 Name: Yellow Butterfly Wing Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14582,10; - Id: 14043 AegisName: F_WOB_Schwaltz_Box5 Name: Green Butterfly Wing 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14583,5; - Id: 14044 AegisName: F_WOB_Schwaltz_Box10 Name: Green Butterfly Wing Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14583,10; - Id: 14045 AegisName: F_WOB_Rachel_Box5 Name: Red Butterfly Wing 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14584,5; - Id: 14046 AegisName: F_WOB_Rachel_Box10 Name: Red Butterfly Wing Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14584,10; - Id: 14047 AegisName: F_WOB_Local_Box5 Name: Blue Butterfly Wing 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14585,5; - Id: 14048 AegisName: F_WOB_Local_Box10 Name: Blue Butterfly Wing Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14585,10; - Id: 14049 AegisName: F_Spark_Candy_Box5 Name: Candy 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14586,5; - Id: 14050 AegisName: F_Spark_Candy_Box10 Name: Candy 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14586,10; - Id: 14051 AegisName: F_Dun_Tel_Scroll2_Box5 Name: Dungeon Teleport Scroll II 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14581,5; - Id: 14052 AegisName: F_Dun_Tel_Scroll2_Box10 Name: Dungeon Teleport Scroll II 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14581,10; - Id: 14053 AegisName: F_Little_Angel_Doll_Box Name: Little Angel Doll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5324,1; - Id: 14054 AegisName: F_Triple_Poring_Hat_Box Name: Poring 3 Hats Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5255,1; - Id: 14055 AegisName: F_Nagan_Box Name: Refined Nagan Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 13407,604800; - Id: 14056 AegisName: F_Skewer_Box Name: Refined Brocca Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 1424,604800; - Id: 14057 AegisName: F_Survival_Rod_Box Name: Refined Survivor's Rod Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 1628,604800; - Id: 14058 AegisName: F_Quadrille_Box Name: Refined Quadrille Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 1537,604800; - Id: 14059 AegisName: F_Great_Axe_Box Name: Refined Great Axe Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 1378,604800; - Id: 14060 AegisName: F_Bloody_Roar_Box Name: Refined Bloody Roar Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 1273,604800; - Id: 14061 AegisName: F_Hardback_Box Name: Refined Hardcover Book Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 1567,604800; - Id: 14062 AegisName: F_Fire_Brand_Box Name: Refined Fireblend Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 13408,604800; - Id: 14063 AegisName: F_Immaterial_Sword_Box Name: Refined Immaterial Sword Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 13409,604800; - Id: 14064 AegisName: F_Unholy_Touch_Box Name: Refined Unholy Touch Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 1274,604800; - Id: 14065 AegisName: F_Clack_Of_Servival_Box Name: Refined Survivor's Manteau Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 2535,1209600; - Id: 14066 AegisName: F_Masquerade_Box Name: Refined Masquerade Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 5326,1209600; - Id: 14067 AegisName: F_Orc_Hero_Helm_Box Name: Refined Helmet of Orc Hero Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 5327,1209600; - Id: 14068 AegisName: F_Ear_Of_Devil_Wing_Box Name: Refined Wing of Diablo Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 5328,1209600; - Id: 14069 AegisName: F_Dark_Blindfold_Box Name: Refined Dark Blinder Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 5329,1209600; - Id: 14070 AegisName: F_K_Drooping_Kitty_Box Name: Refined Drooping Cat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 5330,1209600; - Id: 14071 AegisName: F_Corsair_Box Name: Refined Corsair Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 5331,1209600; - Id: 14072 AegisName: F_Bloody_Iron_Ball_Box Name: Refined Bloodied Shackle Ball Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 2710,604800; - Id: 14073 AegisName: F_Spiritual_Ring_Box Name: Refined Spiritual Ring Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 2711,604800; - Id: 14074 AegisName: F_G_O_I_Box5 Name: Wine Glass of Illusion 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14538,5; - Id: 14075 AegisName: F_G_O_I_Box10 Name: Glass Of Illusion 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14538,10; - Id: 14076 AegisName: F_Shadow_Armor_S_Box5 Name: Scroll of Shadow Armor 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14539,5; - Id: 14077 AegisName: F_Shadow_Armor_S_Box10 Name: Scroll of Shadow Armor 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14539,10; - Id: 14078 AegisName: F_Shadow_Armor_S_Box30 Name: Scroll of Shadow Armor 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14539,30; - Id: 14079 AegisName: F_Holy_Armor_S_Box5 Name: Scroll of Holy Armor 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14540,5; - Id: 14080 AegisName: F_Holy_Armor_S_Box10 Name: Scroll of Holy Armor 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14540,10; - Id: 14081 AegisName: F_Holy_Armor_S_Box30 Name: Scroll of Holy Armor 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14540,30; - Id: 14082 AegisName: FS_Def_Potion_Box10 Name: Small Defense Potion 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14541,10; - Id: 14083 AegisName: FS_Def_Potion_Box30 Name: Small Physical Defense Potion 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14541,30; - Id: 14084 AegisName: FS_Def_Potion_Box50 Name: Small Physical Defense Potion 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14541,50; - Id: 14085 AegisName: FB_Def_Potion_Box10 Name: Big Defense Potion 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14542,10; - Id: 14086 AegisName: FB_Def_Potion_Box30 Name: Large Physical Defense Potion 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14542,30; - Id: 14087 AegisName: FB_Def_Potion_Box50 Name: Large Physical Defense Potion 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14542,50; - Id: 14088 AegisName: FS_Mdef_Potion_Box10 Name: Small Magic Defense Potion 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14543,10; - Id: 14089 AegisName: FS_Mdef_Potion_Box30 Name: Small Magical Defense Potion 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14543,30; - Id: 14090 AegisName: FS_Mdef_Potion_Box50 Name: Small Magical Defense Potion 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14543,50; - Id: 14091 AegisName: FB_Mdef_Potion_Box10 Name: Big Magic Defense Potion 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14544,10; - Id: 14092 AegisName: FB_Mdef_Potion_Box30 Name: Large Magical Defense Potion 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14544,30; - Id: 14093 AegisName: FB_Mdef_Potion_Box50 Name: Large Magical Defense Potion 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14544,50; - Id: 14094 AegisName: F_Flying_Angel_Box Name: Flying Angel Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5210,1; - Id: 14095 AegisName: F_Cat_Hat_Box Name: Neko Mimi Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5099,1; - Id: 14096 AegisName: F_M_F_H_Box Name: Moonlight Flower Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5214,1; - Id: 14097 AegisName: F_Chick_Hat_Box Name: Baby Chick Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5283,1; - Id: 14098 AegisName: F_Pecopeco_Hairband_Box Name: Peco Peco Hairband Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 5286,1209600; - Id: 14099 AegisName: F_Red_Glasses_Box Name: Red Glasses Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 5288,1209600; - Id: 14100 AegisName: F_Whisper_Mask_Box Name: Whisper Mask Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 5294,1209600; - Id: 14101 AegisName: F_Ramen_Hat_Box Name: Ramen Hat Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 5293,1209600; - Id: 14102 AegisName: F_Dun_Tele_Scroll1_Box Name: Dungeon Teleport Scroll 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14527,5; - Id: 14103 AegisName: F_Max_Weight_Up_Box Name: Gym Membership Card Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 7776,1; - Id: 14104 AegisName: F_S_Life_Potion_Box Name: Small Life Potion 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14534,10; - Id: 14105 AegisName: F_S_Life_Potion_Box30 Name: Small Life Potion 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14534,30; - Id: 14106 AegisName: F_S_Life_Potion_Box50 Name: Small Life Potion 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14534,50; - Id: 14107 AegisName: F_M_Life_Potion_Box Name: Medium Life Potion 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14535,10; - Id: 14108 AegisName: F_M_Life_Potion_Box30 Name: Large Life Potion 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14535,30; - Id: 14109 AegisName: F_M_Life_Potion_Box50 Name: Large Life Potion 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14535,50; - Id: 14110 AegisName: F_Abrasive_Box5 Name: Abrasive 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14536,5; - Id: 14111 AegisName: F_Abrasive_Box10 Name: Abrasive 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14536,10; - Id: 14112 AegisName: F_Regeneration_Box5 Name: Regeneration Potion 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14537,5; - Id: 14113 AegisName: F_Regeneration_Box10 Name: Regeneration Potion 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14537,10; - Id: 14114 AegisName: F_Dun_Tele_Scroll_Box10 Name: Dungeon Teleport Scroll 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14527,10; - Id: 14115 AegisName: F_Infiltrator_Box Name: Refined Infiltrator Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 1267,604800; - Id: 14116 AegisName: F_Muramasa_Box Name: Refined Muramasa Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 1173,604800; - Id: 14117 AegisName: F_Excalibur_Box Name: Refined Excalibur Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 13401,604800; - Id: 14118 AegisName: F_Combat_Knife_Box Name: Combat Knife Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 13021,604800; - Id: 14119 AegisName: F_Counter_Dagger_Box Name: Counter Dagger Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 13022,604800; - Id: 14120 AegisName: F_Kaiser_Knuckle_Box Name: Refined Kaiser Knuckle Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 1817,604800; - Id: 14121 AegisName: F_Mighty_Staff_Box Name: Refined Mighty Staff Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 1623,604800; - Id: 14122 AegisName: F_Right_Epsilon_Box Name: Light Epsilon Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 1372,604800; - Id: 14123 AegisName: F_Balistar_Box Name: Refined Ballista Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 1728,604800; - Id: 14124 AegisName: F_Diary_Of_Great_Sage Name: Sage's Diary Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 1563,604800; - Id: 14125 AegisName: F_Asura_Box Name: Asura Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 13023,604800; - Id: 14126 AegisName: F_Apple_Of_Archer_Box Name: Apple of Archer Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 5265,1209600; - Id: 14127 AegisName: F_Bunny_Band_Box Name: Bunny Band Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 5266,1209600; - Id: 14128 AegisName: F_Sahkkat_Box Name: Refined Sakkat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 5267,1209600; - Id: 14129 AegisName: F_Lord_Circlet_Box Name: Refined Grand Circlet Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 5268,1209600; - Id: 14130 AegisName: F_Elven_Ears_Box Name: Elven Ears Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 2686,1209600; - Id: 14131 AegisName: F_Steel_Flower_Box Name: Steel Flower Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 2687,1209600; - Id: 14132 AegisName: F_Critical_Ring_Box Name: Critical Ring Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 2688,604800; - Id: 14133 AegisName: F_Earring_Box Name: Earring Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 2689,604800; - Id: 14134 AegisName: F_Ring_Box Name: Ring Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 2690,604800; - Id: 14135 AegisName: F_Necklace_Box Name: Necklace Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 2691,604800; - Id: 14136 AegisName: F_Glove_Box Name: Glove Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 2692,604800; - Id: 14137 AegisName: F_Brooch_Box Name: Brooch Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 2693,604800; - Id: 14138 AegisName: F_Rosary_Box Name: Rosary Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 2694,604800; - Id: 14139 AegisName: F_Safety_Ring_Box Name: Safety Ring Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 2695,604800; - Id: 14140 AegisName: F_Vesper_Core_Box01 Name: Refined Vesper Core 01 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 2696,604800; - Id: 14141 AegisName: F_Vesper_Core_Box02 Name: Refined Vesper Core 02 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 2697,604800; - Id: 14142 AegisName: F_Vesper_Core_Box03 Name: Refined Vesper Core 03 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 2698,604800; - Id: 14143 AegisName: F_Vesper_Core_Box04 Name: Refined Vesper Core 04 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 2699,604800; - Id: 14144 AegisName: F_Vigorgra_Package1 Name: Vigorgra Box1 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12250,2; getitem 12251,2; getitem 12208,2; getitem 12215,15; getitem 12216,15; getitem 12211,1; getitem 7621,1; - Id: 14145 AegisName: F_Vigorgra_Package2 Name: Vigorgra Box2 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12250,2; getitem 12255,2; getitem 12208,2; getitem 12215,15; getitem 12216,15; getitem 12211,1; getitem 7621,1; - Id: 14146 AegisName: F_Vigorgra_Package3 Name: Vigorgra Box3 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12252,2; getitem 12253,2; getitem 12208,2; getitem 12215,15; getitem 12216,15; getitem 12211,1; getitem 7621,1; - Id: 14147 AegisName: F_Vigorgra_Package4 Name: Vigorgra Box4 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12252,2; getitem 12255,2; getitem 12208,2; getitem 12215,15; getitem 12216,15; getitem 12211,1; getitem 7621,1; - Id: 14148 AegisName: F_Vigorgra_Package5 Name: Vigorgra Box5 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12252,2; getitem 12250,2; getitem 12208,2; getitem 12215,15; getitem 12216,15; getitem 12211,1; getitem 7621,1; - Id: 14149 AegisName: F_Vigorgra_Package6 Name: Vigorgra Box6 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12250,2; getitem 12251,2; getitem 12208,2; getitem 12215,15; getitem 12217,20; getitem 12211,1; getitem 7621,1; - Id: 14150 AegisName: F_Vigorgra_Package7 Name: Vigorgra Box7 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12250,4; getitem 12251,4; getitem 12208,4; getitem 12215,30; getitem 12216,30; getitem 12211,2; getitem 7621,2; - Id: 14151 AegisName: F_Vigorgra_Package8 Name: Vigorgra Box8 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12250,4; getitem 12255,4; getitem 12208,4; getitem 12215,30; getitem 12216,30; getitem 12211,2; getitem 7621,2; - Id: 14152 AegisName: F_Vigorgra_Package9 Name: Start your Journey Pack Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12252,4; getitem 12253,4; getitem 12208,4; getitem 12215,30; getitem 12216,30; getitem 12211,2; getitem 7621,2; - Id: 14153 AegisName: F_Vigorgra_Package10 Name: Siege Mode Pack Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12252,4; getitem 12255,4; getitem 12208,4; getitem 12215,30; getitem 12216,30; getitem 12211,2; getitem 7621,2; - Id: 14154 AegisName: F_Vigorgra_Package11 Name: 1 Hour Survival Pack Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12252,4; getitem 12250,4; getitem 12208,4; getitem 12215,30; getitem 12216,30; getitem 12211,2; getitem 7621,2; - Id: 14155 AegisName: F_Vigorgra_Package12 Name: Weekend Hunting Pack Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12250,4; getitem 12251,4; getitem 12208,4; getitem 12215,30; getitem 12217,40; getitem 12211,2; getitem 7621,2; - Id: 14156 AegisName: F_Battle_Manual_Box Name: Battle Manual Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12208,10; - Id: 14157 AegisName: F_Insurance_Package Name: Insurance Package Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12209,10; - Id: 14158 AegisName: F_Bubble_Gum_Box Name: Bubble Gum Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12210,10; - Id: 14159 AegisName: F_Str_Dish_Box Name: Steamed Tongue Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12202,10; - Id: 14160 AegisName: F_Agi_Dish_Box Name: Steamed Scorpion Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12203,10; - Id: 14161 AegisName: F_Int_Dish_Box Name: Dragon Breath Cocktail Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12204,10; - Id: 14162 AegisName: F_Dex_Dish_Box Name: Hwergelmir's Tonic Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12205,10; - Id: 14163 AegisName: F_Luk_Dish_Box Name: Nine Tail Dish Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12206,10; - Id: 14164 AegisName: F_Vit_Dish_Box Name: Stew Of Immortality Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12207,10; - Id: 14165 AegisName: F_Kafra_Card_Box Name: Kafra Card Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12211,10; - Id: 14166 AegisName: F_Giant_Fly_Wing_Box Name: Giant Fly Wing Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12212,10; - Id: 14167 AegisName: F_Neuralizer_Box Name: Neuralizer Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12213,1; - Id: 14168 AegisName: F_Convex_Mirror_Box Name: Convex Mirror Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12214,10; - Id: 14169 AegisName: F_Blessing_10_Scroll_Box Name: Blessing 10 Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12215,10; - Id: 14170 AegisName: F_Inc_Agi_10_Scroll_Box Name: Increase AGI 10 scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12216,10; - Id: 14171 AegisName: F_Aspersio_5_Scroll_Box Name: Aspersio 5 Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12217,10; getitem 523,10; - Id: 14172 AegisName: F_Assumptio_5_Scroll_Box Name: Assumptio 5 Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12218,10; - Id: 14173 AegisName: F_Wind_Walk_10_Scroll_Box Name: Wind Walk 10 Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12219,10; - Id: 14174 AegisName: F_Adrenaline_Scroll_Box Name: Adrenaline 5 Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12220,10; - Id: 14175 AegisName: F_Megaphone_Box Name: Megaphone 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12221,10; - Id: 14176 AegisName: F_Enriched_Elunium_Box Name: Enriched Elunium Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 7619,10; - Id: 14177 AegisName: F_Enriched_Oridecon_Box Name: Enriched Oridecon Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 7620,10; - Id: 14178 AegisName: F_Token_Of_Siegfried_Box Name: Token of Siegfried Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 7621,10; - Id: 14179 AegisName: F_Giant_Fly_Wing_Box50 Name: Giant Fly Wing 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12212,50; - Id: 14180 AegisName: F_Giant_Fly_Wing_Box100 Name: Giant Fly Wing 100 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12212,100; - Id: 14181 AegisName: F_Dex_Dish_Box30 Name: Hwergelmir's Tonic 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12205,30; - Id: 14182 AegisName: F_Dex_Dish_Box50 Name: Hwergelmir's Tonic 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12205,50; - Id: 14183 AegisName: F_Luk_Dish_Box30 Name: Nine Tail Dish 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12206,30; - Id: 14184 AegisName: F_Luk_Dish_Box50 Name: Nine Tail Dish 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12206,50; - Id: 14185 AegisName: F_Inc_Agi_10_Box30 Name: Increase Agility Scroll 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12216,30; - Id: 14186 AegisName: F_Inc_Agi_10_Box50 Name: Increase Agility Scroll 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12216,50; - Id: 14187 AegisName: F_Vit_Dish_Box30 Name: Stew of Immortality 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12207,30; - Id: 14188 AegisName: F_Vit_Dish_Box50 Name: Stew of Immortality 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12207,50; - Id: 14189 AegisName: F_Insurance_Package30 Name: Life Insurrance 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12209,30; - Id: 14190 AegisName: F_Insurance_Package50 Name: Life Insurrance 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12209,50; - Id: 14191 AegisName: F_Convex_Mirror_Box5 Name: Convex Mirror 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12214,5; - Id: 14192 AegisName: F_Convex_Mirror_Box30 Name: Convex Mirror 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12214,30; - Id: 14193 AegisName: F_Blessing10_Box30 Name: Blessing Scroll 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12215,30; - Id: 14194 AegisName: F_Blessing10_Box50 Name: Lv10 Blessing Scroll Box 50 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12215,50; - Id: 14195 AegisName: F_Adrenaline10_Box30 Name: Adrenaline Rush Scroll 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12220,30; - Id: 14196 AegisName: F_Adrenaline10_Box50 Name: Adrenaline Rush Scroll 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12220,50; - Id: 14197 AegisName: F_Assumptio_5_Box30 Name: Assumptio Scroll 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12218,30; - Id: 14198 AegisName: F_Assumptio_5_Box50 Name: Lv5 Assumptio Scroll Box 50 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12218,50; - Id: 14199 AegisName: F_Aspersio_5_Box30 Name: Aspersio Scroll 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12217,30; getitem 523,30; - Id: 14200 AegisName: F_Aspersio_5_Box50 Name: Aspersio Scroll 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12217,50; getitem 523,50; - Id: 14201 AegisName: F_Agi_Dish_Box30 Name: Steamed Scorpion 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12203,30; - Id: 14202 AegisName: F_Agi_Dish_Box50 Name: Steamed Scorpion 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12203,50; - Id: 14203 AegisName: F_Wind_Walk10_Box30 Name: Wind Walk Scroll 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12219,30; - Id: 14204 AegisName: F_Wind_Walk10_Box50 Name: Wind Walk Scroll 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12219,50; - Id: 14205 AegisName: F_Int_Dish_Box30 Name: Dragon Breath Cocktail 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12204,30; - Id: 14206 AegisName: F_Int_Dish_Box50 Name: Dragon Breath Cocktail 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12204,50; - Id: 14207 AegisName: F_Battle_Manual_Box1 Name: Field Manual Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12208,1; - Id: 14208 AegisName: F_Battle_Manual_Box5 Name: Battle Manual 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12208,5; - Id: 14209 AegisName: F_Siegfried_Box5 Name: Token of Siegfried 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 7621,5; - Id: 14210 AegisName: F_Siegfried_Box20 Name: Token of Siegfried 20 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 7621,20; - Id: 14211 AegisName: F_Kafra_Card_Box30 Name: Kafra Card 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12211,30; - Id: 14212 AegisName: F_Kafra_Card_Box50 Name: Kafra Card 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12211,50; - Id: 14213 AegisName: F_Str_Dish_Box30 Name: Steamed Tongue 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12202,30; - Id: 14214 AegisName: F_Str_Dish_Box50 Name: Steamed Tongue 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12202,50; - Id: 14215 AegisName: F_Bubble_Gum_Box1 Name: Bubble Gum Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12210,1; - Id: 14216 AegisName: F_Bubble_Gum_Box5 Name: Bubble Gum 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12210,5; - Id: 14217 AegisName: F_Megaphone_Box1 Name: Megaphone Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12221,1; - Id: 14218 AegisName: F_Megaphone_Box5 Name: Megaphone 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12221,5; - Id: 14219 AegisName: F_Enriched_Elunium_Box5 Name: Enriched Elunium 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 7619,5; - Id: 14220 AegisName: F_Enriched_Oridecon_Box5 Name: Enriched Oridecon 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 7620,5; - Id: 14221 AegisName: MP_Scroll_Box Name: Mystical Amplification Scroll 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14593,10; - Id: 14222 AegisName: MP_Scroll_Box30 Name: Mystical Amplification Scroll 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14593,30; - Id: 14223 AegisName: MP_Scroll_Box50 Name: Mystical Amplification Scroll 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14593,50; - Id: 14224 AegisName: Quagmire_Scroll_Box Name: Quagmire Scroll 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14594,10; - Id: 14225 AegisName: Quagmire_Scroll_Box30 Name: Quagmire Scroll 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14594,30; - Id: 14226 AegisName: Quagmire_Scroll_Box50 Name: Quagmire Scroll 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14594,50; - Id: 14227 AegisName: Healing_Staff_Box Name: Healing Staff Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 1638,604800; - Id: 14232 AegisName: Yggdrasilberry_Box_ Name: Yggdrasil Berry 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 607,10; - Id: 14233 AegisName: Dead_Tree_Branch_Box1 Name: Dead Branch 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 604,10; - Id: 14234 AegisName: Dead_Tree_Branch_Box2 Name: Dead Branch 25 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 604,25; - Id: 14235 AegisName: Field_Manual_Box_2 Name: Field Manual 2 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12208,2; - Id: 14236 AegisName: Steamed_Tongue_Box_20 Name: Steamed Tongue 20 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12202,20; - Id: 14237 AegisName: Steamed_Desert_Scorpions_Box_20 Name: Steamed Desert Scorpions Box(20) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12203,20; - Id: 14238 AegisName: Stew_Of_Immortality_Box_20 Name: Immortal Stew 20 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12207,20; - Id: 14239 AegisName: Dragon_Breath_Cocktail_Box_20 Name: Dragon Breath Cocktail 20 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12204,20; - Id: 14240 AegisName: Hwergelmir's_Tonic_Box_20 Name: Hwergelmir's Tonic 20 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12205,20; - Id: 14241 AegisName: Nine_Tail_Dish_Box_20 Name: Nine Tail Dish 20 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12206,20; - Id: 14242 AegisName: Beholder_Ring_Box Name: Beholder Ring Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 2753,1; - Id: 14243 AegisName: Hallow_Ring_Box Name: Hallow Ring Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 2754,1; - Id: 14244 AegisName: Clamorous_Ring_Box Name: Clamorous Ring Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 2755,1; - Id: 14245 AegisName: Chemical_Ring_Box Name: Chemical Ring Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 2756,1; - Id: 14246 AegisName: Insecticide_Ring_Box Name: Insecticide Ring Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 2757,1; - Id: 14247 AegisName: Fisher_Ring_Box Name: Fisher Ring Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 2758,1; - Id: 14248 AegisName: Decussate_Ring_Box Name: Decussate Ring Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 2759,1; - Id: 14249 AegisName: Bloody_Ring_Box Name: Bloody Ring Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 2760,1; - Id: 14250 AegisName: Satanic_Ring_Box Name: Satanic Ring Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 2761,1; - Id: 14251 AegisName: Dragoon_Ring_Box Name: Dragon Ring Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 2762,1; - Id: 14252 AegisName: Beholder_Ring_Box2 Name: Beholder Ring Box II Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 2753,1; - Id: 14253 AegisName: Hallow_Ring_Box2 Name: Hallow Ring Box II Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 2754,1; - Id: 14254 AegisName: Clamorous_Ring_Box2 Name: Clamorous Ring Box II Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 2755,1; - Id: 14255 AegisName: Chemical_Ring_Box2 Name: Chemical Ring Box II Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 2756,1; - Id: 14256 AegisName: Insecticide_Ring_Box2 Name: Insecticide Ring Box II Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 2757,1; - Id: 14257 AegisName: Fisher_Ring_Box2 Name: Fisher Ring Box II Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 2758,1; - Id: 14258 AegisName: Decussate_Ring_Box2 Name: Decussate Ring Box II Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 2759,1; - Id: 14259 AegisName: Bloody_Ring_Box2 Name: Bloody Ring Box II Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 2760,1; - Id: 14260 AegisName: Satanic_Ring_Box2 Name: Satanic Ring Box II Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 2761,1; - Id: 14261 AegisName: Dragoon_Ring_Box2 Name: Dragon Ring Box II Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 2762,1; - Id: 14262 AegisName: Diary_Magic_Powder_Box Name: Diary Magic Powder Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Script: | rentitem 12304,604800; - Id: 14263 AegisName: Mini_Heart_Magic_Powder_Box Name: Mini Heart Magic Powder Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Script: | rentitem 12305,604800; - Id: 14264 AegisName: Freshman_Magic_Powder_Box Name: Freshman Magic Powder Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Script: | rentitem 12306,604800; - Id: 14265 AegisName: Kid_Magic_Powder_Box Name: Kid Magic Powder Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Script: | rentitem 12307,604800; - Id: 14266 AegisName: Magic_Magic_Powder_Box Name: Magic Magic Powder Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Script: | rentitem 12308,604800; - Id: 14267 AegisName: JJangu_Magic_Powder_Box Name: JJangu Magic Powder Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Script: | rentitem 12309,604800; - Id: 14268 AegisName: Diary_Magic_Powder_Box4 Name: Diary Magic Powder Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 14269 AegisName: Mini_Heart_Magic_Powder_Box4 Name: Mini_Heart_Magic Powder Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 14270 AegisName: Freshman_Magic_Powder_Box4 Name: Freshman Magic Powder Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 14271 AegisName: Kid_Magic_Powder_Box4 Name: Kid Magic Powder Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 14272 AegisName: Magic_Magic_Powder_Box4 Name: Magic Magic Powder Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 14273 AegisName: JJangu_Magic_Powder_Box4 Name: JJangu Magic Powder Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 14274 AegisName: Amplification_10_Scroll_Box2 Name: Mystical Amplification Scroll 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 14593,10; - Id: 14275 AegisName: Amplification_30_Scroll_Box2 Name: Mystical Amplification Scroll 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 14593,30; - Id: 14276 AegisName: Amplification_50_Scroll_Box2 Name: Mystical Amplification Scroll 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 14593,50; - Id: 14277 AegisName: Quagmire_10_Scroll_Box2 Name: Quagmire Scroll 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 14594,10; - Id: 14278 AegisName: Quagmire_30_Scroll_Box2 Name: Quagmire Scroll 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 14594,30; - Id: 14279 AegisName: Quagmire_50_Scroll_Box2 Name: Quagmire Scroll 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 14594,50; - Id: 14280 AegisName: Healing_Staff_Box2 Name: Healing Staff Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 1638,1; - Id: 14282 AegisName: Emperium_Box Name: Emperium Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 714,1; - Id: 14283 AegisName: Marriage_Certificate_Box Name: Written Oath Of Marriage Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 6026,1; - Id: 14287 AegisName: Baricade_Repair_Kit Name: Barricade Repair Kit Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 1019,30; getitem 999,10; getitem 1011,10; getitem 984,5; - Id: 14288 AegisName: Guardian_Stone_Repair_Kit Name: Guardian Stone Repair Kit Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 984,1; getitem 985,1; getitem 7049,30; getitem 717,5; getitem 716,5; getitem 715,5; - Id: 14289 AegisName: Cloth_Dye_Coupon_Box Name: New Clothing Dye Coupon Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6046,1; - Id: 14290 AegisName: Cloth_Dye_Coupon2_Box Name: Original Clothing Dye Coupon Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6047,1; - Id: 14291 AegisName: Cloth_Dye_Coupon3_Box Name: Clothing Dye Coupon Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 6046,1; - Id: 14292 AegisName: Cloth_Dye_Coupon4_Box Name: Clothing Dye Coupon Box II Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 6047,1; - Id: 14296 AegisName: Angel_Scroll Name: Angel Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true - Id: 14297 AegisName: Devil_Scroll Name: Devil Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true - Id: 14300 AegisName: Mask_Of_Ifrit_Box Name: Mask Of Ifrit Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 5420,1; - Id: 14301 AegisName: Ifrit's_Ear_Box Name: Ears Of Ifrit Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 5421,1; - Id: 14304 AegisName: Scuba_Mask_Box Name: Scuba Mask Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 5397,1; - Id: 14314 AegisName: Phreeoni_Scroll_Box Name: Phreeoni Scroll Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14597,10; - Id: 14315 AegisName: GhostringS_Box Name: Ghostring Scroll Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14598,10; - Id: 14316 AegisName: July7_Scroll Name: July7 Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true - Id: 14317 AegisName: Bacsojin_Scroll Name: Bacsojin Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 14343 AegisName: Spiked_Scarf_Box Name: Spiked Scarf Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5462,1; - Id: 14344 AegisName: Rainbow_Scarf_Box Name: Rainbow Scarf Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5463,1; - Id: 14345 AegisName: Animal_Scroll Name: Animal Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 14349 AegisName: Mental_Potion20_Box Name: Mental Potion 20 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 14600,20; - Id: 14350 AegisName: Mental_Potion50_Box Name: Mental Potion 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 14600,50; - Id: 14351 AegisName: Tyr's_Blessing20_Box Name: Tyr's Blessing 20 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 14601,20; - Id: 14352 AegisName: Tyr's_Blessing50_Box Name: Tyr's Blessing 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 14601,50; - Id: 14363 AegisName: Heart_Scroll Name: Heart Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true - Id: 14375 AegisName: Holy_Celestial_Axe_Box Name: Celestial Axe Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 1383,1; - Id: 14376 AegisName: Angeling_Pot_Box Name: Angeling Potion Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12350,1; - Id: 14377 AegisName: Shout_Megaphone_Box Name: Scream Megaphone Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12351,1; - Id: 14380 AegisName: Anubis_Helm_Box Name: Anubis Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5490,1; - Id: 14393 AegisName: Almighty_Charm_Box Name: Universal Amulet Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 7945,1; - Id: 14408 AegisName: New_Year_Scroll Name: New Year Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true - Id: 14440 AegisName: Dice_Hat_Box Name: Dice Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5496,1; - Id: 14441 AegisName: King_Tiger_Doll_Hat_Box Name: King Tiger Doll Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5497,1; - Id: 14447 AegisName: Pirate's_Pride_Box Name: Pirate's Pride Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5501,1; - Id: 14448 AegisName: Necromencer's_Hood_Box Name: Necromancer's Hood Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5502,1; - Id: 14459 AegisName: Rabbit_Magic_Hat_Box Name: Magic Rabbit Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5503,1; - Id: 14460 AegisName: China_Wedding_Veil_Box Name: RO 5th Wedding Anniversary Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5504,1; - Id: 14461 AegisName: Asara_Fairy_Hat_Box Name: Ashura Fairy Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5505,1; - Id: 14466 AegisName: Valentine_Pledge_Box Name: Valentine's Emblem Box Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 14469 AegisName: Ox_Tail_Scroll Name: Ox Tail Egg Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 14500 AegisName: Insurance60 Name: Life Insurrance Certificate Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_LIFEINSURANCE,3600000,0; - Id: 14508 AegisName: Zeny_Scroll Name: Zeny Pet Egg Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true - Id: 14509 AegisName: Light_Center_Pot Name: Light Concentration Potion Type: Usable Buy: 800 Weight: 20 Script: | sc_start SC_ASPDPOTION0,1800000,0; - Id: 14510 AegisName: Light_Awakening_Pot Name: Light Awakening Potion Type: Usable Buy: 1500 Weight: 20 Jobs: Alchemist: true Archer: true Assassin: true Blacksmith: true Crusader: true Gunslinger: true Hunter: true Knight: true Mage: true Merchant: true Monk: true Ninja: true Novice: true Rogue: true Sage: true SoulLinker: true StarGladiator: true SuperNovice: true Swordman: true Taekwon: true Thief: true Wizard: true EquipLevelMin: 40 Script: | sc_start SC_ASPDPOTION1,1800000,0; - Id: 14511 AegisName: Light_Berserk_Pot Name: Light Berserk Potion Type: Usable Buy: 3000 Weight: 20 Jobs: Alchemist: true Blacksmith: true Crusader: true Gunslinger: true Knight: true Mage: true Merchant: true Rogue: true SoulLinker: true StarGladiator: true Swordman: true Taekwon: true Wizard: true EquipLevelMin: 85 Script: | sc_start SC_ASPDPOTION2,1800000,0; - Id: 14512 AegisName: Meteor_10_Scroll Name: Meteor Storm Scroll Type: Delayconsume Weight: 10 Script: | itemskill "WZ_METEOR",10; - Id: 14513 AegisName: Storm_10_Scroll Name: Storm Gust Scroll Type: Delayconsume Weight: 10 Script: | itemskill "WZ_STORMGUST",10; - Id: 14514 AegisName: Vermilion_10_Scroll Name: Lord of Vermilion Scroll Type: Delayconsume Weight: 10 Script: | itemskill "WZ_VERMILION",10; - Id: 14515 AegisName: Lex_Aeterna_Scroll Name: Lex Aeterna Scroll Type: Delayconsume Weight: 10 Script: | itemskill "PR_LEXAETERNA",1; - Id: 14516 AegisName: Magnificat_5_Scroll Name: Magnificat Scroll Type: Delayconsume Weight: 10 Script: | itemskill "PR_MAGNIFICAT",5; - Id: 14517 AegisName: CP_Helm_Scroll Name: Chemical Protection Helm Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | unitskilluseid getcharid(3),"AM_CP_HELM",5; - Id: 14518 AegisName: CP_Shield_Scroll Name: Chemical Protection Shield Scrol Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | unitskilluseid getcharid(3),"AM_CP_SHIELD",5; - Id: 14519 AegisName: CP_Armor_Scroll Name: Chemical Protection Armor Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | unitskilluseid getcharid(3),"AM_CP_ARMOR",5; - Id: 14520 AegisName: CP_Weapon_Scroll Name: Chemical Protection Weapon Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | unitskilluseid getcharid(3),"AM_CP_WEAPON",5; - Id: 14521 AegisName: Repair_Scroll Name: Repair Weapon Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | unitskilluseid getcharid(3),"BS_REPAIRWEAPON",1; - Id: 14522 AegisName: Big_Bun Name: Big Bun Type: Healing Weight: 10 Script: | percentheal 100,0; - Id: 14523 AegisName: Pill_ Name: Pill Type: Healing Weight: 10 Script: | percentheal 0,100; - Id: 14524 AegisName: Superb_Fish_Slice Name: Superb Fish Slice Type: Healing Weight: 10 Script: | percentheal 100,100; - Id: 14525 AegisName: Chewy_Ricecake Name: Chewy Ricecake Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_ATKPOTION,1800000,10; - Id: 14526 AegisName: Oriental_Pastry Name: Oriental Pastry Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_MATKPOTION,1800000,10; - Id: 14527 AegisName: Dun_Tele_Scroll1 Name: Dungeon Teleport Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | callfunc "F_CashDungeon",1; - Id: 14528 AegisName: PVP_Tele_Scroll Name: PVP Teleport Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 14529 AegisName: Greed_Scroll Name: Greed Scroll Type: Delayconsume Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | itemskill "BS_GREED",1; - Id: 14530 AegisName: Flee_30_Scroll Name: Evasion Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_FLEEFOOD,1800000,30; - Id: 14531 AegisName: Accuracy_30_Scroll Name: Concentration Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_HITFOOD,1800000,30; - Id: 14532 AegisName: Battle_Manual25 Name: Field Manual 25% Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | sc_start SC_EXPBOOST,1800000,25; - Id: 14533 AegisName: Battle_Manual100 Name: Field Manual 100% Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_EXPBOOST,1800000,100; - Id: 14534 AegisName: Small_Life_Potion Name: Small Life Potion Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_HEAL3; sc_start4 SC_S_LIFEPOTION,600000,-5,5,0,0; - Id: 14535 AegisName: Med_Life_Potion Name: Medium Life Potion Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_HEAL3; sc_start4 SC_L_LIFEPOTION,600000,-7,4,0,0; - Id: 14536 AegisName: Abrasive Name: Abrasive Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_MAGICALATTHIT; sc_start SC_INCCRI,300000,30; - Id: 14537 AegisName: Regeneration_Potion Name: Regeneration Potion Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_LIGHTSPHERE; sc_start SC_INCHEALRATE,1800000,20; - Id: 14538 AegisName: Glass_Of_Illusion Name: Glass of Illusion Type: Usable Weight: 10 Delay: Duration: 300000 Status: Reuse_Limit_A Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_STEAL; sc_start SC_INCFLEE2,60000,20; - Id: 14539 AegisName: Shadow_Armor_S Name: Shadow Armor Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_CLOAKING; sc_start4 SC_ELEMENTALCHANGE,1800000,1,Ele_Dark,1,0; - Id: 14540 AegisName: Holy_Armor_S Name: Holy Armor Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_BENEDICTIO; sc_start4 SC_ELEMENTALCHANGE,1800000,1,Ele_Holy,1,0; - Id: 14541 AegisName: S_Def_Potion Name: Small Defense Potion Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_GUARD; sc_start SC_DEF_RATE,60000,3; - Id: 14542 AegisName: B_Def_Potion Name: Big Defense Potion Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_GUARD; sc_start SC_DEF_RATE,180000,3; - Id: 14543 AegisName: S_Mdef_Potion Name: Small Magic Defense Potion Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_SPELLBREAKER; sc_start SC_MDEF_RATE,60000,3; - Id: 14544 AegisName: B_Mdef_Potion Name: Big Magic Defense Potion Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_SPELLBREAKER; sc_start SC_MDEF_RATE,180000,3; - Id: 14545 AegisName: Battle_Manual_X3 Name: Field Manual 300% Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_EXPBOOST,1800000,300; - Id: 14546 AegisName: Fire_Cracker_Love Name: I Love You Firecracker Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 20 - Id: 14547 AegisName: Fire_Cracker_Wday Name: Whiteday Firecracker Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 20 - Id: 14548 AegisName: Fire_Cracker_Vday Name: Valentine's Day Firecracker Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 20 - Id: 14549 AegisName: Fire_Cracker_Bday Name: Birthday Firecracker Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 20 - Id: 14550 AegisName: Fire_Cracker_Xmas Name: Xmas Firecracker Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 20 - Id: 14551 AegisName: Str_Dish01_ Name: Fried Grasshopper Legs Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_STRFOOD,1200000,1; percentheal 5,0; - Id: 14552 AegisName: Str_Dish02_ Name: Seasoned Sticky Webfoot Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_STRFOOD,1200000,2; percentheal 5,0; - Id: 14553 AegisName: Str_Dish03_ Name: Bomber Steak Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_STRFOOD,1200000,3; percentheal 5,0; - Id: 14554 AegisName: Int_Dish01_ Name: Grape Juice Herbal Tea Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_INTFOOD,1200000,1; percentheal 0,5; - Id: 14555 AegisName: Int_Dish02_ Name: Autumn Red Tea Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_INTFOOD,1200000,2; percentheal 0,5; - Id: 14556 AegisName: Int_Dish03_ Name: Honey Herbal Tea Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_INTFOOD,1200000,3; percentheal 0,5; - Id: 14557 AegisName: Vit_Dish01_ Name: Steamed Crab Nippers Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_VITFOOD,1200000,1; percentheal 5,0; - Id: 14558 AegisName: Vit_Dish02_ Name: Assorted Seafood Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_VITFOOD,1200000,2; percentheal 5,0; - Id: 14559 AegisName: Vit_Dish03_ Name: Clam Soup Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_VITFOOD,1200000,3; percentheal 5,0; - Id: 14560 AegisName: Agi_Dish01_ Name: Frog Egg Squid Ink Soup Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_AGIFOOD,1200000,1; percentheal 3,1; - Id: 14561 AegisName: Agi_Dish02_ Name: Smooth Noodle Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_AGIFOOD,1200000,2; percentheal 3,1; - Id: 14562 AegisName: Agi_Dish03_ Name: Tentacle Cheese Gratin Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_AGIFOOD,1200000,3; percentheal 3,1; - Id: 14563 AegisName: Dex_Dish01_ Name: Honey Grape Juice Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_DEXFOOD,1200000,1; percentheal 2,2; - Id: 14564 AegisName: Dex_Dish02_ Name: Chocolate Mousse Cake Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_DEXFOOD,1200000,2; percentheal 2,2; - Id: 14565 AegisName: Dex_Dish03_ Name: Fruit Mix Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_DEXFOOD,1200000,3; percentheal 2,2; - Id: 14566 AegisName: Luk_Dish01_ Name: Fried Monkey Tails Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_LUKFOOD,1200000,1; percentheal 3,2; - Id: 14567 AegisName: Luk_Dish02_ Name: Mixed Juice Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_LUKFOOD,1200000,2; percentheal 3,2; - Id: 14568 AegisName: Luk_Dish03_ Name: Fried Sweet Potato Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_LUKFOOD,1200000,3; percentheal 4,2; - Id: 14569 AegisName: Knife_Goblin_Ring Name: Knife Goblin Ring Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | pet 1122; - Id: 14570 AegisName: Flail_Goblin_Ring Name: Flail Goblin Ring Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | pet 1123; - Id: 14571 AegisName: Hammer_Goblin_Ring Name: Hammer Goblin Ring Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | pet 1125; - Id: 14572 AegisName: Holy_Marble Name: Holy Marble Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | pet 1385; - Id: 14573 AegisName: Red_Burning_Stone Name: Red Burning Stone Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | pet 1382; - Id: 14574 AegisName: Skull_Of_Vagabond Name: Vagabond's Skull Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | pet 1208; - Id: 14575 AegisName: Str_Dish05_ Name: Lutie Lady's Pancake Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_STRFOOD,1200000,5; percentheal 10,0; - Id: 14576 AegisName: Int_Dish05_ Name: Mastela Fruit Wine Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_INTFOOD,1200000,5; percentheal 0,10; - Id: 14577 AegisName: Vit_Dish05_ Name: Spicy Fried Bao Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_VITFOOD,1200000,5; percentheal 10,0; - Id: 14578 AegisName: Agi_Dish05_ Name: Steamed Bat Wing in Pumpkin Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_AGIFOOD,1200000,5; percentheal 6,2; - Id: 14579 AegisName: Dex_Dish05_ Name: Green Salad Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_DEXFOOD,1200000,5; percentheal 5,5; - Id: 14580 AegisName: Luk_Dish05_ Name: Fried Scorpion Tails Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_LUKFOOD,1200000,5; percentheal 5,2; - Id: 14581 AegisName: Dun_Tele_Scroll2 Name: Dungeon Teleport Scroll II Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | callfunc "F_CashDungeon",2; - Id: 14582 AegisName: WOB_Rune Name: Yellow Butterfly Wing Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | callfunc "F_CashCity",1; - Id: 14583 AegisName: WOB_Schwaltz Name: Green Butterfly Wing Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | callfunc "F_CashCity",2; - Id: 14584 AegisName: WOB_Rachel Name: Red Butterfly Wing Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | callfunc "F_CashCity",3; - Id: 14585 AegisName: WOB_Local Name: Blue Butterfly Wing Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | callfunc "F_CashCity",4; - Id: 14586 AegisName: Spark_Candy Name: Jumping Candy Type: Usable Weight: 10 Delay: Duration: 180000 Status: Reuse_Limit_B Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true - Id: 14587 AegisName: Repair_Scroll_ Name: Equipment Repair Spell Book Type: Delayconsume Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemskill "BS_REPAIRWEAPON",1; - Id: 14588 AegisName: Pty_Blessing_Scroll Name: Party Blessing 10 Scroll Type: Delayconsume Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | itemskill "CASH_BLESSING",10; - Id: 14589 AegisName: Pty_Inc_Agi_Scroll Name: Party Increase Agi 10 Scroll Type: Delayconsume Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | itemskill "CASH_INCAGI",10; - Id: 14590 AegisName: Pty_Assumptio_Scroll Name: Party Assumptio 5 Scroll Type: Delayconsume Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | itemskill "CASH_ASSUMPTIO",5; - Id: 14591 AegisName: Siege_Teleport_Scroll Name: WoE Teleport Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | callfunc "F_CashSiegeTele"; - Id: 14592 AegisName: Job_Manual50 Name: JOB Battle Manual Type: Usable Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_JEXPBOOST,1800000,50; - Id: 14593 AegisName: Magic_Power_Scroll Name: Mystical Amplification Scroll Type: Delayconsume Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemskill "HW_MAGICPOWER",10; - Id: 14594 AegisName: Quagmire_Scroll Name: Quagmire Scroll Type: Delayconsume Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemskill "WZ_QUAGMIRE",5; - Id: 14595 AegisName: Unsealed_Magic_Spell Name: Unsealed Magic Spell Type: Usable Script: | warp "yuno_fild09",255,127; - Id: 14596 AegisName: Pierre_Treasurebox Name: Pierre's Treasure Box Type: Usable Weight: 100 Flags: Container: true Script: | getrandgroupitem(IG_Pierre_Treasurebox,1); getrandgroupitem(IG_Pierre_Treasurebox,1); getrandgroupitem(IG_Pierre_Treasurebox,1); getrandgroupitem(IG_Pierre_Treasurebox,1); getrandgroupitem(IG_Pierre_Treasurebox,1); getrandgroupitem(IG_Pierre_Treasurebox,1); - Id: 14597 AegisName: PhreeoniS Name: Phreeoni Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start2 SC_ITEMSCRIPT,180000,4121,EFST_FOOD_BASICHIT; - Id: 14598 AegisName: GhostringS Name: Ghostring Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start2 SC_ITEMSCRIPT,60000,4047,EFST_ARMOR_PROPERTY; - Id: 14599 AegisName: Greed_Scroll_C Name: Greed Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 14600 AegisName: Mental_Potion Name: Mental Potion Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true - Id: 14601 AegisName: Tyr's_Blessing Name: Tyr's Blessing Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | sc_start SC_FLEEFOOD,300000,30; sc_start SC_HITFOOD,300000,30; sc_start SC_ATKPOTION,300000,20; sc_start SC_MATKPOTION,300000,20; - Id: 14602 AegisName: TaogunkaS Name: Tao Gunka Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start2 SC_ITEMSCRIPT,180000,4302,EFST_MVPCARD_TAOGUNKA; - Id: 14603 AegisName: MistressS Name: Mistress Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start2 SC_ITEMSCRIPT,180000,4132,EFST_MVPCARD_MISTRESS; - Id: 14604 AegisName: Orc_HeroS Name: Orc Hero Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start2 SC_ITEMSCRIPT,60000,4143,EFST_MVPCARD_ORCHERO; - Id: 14605 AegisName: Orc_LoadS Name: Orc Lord Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start2 SC_ITEMSCRIPT,180000,4135,EFST_MVPCARD_ORCLORD; - Id: 14606 AegisName: Job_Manual25 Name: JOB Battle Manual Type: Usable Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 14607 AegisName: Luxurious_Dinner_W Name: Luxurious Western Food Type: Usable Buy: 10000 Weight: 600 Script: | sc_start SC_INCALLSTATUS,3600000,3; - Id: 14608 AegisName: Luxurious_Dinner_E Name: Manchu-Han Imperial Feast Type: Usable Buy: 20000 Weight: 1200 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | sc_start SC_INCALLSTATUS,3600000,6; - Id: 14609 AegisName: Spoiled_Cuisine Name: Spoiled Cuisine Type: Usable Buy: 5000 Weight: 300 Script: | percentheal 10,10; - Id: 16134 AegisName: King_Frog_Hat_Box Name: Frog King Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5528,1; - Id: 16135 AegisName: Evil's_Bone_Hat_Box Name: Satanic Bone Helm Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5529,1; - Id: 16247 AegisName: Dragon_Arhat_Mask_Box Name: Dragon Arhat Mask Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5565,1; - Id: 16248 AegisName: Tiger_Arhat_Mask_Box Name: Tiger Arhat Mask Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5566,1; - Id: 16257 AegisName: Buddah_Scroll Name: Buddah Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true - Id: 16258 AegisName: HD_Bradium_Box5 Name: HD Bradium 5 Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6226,5; - Id: 16259 AegisName: HD_Carnium_Box5 Name: HD Carnium 5 Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6225,5; - Id: 16260 AegisName: HD_Bradium_Box10 Name: HD Bradium 10 Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6226,10; - Id: 16261 AegisName: HD_Carnium_Box10 Name: HD Carnium 10 Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6225,10; - Id: 16304 AegisName: Evil_Incarnation_Disable Name: Evil Incarnation Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 16371 AegisName: Tw_Aug_Scroll Name: Tw Aug Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true - Id: 16393 AegisName: HD_Ori_Box5 Name: HD Oridecon 5 Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6240,5; - Id: 16394 AegisName: HD_Ori_Box10 Name: HD Oridecon 10 Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6240,10; - Id: 16395 AegisName: HD_Elu_Box5 Name: HD Elunium 5 Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6241,5; - Id: 16396 AegisName: HD_Elu_Box10 Name: HD Elunium 10 Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6241,10; - Id: 16461 AegisName: Red_Wing_Hat_Box Name: Red Wing Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getitem 5690,1; - Id: 16555 AegisName: Pr_Reset_Stone_Box Name: Pr Reset Stone Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true - Id: 16677 AegisName: Universal_Catalog_Gold_Box10 Name: Universal Catalog Gold 10 Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12581,10; - Id: 16678 AegisName: Universal_Catalog_Gold_Box50 Name: Universal Catalog Gold 50 Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12581,50; - Id: 16679 AegisName: Universal_Catalog_Gold_Box10_ Name: Universal Catalog Gold 10 Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12581,10; - Id: 16680 AegisName: Universal_Catalog_Gold_Box50_ Name: Universal Catalog Gold 50 Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12581,50; - Id: 16776 AegisName: Universal_Catalog_Gold_Box10__ Name: Universal Catalog Gold 10 Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12581,10; - Id: 16777 AegisName: Universal_Catalog_Gold_Box50__ Name: Universal Catalog Gold 50 Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12581,50; - Id: 17104 AegisName: HD_Oridecon_50Box Name: HD Oridecon 50 Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 6240,50; - Id: 17105 AegisName: HD_Elunium_50Box Name: HD Elunium 50 Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 6241,50; - Id: 22777 AegisName: Gift_Buff_Set Name: Gift Buff Set Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 100 Classes: Normal: true Upper: true Baby: true Third: true Third_Upper: true Third_Baby: true EquipLevelMin: 1