# This file is a part of rAthena. # Copyright(C) 2021 rAthena Development Team # https://rathena.org - https://github.com/rathena # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # ########################################################################### # Item Database ########################################################################### # # Item Settings # ########################################################################### # - Id Item ID. # AegisName Server name to reference the item in scripts and lookups, should use no spaces. # Name Name in English for displaying as output. # Type Item type. (Default: Etc) # SubType Weapon, Ammo or Card type. (Default: 0) # Buy Buying price. When not specified, becomes double the sell price. (Default: 0) # Sell Selling price. When not specified, becomes half the buy price. (Default: 0) # Weight Item weight. Each 10 is 1 weight. (Default: 0) # Attack Weapon's attack. (Default: 0) # MagicAttack Weapon's magic attack. (Default: 0) # Defense Armor's defense. (Default: 0) # Range Weapon's attack range. (Default: 0) # Slots Available slots in item. (Default: 0) # Jobs Jobs that can equip the item. (Map default is 'All: true') # Classes Upper class types that can equip the item. (Map default is 'All: true') # Gender Gender that can equip the item. (Default: Both) # Locations Equipment's placement. (Default: None) # WeaponLevel Weapon level. (Default: 1 for Weapons) # ArmorLevel Armor level. (Default: 1 for Armors) # EquipLevelMin Minimum required level to equip. (Default: 0) # EquipLevelMax Maximum level that can equip. (Default: 0) # Refineable If the item can be refined. (Default: false) # Gradable If the item can be graded. (Default: false) # View View sprite of an item. (Default: 0) # AliasName Another item's AegisName that will be sent to the client instead of this item's AegisName. (Default: null) # Flags: Item flags. (Default: null) # BuyingStore If the item is available for Buyingstores. (Default: false) # DeadBranch If the item is a Dead Branch. (Default: false) # Container If the item is part of a container. (Default: false) # UniqueId If the item is a unique stack. (Default: false) # BindOnEquip If the item is bound to the character upon equipping. (Default: false) # DropAnnounce If the item has a special announcement to self on drop. (Default: false) # NoConsume If the item is consumed on use. (Default: false) # DropEffect If the item has a special effect on the ground when dropped by a monster. (Default: None) # Delay: Item use delay. (Default: null) # Duration Duration of delay in seconds. # Status Status Change used to track delay. (Default: None) # Stack: Item stack amount. (Default: null) # Amount Maximum amount that can be stacked. # Inventory If the stack is applied to player's inventory. (Default: true) # Cart If the stack is applied to the player's cart. (Default: false) # Storage If the stack is applied to the player's storage. (Default: false) # GuildStorage If the stack is applied to the player's guild storage. (Default: false) # NoUse: Conditions when the item is unusable. (Default: null) # Override Group level to override these conditions. (Default: 100) # Sitting If the item can not be used while sitting. (Default: false) # Trade: Trade restrictions. (Default: null) # Override Group level to override these conditions. (Default: 100) # NoDrop If the item can not be dropped. (Default: false) # NoTrade If the item can not be traded. (Default: false) # TradePartner If the item can not be traded to the player's partner. (Default: false) # NoSell If the item can not be sold. (Default: false) # NoCart If the item can not be put in a cart. (Default: false) # NoStorage If the item can not be put in a storage. (Default: false) # NoGuildStorage If the item can not be put in a guild storage. (Default: false) # NoMail If the item can not be put in a mail. (Default: false) # NoAuction If the item can not be put in an auction. (Default: false) # Script Script to execute when the item is used/equipped. (Default: null) # EquipScript Script to execute when the item is equipped. (Default: null) # UnEquipScript Script to execute when the item is unequipped or when a rental item expires. (Default: null) ########################################################################### Header: Type: ITEM_DB Version: 3 Body: - Id: 500 AegisName: Warnut_Chocoball Name: Choko Gangjeong Type: Healing Weight: 10 Script: | percentheal 10,10; - Id: 501 AegisName: Red_Potion Name: Red Potion Type: Healing Buy: 10 Weight: 70 Script: | itemheal rand(45,65),0; - Id: 502 AegisName: Orange_Potion Name: Orange Potion Type: Healing Buy: 50 Weight: 100 Script: | itemheal rand(105,145),0; - Id: 503 AegisName: Yellow_Potion Name: Yellow Potion Type: Healing Buy: 180 Weight: 130 Script: | itemheal rand(175,235),0; - Id: 504 AegisName: White_Potion Name: White Potion Type: Healing Buy: 1200 Weight: 150 Script: | itemheal rand(325,405),0; - Id: 505 AegisName: Blue_Potion Name: Blue Potion Type: Healing Buy: 5000 Weight: 150 Script: | itemheal 0,rand(40,60); - Id: 506 AegisName: Green_Potion Name: Green Potion Type: Healing Buy: 40 Weight: 70 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_end SC_POISON; sc_end SC_SILENCE; sc_end SC_BLIND; sc_end SC_CONFUSION; sc_end SC_HALLUCINATION; - Id: 507 AegisName: Red_Herb Name: Red Herb Type: Healing Buy: 18 Weight: 30 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(18,28),0; - Id: 508 AegisName: Yellow_Herb Name: Yellow Herb Type: Healing Buy: 40 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(38,58),0; - Id: 509 AegisName: White_Herb Name: White Herb Type: Healing Buy: 120 Weight: 70 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(75,115),0; - Id: 510 AegisName: Blue_Herb Name: Blue Herb Type: Healing Buy: 60 Weight: 70 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal 0,rand(15,30); - Id: 511 AegisName: Green_Herb Name: Green Herb Type: Healing Buy: 10 Weight: 30 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_end SC_POISON; - Id: 512 AegisName: Apple Name: Apple Type: Healing Buy: 15 Weight: 20 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(16,22),0; - Id: 513 AegisName: Banana Name: Banana Type: Healing Buy: 15 Weight: 20 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(17,21),0; - Id: 514 AegisName: Grape Name: Grape Type: Healing Buy: 200 Weight: 20 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal 0,rand(10,15); - Id: 515 AegisName: Carrot Name: Carrot Type: Healing Buy: 15 Weight: 20 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(18,20),0; - Id: 516 AegisName: Sweet_Potato Name: Potato Type: Healing Buy: 15 Weight: 20 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(15,23),0; - Id: 517 AegisName: Meat Name: Meat Type: Healing Buy: 50 Weight: 150 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(70,100),0; - Id: 518 AegisName: Honey Name: Honey Type: Healing Buy: 500 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(70,100),rand(20,40); - Id: 519 AegisName: Milk Name: Milk Type: Healing Buy: 25 Weight: 30 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(27,37),0; - Id: 520 AegisName: Leaflet_Of_Hinal Name: Hinalle Leaflet Type: Healing Buy: 150 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(175,235),0; - Id: 521 AegisName: Leaflet_Of_Aloe Name: Aloe Leaflet Type: Healing Buy: 360 Weight: 20 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(325,405),0; - Id: 522 AegisName: Fruit_Of_Mastela Name: Mastela Fruit Type: Healing Buy: 8500 Weight: 30 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(400,600),0; - Id: 523 AegisName: Holy_Water Name: Holy Water Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 30 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_end SC_CURSE; - Id: 525 AegisName: Panacea Name: Panacea Type: Healing Buy: 500 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_end SC_POISON; sc_end SC_SILENCE; sc_end SC_BLIND; sc_end SC_CONFUSION; sc_end SC_CURSE; sc_end SC_Hallucination; - Id: 526 AegisName: Royal_Jelly Name: Royal Jelly Type: Healing Buy: 7000 Weight: 150 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(325,405),rand(40,60); sc_end SC_POISON; sc_end SC_SILENCE; sc_end SC_BLIND; sc_end SC_CONFUSION; sc_end SC_CURSE; - Id: 528 AegisName: Monster's_Feed Name: Monster's Feed Type: Healing Buy: 60 Weight: 150 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(72,108),0; - Id: 529 AegisName: Candy Name: Candy Type: Healing Buy: 10 Weight: 30 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(45,65),0; - Id: 530 AegisName: Candy_Striper Name: Candy Cane Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 40 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(105,145),0; - Id: 531 AegisName: Apple_Juice Name: Apple Juice Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 40 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(25,35),0; - Id: 532 AegisName: Banana_Juice Name: Banana Juice Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 40 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(26,34),0; - Id: 533 AegisName: Grape_Juice Name: Grape Juice Type: Healing Buy: 250 Weight: 40 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal 0,rand(15,25); - Id: 534 AegisName: Carrot_Juice Name: Carrot Juice Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 40 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(27,33),0; - Id: 535 AegisName: Pumpkin Name: Pumpkin Type: Healing Buy: 15 Weight: 20 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal 19,0; - Id: 536 AegisName: Ice_Cream Name: Ice Cream Type: Healing Buy: 150 Weight: 80 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(105,145),0; sc_start SC_FREEZE,10000,0,2500,0; - Id: 537 AegisName: Pet_Food Name: Pet Food Type: Healing Buy: 1000 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(50,90),0; - Id: 538 AegisName: Well_Baked_Cookie Name: Well-baked Cookie Type: Healing Buy: 1000 Weight: 30 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(160,200),0; - Id: 539 AegisName: Piece_Of_Cake Name: Piece of Cake Type: Healing Buy: 3000 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(270,330),0; - Id: 540 AegisName: Falcon's_Feed Name: Falcon Food Type: Healing Buy: 2000 Weight: 50 Script: | itemheal rand(185,225),0; - Id: 541 AegisName: Pecopeco's_Feed Name: PecoPeco Food Type: Healing Buy: 3000 Weight: 50 Script: | itemheal rand(325,405),0; - Id: 542 AegisName: Festive_Cookie Name: Festival Cookie Type: Healing Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Script: | itemheal rand(325,405),0; - Id: 543 AegisName: Festive_Rainbow_Cake Name: Festival Rainbow Cake Type: Healing Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Script: | itemheal rand(325,405),0; - Id: 544 AegisName: Fish_Slice Name: Raw Fish Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 30 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(25,60),0; - Id: 545 AegisName: Red_Slim_Potion Name: Condensed Red Potion Type: Healing Buy: 150 Weight: 20 Script: | itemheal rand(45,65),0; - Id: 546 AegisName: Yellow_Slim_Potion Name: Condensed Yellow Potion Type: Healing Buy: 600 Weight: 30 Script: | itemheal rand(175,235),0; - Id: 547 AegisName: White_Slim_Potion Name: Condensed White Potion Type: Healing Buy: 1650 Weight: 50 Trade: NoSell: true Script: | itemheal rand(325,405),0; - Id: 548 AegisName: Cheese Name: Cheese Type: Healing Buy: 2800 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal 0,rand(10,15); - Id: 549 AegisName: Nice_Sweet_Potato Name: Yam Type: Healing Buy: 180 Weight: 80 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(50,100),0; sc_start SC_STUN,3000,0,1500,0; - Id: 550 AegisName: Popped_Rice Name: Rice Cake Type: Healing Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(10,15),0; - Id: 551 AegisName: Shusi Name: Sushi Type: Healing Buy: 1 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(50,60),0; - Id: 552 AegisName: KETUPAT Name: Ketupat Type: Healing Buy: 1 Weight: 10 Script: | itemheal rand(70,90),rand(20,30); - Id: 553 AegisName: Bun Name: Bao Type: Healing Buy: 1 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(35,70),0; - Id: 554 AegisName: Mojji Name: Mochi Type: Healing Buy: 100 Weight: 80 Script: | itemheal rand(105,145),0; sc_start SC_STUN,3000,0; sc_start SC_BLIND,2000,0,1500,0; - Id: 555 AegisName: Rice_Cake Name: Traditional Rice Cake Type: Healing Buy: 100 Weight: 20 Script: | itemheal rand(105,145),0; - Id: 556 AegisName: Long_Rice_Cake Name: Rice Cake Stick Type: Healing Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Script: | itemheal rand(20,25),0; - Id: 557 AegisName: Hash_Rice_Cake Name: Neatly Sliced Rice Cake Type: Healing Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Script: | itemheal rand(25,30),0; - Id: 558 AegisName: Chocolate Name: Chocolate Type: Healing Buy: 1 Weight: 20 Script: | itemheal 1,1; - Id: 559 AegisName: HandMade_Chocolate Name: Hand-made Chocolate Type: Healing Buy: 1 Weight: 80 Script: | itemheal 50,50; - Id: 560 AegisName: HandMade_Chocolate_ Name: Handmade White Chocolate Type: Healing Buy: 5000 Weight: 80 Script: | itemheal 50,50; - Id: 561 AegisName: White_Chocolate Name: White Chocolate Type: Healing Buy: 5000 Weight: 80 Script: | itemheal 50,50; - Id: 562 AegisName: Pizza Name: Doublecrust Swiss Fondue Type: Healing Buy: 100 Weight: 150 Script: | itemheal rand(70,100),0; - Id: 563 AegisName: Pizza_01 Name: Doublecrust Swiss Fondue Type: Healing Buy: 1200 Weight: 150 Script: | itemheal rand(375,445),0; - Id: 564 AegisName: Rice_Ball Name: Rice Ball Type: Healing Buy: 1 Weight: 30 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal 200,0; - Id: 565 AegisName: Vita500_Bottle Name: Vita500 Type: Healing Buy: 580 Weight: 100 Script: | itemheal rand(142,274),0; - Id: 566 AegisName: Tomyumkung Name: Tom Yum Goong Type: Healing Buy: 10000 Weight: 150 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(244,350),rand(10,30); sc_end SC_POISON; sc_end SC_SILENCE; sc_end SC_BLIND; sc_end SC_CONFUSION; sc_end SC_CURSE; sc_end SC_Hallucination; - Id: 567 AegisName: Prawn Name: Shrimp Type: Healing Buy: 500 Weight: 40 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(117,192),0; - Id: 568 AegisName: Lemon Name: Lemon Type: Healing Buy: 60 Weight: 40 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal 0,rand(10,20); - Id: 569 AegisName: Novice_Potion Name: Novice Potion Type: Healing Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(44,66),0; - Id: 570 AegisName: Lucky_Candy Name: Lucky Candy Type: Healing Buy: 10 Weight: 30 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(45,65),0; - Id: 571 AegisName: Lucky_Candy_Cane Name: Lucky Candy Cane Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 40 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(105,145),0; - Id: 572 AegisName: Lucky_Cookie Name: Lucky Cookie Type: Healing Buy: 1000 Weight: 30 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(160,200),0; - Id: 573 AegisName: Chocolate_Drink Name: Chocolate Drink Type: Healing Buy: 7000 Weight: 150 Script: | itemheal rand(330,410),rand(45,65); sc_end SC_POISON; sc_end SC_SILENCE; sc_end SC_BLIND; sc_end SC_CONFUSION; sc_end SC_CURSE; sc_end SC_Hallucination; - Id: 574 AegisName: Egg Name: Egg Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 30 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(33,42),0; - Id: 575 AegisName: Piece_Of_Cake_ Name: 2nd Anniversary Cake Type: Healing Buy: 10 Weight: 100 Script: | itemheal rand(270,330),0; - Id: 576 AegisName: Prickly_Fruit Name: Prickly Fruit Type: Healing Buy: 540 Weight: 60 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(150,300),rand(20,30); - Id: 577 AegisName: Grain Name: Bag of Grain Type: Healing Buy: 200 Weight: 20 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(60,70),0; - Id: 578 AegisName: Strawberry Name: Strawberry Type: Healing Buy: 200 Weight: 20 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal 0,rand(16,28); - Id: 579 AegisName: Delicious_Fish Name: Fresh Fish Type: Healing Buy: 700 Weight: 20 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(100,150),0; - Id: 580 AegisName: Bread Name: Bread Type: Healing Buy: 150 Weight: 20 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(50,90),0; - Id: 581 AegisName: Mushroom Name: Edible Mushroom Type: Healing Buy: 40 Weight: 20 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(20,30),0; - Id: 582 AegisName: Orange Name: Orange Type: Healing Buy: 300 Weight: 20 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(10,20),rand(10,20); - Id: 583 AegisName: KETUPAT_ Name: Ketupat Sayur Type: Healing Buy: 7000 Weight: 150 Script: | itemheal rand(325,405),rand(40,60); sc_end SC_POISON; sc_end SC_SILENCE; sc_end SC_BLIND; sc_end SC_CONFUSION; sc_end SC_CURSE; sc_end SC_Hallucination; - Id: 584 AegisName: Fish_Ball_Soup Name: Fish Cake Soup Type: Healing Buy: 100 Weight: 60 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(40,70),0; - Id: 585 AegisName: Wurst Name: Brusti Type: DelayConsume Buy: 2 Weight: 40 Script: | itemheal rand(15,20),0; itemskill "PR_MAGNIFICAT",3; - Id: 586 AegisName: Mother's_Cake Name: Mother's Cake Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 100 Script: | itemheal rand(325,405),0; - Id: 587 AegisName: Prickly_Fruit_ Name: Red Prickly Fruit Type: Healing Buy: 880 Weight: 60 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(270,330),rand(20,30); - Id: 588 AegisName: Spaghetti Name: Spaghetti Type: Healing Buy: 100 Weight: 100 Script: | itemheal rand(40,70),0; - Id: 589 AegisName: Pizza_02 Name: Pizza Type: Healing Buy: 1200 Weight: 150 Script: | itemheal rand(375,445),0; - Id: 590 AegisName: Brezel_ Name: Pretzel Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 20 Script: | itemheal rand(50,90),0; - Id: 591 AegisName: Caviar_Pancake Name: Caviar Pancake Type: Healing Weight: 150 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(325,405),rand(40,60); sc_end SC_POISON; sc_end SC_SILENCE; sc_end SC_BLIND; sc_end SC_CONFUSION; sc_end SC_CURSE; sc_end SC_Hallucination; - Id: 592 AegisName: Jam_Pancake Name: Jam Pancake Type: Healing Weight: 150 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(325,405),rand(40,60); sc_end SC_POISON; sc_end SC_SILENCE; sc_end SC_BLIND; sc_end SC_CONFUSION; sc_end SC_CURSE; sc_end SC_Hallucination; - Id: 593 AegisName: Honey_Pancake Name: Honey Pancake Type: Healing Weight: 150 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(325,405),rand(40,60); sc_end SC_POISON; sc_end SC_SILENCE; sc_end SC_BLIND; sc_end SC_CONFUSION; sc_end SC_CURSE; sc_end SC_Hallucination; - Id: 594 AegisName: Sour_Cream_Pancake Name: Sour-Cream Pancake Type: Healing Weight: 150 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(325,405),rand(40,60); sc_end SC_POISON; sc_end SC_SILENCE; sc_end SC_BLIND; sc_end SC_CONFUSION; sc_end SC_CURSE; sc_end SC_Hallucination; - Id: 595 AegisName: Mushroom_Pancake Name: Mushroom Pancake Type: Healing Weight: 150 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(325,405),rand(40,60); sc_end SC_POISON; sc_end SC_SILENCE; sc_end SC_BLIND; sc_end SC_CONFUSION; sc_end SC_CURSE; sc_end SC_Hallucination; - Id: 596 AegisName: Cute_Strawberry_Choco Name: Cute Strawberry-Choco Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 100 Script: | itemheal 0,rand(1,100); - Id: 597 AegisName: Lovely_Choco_Tart Name: Lovely Choco-Tart Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 100 Script: | itemheal rand(10,400),0; - Id: 598 AegisName: Light_Red_Pot Name: Light Red Potion Type: Healing Buy: 50 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemheal rand(45,65),0; - Id: 599 AegisName: Light_Orange_Pot Name: Light Orange Potion Type: Healing Buy: 200 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemheal rand(105,145),0; - Id: 601 AegisName: Wing_Of_Fly Name: Fly Wing Type: DelayConsume Buy: 250 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemskill "AL_TELEPORT",1; - Id: 602 AegisName: Wing_Of_Butterfly Name: Butterfly Wing Type: DelayConsume Buy: 1000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemskill "AL_TELEPORT",3; - Id: 603 AegisName: Old_Blue_Box Name: Old Blue Box Type: Usable Buy: 10000 Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Trade: NoSell: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BlueBox); - Id: 604 AegisName: Branch_Of_Dead_Tree Name: Dead Branch Type: Usable Buy: 50 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true DeadBranch: true Script: | monster "this",-1,-1,"--ja--",-1-MOBG_BRANCH_OF_DEAD_TREE,1,""; - Id: 605 AegisName: Anodyne Name: Anodyne Type: DelayConsume Buy: 2000 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemskill "SM_ENDURE",1; - Id: 606 AegisName: Aloebera Name: Aloevera Type: DelayConsume Buy: 1500 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | itemskill "SM_SELFPROVOKE",1; - Id: 607 AegisName: Yggdrasilberry Name: Yggdrasil Berry Type: Healing Buy: 5000 Weight: 300 Flags: BuyingStore: true Delay: Duration: 5000 Status: Reuse_Limit_F Script: | percentheal 100,100; - Id: 608 AegisName: Seed_Of_Yggdrasil Name: Yggdrasil Seed Type: Healing Buy: 5000 Weight: 300 Flags: BuyingStore: true Delay: Duration: 3000 Status: Reuse_Limit_G Script: | percentheal 50,50; - Id: 609 AegisName: Amulet Name: Amulet Type: Usable Buy: 100 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true - Id: 610 AegisName: Leaf_Of_Yggdrasil Name: Yggdrasil Leaf Type: DelayConsume Buy: 12000 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemskill "ALL_RESURRECTION",1; - Id: 611 AegisName: Spectacles Name: Magnifier Type: DelayConsume Buy: 40 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemskill "MC_IDENTIFY",1; - Id: 612 AegisName: Portable_Furnace Name: Mini Furnace Type: Usable Buy: 150 Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | produce 21; - Id: 613 AegisName: Iron_Hammer Name: Iron Hammer Type: Usable Buy: 1000 Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | produce 1; - Id: 614 AegisName: Golden_Hammer Name: Golden Hammer Type: Usable Buy: 3000 Weight: 300 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | produce 2; - Id: 615 AegisName: Oridecon_Hammer Name: Oridecon Hammer Type: Usable Buy: 5000 Weight: 400 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | produce 3; - Id: 616 AegisName: Old_Card_Album Name: Old Card Album Type: Usable Buy: 10000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CardAlbum); - Id: 617 AegisName: Old_Violet_Box Name: Old Purple Box Type: Usable Buy: 10000 Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Trade: NoSell: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_VioletBox); - Id: 618 AegisName: Worn_Out_Scroll Name: Worn Out Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 50 Weight: 20 Flags: BuyingStore: true - Id: 619 AegisName: Unripe_Apple Name: Unripe Apple Type: Usable Buy: 1000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1002; - Id: 620 AegisName: Orange_Juice Name: Orange Juice Type: Usable Buy: 1500 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1113; - Id: 621 AegisName: Bitter_Herb Name: Bitter Herb Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1031; - Id: 622 AegisName: Rainbow_Carrot Name: Rainbow Carrot Type: Usable Buy: 2500 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1063; - Id: 623 AegisName: Earthworm_The_Dude Name: Earthworm the Dude Type: Usable Buy: 4000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1049; - Id: 624 AegisName: Rotten_Fish Name: Rotten Fish Type: Usable Buy: 2500 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1011; - Id: 625 AegisName: Lusty_Iron Name: Rusty Iron Type: Usable Buy: 100 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1042; - Id: 626 AegisName: Monster_Juice Name: Monster Juice Type: Usable Buy: 1500 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1035; - Id: 627 AegisName: Sweet_Milk Name: Sweet Milk Type: Usable Buy: 7000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1167; - Id: 628 AegisName: Well_Dried_Bone Name: Well-Dried Bone Type: Usable Buy: 10000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1107; - Id: 629 AegisName: Singing_Flower Name: Singing Flower Type: Usable Buy: 300 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1052; - Id: 630 AegisName: Dew_Laden_Moss Name: Dew Laden Moss Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1014; - Id: 631 AegisName: Deadly_Noxious_Herb Name: Deadly Noxious Herb Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1077; - Id: 632 AegisName: Fatty_Chubby_Earthworm Name: Fatty Chubby Earthworm Type: Usable Buy: 5000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1019; - Id: 633 AegisName: Baked_Yam Name: Sweet Potato Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1056; - Id: 634 AegisName: Tropical_Banana Name: Tropical Banana Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1057; - Id: 635 AegisName: Horror_Of_Tribe Name: Orc Trophy Type: Usable Buy: 300 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1023; - Id: 636 AegisName: No_Recipient Name: No Recipient Type: Usable Buy: 100 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1026; - Id: 637 AegisName: Old_Broom Name: Old Broom Type: Usable Buy: 350 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1110; - Id: 638 AegisName: Silver_Knife_Of_Chaste Name: Silver Knife of Chastity Type: Usable Buy: 12000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1170; - Id: 639 AegisName: Armlet_Of_Obedience Name: Armlet of Obedience Type: Usable Buy: 18000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1029; - Id: 640 AegisName: Shining_Stone Name: Shining Stone Type: Usable Buy: 3000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1155; - Id: 641 AegisName: Contracts_In_Shadow Name: Contract in Shadow Type: Usable Buy: 100 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1109; - Id: 642 AegisName: Book_Of_Devil Name: Book of the Devil Type: Usable Buy: 1800 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1101; - Id: 643 AegisName: Pet_Incubator Name: Pet Incubator Type: Usable Buy: 10000 Weight: 30 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | bpet; - Id: 644 AegisName: Gift_Box Name: Gift Box Type: Usable Buy: 1000 Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_GiftBox); - Id: 645 AegisName: Center_Potion Name: Concentration Potion Type: Usable Buy: 1200 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_ASPDPOTION0,1800000,4; - Id: 656 AegisName: Awakening_Potion Name: Awakening Potion Type: Usable Buy: 2200 Weight: 150 Jobs: Alchemist: true Archer: true Assassin: true Blacksmith: true Crusader: true Gunslinger: true Hunter: true KagerouOboro: true Knight: true Mage: true Merchant: true Monk: true Ninja: true Novice: true Rebellion: true Rogue: true Sage: true SoulLinker: true StarGladiator: true Summoner: true SuperNovice: true Swordman: true Taekwon: true Thief: true Wizard: true EquipLevelMin: 40 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_ASPDPOTION1,1800000,6; - Id: 657 AegisName: Berserk_Potion Name: Berserk Potion Type: Usable Buy: 4500 Weight: 200 Jobs: Alchemist: true Blacksmith: true Crusader: true Gunslinger: true Knight: true Mage: true Merchant: true Rebellion: true Rogue: true SoulLinker: true StarGladiator: true Swordman: true Taekwon: true Wizard: true EquipLevelMin: 85 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_ASPDPOTION2,1800000,9; - Id: 658 AegisName: Union_Of_Tribe Name: Union of Tribe Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 500 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | guildgetexp rand(500000,1000000); - Id: 659 AegisName: Heart_Of_Her Name: Her Heart Type: Usable Buy: 500 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1188; - Id: 660 AegisName: Prohibition_Red_Candle Name: Forbidden Red Candle Type: Usable Buy: 20000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1200; - Id: 661 AegisName: Sway_Apron Name: Soft Apron Type: Usable Buy: 20000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1275; - Id: 662 AegisName: Inspector_Certificate Name: Authoritative Badge Type: Usable Buy: 1450 Weight: 30 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_SPEEDUP0,180000,25; - Id: 663 AegisName: Korea_Rice_Cake Name: Korean Rice Cake Type: Healing Buy: 1 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | percentheal 10,0; - Id: 664 AegisName: Gift_Box_1 Name: Gift Box Type: Usable Buy: 1000 Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_GiftBox_1); - Id: 665 AegisName: Gift_Box_2 Name: Gift Box Type: Usable Buy: 1000 Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_GiftBox_2); - Id: 666 AegisName: Gift_Box_3 Name: Gift Box Type: Usable Buy: 1000 Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_GiftBox_3); - Id: 667 AegisName: Gift_Box_4 Name: Gift Box Type: Usable Buy: 1000 Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_GiftBox_4); - Id: 668 AegisName: Handsei Name: Red Envelope Type: Usable Weight: 20 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | Zeny += rand(1000,10000); - Id: 669 AegisName: Rice_Cake_Soup Name: Tempting Rice-Cake Soup Type: Healing Buy: 500 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | percentheal 10,10; - Id: 671 AegisName: Gold_Coin Name: Gold Coin Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | RouletteGold++; - Id: 673 AegisName: Copper_Coin Name: Bronze Coin Type: Usable Buy: 100 Weight: 40 Script: | RouletteBronze++; - Id: 675 AegisName: Silver_Coin Name: Silver Coin Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | RouletteSilver++; - Id: 678 AegisName: Poison_Bottle Name: Poison Bottle Type: Usable Buy: 5000 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | if ((eaclass()&EAJ_ASSASSIN_CROSS)==EAJ_ASSASSIN_CROSS) { sc_start SC_DPOISON,60000,0; sc_start SC_ASPDPOTION3,60000,9; } else percentheal -100,-100; - Id: 679 AegisName: Gold_Pill Name: Pilule Type: Usable Buy: 5000 Weight: 300 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_DPOISON,10000,0,1000,0; sc_start SC_POISON,50000,0; - Id: 680 AegisName: Magical_Carnation Name: Magic Carnation Type: Healing Weight: 1000 Script: | percentheal 0,20; - Id: 681 AegisName: Memory_Of_Wedding Name: Sweet Memory of Marriage Type: Usable Buy: 50000 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | if (getpartnerid()) sc_start SC_WEDDING,600000,0; - Id: 682 AegisName: Realgar_Wine Name: Distilled Fighting Spirit Type: Usable Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_ATKPOTION,60000,30; - Id: 683 AegisName: Exorcize_Herb Name: Herb of Incantation Type: Usable Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_MATKPOTION,60000,30; - Id: 684 AegisName: Durian Name: Durian Type: Usable Buy: 15000 Weight: 300 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_ATKPOTION,60000,10; sc_start SC_MATKPOTION,60000,10; - Id: 685 AegisName: RAMADAN Name: Ramadan Type: Healing Buy: 5000 Weight: 300 Script: | percentheal 100,50; - Id: 686 AegisName: Earth_Scroll_1_3 Name: Level 3 Earth Spike Type: DelayConsume Buy: 1000 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | itemskill "WZ_EARTHSPIKE",3; - Id: 687 AegisName: Earth_Scroll_1_5 Name: Level 5 Earth Spike Type: DelayConsume Buy: 2000 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | itemskill "WZ_EARTHSPIKE",5; - Id: 688 AegisName: Cold_Scroll_1_3 Name: Level 3 Cold Bolt Type: DelayConsume Buy: 1000 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | itemskill "MG_COLDBOLT",3; - Id: 689 AegisName: Cold_Scroll_1_5 Name: Level 5 Cold Bolt Type: DelayConsume Buy: 2000 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | itemskill "MG_COLDBOLT",5; - Id: 690 AegisName: Fire_Scroll_1_3 Name: Level 3 Fire Bolt Type: DelayConsume Buy: 1000 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | itemskill "MG_FIREBOLT",3; - Id: 691 AegisName: Fire_Scroll_1_5 Name: Level 5 Fire Bolt Type: DelayConsume Buy: 2000 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | itemskill "MG_FIREBOLT",5; - Id: 692 AegisName: Wind_Scroll_1_3 Name: Level 3 Lightening Bolt Type: DelayConsume Buy: 1000 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | itemskill "MG_LIGHTNINGBOLT",3; - Id: 693 AegisName: Wind_Scroll_1_5 Name: Level 5 Lightening Bolt Type: DelayConsume Buy: 2000 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | itemskill "MG_LIGHTNINGBOLT",5; - Id: 694 AegisName: Ghost_Scroll_1_3 Name: Level 3 Soul Strike Type: DelayConsume Buy: 1000 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | itemskill "MG_SOULSTRIKE",3; - Id: 695 AegisName: Ghost_Scroll_1_5 Name: Level 5 Soul Strike Type: DelayConsume Buy: 2000 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | itemskill "MG_SOULSTRIKE",5; - Id: 696 AegisName: Fire_Scroll_2_1 Name: Level 1 Fire Ball Type: DelayConsume Buy: 1000 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | itemskill "MG_FIREBALL",1; - Id: 697 AegisName: Fire_Scroll_2_5 Name: Level 5 Fire Ball Type: DelayConsume Buy: 2000 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | itemskill "MG_FIREBALL",5; - Id: 698 AegisName: Fire_Scroll_3_1 Name: Level 1 Fire Wall Type: DelayConsume Buy: 1000 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | itemskill "MG_FIREWALL",1; - Id: 699 AegisName: Fire_Scroll_3_5 Name: Level 5 Fire Wall Type: DelayConsume Buy: 2000 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | itemskill "MG_FIREWALL",5; - Id: 700 AegisName: Cold_Scroll_2_1 Name: Level 1 Frost Diver Type: DelayConsume Buy: 1000 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | itemskill "MG_FROSTDIVER",1; - Id: 7037 AegisName: Trade_Coupon Name: Coupon Type: Usable Buy: 100 Classes: All: false Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | /*set pcroom,(gettimetick(2)+7200);*/ - Id: 9510 AegisName: Enchant_Stone_Box17 Name: Costume Enchant Stone Box 17 Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Enchant_Stone_Box17); - Id: 9514 AegisName: Ein_Ddbox Name: Physical Modification Permit Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 9515 AegisName: Ein_1HITEMbox Name: Einbeck Weapon Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_EIN_1HITEMBOX); - Id: 9517 AegisName: Ein_UNDIUM Name: Untouched Gemstone Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true DropEffect: CLIENT Script: | getgroupitem(IG_EIN_UNDIUM); - Id: 9523 AegisName: Metal_Rifine_Ticket Name: Metal Refining Ticket Type: DelayConsume Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 9529 AegisName: Ein_Ddbox2 Name: Magical Modification Permit Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 9530 AegisName: PC_Costume_Box Name: 300 Points Costume Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_PC_COSTUME_BOX); - Id: 9539 AegisName: Blue_Potion_B_10 Name: "[Event] Blue Potion Box" Type: Healing Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 11572,10; /* [Event] Blue Potion */ - Id: 9550 AegisName: Gemstone_Of_Time Name: Gemstone of Time Type: DelayConsume Weight: 1 Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 9551 AegisName: Time_Unseal_Key Name: Time Unseal Key Type: DelayConsume Weight: 1 Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 9553 AegisName: C_CatPaw_7Day_Box_ Name: Infinite Cat Hand Ticket Box(7 Days) Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_CATPAW_7DAY_BOX_); - Id: 9569 AegisName: Festival_Noodle Name: Festival Noodles Type: Healing Script: | /* TODO */ - Id: 9581 AegisName: Wet_Sealed_Card Name: Sealed Wet Card Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_WET_SEALED_CARD); - Id: 9582 AegisName: Fancy_Spray_Of_Flowers Name: Colorful Flower Branches Type: Healing Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 9585 AegisName: Small_Spray_Of_Flowers Name: Small Flower Branches Type: Usable Weight: 50 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | /* TODO: sc_start MHP +3% and MSP +3% for 10 minutes */ - Id: 9586 AegisName: 2019_SStarR_Tbox Name: 2019 Superstar R Ticket Box Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_2019_SSTARR_TBOX); - Id: 9587 AegisName: E_Life_Potion_Pack Name: "[Event]Life Potion 20 Box" Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_E_LIFE_POTION_PACK); - Id: 9588 AegisName: E_DEF_Scroll_Box Name: "[Not For Sale] Brilliant Protection Box (20)" Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_E_DEF_SCROLL_BOX); - Id: 9589 AegisName: E_Almighty_Box Name: "[Not For Sale] Almighty Box (10)" Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_E_ALMIGHTY_BOX); - Id: 9590 AegisName: E_LimitPowerBooster Name: "[Not For Sale] Power Booster Box (10)" Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_E_LIMITPOWERBOOSTER); - Id: 9610 AegisName: E_Mysterious_Water Name: "[Event] Mysterious Water" Type: Healing Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_HEAL3; sc_start2 SC_M_LIFEPOTION,600000,-4,3; - Id: 9785 AegisName: Frozen_Box_IL Name: Frozen Refine Box Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 9862 AegisName: Comp_Job_Manual50 Name: "[Not For Sale] JOB Battle Manual" Type: Usable Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_JEXPBOOST,1800000,50; - Id: 9894 AegisName: DF_Adrenaline_Scroll Name: "[Scroll] Adrenaline Lv.5 Scroll" Type: DelayConsume Buy: 2 Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemskill "BS_ADRENALINE",5; - Id: 9895 AegisName: DF_Abrasive Name: "[Scroll] Abrasive" Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_MAGICALATTHIT; sc_start SC_INCCRI,300000,30; - Id: 9896 AegisName: DF_Power_Booster Name: "[Scroll] Power Booster" Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_POTION_BERSERK; sc_start SC_LIMIT_POWER_BOOSTER,1800000,30; - Id: 9897 AegisName: E_Glittering_Doll_B Name: Shiny Doll Button Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | pet 21089; - Id: 9908 AegisName: DF_Mental_Potion Name: "[Scroll] Mental Potion" Type: Usable Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_INCREASE_MAXSP,1800000,10; sc_start SC_SPCOST_RATE,1800000,10; - Id: 9909 AegisName: DF_Ex_Def_Potion Name: "[Scroll] Ex Def Potion" Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_GUARD; sc_start SC_DEF_RATE,1800000,3; sc_start SC_MDEF_RATE,1800000,3; - Id: 9932 AegisName: Royal_Secret_Box Name: Royal Secret Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ROYAL_SECRET_BOX); - Id: 9933 AegisName: True_Hunting_9Refine Name: Troi Hunting 9 Refinement Package Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 9934 AegisName: True_Hunting_Opt_A Name: Trois Hunting Physical Craft Kit Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 9935 AegisName: True_Hunting_Opt_B Name: Trois Hunting Magical Craft Kit Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 9969 AegisName: Arca_Cura_BR Name: Healing Ark # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14523,600; getitem 14522,600; getitembound 23919,11,Bound_Account; - Id: 9970 AegisName: Arca_Palito_BR Name: Stick Ark # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14616,5; getitem 14617,5; getitem 14618,5; getitem 14619,5; getitem 14620,5; getitem 14621,5; getitembound 23919,11,Bound_Account; - Id: 9971 AegisName: Arca_Batalha2_BR Name: Major Battle Ark # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12208,20; getitem 14592,20; getitem 14601,20; getitem 12832,60; getitem 12791,50; getitembound 23919,11,Bound_Account; - Id: 9972 AegisName: Arca_Batalha_BR Name: Battle Ark # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12208,2; getitem 14592,2; getitem 14601,2; getitem 12832,6; getitem 12791,5; getitembound 23919,1,Bound_Account; - Id: 9973 AegisName: Arca_Vida2_BR Name: Major Ark of Life # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14534,200; getitem 14535,200; getitem 12832,200; getitembound 23919,11,Bound_Account; - Id: 9974 AegisName: Arca_Vida_BR Name: Ark of Life # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14534,20; getitem 14535,20; getitem 12832,20; getitembound 23919,1,Bound_Account; - Id: 9975 AegisName: Arca_Divina2_BR Name: Divine Major Ark # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12883,100; getitem 23046,10; getitem 23047,10; getitem 23048,10; getitem 23049,1; getitem 23050,1; getitembound 23919,11,Bound_Account; - Id: 9976 AegisName: Arca_Divina_BR Name: Divine Ark # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12883,10; getitem 23046,1; getitem 23047,1; getitem 23048,1; getitembound 23919,1,Bound_Account; - Id: 9977 AegisName: Arca_Refino2_BR Name: Major Refining Ark # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 7620,50; getitem 7619,50; getitembound 23919,11,Bound_Account; - Id: 9978 AegisName: Arca_Refino_BR Name: Refining Ark # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 7620,5; getitem 7619,5; getitembound 23919,1,Bound_Account; - Id: 9979 AegisName: Arca_Enriquecido_BR Name: Perfect Ark # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6240,13; getitem 6241,13; getitem 14600,6; getitembound 23919,11,Bound_Account; - Id: 9980 AegisName: Arca_Minerio_BR Name: Ore Ark # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6226,13; getitem 6225,13; getitem 14600,6; getitembound 23919,11,Bound_Account; - Id: 9981 AegisName: Arca_Pergaminho_BR Name: Scroll Ark # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14588,50; getitem 14589,50; getitem 14590,50; getitembound 23919,1,Bound_Account; - Id: 9982 AegisName: Arca_Especial_BR Name: Special Ark # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14799,4; getitembound 23919,11,Bound_Account; - Id: 9983 AegisName: Arca_Celeste2_BR Name: Major Celestial Ark # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6439,5; getitem 6438,5; getitembound 23919,11,Bound_Account; - Id: 9984 AegisName: Arca_Celeste_BR Name: Major Celestial Ark # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6439,1; getitem 6438,1; getitembound 23919,1,Bound_Account; - Id: 9985 AegisName: Arca_Status_BR Name: Potions Ark # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 22702,5; getitem 22703,5; getitem 22704,5; getitem 22705,5; getitem 22706,5; getitem 22707,5; getitembound 23919,1,Bound_Account; - Id: 9986 AegisName: Arca_Reset_BR Name: Reset Ark # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12213,1; getitem 6320,4; getitembound 23919,11,Bound_Account; - Id: 9987 AegisName: Arca_Up2_BR Name: Major Evolve Ark # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12375,100; getitem 12796,100; getitem 12684,50; getitembound 23919,11,Bound_Account; - Id: 9988 AegisName: Arca_Up_BR Name: Evolve Ark # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12375,10; getitem 12796,10; getitem 12684,5; getitembound 23919,1,Bound_Account; - Id: 9991 AegisName: Boarding_Halter_Box_7d Name: "[Not For Sale] Boarding Halter 7D Box" Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BOARDING_HALTER_BOX7); - Id: 9999 AegisName: Season_Evt_Reward_2 Name: Sweets Snack Pack Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SEASON_EVT_REWARD_2); - Id: 10625 AegisName: Hero_Hammer_Package_5 Name: Modified Hero's Weapon Refine Hammer Package V Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_HERO_HAMMER_PACKAGE_5); - Id: 11500 AegisName: Light_Yellow_Pot Name: Light Yellow Potion Type: Healing Buy: 550 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemheal rand(175,235),0; - Id: 11501 AegisName: Light_White_Pot Name: Light White Potion Type: Healing Buy: 1200 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemheal rand(325,405),0; - Id: 11502 AegisName: Light_Blue_Pot Name: Light Blue Potion Type: Healing Buy: 5000 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemheal 0,rand(40,60); - Id: 11503 AegisName: Siege_White_Potion Name: WoE White Potion Type: Healing Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemheal rand(400,500),0; - Id: 11504 AegisName: Siege_Blue_Potion Name: WoE Blue Potion Type: Healing Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemheal 0,rand(50,70); - Id: 11505 AegisName: Iris Name: Iris Type: Healing Weight: 30 Script: | itemheal 0,150; - Id: 11506 AegisName: Fanta_Orange Name: Fanta Orange Type: Healing Buy: 800 Weight: 10 Script: | itemheal rand(50,70),rand(10,12); - Id: 11507 AegisName: Fanta_Grape Name: Fanta Grape Type: Healing Buy: 800 Weight: 10 Script: | itemheal rand(50,70),rand(10,12); - Id: 11508 AegisName: Karada_Meguri_Tea Name: Karada Meguricha Type: Healing Buy: 800 Weight: 100 Script: | itemheal rand(50,70),rand(10,12); - Id: 11509 AegisName: Royal_Milk_Tea Name: Black Tea Kochakaden Type: Healing Buy: 800 Weight: 100 Script: | itemheal rand(50,70),rand(10,12); - Id: 11510 AegisName: Coke_Zero Name: Coca Cola Zero Type: Healing Buy: 800 Weight: 100 Script: | itemheal rand(50,70),rand(10,12); - Id: 11511 AegisName: Coke_No_Cal Name: Diet Coca Cola Type: Healing Buy: 800 Weight: 100 Script: | itemheal rand(50,70),rand(10,12); - Id: 11512 AegisName: Coca_Cola Name: Coca Cola Type: Healing Buy: 800 Weight: 100 Script: | itemheal rand(50,70),rand(10,12); - Id: 11513 AegisName: Protect_Neck_Candy Name: Protect Neck Candy Type: Healing Buy: 250 Weight: 1 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(5,25),0; - Id: 11514 AegisName: Enriched_Slim_Pot Name: Enriched Slim Pot Type: Healing Weight: 50 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemheal rand(335,415),0; - Id: 11515 AegisName: Coconut Name: Coconut Type: Healing Buy: 1500 Weight: 120 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(300,400),0; if (getequipid(EQI_HEAD_MID) == 15385) warp "dali",113,82; /* todo check map x y */ - Id: 11516 AegisName: Asai_Fruit Name: Asai Fruit Type: Healing Buy: 15 Weight: 20 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(16,22),0; - Id: 11517 AegisName: Puri_Potion Name: Puri Potion Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(400,600),0; - Id: 11518 AegisName: N_Blue_Potion Name: Blue Potion Type: Healing Weight: 50 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemheal 0,5; - Id: 11519 AegisName: Beef_Toast Name: Beef Toast Type: Healing Buy: 1200 Weight: 40 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(170,250),0; - Id: 11520 AegisName: Mora_Mandarin Name: Mora Mandar Type: Healing Buy: 500 Weight: 20 EquipLevelMin: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal 0,rand(50,80); - Id: 11521 AegisName: Pingui_Berry_Juice Name: Pingui Berry Juice Type: Healing Buy: 500 Weight: 50 EquipLevelMin: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(400,800),rand(50,80); - Id: 11522 AegisName: Red_Raffle_Sap Name: Red Raffle Sap Type: Healing Buy: 2500 Weight: 100 EquipLevelMin: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Delay: Duration: 1000 Status: Reuse_Limit_E Script: | itemheal rand(400,800),0; - Id: 11523 AegisName: Yellow_Raffle_Sap Name: Yellow Raffle Sap Type: Healing Buy: 3000 Weight: 120 EquipLevelMin: 110 Flags: BuyingStore: true Delay: Duration: 2000 Status: Reuse_Limit_E Script: | itemheal rand(600,1000),0; - Id: 11524 AegisName: White_Raffle_Sap Name: White Raffle Sap Type: Healing Buy: 3500 Weight: 140 EquipLevelMin: 120 Flags: BuyingStore: true Delay: Duration: 3000 Status: Reuse_Limit_E Script: | itemheal rand(800,1200),0; - Id: 11525 AegisName: Mora_Hip_Tea Name: Mora Hip Tea Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 150 EquipLevelMin: 120 Flags: BuyingStore: true Delay: Duration: 5000 Status: Reuse_Limit_H Script: | itemheal rand(1500,2000),0; - Id: 11526 AegisName: Rafflecino Name: Rafflecino Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 100 EquipLevelMin: 120 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal 0,rand(120,160); - Id: 11527 AegisName: Baklava Name: Baklava Type: Healing Buy: 3500 Weight: 600 Script: | itemheal 1200,440; - Id: 11528 AegisName: Kanafeh Name: Kanafeh Type: Healing Buy: 1500 Weight: 200 Script: | itemheal 300,240; - Id: 11529 AegisName: MAAMOUL_ Name: Maamoul Type: Healing Buy: 500 Weight: 100 Script: | itemheal 120,60; - Id: 11530 AegisName: Jujube Name: Jujube Type: Healing Buy: 10 Weight: 100 Script: | itemheal 30,0; - Id: 11531 AegisName: Coffee Name: Coffee Type: Healing Buy: 10 Weight: 100 Script: | itemheal 0,10; - Id: 11532 AegisName: Nasi_Goreng Name: Nasi Goreng Type: Healing Buy: 15 Weight: 20 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(17,23),0; - Id: 11533 AegisName: Satay Name: Satay Type: Healing Buy: 15 Weight: 20 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(17,23),0; - Id: 11534 AegisName: Coco_Juice Name: Coconut Juice Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(17,23),0; - Id: 11535 AegisName: Almond_Chocolate Name: Almond Chocolate Type: Healing Buy: 190 Weight: 200 Script: | itemheal 0,rand(8,16); - Id: 11536 AegisName: Cat_Hard_Biscuit Name: Cat Biscuit Type: Healing Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(70,110),0; callfunc "F_Cat_Hard_Biscuit"; - Id: 11537 AegisName: Rice_weevil_Bug Name: Rice Weevil Bug Type: Healing Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(100,150),0; callfunc "F_Rice_Weevil_Bug"; - Id: 11538 AegisName: Octupus_Leg Name: Fresh Octopus Legs Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 30 Script: | itemheal rand(35,60),rand(5,10); - Id: 11539 AegisName: Athale_Choco Name: Athale Choco Type: Healing Buy: 1 Weight: 80 Script: | itemheal 50,50; - Id: 11540 AegisName: Shyai_Choco Name: Shyai Choco Type: Healing Buy: 1 Weight: 80 Script: | itemheal 50,50; - Id: 11541 AegisName: Mid_Choco Name: Mid Choco Type: Healing Buy: 1 Weight: 80 Script: | itemheal 50,50; - Id: 11542 AegisName: Zonda_Choco Name: Zonda Choco Type: Healing Buy: 1 Weight: 80 Script: | itemheal 50,50; - Id: 11543 AegisName: Goedo_Choco Name: Goedo Choco Type: Healing Buy: 1 Weight: 80 Script: | itemheal 50,50; - Id: 11544 AegisName: Huike_Choco Name: Huike Choco Type: Healing Buy: 1 Weight: 80 Script: | itemheal 50,50; - Id: 11545 AegisName: Rune_Choco Name: Rune Choco Type: Healing Buy: 1 Weight: 80 Script: | itemheal 50,50; - Id: 11546 AegisName: Pope_Choco Name: Pope Choco Type: Healing Buy: 1 Weight: 80 Script: | itemheal 50,50; - Id: 11547 AegisName: Woe_Violet_Potion Name: Siege Purple Potion Type: Healing Weight: 80 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(500,700),rand(60,85); - Id: 11548 AegisName: Woe_White_Potion Name: Siege White Potion Type: Healing Weight: 80 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | percentheal 10,0; - Id: 11549 AegisName: Woe_Blue_Potion Name: Siege Blue Potion Type: Healing Weight: 80 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | percentheal 0,10; - Id: 11550 AegisName: Pumpkin_Cake Name: Pumpkin Cake Type: Healing Buy: 10 Weight: 40 Script: | percentheal 5,5; - Id: 11551 AegisName: Savory_Herb_Salad Name: Savory Herb Salad Type: Healing Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemheal rand(20,30),0; sc_start SC_STRFOOD,180000,1; - Id: 11552 AegisName: Apple_Carrot_Salad Name: Apple Carrot Salad Type: Healing Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemheal rand(20,30),0; sc_start SC_AGIFOOD,180000,1; - Id: 11553 AegisName: Casual_Stew Name: Casual Stew Type: Healing Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemheal rand(20,30),0; sc_start SC_VITFOOD,180000,1; - Id: 11554 AegisName: Golden_Roasted_Apple Name: Golden Roasted Apple Type: Healing Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemheal rand(20,30),0; sc_start SC_DEXFOOD,180000,1; - Id: 11555 AegisName: Red_Potion_RG Name: Red Potion RG Type: Healing Weight: 40 Script: | itemheal 325,0; - Id: 11556 AegisName: Blue_Potion_RG Name: RG Blue Potion Type: Healing Weight: 90 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal 0,rand(40,60); - Id: 11557 AegisName: TE_White_Potion Name: TE White Potion Type: Healing Buy: 200 Weight: 300 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal 325,0; - Id: 11558 AegisName: TE_White_Slim_Potion Name: TE White Slim Potion Type: Healing Buy: 275 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal 325,0; - Id: 11562 AegisName: Pie_Fruit Name: Pie Fruit Type: Healing Weight: 30 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(65,90),rand(35,40); - Id: 11563 AegisName: Hot_Tee Name: Hot Tea Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 20 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal 0,100; if (getequipid(EQI_HEAD_MID) == 15385) warp "xmas",233,296; - Id: 11564 AegisName: Sweet_Canape Name: Sweet Canape Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 20 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal 1000,0; - Id: 11565 AegisName: White_Potion_B Name: White Potion Type: Healing Buy: 10 Weight: 150 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemheal rand(325,405),0; - Id: 11566 AegisName: Yellow_Potion_B Name: "[Not For Sale] Yellow Potion" Type: Healing Weight: 130 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemheal rand(175,235),0; - Id: 11567 AegisName: Novice_Potion_B Name: Novice Potion Type: Healing Buy: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemheal rand(44,66),0; - Id: 11568 AegisName: Red_Slim_Potion_B Name: Red Slim Potion Type: Healing Buy: 10 Weight: 20 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemheal rand(45,65),0; - Id: 11569 AegisName: Orange_Potion_B Name: "[Not For Sale] Orange Potion" Type: Healing Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemheal rand(105,145),0; - Id: 11570 AegisName: Red_Potion_B Name: "[Not For Sale] Red Potion" Type: Healing Weight: 70 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemheal rand(45,65),0; - Id: 11571 AegisName: Green_Potion_B Name: Green Potion Type: Healing Buy: 10 Weight: 70 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_end SC_POISON; sc_end SC_SILENCE; sc_end SC_BLIND; sc_end SC_CONFUSION; - Id: 11572 AegisName: Blue_Potion_B Name: "[Not For Sale] Blue Potion" Type: Healing Weight: 150 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemheal 0,rand(40,60); - Id: 11573 AegisName: White_Slim_Potion_B Name: White Slim Potion Type: Healing Buy: 10 Weight: 50 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemheal rand(325,405),0; - Id: 11574 AegisName: Yellow_Slim_Potion_B Name: Yellow Slim Potion Type: Healing Buy: 10 Weight: 30 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemheal rand(175,235),0; - Id: 11577 AegisName: Rice_Ball_B Name: Rice Ball Type: Healing Buy: 10 Weight: 30 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemheal 200,0; - Id: 11578 AegisName: Candy_Striper_B Name: Candy Bar Type: Healing Buy: 10 Weight: 40 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemheal rand(105,145),0; - Id: 11580 AegisName: Candy_B Name: Candy Type: Healing Buy: 10 Weight: 30 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemheal rand(45,65),0; - Id: 11581 AegisName: Piece_Of_Cake_B Name: Piece of Cake Type: Healing Buy: 10 Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemheal rand(270,330),0; - Id: 11582 AegisName: Well_Baked_Cookie_B Name: Well-baked Cookie Type: Healing Buy: 10 Weight: 30 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemheal rand(160,200),0; - Id: 11583 AegisName: Chocolate_Drink_B Name: Chocolate Drink Type: Healing Buy: 10 Weight: 150 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemheal rand(330,410),rand(45,65); sc_end SC_POISON; sc_end SC_SILENCE; sc_end SC_BLIND; sc_end SC_CONFUSION; sc_end SC_CURSE; sc_end SC_Hallucination; - Id: 11584 AegisName: White_Chocolate_B Name: White Chocolate Type: Healing Buy: 10 Weight: 80 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemheal 50,50; - Id: 11585 AegisName: HandMade_Chocolate_B Name: Hand-made Chocolate Type: Healing Buy: 10 Weight: 80 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemheal 50,50; - Id: 11586 AegisName: HandMade_Chocolate_B_ Name: Hand-made White Chocolate Type: Healing Buy: 10 Weight: 80 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemheal 50,50; - Id: 11587 AegisName: Chocolate_B Name: Chocolate Type: Healing Buy: 10 Weight: 20 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemheal 1,1; - Id: 11588 AegisName: Strawberry_ Name: Fresh Strawberries Type: Healing Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Script: | itemheal rand(32,56),rand(16,28); - Id: 11589 AegisName: Iceflake Name: Cold Snow Cone Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | percentheal 5,5; - Id: 11590 AegisName: Meat_Skewer5 Name: Skewer No.5 Type: Healing Buy: 5000 Weight: 300 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal rand(760,810),10; - Id: 11592 AegisName: Trance_Candy_R Name: Trans Candy Red Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 30 Script: | itemheal 45,0; transform 1507,600000,SC_MTF_MHP,20; specialeffect2 EF_CLOAKING; showscript "Trans-Form-!! Bloody Murderer Fo-rm!!"; - Id: 11593 AegisName: Trance_Candy_B Name: Trans Candy Blue Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 30 Script: | itemheal 45,0; transform 1102,600000,SC_MTF_MSP,20; specialeffect2 EF_CLOAKING; showscript "Trans-Form-!!! Bathory Fo-rm!!"; - Id: 11594 AegisName: Trance_Candy_Y Name: Trans Candy Yellow Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 30 Script: | itemheal 45,0; transform 1130,600000,SC_MTF_PUMPKIN,2000,100; specialeffect2 EF_CLOAKING; showscript "Trans-Form-!! Jack Fo-rm!!"; - Id: 11595 AegisName: Trance_Candy_G Name: Trans Candy Green Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 30 Script: | itemheal 45,0; transform 1508,600000,SC_MTF_HITFLEE,10,20; specialeffect2 EF_CLOAKING; showscript "Trans-Form-!! Cube Fo-rm!!"; - Id: 11596 AegisName: Blood_In_Skull Name: Blood In Skull Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Script: | itemheal rand(600,800),0; - Id: 11597 AegisName: Iron_Bug Name: Iron Worm Type: Healing Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true - Id: 11598 AegisName: Bitter_Cacao_Bean Name: Bitter Cacao Bean Type: Healing Buy: 10 - Id: 11599 AegisName: superstar_potion Name: Superstar Potion Type: Healing Buy: 10 Weight: 10 - Id: 11600 AegisName: ShiningHolyWater Name: Shining Holy Water Type: Healing Buy: 10 Weight: 15 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | if (strcharinfo(3) == "prt_q") { specialeffect2 EF_GUARD; bonus_script "{ bonus2 bSubSize,Size_All,10; }",600; sc_end SC_SILENCE; sc_end SC_POISON; sc_end SC_CURSE; heal 1000,0; } - Id: 11601 AegisName: Tasty_Anchovy Name: Delicious Anchovy Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 20 Script: | itemheal rand(30,46),0; specialeffect2 EF_HEAL3; - Id: 11602 AegisName: Nepeta_Cataria Name: Catnip Fruit Type: Healing Buy: 15 Weight: 1 Script: | itemheal rand(36,40),0; specialeffect2 EF_HEAL3; - Id: 11603 AegisName: Fruit_Of_Mastela_ Name: "[Gift] Mastela Fruit" Type: Healing Weight: 30 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 11604 AegisName: Royal_Jelly_ Name: "[Gift] Royal Jelly" Type: Healing Weight: 150 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 11605 AegisName: Cookies_Bat Name: Cookie Bat Type: Healing Weight: 30 Script: | itemheal rand(50,100),0; /*TODO*/ - Id: 11606 AegisName: Light_White_Pot_ Name: "[Not for Sale] Light White Potion" Type: Healing Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemheal 325,0; /* average value */ - Id: 11607 AegisName: Crepe Name: Sweet Crepe Type: Healing Weight: 100 Script: | specialeffect2 EF_HEAL3; sc_end SC_POISON; sc_end SC_SILENCE; sc_end SC_BLIND; sc_end SC_CONFUSION; sc_end SC_CURSE; sc_end SC_Hallucination; - Id: 11608 AegisName: Chocolate_Egg Name: Chocolate Egg Type: Healing Weight: 50 Script: | itemheal rand(325,405),0; - Id: 11609 AegisName: Yummy_Cookie_Egg Name: Tasty Cookie Egg Type: Healing Weight: 50 Script: | itemheal 0,rand(40,60); - Id: 11610 AegisName: Sweet_Melon Name: Sweet Melon Type: Healing Weight: 50 Script: | itemheal 350,0; - Id: 11611 AegisName: Pop_Corn Name: Popcorn Type: Healing Weight: 30 Script: | itemheal 235,0; /* average value */ - Id: 11612 AegisName: Aromatic_Pop_Corn Name: Aromatic Popcorn Type: Healing Weight: 50 Script: | itemheal 800,0; /* average value */ - Id: 11613 AegisName: Harvest_Cookie Name: Harvest Biscuit Type: Healing Weight: 30 Script: | percentheal 3,0; itemheal 0,100; - Id: 11614 AegisName: Fresh_Milk Name: Fresh Milk Type: Healing Weight: 30 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemheal rand(27,37),0; - Id: 11615 AegisName: Sweet_Potato_ Name: Sweet Potato Type: Healing Weight: 20 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemheal rand(15,23),0; - Id: 11616 AegisName: Yummy_Meat Name: Delicious Meat Type: Healing Buy: 1400 Weight: 50 Script: | itemheal rand(100,150),0; - Id: 11617 AegisName: Silvervine_Choco Name: Silvervine Chocoball Type: Healing Weight: 50 # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 11620 AegisName: Bearopy Name: Bear Rope Type: Healing Buy: 420 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 11621 AegisName: High_RedPotion Name: Red Syrup Type: Healing Buy: 800 Weight: 70 EquipLevelMin: 60 Delay: Duration: 1000 Script: | itemheal 325,0; - Id: 11622 AegisName: High_YelloPotion Name: Yellow Syrup Type: Healing Buy: 1200 Weight: 100 EquipLevelMin: 60 Delay: Duration: 1000 Script: | itemheal 900,0; - Id: 11623 AegisName: High_WhitePotion Name: White Syrup Type: Healing Buy: 1500 Weight: 140 EquipLevelMin: 60 Delay: Duration: 1000 Script: | itemheal 1800,0; - Id: 11624 AegisName: High_BluePotion Name: Blue Syrup Type: Healing Buy: 7000 Weight: 100 EquipLevelMin: 60 Delay: Duration: 10000 Script: | itemheal 0,180; - Id: 11625 AegisName: Gourmet_Popcorn Name: Gourmet Butter Popcorn Type: Healing Weight: 40 Script: | itemheal 0,20; /* average value */ - Id: 11626 AegisName: Kings_Melon_5 Name: Recooked Melon Bread Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 30 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal 325,80; sc_end SC_BLIND; sc_end SC_Hallucination; sc_end SC_CONFUSION; sc_end SC_SILENCE; sc_end SC_POISON; sc_end SC_CURSE; sc_end SC_BLEEDING; sc_end SC_DPOISON; sc_end SC_FEAR; sc_end SC_DECAGI; - Id: 11627 AegisName: High_Q_Beef_Jerky Name: High Quality Beef Jerky Type: Healing Weight: 1 EquipLevelMin: 60 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemheal 1500,0; /* average value */ - Id: 11628 AegisName: Fleshy_Larva Name: Fleshy Larva Type: Healing Weight: 1 EquipLevelMin: 60 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemheal 0,140; /* average value */ - Id: 11629 AegisName: Acorn_Chocoball Name: Acorn Chocolate Ball Type: Healing Weight: 30 - Id: 11630 AegisName: Pignic_Lunch Name: Lunch Box Type: Healing Weight: 150 Script: | percentheal 50,50; - Id: 11631 AegisName: 2401_ev_Rainbow Name: New Year Rainbow Rice Cake Type: Healing Weight: 50 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | percentheal 100,100; - Id: 11632 AegisName: 2401_ev_Sesamepastry Name: New Year Dasik Type: Healing Weight: 20 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | percentheal 20,20; - Id: 11633 AegisName: 2401_ev_WindTteok Name: New Year Wind Rice Cake Type: Healing Weight: 1 EquipLevelMin: 60 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemheal 1500,0; /* average value */ - Id: 11634 AegisName: 2401_ev_Yugwa Name: New Year Yugwa Type: Healing Weight: 1 EquipLevelMin: 60 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemheal 0,140; /* average value */ - Id: 11635 AegisName: 2401_ev_RedLin Name: Red Inverse Scale Type: Healing Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 11636 AegisName: 24_S_Ev_Lime_Soda Name: Lime Soda Type: Healing Weight: 1 EquipLevelMin: 90 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemheal 1800,0; /* average value */ - Id: 11637 AegisName: 24_S_Ev_Berry_Soda Name: Berry Soda Type: Healing Weight: 1 EquipLevelMin: 90 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemheal 0,180; /* average value */ - Id: 11701 AegisName: Girl_Bunch_Of_Flower Name: Girl's Bouquet Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Script: | itemheal rand(105,145),0; - Id: 11702 AegisName: Moon_Cookie Name: Moon Cookie Type: Healing Weight: 300 NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | unitskilluseid getcharid(3),"AL_BLESSING",7; - Id: 11703 AegisName: Mysterious_Blood Name: Mystery Blood Type: Healing Weight: 10 Script: | itemheal 0,rand(25,35); - Id: 11704 AegisName: KETUPAT_F Name: Ketupat Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Script: | itemheal rand(70,90),0; - Id: 11705 AegisName: Special_White_Potion Name: Children's Potion Type: Healing Buy: 1 Weight: 10 Script: | itemheal rand(425,425),0; - Id: 11706 AegisName: Steak Name: Steak Type: Healing Buy: 1 Weight: 200 Script: | itemheal rand(700,1000),0; - Id: 11707 AegisName: Roasted_Beef Name: Roast Beef Type: Healing Buy: 1 Weight: 200 Script: | itemheal 0,rand(100,200); - Id: 11708 AegisName: Fore_Flank_Sirloin Name: Fore Flank Sirloin Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 100 Script: | itemheal rand(30,50),rand(1,5); - Id: 11709 AegisName: Fanta_Zero_Lemon Name: Fanta Zero Lemon Type: Healing Buy: 800 Weight: 100 Script: | itemheal rand(50,70),rand(10,12); - Id: 11710 AegisName: Sakura_Mist Name: Sakura Mist Type: Healing Buy: 800 Weight: 100 Script: | itemheal rand(50,70),rand(10,12); - Id: 11711 AegisName: Sakura_Milk_Tea Name: Sakura Milk Tea Type: Healing Buy: 800 Weight: 100 Script: | itemheal rand(50,70),rand(10,12); - Id: 11712 AegisName: First_Leaf_Tea Name: Flower Type: Healing Buy: 800 Weight: 100 Script: | itemheal rand(50,70),rand(10,12); - Id: 11713 AegisName: Julia's_Candy Name: Julia's Candy Type: Healing Weight: 30 Script: | itemheal rand(40,45),0; - Id: 12000 AegisName: Cold_Scroll_2_5 Name: Level 5 Frost Diver Type: DelayConsume Buy: 2000 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | itemskill "MG_FROSTDIVER",5; - Id: 12001 AegisName: Holy_Scroll_1_3 Name: Level 3 Heal Type: DelayConsume Buy: 2000 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | itemskill "AL_HEAL",3; - Id: 12002 AegisName: Holy_Scroll_1_5 Name: Level 5 Heal Type: DelayConsume Buy: 2000 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | itemskill "AL_HEAL",5; - Id: 12003 AegisName: Holy_Scroll_2_1 Name: Level 1 Teleport Type: DelayConsume Buy: 1000 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemskill "AL_TELEPORT",1; - Id: 12004 AegisName: Arrow_Container Name: Quiver Type: Usable Buy: 2 Sell: 0 Weight: 250 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | getitem 1750,500; - Id: 12005 AegisName: Iron_Arrow_Container Name: Iron Arrow Quiver Type: Usable Buy: 2 Sell: 0 Weight: 250 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | getitem 1770,500; - Id: 12006 AegisName: Steel_Arrow_Container Name: Steel Arrow Quiver Type: Usable Buy: 2 Sell: 0 Weight: 250 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | getitem 1753,500; - Id: 12007 AegisName: Ori_Arrow_Container Name: Oridecon Arrow Quiver Type: Usable Buy: 2 Sell: 0 Weight: 250 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | getitem 1765,500; - Id: 12008 AegisName: Fire_Arrow_Container Name: Fire Arrow Quiver Type: Usable Buy: 2 Sell: 0 Weight: 250 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | getitem 1752,500; - Id: 12009 AegisName: Silver_Arrow_Container Name: Silver Arrow Quiver Type: Usable Buy: 2 Sell: 0 Weight: 250 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | getitem 1751,500; - Id: 12010 AegisName: Wind_Arrow_Container Name: Wind Arrow Quiver Type: Usable Buy: 2 Sell: 0 Weight: 250 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | getitem 1755,500; - Id: 12011 AegisName: Stone_Arrow_Container Name: Stone Arrow Quiver Type: Usable Buy: 2 Sell: 0 Weight: 250 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | getitem 1756,500; - Id: 12012 AegisName: Crystal_Arrow_Container Name: Crystal Arrow Quiver Type: Usable Buy: 2 Sell: 0 Weight: 250 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | getitem 1754,500; - Id: 12013 AegisName: Shadow_Arrow_Container Name: Shadow Arrow Quiver Type: Usable Buy: 2 Sell: 0 Weight: 250 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | getitem 1767,500; - Id: 12014 AegisName: Imma_Arrow_Container Name: Immaterial Arrow Quiver Type: Usable Buy: 2 Sell: 0 Weight: 250 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | getitem 1757,500; - Id: 12015 AegisName: Rusty_Arrow_Container Name: Rusty Arrow Quiver Type: Usable Buy: 2 Sell: 0 Weight: 250 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | getitem 1762,500; - Id: 12016 AegisName: Speed_Up_Potion Name: Speed Potion Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_SPEEDUP1,5000,50; - Id: 12017 AegisName: Slow_Down_Potion Name: Slow Potion Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_SLOWDOWN,5000,100; - Id: 12018 AegisName: Fire_Cracker Name: Firecracker Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 20 Flags: BuyingStore: true - Id: 12019 AegisName: Holy_Egg Name: Holy Egg Type: DelayConsume Buy: 2 Weight: 150 Script: | itemskill "ALL_RESURRECTION",2; - Id: 12020 AegisName: Water_Of_Darkness Name: Cursed Water Type: DelayConsume Buy: 2 Weight: 30 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemskill "ITEM_ENCHANTARMS",8; - Id: 12021 AegisName: Pork_Belly Name: Pork Type: Healing Weight: 10 Script: | getexp2 33333333,0; - Id: 12022 AegisName: Spareribs Name: Galbi Type: Healing Weight: 10 Script: | getexp2 0,33333333; - Id: 12023 AegisName: Giftbox_China Name: Wrapped Box Type: Usable Buy: 1000 Weight: 200 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_GiftBoxChina); - Id: 12024 AegisName: Red_Pouch_Of_Surprise Name: Red Pouch Type: Usable Buy: 50 Weight: 50 Flags: DeadBranch: true Script: | monster "this",-1,-1,"--ja--",-1-MOBG_RED_POUCH_OF_SURPRISE,1,""; - Id: 12025 AegisName: Egg_Boy Name: Dano Festival Egg Type: Usable Buy: 1000 Weight: 200 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_EggBoy); - Id: 12026 AegisName: Egg_Girl Name: Dano Festival Egg Type: Usable Buy: 1000 Weight: 200 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_EggGirl); - Id: 12027 AegisName: Giggling_Box Name: Giggling Box Type: Usable Buy: 1000 Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | percentheal 9,0; sc_start SC_CURSE,30000,0,3000,0; - Id: 12028 AegisName: Box_Of_Thunder Name: Box of Thunder Type: Usable Buy: 1000 Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | sc_start SC_SPEEDUP0,20000,25; - Id: 12029 AegisName: Gloomy_Box Name: Box of Gloom Type: DelayConsume Buy: 1000 Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | itemskill "AC_CONCENTRATION",1; - Id: 12030 AegisName: Box_Of_Grudge Name: Box of Resentment Type: Usable Buy: 1000 Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | sc_start SC_ATKPOTION,60000,20; - Id: 12031 AegisName: Sleepy_Box Name: Box of Drowsiness Type: Usable Buy: 1000 Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | sc_start SC_MATKPOTION,60000,20; - Id: 12032 AegisName: Box_Of_Storm Name: Box of Storms Type: DelayConsume Buy: 1000 Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | itemskill "ITEM_ENCHANTARMS",2; - Id: 12033 AegisName: Box_Of_Sunlight Name: Box of Sunlight Type: Usable Buy: 1000 Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | sc_start SC_Intravision,30000,0; - Id: 12034 AegisName: Painting_Box Name: Box of Panting Type: Usable Buy: 1000 Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | percentheal 0,9; sc_start SC_SILENCE,30000,0,3000,0; - Id: 12035 AegisName: Lotto_Box01 Name: Lotto Box 01 Type: Usable Weight: 20 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LottoBox1); - Id: 12036 AegisName: Lotto_Box02 Name: Lotto Box 02 Type: Usable Weight: 20 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LottoBox2); - Id: 12037 AegisName: Lotto_Box03 Name: Lotto Box 03 Type: Usable Weight: 20 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LottoBox3); - Id: 12038 AegisName: Lotto_Box04 Name: Lotto Box 04 Type: Usable Weight: 20 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LottoBox4); - Id: 12039 AegisName: Lotto_Box05 Name: Lotto Box 05 Type: Usable Weight: 20 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LottoBox5); - Id: 12040 AegisName: Stone_Of_Intelligence_ Name: Stone of Sage Type: Usable Buy: 100000 Weight: 300 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | homevolution; - Id: 12041 AegisName: Str_Dish01 Name: Fried Grasshopper Legs Type: Healing Buy: 2000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_STRFOOD,1200000,1; percentheal 5,0; - Id: 12042 AegisName: Str_Dish02 Name: Seasoned Sticky Webfoot Type: Healing Buy: 4000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_STRFOOD,1200000,2; percentheal 5,0; - Id: 12043 AegisName: Str_Dish03 Name: Bomber Steak Type: Healing Buy: 6000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_STRFOOD,1200000,3; percentheal 5,0; - Id: 12044 AegisName: Str_Dish04 Name: Herb Marinade Beef Type: Healing Buy: 8000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_STRFOOD,1200000,4; percentheal 5,0; - Id: 12045 AegisName: Str_Dish05 Name: Lutie Lady's Pancake Type: Healing Buy: 10000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_STRFOOD,1200000,5; percentheal 10,0; - Id: 12046 AegisName: Int_Dish01 Name: Grape Juice Herbal Tea Type: Healing Buy: 2000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_INTFOOD,1200000,1; percentheal 0,5; - Id: 12047 AegisName: Int_Dish02 Name: Autumn Red Tea Type: Healing Buy: 4000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_INTFOOD,1200000,2; percentheal 0,5; - Id: 12048 AegisName: Int_Dish03 Name: Honey Herbal Tea Type: Healing Buy: 6000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_INTFOOD,1200000,3; percentheal 0,5; - Id: 12049 AegisName: Int_Dish04 Name: Morocc Fruit Wine Type: Healing Buy: 8000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_INTFOOD,1200000,4; percentheal 0,5; - Id: 12050 AegisName: Int_Dish05 Name: Mastela Fruit Wine Type: Healing Buy: 10000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_INTFOOD,1200000,5; percentheal 0,10; - Id: 12051 AegisName: Vit_Dish01 Name: Steamed Crab Nippers Type: Healing Buy: 2000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_VITFOOD,1200000,1; percentheal 5,0; - Id: 12052 AegisName: Vit_Dish02 Name: Assorted Seafood Type: Healing Buy: 4000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_VITFOOD,1200000,2; percentheal 5,0; - Id: 12053 AegisName: Vit_Dish03 Name: Clam Soup Type: Healing Buy: 6000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_VITFOOD,1200000,3; percentheal 5,0; - Id: 12054 AegisName: Vit_Dish04 Name: Seasoned Jellyfish Type: Healing Buy: 8000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_VITFOOD,1200000,4; percentheal 5,0; - Id: 12055 AegisName: Vit_Dish05 Name: Spicy Fried Bao Type: Healing Buy: 10000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_VITFOOD,1200000,5; percentheal 10,0; - Id: 12056 AegisName: Agi_Dish01 Name: Frog Egg Squid Ink Soup Type: Healing Buy: 2000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_AGIFOOD,1200000,1; percentheal 3,1; - Id: 12057 AegisName: Agi_Dish02 Name: Smooth Noodle Type: Healing Buy: 4000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_AGIFOOD,1200000,2; percentheal 3,1; - Id: 12058 AegisName: Agi_Dish03 Name: Tentacle Cheese Gratin Type: Healing Buy: 6000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_AGIFOOD,1200000,3; percentheal 3,1; - Id: 12059 AegisName: Agi_Dish04 Name: Lutie Cold Noodle Type: Healing Buy: 8000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_AGIFOOD,1200000,4; percentheal 3,1; - Id: 12060 AegisName: Agi_Dish05 Name: Steamed Bat Wing in Pumpkin Type: Healing Buy: 10000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_AGIFOOD,1200000,5; percentheal 6,2; - Id: 12061 AegisName: Dex_Dish01 Name: Honey Grape Juice Type: Healing Buy: 2000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_DEXFOOD,1200000,1; percentheal 2,2; - Id: 12062 AegisName: Dex_Dish02 Name: Chocolate Mousse Cake Type: Healing Buy: 4000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_DEXFOOD,1200000,2; percentheal 2,2; - Id: 12063 AegisName: Dex_Dish03 Name: Fruit Mix Type: Healing Buy: 6000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_DEXFOOD,1200000,3; percentheal 2,2; - Id: 12064 AegisName: Dex_Dish04 Name: Cream Sandwich Type: Healing Buy: 8000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_DEXFOOD,1200000,4; percentheal 2,2; - Id: 12065 AegisName: Dex_Dish05 Name: Green Salad Type: Healing Buy: 10000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_DEXFOOD,1200000,5; percentheal 5,5; - Id: 12066 AegisName: Luk_Dish01 Name: Fried Monkey Tails Type: Healing Buy: 2000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_LUKFOOD,1200000,1; percentheal 3,2; - Id: 12067 AegisName: Luk_Dish02 Name: Mixed Juice Type: Healing Buy: 4000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_LUKFOOD,1200000,2; percentheal 3,2; - Id: 12068 AegisName: Luk_Dish03 Name: Fried Sweet Potato Type: Healing Buy: 6000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_LUKFOOD,1200000,3; percentheal 4,2; - Id: 12069 AegisName: Luk_Dish04 Name: Steamed Ancient Lips Type: Healing Buy: 8000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_LUKFOOD,1200000,4; percentheal 4,2; - Id: 12070 AegisName: Luk_Dish05 Name: Fried Scorpion Tails Type: Healing Buy: 10000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_LUKFOOD,1200000,5; percentheal 5,2; - Id: 12071 AegisName: Str_Dish06 Name: Shiny Marinade Beef Type: Healing Buy: 20000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_STRFOOD,1200000,6; percentheal 10,2; - Id: 12072 AegisName: Str_Dish07 Name: Whole Roast Type: Healing Buy: 40000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_STRFOOD,1200000,7; percentheal 10,4; - Id: 12073 AegisName: Str_Dish08 Name: Bearfoot Special Type: Healing Buy: 60000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_STRFOOD,1200000,8; percentheal 15,6; - Id: 12074 AegisName: Str_Dish09 Name: Tendon Satay Type: Healing Buy: 80000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_STRFOOD,1200000,9; percentheal 15,8; - Id: 12075 AegisName: Str_Dish10 Name: Steamed Tongue Type: Healing Buy: 100000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_STRFOOD,1200000,10; percentheal 20,20; - Id: 12076 AegisName: Int_Dish06 Name: Red Mushroom Wine Type: Healing Buy: 20000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_INTFOOD,1200000,6; percentheal 2,10; - Id: 12077 AegisName: Int_Dish07 Name: Special Royal Jelly Herbal Tea Type: Healing Buy: 40000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_INTFOOD,1200000,7; percentheal 4,10; - Id: 12078 AegisName: Int_Dish08 Name: Royal Family Tea Type: Healing Buy: 60000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_INTFOOD,1200000,8; percentheal 6,10; - Id: 12079 AegisName: Int_Dish09 Name: Tristan XII Type: Healing Buy: 80000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_INTFOOD,1200000,9; percentheal 8,15; - Id: 12080 AegisName: Int_Dish10 Name: Dragon Breath Cocktail Type: Healing Buy: 100000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_INTFOOD,1200000,10; percentheal 10,20; - Id: 12081 AegisName: Vit_Dish06 Name: Awfully Bitter Bracer Type: Healing Buy: 20000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_VITFOOD,1200000,6; percentheal 13,0; - Id: 12082 AegisName: Vit_Dish07 Name: Sumptuous Feast Type: Healing Buy: 40000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_VITFOOD,1200000,7; percentheal 16,0; - Id: 12083 AegisName: Vit_Dish08 Name: Giant Burito Type: Healing Buy: 60000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_VITFOOD,1200000,8; percentheal 19,0; - Id: 12084 AegisName: Vit_Dish09 Name: Ascending Dragon Soup Type: Healing Buy: 80000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_VITFOOD,1200000,9; percentheal 22,0; - Id: 12085 AegisName: Vit_Dish10 Name: Immortal Stew Type: Healing Buy: 100000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_VITFOOD,1200000,10; percentheal 25,0; - Id: 12086 AegisName: Agi_Dish06 Name: Chile Shrimp Gratin Type: Healing Buy: 20000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_AGIFOOD,1200000,6; percentheal 7,2; - Id: 12087 AegisName: Agi_Dish07 Name: Steamed Alligator with Vegetable Type: Healing Buy: 40000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_AGIFOOD,1200000,7; percentheal 8,2; - Id: 12088 AegisName: Agi_Dish08 Name: Incredibly Spicy Curry Type: Healing Buy: 60000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_AGIFOOD,1200000,8; percentheal 9,2; - Id: 12089 AegisName: Agi_Dish09 Name: Special Meat Stew Type: Healing Buy: 80000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_AGIFOOD,1200000,9; percentheal 10,2; - Id: 12090 AegisName: Agi_Dish10 Name: Steamed Desert Scorpions Type: Healing Buy: 100000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_AGIFOOD,1200000,10; percentheal 15,5; - Id: 12091 AegisName: Dex_Dish06 Name: Peach Cake Type: Healing Buy: 20000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_DEXFOOD,1200000,6; percentheal 5,6; - Id: 12092 AegisName: Dex_Dish07 Name: Soul Haunted Bread Type: Healing Buy: 40000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_DEXFOOD,1200000,7; percentheal 5,7; - Id: 12093 AegisName: Dex_Dish08 Name: Special Toast Type: Healing Buy: 60000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_DEXFOOD,1200000,8; percentheal 5,8; - Id: 12094 AegisName: Dex_Dish09 Name: Heavenly Fruit Juice Type: Healing Buy: 80000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_DEXFOOD,1200000,9; percentheal 5,9; - Id: 12095 AegisName: Dex_Dish10 Name: Hwergelmir's Tonic Type: Healing Buy: 100000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_DEXFOOD,1200000,10; percentheal 10,10; - Id: 12096 AegisName: Luk_Dish06 Name: Lucky Soup Type: Healing Buy: 20000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_LUKFOOD,1200000,6; percentheal 6,3; - Id: 12097 AegisName: Luk_Dish07 Name: Assorted Shish Kebob Type: Healing Buy: 40000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_LUKFOOD,1200000,7; percentheal 7,3; - Id: 12098 AegisName: Luk_Dish08 Name: Strawberry Flavored Rice Ball Type: Healing Buy: 60000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_LUKFOOD,1200000,8; percentheal 9,3; - Id: 12099 AegisName: Luk_Dish09 Name: Blood Flavored Soda Type: Healing Buy: 80000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_LUKFOOD,1200000,9; percentheal 10,4; - Id: 12100 AegisName: Luk_Dish10 Name: Cooked Nine Tail's Tails Type: Healing Buy: 100000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_LUKFOOD,1200000,10; percentheal 14,8; - Id: 12101 AegisName: Citron Name: Citron Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 300 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_FLEEFOOD,180000,30; - Id: 12102 AegisName: Meat_Skewer Name: Grilled Skewer Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 300 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_HITFOOD,180000,30; - Id: 12103 AegisName: Bloody_Dead_Branch Name: Bloody Branch Type: Usable Buy: 10000 Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true DeadBranch: true Script: | monster "this",-1,-1,"--ja--",-1-MOBG_BLOODY_DEAD_BRANCH,1,""; - Id: 12104 AegisName: Random_Quiver Name: Random Quiver Type: Usable Buy: 10000 Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Quiver); - Id: 12105 AegisName: Set_Of_Taiming_Item Name: Taming Gift Set Type: Usable Buy: 10000 Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Taming); getgroupitem(IG_Taming); getgroupitem(IG_Taming); - Id: 12106 AegisName: Accessory_Box Name: Jewelry Box Type: Usable Buy: 10000 Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Accesory); - Id: 12107 AegisName: Wrapped_Mask Name: Wrapped Mask Type: Usable Buy: 10000 Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Mask); - Id: 12108 AegisName: Bundle_Of_Magic_Scroll Name: Scroll Package Type: Usable Buy: 10000 Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Scroll); getgroupitem(IG_Scroll); getgroupitem(IG_Scroll); getgroupitem(IG_Scroll); getgroupitem(IG_Scroll); - Id: 12109 AegisName: Poring_Box Name: Poring Box Type: Usable Buy: 10000 Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true DeadBranch: true Script: | monster "this",-1,-1,"--ja--",-1-MOBG_PORING_BOX,1,""; - Id: 12110 AegisName: First_Aid_Kit Name: First Aid Kit Type: Usable Buy: 10000 Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_FirstAid); getgroupitem(IG_FirstAid); getgroupitem(IG_FirstAid); getgroupitem(IG_FirstAid); getgroupitem(IG_FirstAid); - Id: 12111 AegisName: Food_Package Name: Bundle of Food Type: Usable Buy: 10000 Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_FoodBag); getgroupitem(IG_FoodBag); getgroupitem(IG_FoodBag); - Id: 12112 AegisName: Tropical_Sograt Name: Tropical Sograt Type: Usable Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_CURSE,10000,1; - Id: 12113 AegisName: Vermilion_The_Beach Name: Vermilion on the Beach Type: Usable Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_STUN,10000,1; - Id: 12114 AegisName: Elemental_Fire Name: Elemental Converter Type: DelayConsume Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemskill "ITEM_ENCHANTARMS",4; - Id: 12115 AegisName: Elemental_Water Name: Elemental Converter Type: DelayConsume Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemskill "ITEM_ENCHANTARMS",2; - Id: 12116 AegisName: Elemental_Earth Name: Elemental Converter Type: DelayConsume Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemskill "ITEM_ENCHANTARMS",3; - Id: 12117 AegisName: Elemental_Wind Name: Elemental Converter Type: DelayConsume Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemskill "ITEM_ENCHANTARMS",5; - Id: 12118 AegisName: Resist_Fire Name: Fireproof Potion Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start4 SC_ARMOR_ELEMENT_FIRE,1200000,-15,0,20,0; - Id: 12119 AegisName: Resist_Water Name: Coldproof Potion Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start4 SC_ARMOR_ELEMENT_WATER,1200000,20,0,0,-15; - Id: 12120 AegisName: Resist_Earth Name: Earthproof Potion Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start4 SC_ARMOR_ELEMENT_EARTH,1200000,0,20,-15,0; - Id: 12121 AegisName: Resist_Wind Name: Thunderproof Potion Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start4 SC_ARMOR_ELEMENT_WIND,1200000,0,-15,0,20; - Id: 12122 AegisName: Sesame_Pastry Name: Sesame Pastry Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 70 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_HITFOOD,180000,30; - Id: 12123 AegisName: Honey_Pastry Name: Honey Pastry Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 70 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_FLEEFOOD,180000,30; - Id: 12124 AegisName: Rainbow_Cake Name: Rainbow Cake Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 70 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_BATKFOOD,60000,10; sc_start SC_MATKFOOD,60000,10; - Id: 12125 AegisName: Outdoor_Cooking_Kits Name: Outdoor Cooking Kit Type: Usable Buy: 500 Weight: 20 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | cooking 11; - Id: 12126 AegisName: Indoor_Cooking_Kits Name: Home Cooking Kit Type: Usable Buy: 1000 Weight: 30 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | cooking 12; - Id: 12127 AegisName: High_end_Cooking_Kits Name: Professional Cooking Kit Type: Usable Buy: 2000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | cooking 13; - Id: 12128 AegisName: Imperial_Cooking_Kits Name: Royal Cooking Kit Type: Usable Buy: 5000 Weight: 70 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | cooking 14; - Id: 12129 AegisName: Fantastic_Cooking_Kits Name: Fantastic Cooking Kit Type: Usable Buy: 10000 Weight: 70 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | cooking 15; - Id: 12130 AegisName: Cookie_Bag Name: Cookie Bag Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 70 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CookieBag); getgroupitem(IG_CookieBag); getgroupitem(IG_CookieBag); - Id: 12131 AegisName: Lucky_Potion Name: Lucky Potion Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Script: | /* sc_start SC_LUKFOOD,180000,15; */ - Id: 12132 AegisName: Red_Bag Name: Santa's Bag Type: Usable Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_XMAS,600000,0; sc_start SC_SPEEDUP0,600000,25; - Id: 12133 AegisName: Ice_Cream_ Name: McDonald's Ice Cone Type: Healing Weight: 80 Script: | if (gettime(DT_DAYOFMONTH) != MDiceCone) { MDiceCone = gettime(DT_DAYOFMONTH); percentheal 50,50; } - Id: 12134 AegisName: Red_Envelope Name: Red Envelope Type: Usable Buy: 1 Weight: 10 Script: | .@a = BaseLevel*100; getexp2 .@a,.@a; - Id: 12135 AegisName: Green_Ale Name: Green Ale Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 30 Delay: Duration: 3000 Script: | percentheal 50,50; sc_start SC_CONFUSION,10000,0,1000,0; - Id: 12136 AegisName: Women's_Bundle Name: Women's Bundle Type: Usable Weight: 100 Script: | getitem callfunc("F_Rand",558,529,2668,7518),1; - Id: 12137 AegisName: 1st_Stage_Prize Name: First Stage Prize Type: Usable - Id: 12138 AegisName: 2nd_Stage_Prize Name: Second Stage Prize Type: Usable - Id: 12139 AegisName: 3rd_Stage_Prize Name: Third Stage Prize Type: Usable - Id: 12140 AegisName: 4th_Stage_Prize Name: Fourth Stage Prize Type: Usable - Id: 12141 AegisName: 5th_Stage_Prize Name: Fifth Stage Prize Type: Usable - Id: 12142 AegisName: Magic_Book Name: Book of Magic Type: Usable Weight: 100 Trade: NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_AGIFOOD,1800000,10; - Id: 12143 AegisName: Red_Can Name: Red Can Type: Usable Buy: 50000 Weight: 300 Script: | percentheal 25,25; - Id: 12144 AegisName: Sphere_Case_Wind Name: Lightning Sphere Pack Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 350 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | getitem 13204,500; - Id: 12145 AegisName: Sphere_Case_Darkness Name: Blind Sphere Pack Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 350 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | getitem 13206,500; - Id: 12146 AegisName: Sphere_Case_Poison Name: Poison Sphere Pack Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 350 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | getitem 13205,500; - Id: 12147 AegisName: Sphere_Case_Water Name: Freezing Sphere Pack Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 350 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | getitem 13207,500; - Id: 12148 AegisName: Sphere_Case_Fire Name: Flare Sphere Pack Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 350 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | getitem 13203,500; - Id: 12149 AegisName: Bullet_Case Name: Cartridge Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 250 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | getitem 13200,500; - Id: 12150 AegisName: Bullet_Case_Blood Name: Blood Cartridge Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 250 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | getitem 13202,500; - Id: 12151 AegisName: Bullet_Case_Silver Name: Silver Cartridge Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 250 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | getitem 13201,500; - Id: 12152 AegisName: Special_Box Name: Special Present Type: Usable Weight: 100 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Special_Box); - Id: 12153 AegisName: Bow_Mercenary_Scroll1 Name: Bowman Scroll 1 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | mercenary_create 6017,1800000; - Id: 12154 AegisName: Bow_Mercenary_Scroll2 Name: Bowman Scroll 2 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | mercenary_create 6018,1800000; - Id: 12155 AegisName: Bow_Mercenary_Scroll3 Name: Bowman Scroll 3 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | mercenary_create 6019,1800000; - Id: 12156 AegisName: Bow_Mercenary_Scroll4 Name: Bowman Scroll 4 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | mercenary_create 6020,1800000; - Id: 12157 AegisName: Bow_Mercenary_Scroll5 Name: Bowman Scroll 5 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | mercenary_create 6021,1800000; - Id: 12158 AegisName: Bow_Mercenary_Scroll6 Name: Bowman Scroll 6 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | mercenary_create 6022,1800000; - Id: 12159 AegisName: Bow_Mercenary_Scroll7 Name: Bowman Scroll 7 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | mercenary_create 6023,1800000; - Id: 12160 AegisName: Bow_Mercenary_Scroll8 Name: Bowman Scroll 8 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | mercenary_create 6024,1800000; - Id: 12161 AegisName: Bow_Mercenary_Scroll9 Name: Bowman Scroll 9 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | mercenary_create 6025,1800000; - Id: 12162 AegisName: Bow_Mercenary_Scroll10 Name: Bowman Scroll 10 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | mercenary_create 6026,1800000; - Id: 12163 AegisName: SwordMercenary_Scroll1 Name: Fencer Scroll 1 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | mercenary_create 6037,1800000; - Id: 12164 AegisName: SwordMercenary_Scroll2 Name: Fencer Scroll 2 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | mercenary_create 6038,1800000; - Id: 12165 AegisName: SwordMercenary_Scroll3 Name: Fencer Scroll 3 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | mercenary_create 6039,1800000; - Id: 12166 AegisName: SwordMercenary_Scroll4 Name: Fencer Scroll 4 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | mercenary_create 6040,1800000; - Id: 12167 AegisName: SwordMercenary_Scroll5 Name: Fencer Scroll 5 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | mercenary_create 6041,1800000; - Id: 12168 AegisName: SwordMercenary_Scroll6 Name: Fencer Scroll 6 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | mercenary_create 6042,1800000; - Id: 12169 AegisName: SwordMercenary_Scroll7 Name: Fencer Scroll 7 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | mercenary_create 6043,1800000; - Id: 12170 AegisName: SwordMercenary_Scroll8 Name: Fencer Scroll 8 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | mercenary_create 6044,1800000; - Id: 12171 AegisName: SwordMercenary_Scroll9 Name: Fencer Scroll 9 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | mercenary_create 6045,1800000; - Id: 12172 AegisName: SwordMercenary_Scroll10 Name: Fencer Scroll 10 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | mercenary_create 6046,1800000; - Id: 12173 AegisName: SpearMercenary_Scroll1 Name: Spearman Scroll 1 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | mercenary_create 6027,1800000; - Id: 12174 AegisName: SpearMercenary_Scroll2 Name: Spearman Scroll 2 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | mercenary_create 6028,1800000; - Id: 12175 AegisName: SpearMercenary_Scroll3 Name: Spearman Scroll 3 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | mercenary_create 6029,1800000; - Id: 12176 AegisName: SpearMercenary_Scroll4 Name: Spearman Scroll 4 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | mercenary_create 6030,1800000; - Id: 12177 AegisName: SpearMercenary_Scroll5 Name: Spearman Scroll 5 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | mercenary_create 6031,1800000; - Id: 12178 AegisName: SpearMercenary_Scroll6 Name: Spearman Scroll 6 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | mercenary_create 6032,1800000; - Id: 12179 AegisName: SpearMercenary_Scroll7 Name: Spearman Scroll 7 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | mercenary_create 6033,1800000; - Id: 12180 AegisName: SpearMercenary_Scroll8 Name: Spearman Scroll 8 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | mercenary_create 6034,1800000; - Id: 12181 AegisName: SpearMercenary_Scroll9 Name: Spearman Scroll 9 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | mercenary_create 6035,1800000; - Id: 12182 AegisName: SpearMercenary_Scroll10 Name: Spearman Scroll 10 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | mercenary_create 6036,1800000; - Id: 12183 AegisName: Holy_Arrow_Quiver Name: Holy Arrow Quiver Type: Usable Buy: 2 Sell: 0 Weight: 250 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | getitem 1772,500; - Id: 12184 AegisName: Mercenary_Red_Potion Name: Mercenary Red Potion Type: Usable Buy: 500 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | mercenary_heal 1000,0; - Id: 12185 AegisName: Mercenary_Blue_Potion Name: Mercenary Blue Potion Type: Usable Buy: 1000 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | mercenary_heal 0,100; - Id: 12186 AegisName: Red_Box Name: Old Red Box Type: Usable Buy: 50000 Weight: 200 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_RedBox); - Id: 12187 AegisName: Green_Box Name: Old Green Box Type: Usable Buy: 50000 Weight: 200 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_GreenBox); - Id: 12188 AegisName: Magical_Moon_Cake Name: Grace Moon Cake Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 300 Script: | percentheal 50,50; - Id: 12189 AegisName: Red_Box_ Name: Old Red Box Type: Usable Buy: 50000 Weight: 200 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_RedBox_2); - Id: 12190 AegisName: Moon_Cake Name: Moon Cake Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 300 Script: | sc_start SC_SPEEDUP0,180000,25; - Id: 12191 AegisName: Special_Moon_Cake Name: Special Moon Cake Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 300 Script: | sc_start SC_ASPDPOTION0,600000,4; sc_start SC_SPEEDUP0,600000,25; - Id: 12192 AegisName: Pumpkin_Pie Name: Pumpkin Pie Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 30 Script: | percentheal 5,5; - Id: 12193 AegisName: Brezel Name: Pretzel Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 20 Script: | percentheal 5,5; - Id: 12194 AegisName: Hometown_Gift Name: Hometown Gift Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_HometownGift); getgroupitem(IG_HometownGift); getgroupitem(IG_HometownGift); - Id: 12195 AegisName: Plain_Rice_Cake Name: Plain Rice Cake Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | percentheal 0,20; - Id: 12196 AegisName: Hearty_Rice_Cake Name: Hearty Rice Cake Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | percentheal 50,0; - Id: 12197 AegisName: Salty_Rice_Cake Name: Salty Rice Cake Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | percentheal 10,10; - Id: 12198 AegisName: Lucky_Rice_Cake Name: Lucky Rice Cake Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_INCLUK,1200000,21; - Id: 12199 AegisName: Rice_Scroll Name: Scroll of Magic Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 12200 AegisName: Event_Cake Name: X-mas Cake Type: DelayConsume Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Script: | percentheal 5,0; itemskill "PR_MAGNIFICAT",3; - Id: 12201 AegisName: Red_Box_C Name: Commonplace Red Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 200 - Id: 12202 AegisName: Str_Dish10_ Name: Steamed Tongue Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_FOOD_STR_CASH,1800000,10; percentheal 15,5; - Id: 12203 AegisName: Agi_Dish10_ Name: Steamed Scorpion Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_FOOD_AGI_CASH,1800000,10; percentheal 15,5; - Id: 12204 AegisName: Int_Dish10_ Name: Dragon Breath Cocktail Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_FOOD_INT_CASH,1800000,10; percentheal 15,5; - Id: 12205 AegisName: Dex_Dish10_ Name: Hwergelmir's Tonic Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_FOOD_DEX_CASH,1800000,10; percentheal 15,5; - Id: 12206 AegisName: Luk_Dish10_ Name: Cooked Nine Tail's Tails Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_FOOD_LUK_CASH,1800000,10; percentheal 15,5; - Id: 12207 AegisName: Vit_Dish10_ Name: Stew Of Immortality Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_FOOD_VIT_CASH,1800000,10; percentheal 15,5; - Id: 12208 AegisName: Battle_Manual Name: Battle Manual Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Delay: Duration: 60000 Status: Reuse_Limit_C Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_EXPBOOST,1800000,50; - Id: 12209 AegisName: Insurance Name: Life Insurance Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_LIFEINSURANCE,1800000,0; - Id: 12210 AegisName: Bubble_Gum Name: Bubble Gum Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Delay: Duration: 60000 Status: Reuse_Limit_D Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_ITEMBOOST,1800000,100; - Id: 12211 AegisName: Kafra_Card Name: Kafra Card Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | callfunc "F_CashStore"; - Id: 12212 AegisName: Giant_Fly_Wing Name: Giant Fly Wing Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | callfunc "F_CashPartyCall"; - Id: 12213 AegisName: Neuralizer Name: Neuralizer Type: DelayConsume Buy: 2 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | callfunc "F_CashReset"; - Id: 12214 AegisName: Convex_Mirror Name: Convex Mirror Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_BOSSMAPINFO,600000,0; - Id: 12215 AegisName: Blessing_10_Scroll Name: LV10 Blessing Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | skilleffect "AL_BLESSING",0; sc_start SC_BLESSING,240000,10; - Id: 12216 AegisName: Inc_Agi_10_Scroll Name: LV10 Agil Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | if (Hp>15) { skilleffect "AL_INCAGI",0; sc_start SC_INCREASEAGI,240000,10; heal -15,0; } - Id: 12217 AegisName: Aspersio_5_Scroll Name: LV5 Aspersio Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | if (countitem(523)>0) { skilleffect "PR_ASPERSIO",0; sc_start SC_ASPERSIO,180000,5; delitem 523,1; } - Id: 12218 AegisName: Assumptio_5_Scroll Name: LV5 Assumptio Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_ASSUMPTIO,100000,5; skilleffect "HP_ASSUMPTIO",0; - Id: 12219 AegisName: Wind_Walk_10_Scroll Name: LV10 Wind Walker Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | skilleffect "SN_WINDWALK",0; sc_start SC_WINDWALK,250000,10; - Id: 12220 AegisName: Adrenaline_Scroll Name: LV5 Adrenaline Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | .@type = getiteminfo(getequipid(EQI_HAND_R), ITEMINFO_VIEW); if (.@type == W_1HAXE || .@type == W_2HAXE || .@type == W_MACE) { skilleffect "BS_ADRENALINE",0; sc_start SC_ADRENALINE,150000,5; } - Id: 12221 AegisName: Megaphone_ Name: Megaphone Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | input .@megaphone$; announce strcharinfo(0) + ": " + .@megaphone$,bc_all,0xFF0000; - Id: 12223 AegisName: Sweets_Macacake Name: Sweets Macaron Cake Type: Usable # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 12224 AegisName: Sweets_Sparfait Name: Sweets Strawberry Parfait Type: Usable # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 12225 AegisName: Sweet_Candy_Striper Name: Sweet Candy Cane Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 50 NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1245; - Id: 12226 AegisName: Examination1 Name: Examination 1 Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Script: | sc_start SC_SPEEDUP0,5400000,25; percentheal 100,100; sc_start SC_STRFOOD,5400000,10; sc_start SC_DEXFOOD,5400000,5; sc_start SC_ATKPOTION,5400000,22; sc_start SC_MATKFOOD,5400000,15; - Id: 12227 AegisName: Examination2 Name: Examination 2 Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Script: | sc_start SC_SPEEDUP0,5400000,25; percentheal 100,100; sc_start SC_INTFOOD,5400000,8; sc_start SC_VITFOOD,5400000,7; sc_start SC_LUKFOOD,5400000,7; sc_start SC_ATKPOTION,5400000,10; - Id: 12228 AegisName: Examination3 Name: Examination 3 Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Script: | sc_start SC_SPEEDUP0,5400000,25; percentheal 100,100; sc_start SC_AGIFOOD,5400000,15; sc_start SC_ATKPOTION,5400000,52; sc_start SC_MATKFOOD,5400000,10; - Id: 12229 AegisName: Examination4 Name: Examination 4 Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Script: | sc_start SC_SPEEDUP0,5400000,25; percentheal 100,100; sc_start SC_STRFOOD,5400000,3; sc_start SC_AGIFOOD,5400000,5; sc_start SC_VITFOOD,5400000,10; sc_start SC_MATKFOOD,5400000,52; - Id: 12230 AegisName: Examination5 Name: Examination 5 Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Script: | sc_start SC_SPEEDUP0,5400000,25; percentheal 100,100; sc_start SC_INTFOOD,5400000,3; sc_start SC_DEXFOOD,5400000,12; sc_start SC_ATKPOTION,5400000,20; sc_start SC_MATKFOOD,5400000,20; - Id: 12231 AegisName: Examination6 Name: Examination 6 Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Script: | percentheal 100,100; sc_start SC_SPEEDUP0,5400000,25; sc_start SC_STRFOOD,5400000,6; sc_start SC_DEXFOOD,5400000,6; sc_start SC_AGIFOOD,5400000,6; sc_start SC_INTFOOD,5400000,6; sc_start SC_VITFOOD,5400000,6; sc_start SC_LUKFOOD,5400000,6; sc_start SC_ATKPOTION,5400000,24; sc_start SC_MATKFOOD,5400000,24; - Id: 12232 AegisName: Gingerbread Name: Ginger Bread Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 150 Script: | sc_start SC_ASPDPOTION1,900000,0; sc_start SC_SPEEDUP0,900000,25; - Id: 12233 AegisName: Kvass Name: Kvass Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 200 Script: | percentheal 100,100; - Id: 12234 AegisName: Cacao99 Name: Fierce Cacao 99% Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 100 Script: | percentheal 25,0; - Id: 12235 AegisName: Strawberry_Choco Name: Chocolate Strawberry Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 100 NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | percentheal 0,5; skilleffect "AL_BLESSING",0; sc_start SC_BLESSING,240000,5; - Id: 12236 AegisName: Choco_Tart Name: Chocolate Tart Type: DelayConsume Buy: 20 Weight: 100 NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | percentheal 5,0; itemskill "AL_ANGELUS",5; - Id: 12237 AegisName: Choco_Lump Name: Junky Chocolate Type: Usable Weight: 100 NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | percentheal 0,5; sc_start SC_POISON,18000,0; sc_start SC_BLEEDING,18000,0; - Id: 12238 AegisName: New_Year_Rice_Cake_1 Name: New Year Rice Cake Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_DPOISON,10000,0,1000,0; sc_start SC_POISON,50000,0; - Id: 12239 AegisName: New_Year_Rice_Cake_2 Name: New Year Rice Cake Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_DPOISON,10000,0,1000,0; sc_start SC_POISON,50000,0; - Id: 12240 AegisName: Old_Yellow_Box Name: Old Yellow Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 200 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_YellowBox); - Id: 12241 AegisName: M_Center_Potion Name: Mercenary Concentration Potion Type: Usable Buy: 800 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | mercenary_sc_start SC_ASPDPOTION0,1800000,0; - Id: 12242 AegisName: M_Awakening_Potion Name: Mercenary Awakening Potion Type: Usable Buy: 1500 Weight: 150 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | mercenary_sc_start SC_ASPDPOTION1,1800000,0; - Id: 12243 AegisName: M_Berserk_Potion Name: Mercenary Berserk Potion Type: Usable Buy: 3000 Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | mercenary_sc_start SC_ASPDPOTION2,1800000,0; - Id: 12244 AegisName: Old_Gift_Box Name: Old Gift Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 200 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_OldGiftBox); - Id: 12245 AegisName: Green_Ale_US Name: Green Ale Type: Healing Buy: 5000 Weight: 500 Script: | percentheal 100,0; - Id: 12246 AegisName: Magic_Card_Album Name: Mystical Card Album Type: Usable Buy: 10000 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_MagicCardAlbum); - Id: 12247 AegisName: Halohalo Name: Halo-Halo Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 100 EquipLevelMin: 20 Script: | sc_start SC_INCALLSTATUS,600000,3; - Id: 12248 AegisName: Masquerade_Ball_Box Name: Fancy Ball Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Masquerade); - Id: 12249 AegisName: Payroll_Of_Kafra_ Name: Payment Statement for Kafra Employee Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 12250 AegisName: Str_Dish10_M Name: Steamed Tongue Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_STRFOOD,3600000,10; percentheal 20,20; - Id: 12251 AegisName: Agi_Dish10_M Name: Steamed Desert Scorpions Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_AGIFOOD,3600000,10; percentheal 15,5; - Id: 12252 AegisName: Int_Dish10_M Name: Dragon Breath Cocktail Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_INTFOOD,3600000,10; percentheal 10,20; - Id: 12253 AegisName: Dex_Dish10_M Name: Hwergelmir's Tonic Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_DEXFOOD,3600000,10; percentheal 10,10; - Id: 12254 AegisName: Luk_Dish10_M Name: Cooked Nine Tail Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_LUKFOOD,3600000,10; percentheal 14,8; - Id: 12255 AegisName: Vit_Dish10_M Name: Immortal Stew Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_VITFOOD,3600000,10; percentheal 25,0; - Id: 12256 AegisName: PRO_Gift_Box Name: PRO Gift Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 12257 AegisName: Cold_Medicine Name: Cold Medicine Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 100 EquipLevelMin: 50 Script: | percentheal 25,25; - Id: 12258 AegisName: Bombring_Box Name: Bomb Poring Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | if (strcharinfo(3) == "job3_rang02") { monster "this",-1,-1,"--ja--",1904,1,""; } - Id: 12259 AegisName: Miracle_Medicine Name: Miracle Tonic Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getexp2(3000000,1500000); - Id: 12260 AegisName: Cool_Summer_Outfit Name: Cool Summer Outfit Type: Usable Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_SUMMER,600000,0; - Id: 12261 AegisName: Secret_Medicine Name: Leap of Fantasy Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getexp2(2000000,1000000); - Id: 12262 AegisName: Inspector_Certificate_ Name: Authoritative Badge Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_SPEEDUP0,540000,25; - Id: 12263 AegisName: Comp_Battle_Manual Name: Field Manual Type: Usable Buy: 2 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_EXPBOOST,1800000,50; - Id: 12264 AegisName: Comp_Bubble_Gum Name: Bubble Gum Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_ITEMBOOST,1800000,100; - Id: 12265 AegisName: Comp_Insurance Name: Life Insurrance Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_LIFEINSURANCE,1800000,0; - Id: 12266 AegisName: Sesame_Pastry_ Name: Sesame Pastry Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 70 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_HITFOOD,180000,30; - Id: 12267 AegisName: Honey_Pastry_ Name: Honey Pastry Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 70 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_FLEEFOOD,180000,30; - Id: 12268 AegisName: Rainbow_Cake_ Name: Rainbow Cake Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 70 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_ATKPOTION,60000,10; sc_start SC_MATKFOOD,60000,10; - Id: 12269 AegisName: Tasty_Colonel Name: Tasty Pink Ration Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 70 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_ATKPOTION,600000,15; - Id: 12270 AegisName: Tasty_Major Name: Tasty White Ration Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 70 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_MATKPOTION,600000,15; - Id: 12271 AegisName: Mre_A Name: Military Ration A Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 70 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | percentheal 5,0; - Id: 12272 AegisName: Mre_B Name: Military Ration B Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 70 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_HITFOOD,600000,33; - Id: 12273 AegisName: Mre_C Name: Military Ration C Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 70 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_FLEEFOOD,600000,33; - Id: 12274 AegisName: Gold_Pill_1 Name: Daehwandan Type: Healing Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start2 SC_INCREASE_MAXHP,3600000,5,10; percentheal 10,0; - Id: 12275 AegisName: Gold_Pill_2 Name: Taecheongdan Type: Healing Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start2 SC_INCREASE_MAXSP,3600000,5,10; percentheal 0,10; - Id: 12276 AegisName: Mimic_Scroll Name: Mimic Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | mercenary_create 2058,1800000; - Id: 12277 AegisName: Disguise_Scroll Name: Disguise Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | mercenary_create 2059,1800000; - Id: 12278 AegisName: Alice_Scroll Name: Alice Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | mercenary_create 2060,1800000; - Id: 12279 AegisName: Undead_Element_Scroll Name: Undead Elemental Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start4 SC_ARMOR_RESIST,300000,20,20,20,20; - Id: 12280 AegisName: Holy_Element_Scroll Name: Holy Elemental Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | specialeffect2 EF_BENEDICTIO; sc_start SC_BENEDICTIO,300000,1; - Id: 12281 AegisName: Tresure_Box_WoE Name: Event Treasure Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 150 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_TRESURE_BOX_WOE); - Id: 12282 AegisName: Internet_Cafe1 Name: Internet Cafe1 Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_INCALLSTATUS,5400000,3; sc_start SC_ATKPOTION,5400000,15; sc_start SC_MATKPOTION,5400000,15; - Id: 12283 AegisName: Internet_Cafe2 Name: Internet Cafe2 Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_INCSTR,5400000,8; sc_start SC_INCDEX,5400000,4; sc_start SC_INCAGI,5400000,6; sc_start SC_ATKPOTION,5400000,32; sc_start SC_INCFLEE,5400000,5; - Id: 12284 AegisName: Internet_Cafe3 Name: Internet Cafe3 Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_INCINT,5400000,8; sc_start SC_INCVIT,5400000,4; sc_start SC_INCDEX,5400000,6; sc_start SC_MATKPOTION,5400000,40; - Id: 12285 AegisName: Internet_Cafe4 Name: Internet Cafe4 Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_INCDEX,5400000,8; sc_start SC_INCLUK,5400000,4; sc_start SC_INCAGI,5400000,6; sc_start SC_ATKPOTION,5400000,24; sc_start SC_MATKPOTION,5400000,24; - Id: 12286 AegisName: Masquerade_Ball_Box2 Name: Masquerade Ball Box2 Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Masquerade_2); - Id: 12287 AegisName: Love_Angel Name: Love Angel Magic Powder Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | setfont 1; UnEquipScript: | setfont 0; - Id: 12288 AegisName: Squirrel Name: Squirrel Magic Powder Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | setfont 2; UnEquipScript: | setfont 0; - Id: 12289 AegisName: Gogo Name: Gogo Magic Powder Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | setfont 3; UnEquipScript: | setfont 0; - Id: 12290 AegisName: Mysterious_Can Name: Mysterious Can Magic Powder Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | percentheal 5,0; skilleffect "AL_BLESSING",0; sc_start SC_BLESSING,120000,5; - Id: 12291 AegisName: Mysterious_PET_Bottle Name: Mysterious PET Bottle Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | percentheal 5,0; skilleffect "AL_INCAGI",0; sc_start SC_INCREASEAGI,120000,5; - Id: 12292 AegisName: Unripe_Fruit Name: Unripe Yggdrasilberry Type: Healing Buy: 500 Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | percentheal 20,0; - Id: 12293 AegisName: Dried_Yggdrasilberry Name: Dried Yggdrasilberry Type: Healing Buy: 500 Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | percentheal 0,20; - Id: 12294 AegisName: PC_Bang_Coin_Box1 Name: PC-Room Coin Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_PC_BANG_COIN_BOX1); - Id: 12295 AegisName: PC_Bang_Coin_Box2 Name: PC-Room Coin Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_PC_BANG_COIN_BOX2); - Id: 12296 AegisName: PC_Bang_Coin_Box3 Name: Splendid Spring Hat Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_PC_BANG_COIN_BOX3); - Id: 12297 AegisName: PC_Bang_Coin_Box4 Name: PC-Room Coin Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_PC_BANG_COIN_BOX4); - Id: 12298 AegisName: SP_Potion Name: SP Consumption Reduction Potion Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_SPCOST_RATE,3600000,15; - Id: 12299 AegisName: Mega_Resist_Potion Name: Mega Resist Potion Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_COMMONSC_RESIST,3600000,10; - Id: 12300 AegisName: Wild_Rose_Scroll Name: Wild Rose Contract Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | mercenary_create 1965,1800000; - Id: 12301 AegisName: Doppelganger_Scroll Name: Doppelganger Contract Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | mercenary_create 1966,1800000; - Id: 12302 AegisName: Ygnizem_Scroll Name: Egnigem Cenia Contract Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | mercenary_create 1967,1800000; - Id: 12303 AegisName: Water_Of_Blessing Name: Blessing Of Water Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 12304 AegisName: Picture_Diary Name: Diary Magic Powder Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | setfont 4; UnEquipScript: | setfont 0; - Id: 12305 AegisName: Mini_Heart Name: Mini Heart Magic Powder Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | setfont 5; UnEquipScript: | setfont 0; - Id: 12306 AegisName: Newcomer Name: Freshman Magic Powder Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | setfont 6; UnEquipScript: | setfont 0; - Id: 12307 AegisName: Kid Name: Kid Magic Powder Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | setfont 7; UnEquipScript: | setfont 0; - Id: 12308 AegisName: Magic_Castle Name: Magic Magic Powder Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | setfont 8; UnEquipScript: | setfont 0; - Id: 12309 AegisName: Bulging_Head Name: JJangu Magic Powder Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | setfont 9; UnEquipScript: | setfont 0; - Id: 12310 AegisName: Spray_Of_Flowers Name: Spray Of Flowers Type: Usable Weight: 50 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_FLEEFOOD,300000,10; - Id: 12311 AegisName: Large_Spray_Of_Flowers Name: Huge Spray Of Flowers Type: DelayConsume Weight: 100 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemskill "ALL_PARTYFLEE",5; - Id: 12312 AegisName: Thick_Manual50 Name: Thick Battle Manual Type: Usable Script: | sc_start SC_EXPBOOST,3600000,50; - Id: 12313 AegisName: Protection_Of_Angel Name: Guardian Angel Type: Usable NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | /* itemskill "ALL_ANGEL_PROTECT",1; */ - Id: 12314 AegisName: Noive_Box Name: Adventurer Returns Support Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Noive_Box); - Id: 12315 AegisName: Goddess_Bless Name: Goddess Of Blessing Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 12316 AegisName: Angel_Bless Name: Angel Of Blessing Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 12317 AegisName: Powder_Snow Name: Snow Powder Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 12318 AegisName: Little_Heart Name: Small Hearts Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 12319 AegisName: Strawberry_Cake Name: Rune Strawberry Cake Type: Usable Weight: 300 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_ATKPOTION,600000,5; sc_start SC_MATKPOTION,600000,5; - Id: 12320 AegisName: Pineapple_Juice Name: Schwarzwald Pine Jubilee Type: Usable Weight: 300 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_HITFOOD,600000,10; sc_start SC_FLEEFOOD,600000,20; - Id: 12321 AegisName: Spicy_Sandwich Name: Arunafeltz Desert Sandwich Type: Usable Weight: 300 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_INCCRI,600000,7; - Id: 12322 AegisName: Chocolate_Pie Name: Chocolate Pie Type: Healing Weight: 50 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | percentheal 5,5; - Id: 12323 AegisName: N_Fly_Wing Name: Novice Fly Wing Type: DelayConsume NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemskill "AL_TELEPORT",1; - Id: 12324 AegisName: N_Butterfly_Wing Name: Novice Butterfly Wing Type: DelayConsume NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemskill "AL_TELEPORT",3; - Id: 12325 AegisName: N_Magnifier Name: Novice Magnifier Type: DelayConsume NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemskill "MC_IDENTIFY",1; - Id: 12326 AegisName: J_Firecracker Name: Large Firecracker Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 - Id: 12327 AegisName: Charm_Of_Luck Name: Charm Of Luck Type: Usable Buy: 1000 Weight: 50 Script: | sc_start SC_INCLUK,3600000,20; - Id: 12328 AegisName: Charm_Of_Happiness Name: Charm Of Happiness Type: Usable Buy: 1800 Weight: 100 Script: | sc_start SC_INCALLSTATUS,20000,10; - Id: 12329 AegisName: Recall_MaleGM Name: Summon Male GameMaster Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | mercenary_create 2000,1800000; - Id: 12330 AegisName: Recall_FemaleGM Name: Summon Female GameMaster Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | mercenary_create 2001,1800000; - Id: 12331 AegisName: Ginseng Name: Ginseng Type: Healing Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | percentheal 6,0; - Id: 12332 AegisName: Fruit_Juice Name: Fruit Juice Type: Healing Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | percentheal 0,6; - Id: 12333 AegisName: Ansila Name: Ancilla Type: Usable Weight: 10 Stack: Amount: 3 Inventory: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | percentheal 0,15; sc_start SC_ANCILLA,60000,1; - Id: 12334 AegisName: Cherish_Box Name: Treasure Edition Helm Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Cherish_Box); - Id: 12335 AegisName: Yummy_Skewered_Dish Name: Grilled Delicious Skewer Type: Healing Buy: 1000 Weight: 350 Script: | percentheal 60,60; - Id: 12336 AegisName: Baked_Mushroom Name: Grilled Mushroom Type: Healing Buy: 500 Weight: 300 Script: | percentheal 30,30; - Id: 12337 AegisName: Grilled_Sausage Name: Grilled Sausages Type: Healing Buy: 300 Weight: 200 Script: | percentheal 20,20; - Id: 12338 AegisName: Grilled_Corn Name: Grilled Corn Type: Usable Buy: 100 Weight: 100 Script: | sc_start SC_INCSTR,180000,2; sc_start SC_INCINT,180000,2; sc_start SC_INCAGI,180000,2; - Id: 12339 AegisName: Cherish_Box_Ori Name: Treasure Edition Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Cherish_Box_Ori); - Id: 12340 AegisName: Mysterious_Rice_Powder Name: Chewy Rice Powder Type: Usable Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | pet 1815; - Id: 12341 AegisName: Special_Alloy_Trap_Box Name: Special Alloy Trap Box Type: Usable Buy: 30000 Sell: 0 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | getitem 7940,500; - Id: 12342 AegisName: Manuk's_Opportunity Name: Manuk's Opportunity Type: Usable Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_POTION_BERSERK; sc_start SC_MANU_ATK,600000,10; - Id: 12343 AegisName: Manuk's_Courage Name: Manuk's Courage Type: Usable Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_GUARD; sc_start SC_MANU_DEF,600000,10; - Id: 12344 AegisName: Pinguicula's_fruit_Jam Name: Pinguicula's Fruit Jam Type: Usable Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_POTION_BERSERK; sc_start SC_SPL_ATK,600000,10; - Id: 12345 AegisName: Luciola's_Honey_Jam Name: Luciola's Honey Jam Type: Usable Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_GUARD; sc_start SC_SPL_DEF,600000,10; - Id: 12346 AegisName: Unripe_Acorn Name: Unripe Acorn Type: Usable Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | heal -100,0; - Id: 12347 AegisName: Acorn_Jelly Name: Acorn Jelly Type: DelayConsume Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | itemskill "ALL_REVERSEORCISH",1; - Id: 12348 AegisName: Manuk's_Faith Name: Manuk's Faith Type: Usable Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_POTION_BERSERK; sc_start SC_MANU_MATK,600000,10; - Id: 12349 AegisName: Cornus'_Tears Name: Cornus' Tears Type: Usable Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_POTION_BERSERK; sc_start SC_SPL_MATK,600000,10; - Id: 12350 AegisName: Angeling_Potion Name: Angeling Potion Type: DelayConsume Buy: 20 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | skilleffect "AL_BLESSING",0; sc_start SC_BLESSING,120000,5; itemskill "AL_ANGELUS",5; - Id: 12351 AegisName: Shout_Megaphone Name: Scream Megaphone Type: DelayConsume Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemskill "MC_LOUD",1; - Id: 12352 AegisName: Dun_Tele_Scroll3_fr Name: Dungeon Teleport Scroll 3 Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | callfunc "F_CashDungeon",3; - Id: 12353 AegisName: Tiny_Waterbottle Name: Small Bottle Type: Usable Buy: 800 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_WATERWEAPON,90000,1; - Id: 12354 AegisName: Buche_De_Noel Name: Buche De Noel Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_ANGELUS; bonus_script "{ bonus bHPrecovRate,3; bonus bSPrecovRate,3; bonus bHit,3; bonus bCritical,7; }",600,0,0,EFST_BUCHEDENOEL; - Id: 12355 AegisName: Xmas_Gift Name: Xmas Gift Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Xmas_Gift); - Id: 12356 AegisName: Louise_Costume_Box Name: Louise Costume Box Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Louise_Costume_Box); - Id: 12357 AegisName: Shiny_Wing_Gown Name: Shiny Wing Gown Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Script: | pet 1630; - Id: 12358 AegisName: Fan_Of_Wind Name: Fan Of Wind Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1513; - Id: 12359 AegisName: Very_Soft_Plant Name: Very Soft Plant Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1586; - Id: 12360 AegisName: Very_Red_Juice Name: Very Red Juice Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1505; - Id: 12361 AegisName: Delicious_Shaved_Ice Name: Delicious Shaved Ice Type: Usable NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | pet 1143; - Id: 12362 AegisName: Kuloren Name: Kuloren Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1401; - Id: 12363 AegisName: Fit_Pipe Name: Fit Pipe Type: Usable NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | pet 1179; - Id: 12364 AegisName: Staff_Of_Leader Name: Staff Of Leader Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1299; - Id: 12365 AegisName: Charming_Lotus Name: Charming Lotus Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1416; - Id: 12366 AegisName: Gril_Doll Name: Girl's Doll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1404; - Id: 12367 AegisName: Luxury_Whisky_Bottle Name: Luxury Whisky Bottle Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1504; - Id: 12368 AegisName: Splendid_Mirror Name: Splendid Mirror Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1148; - Id: 12369 AegisName: Oilpalm_Coconut Name: Oilpalm Coconut Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1495; - Id: 12370 AegisName: Gril's_Naivety Name: Girl's Naivety Type: Usable NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | pet 1374; - Id: 12371 AegisName: Magical_Lithography Name: Magical Lithography Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1040; - Id: 12372 AegisName: Hell_Contract Name: Hell Contract Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1379; - Id: 12373 AegisName: Boy's_Naivety Name: Boy's Pure Heart Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1370; - Id: 12374 AegisName: Flaming_Ice Name: Ice Fireworks Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | pet 1837; - Id: 12375 AegisName: Acaraje Name: Akaraje Type: Usable Weight: 80 Script: | specialeffect2 EF_STEAL; sc_start SC_ACARAJE,1200000,0; - Id: 12376 AegisName: Mysterious_Can2 Name: Mysterious Can2 Type: DelayConsume Buy: 10 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | percentheal 3,0; itemskill "PR_GLORIA",2; - Id: 12377 AegisName: Mysterious_PET_Bottle2 Name: Mysterious PET Bottle2 Type: DelayConsume Buy: 10 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | percentheal 0,3; itemskill "PR_MAGNIFICAT",1; - Id: 12378 AegisName: 2009_Rice_Cake_Soup Name: Rice Cake Soup Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 100 Script: | percentheal 50,50; - Id: 12379 AegisName: Pope's_Cookie Name: Pope Cookie Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_STEAL; sc_start SC_POPECOOKIE,1200000,3; - Id: 12380 AegisName: Desert_Wolf_Babe_Scroll Name: Job Change Flute Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Script: | mercenary_create 2034,1800000; - Id: 12381 AegisName: ValkyrieA_Scroll Name: Ancient Languages Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Script: | if (strcharinfo(3) == "job3_arch02") { mercenary_create 2037,1800000; } - Id: 12382 AegisName: ValkyrieB_Scroll Name: Ancient Languages Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Script: | if (strcharinfo(3) == "job3_arch02") { mercenary_create 2038,1800000; } - Id: 12383 AegisName: Vulcan_Bullet_Magazine Name: Vulcan Bullet Magazine Type: Usable Buy: 11000 Weight: 500 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | getitem 6145,1000; - Id: 12384 AegisName: Rainbow_Ruby_Water Name: Rainbow Ruby Type: DelayConsume Weight: 50 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | if (strcharinfo(3) == "job3_war02") { itemskill "WL_FROSTMISTY",5; } - Id: 12385 AegisName: Rainbow_Ruby_Fire Name: Rainbow Ruby Type: DelayConsume Weight: 50 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | if (strcharinfo(3) == "job3_war02") { itemskill "WL_CRIMSONROCK",5; } - Id: 12386 AegisName: Rainbow_Ruby_Wind Name: Rainbow Ruby Type: DelayConsume Weight: 50 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | if (strcharinfo(3) == "job3_war02") { itemskill "WL_CHAINLIGHTNING",5; } - Id: 12387 AegisName: Rainbow_Ruby_Earth Name: Rainbow Ruby Type: DelayConsume Weight: 50 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | if (strcharinfo(3) == "job3_war02") { itemskill "WL_EARTHSTRAIN",5; } - Id: 12388 AegisName: Runstone_Crush Name: Rhydo Runestone For Apprentice Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | if (strcharinfo(3) == "job3_rune02") { itemskill "RK_CRUSHSTRIKE",1; } - Id: 12389 AegisName: Runstone_Storm Name: Pertz Runestone For Apprentice Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | if (strcharinfo(3) == "job3_rune02") { itemskill "RK_STORMBLAST",1; } - Id: 12390 AegisName: Runstone_Millennium Name: Verkana Runestone For Apprentice Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | if (strcharinfo(3) == "job3_rune02") { itemskill "RK_MILLENNIUMSHIELD",1; } - Id: 12391 AegisName: Lucky_Egg_C Name: Lucky Egg C Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Lucky_Egg_C); - Id: 12392 AegisName: RepairA Name: Repair A Type: Usable Buy: 275 Weight: 1 Jobs: Blacksmith: true Classes: All_Third: true Fourth: true Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | if (checkmadogear()) { itemheal rand(200,300),0; } - Id: 12393 AegisName: RepairB Name: Repair B Type: Usable Buy: 625 Weight: 1 Jobs: Blacksmith: true Classes: All_Third: true Fourth: true Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | if (checkmadogear()) { itemheal rand(300,400),0; } - Id: 12394 AegisName: RepairC Name: Repair C Type: Usable Buy: 1375 Weight: 1 Jobs: Blacksmith: true Classes: All_Third: true Fourth: true Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | if (checkmadogear()) { itemheal rand(400,500),0; } - Id: 12395 AegisName: Tantanmen Name: Tantan Noodle Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | pet 1631; - Id: 12396 AegisName: Fools_Day_Box Name: Gift Box? Type: DelayConsume Buy: 20 Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | .@rnd = rand(1,9); if (.@rnd == 1) itemskill "AL_TELEPORT",1; else if (.@rnd == 2) itemskill "AL_TELEPORT",3; else if (.@rnd == 3) percentheal 50,0; else if (.@rnd == 4) percentheal 0,50; else if (.@rnd == 5) getitem 512,1; else if (.@rnd == 6) itemskill "ALL_REVERSEORCISH",1; else if (.@rnd == 7) specialeffect2 EF_MAPPILLAR2; else if (.@rnd == 8) specialeffect2 EF_ANGEL2; else specialeffect2 EF_COIN; - Id: 12397 AegisName: Fools_Day_Box2 Name: Gift Box? Type: DelayConsume Buy: 20 Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | .@rnd = rand(1,9); if (.@rnd == 1) itemskill "TF_DETOXIFY",1; else if (.@rnd == 2) itemskill "TF_PICKSTONE",1; else if (.@rnd == 3) itemskill "BA_FROSTJOKER",1; else if (.@rnd == 4) itemskill "DC_SCREAM",1; else if (.@rnd == 5) getitem 909,1; else if (.@rnd == 6) itemskill "AL_RUWACH",1; else if (.@rnd == 7) specialeffect2 EF_BEGINASURA; else if (.@rnd == 8) specialeffect2 EF_MVP; else specialeffect2 EF_CURSEATTACK; - Id: 12398 AegisName: PCBang_Gift_Box Name: PC Cafe Gift Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_PCBANG_GIFT_BOX); - Id: 12399 AegisName: Castle_Treasure_Box Name: Castle Treasure Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 1000 Script: | Zeny += rand(50000,100000); - Id: 12400 AegisName: Water_Of_Blessing_ Name: Water Of Blessing Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 12401 AegisName: Rune_Kn_Test_Int Name: Rune Kn Test Int Type: Usable Script: | sc_start SC_INCINT,300000,40; - Id: 12402 AegisName: 29Fruit Name: 29Fruit Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | percentheal 5,5; - Id: 12403 AegisName: Lucky_Egg_C2 Name: Lucky Egg C2 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Lucky_Egg_C2); - Id: 12404 AegisName: Acti_Potion Name: Acti Potion Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_STEAL; sc_start SC_VITALIZE_POTION,120000,3; - Id: 12405 AegisName: Underripe_Yggseed Name: Underripe Yggseed Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | percentheal 30,30; skilleffect "AL_BLESSING",0; sc_start SC_BLESSING,140000,5; - Id: 12406 AegisName: Psychic_ArmorS Name: Psychic ArmorS Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_ENERGYCOAT; sc_start4 SC_ELEMENTALCHANGE,10000,1,Ele_Ghost,1,0; - Id: 12407 AegisName: PCBang_Coupon_Box Name: PC Cafe Coupon Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_PCBANG_COUPON_BOX); - Id: 12408 AegisName: Leaf_Cat_Ball Name: Hydra Ball Type: Usable Script: | pet 2081; - Id: 12409 AegisName: Pork_Belly_H Name: 1st Class Pork Belly Type: Usable - Id: 12410 AegisName: Spareribs_H Name: Thick Pork Belly Type: Usable - Id: 12411 AegisName: HE_Battle_Manual Name: HE Battle Manual Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_EXPBOOST,900000,200; - Id: 12412 AegisName: HE_Bubble_Gum Name: HE Bubble Gum Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_ITEMBOOST,900000,200; - Id: 12413 AegisName: PCBang_Coupon_Box2 Name: PC Cafe Coupon Boxâ…¡ Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_PCBANG_COUPON_BOX2); - Id: 12414 AegisName: Guarana_Candy Name: Guarana Candy Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_ASPDPOTION0,1800000,0; sc_start SC_INCREASEAGI,140000,5; skilleffect "AL_INCAGI",0; - Id: 12415 AegisName: Siege_Teleport_Scroll2 Name: Siege Teleport Scroll Silver Type: Usable Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | callfunc "F_CashSiegeTele2"; - Id: 12416 AegisName: Lucky_Egg_C3 Name: Lucky Egg C3 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Lucky_Egg_C3); - Id: 12417 AegisName: Boost500 Name: Boost500 Type: Usable Buy: 100 Weight: 50 Script: | sc_start SC_BOOST500,500000,10; - Id: 12418 AegisName: Full_SwingK Name: Full SwingK Type: Usable Buy: 100 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_BASH3D; sc_start SC_FULL_SWING_K,500000,50; - Id: 12419 AegisName: Mana_Plus Name: Mana Plus Type: Usable Buy: 100 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_BASH3D; sc_start SC_MANA_PLUS,500000,50; - Id: 12420 AegisName: Stamina_Up_M Name: Stamina Up M Type: Usable Buy: 100 Weight: 50 Script: | sc_start SC_MUSTLE_M,500000,5; - Id: 12421 AegisName: Digestive_F Name: Falmons F Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_LIFE_FORCE_F,500000,5; - Id: 12422 AegisName: HP_Increase_PotionS Name: HP Increase Potion (Small) Type: Usable Buy: 100 Weight: 20 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start2 SC_PROMOTE_HEALTH_RESERCH,500000,1,1; percentheal 1,0; - Id: 12423 AegisName: HP_Increase_PotionM Name: HP Increase Potion (Medium) Type: Usable Buy: 100 Weight: 40 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start2 SC_PROMOTE_HEALTH_RESERCH,500000,1,2; percentheal 2,0; - Id: 12424 AegisName: HP_Increase_PotionL Name: HP Increase Potion (Large) Type: Usable Buy: 100 Weight: 80 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start2 SC_PROMOTE_HEALTH_RESERCH,500000,1,3; percentheal 5,0; - Id: 12425 AegisName: SP_Increase_PotionS Name: SP Increase Potion (Small) Type: Usable Buy: 100 Weight: 20 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start2 SC_ENERGY_DRINK_RESERCH,500000,1,1; percentheal 0,2; - Id: 12426 AegisName: SP_Increase_PotionM Name: SP Increase Potion (Medium) Type: Usable Buy: 100 Weight: 40 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start2 SC_ENERGY_DRINK_RESERCH,500000,1,2; percentheal 0,4; - Id: 12427 AegisName: SP_Increase_PotionL Name: SP Increase Potion (Large) Type: Usable Buy: 100 Weight: 80 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start2 SC_ENERGY_DRINK_RESERCH,500000,1,3; percentheal 0,8; - Id: 12428 AegisName: Enrich_White_PotionZ Name: Concentrated White Potion Z Type: Healing Buy: 10 Weight: 70 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_EXTRACT_WHITE_POTION_Z,500000,20; heal 1000,0; - Id: 12429 AegisName: Savage_BBQ Name: Savage Full Roast Type: Usable Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_SAVAGE_STEAK,300000,20; - Id: 12430 AegisName: Wug_Blood_Cocktail Name: Cocktail Warg Blood Type: Usable Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_COCKTAIL_WARG_BLOOD,300000,20; - Id: 12431 AegisName: Minor_Brisket Name: Minor Stew Type: Usable Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_MINOR_BBQ,300000,20; - Id: 12432 AegisName: Siroma_Icetea Name: Siroma Iced Tea Type: Usable Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_SIROMA_ICE_TEA,300000,20; - Id: 12433 AegisName: Drocera_Herb_Stew Name: Drosera Herb Salad Type: Usable Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_DROCERA_HERB_STEAMED,300000,20; - Id: 12434 AegisName: Petti_Tail_Noodle Name: Petite Tail Noodles Type: Usable Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_PUTTI_TAILS_NOODLES,300000,20; - Id: 12435 AegisName: Black_Thing Name: Black Mass Type: Usable Weight: 50 Script: | sc_start SC_STOMACHACHE,60000,rand(5,10); - Id: 12436 AegisName: Vitata500 Name: Vitata 500 Type: Healing Buy: 10 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start2 SC_VITATA_500,500000,20,5; itemheal 0,200; - Id: 12437 AegisName: Enrich_Celermine_Juice Name: Concentrated Ceromain Soup Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_EXTRACT_SALAMINE_JUICE,500000,10; - Id: 12438 AegisName: F_Giant_Fly_Wing Name: F Giant Fly Wing Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Script: | callfunc "F_CashPartyCall"; - Id: 12439 AegisName: F_Battle_Manual Name: F Old Battle Manual Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_EXPBOOST,1800000,50; - Id: 12440 AegisName: F_Insurance Name: F Insurance Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_LIFEINSURANCE,1800000,0; - Id: 12441 AegisName: F_Bubble_Gum Name: F Old Bubble Gum Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_ITEMBOOST,1800000,100; - Id: 12442 AegisName: F_Kafra_Card Name: F Kafra Card Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Script: | callfunc "F_CashStore"; - Id: 12443 AegisName: F_Neuralizer Name: F Neuralizer Type: Usable Buy: 2 Script: | callfunc "F_CashReset"; - Id: 12444 AegisName: F_Dun_Tele_Scroll1 Name: WoE Telport Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | callfunc "F_CashSiegeTele"; - Id: 12445 AegisName: F_Str_Dish10_ Name: F Str Dish10 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_STRFOOD,1800000,10; percentheal 20,10; - Id: 12446 AegisName: F_Agi_Dish10_ Name: F Agi Dish10 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_AGIFOOD,1800000,10; percentheal 15,5; - Id: 12447 AegisName: F_Int_Dish10_ Name: F Int Dish10 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_INTFOOD,1800000,10; percentheal 10,20; - Id: 12448 AegisName: F_Dex_Dish10_ Name: F Dex Dish10 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_DEXFOOD,1800000,10; percentheal 10,10; - Id: 12449 AegisName: F_Luk_Dish10_ Name: F Luk Dish10 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_LUKFOOD,1800000,10; - Id: 12450 AegisName: F_Vit_Dish10_ Name: F Vit Dish10 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_VITFOOD,1800000,10; - Id: 12451 AegisName: F_WOB_Rune Name: F WOB Rune Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 12452 AegisName: F_WOB_Schwaltz Name: F WOB Schwarz Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 12453 AegisName: F_WOB_Rachel Name: F WOB Rachel Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 12454 AegisName: F_WOB_Local Name: F WOB Local Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 12456 AegisName: F_Greed_Scroll Name: F Greed Scroll Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | itemskill "BS_GREED",1; - Id: 12457 AegisName: F_Glass_Of_Illusion Name: F Glass Of Illusion Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | specialeffect2 EF_STEAL; sc_start SC_INCFLEE2,60000,20; - Id: 12458 AegisName: F_Abrasive Name: F Abrasive Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | specialeffect2 EF_MAGICALATTHIT; sc_start SC_INCCRI,300000,30; - Id: 12459 AegisName: F_Med_Life_Potion Name: F Med Life Potion Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | specialeffect2 EF_HEAL3; sc_start2 SC_L_LIFEPOTION,600000,-7,4; - Id: 12460 AegisName: F_Small_Life_Potion Name: F Small Life Potion Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | specialeffect2 EF_HEAL3; sc_start2 SC_S_LIFEPOTION,600000,-5,5; - Id: 12461 AegisName: F_Regeneration_Potion Name: F Regeneration Potion Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | specialeffect2 EF_LIGHTSPHERE; sc_start SC_INCHEALRATE,1800000,20; - Id: 12462 AegisName: F_B_Mdef_Potion Name: F B Mdef Potion Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | specialeffect EF_SPELLBREAKER; bonus_script "{ bonus3 bSubEle,Ele_All,3,BF_MAGIC; }",180,0,0,EFST_PROTECT_MDEF; - Id: 12463 AegisName: F_S_Mdef_Potion Name: F S Mdef Potion Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | specialeffect EF_SPELLBREAKER; bonus_script "{ bonus3 bSubEle,Ele_All,3,BF_MAGIC; }",60,0,0,EFST_PROTECT_MDEF; - Id: 12464 AegisName: F_B_Def_Potion Name: F B Def Potion Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | specialeffect EF_GUARD; bonus_script "{ bonus3 bSubEle,Ele_All,3,BF_SHORT; }",180,0,0,EFST_PROTECT_DEF; - Id: 12465 AegisName: F_S_Def_Potion Name: F S Def Potion Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | specialeffect EF_GUARD; bonus_script "{ bonus3 bSubEle,Ele_All,3,BF_SHORT; }",60,0,0,EFST_PROTECT_DEF; - Id: 12466 AegisName: F_Blessing_10_Scroll Name: F Blessing 10 Scroll Type: DelayConsume Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Script: | itemskill "AL_BLESSING",10; - Id: 12467 AegisName: F_Inc_Agi_10_Scroll Name: F Inc Agi 10 Scroll Type: DelayConsume Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Script: | itemskill "AL_INCAGI",10; - Id: 12468 AegisName: F_Aspersio_5_Scroll Name: F Aspersio 5 Scroll Type: DelayConsume Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Script: | itemskill "PR_ASPERSIO",5; - Id: 12470 AegisName: F_Wind_Walk_10_Scroll Name: F Wind Walk 10 Scroll Type: DelayConsume Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Script: | itemskill "SN_WINDWALK",10; - Id: 12471 AegisName: F_Adrenaline_Scroll Name: F Adrenaline Scroll Type: DelayConsume Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Script: | itemskill "BS_ADRENALINE",5; - Id: 12472 AegisName: F_Convex_Mirror Name: F Convex Mirror Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_BOSSMAPINFO,600000,0; - Id: 12473 AegisName: RWC_Parti_Box Name: RWC Parti Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_RWC_Parti_Box); - Id: 12474 AegisName: RWC_Final_Comp_Box Name: RWC Final Comp Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_RWC_Final_Comp_Box); - Id: 12475 AegisName: Cure_Free Name: Cure Free Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_end SC_SILENCE; sc_end SC_BLEEDING; sc_end SC_POISON; sc_end SC_CURSE; sc_end SC_ORCISH; sc_end SC_CHANGEUNDEAD; itemheal 500,0; - Id: 12476 AegisName: PCBang_Coupon_Box3 Name: PC Cafe Coupon Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_PCBANG_COUPON_BOX3); - Id: 12477 AegisName: Gift_Bundle Name: Prontera Costume Pack Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_GIFT_BUNDLE); - Id: 12478 AegisName: Chance_Box Name: Box of Opportunity Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CHANCE_BOX); - Id: 12479 AegisName: Caracas_Ring_Box Name: Test Your Luck Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CARACAS_RING_BOX); - Id: 12480 AegisName: Attend_3Day_Box Name: Attendance 3day Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ATTEND_3DAY_BOX); - Id: 12481 AegisName: Attend_7Day_Box Name: Attendance 7day Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ATTEND_7DAY_BOX); - Id: 12482 AegisName: Attend_10Day_Box Name: Attendance 10day Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ATTEND_10DAY_BOX); - Id: 12483 AegisName: Attend_15Day_Box Name: Attendance 15day Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ATTEND_15DAY_BOX); - Id: 12484 AegisName: Attend_20Day_Box Name: Attendance 20day Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ATTEND_20DAY_BOX); - Id: 12485 AegisName: Attend_25Day_Box Name: Attendance 25day Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ATTEND_25DAY_BOX); - Id: 12486 AegisName: GoldPC_First_Box Name: Beast Summoning Seal Book Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_GOLDPC_FIRST_BOX); - Id: 12487 AegisName: PC_4Leaf_Clover_Box Name: PC 4Leaf Clover Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 12488 AegisName: Ticket_Gift_Box Name: Valkyrie Mercenary Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_TICKET_GIFT_BOX); - Id: 12489 AegisName: Ticket_Gift_Box2 Name: Ticket Gift Box II Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_TICKET_GIFT_BOX2); - Id: 12490 AegisName: Vivid_Notation Name: Christmas Music Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | playbgm rand(53,58)+".mp3"; - Id: 12491 AegisName: Curious_Snowball Name: Curious Snowball Type: Usable Buy: 20 Script: | callfunc "F_Snowball"; - Id: 12492 AegisName: Crumpled_Paper Name: Crumpled Paper Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Crumpled_Paper); - Id: 12493 AegisName: Lucky_Egg_C4 Name: Lucky Egg C4 Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Lucky_Egg_C4); - Id: 12494 AegisName: E_Giant_Fly_Wing Name: E Giant Fly Wing Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Script: | callfunc "F_CashPartyCall"; - Id: 12495 AegisName: E_Battle_Manual Name: E Battle Manual Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_EXPBOOST,1800000,50; - Id: 12496 AegisName: E_Insurance Name: E Insurance Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_LIFEINSURANCE,1800000,0; - Id: 12497 AegisName: E_Bubble_Gum Name: E Bubble Gum Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_ITEMBOOST,1800000,100; - Id: 12498 AegisName: E_Kafra_Card Name: E Kafra Card Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 - Id: 12499 AegisName: E_Neuralizer Name: E Neuralizer Type: Usable Buy: 2 - Id: 12500 AegisName: E_Dun_Tele_Scroll1 Name: E Dun Tele Scroll1 Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 12501 AegisName: E_Str_Dish10_ Name: Steamed Tongue Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_STRFOOD,1800000,10; - Id: 12502 AegisName: E_Agi_Dish10_ Name: Steamed Desert Scorpions Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_AGIFOOD,1800000,10; - Id: 12503 AegisName: E_Int_Dish10_ Name: Dragon Breath Cocktail Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_INTFOOD,1800000,10; - Id: 12504 AegisName: E_Dex_Dish10_ Name: Hwergelmir's Tonic Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_DEXFOOD,1800000,10; - Id: 12505 AegisName: E_Luk_Dish10_ Name: Cooked Nine Tail Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_LUKFOOD,1800000,10; - Id: 12506 AegisName: E_Vit_Dish10_ Name: Immortal Stew Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_VITFOOD,1800000,10; - Id: 12507 AegisName: E_WOB_Rune Name: Yellow Butterfly Wing Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | callfunc "F_CashCity",1; - Id: 12508 AegisName: E_WOB_Schwaltz Name: Green Butterfly Wing Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | callfunc "F_CashCity",2; - Id: 12509 AegisName: E_WOB_Rachel Name: Red Butterfly Wing Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | callfunc "F_CashCity",3; - Id: 12510 AegisName: E_WOB_Local Name: Blue Butterfly Wing Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | callfunc "F_CashCity",5; - Id: 12511 AegisName: E_Siege_Teleport_Scroll Name: E Siege Teleport Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 12512 AegisName: E_Greed_Scroll Name: E Greed Scroll Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | itemskill "BS_GREED",1; - Id: 12513 AegisName: E_Glass_Of_Illusion Name: E Glass Of Illusion Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | specialeffect2 EF_STEAL; sc_start SC_INCFLEE2,60000,20; - Id: 12514 AegisName: E_Abrasive Name: E Abrasive Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_MAGICALATTHIT; sc_start SC_INCCRI,300000,30; - Id: 12515 AegisName: E_Med_Life_Potion Name: E Med Life Potion Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_HEAL3; sc_start2 SC_L_LIFEPOTION,600000,-7,4; - Id: 12516 AegisName: E_Small_Life_Potion Name: E Small Life Potion Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_HEAL3; sc_start2 SC_S_LIFEPOTION,600000,-5,5; - Id: 12517 AegisName: E_Regeneration_Potion Name: E Regeneration Potion Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | specialeffect2 EF_LIGHTSPHERE; sc_start SC_INCHEALRATE,1800000,20; - Id: 12518 AegisName: E_B_Mdef_Potion Name: E B Mdef Potion Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 12519 AegisName: E_S_Mdef_Potion Name: E S Mdef Potion Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 12520 AegisName: E_B_Def_Potion Name: E B Def Potion Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 12521 AegisName: E_S_Def_Potion Name: E S Def Potion Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 12522 AegisName: E_Blessing_10_Scroll Name: Blessing Scroll Lv 10 Type: DelayConsume Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemskill "AL_BLESSING",10; - Id: 12523 AegisName: E_Inc_Agi_10_Scroll Name: Increase Agility Scroll Lv 10 Type: DelayConsume Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemskill "AL_INCAGI",10; - Id: 12524 AegisName: E_Aspersio_5_Scroll Name: Aspersio Scroll Lv 5 Type: DelayConsume Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Script: | itemskill "PR_ASPERSIO",5; - Id: 12525 AegisName: E_Assumptio_5_Scroll Name: Assumptio Scroll Lv 5 Type: DelayConsume Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Script: | itemskill "HP_ASSUMPTIO",5; - Id: 12526 AegisName: E_Wind_Walk_10_Scroll Name: Wind Walk Scroll Lv 10 Type: DelayConsume Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Script: | itemskill "SN_WINDWALK",10; - Id: 12527 AegisName: E_Adrenaline_Scroll Name: Adrenaline Scroll Type: DelayConsume Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Script: | itemskill "BS_ADRENALINE",5; - Id: 12528 AegisName: E_Convex_Mirror Name: Convex Mirror Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_BOSSMAPINFO,600000,0; - Id: 12529 AegisName: White_Slim_Potion_Box Name: White Slim Potion Box Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 547,200; - Id: 12530 AegisName: Mastela_Fruit_Box Name: Mastela Fruit Box Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 522,200; - Id: 12531 AegisName: White_Potion_Box Name: White Potion Box Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 504,100; - Id: 12532 AegisName: Royal_Jelly_Box2 Name: Royal Jelly Box Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 526,100; - Id: 12533 AegisName: Blue_Herb_Box2 Name: Blue Herb Box Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 510,100; - Id: 12534 AegisName: Yggdrasil_Seed_Box Name: Yggdrasil Seed Box Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 608,30; - Id: 12535 AegisName: Iggdrasilberry_Box Name: Iggdrasilberry Box Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 607,15; - Id: 12536 AegisName: NY_Rice_Cake_Soup Name: NY Rice Cake Soup Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | percentheal 20,20; - Id: 12537 AegisName: Solo_Gift_Basket Name: Gift Chocolate Basket Type: Usable Buy: 1000 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SOLO_GIFT_BASKET); - Id: 12538 AegisName: Couple_Event_Basket Name: Firecracker Basket Type: Usable Buy: 2000 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_COUPLE_EVENT_BASKET); - Id: 12539 AegisName: Splendid_Box Name: Splendid Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Splendid_Box); - Id: 12540 AegisName: GM_Warp_Box Name: GM Warp Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_GM_Warp_Box); - Id: 12541 AegisName: Fortune_Cookie1 Name: Fortune Cookie1 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Fortune_Cookie1); - Id: 12542 AegisName: Fortune_Cookie2 Name: Fortune Cookie2 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Fortune_Cookie2); - Id: 12543 AegisName: Fortune_Cookie3 Name: Fortune Cookie3 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Fortune_Cookie3); - Id: 12544 AegisName: Mystic_Tree_Branch Name: Mystic Tree Branch Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 12545 AegisName: Lucky_Egg_C5 Name: Lucky Egg C5 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Lucky_Egg_C5); - Id: 12546 AegisName: Suspicious_Dish Name: Suspicious Dish Type: Usable Buy: 100 Weight: 50 Script: | sc_start SC_POISON,50000,0; - Id: 12547 AegisName: Chalcenodny_Box Name: Chalcenodny Box Type: Usable Weight: 200 - Id: 12548 AegisName: Buy_Market_Permit2 Name: Shabby Purchase Street Stall License Type: Usable Buy: 500 Weight: 10 Script: | buyingstore 2; - Id: 12549 AegisName: White_Slim_Pot_Box2 Name: White Slim Pot Box2 Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 547,100; - Id: 12550 AegisName: Poison_Bottle_Box2 Name: Deadly Poison Box Type: Usable Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | getitem 678,30; - Id: 12551 AegisName: MVP_Tele_Scroll Name: MVP Tele Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 12552 AegisName: Quest_Tele_Scroll Name: Quest Tele Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 12553 AegisName: Brysinggamen_Piece_Box Name: Brysinggamen Piece Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 12554 AegisName: Asprika_Piece_Box Name: Asprika Piece Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 12555 AegisName: Brynhild_Piece_Box Name: Brynhild Piece Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 12556 AegisName: Sleipnir_Piece_Box Name: Sleipnir Piece Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 12557 AegisName: Mjolnir_Piece_Box Name: Mjolnir Piece Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 12558 AegisName: Magingiorde_Piece_Box Name: Magingiorde Piece Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 12559 AegisName: Tenkaippin_Strong Name: Tenkaippin Strong Type: Usable Buy: 650 Weight: 200 - Id: 12560 AegisName: Tenkaippin_Clean Name: Tenkaippin Clean Type: Usable Buy: 650 Weight: 200 - Id: 12561 AegisName: Mysterious_Seed Name: Mysterious Seed Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | warp "bif_fild01",32,382; - Id: 12562 AegisName: Bubble_Gum_Plus Name: Bubble Gum Plus Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_ITEMBOOST,3600000,100; - Id: 12563 AegisName: BM75 Name: BM75 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 - Id: 12564 AegisName: 3D_Glasses_Box Name: 3D Glasses Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_3D_GLASSES_BOX); - Id: 12565 AegisName: Cheer_Scarf_Box Name: Cheering Scarf Box Type: Usable Weight: 100 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CHEER_SCARF_BOX); - Id: 12566 AegisName: Cheer_Scarf2_Box Name: Cheering Scarf II Box Type: Cash Weight: 100 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CHEER_SCARF2_BOX); - Id: 12567 AegisName: Cheer_Scarf3_Box Name: Cheering Scarf Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CHEER_SCARF3_BOX); - Id: 12568 AegisName: Cheer_Scarf4_Box Name: Cheering Scarf Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CHEER_SCARF4_BOX); - Id: 12569 AegisName: Cheer_Scarf6_Box Name: Cheering Scarf Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CHEER_SCARF6_BOX); - Id: 12570 AegisName: Cheer_Scarf8_Box Name: Cheering Scarf Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CHEER_SCARF8_BOX); - Id: 12571 AegisName: Cheer_Scarf10_Box Name: Cheering Scarf Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CHEER_SCARF10_BOX); - Id: 12572 AegisName: Cheer_Scarf10_Box2 Name: Cheering Scarf Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CHEER_SCARF10_BOX2); - Id: 12573 AegisName: Fruit_Basket Name: Fruit Basket Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Fruit_Basket); getgroupitem(IG_Fruit_Basket); getgroupitem(IG_Fruit_Basket); - Id: 12574 AegisName: Mora_Berry Name: Mora Berry Type: Usable Weight: 20 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemheal 0,rand(50,65); specialeffect2 EF_GUARD; bonus_script "{ bonus2 bAddDefMonster,2137,50; bonus2 bAddDefMonster,2136,50; bonus2 bAddDefMonster,2134,50; bonus2 bAddDefMonster,2133,50; bonus2 bAddDefMonster,2132,50; }",120; - Id: 12575 AegisName: Arrow_Of_Elf_Cntr Name: Arrow Of Elf Cntr Type: Usable Buy: 500 Sell: 0 Weight: 250 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | getitem 1773,500; - Id: 12576 AegisName: Hunting_Arrow_Cntr Name: Hunting Arrow Cntr Type: Usable Buy: 500 Sell: 0 Weight: 250 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | getitem 1774,500; - Id: 12577 AegisName: Lucky_Egg_C6 Name: Lucky Egg C6 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Lucky_Egg_C6); - Id: 12578 AegisName: Rapid_Life_Water Name: Rapid Life Water Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_HEAL3; sc_start4 SC_G_LIFEPOTION,600000,-6,3,0,0; - Id: 12579 AegisName: Ring_Of_Valkyrie_Box Name: Valkyrie Ring Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_RING_OF_VALKYRIE_BOX); - Id: 12580 AegisName: Vending_Search_Scroll Name: Universal Catalog Silver Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | searchstores 10, SEARCHSTORE_EFFECT_NORMAL; - Id: 12581 AegisName: Vending_Search_Scroll2 Name: Universal Catalog Gold Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | searchstores 10, SEARCHSTORE_EFFECT_REMOTE; - Id: 12582 AegisName: Siege_Supply_Box Name: WoE Supply Box Type: Usable Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SIEGE_SUPPLY_BOX); - Id: 12583 AegisName: PR_Team_Box Name: Public Relations box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6397,1; - Id: 12584 AegisName: Develop_Team_box Name: Development Team box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6398,1; - Id: 12585 AegisName: Marketing_Team_Box Name: Marketing Team box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6399,1; - Id: 12586 AegisName: Operating_Team_Box Name: Operation Team box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6400,1; - Id: 12587 AegisName: Summer_Night_box Name: A Summer Night's Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12246,1; - Id: 12588 AegisName: Summer_Night_box2 Name: A Summer Night's Box2 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12103,1; - Id: 12589 AegisName: Summer_Night_box3 Name: A Summer Night's Box3 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12106,1; - Id: 12591 AegisName: Uni_Catalog_Bz Name: Universal Catalog Bronze Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | searchstores 10, SEARCHSTORE_EFFECT_REMOTE; - Id: 12592 AegisName: Cyclops_Box1 Name: Cyclops Box1 Type: DelayConsume Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 12593 AegisName: Cyclops_Box2 Name: Cyclops Box2 Type: DelayConsume Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 12594 AegisName: Cyclops_Box3 Name: Cyclops Box3 Type: DelayConsume Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 12595 AegisName: Lucky_Egg_C7 Name: Lucky Egg C7 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Lucky_Egg_C7); - Id: 12596 AegisName: Magic_Candy Name: Magic Candy Type: Usable Weight: 10 Delay: Duration: 180000 Status: Reuse_Limit_B Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_HASTEUP; sc_start SC_MAGICCANDY,60000,0; - Id: 12597 AegisName: Opor_Ayam Name: Opor Ayam Type: DelayConsume Buy: 20 Weight: 150 - Id: 12598 AegisName: Dendeng_Balado Name: Dendeng Balado Type: DelayConsume Buy: 20 Weight: 150 - Id: 12599 AegisName: Kurma Name: Kurma Type: DelayConsume Buy: 20 Weight: 100 - Id: 12600 AegisName: Treasure_Box_Scroll Name: Treasure Chest Summoned Type: DelayConsume Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 12601 AegisName: Cold_Watermelon_Juice Name: Fresh Watermelon Juice Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 100 Script: | percentheal 5,5; - Id: 12602 AegisName: Special_Box1 Name: Special Box I Type: Usable Buy: 100 Weight: 100 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SPECIAL_BOX1); - Id: 12603 AegisName: Special_Box2 Name: Special Box II Type: Usable Buy: 100 Weight: 100 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SPECIAL_BOX2); - Id: 12604 AegisName: Special_Box3 Name: Special Box III Type: Usable Buy: 100 Weight: 100 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SPECIAL_BOX3); - Id: 12605 AegisName: Special_Box4 Name: Special Box IV Type: Usable Buy: 100 Weight: 100 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SPECIAL_BOX4); - Id: 12606 AegisName: Special_Box5 Name: Special Box V Type: Usable Buy: 100 Weight: 100 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SPECIAL_BOX5); - Id: 12607 AegisName: Lolli_Pop_Box Name: Lolli Pop Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LOLLI_POP_BOX); - Id: 12608 AegisName: Splendid_Box2 Name: Splendid Box2 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Splendid_Box2); - Id: 12609 AegisName: Old_Ore_Box Name: Old Ore Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Old_Ore_Box); - Id: 12610 AegisName: Mysterious_Egg Name: Mysterious Egg Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem callfunc("F_Rand",12545,12493,12577,12391,12403,12416),1; - Id: 12612 AegisName: Old_Coin_Pocket Name: Old Coin Bag Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Old_Coin_Pocket); - Id: 12613 AegisName: High_Coin_Pocket Name: Improved Coin Bag Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_High_Coin_Pocket); - Id: 12614 AegisName: Mid_Coin_Pocket Name: Intermediate Coin Bag Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Mid_Coin_Pocket); - Id: 12615 AegisName: Low_Coin_Pocket Name: Minor Coin Bag Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Low_Coin_Pocket); - Id: 12616 AegisName: Sgrade_Pocket Name: S Grade Coin Bag Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Sgrade_Pocket); - Id: 12617 AegisName: Agrade_Pocket Name: A Grade Coin Bag Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Agrade_Pocket); - Id: 12618 AegisName: Bgrade_Pocket Name: B Grade Coin Bag Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Bgrade_Pocket); - Id: 12619 AegisName: Cgrade_Pocket Name: C Grade Coin Bag Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Cgrade_Pocket); - Id: 12620 AegisName: Dgrade_Pocket Name: D Grade Coin Bag Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Dgrade_Pocket); - Id: 12621 AegisName: Egrade_Pocket Name: E Grade Coin Bag Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Egrade_Pocket); - Id: 12622 AegisName: Boarding_Halter Name: Reins Of Mount Type: Usable Flags: NoConsume: true Delay: Duration: 3000 Status: All_Riding_Reuse_Limit Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | setmounting(); UnEquipScript: | if (ismounting()) setmounting(); - Id: 12623 AegisName: High_Weapon_Box Name: Advanced Weapons Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Advanced_Weapons_Box); - Id: 12624 AegisName: Delicious_Jelly Name: Delicious Jelly Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Script: | percentheal 3,3; - Id: 12625 AegisName: Sapa_Feat_Cert_Pack Name: Sapha Certification Bag Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SAPA_FEAT_CERT_PACK); - Id: 12626 AegisName: Wander_Man_Scroll Name: Wander Man Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | mercenary_create 2213,1800000; - Id: 12627 AegisName: Wicked_Nymph_Scroll Name: Wicked Nymph Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | mercenary_create 2214,1800000; - Id: 12628 AegisName: Kasa_Scroll Name: Kasa Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | mercenary_create 2215,1800000; - Id: 12629 AegisName: Salamander_Scroll Name: Salamander Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | mercenary_create 2216,1800000; - Id: 12630 AegisName: Teddy_Bear_Scroll Name: Teddy Bear Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | mercenary_create 2217,1800000; - Id: 12631 AegisName: Macro_Stone_A Name: Macro Stone A Type: Usable - Id: 12632 AegisName: Macro_Stone_B Name: Macro Stone B Type: Usable - Id: 12633 AegisName: Malang_Cat_Can Name: Malangdo Cat Can Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_MAGICALATTHIT; bonus_script "{ bonus2 bExpAddRace,RC_All,10; bonus2 bDropAddRace,RC_All,20; }",1200,1,0,EFST_OVERLAPEXPUP; - Id: 12634 AegisName: Macro_Stone_A1 Name: Macro Stone A1 Type: Usable - Id: 12635 AegisName: Macro_Stone_A2 Name: Macro Stone A2 Type: Usable - Id: 12636 AegisName: Malang_Sp_Can Name: Malangdo Canned Specialties Type: Usable Buy: 20 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | warp "malangdo",140,114; - Id: 12637 AegisName: Gong_Bug_Pocket Name: Sow Bug Pocket Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 500 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 13208,200; - Id: 12638 AegisName: Dried_Squid_Box Name: Dried Squid Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 2000 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 13292,200; - Id: 12639 AegisName: Flying_Fish_Box Name: Flying Fish Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 2000 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 13293,200; - Id: 12640 AegisName: Starfish_Box Name: Starfish Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 500 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 13291,200; - Id: 12641 AegisName: Lucky_Egg_C8 Name: Lucky Egg C8 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Lucky_Egg_C8); - Id: 12642 AegisName: Fruit_Of_Mastela_Box2 Name: Fruit Of Mastela 100 Box Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 522,100; - Id: 12643 AegisName: E_Coin_Pack50 Name: E Coin Pack50 Type: Usable Script: | getitem 6422,50; - Id: 12644 AegisName: PCBang_Coupon_Box4 Name: PC Cafe Coupon BoxIV Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_PCBANG_COUPON_BOX4); - Id: 12645 AegisName: J_Aspersio_5_Scroll_C Name: J Aspersio 5 Scroll C Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_ASPERSIO,180000,1; - Id: 12646 AegisName: Takoyaki Name: Fried Octopus Legs Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 30 Script: | percentheal 5,5; sc_start SC_LUKFOOD,600000,9; sc_start SC_ATKPOTION,600000,20; sc_start SC_MATKPOTION,600000,20; - Id: 12647 AegisName: Ink_Ball Name: Sea Ink Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 30 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Ink_Ball); - Id: 12648 AegisName: Special_Potion_Set Name: Comprehensive Set Of Potions Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 100 Script: | getitem 501,10; getitem 502,10; getitem 503,10; getitem 504,10; getitem 505,10; - Id: 12649 AegisName: Lv70_Imperial_Gift Name: Level 70 Bounty Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12073,5; getitem 12088,5; getitem 12078,5; getitem 12083,5; getitem 12093,5; getitem 12098,5; - Id: 12650 AegisName: Lv90_Imperial_Gift Name: Level 90 Bounty Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12263,5; - Id: 12651 AegisName: Lv110_Imperial_Gift Name: Level 110 Bounty Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12623,1; getitem 16765,1; getitem 16765,1; getitem 16765,1; - Id: 12652 AegisName: Lv130_Imperial_Gift Name: Level 130 Bounty Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12613,10; - Id: 12653 AegisName: Lv150_Imperial_Gift Name: Level 150 Bounty Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 16740,1; getitem 16740,1; getitem 16740,1; getitem 5364,1; - Id: 12654 AegisName: Lucky_Egg_C9 Name: Lucky Egg C9 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Lucky_Egg_C9); - Id: 12655 AegisName: Brain_Powder Name: Brain Powder Type: Usable Buy: 2000 Weight: 100 - Id: 12656 AegisName: Magical_Powder Name: Magical Powder Type: Usable Buy: 3000 Weight: 200 - Id: 12657 AegisName: Madness_Powder Name: Madness Powder Type: Usable Buy: 4000 Weight: 300 - Id: 12658 AegisName: Trans_Scroll_Devi Name: Transformation Scroll(Deviruchi) Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Delay: Duration: 10000 Status: Reuse_Limit_Mtf Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | transform 1109,1200000,SC_MTF_ASPD,10,5; showscript "Traaaansformation-!! Deviruchi form!!"; - Id: 12659 AegisName: Trans_Scroll_Ray_Arch Name: Transformation Scroll(Raydric) Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Delay: Duration: 10000 Status: Reuse_Limit_Mtf Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | transform 1276,1200000,SC_MTF_RANGEATK,25; showscript "Traaaansformation-!! Raydric form!!"; - Id: 12660 AegisName: Trans_Scroll_Mavka Name: Transformation Scroll(Mavka) Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Delay: Duration: 10000 Status: Reuse_Limit_Mtf Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | transform 1884,1200000,SC_MTF_RANGEATK,25; showscript "Traaaansformation-!! Mavka form!!"; - Id: 12661 AegisName: Trans_Scroll_Marduk Name: Transformation Scroll(Marduk) Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Delay: Duration: 10000 Status: Reuse_Limit_Mtf Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | transform 1140,1200000,SC_MTF_MATK,25; showscript "Traaaansformation-!! Marduk form!!"; - Id: 12662 AegisName: Trans_Scroll_Banshee Name: Transformation Scroll(Banshee) Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Delay: Duration: 10000 Status: Reuse_Limit_Mtf Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | transform 1867,1200000,SC_MTF_MATK,25; showscript "Traaaansformation-!! Banshee form!!"; - Id: 12663 AegisName: Trans_Scroll_Poring Name: Transformation Scroll(Poring) Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Delay: Duration: 10000 Status: Reuse_Limit_Mtf Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | transform 1002,1200000,SC_MTF_CRIDAMAGE,5; showscript "Traaaansformation-!! Poring form!!"; - Id: 12664 AegisName: Trans_Scroll_Golem Name: Transformation Scroll(Golem) Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Delay: Duration: 10000 Status: Reuse_Limit_Mtf Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | transform 1040,1200000,SC_MTF_MLEATKED,5,20,2; showscript "Traaaansformation-!! Golem form!!"; - Id: 12665 AegisName: Grovel_Buff Name: Grovel Buff Type: Usable - Id: 12666 AegisName: Thai_Perfume_MATK Name: Thai Perfume MATK Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | specialeffect2 EF_MAGICALATTHIT; sc_start SC_SKF_MATK,600000,24; - Id: 12667 AegisName: Thai_Perfume_ATK Name: Thai Perfume ATK Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | specialeffect2 EF_MAGICALATTHIT; sc_start SC_SKF_ATK,600000,24; - Id: 12668 AegisName: Thai_Perfume_ASPD Name: Thai Perfume ASPD Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | specialeffect2 EF_MAGICALATTHIT; sc_start SC_SKF_ASPD,600000,3; - Id: 12669 AegisName: Thai_Perfume_CAST Name: Thai Perfume CAST Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | specialeffect2 EF_MAGICALATTHIT; sc_start SC_SKF_CAST,600000,-5; - Id: 12670 AegisName: Beast_Powder Name: Beast Powder Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 100 - Id: 12671 AegisName: 99lv_Battle_Manual Name: 99lv Battle Manual Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 12672 AegisName: Start_New_Box Name: Start New Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 617,2; getitem 12263,2; getitem 12329,3; getitem 12330,2; - Id: 12673 AegisName: Lucky_Egg_C10 Name: Lucky Egg C10 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Lucky_Egg_C10); - Id: 12674 AegisName: God_Material_Box Name: God Material Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 500 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_God_Material_Box); - Id: 12675 AegisName: Sg_Weapon_Supply_Box Name: WoE Weapon Supply Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 500 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Sg_Weapon_Supply_Box); - Id: 12676 AegisName: Sg_Violet_Potion_Box Name: Siege Violet Potion Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | getitem 11547,50; - Id: 12677 AegisName: Siege_Arrow_Quiver_S Name: Siege Arrow Quiver S Type: Usable Buy: 2 Sell: 0 Weight: 100 EquipLevelMin: 130 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | getitem 1775,500; - Id: 12678 AegisName: Siege_Arrow_Quiver_A Name: Siege Arrow Quiver A Type: Usable Buy: 2 Sell: 0 Weight: 100 EquipLevelMin: 95 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | getitem 1776,500; - Id: 12679 AegisName: Sg_White_Potion_Box Name: Siege White Potion Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | getitem 11548,30; - Id: 12680 AegisName: Sg_Blue_Potion_Box Name: Siege Blue Potion Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | getitem 11549,10; - Id: 12681 AegisName: Nestea_Lemon Name: Nestea Lemon Type: Usable Weight: 50 - Id: 12682 AegisName: Nestea_Blacktea Name: Nestea Black Tea Type: Usable Weight: 30 - Id: 12683 AegisName: Sg_Vi_Potion_Box200 Name: Siege Violet Potion Box (200) Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | getitem 11547,200; - Id: 12684 AegisName: ASPD_Potion Name: ASPD Potion Type: Usable Weight: 10 Delay: Duration: 900000 Status: Reuse_Limit_Aspd_Potion Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_ATTHASTE_CASH,900000,3; - Id: 12685 AegisName: Gryphon_Egg_Scroll Name: Gryphon Egg Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_GRYPHON_EGG_SCROLL); - Id: 12686 AegisName: Str_Dish20 Name: Str Dish20 Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 12687 AegisName: Int_Dish20 Name: Int Dish20 Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 12688 AegisName: Vit_Dish20 Name: Vit Dish20 Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 12689 AegisName: Dex_Dish20 Name: Dex Dish20 Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 12690 AegisName: Old_C_Album_Helm Name: Headgear Card Album Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CardAlbum_Helm); - Id: 12691 AegisName: Old_C_Album_Armor Name: Armor Card Album Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CardAlbum_Armor); - Id: 12692 AegisName: Old_C_Album_Shield Name: Shield Card Album Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CardAlbum_Shield); - Id: 12693 AegisName: Old_C_Album_Garment Name: Garment Card Album Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CardAlbum_Garment); - Id: 12694 AegisName: Old_C_Album_Shoes Name: Shoes Card Album Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CardAlbum_Shoes); - Id: 12695 AegisName: Old_C_Album_Acc Name: Accessory Card Album Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CardAlbum_Acc); - Id: 12696 AegisName: RWC_Cele_Fire Name: RWC Celebration Firecracker Type: Usable Weight: 20 Script: | bonus_script "{ bonus bAllStats,3; bonus2 bAddClass,Class_All,5; bonus2 bMagicAddClass,Class_All,5; bonus bMatkRate,5; }",10,0,0,EFST_2011RWC; - Id: 12697 AegisName: RWC_Cele_Fire2 Name: RWC Celebration Firecracker Type: Usable Weight: 20 Script: | bonus_script "{ bonus bAllStats,3; bonus2 bAddClass,Class_All,5; bonus2 bMagicAddClass,Class_All,5; bonus bMatkRate,5; }",10,0,0,EFST_2011RWC; - Id: 12698 AegisName: Old_C_Album_Weapon Name: Weapon Card Album Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CardAlbum_Weapon); - Id: 12699 AegisName: Tikbalang_Belt Name: Tikbalang Harness Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | pet 2313; - Id: 12700 AegisName: Insideout_Shirt Name: Inside-out Shirt Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | warp "malaya",242,211; - Id: 12701 AegisName: Old_Blue_Box_F Name: Old Blue Box Type: Usable Weight: 200 - Id: 12702 AegisName: Old_Bleu_Box Name: Old Navy Box Type: Usable Weight: 200 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BleuBox); getgroupitem(IG_BleuBox); - Id: 12703 AegisName: Holy_Egg_2 Name: Holy Egg Type: Usable Weight: 50 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Holy_Egg_2); - Id: 12704 AegisName: Elixir_Of_Life Name: Elixir of Life Type: Healing Weight: 10 EquipLevelMin: 85 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | percentheal 100,0; - Id: 12705 AegisName: Noble_Nameplate Name: Noble Nameplate Type: Usable Weight: 100 EquipLevelMin: 90 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_EXPBOOST,1800000,100; - Id: 12706 AegisName: Lucky_Cookie01 Name: Lucky Cookie Type: DelayConsume Weight: 100 NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | itemskill "PR_GLORIA",5; - Id: 12707 AegisName: Lucky_Cookie02 Name: Lucky Cookie Type: DelayConsume Weight: 100 NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | itemskill "PR_MAGNIFICAT",1; - Id: 12708 AegisName: Lucky_Cookie03 Name: Lucky Cookie Type: DelayConsume Weight: 100 NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | itemskill "PR_IMPOSITIO",3; - Id: 12709 AegisName: Guyak_Candy Name: Guyak Candy Type: Healing Weight: 150 Script: | percentheal 30,30; - Id: 12710 AegisName: Guyak_Pudding Name: Guyak Pudding Type: Usable Weight: 200 Script: | sc_start SC_SPEEDUP1,300000,50; - Id: 12711 AegisName: Pretzel Name: Pretzel Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Script: | itemheal rand(50,90),0; - Id: 12712 AegisName: Green_Beer Name: Green Beer Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Script: | percentheal 0,50; - Id: 12713 AegisName: Monster_Extract Name: Monster Extract Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 12714 AegisName: Easter_Scroll Name: Easter Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 1 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Easter_Scroll); - Id: 12715 AegisName: Black_Treasure_Box Name: Black Treasure Box Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 12716 AegisName: Indian_Rice_Cake Name: Indian Rice Cake Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 12717 AegisName: Poison_Paralysis Name: Paralyze Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 20 Flags: BuyingStore: true - Id: 12718 AegisName: Poison_Leech Name: Leech End Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 20 Flags: BuyingStore: true - Id: 12719 AegisName: Poison_Oblivion Name: Oblivion Curse Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 20 Flags: BuyingStore: true - Id: 12720 AegisName: Poison_Contamination Name: Disheart Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 20 Flags: BuyingStore: true - Id: 12721 AegisName: Poison_Numb Name: Toxin Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 20 Flags: BuyingStore: true - Id: 12722 AegisName: Poison_Fever Name: Pyrexia Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 20 Flags: BuyingStore: true - Id: 12723 AegisName: Poison_Laughing Name: Magic Mushroom Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 20 Flags: BuyingStore: true - Id: 12724 AegisName: Poison_Fatigue Name: Venom Bleed Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 20 Flags: BuyingStore: true - Id: 12725 AegisName: Runstone_Nosiege Name: Nauthiz Rune Type: Usable Buy: 100 Weight: 10 Delay: Duration: 120000 Status: Reuse_Refresh NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | if ((eaclass()&EAJ_THIRDMASK) == EAJ_RUNE_KNIGHT) unitskilluseid getcharid(3),"RK_REFRESH",1; - Id: 12726 AegisName: Runstone_Rhydo Name: Raido Rune Type: Usable Buy: 100 Weight: 10 Delay: Duration: 30000 Status: Reuse_Crushstrike NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | if ((eaclass()&EAJ_THIRDMASK) == EAJ_RUNE_KNIGHT) unitskilluseid getcharid(3),"RK_CRUSHSTRIKE",1; - Id: 12727 AegisName: Runstone_Verkana Name: Berkana Rune Type: Usable Buy: 100 Weight: 10 Delay: Duration: 60000 Status: Reuse_Millenniumshield NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | if ((eaclass()&EAJ_THIRDMASK) == EAJ_RUNE_KNIGHT) unitskilluseid getcharid(3),"RK_MILLENNIUMSHIELD",1; - Id: 12728 AegisName: Runstone_Isia Name: Isa Rune Type: Usable Buy: 100 Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | if ((eaclass()&EAJ_THIRDMASK) == EAJ_RUNE_KNIGHT) unitskilluseid getcharid(3),"RK_VITALITYACTIVATION",1; - Id: 12729 AegisName: Runstone_Asir Name: Othila Rune Type: Usable Buy: 100 Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | if ((eaclass()&EAJ_THIRDMASK) == EAJ_RUNE_KNIGHT) unitskilluseid getcharid(3),"RK_FIGHTINGSPIRIT",1; - Id: 12730 AegisName: Runstone_Urj Name: Uruz Rune Type: Usable Buy: 100 Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | if ((eaclass()&EAJ_THIRDMASK) == EAJ_RUNE_KNIGHT) unitskilluseid getcharid(3),"RK_ABUNDANCE",1; - Id: 12731 AegisName: Runstone_Turisus Name: Thurisaz Rune Type: Usable Buy: 100 Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | if ((eaclass()&EAJ_THIRDMASK) == EAJ_RUNE_KNIGHT) unitskilluseid getcharid(3),"RK_GIANTGROWTH",1; - Id: 12732 AegisName: Runstone_Pertz Name: Wyrd Rune Type: Usable Buy: 100 Weight: 10 Delay: Duration: 1000 Status: Reuse_Stormblast NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | if ((eaclass()&EAJ_THIRDMASK) == EAJ_RUNE_KNIGHT) unitskilluseid getcharid(3),"RK_STORMBLAST",1; - Id: 12733 AegisName: Runstone_Hagalas Name: Hagalaz Rune Type: Usable Buy: 100 Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | if ((eaclass()&EAJ_THIRDMASK) == EAJ_RUNE_KNIGHT) unitskilluseid getcharid(3),"RK_STONEHARDSKIN",1; - Id: 12734 AegisName: Runstone_Quality Name: Luxurious Rune Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Jobs: Knight: true Classes: All_Third: true Fourth: true Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | makerune 8; - Id: 12735 AegisName: Runstone_Ancient Name: Ancient Rune Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Jobs: Knight: true Classes: All_Third: true Fourth: true Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | makerune 30; - Id: 12736 AegisName: Runstone_Mystic Name: Mystic Rune Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Jobs: Knight: true Classes: All_Third: true Fourth: true Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | makerune 60; - Id: 12737 AegisName: Runstone_Ordinary Name: General Rune Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Jobs: Knight: true Classes: All_Third: true Fourth: true Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | makerune 4; - Id: 12738 AegisName: Runstone_Rare Name: Rare Rune Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 100 Jobs: Knight: true Classes: All_Third: true Fourth: true Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | makerune 15; - Id: 12739 AegisName: Snow_Flower Name: Snow Flowers Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | percentheal 10,10; - Id: 12740 AegisName: Inc_Str_Scroll Name: Amplification Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 1 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_POTION_BERSERK; bonus_script "{ bonus bStr,20; }",60,0,0,EFST_STR_SCROLL; - Id: 12741 AegisName: Inc_Int_Scroll Name: Intellect Amplification Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 1 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_SPELLBREAKER; bonus_script "{ bonus bInt,20; }",60,0,0,EFST_INT_SCROLL; - Id: 12742 AegisName: Valentine_Gift_Box1 Name: Valentine Gift Box Type: Usable Script: | getitem 7946,1; - Id: 12743 AegisName: Valentine_Gift_Box2 Name: Valentine Gift Box Type: Usable Script: | getitem 7947,1; - Id: 12744 AegisName: Chocotate_Box Name: Chocolate Box Type: Usable Script: | getitem 558,1; - Id: 12745 AegisName: Skull_Scroll Name: Skull Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 12746 AegisName: Destruction_Scroll Name: Destruction Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 12747 AegisName: Royal_Scroll Name: Royal Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 12748 AegisName: Immune_Scroll Name: Immune Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 12749 AegisName: Mystic_Scroll Name: Mystic Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 12750 AegisName: Battle_Scroll Name: Battle Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 12751 AegisName: Armor_Scroll Name: Armor Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 12752 AegisName: Prayer_Scroll Name: Prayer Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 12753 AegisName: Soul_Scroll Name: Soul Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 12754 AegisName: New_Year_Bun Name: Chinese Pastel Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoSell: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | percentheal 50,50; - Id: 12755 AegisName: Traditional_Firecrack Name: Chinese Fireworks Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Script: | specialeffect2 EF_POK_JAP; /* itemskill "MO_CALLSPIRITS",3; itemskill "MO_FINGEROFFENSIVE",5; */ - Id: 12756 AegisName: New_Gift_Envelope Name: Chinese New Year Envelope Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_New_Gift_Envelope); - Id: 12757 AegisName: Loyal_Ring1_Box Name: Loyal Ring1 Box Type: Usable Buy: 10 - Id: 12758 AegisName: Loyal_Ring2_Box Name: Loyal Ring2 Box Type: Usable Buy: 10 - Id: 12759 AegisName: Loyal_Ring3_Box Name: Loyal Ring3 Box Type: Usable Buy: 10 - Id: 12760 AegisName: Bubble_Gum_Green Name: Bubble Gum Green Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_INCSTR,1200000,10; - Id: 12761 AegisName: Bubble_Gum_Yellow Name: Bubble Gum Yellow Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_INCINT,1200000,10; - Id: 12762 AegisName: Bubble_Gum_Orange Name: Bubble Gum Orange Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_INCDEX,1200000,10; - Id: 12763 AegisName: Bubble_Gum_Red Name: Bubble Gum Red Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_INCAGI,1200000,10; - Id: 12764 AegisName: Fools_Day_Box_Tw Name: Fools Day Box Tw Type: Usable - Id: 12765 AegisName: Summer_Knight_Box Name: Summer Knight Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 - Id: 12766 AegisName: Reward_Job_BM25 Name: Reward Job BM25 Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_JEXPBOOST,1800000,25; - Id: 12767 AegisName: Passion_FB_Hat_Box Name: Passion FB Hat Box Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Script: | /*getgroupitem(IG_Passion_FB_Hat_Box);*/ rentitem 5856,3600; - Id: 12768 AegisName: Cool_FB_Hat_Box Name: Cool FB Hat Box Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Script: | /*getgroupitem(IG_Cool_FB_Hat_Box);*/ rentitem 5857,3600; - Id: 12769 AegisName: Victory_FB_Hat_Box Name: Victory FB Hat Box Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Script: | /*getgroupitem(IG_Victory_FB_Hat_Box);*/ rentitem 5858,3600; - Id: 12770 AegisName: Glory_FB_Hat_Box Name: Glory FB Hat Box Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Script: | /*getgroupitem(IG_Glory_FB_Hat_Box);*/ rentitem 5859,86400; - Id: 12771 AegisName: Passion_Hat_Box2 Name: Passion Hat Box2 Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Script: | /*getgroupitem(IG_Passion_Hat_Box2);*/ rentitem 5856,21600; - Id: 12772 AegisName: Cool_Hat_Box2 Name: Cool Hat Box2 Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Script: | /*getgroupitem(IG_Cool_Hat_Box2);*/ rentitem 5857,21600; - Id: 12773 AegisName: Victory_Hat_Box2 Name: Victory Hat Box2 Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Script: | /*getgroupitem(IG_Victory_Hat_Box2);*/ rentitem 5858,21600; - Id: 12774 AegisName: Empty_Potion_Bottle Name: Empty Potion Bottle Type: Usable - Id: 12775 AegisName: Ancient_Spirit_Agimat Name: Greater Agimat of Ancient Spirit Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 600 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_PROVIDENCE; bonus_script "{ bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Demon,10; bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Demon,10; }",1200; - Id: 12776 AegisName: Agi_Dish20 Name: Agi Dish20 Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 12777 AegisName: Luk_Dish20 Name: Luk Dish20 Type: Usable Weight: 10 - Id: 12778 AegisName: Bapho_Jr_Scroll Name: Bapho Jr Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | mercenary_create 2325,1800000; - Id: 12779 AegisName: Galapago_Scroll Name: Galapago Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | mercenary_create 2326,1800000; - Id: 12780 AegisName: 10M_Zeny_Check Name: 10M Zeny Check Type: Usable - Id: 12781 AegisName: 1M_Zeny_Check Name: 1M Zeny Check Type: Usable - Id: 12782 AegisName: 100T_Zeny_Check Name: 100T Zeny Check Type: Usable - Id: 12783 AegisName: 10000_Zeny_Check Name: 10000 Zeny Check Type: Usable - Id: 12784 AegisName: 1000_Zeny_Check Name: 1000 Zeny Check Type: Usable - Id: 12785 AegisName: Dragon_Egg_Scroll Name: Dragon Egg Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_DRAGON_EGG_SCROLL); - Id: 12786 AegisName: Change_Slot_Card Name: Character Position Change Coupon Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | CharMoves++; - Id: 12787 AegisName: Diabolic_Scroll Name: Diabolic Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | mercenary_create 2342,1800000; - Id: 12788 AegisName: No100_Firecracker Name: No100 Firecracker Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 20 - Id: 12789 AegisName: Juicy_Fruit Name: Juicy Fruit Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 100 - Id: 12790 AegisName: Change_Name_Card Name: Character Name Change Coupon Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | CharRename++; - Id: 12791 AegisName: Combat_Pill Name: Combat Pill Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 150 Script: | specialeffect2 EF_POTION_BERSERK; sc_start SC_COMBAT_PILL,600000,5; - Id: 12792 AegisName: P_Combat_Pill Name: P Combat Pill Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 150 Script: | specialeffect2 EF_POTION_BERSERK; sc_start SC_COMBAT_PILL2,600000,10; - Id: 12793 AegisName: Combat_Pill_Box10 Name: Combat Pill Box10 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Script: | getitem 12791,10; - Id: 12794 AegisName: P_Combat_Pill_Box10 Name: P Combat Pill Box10 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Script: | getitem 12792,10; - Id: 12795 AegisName: 2011_RWC_Scroll_Kr Name: 2011 RWC Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_2011_RWC_SCROLL_KR); - Id: 12796 AegisName: Red_Booster Name: Red Booster Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_POTION_BERSERK; sc_start SC_2011RWC_SCROLL,600000,0; - Id: 12797 AegisName: Wish_Maiden_Scroll Name: Wish Maiden Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | mercenary_create 2344,1800000; - Id: 12798 AegisName: Zealotus_Scroll Name: Zealotus Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | mercenary_create 2345,1800000; - Id: 12799 AegisName: PCBang_Coupon_Box5 Name: PC Cafe Coupon Box V Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_PCBANG_COUPON_BOX5); - Id: 12800 AegisName: Ktullanux_Scroll Name: Ktullanux Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | mercenary_create 2346,1800000; - Id: 12801 AegisName: Eddga_Scroll Name: Eddga Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | mercenary_create 2347,1800000; - Id: 12802 AegisName: Time_Guardian_Box Name: Time Keeper Box Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_TIME_GUARDIAN_BOX); - Id: 12803 AegisName: Beginner_Kit_Box Name: Novice Support Box Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BEGINNER_KIT_BOX); - Id: 12804 AegisName: Cru_Scroll Name: Crew Egg Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CRU_SCROLL); - Id: 12805 AegisName: Mystic_Powder Name: Mystic Powder Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_WIND; sc_start SC_MYSTICPOWDER,300000,0; - Id: 12806 AegisName: Scaraba_Scroll Name: Scaraba Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | mercenary_create 2378,1800000; - Id: 12807 AegisName: Mercenary_Casting_ Name: Mercenary Casting Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 20 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12160,5; getitem 12170,5; getitem 12180,5; getitem 12808,1; - Id: 12808 AegisName: Mother_Love_Box Name: Mother's Gentle Heart Box Type: Usable EquipLevelMax: 120 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_MOTHER_LOVE_BOX); - Id: 12809 AegisName: Level_Up_Box Name: Level Up Box Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 120 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12263,5; getitem 12264,5; getitem 12265,5; getitem 12766,5; getitem 12819,1; - Id: 12810 AegisName: Event_Gift_Box Name: Event Gift Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_EVENT_GIFT_BOX); - Id: 12811 AegisName: Event_Gift_Box_ Name: GM Event Gift Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_EVENT_GIFT_BOX_); - Id: 12812 AegisName: Snow_Flip Name: Snow Flip Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Delay: Duration: 5000 Status: Reuse_Limit_Ecl Script: | itemskill "ECL_SNOWFLIP",1; - Id: 12813 AegisName: Peony_Mommy Name: Peony Mamy Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Delay: Duration: 5000 Status: Reuse_Limit_Ecl Script: | itemskill "ECL_PEONYMAMY",1; - Id: 12814 AegisName: Slapping_Herb Name: Slapping Herb Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Delay: Duration: 5000 Status: Reuse_Limit_Ecl Script: | itemskill "ECL_SADAGUI",1; - Id: 12815 AegisName: Yggdrasil_Dust Name: Yggdrasil Dust Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Delay: Duration: 5000 Status: Reuse_Limit_Ecl Script: | itemskill "ECL_SEQUOIADUST",1; - Id: 12816 AegisName: Old_Ore_Box_ Name: Old Ore Box Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 60 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_OLD_ORE_BOX_); - Id: 12817 AegisName: Old_Card_Album_ Name: Old Card Album Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 80 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CardAlbum); getitem 12818,1; - Id: 12818 AegisName: High_Weapon_Box_ Name: High Weapon Box Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 100 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Advanced_Weapons_Box); getitem 12809,1; - Id: 12819 AegisName: Zherlthsh_Tck_Box_ Name: Zherlthsh Tck Box Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 150 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6184,1; - Id: 12820 AegisName: Mao_Guai_Scroll Name: Mao Guai Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | mercenary_create 2348,1800000; - Id: 12821 AegisName: Loli_Ruri_Scroll Name: Loli Ruri Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | mercenary_create 2349,1800000; - Id: 12822 AegisName: Songpyun_Box50 Name: Songpyun Box50 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 663,50; - Id: 12823 AegisName: Sedora_Scroll Name: Sedora Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | mercenary_create 2350,1800000; - Id: 12824 AegisName: Chepet_Scroll Name: Chepet Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | mercenary_create 2351,1800000; - Id: 12825 AegisName: FlipPackage Name: Flip Seed Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_FLIPPACKAGE); - Id: 12826 AegisName: Wind_Type_Scroll Name: Wind Type Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Wind_Type_Scroll); - Id: 12827 AegisName: Water_Type_Scroll Name: Water Type Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Water_Type_Scroll); - Id: 12828 AegisName: Fire_Type_Scroll Name: Fire Type Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Fire_Type_Scroll); - Id: 12829 AegisName: Earth_Type_Scroll Name: Earth Type Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Earth_Type_Scroll); - Id: 12830 AegisName: Dead_Tree_Box Name: Ancient Tree Wooden Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 604,50; /* Dead Branch */ getitem 12103,2; /* Bloody Branch */ - Id: 12831 AegisName: Potion_Box Name: Potion Box Type: Usable Weight: 50 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 545,100; getitem 546,100; getitem 547,100; getitem 505,100; - Id: 12832 AegisName: Mysterious_Water Name: Mysterious Water Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_HEAL3; sc_start2 SC_M_LIFEPOTION,600000,-4,3; - Id: 12833 AegisName: Union_Of_Tribe_ Name: Union of Organization Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 500 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | guildgetexp 1000000; - Id: 12834 AegisName: Undead_Egg Name: Nucleus of Undead Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_UNDEAD_EGG); - Id: 12835 AegisName: Girls_Heart Name: Heart of Girl Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_GIRLS_HEART); - Id: 12837 AegisName: Wooden_Treasure_Box Name: Wooden Treasure Box Type: Usable - Id: 12838 AegisName: Iron_Treasure_Box Name: Iron Treasure Box Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 10 - Id: 12839 AegisName: bronze_Treasure_Box Name: bronze Treasure Box Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 20 - Id: 12840 AegisName: Silver_Treasure_Box Name: Silver Treasure Box Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 30 - Id: 12841 AegisName: Golden_Treasure_Box Name: Golden Treasure Box Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 40 - Id: 12842 AegisName: Platinum_Treasure_Box Name: Platinum Treasure Box Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 50 - Id: 12843 AegisName: Pearl_Treasure_Box Name: Pearl Treasure Box Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 60 - Id: 12844 AegisName: Diamond_Treasure_Box Name: Diamond Treasure Box Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 70 - Id: 12845 AegisName: WOB_Amatsu Name: Amatsu_Butterfly_Wing Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | warp "iz_ng01",26,57; - Id: 12846 AegisName: Unripe_Apple2 Name: Little Unripe Apple Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 50 Script: | pet 2398; - Id: 12847 AegisName: Old_Equipment_Box Name: Old Equipment Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 12848 AegisName: Falcon_Pipe Name: Falcon Flute Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | if (getskilllv("HT_FALCON")) { if (!checkoption(Option_Wug) && !checkoption(Option_Wugrider)) setfalcon (!checkfalcon()); } - Id: 12849 AegisName: Combination_Kit Name: Combination Kit Type: Usable Buy: 40 Weight: 10 Script: | if (BaseLevel < 20) cooking 30; else cooking 11; - Id: 12850 AegisName: Heaven_Scroll Name: Heaven Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Heaven_Scroll); - Id: 12851 AegisName: Vocation_Scroll Name: Vocation Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Vocation_Scroll); - Id: 12852 AegisName: Wisdom_Scroll Name: Wisdom Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Wisdom_Scroll); - Id: 12853 AegisName: Patron_Scroll Name: Patron Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Patron_Scroll); - Id: 12854 AegisName: Full_Spray_Of_Flowers Name: Voluminous Spray of Flowers Type: Usable Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 12855 AegisName: Pope_Scroll Name: Pope Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_POPE_SCROLL); - Id: 12856 AegisName: GoldenApple_P_RG Name: RG Golden Apple Slice Type: Usable Weight: 300 Script: | percentheal 50,50; - Id: 12857 AegisName: GoldenApple_RG Name: RG Golden Apple Type: Usable Weight: 300 Script: | percentheal 100,100; - Id: 12858 AegisName: Golden_Potion_RG Name: RG Golden Potion Type: Usable Weight: 30 Delay: Duration: 1000 Status: Reuse_Limit_F Script: | percentheal 100,100; sc_start SC_KYRIE,100000,10; skilleffect "PR_KYRIE",0; - Id: 12860 AegisName: Mommy_Day_Cake Name: Mommy Day Cake Type: Usable Weight: 200 Script: | percentheal 50,50; skilleffect "HP_ASSUMPTIO",0; sc_start SC_ASSUMPTIO,100000,5; - Id: 12863 AegisName: Treasure_Box_Scroll2 Name: Treasure Chest Summoned II Type: Usable Buy: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | monster "this",-1,-1,"--ja--",rand(1324,1363),1,""; - Id: 12871 AegisName: Mysterious_Egg2 Name: Mysterious Egg2 Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_MYSTERIOUS_EGG2); - Id: 12872 AegisName: Battle_Manual_Limit Name: Battle Manual Limit Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_EXPBOOST,3600000,60; - Id: 12873 AegisName: TE_Potion_Box Name: TE Potion Box Type: Cash Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem(11558,10); - Id: 12874 AegisName: Frost_Giant_Blood Name: Frost Giant Blood Type: Usable Weight: 100 Script: | specialeffect2 EF_POTION_CON; sc_start4 SC_GVG_GIANT,10000,3000,0,100,100; - Id: 12875 AegisName: Golem_Stone Name: Golem Stone Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | specialeffect2 EF_POTION_CON; sc_start4 SC_GVG_GOLEM,10000,0,200,50,50; - Id: 12876 AegisName: Elf_Tear_Stun Name: Elf Tear Stun Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start2 SC_GVG_STUN,10000,3000,0; - Id: 12877 AegisName: Elf_Tear_Stone_Curse Name: Elf Tear Stone Curse Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start2 SC_GVG_STONE,10000,3000,0; - Id: 12878 AegisName: Elf_Tear_Freezing Name: Elf Tear Freezing Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start2 SC_GVG_FREEZ,10000,3000,0; - Id: 12879 AegisName: Elf_Tear_Sleep Name: Elf Tear Sleep Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start2 SC_GVG_SLEEP,10000,3000,0; - Id: 12880 AegisName: Elf_Tear_Curse Name: Elf Tear Curse Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start2 SC_GVG_CURSE,10000,3000,0; - Id: 12881 AegisName: Elf_Tear_Silence Name: Elf Tear Silence Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start2 SC_GVG_SILENCE,10000,3000,0; - Id: 12882 AegisName: Elf_Tear_Blind Name: Elf Tear Blind Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start2 SC_GVG_BLIND,10000,3000,0; - Id: 12883 AegisName: Almighty Name: Almighty Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_BASH3D; sc_start SC_ALMIGHTY,1800000,10; sc_start SC_FOOD_STR_CASH,1800000,10; sc_start SC_FOOD_AGI_CASH,1800000,10; sc_start SC_FOOD_INT_CASH,1800000,10; sc_start SC_FOOD_DEX_CASH,1800000,10; sc_start SC_FOOD_LUK_CASH,1800000,10; sc_start SC_FOOD_VIT_CASH,1800000,10; - Id: 12884 AegisName: Infinite_Center_Potion Name: Infinite Concentration Potion Type: DelayConsume Buy: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_ASPDPOTION0,1800000,4; - Id: 12885 AegisName: Ifn_Awakening_Potion Name: Infinite Awakening Potion Type: DelayConsume Buy: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_ASPDPOTION1,1800000,6; - Id: 12886 AegisName: Infinite_Berserk_Potion Name: Infinite Berserk Potion Type: DelayConsume Buy: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_ASPDPOTION2,1800000,9; - Id: 12887 AegisName: C_Wing_Of_Fly Name: Infinite Flywing Type: Usable Flags: NoConsume: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemskill "AL_TELEPORT",1; - Id: 12888 AegisName: Siege_Kit_Box Name: Siege Kit Box Type: Cash Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 12889 AegisName: Weapon_Box_Spear Name: Weapon Box (Spear) Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 200 - Id: 12890 AegisName: Weapon_Box_Mace Name: Weapon Box (Mace) Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 200 - Id: 12891 AegisName: Weapon_Box_Dagger Name: Weapon Box (Dagger) Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 200 - Id: 12892 AegisName: Weapon_Box_Axe Name: Weapon Box (Axe) Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 200 - Id: 12893 AegisName: Weapon_Box_Bow Name: Weapon Box (Bow) Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 200 - Id: 12894 AegisName: Weapon_Box_Sword Name: Weapon Box (Sword) Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 200 - Id: 12895 AegisName: Weapon_Box_Fist Name: Weapon Box (Knuckle) Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 200 - Id: 12896 AegisName: Weapon_Box_Book Name: Weapon Box (Book) Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 200 - Id: 12897 AegisName: Weapon_Box_Guitar Name: Weapon Box (Guitar) Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 200 - Id: 12898 AegisName: Weapon_Box_Whip Name: Weapon Box (Whip) Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 200 - Id: 12899 AegisName: Weapon_Box_Wand Name: Weapon Box (Staff) Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 200 - Id: 12900 AegisName: Battle_Manual_Box Name: Battle Manual Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12208,10; - Id: 12901 AegisName: Insurance_Package Name: Insurance Package Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12209,10; - Id: 12902 AegisName: Bubble_Gum_Box Name: Bubble Gum Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12210,10; - Id: 12903 AegisName: Str_Dish_Box Name: Steamed Tongue Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12202,10; - Id: 12904 AegisName: Agi_Dish_Box Name: Steamed Scorpion Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12203,10; - Id: 12905 AegisName: Int_Dish_Box Name: Dragon Breath Cocktail Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12204,10; - Id: 12906 AegisName: Dex_Dish_Box Name: Hwergelmir's Tonic Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12205,10; - Id: 12907 AegisName: Luk_Dish_Box Name: Nine Tail Dish Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12206,10; - Id: 12908 AegisName: Vit_Dish_Box Name: Stew Of Immortality Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12207,10; - Id: 12909 AegisName: Kafra_Card_Box Name: Kafra Card Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12211,10; - Id: 12910 AegisName: Giant_Fly_Wing_Box Name: Giant Fly Wing Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12212,10; - Id: 12911 AegisName: Neuralizer_Box Name: Neuralizer Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12213,1; - Id: 12912 AegisName: Convex_Mirror_Box Name: Convex Mirror Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12214,10; - Id: 12913 AegisName: Blessing_10_Scroll_Box Name: Blessing 10 Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12215,10; - Id: 12914 AegisName: Inc_Agi_10_Scroll_Box Name: Increase AGI 10 scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12216,10; - Id: 12915 AegisName: Aspersio_5_Scroll_Box Name: Aspersio 5 Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Aspersio_5_Scroll_Box); - Id: 12916 AegisName: Assumptio_5_Scroll_Box Name: Assumptio 5 Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12218,10; - Id: 12917 AegisName: Wind_Walk_10_Scroll_Box Name: Wind Walk 10 Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12219,10; - Id: 12918 AegisName: Adrenaline_Scroll_Box Name: Adrenaline 5 Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12220,10; - Id: 12919 AegisName: Megaphone_Box Name: Megaphone Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12221,10; - Id: 12920 AegisName: Enriched_Elunium_Box Name: Enriched Elunium Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 7619,10; - Id: 12921 AegisName: Enriched_Oridecon_Box Name: Enriched Oridecon Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 7620,10; - Id: 12922 AegisName: Token_Of_Siegfried_Box Name: Token of Siegfried Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 7621,10; - Id: 12923 AegisName: Pet_Egg_Scroll_Box1 Name: December Lucky Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Pet_Egg_Scroll_Box1); - Id: 12924 AegisName: Pet_Egg_Scroll_Box2 Name: Pet Egg Box 2 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Pet_Egg_Scroll_Box2); - Id: 12925 AegisName: Pet_Egg_Scroll1 Name: Kafra Item Mall Prize Package Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Pet_Egg_Scroll1); - Id: 12926 AegisName: Pet_Egg_Scroll2 Name: December Lucky Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Pet_Egg_Scroll2); - Id: 12927 AegisName: J_Aspersio_5_Scroll_Box Name: Aspersio Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12928,10; - Id: 12928 AegisName: J_Aspersio_5_Scroll Name: Sacred Scroll Type: DelayConsume Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemskill "PR_ASPERSIO",5; - Id: 12929 AegisName: Pet_Egg_Scroll_Box3 Name: Pet Egg Box 3 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Pet_Egg_Scroll_Box3); - Id: 12930 AegisName: Pet_Egg_Scroll_Box4 Name: Pet Egg Box 4 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Pet_Egg_Scroll_Box4); - Id: 12931 AegisName: Pet_Egg_Scroll_Box5 Name: Pet Egg Box 5 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Pet_Egg_Scroll_Box5); - Id: 12932 AegisName: Pet_Egg_Scroll3 Name: Episode 13.2 Key Package Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Pet_Egg_Scroll3); - Id: 12933 AegisName: Pet_Egg_Scroll4 Name: Summer Hat Pack Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Pet_Egg_Scroll4); - Id: 12934 AegisName: Pet_Egg_Scroll5 Name: Pet Egg Scroll5 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Pet_Egg_Scroll5); - Id: 12935 AegisName: Infiltrator_Box Name: Infiltrator Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Infiltrator_Box); - Id: 12936 AegisName: Muramasa_Box Name: Muramasa Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Muramasa_Box); - Id: 12937 AegisName: Excalibur_Box Name: Excalibur Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Excalibur_Box); - Id: 12938 AegisName: Combat_Knife_Box Name: Combat Knife Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Combat_Knife_Box); - Id: 12939 AegisName: Counter_Dagger_Box Name: Dagger of Counter Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Counter_Dagger_Box); - Id: 12940 AegisName: Kaiser_Knuckle_Box Name: Kaiser Knuckle Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Kaiser_Knuckle_Box); - Id: 12941 AegisName: Pole_Axe_Box Name: Poll Axe Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Pole_Axe_Box); - Id: 12942 AegisName: Mighty_Staff_Box Name: Mighty Staff Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Mighty_Staff_Box); - Id: 12943 AegisName: Right_Epsilon_Box Name: Light Epsilon Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Right_Epsilon_Box); - Id: 12944 AegisName: Balistar_Box Name: Ballista Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Balistar_Box); - Id: 12945 AegisName: Diary_Of_Great_Sage_Box Name: Sage's Diary Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Diary_Of_Great_Sage_Box); - Id: 12946 AegisName: Asura_Box Name: Asura Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Asura_Box); - Id: 12947 AegisName: Apple_Of_Archer_Box Name: Apple of Archer Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Apple_Of_Archer_Box); - Id: 12948 AegisName: Bunny_Band_Box Name: Bunny Band Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Bunny_Band_Box); - Id: 12949 AegisName: Sahkkat_Box Name: Sakkat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Sahkkat_Box); - Id: 12950 AegisName: Lord_Circlet_Box Name: Grand Circlet Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Lord_Circlet_Box); - Id: 12951 AegisName: Elven_Ears_Box Name: Elven Ears Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Elven_Ears_Box); - Id: 12952 AegisName: Steel_Flower_Box Name: Steel Flower Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Steel_Flower_Box); - Id: 12953 AegisName: Critical_Ring_Box Name: Critical Ring Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Critical_Ring_Box); - Id: 12954 AegisName: Earring_Box Name: Earring Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Earring_Box); - Id: 12955 AegisName: Ring_Box Name: Ring Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Ring_Box); - Id: 12956 AegisName: Necklace_Box Name: Necklace Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Necklace_Box); - Id: 12957 AegisName: Glove_Box Name: Glove Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Glove_Box); - Id: 12958 AegisName: Brooch_Box Name: Brooch Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Brooch_Box); - Id: 12959 AegisName: Rosary_Box Name: Rosary Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Rosary_Box); - Id: 12960 AegisName: Safety_Ring_Box Name: Safety Ring Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Safety_Ring_Box); - Id: 12961 AegisName: Vesper_Core01_Box Name: Vesper Core 01 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Vesper_Core01_Box); - Id: 12962 AegisName: Vesper_Core02_Box Name: Vesper Core 02 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Vesper_Core02_Box); - Id: 12963 AegisName: Vesper_Core03_Box Name: Vesper Core 03 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Vesper_Core03_Box); - Id: 12964 AegisName: Vesper_Core04_Box Name: Vesper Core 04 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Vesper_Core04_Box); - Id: 12965 AegisName: Emergency_Box1 Name: Emergency Level 1 Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12968,1; - Id: 12966 AegisName: Emergency_Box2 Name: Emergency Level 2 Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12969,1; - Id: 12967 AegisName: Emergency_Box3 Name: Emergency Level 3 Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12970,1; - Id: 12968 AegisName: Emergency_Scroll1 Name: Emergency Level 1 Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Delay: Duration: 300000 Status: Reuse_Limit_Recall Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | unitskilluseid getcharid(3),"GD_ITEMEMERGENCYCALL",1; - Id: 12969 AegisName: Emergency_Scroll2 Name: Emergency Level 2 Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Delay: Duration: 300000 Status: Reuse_Limit_Recall Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | unitskilluseid getcharid(3),"GD_ITEMEMERGENCYCALL",2; - Id: 12970 AegisName: Emergency_Scroll3 Name: Emergency Level 3 Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Delay: Duration: 300000 Status: Reuse_Limit_Recall Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | unitskilluseid getcharid(3),"GD_ITEMEMERGENCYCALL",3; - Id: 12971 AegisName: Teleport_Box1 Name: Teleport Scroll Box 1 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12977,10; - Id: 12972 AegisName: Teleport_Box2 Name: Teleport Scroll Box 2 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12978,10; - Id: 12973 AegisName: Teleport_Box3 Name: Teleport Scroll Box 3 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12979,10; - Id: 12974 AegisName: Teleport_Box4 Name: Teleport Scroll Box 4 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12980,10; - Id: 12975 AegisName: Teleport_Box5 Name: Teleport Scroll Box 5 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12981,10; - Id: 12976 AegisName: Teleport_Box6 Name: Teleport Scroll Box 6 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12982,10; - Id: 12977 AegisName: Teleport_Scroll1 Name: Teleport Scroll 1 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | callfunc "F_CashTele",1; - Id: 12978 AegisName: Teleport_Scroll2 Name: Teleport Scroll 2 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | callfunc "F_CashTele",2; - Id: 12979 AegisName: Teleport_Scroll3 Name: Teleport Scroll 3 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | callfunc "F_CashTele",3; - Id: 12980 AegisName: Teleport_Scroll4 Name: Teleport Scroll 4 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | callfunc "F_CashTele",4; - Id: 12981 AegisName: Teleport_Scroll5 Name: Teleport Scroll 5 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | callfunc "F_CashTele",5; - Id: 12982 AegisName: Teleport_Scroll6 Name: Teleport Scroll 6 Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | callfunc "F_CashTele",6; - Id: 12983 AegisName: Pet_Egg_Scroll_Box6 Name: Pet Egg Scroll Box 6 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Pet_Egg_Scroll_Box6); - Id: 12984 AegisName: Pet_Egg_Scroll_Box7 Name: Pet Egg Scroll Box 7 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Pet_Egg_Scroll_Box7); - Id: 12985 AegisName: Pet_Egg_Scroll_Box8 Name: Pet Egg Scroll Box 8 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Pet_Egg_Scroll_Box8); - Id: 12986 AegisName: Pet_Egg_Scroll_Box9 Name: Adventurer Pack Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Pet_Egg_Scroll_Box9); - Id: 12987 AegisName: Pet_Egg_Scroll_Box10 Name: Pet Egg Scroll Box 10 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Pet_Egg_Scroll_Box10); - Id: 12988 AegisName: Pet_Egg_Scroll_Box11 Name: Pet Egg Scroll Box 11 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Pet_Egg_Scroll_Box11); - Id: 12989 AegisName: Pet_Egg_Scroll6 Name: Pet Egg Scroll 6 Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Pet_Egg_Scroll6); - Id: 12990 AegisName: Pet_Egg_Scroll7 Name: Pet Egg Scroll 7 Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Pet_Egg_Scroll7); - Id: 12991 AegisName: Pet_Egg_Scroll8 Name: Party Hard Pack Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Pet_Egg_Scroll8); - Id: 12992 AegisName: Pet_Egg_Scroll9 Name: Adventurer Pack Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Pet_Egg_Scroll9); - Id: 12993 AegisName: Pet_Egg_Scroll10 Name: Pet Egg Scroll 10 Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Pet_Egg_Scroll10); - Id: 12994 AegisName: Pet_Egg_Scroll11 Name: Pet Egg Scroll 11 Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Pet_Egg_Scroll11); - Id: 12995 AegisName: White_Herb_Box Name: White Herb Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 509,15; - Id: 12996 AegisName: Blue_Herb_Box Name: Blue Herb Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 510,15; - Id: 12997 AegisName: Elunium_Box Name: Elunium Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 985,5; - Id: 12998 AegisName: Oridecon_Box Name: Oridecon Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 984,5; - Id: 12999 AegisName: Branch_Of_Dead_Tree_Box Name: Dead Branch Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 604,3; - Id: 13500 AegisName: Insurance60_Package Name: Life Insurrance Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14500,10; - Id: 13501 AegisName: Assorted_Scroll_Box Name: Experience Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ASSORTED_SCROLL_BOX); - Id: 13502 AegisName: Drooping_Kitty_Box Name: Refined Drooping Cat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_DROOPING_KITTY_BOX); - Id: 13503 AegisName: Magestic_Goat_Box Name: Baphomet Horns Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_MAGESTIC_GOAT_BOX); - Id: 13504 AegisName: Deviruchi_Cap_Box Name: Refined Deviruchi Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_DEVIRUCHI_CAP_BOX); - Id: 13505 AegisName: Executioner_Box Name: Executioner Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_EXECUTIONER_BOX); - Id: 13506 AegisName: Brood_Axe_Box Name: Refined Bloody Axe Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BROOD_AXE_BOX); - Id: 13507 AegisName: Tomahawk_Box Name: Tomahawk Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_TOMAHAWK_BOX); - Id: 13508 AegisName: Bow_Of_Rudra_Box Name: Rudra Bow Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BOW_OF_RUDRA_BOX); - Id: 13509 AegisName: Cutlas_Box Name: Cutlas Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CUTLAS_BOX); - Id: 13510 AegisName: Solar_Sword_Box Name: Solar Sword Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SOLAR_SWORD_BOX); - Id: 13511 AegisName: Sword_Breaker_Box Name: Refined Swordbreaker Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SWORD_BREAKER_BOX); - Id: 13512 AegisName: Mail_Breaker_Box Name: Refined Mailbreaker Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_MAIL_BREAKER_BOX); - Id: 13513 AegisName: Moonlight_Sword_Box Name: Moonlight Dagger Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_MOONLIGHT_SWORD_BOX); - Id: 13514 AegisName: Spanner_Box Name: Wrench Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SPANNER_BOX); - Id: 13515 AegisName: Grape_Box Name: Grape Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 514,10; - Id: 13516 AegisName: Royal_Jelly_Box Name: Royal Jelly Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 526,5; - Id: 13517 AegisName: Yggdrasilberry_Box Name: Yggdrasil Berry Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 607,3; - Id: 13518 AegisName: Weapon_Card_Scroll_Box Name: Weapon Card Pet Egg Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 13558,1; - Id: 13519 AegisName: Armor_Card_Scroll_Box Name: Armor Card Pet Egg Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 13559,1; - Id: 13520 AegisName: Helmet_Card_Scroll_Box Name: Helmet Card Pet Egg Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 13560,1; - Id: 13521 AegisName: Garment_Card_Scroll_Box Name: Garment Card Pet Egg Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 13561,1; - Id: 13522 AegisName: Shield_Card_Scroll_Box Name: Shield Card Pet Egg Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 13562,1; - Id: 13523 AegisName: Shoes_Card_Scroll_Box Name: Shoes Card Pet Egg Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 13563,1; - Id: 13524 AegisName: Accy_Card_Scroll_Box Name: Accessory Card Pet Egg Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 13564,1; - Id: 13525 AegisName: Zeny_Card_Scroll_Box Name: Zeny Pet Egg Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14508,1; - Id: 13526 AegisName: Pet_Egg_Scroll_Box1_ Name: Pet Egg Scroll Box 12 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12925,30; - Id: 13527 AegisName: Pet_Egg_Scroll_Box2_ Name: Pet Egg Scroll Box 13 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12926,30; - Id: 13528 AegisName: Pet_Egg_Scroll_Box3_ Name: Pet Egg Scroll Box 14 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12932,30; - Id: 13529 AegisName: Pet_Egg_Scroll_Box4_ Name: Pet Egg Scroll Box 15 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12933,30; - Id: 13530 AegisName: Pet_Egg_Scroll_Box5_ Name: Pet Egg Scroll Box 16 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12934,30; - Id: 13531 AegisName: Light_Red_Pot_Box Name: Light Red Potion Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 598,50; - Id: 13532 AegisName: Light_Orange_Pot_Box Name: Light Orange Potion Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 599,50; - Id: 13533 AegisName: Light_Yellow_Pot_Box Name: Light Yellow Potion Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 11500,50; - Id: 13534 AegisName: Light_White_Pot_Box Name: Light White Potion Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 11501,50; - Id: 13535 AegisName: Light_Center_Pot_Box Name: Light Concentration Potion Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14509,20; - Id: 13536 AegisName: Light_Awakening_Pot_Box Name: Light Awakening Potion Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14510,20; - Id: 13537 AegisName: Light_Berserk_Pot_Box Name: Light Berserk Potion Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14511,20; - Id: 13538 AegisName: Meteor_10_Scroll_Box Name: Meteor Storm Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14512,10; - Id: 13539 AegisName: Storm_10_Scroll_Box Name: Storm Gust Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14513,10; - Id: 13540 AegisName: Vermilion_10_Scroll_Box Name: Lord of Vermilion Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14514,10; - Id: 13541 AegisName: Lex_Aeterna_Scroll_Box Name: Lex Aeterna Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14515,10; - Id: 13542 AegisName: Magnificat_5_Scroll_Box Name: Magnificat Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14516,10; - Id: 13543 AegisName: CP_Helm_Scroll_Box Name: Chemical Protection Helm Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CP_Helm_Scroll_Box); - Id: 13544 AegisName: CP_Shield_Scroll_Box Name: Chemical Protection Shield Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CP_Shield_Scroll_Box); - Id: 13545 AegisName: CP_Armor_Scroll_Box Name: Chemical Protection Armor Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CP_Armor_Scroll_Box); - Id: 13546 AegisName: CP_Weapon_Scroll_Box Name: Chemical Protection Weapon Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CP_Weapon_Scroll_Box); - Id: 13547 AegisName: Repair_Scroll_Box Name: Repair Weapon Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Repair_Scroll_Box); - Id: 13548 AegisName: Big_Bun_Box Name: Big Bun Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14522,10; - Id: 13549 AegisName: Pill__Box Name: Pill Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14523,10; - Id: 13550 AegisName: Superb_Fish_Slice_Box Name: Fish Slice Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14524,10; - Id: 13551 AegisName: Chewy_Ricecake_Box Name: Chewy Ricecake Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14525,10; - Id: 13552 AegisName: Oriental_Pastry_Box Name: Pastry Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14526,10; - Id: 13553 AegisName: Dun_Tele_Scroll1_Box Name: Dungeon Teleport Scroll 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14527,5; - Id: 13554 AegisName: Weapon_Card_Scroll_Box2 Name: Weapon Card Pet Egg Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 13565,1; - Id: 13555 AegisName: Weapon_Card_Scroll_Box3 Name: Weapon Card Pet Egg Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 13566,1; - Id: 13556 AegisName: Armor_Card_Scroll_Box2 Name: Armor Card Pet Egg Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 13567,1; - Id: 13557 AegisName: Accy_Card_Scroll_Box2 Name: Accessory Card Pet Egg Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 13568,1; - Id: 13558 AegisName: Weapon_Card_Scroll Name: Weapon Card Pet Egg Scroll Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_WEAPON_CARD_SCROLL); - Id: 13559 AegisName: Armor_Card_Scroll Name: Armor Card Pet Egg Scroll Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ARMOR_CARD_SCROLL); - Id: 13560 AegisName: Helmet_Card_Scroll Name: Helmet Card Pet Egg Scroll Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_HELMET_CARD_SCROLL); - Id: 13561 AegisName: Hood_Card_Scroll Name: Garment Card Pet Egg Scroll Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_HOOD_CARD_SCROLL); - Id: 13562 AegisName: Hood_Card_Scroll2 Name: Shield Card Pet Egg Scroll Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_HOOD_CARD_SCROLL2); - Id: 13563 AegisName: Shoes_Card_Scroll Name: Shoes Card Pet Egg Scroll Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SHOES_CARD_SCROLL); - Id: 13564 AegisName: Accy_Card_Scroll Name: Accessory Card Pet Egg Scroll Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ACCY_CARD_SCROLL); - Id: 13565 AegisName: Weapon_Card_Scroll2 Name: Weapon Card Pet Egg Scroll Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_WEAPON_CARD_SCROLL2); - Id: 13566 AegisName: Weapon_Card_Scroll3 Name: Weapon Card Pet Egg Scroll Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_WEAPON_CARD_SCROLL3); - Id: 13567 AegisName: Armor_Card_Scroll2 Name: Armor Card Pet Egg Scroll Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ARMOR_CARD_SCROLL2); - Id: 13568 AegisName: Accy_Card_Scroll2 Name: Accessory Card Pet Egg Scroll Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ACCY_CARD_SCROLL2); - Id: 13569 AegisName: PVP_Tele_Scroll_Box Name: PVP Teleport Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14528,10; - Id: 13570 AegisName: Giant_Fly_Wing_Box50 Name: Giant Fly Wing 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12212,50; - Id: 13571 AegisName: Giant_Fly_Wing_Box100 Name: Giant Fly Wing 100 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12212,100; - Id: 13572 AegisName: Dex_Dish_Box30 Name: Hwergelmir's Tonic 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12205,30; - Id: 13573 AegisName: Dex_Dish_Box50 Name: Hwergelmir's Tonic 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12205,50; - Id: 13574 AegisName: Luk_Dish_Box30 Name: Nine Tail Dish 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12206,30; - Id: 13575 AegisName: Luk_Dish_Box50 Name: Nine Tail Dish 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12206,50; - Id: 13576 AegisName: Inc_Agi_10_Box30 Name: Increase Agility Scroll 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12216,30; - Id: 13577 AegisName: Inc_Agi_10_Box50 Name: Increase Agility Scroll 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12216,50; - Id: 13578 AegisName: Vit_Dish_Box30 Name: Stew of Immortality 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12207,30; - Id: 13579 AegisName: Vit_Dish_Box50 Name: Stew of Immortality 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12207,50; - Id: 13580 AegisName: Insurance_Package30 Name: Life Insurrance 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12209,30; - Id: 13581 AegisName: Insurance_Package50 Name: Life Insurrance 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12209,50; - Id: 13582 AegisName: Convex_Mirror_Box5 Name: Convex Mirror 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12214,5; - Id: 13583 AegisName: Convex_Mirror_Box30 Name: Convex Mirror 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12214,30; - Id: 13584 AegisName: Blessing10_Box30 Name: Blessing Scroll 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12215,30; - Id: 13585 AegisName: Blessing10_Box50 Name: Blessing Scroll 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12215,50; - Id: 13586 AegisName: Adrenaline10_Box30 Name: Adrenaline Rush Scroll 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12220,30; - Id: 13587 AegisName: Adrenaline10_Box50 Name: Adrenaline Rush Scroll 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12220,50; - Id: 13588 AegisName: Assumptio_5_Box30 Name: Assumptio Scroll 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12218,30; - Id: 13589 AegisName: Assumptio_5_Box50 Name: Assumptio Scroll 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12218,50; - Id: 13590 AegisName: Aspersio_5_Box30 Name: Aspersio Scroll 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ASPERSIO_5_BOX30); - Id: 13591 AegisName: Aspersio_5_Box50 Name: Aspersio Scroll 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ASPERSIO_5_BOX50); - Id: 13592 AegisName: Agi_Dish_Box30 Name: Steamed Scorpion 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12203,30; - Id: 13593 AegisName: Agi_Dish_Box50 Name: Steamed Scorpion 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12203,50; - Id: 13594 AegisName: Wind_Walk10_Box30 Name: Wind Walk Scroll 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12219,30; - Id: 13595 AegisName: Wind_Walk10_Box50 Name: Wind Walk Scroll 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12219,50; - Id: 13596 AegisName: Int_Dish_Box30 Name: Dragon Breath Cocktail 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12204,30; - Id: 13597 AegisName: Int_Dish_Box50 Name: Dragon Breath Cocktail 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12204,50; - Id: 13598 AegisName: Battle_Manual_Box1 Name: Field Manual Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12208,1; - Id: 13599 AegisName: Battle_Manual_Box5 Name: Field Manual 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12208,5; - Id: 13600 AegisName: Siegfried_Box5 Name: Token of Siegfried 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 7621,5; - Id: 13601 AegisName: Siegfried_Box20 Name: Token of Siegfried 20 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 7621,20; - Id: 13602 AegisName: Kafra_Card_Box30 Name: Kafra Card 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12211,30; - Id: 13603 AegisName: Kafra_Card_Box50 Name: Kafra Card 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12211,50; - Id: 13604 AegisName: Str_Dish_Box30 Name: Steamed Tongue 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12202,30; - Id: 13605 AegisName: Str_Dish_Box50 Name: Steamed Tongue 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12202,50; - Id: 13606 AegisName: Bubble_Gum_Box1 Name: Bubble Gum Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12210,1; - Id: 13607 AegisName: Bubble_Gum_Box5 Name: Bubble Gum 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12210,5; - Id: 13608 AegisName: Megaphone_Box1 Name: Megaphone Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12221,1; - Id: 13609 AegisName: Megaphone_Box5 Name: Megaphone 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12221,5; - Id: 13610 AegisName: Enriched_Elunium_Box5 Name: Enriched Elunium 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 7619,5; - Id: 13611 AegisName: Enriched_Oridecon_Box5 Name: Enriched Oridecon 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 7620,5; - Id: 13612 AegisName: Handcuff_Box Name: Arrest Handcuffs Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_HANDCUFF_BOX); - Id: 13613 AegisName: Super_Pet_Egg_Box1 Name: Super Pet Egg Box 1 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 13617,1; - Id: 13614 AegisName: Super_Pet_Egg_Box2 Name: Super Pet Egg Box 2 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 13618,1; - Id: 13615 AegisName: Super_Pet_Egg_Box3 Name: Super Pet Egg Box 3 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 13619,1; - Id: 13616 AegisName: Super_Pet_Egg_Box4 Name: Super Pet Egg Box 4 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 13620,1; - Id: 13617 AegisName: Super_Pet_Egg1 Name: Super Pet Egg 1 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Super_Pet_Egg1); - Id: 13618 AegisName: Super_Pet_Egg2 Name: Super Pet Egg 2 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Super_Pet_Egg2); - Id: 13619 AegisName: Super_Pet_Egg3 Name: Super Pet Egg 3 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Super_Pet_Egg3); - Id: 13620 AegisName: Super_Pet_Egg4 Name: Super Pet Egg 4 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Super_Pet_Egg4); - Id: 13621 AegisName: Greed_Box30 Name: Greed Scroll 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14529,30; - Id: 13622 AegisName: Greed_Box50 Name: Greed Scroll 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14529,50; - Id: 13623 AegisName: Greed_Box100 Name: Greed Scroll 100 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14529,100; - Id: 13624 AegisName: Flee_30_Scroll_Box Name: Evasion Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14530,1; - Id: 13625 AegisName: Accuracy_30_Scroll_Box Name: Concentration Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14531,1; - Id: 13626 AegisName: Super_Card_Pet_Egg_Box1 Name: Super Card Pet Egg Box 1 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 13630,1; - Id: 13627 AegisName: Super_Card_Pet_Egg_Box2 Name: Super Card Pet Egg Box 2 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 13631,1; - Id: 13628 AegisName: Super_Card_Pet_Egg_Box3 Name: Super Card Pet Egg Box 3 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 13632,1; - Id: 13629 AegisName: Super_Card_Pet_Egg_Box4 Name: Super Card Pet Egg Box 4 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 13633,1; - Id: 13630 AegisName: Super_Card_Pet_Egg1 Name: Super Card Pet Egg 1 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Super_Card_Pet_Egg1); - Id: 13631 AegisName: Super_Card_Pet_Egg2 Name: Super Card Pet Egg 2 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Super_Card_Pet_Egg2); - Id: 13632 AegisName: Super_Card_Pet_Egg3 Name: Super Card Pet Egg 3 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Super_Card_Pet_Egg3); - Id: 13633 AegisName: Super_Card_Pet_Egg4 Name: Super Card Pet Egg 4 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Super_Card_Pet_Egg4); - Id: 13634 AegisName: Vigorgra_Package1 Name: 1 Hour Package Vol. 1 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Vigorgra_Package1); - Id: 13635 AegisName: Vigorgra_Package2 Name: 1 Hour Package Vol. 2 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Vigorgra_Package2); - Id: 13636 AegisName: Vigorgra_Package3 Name: 1 Hour Package Vol. 3 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Vigorgra_Package3); - Id: 13637 AegisName: Vigorgra_Package4 Name: 1 Hour Package Vol. 4 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Vigorgra_Package4); - Id: 13638 AegisName: Vigorgra_Package5 Name: 1 Hour Package Vol. 5 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Vigorgra_Package5); - Id: 13639 AegisName: Vigorgra_Package6 Name: 1 Hour Package Vol. 6 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Vigorgra_Package6); - Id: 13640 AegisName: Vigorgra_Package7 Name: 2 Hour Package Vol. 1 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Vigorgra_Package7); - Id: 13641 AegisName: Vigorgra_Package8 Name: 2 Hour Package Vol. 2 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Vigorgra_Package8); - Id: 13642 AegisName: Vigorgra_Package9 Name: 2 Hour Package Vol. 3 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Vigorgra_Package9); - Id: 13643 AegisName: Vigorgra_Package10 Name: 2 Hour Package Vol. 4 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Vigorgra_Package10); - Id: 13644 AegisName: Vigorgra_Package11 Name: 2 Hour Package Vol. 5 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Vigorgra_Package11); - Id: 13645 AegisName: Vigorgra_Package12 Name: 2 Hour Package Vol. 6 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Vigorgra_Package12); - Id: 13646 AegisName: Infiltrator_Box1 Name: Refined Infiltrator Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_INFILTRATOR_BOX1); - Id: 13647 AegisName: Muramasa_Box1 Name: Refined Muramasa Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_MURAMASA_BOX1); - Id: 13648 AegisName: Excalibur_Box1 Name: Refined Excalibur Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_EXCALIBUR_BOX1); - Id: 13649 AegisName: Combat_Knife_Box1 Name: Refined Combat Knife Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_COMBAT_KNIFE_BOX1); - Id: 13650 AegisName: Counter_Dagger_Box1 Name: Refined Dagger of Counter Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_COUNTER_DAGGER_BOX1); - Id: 13651 AegisName: Kaiser_Knuckle_Box1 Name: Refined Kaiser Knuckle Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_KAISER_KNUCKLE_BOX1); - Id: 13652 AegisName: Pole_Axe_Box1 Name: Refined Pole Axe Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_POLE_AXE_BOX1); - Id: 13653 AegisName: Mighty_Staff_Box1 Name: Refined Mighty Staff Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_MIGHTY_STAFF_BOX1); - Id: 13654 AegisName: Right_Epsilon_Box1 Name: Refined Light Epsilon Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_RIGHT_EPSILON_BOX1); - Id: 13655 AegisName: Balistar_Box1 Name: Refined Ballista Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BALISTAR_BOX1); - Id: 13656 AegisName: Diary_Of_Sage_Box1 Name: Refined Sage's Diary Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_DIARY_OF_SAGE_BOX1); - Id: 13657 AegisName: Asura_Box1 Name: Refined Ashura Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ASURA_BOX1); - Id: 13658 AegisName: Apple_Of_Archer_Box1 Name: Refined Apple of Archer Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_APPLE_OF_ARCHER_BOX1); - Id: 13659 AegisName: Bunny_Band_Box1 Name: Refined Bunny Band Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BUNNY_BAND_BOX1); - Id: 13660 AegisName: Sahkkat_Box1 Name: Refined Sakkat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SAHKKAT_BOX1); - Id: 13661 AegisName: Lord_Circlet_Box1 Name: Refined Grand Circlet Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LORD_CIRCLET_BOX1); - Id: 13662 AegisName: Elven_Ears_Box1 Name: Refined Elven Ears Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ELVEN_EARS_BOX1); - Id: 13663 AegisName: Steel_Flower_Box1 Name: Refined Romantic Flower Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_STEEL_FLOWER_BOX1); - Id: 13664 AegisName: Critical_Ring_Box1 Name: Refined Critical Ring Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CRITICAL_RING_BOX1); - Id: 13665 AegisName: Earring_Box1 Name: Refined Earring Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_EARRING_BOX1); - Id: 13666 AegisName: Ring_Box1 Name: Refined Ring Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_RING_BOX1); - Id: 13667 AegisName: Necklace_Box1 Name: Refined Necklace Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_NECKLACE_BOX1); - Id: 13668 AegisName: Glove_Box1 Name: Refined Glove Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_GLOVE_BOX1); - Id: 13669 AegisName: Brooch_Box1 Name: Refined Brooch Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BROOCH_BOX1); - Id: 13670 AegisName: Rosary_Box1 Name: Refined Rosary Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ROSARY_BOX1); - Id: 13671 AegisName: Safety_Ring_Box1 Name: Refined Safety Ring Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SAFETY_RING_BOX1); - Id: 13672 AegisName: Vesper_Core01_Box1 Name: Refined Vesper Core 01 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_VESPER_CORE01_BOX1); - Id: 13673 AegisName: Vesper_Core02_Box1 Name: Refined Vesper Core 02 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_VESPER_CORE02_BOX1); - Id: 13674 AegisName: Vesper_Core03_Box1 Name: Refined Vesper Core 03 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_VESPER_CORE03_BOX1); - Id: 13675 AegisName: Vesper_Core04_Box1 Name: Refined Vesper Core 04 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_VESPER_CORE04_BOX1); - Id: 13676 AegisName: Drooping_Kitty_Box1 Name: Refined Drooping Cat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_DROOPING_KITTY_BOX1); - Id: 13677 AegisName: Magestic_Goat_Box1 Name: Refined Majestic Goat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_MAGESTIC_GOAT_BOX1); - Id: 13678 AegisName: Deviruchi_Cap_Box1 Name: Refined Deviruchi Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_DEVIRUCHI_CAP_BOX1); - Id: 13679 AegisName: Executioner_Box1 Name: Refined Executioner Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_EXECUTIONER_BOX1); - Id: 13680 AegisName: Brood_Axe_Box1 Name: Punksutawney Phil's Lucky Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BROOD_AXE_BOX1); - Id: 13681 AegisName: Tomahawk_Box1 Name: Serpent's Surprise Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_TOMAHAWK_BOX1); - Id: 13682 AegisName: Bow_Of_Rudra_Box1 Name: Refined Rudra Bow Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BOW_OF_RUDRA_BOX1); - Id: 13683 AegisName: Cutlas_Box1 Name: Lovely Groove Pack Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CUTLAS_BOX1); - Id: 13684 AegisName: Solar_Sword_Box1 Name: Refined Solar Sword Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SOLAR_SWORD_BOX1); - Id: 13685 AegisName: Sword_Breaker_Box1 Name: Refined Swordbreaker Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SWORD_BREAKER_BOX1); - Id: 13686 AegisName: Mail_Breaker_Box1 Name: Refined Mailbreaker Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_MAIL_BREAKER_BOX1); - Id: 13687 AegisName: Moonlight_Sword_Box1 Name: Apocalypse Survivor Fire Sale Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_MOONLIGHT_SWORD_BOX1); - Id: 13688 AegisName: Spanner_Box1 Name: Refined Wrench Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SPANNER_BOX1); - Id: 13689 AegisName: Bok_Choy_Box Name: Bok Choy Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 7766,100; - Id: 13690 AegisName: Chung_E_Cake_Box Name: Green Maiden Cake Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 7767,100; - Id: 13691 AegisName: Freyja_Overcoat_Box Name: Freya's Clothes Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_FREYJA_OVERCOAT_BOX); - Id: 13692 AegisName: Freyja_Boots_Box Name: Freya's Boots Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_FREYJA_BOOTS_BOX); - Id: 13693 AegisName: Freyja_Cape_Box Name: Freya's Manteau Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_FREYJA_CAPE_BOX); - Id: 13694 AegisName: Freyja_Crown_Box Name: Freyja Crown Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_FREYJA_CROWN_BOX); - Id: 13695 AegisName: Battle_Manual25_Box Name: Field Manual 25% Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14532,10; - Id: 13696 AegisName: Battle_Manual100_Box Name: Field Manual 100% Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14533,10; - Id: 13697 AegisName: J_Blessing10_Box Name: Blessing Scroll 10 Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12215,10; - Id: 13698 AegisName: J_Inc_Agi10_Box Name: Increase Agility Scroll 10 Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12216,10; - Id: 13699 AegisName: J_Wind_Walk10_Box Name: Wind Walk Scroll 10 Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12219,10; - Id: 13700 AegisName: J_Adrenaline10_Box Name: Adrenaline Rush Scroll 10 Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12220,10; - Id: 13701 AegisName: Pet_Egg_Scroll12 Name: Pet Egg Scroll 12 Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Pet_Egg_Scroll12); - Id: 13702 AegisName: Pet_Egg_Scroll13 Name: Pet Egg Scroll 13 Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Pet_Egg_Scroll13); - Id: 13703 AegisName: Pet_Egg_Scroll14 Name: Pet Egg Scroll 14 Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Pet_Egg_Scroll14); - Id: 13704 AegisName: Super_Pet_Egg5 Name: Super Pet Egg 5 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Super_Pet_Egg5); - Id: 13705 AegisName: Super_Pet_Egg6 Name: Super Pet Egg 6 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Super_Pet_Egg6); - Id: 13706 AegisName: Super_Pet_Egg7 Name: Super Pet Egg 7 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Super_Pet_Egg7); - Id: 13707 AegisName: Super_Pet_Egg8 Name: Super Pet Egg 8 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Super_Pet_Egg8); - Id: 13708 AegisName: Pet_Egg_Scroll_E Name: Pet Egg Scroll E Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Pet_Egg_Scroll_E); - Id: 13709 AegisName: BRO_Package1 Name: BRO Package Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BRO_PACKAGE1); - Id: 13710 AegisName: Max_Weight_Up_Box Name: Gym Pass Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 7776,10; - Id: 13711 AegisName: Small_Life_Potion_Box Name: Small Life Potion 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14534,10; - Id: 13712 AegisName: Small_Life_Potion_Box30 Name: Small Life Potion 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14534,30; - Id: 13713 AegisName: Small_Life_Potion_Box50 Name: Small Life Potion 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14534,50; - Id: 13714 AegisName: Med_Life_Potion_Box Name: Medium Life Potion 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14535,10; - Id: 13715 AegisName: Med_Life_Potion_Box30 Name: Medium Life Potion 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14535,30; - Id: 13716 AegisName: Med_Life_Potion_Box50 Name: Medium Life Potion 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14535,50; - Id: 13717 AegisName: Abrasive_Box5 Name: Abrasive 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14536,5; - Id: 13718 AegisName: Abrasive_Box10 Name: Abrasive 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14536,10; - Id: 13719 AegisName: Regeneration_Box5 Name: Regeneration Potion 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14537,5; - Id: 13720 AegisName: Regeneration_Box10 Name: Regeneration 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14537,10; - Id: 13721 AegisName: Dun_Tele_Scroll_Box10 Name: Dungeon Teleport Scroll 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14527,10; - Id: 13722 AegisName: Pecopeco_Hairband_Box Name: Pecopeco Hairband Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_PECOPECO_HAIRBAND_BOX); - Id: 13723 AegisName: Red_Glasses_Box Name: Red Glasses Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_RED_GLASSES_BOX); - Id: 13724 AegisName: Whisper_Mask_Box Name: Whisper Mask Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_WHISPER_MASK_BOX); - Id: 13725 AegisName: Ramen_Hat_Box Name: Ramen Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Ramen_Hat_Box); - Id: 13726 AegisName: Gold_Box_ Name: Golden Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_GOLD_BOX_); - Id: 13727 AegisName: Silver_Box_ Name: Silver Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SILVER_BOX_); - Id: 13728 AegisName: Gold_Key1_Box Name: Golden Key 1 Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 7779,1; - Id: 13729 AegisName: Gold_Key5_Box Name: Golden Key 5 Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 7779,5; - Id: 13730 AegisName: Silver_Key1_Box Name: Silver Key 1 Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 7780,1; - Id: 13731 AegisName: Silver_Key5_Box Name: Silver Key 5 Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 7780,5; - Id: 13734 AegisName: Pecopeco_Hairband_Box1 Name: Peco Peco Hairband Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_PECOPECO_HAIRBAND_BOX1); - Id: 13735 AegisName: Red_Glasses_Box1 Name: Red Glasses Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_RED_GLASSES_BOX1); - Id: 13736 AegisName: Whisper_Mask_Box1 Name: Whisper Mask Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_WHISPER_MASK_BOX1); - Id: 13737 AegisName: Ramen_Hat_Box1 Name: Ramen Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_RAMEN_HAT_BOX1); - Id: 13738 AegisName: Glass_Of_Illusion_Box5 Name: Glass of Illusion 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14538,5; - Id: 13739 AegisName: Glass_Of_Illusion_Box10 Name: Glass of Illusion 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14538,10; - Id: 13740 AegisName: Shadow_Armor_S_Box5 Name: Shadow Armor Scroll 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14539,5; - Id: 13741 AegisName: Shadow_Armor_S_Box10 Name: Shadow Armor Scroll 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14539,10; - Id: 13742 AegisName: Shadow_Armor_S_Box30 Name: Shadow Armor Scroll 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14539,30; - Id: 13743 AegisName: Holy_Armor_S_Box5 Name: Holy Armor Scroll 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14540,5; - Id: 13744 AegisName: Holy_Armor_S_Box10 Name: Holy Armor Scroll 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14540,10; - Id: 13745 AegisName: Holy_Armor_S_Box30 Name: Holy Armor Scroll 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14540,30; - Id: 13746 AegisName: S_Def_Potion_Box10 Name: Small Defense Potion 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14541,10; - Id: 13747 AegisName: S_Def_Potion_Box30 Name: Small Defense Potion 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14541,30; - Id: 13748 AegisName: S_Def_Potion_Box50 Name: Small Defense Potion 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14541,50; - Id: 13749 AegisName: B_Def_Potion_Box10 Name: Big Defense Potion 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14542,10; - Id: 13750 AegisName: B_Def_Potion_Box30 Name: Big Defense Potion 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14542,30; - Id: 13751 AegisName: B_Def_Potion_Box50 Name: Big Defense Potion 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14542,50; - Id: 13752 AegisName: S_Mdef_Potion_Box10 Name: Small Magic Defense Potion 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14543,10; - Id: 13753 AegisName: S_Mdef_Potion_Box30 Name: Small Magic Defense Potion 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14543,30; - Id: 13754 AegisName: S_Mdef_Potion_Box50 Name: Small Magic Defense Potion 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14543,50; - Id: 13755 AegisName: B_Mdef_Potion_Box10 Name: Big Magic Defense Potion 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14544,10; - Id: 13756 AegisName: B_Mdef_Potion_Box30 Name: Big Magic Defense Potion 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14544,30; - Id: 13757 AegisName: B_Mdef_Potion_Box50 Name: Big Magic Defense Potion 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14544,50; - Id: 13758 AegisName: Battle_Manual_X3_Box Name: Field Manual 300% Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14545,20; - Id: 13759 AegisName: In_Blue_Herb_Box Name: Blue Herb Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 510,50; - Id: 13760 AegisName: Honey_Box Name: Honey Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 518,100; - Id: 13761 AegisName: Empty_Bottle_Box Name: Empty Bottle Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 713,500; - Id: 13762 AegisName: In_Royal_Jelly_Box Name: Royal Jelly Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 526,70; - Id: 13763 AegisName: 5_Anniversary_Coin_Box Name: PC Cafe Premium Anniversary Coin Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_5_ANNIVERSARY_COIN_BOX); - Id: 13764 AegisName: Battle_Manual_Box_TW Name: Beginner's Field Manual 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 7803,5; - Id: 13765 AegisName: Certificate_TW_Box Name: Fully Closed Certificate Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CERTIFICATE_TW_BOX); - Id: 13766 AegisName: Nagan_Box Name: Nagan Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_NAGAN_BOX); - Id: 13767 AegisName: Skewer_Box Name: Skewer Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SKEWER_BOX); - Id: 13768 AegisName: Survival_Rod_Box Name: Survival Rod Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SURVIVAL_ROD_BOX); - Id: 13769 AegisName: Quadrille_Box Name: Quadrille Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_QUADRILLE_BOX); - Id: 13770 AegisName: Great_Axe_Box Name: Great Axe Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_GREAT_AXE_BOX); - Id: 13771 AegisName: Bloody_Roar_Box Name: Bloody Roar Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BLOODY_ROAR_BOX); - Id: 13772 AegisName: Hardback_Box Name: Hardback Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_HARDBACK_BOX); - Id: 13773 AegisName: Fire_Brand_Box Name: Refined Fireblend Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Fire_Brand_Box); /*rentitem 13408,604800;*/ - Id: 13774 AegisName: Immaterial_Sword_Box Name: Immaterial Sword Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_IMMATERIAL_SWORD_BOX); - Id: 13775 AegisName: Unholy_Touch_Box Name: Unholy Touch Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_UNHOLY_TOUCH_BOX); - Id: 13776 AegisName: Cloak_Of_Survival_Box Name: Cloak Of Survival Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CLOAK_OF_SURVIVAL_BOX); - Id: 13777 AegisName: Masquerade_Box Name: Masquerade Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_MASQUERADE_BOX); - Id: 13778 AegisName: Orc_Hero_Helm_Box Name: Orc Hero Helm Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ORC_HERO_HELM_BOX); - Id: 13779 AegisName: Evil_Wing_Ears_Box Name: Evil Wing Ears Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_EVIL_WING_EARS_BOX); - Id: 13780 AegisName: Dark_Blindfold_Box Name: Dark Blindfold Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_DARK_BLINDFOLD_BOX); - Id: 13781 AegisName: kRO_Drooping_Kitty_Box Name: Refined Drooping Cat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_KRO_DROOPING_KITTY_BOX); - Id: 13782 AegisName: Corsair_Box Name: Corsair Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CORSAIR_BOX); - Id: 13783 AegisName: Bloody_Iron_Ball_Box Name: Bloody Iron Ball Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BLOODY_IRON_BALL_BOX); - Id: 13784 AegisName: Spiritual_Ring_Box Name: Spiritual Ring Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SPIRITUAL_RING_BOX); - Id: 13785 AegisName: Nagan_Box1 Name: Nagan Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_NAGAN_BOX1); - Id: 13786 AegisName: Skewer_Box1 Name: Refined Brocca Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SKEWER_BOX1); - Id: 13787 AegisName: Survival_Rod_Box1 Name: Refined Staff of Survival Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SURVIVAL_ROD_BOX1); - Id: 13788 AegisName: Quadrille_Box1 Name: Refined Quadrille Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_QUADRILLE_BOX1); - Id: 13789 AegisName: Great_Axe_Box1 Name: Refined Great Axe Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_GREAT_AXE_BOX1); - Id: 13790 AegisName: Bloody_Roar_Box1 Name: Refined Bloody Roar Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BLOODY_ROAR_BOX1); - Id: 13791 AegisName: Hardback_Box1 Name: Refined Hardcover Book Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_HARDBACK_BOX1); - Id: 13792 AegisName: Fire_Brand_Box1 Name: Fire Brand Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_FIRE_BRAND_BOX1); - Id: 13793 AegisName: Immaterial_Sword_Box1 Name: Black Friday Groove Pack Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_IMMATERIAL_SWORD_BOX1); - Id: 13794 AegisName: Unholy_Touch_Box1 Name: Cyber Monday Lucky Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_UNHOLY_TOUCH_BOX1); - Id: 13795 AegisName: Cloak_Of_Survival_Box1 Name: Refined Manteau of Survival Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CLOAK_OF_SURVIVAL_BOX1); - Id: 13796 AegisName: Masquerade_Box1 Name: Butterfly Mask Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_MASQUERADE_BOX1); - Id: 13797 AegisName: Orc_Hero_Helm_Box1 Name: Refined Helmet of Orc Hero Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ORC_HERO_HELM_BOX1); - Id: 13798 AegisName: Evil_Wing_Ears_Box1 Name: Refined Wing of Diablo Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_EVIL_WING_EARS_BOX1); - Id: 13799 AegisName: Dark_Blindfold_Box1 Name: Refined Dark Blinder Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_DARK_BLINDFOLD_BOX1); - Id: 13800 AegisName: kRO_Drooping_Kitty_Box1 Name: Refined Drooping Cat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_KRO_DROOPING_KITTY_BOX1); - Id: 13801 AegisName: Corsair_Box1 Name: Refined Corsair Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CORSAIR_BOX1); - Id: 13802 AegisName: Bloody_Iron_Ball_Box1 Name: Refined Bloodied Shackle Ball Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BLOODY_IRON_BALL_BOX1); - Id: 13803 AegisName: Spiritual_Ring_Box1 Name: Refined Spiritual Ring Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SPIRITUAL_RING_BOX1); - Id: 13804 AegisName: Fire_Cracker_Love_Box Name: I Love You Firecracker Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14546,10; - Id: 13805 AegisName: Fire_Cracker_Wday_Box Name: Whiteday Firecracker Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14547,10; - Id: 13806 AegisName: Fire_Cracker_Vday_Box Name: Valentine's Day Firecracker Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14548,10; - Id: 13807 AegisName: Fire_Cracker_Bday_Box Name: Birthday Firecracker Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14549,10; - Id: 13808 AegisName: Fire_Cracker_Xmas_Box Name: Xmas Firecracker Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14550,10; - Id: 13809 AegisName: Blue_Gemstone_Box Name: Blue Gemstone Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 717,100; - Id: 13810 AegisName: Blue_Potion_Box Name: Light Blue Potion Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 11502,25; - Id: 13811 AegisName: Food_Box_Lv1 Name: Food Box Vol 1 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_FOOD_BOX_LV1); - Id: 13812 AegisName: Food_Box_Lv2 Name: Food Box Vol 2 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_FOOD_BOX_LV2); - Id: 13813 AegisName: Food_Box_Lv3 Name: Food Box Vol 3 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_FOOD_BOX_LV3); - Id: 13814 AegisName: Indonesia_Box Name: Healing Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_INDONESIA_BOX); - Id: 13815 AegisName: Knife_Goblin_Box Name: Knife Goblin Taming Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14569,10; - Id: 13816 AegisName: Flail_Goblin_Box Name: Flail Goblin Taming Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14570,10; - Id: 13817 AegisName: Hammer_Goblin_Box Name: Hammer Goblin Taming Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14571,10; - Id: 13818 AegisName: Red_Deleter_Box Name: Red Deleter Taming Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14572,10; - Id: 13819 AegisName: Diabolic_Box Name: Diabolic Taming Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14573,10; - Id: 13820 AegisName: Wanderer_Box Name: Wanderer Taming Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14574,10; - Id: 13821 AegisName: Green_Apple_Box Name: Green Apple Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 7821,10; - Id: 13822 AegisName: Whole_Barbecue_Box Name: Barbeque Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 7822,10; - Id: 13823 AegisName: Meat_Veg_Skewer_Box Name: Meat Skewer Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 7823,10; - Id: 13824 AegisName: Spirit_Liquor_Box Name: Spirit Liquor Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 7824,10; - Id: 13825 AegisName: Green_Box_ Name: Old Green Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 200 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_GREEN_BOX_); - Id: 13826 AegisName: Power_Box1 Name: Power Box 1 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_POWER_BOX1); - Id: 13827 AegisName: Power_Box2 Name: Power Box 2 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_POWER_BOX2); - Id: 13828 AegisName: Resist_Box1 Name: Resist Box 1 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_RESIST_BOX1); - Id: 13829 AegisName: Resist_Box2 Name: Resist Box 2 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_RESIST_BOX2); - Id: 13830 AegisName: Stat_Boost1 Name: Stat Boost 1 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_STAT_BOOST1); - Id: 13831 AegisName: Stat_Boost2 Name: Stat Boost 2 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_STAT_BOOST2); - Id: 13832 AegisName: Stat_Boost3 Name: Stat Boost 3 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_STAT_BOOST3); - Id: 13833 AegisName: Stat_Boost4 Name: Stat Boost 4 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_STAT_BOOST4); - Id: 13834 AegisName: Dun_Tele_Scroll2_Box5 Name: Dungeon Teleport Scroll II 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14581,5; - Id: 13835 AegisName: Dun_Tele_Scroll2_Box10 Name: Dungeon Teleport Scroll II 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14581,10; - Id: 13836 AegisName: Mbl_Str_Dish_Box Name: Steamed Tongue Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12250,1; - Id: 13837 AegisName: Mbl_Agi_Dish_Box Name: Steamed Desert Scorpions Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12251,1; - Id: 13838 AegisName: Mbl_Int_Dish_Box Name: Dragon Breath Cocktail Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12252,1; - Id: 13839 AegisName: Mbl_Dex_Dish_Box Name: Hwergelmir's Tonic Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12253,1; - Id: 13840 AegisName: Mbl_Luk_Dish_Box Name: Cooked Nine Tail Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12254,1; - Id: 13841 AegisName: Mbl_Vit_Dish_Box Name: Immortal Stew Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12255,1; - Id: 13842 AegisName: Mbl_Kafra_Card_Box Name: Payment Statement for Kafra Employee Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12249,1; - Id: 13843 AegisName: Mbl_Battle_Manual_Box Name: Field Manual Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14532,1; - Id: 13844 AegisName: Heroic_Stone_Box Name: Heroic Stone Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 7825,1; - Id: 13845 AegisName: Mysterious_Travel_Sack1 Name: Mystery Travel Sack A Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Mysterious_Travel_Sack1); - Id: 13846 AegisName: Mysterious_Travel_Sack2 Name: Mystery Travel Sack B Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Mysterious_Travel_Sack2); - Id: 13847 AegisName: Mysterious_Travel_Sack3 Name: Mystery Travel Sack C Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Mysterious_Travel_Sack3); - Id: 13848 AegisName: Mysterious_Travel_Sack4 Name: Mystery Travel Sack D Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Mysterious_Travel_Sack4); - Id: 13849 AegisName: WOB_Box_Rune5 Name: Yellow Butterfly Wing 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14582,5; - Id: 13850 AegisName: WOB_Box_Rune10 Name: Yellow Butterfly Wing Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14582,10; - Id: 13851 AegisName: WOB_Box_Schawaltz5 Name: Green Butterfly Wing 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14583,5; - Id: 13852 AegisName: WOB_Box_Schawaltz10 Name: Green Butterfly Wing Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14583,10; - Id: 13853 AegisName: WOB_Box_Rachel5 Name: Red Butterfly Wing 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14584,5; - Id: 13854 AegisName: WOB_Box_Rachel10 Name: Red Butterfly Wing Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14584,10; - Id: 13855 AegisName: WOB_Box_Local5 Name: Blue Butterfly Wing 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14585,5; - Id: 13856 AegisName: WOB_Box_Local10 Name: Blue Butterfly Wing Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14585,10; - Id: 13857 AegisName: Spark_Candy_Box5 Name: Candy 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14586,5; - Id: 13858 AegisName: Spark_Candy_Box10 Name: Candy 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14586,10; - Id: 13859 AegisName: Directive_A_Envelope Name: Directive Envelope A Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 2734,1; - Id: 13860 AegisName: Directive_B_Envelope Name: Directive Envelope B Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 2735,1; - Id: 13861 AegisName: Mini_Battle_Manual_Box Name: Small Field Manual Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12208,4; - Id: 13862 AegisName: Trial_Box Name: Trial Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_TRIAL_BOX); - Id: 13863 AegisName: Repair_Scroll_Box10 Name: Repair Weapon Scroll 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_REPAIR_SCROLL_BOX10); - Id: 13864 AegisName: Hockey_Mask_Box Name: Hockey Mask Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_HOCKEY_MASK_BOX); - Id: 13865 AegisName: Observer_Box Name: Observer Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 EquipLevelMin: 35 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_OBSERVER_BOX); - Id: 13866 AegisName: Flying_Angel_Box Name: Flying Angel Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5210,1; - Id: 13867 AegisName: Neko_Mimi_Box Name: Neko Mimi Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5099,1; - Id: 13868 AegisName: MFH_Box Name: Moonlight Flower Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5214,1; - Id: 13869 AegisName: Chick_Hat_Box Name: Baby Chick Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5283,1; - Id: 13870 AegisName: New_Style_Box Name: Beauty Gift Certificate Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 7622,1; - Id: 13871 AegisName: Mage_Card_Box Name: Mage Card Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Magician_Card_Box); /*getitem 4327,1; getitem 4309,1; getitem 4325,1; getitem 4208,1; getitem 4258,1; getitem 4191,1;*/ - Id: 13872 AegisName: Acolyte_Card_Box Name: Acolyte Card Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Acolyte_Card_Box); /*getitem 4185,1; getitem 4312,1; getitem 4217,1; getitem 4280,1; getitem 4293,1;*/ - Id: 13873 AegisName: Archer_Card_Box Name: Archer Card Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Archer_Card_Box); /*getitem 4297,1; getitem 4234,1; getitem 4199,1; getitem 4178,1; getitem 4252,1;*/ - Id: 13874 AegisName: Swordman_Card_Box Name: Swordman Card Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Swordman_Card_Box); /*getitem 4319,1; getitem 4331,1; getitem 4220,1; getitem 4311,1; getitem 4246,1;*/ - Id: 13875 AegisName: Thief_Card_Box Name: Thief Card Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Thief_Card_Box); /*getitem 4230,1; getitem 4210,1; getitem 4257,1; getitem 4172,1; getitem 4272,1;*/ - Id: 13876 AegisName: Merchant_Card_Box Name: Merchant Card Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Merchant_Card_Box); /*getitem 4206,1; getitem 4281,1; getitem 4186,1; getitem 4233,1; getitem 4321,1;*/ - Id: 13877 AegisName: Clock_Tower_Card_Box Name: Clock Tower Card Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CLOCK_TOWER_CARD_BOX); - Id: 13878 AegisName: Geffenia_Card_Box Name: Geffenia Card Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_GEFFENIA_CARD_BOX); - Id: 13879 AegisName: Owl_Card_Box Name: Owl Card Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_OWL_CARD_BOX); - Id: 13880 AegisName: Ghost_Card_Box Name: Ghost Card Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_GHOST_CARD_BOX); - Id: 13881 AegisName: Nightmare_Card_Box Name: Nightmare Card Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_NIGHTMARE_CARD_BOX); - Id: 13882 AegisName: Curse_Card_Box Name: Curse Card Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 4076,4; - Id: 13883 AegisName: Sleep_Card_Box Name: Sleep Card Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 4024,4; - Id: 13884 AegisName: Freeze_Card_Box Name: Freeze Card Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 4055,4; - Id: 13885 AegisName: Stun_Card_Box Name: Stun Card Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 4017,4; - Id: 13886 AegisName: Silence_Card_Box Name: Silence Card Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 4057,4; - Id: 13887 AegisName: Blind_Card_Box Name: Blind Card Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 4020,4; - Id: 13888 AegisName: Chaos_Card_Box Name: Chaos Card Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 4104,4; - Id: 13889 AegisName: Elunium_Box_ Name: Elunium Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 985,10; - Id: 13890 AegisName: Oridecon_Box_ Name: Oridecon Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 984,10; - Id: 13891 AegisName: Fire_Converter_Box Name: Fire Converter Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12114,10; - Id: 13892 AegisName: Water_Converter_Box Name: Water Converter Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12115,10; - Id: 13893 AegisName: Wind_Converter_Box Name: Wind Converter Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12117,10; - Id: 13894 AegisName: Earth_Converter_Box Name: Earth Converter Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12116,10; - Id: 13895 AegisName: Starter_Pack Name: Starter Pack Type: Cash Buy: 20 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_STARTER_PACK); - Id: 13896 AegisName: Mimic_Scroll_Box5 Name: Mimic Summoning 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12276,5; - Id: 13897 AegisName: Disguise_Croll_Box5 Name: Disguise Summoning 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12277,5; - Id: 13898 AegisName: Alice_Scroll_Box5 Name: Alice Summoning 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12278,5; - Id: 13899 AegisName: Mimic_Scroll_Box10 Name: Mimic Summoning 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12276,10; - Id: 13900 AegisName: Disguise_Croll_Box10 Name: Disguise Summoning 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12277,10; - Id: 13901 AegisName: Alice_Scroll_Box10 Name: Alice Summoning 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12278,10; - Id: 13902 AegisName: Fish_Head_Hat_Box Name: Fish Head Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5380,1; - Id: 13903 AegisName: Santa_Poring_Hat_Box Name: Santa Poring Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5381,1; - Id: 13904 AegisName: Bell_Ribbon_Box Name: Bell Ribbon Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5382,1; - Id: 13905 AegisName: Hard_Core_Set_Box Name: XM Hardcore Set Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Hard_Core_Set_Box); /*getitem 12208,10; getitem 12209,10; getitem 12210,10;*/ - Id: 13906 AegisName: Kitty_Set_Box Name: XM Kitty Set Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Kitty_Set_Box); /*getitem 5230,1; getitem 5231,1; getitem 5232,1; getitem 5233,1; getitem 5234,1;*/ - Id: 13907 AegisName: Soft_Core_Set_Box Name: XM Softcore Set Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Soft_Core_Set_Box); /*getitem 12208,5; getitem 12209,5; getitem 12210,5;*/ - Id: 13908 AegisName: Deviruchi_Set_Box Name: XM Deviruchi Set Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Deviruchi_Set_Box); /*getitem 5227,1; getitem 5228,1; getitem 5229,1;*/ - Id: 13909 AegisName: MVP_Hunt_Box Name: MVP Hunting Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_MVP_Hunt_Box); /*getitem 7621,1; getitem 12210,1; getitem 12221,1; getitem 12214,3;*/ - Id: 13910 AegisName: Cook_Box Name: XM Brewing Set Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Brewing_Box); /*getitem 12204,10; getitem 12205,10; getitem 12206,10;*/ - Id: 13911 AegisName: Xmas_Pet_Scroll Name: Christmas Pet Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Xmas_Pet_Scroll); - Id: 13912 AegisName: Party_Blessing_Box Name: Party Blessing 10 Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14588,10; - Id: 13913 AegisName: Party_Inc_Agi_Box Name: Party Increase Agi 10 Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14589,10; - Id: 13914 AegisName: Party_Assumptio_Box Name: Party Assumptio 5 Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14590,10; - Id: 13915 AegisName: Love_Angel_Box Name: Love Angel Magic Powder Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LOVE_ANGEL_BOX); - Id: 13916 AegisName: Squirrel_Box Name: Squirrel Magic Powder Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SQUIRREL_BOX); - Id: 13917 AegisName: Gogo_Box Name: Gogo Magic Powder Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_GOGO_BOX); - Id: 13918 AegisName: Drooping_Kitty__Box Name: Koneko Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5372,1; - Id: 13919 AegisName: Magestic_Goat__Box Name: Baphomet Horns Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5374,1; - Id: 13920 AegisName: Satanic__Chain_Box Name: Flying Evil Wing Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5376,1; - Id: 13921 AegisName: Antique_Pipe_Box Name: Gentleman's Pipe Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5377,1; - Id: 13922 AegisName: Bunny_Band__Box Name: Bunny Top Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5378,1; - Id: 13923 AegisName: Darkness_Helm_Box Name: Dark Randgris Helm Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5373,1; - Id: 13924 AegisName: L_Orc_Hero_Helm_Box Name: Orc Hero Headdress Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5375,1; - Id: 13925 AegisName: Year_Of_Mouse_Scroll Name: Lucky Scroll08 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Lucky_Scroll08); - Id: 13926 AegisName: Crusader_Card_Box Name: Crusader Card Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CRUSADER_CARD_BOX); - Id: 13927 AegisName: Alchemist_Card_Box Name: Alchemist Card Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ALCHEMIST_CARD_BOX); - Id: 13928 AegisName: Rogue_Card_Box Name: Rogue Card Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ROGUE_CARD_BOX); - Id: 13929 AegisName: Bard_Dancer_Card_Box Name: Bard Dancer Card Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BARD_DANCER_CARD_BOX); - Id: 13930 AegisName: Sage_Card_Box Name: Sage card box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SAGE_CARD_BOX); - Id: 13931 AegisName: Monk_Card_Box Name: Monk Card Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_MONK_CARD_BOX); - Id: 13932 AegisName: Sylph_Box Name: Sylph Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 4345,4; - Id: 13933 AegisName: Undine_Box Name: Undine Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 4350,4; - Id: 13934 AegisName: Salamander_Box Name: Salamander Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 4380,4; - Id: 13935 AegisName: Soul_Box Name: Soul Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 4388,4; - Id: 13936 AegisName: Noum_Bpx Name: Gnome Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 4335,4; - Id: 13937 AegisName: Robo_Eye_Box Name: Robo Eye Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5325,1; - Id: 13938 AegisName: Twin_Ribbon_Box Name: Maiden's Twin Ribbon Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5187,1; - Id: 13939 AegisName: Diadem_Box Name: Diadem Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5313,1; - Id: 13940 AegisName: Siege_Scroll_Box Name: WoE Teleport Scroll 100 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14591,100; - Id: 13941 AegisName: TW_Valentine_Scroll Name: Valentine Scroll Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_TW_VALENTINE_SCROLL); - Id: 13942 AegisName: Love_Angel_Box_1m Name: Love Angel Magic Powder Box 30 Days Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LOVE_ANGEL_BOX_1M); - Id: 13943 AegisName: Squirrel_Box_1m Name: Squirrel Magic Powder Box 30 Days Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SQUIRREL_BOX_1M); - Id: 13944 AegisName: Gogo_Box_1m Name: Gogo Magic Powder Box 30 Days Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_GOGO_BOX_1M); - Id: 13945 AegisName: BRO_SM_Package Name: Swordman Package Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Br_SwordPackage); - Id: 13946 AegisName: BRO_MG_Package Name: Magician Package Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Br_MagePackage); - Id: 13947 AegisName: BRO_AC_Package Name: Acolyte Package Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Br_AcolPackage); - Id: 13948 AegisName: BRO_AR_Package Name: Archer Package Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Br_ArcherPackage); - Id: 13949 AegisName: BRO_MC_Package Name: Merchant Package Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Br_MerPackage); - Id: 13950 AegisName: BRO_TF_Package Name: Thief Package Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Br_ThiefPackage); - Id: 13951 AegisName: Wasteland_Outlaw_Box Name: Western Outlaw Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_WASTELAND_OUTLAW_BOX); - Id: 13952 AegisName: Lever_Action_Rifle_Box Name: Lever Action Rifle Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LEVER_ACTION_RIFLE_BOX); - Id: 13953 AegisName: All_In_One_Ring_Box Name: All In One Ring Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_All_In_One_Ring_Box); /*rentitem All_In_One_Ring,604800;*/ - Id: 13954 AegisName: Spiritual_Tunic_Box Name: Spiritual Tunic Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SPIRITUAL_TUNIC_BOX); - Id: 13955 AegisName: Recuperative_Armor_Box Name: Recuvative Armor Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_RECUPERATIVE_ARMOR_BOX); - Id: 13956 AegisName: Shelter_Resistance_Box Name: Shell Of Resistance Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SHELTER_RESISTANCE_BOX); - Id: 13957 AegisName: Sylphid_Manteau_Box Name: Silf Manteau Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SYLPHID_MANTEAU_BOX); - Id: 13958 AegisName: Refresh_Shoes_Box Name: Refresh Shoes Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_REFRESH_SHOES_BOX); - Id: 13959 AegisName: Toast_Box Name: Crunch Toast Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_TOAST_BOX); - Id: 13960 AegisName: Name_Change_Coupon_Box Name: Identification Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 7623,1; - Id: 13961 AegisName: Mojji_Box Name: Mochi Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 554,5; - Id: 13962 AegisName: Deprotai_Doll_Hat_Box Name: Defolty Doll Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5340,1; - Id: 13963 AegisName: Claris_Doll_Hat_Box Name: Glaris Doll Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5341,1; - Id: 13964 AegisName: Sorin_Doll_Hat_Box Name: Sorin Doll Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5342,1; - Id: 13965 AegisName: Tayelin_Doll_Hat_Box Name: Tailring Doll Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5343,1; - Id: 13966 AegisName: Binit_Doll_Hat_Box Name: Vinit Doll Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5344,1; - Id: 13967 AegisName: Debril_Doll_Hat_Box Name: W Doll Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5345,1; - Id: 13968 AegisName: Bubblegum_Lower_Box Name: Bubble Gum Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BUBBLEGUM_LOWER_BOX); - Id: 13969 AegisName: Lucky_Clip_Box Name: July Jubilee Groove Pack Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LUCKY_CLIP_BOX); - Id: 13970 AegisName: Iron_10_Box Name: Iron Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 998,10; - Id: 13971 AegisName: Steel_10_Box Name: Steel Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 999,10; - Id: 13972 AegisName: Coal_10_Box Name: Coal Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 1003,10; - Id: 13973 AegisName: Poison_Bottle_30_Box Name: Poison Bottle Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 678,30; - Id: 13974 AegisName: TW_Scroll01 Name: RWC Gear Set Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_TW_SCROLL01); - Id: 13975 AegisName: Picture_Diary_Box Name: Diary Magic Powder Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_PICTURE_DIARY_BOX); - Id: 13976 AegisName: Mini_Heart_Box Name: Mini Heart Magic Powder Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_MINI_HEART_BOX); - Id: 13977 AegisName: Newcomer_Box Name: Freshman Magic Powder Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_NEWCOMER_BOX); - Id: 13978 AegisName: Kid_Box Name: Kid Magic Powder Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_KID_BOX); - Id: 13979 AegisName: Magic_Castle_Box Name: Magic Magic Powder Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_MAGIC_CASTLE_BOX); - Id: 13980 AegisName: Bulging_Head_Box Name: JJangu Magic Powder Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BULGING_HEAD_BOX); - Id: 13981 AegisName: Picture_Diary_Box_1m Name: Diary Magic Powder Box 30 Days Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_PICTURE_DIARY_BOX_1M); - Id: 13982 AegisName: Mini_Heart_Box_1m Name: Mini Heart Magic Powder Box 30 Days Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_MINI_HEART_BOX_1M); - Id: 13983 AegisName: Newcomer_Box_1m Name: Freshman Magic Powder Box 30 Days Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_NEWCOMER_BOX_1M); - Id: 13984 AegisName: Kid_Box_1m Name: Kid Magic Powder Box 30 Days Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_KID_BOX_1M); - Id: 13985 AegisName: Magic_Castle_Box_1m Name: Magic Magic Powder Box 30 Days Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_MAGIC_CASTLE_BOX_1M); - Id: 13986 AegisName: Bulging_Head_Box_1m Name: JJangu Magic Powder Box 30 Days Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BULGING_HEAD_BOX_1M); - Id: 13987 AegisName: Ori_Stone_5_Box Name: Rough Oridecon 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 756,5; - Id: 13988 AegisName: Ori_Stone_50_Box Name: Rough Oridecon 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 756,50; - Id: 13989 AegisName: Acidbomb_10_Box Name: Acid Bomb 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Acidbomb_10_Box); /*getitem 7135,10; getitem 7136,10;*/ - Id: 13990 AegisName: Job_Manual50_Box Name: JOB Battle Manual Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14592,10; - Id: 13991 AegisName: Tiger_Mask_Box Name: Tiger Mask Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5098,1; - Id: 13992 AegisName: Cat_Hat_Box Name: Pussy Cat Bell Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5099,1; - Id: 13993 AegisName: Alice_Doll_Box Name: Alice Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5137,1; - Id: 13994 AegisName: Speed_Up_Potion_Box5 Name: Speed Potion 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12016,5; - Id: 13995 AegisName: Speed_Up_Potion_Box10 Name: Speed Potion 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12016,10; - Id: 13996 AegisName: Big_Bun_Box100 Name: Big Bun 100 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14522,100; - Id: 13997 AegisName: Big_Bun_Box500 Name: Big Bun 500 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14522,500; - Id: 13998 AegisName: Giant_Fly_Wing_Box500 Name: Giant Fly Wing 500 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12212,500; - Id: 13999 AegisName: Pill__Box100 Name: Pill 100 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14523,100; - Id: 14000 AegisName: Pill__Box500 Name: Pill 500 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14523,500; - Id: 14001 AegisName: Basic_Siege_Supply_Box Name: Recruit Siege Supply Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Basic_Siege_Supply_Box); /*getitem 11503,25; getitem 11504,10;*/ - Id: 14002 AegisName: Adv_Siege_Supply_Box Name: Veteran Siege Supply Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Adv_Siege_Supply_Box); /*getitem 11503,50; getitem 11504,20;*/ - Id: 14003 AegisName: Elite_Siege_Supply_Box Name: Elite Siege Supply Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Elite_Siege_Supply_Box); /*getitem 11503,100; getitem 11504,50;*/ - Id: 14004 AegisName: Poison_Bottle_10_Box Name: Poison Bottle 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 678,10; - Id: 14005 AegisName: Poison_Bottle_5_Box Name: Poison Bottle 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 678,5; - Id: 14006 AegisName: F_Drooping_W_Kitty_Box Name: Evolved Drooping Cat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5372,1; - Id: 14007 AegisName: F_Rabbit_Ear_Hat_Box Name: Evolved Rabbits Headband Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5378,1; - Id: 14008 AegisName: F_L_Orc_Hero_Helm_Box Name: Evolved Helmet Of Orc Hero Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5375,1; - Id: 14009 AegisName: F_Love_Angel_Box Name: Love Angel Magic Powder Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_LOVE_ANGEL_BOX); - Id: 14010 AegisName: F_Squirrel_Box Name: Squillroll Magic Powder Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_SQUIRREL_BOX); - Id: 14011 AegisName: F_Gogo_Box Name: Gogo Magic Powder Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_GOGO_BOX); - Id: 14012 AegisName: F_Love_Angel_Box_1m Name: Love Angel Magic Powder Box 30 Days Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_LOVE_ANGEL_BOX_1M); - Id: 14013 AegisName: F_Squirrel_Box_1m Name: Squillroll Magic Powder Box 30 Days Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_SQUIRREL_BOX_1M); - Id: 14014 AegisName: F_Gogo_Box_1m Name: Gogo Magic Powder Box 30 Days Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_GOGO_BOX_1M); - Id: 14015 AegisName: F_Wasteland_Outlaw_Box Name: Western Outlaw Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_WASTELAND_OUTLAW_BOX); - Id: 14016 AegisName: F_Lever_Action_Rifle_Bo Name: Lever Action Rifle Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_LEVER_ACTION_RIFLE_BO); - Id: 14017 AegisName: F_All_In_One_Ring_Box Name: All In One Ring Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_ALL_IN_ONE_RING_BOX); - Id: 14018 AegisName: F_Spritual_Tunic_Box Name: Spiritual Tunic Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_SPRITUAL_TUNIC_BOX); - Id: 14019 AegisName: F_Recuperative_Box Name: Recuvative Armor Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_RECUPERATIVE_BOX); - Id: 14020 AegisName: F_Shelter_Resist_Box Name: Shell Of Resistance Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_SHELTER_RESIST_BOX); - Id: 14021 AegisName: F_Sylphid_Manteau_Box Name: Silf Manteau Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_SYLPHID_MANTEAU_BOX); - Id: 14022 AegisName: F_Refresh_Shoes_Box Name: Refresh Shoes Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_REFRESH_SHOES_BOX); - Id: 14023 AegisName: F_Toast_Box Name: Crunch Toast Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_TOAST_BOX); - Id: 14024 AegisName: F_Robo_Eye_Box Name: Robo Eye Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5325,1; - Id: 14025 AegisName: F_Twin_Ribbon_Box Name: Maiden's Twin Ribbon Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5187,1; - Id: 14026 AegisName: F_Diadem_Box Name: Diadem Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5313,1; - Id: 14027 AegisName: F_Fish_Head_Hat_Box Name: Fish Head Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5380,1; - Id: 14028 AegisName: F_Santa_Poring_Hat_Box Name: SantaPoring Cap Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5381,1; - Id: 14029 AegisName: F_Bell_Ribbon_Box Name: Bell Ribbon Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5382,1; - Id: 14030 AegisName: F_Mimic_Scroll_Box5 Name: Mimic Summoning 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12276,5; - Id: 14031 AegisName: F_Disguise_Scroll_Box5 Name: Disguise Summoning 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12277,5; - Id: 14032 AegisName: F_Alice_Scroll_Box5 Name: Alice Summoning 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12278,5; - Id: 14033 AegisName: F_Mimic_Scroll_Box10 Name: Mimic Summoning 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12276,10; - Id: 14034 AegisName: F_Disguise_Scroll_Box10 Name: Disguise Summoning 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12277,10; - Id: 14035 AegisName: F_Alice_Scroll_Box10 Name: Alice Summoning 10 Box) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12278,10; - Id: 14036 AegisName: F_New_Style_Coupon_Box Name: New Style Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 7622,1; - Id: 14037 AegisName: F_Repair_Scroll_Box Name: Repair Weapon Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_REPAIR_SCROLL_BOX); - Id: 14038 AegisName: F_Repair_Scroll_Box10 Name: Repair Weapon Scroll 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_REPAIR_SCROLL_BOX10); - Id: 14039 AegisName: F_Hockey_Mask_Box Name: Hockey Mask Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_HOCKEY_MASK_BOX); - Id: 14040 AegisName: F_Observer_Box Name: Observer Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_OBSERVER_BOX); - Id: 14041 AegisName: F_WOB_Rune_Box5 Name: Yellow Butterfly Wing 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14582,5; - Id: 14042 AegisName: F_WOB_Rune_Box10 Name: Yellow Butterfly Wing Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14582,10; - Id: 14043 AegisName: F_WOB_Schwaltz_Box5 Name: Green Butterfly Wing 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14583,5; - Id: 14044 AegisName: F_WOB_Schwaltz_Box10 Name: Green Butterfly Wing Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14583,10; - Id: 14045 AegisName: F_WOB_Rachel_Box5 Name: Red Butterfly Wing 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14584,5; - Id: 14046 AegisName: F_WOB_Rachel_Box10 Name: Red Butterfly Wing Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14584,10; - Id: 14047 AegisName: F_WOB_Local_Box5 Name: Blue Butterfly Wing 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14585,5; - Id: 14048 AegisName: F_WOB_Local_Box10 Name: Blue Butterfly Wing Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14585,10; - Id: 14049 AegisName: F_Spark_Candy_Box5 Name: Candy 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14586,5; - Id: 14050 AegisName: F_Spark_Candy_Box10 Name: Candy 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14586,10; - Id: 14051 AegisName: F_Dun_Tel_Scroll2_Box5 Name: Dungeon Teleport Scroll II 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14581,5; - Id: 14052 AegisName: F_Dun_Tel_Scroll2_Box10 Name: Dungeon Teleport Scroll II 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14581,10; - Id: 14053 AegisName: F_Little_Angel_Doll_Box Name: Little Angel Doll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5324,1; - Id: 14054 AegisName: F_Triple_Poring_Hat_Box Name: Poring 3 Hats Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5255,1; - Id: 14055 AegisName: F_Nagan_Box Name: Refined Nagan Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_NAGAN_BOX); - Id: 14056 AegisName: F_Skewer_Box Name: Refined Brocca Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_SKEWER_BOX); - Id: 14057 AegisName: F_Survival_Rod_Box Name: Refined Survivor's Rod Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_SURVIVAL_ROD_BOX); - Id: 14058 AegisName: F_Quadrille_Box Name: Refined Quadrille Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_QUADRILLE_BOX); - Id: 14059 AegisName: F_Great_Axe_Box Name: Refined Great Axe Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_GREAT_AXE_BOX); - Id: 14060 AegisName: F_Bloody_Roar_Box Name: Refined Bloody Roar Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_BLOODY_ROAR_BOX); - Id: 14061 AegisName: F_Hardback_Box Name: Refined Hardcover Book Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_HARDBACK_BOX); - Id: 14062 AegisName: F_Fire_Brand_Box Name: Refined Fireblend Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_FIRE_BRAND_BOX); - Id: 14063 AegisName: F_Immaterial_Sword_Box Name: Refined Immaterial Sword Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_IMMATERIAL_SWORD_BOX); - Id: 14064 AegisName: F_Unholy_Touch_Box Name: Refined Unholy Touch Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_UNHOLY_TOUCH_BOX); - Id: 14065 AegisName: F_Clack_Of_Servival_Box Name: Refined Survivor's Manteau Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_CLACK_OF_SERVIVAL_BOX); - Id: 14066 AegisName: F_Masquerade_Box Name: Refined Masquerade Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_MASQUERADE_BOX); - Id: 14067 AegisName: F_Orc_Hero_Helm_Box Name: Refined Helmet of Orc Hero Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_ORC_HERO_HELM_BOX); - Id: 14068 AegisName: F_Ear_Of_Devil_Wing_Box Name: Refined Wing of Diablo Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_EAR_OF_DEVIL_WING_BOX); - Id: 14069 AegisName: F_Dark_Blindfold_Box Name: Refined Dark Blinder Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_DARK_BLINDFOLD_BOX); - Id: 14070 AegisName: F_K_Drooping_Kitty_Box Name: Refined Drooping Cat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_K_DROOPING_KITTY_BOX); - Id: 14071 AegisName: F_Corsair_Box Name: Refined Corsair Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_CORSAIR_BOX); - Id: 14072 AegisName: F_Bloody_Iron_Ball_Box Name: Refined Bloodied Shackle Ball Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_BLOODY_IRON_BALL_BOX); - Id: 14073 AegisName: F_Spiritual_Ring_Box Name: Refined Spiritual Ring Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_SPIRITUAL_RING_BOX); - Id: 14074 AegisName: F_G_O_I_Box5 Name: Wine Glass of Illusion 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14538,5; - Id: 14075 AegisName: F_G_O_I_Box10 Name: Glass Of Illusion 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14538,10; - Id: 14076 AegisName: F_Shadow_Armor_S_Box5 Name: Scroll of Shadow Armor 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14539,5; - Id: 14077 AegisName: F_Shadow_Armor_S_Box10 Name: Scroll of Shadow Armor 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14539,10; - Id: 14078 AegisName: F_Shadow_Armor_S_Box30 Name: Scroll of Shadow Armor 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14539,30; - Id: 14079 AegisName: F_Holy_Armor_S_Box5 Name: Scroll of Holy Armor 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14540,5; - Id: 14080 AegisName: F_Holy_Armor_S_Box10 Name: Scroll of Holy Armor 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14540,10; - Id: 14081 AegisName: F_Holy_Armor_S_Box30 Name: Scroll of Holy Armor 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14540,30; - Id: 14082 AegisName: FS_Def_Potion_Box10 Name: Small Defense Potion 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14541,10; - Id: 14083 AegisName: FS_Def_Potion_Box30 Name: Small Physical Defense Potion 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14541,30; - Id: 14084 AegisName: FS_Def_Potion_Box50 Name: Small Physical Defense Potion 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14541,50; - Id: 14085 AegisName: FB_Def_Potion_Box10 Name: Big Defense Potion 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14542,10; - Id: 14086 AegisName: FB_Def_Potion_Box30 Name: Large Physical Defense Potion 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14542,30; - Id: 14087 AegisName: FB_Def_Potion_Box50 Name: Large Physical Defense Potion 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14542,50; - Id: 14088 AegisName: FS_Mdef_Potion_Box10 Name: Small Magic Defense Potion 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14543,10; - Id: 14089 AegisName: FS_Mdef_Potion_Box30 Name: Small Magical Defense Potion 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14543,30; - Id: 14090 AegisName: FS_Mdef_Potion_Box50 Name: Small Magical Defense Potion 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14543,50; - Id: 14091 AegisName: FB_Mdef_Potion_Box10 Name: Big Magic Defense Potion 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14544,10; - Id: 14092 AegisName: FB_Mdef_Potion_Box30 Name: Large Magical Defense Potion 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14544,30; - Id: 14093 AegisName: FB_Mdef_Potion_Box50 Name: Large Magical Defense Potion 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14544,50; - Id: 14094 AegisName: F_Flying_Angel_Box Name: Flying Angel Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5210,1; - Id: 14095 AegisName: F_Cat_Hat_Box Name: Neko Mimi Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5099,1; - Id: 14096 AegisName: F_M_F_H_Box Name: Moonlight Flower Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5214,1; - Id: 14097 AegisName: F_Chick_Hat_Box Name: Baby Chick Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5283,1; - Id: 14098 AegisName: F_Pecopeco_Hairband_Box Name: Pecopeco Hairband Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_PECOPECO_HAIRBAND_BOX); - Id: 14099 AegisName: F_Red_Glasses_Box Name: Red Glasses Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_RED_GLASSES_BOX); - Id: 14100 AegisName: F_Whisper_Mask_Box Name: Whisper Mask Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_WHISPER_MASK_BOX); - Id: 14101 AegisName: F_Ramen_Hat_Box Name: Ramen Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_RAMEN_HAT_BOX); - Id: 14102 AegisName: F_Dun_Tele_Scroll1_Box Name: Dungeon Teleport Scroll 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14527,5; - Id: 14103 AegisName: F_Max_Weight_Up_Box Name: Gym Membership Card Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 7776,1; - Id: 14104 AegisName: F_S_Life_Potion_Box Name: Small Life Potion 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14534,10; - Id: 14105 AegisName: F_S_Life_Potion_Box30 Name: Small Life Potion 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14534,30; - Id: 14106 AegisName: F_S_Life_Potion_Box50 Name: Small Life Potion 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14534,50; - Id: 14107 AegisName: F_M_Life_Potion_Box Name: Medium Life Potion 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14535,10; - Id: 14108 AegisName: F_M_Life_Potion_Box30 Name: Large Life Potion 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14535,30; - Id: 14109 AegisName: F_M_Life_Potion_Box50 Name: Large Life Potion 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14535,50; - Id: 14110 AegisName: F_Abrasive_Box5 Name: Abrasive 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14536,5; - Id: 14111 AegisName: F_Abrasive_Box10 Name: Abrasive 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14536,10; - Id: 14112 AegisName: F_Regeneration_Box5 Name: Regeneration Potion 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14537,5; - Id: 14113 AegisName: F_Regeneration_Box10 Name: Regeneration Potion 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14537,10; - Id: 14114 AegisName: F_Dun_Tele_Scroll_Box10 Name: Dungeon Teleport Scroll 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14527,10; - Id: 14115 AegisName: F_Infiltrator_Box Name: Refined Infiltrator Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_INFILTRATOR_BOX); - Id: 14116 AegisName: F_Muramasa_Box Name: Refined Muramasa Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_MURAMASA_BOX); - Id: 14117 AegisName: F_Excalibur_Box Name: Refined Excalibur Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_EXCALIBUR_BOX); - Id: 14118 AegisName: F_Combat_Knife_Box Name: Combat Knife Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_COMBAT_KNIFE_BOX); - Id: 14119 AegisName: F_Counter_Dagger_Box Name: Counter Dagger Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_COUNTER_DAGGER_BOX); - Id: 14120 AegisName: F_Kaiser_Knuckle_Box Name: Refined Kaiser Knuckle Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_KAISER_KNUCKLE_BOX); - Id: 14121 AegisName: F_Mighty_Staff_Box Name: Refined Mighty Staff Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_MIGHTY_STAFF_BOX); - Id: 14122 AegisName: F_Right_Epsilon_Box Name: Light Epsilon Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_RIGHT_EPSILON_BOX); - Id: 14123 AegisName: F_Balistar_Box Name: Refined Ballista Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_BALISTAR_BOX); - Id: 14124 AegisName: F_Diary_Of_Great_Sage Name: Sage's Diary Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_DIARY_OF_GREAT_SAGE); - Id: 14125 AegisName: F_Asura_Box Name: Asura Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_ASURA_BOX); - Id: 14126 AegisName: F_Apple_Of_Archer_Box Name: Apple of Archer Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_APPLE_OF_ARCHER_BOX); - Id: 14127 AegisName: F_Bunny_Band_Box Name: Bunny Band Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_BUNNY_BAND_BOX); - Id: 14128 AegisName: F_Sahkkat_Box Name: Refined Sakkat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_SAHKKAT_BOX); - Id: 14129 AegisName: F_Lord_Circlet_Box Name: Refined Grand Circlet Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_LORD_CIRCLET_BOX); - Id: 14130 AegisName: F_Elven_Ears_Box Name: Elven Ears Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_ELVEN_EARS_BOX); - Id: 14131 AegisName: F_Steel_Flower_Box Name: Steel Flower Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_STEEL_FLOWER_BOX); - Id: 14132 AegisName: F_Critical_Ring_Box Name: Critical Ring Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_CRITICAL_RING_BOX); - Id: 14133 AegisName: F_Earring_Box Name: Earring Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_EARRING_BOX); - Id: 14134 AegisName: F_Ring_Box Name: Ring Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_RING_BOX); - Id: 14135 AegisName: F_Necklace_Box Name: Necklace Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_NECKLACE_BOX); - Id: 14136 AegisName: F_Glove_Box Name: Glove Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_GLOVE_BOX); - Id: 14137 AegisName: F_Brooch_Box Name: Brooch Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_BROOCH_BOX); - Id: 14138 AegisName: F_Rosary_Box Name: Rosary Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_ROSARY_BOX); - Id: 14139 AegisName: F_Safety_Ring_Box Name: Safety Ring Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_SAFETY_RING_BOX); - Id: 14140 AegisName: F_Vesper_Core_Box01 Name: Refined Vesper Core 01 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_VESPER_CORE_BOX01); - Id: 14141 AegisName: F_Vesper_Core_Box02 Name: Refined Vesper Core 02 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_VESPER_CORE_BOX02); - Id: 14142 AegisName: F_Vesper_Core_Box03 Name: Refined Vesper Core 03 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_VESPER_CORE_BOX03); - Id: 14143 AegisName: F_Vesper_Core_Box04 Name: Refined Vesper Core 04 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_VESPER_CORE_BOX04); - Id: 14144 AegisName: F_Vigorgra_Package1 Name: Vigorgra Box1 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_VIGORGRA_PACKAGE1); - Id: 14145 AegisName: F_Vigorgra_Package2 Name: Vigorgra Box2 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_VIGORGRA_PACKAGE2); - Id: 14146 AegisName: F_Vigorgra_Package3 Name: Candy-Gram Lucky Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_VIGORGRA_PACKAGE3); - Id: 14147 AegisName: F_Vigorgra_Package4 Name: Candy-Gram Lucky Crate Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_VIGORGRA_PACKAGE4); - Id: 14148 AegisName: F_Vigorgra_Package5 Name: Vigorgra Box5 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_VIGORGRA_PACKAGE5); - Id: 14149 AegisName: F_Vigorgra_Package6 Name: Vigorgra Box6 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_VIGORGRA_PACKAGE6); - Id: 14150 AegisName: F_Vigorgra_Package7 Name: Vigorgra Box7 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_VIGORGRA_PACKAGE7); - Id: 14151 AegisName: F_Vigorgra_Package8 Name: Vigorgra Box8 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_VIGORGRA_PACKAGE8); - Id: 14152 AegisName: F_Vigorgra_Package9 Name: Start your Journey Pack Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_VIGORGRA_PACKAGE9); - Id: 14153 AegisName: F_Vigorgra_Package10 Name: Siege Mode Pack Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_VIGORGRA_PACKAGE10); - Id: 14154 AegisName: F_Vigorgra_Package11 Name: 1 Hour Survival Pack Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_VIGORGRA_PACKAGE11); - Id: 14155 AegisName: F_Vigorgra_Package12 Name: Weekend Hunting Pack Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_VIGORGRA_PACKAGE12); - Id: 14156 AegisName: F_Battle_Manual_Box Name: Battle Manual Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12208,10; - Id: 14157 AegisName: F_Insurance_Package Name: Insurance Package Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12209,10; - Id: 14158 AegisName: F_Bubble_Gum_Box Name: Bubble Gum Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12210,10; - Id: 14159 AegisName: F_Str_Dish_Box Name: Steamed Tongue Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12202,10; - Id: 14160 AegisName: F_Agi_Dish_Box Name: Steamed Scorpion Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12203,10; - Id: 14161 AegisName: F_Int_Dish_Box Name: Dragon Breath Cocktail Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12204,10; - Id: 14162 AegisName: F_Dex_Dish_Box Name: Hwergelmir's Tonic Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12205,10; - Id: 14163 AegisName: F_Luk_Dish_Box Name: Nine Tail Dish Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12206,10; - Id: 14164 AegisName: F_Vit_Dish_Box Name: Stew Of Immortality Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12207,10; - Id: 14165 AegisName: F_Kafra_Card_Box Name: Kafra Card Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12211,10; - Id: 14166 AegisName: F_Giant_Fly_Wing_Box Name: Giant Fly Wing Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12212,10; - Id: 14167 AegisName: F_Neuralizer_Box Name: Neuralizer Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12213,1; - Id: 14168 AegisName: F_Convex_Mirror_Box Name: Convex Mirror Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12214,10; - Id: 14169 AegisName: F_Blessing_10_Box Name: Blessing 10 Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12215,10; - Id: 14170 AegisName: F_Inc_Agi_10_Scroll_Box Name: Increase AGI 10 scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12216,10; - Id: 14171 AegisName: F_Aspersio_5_Scroll_Box Name: Aspersio 5 Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_ASPERSIO_5_SCROLL_BOX); - Id: 14172 AegisName: F_Assumptio_5_Box Name: Assumptio 5 Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12218,10; - Id: 14173 AegisName: F_Wind_Walk_10_Box Name: Wind Walk 10 Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12219,10; - Id: 14174 AegisName: F_Adrenaline_Scroll_Box Name: Adrenaline 5 Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12220,10; - Id: 14175 AegisName: F_Megaphone_Box Name: Megaphone 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12221,10; - Id: 14176 AegisName: F_Enriched_Elunium_Box Name: Enriched Elunium Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 7619,10; - Id: 14177 AegisName: F_Enriched_Oridecon_Box Name: Enriched Oridecon Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 7620,10; - Id: 14178 AegisName: F_Siegfried_Box Name: Token of Siegfried Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 7621,10; - Id: 14179 AegisName: F_Giant_Fly_Wing_Box50 Name: Giant Fly Wing 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12212,50; - Id: 14180 AegisName: F_Giant_Fly_Wing_Box100 Name: Giant Fly Wing 100 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12212,100; - Id: 14181 AegisName: F_Dex_Dish_Box30 Name: Hwergelmir's Tonic 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12205,30; - Id: 14182 AegisName: F_Dex_Dish_Box50 Name: Hwergelmir's Tonic 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12205,50; - Id: 14183 AegisName: F_Luk_Dish_Box30 Name: Nine Tail Dish 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12206,30; - Id: 14184 AegisName: F_Luk_Dish_Box50 Name: Nine Tail Dish 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12206,50; - Id: 14185 AegisName: F_Inc_Agi_10_Box30 Name: Increase Agility Scroll 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12216,30; - Id: 14186 AegisName: F_Inc_Agi_10_Box50 Name: Increase Agility Scroll 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12216,50; - Id: 14187 AegisName: F_Vit_Dish_Box30 Name: Stew of Immortality 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12207,30; - Id: 14188 AegisName: F_Vit_Dish_Box50 Name: Stew of Immortality 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12207,50; - Id: 14189 AegisName: F_Insurance_Package30 Name: Life Insurrance 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12209,30; - Id: 14190 AegisName: F_Insurance_Package50 Name: Life Insurrance 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12209,50; - Id: 14191 AegisName: F_Convex_Mirror_Box5 Name: Convex Mirror 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12214,5; - Id: 14192 AegisName: F_Convex_Mirror_Box30 Name: Convex Mirror 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12214,30; - Id: 14193 AegisName: F_Blessing10_Box30 Name: Blessing Scroll 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12215,30; - Id: 14194 AegisName: F_Blessing10_Box50 Name: Lv10 Blessing Scroll Box 50 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12215,50; - Id: 14195 AegisName: F_Adrenaline10_Box30 Name: Adrenaline Rush Scroll 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12220,30; - Id: 14196 AegisName: F_Adrenaline10_Box50 Name: Adrenaline Rush Scroll 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12220,50; - Id: 14197 AegisName: F_Assumptio_5_Box30 Name: Assumptio Scroll 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12218,30; - Id: 14198 AegisName: F_Assumptio_5_Box50 Name: Lv5 Assumptio Scroll Box 50 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12218,50; - Id: 14199 AegisName: F_Aspersio_5_Box30 Name: Aspersio Scroll 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_ASPERSIO_5_BOX30); - Id: 14200 AegisName: F_Aspersio_5_Box50 Name: Aspersio Scroll 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_ASPERSIO_5_BOX50); - Id: 14201 AegisName: F_Agi_Dish_Box30 Name: Steamed Scorpion 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12203,30; - Id: 14202 AegisName: F_Agi_Dish_Box50 Name: Steamed Scorpion 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12203,50; - Id: 14203 AegisName: F_Wind_Walk10_Box30 Name: Wind Walk Scroll 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12219,30; - Id: 14204 AegisName: F_Wind_Walk10_Box50 Name: Wind Walk Scroll 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12219,50; - Id: 14205 AegisName: F_Int_Dish_Box30 Name: Dragon Breath Cocktail 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12204,30; - Id: 14206 AegisName: F_Int_Dish_Box50 Name: Dragon Breath Cocktail 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12204,50; - Id: 14207 AegisName: F_Battle_Manual_Box1 Name: Field Manual Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12208,1; - Id: 14208 AegisName: F_Battle_Manual_Box5 Name: Battle Manual 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12208,5; - Id: 14209 AegisName: F_Siegfried_Box5 Name: Token of Siegfried 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 7621,5; - Id: 14210 AegisName: F_Siegfried_Box20 Name: Token of Siegfried 20 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 7621,20; - Id: 14211 AegisName: F_Kafra_Card_Box30 Name: Kafra Card 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12211,30; - Id: 14212 AegisName: F_Kafra_Card_Box50 Name: Kafra Card 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12211,50; - Id: 14213 AegisName: F_Str_Dish_Box30 Name: Steamed Tongue 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12202,30; - Id: 14214 AegisName: F_Str_Dish_Box50 Name: Steamed Tongue 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12202,50; - Id: 14215 AegisName: F_Bubble_Gum_Box1 Name: Bubble Gum Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12210,1; - Id: 14216 AegisName: F_Bubble_Gum_Box5 Name: Bubble Gum 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12210,5; - Id: 14217 AegisName: F_Megaphone_Box1 Name: Megaphone Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12221,1; - Id: 14218 AegisName: F_Megaphone_Box5 Name: Megaphone 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12221,5; - Id: 14219 AegisName: F_Enriched_Elunium_Box5 Name: Enriched Elunium 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 7619,5; - Id: 14220 AegisName: FEnriched_Oridecon_Box5 Name: Enriched Oridecon 5 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 7620,5; - Id: 14221 AegisName: MP_Scroll_Box Name: Mystical Amplification Scroll 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14593,10; - Id: 14222 AegisName: MP_Scroll_Box30 Name: Mystical Amplification Scroll 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14593,30; - Id: 14223 AegisName: MP_Scroll_Box50 Name: Mystical Amplification Scroll 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14593,50; - Id: 14224 AegisName: Quagmire_Scroll_Box Name: Quagmire Scroll 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14594,10; - Id: 14225 AegisName: Quagmire_Scroll_Box30 Name: Quagmire Scroll 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14594,30; - Id: 14226 AegisName: Quagmire_Scroll_Box50 Name: Quagmire Scroll 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14594,50; - Id: 14227 AegisName: Healing_Staff_Box Name: Healing Staff Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_HEALING_STAFF_BOX); - Id: 14228 AegisName: Praxinus_Box Name: Praccsinos Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_PRAXINUS_BOX); - Id: 14229 AegisName: Sakura Name: Cherry Blossom Scroll Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Sakura_Scroll); - Id: 14230 AegisName: Headset_OST_Box Name: Note Headphones Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5151,1; - Id: 14231 AegisName: Novice_Set_Box Name: Novice Breastplate Boxes Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_NOVICE_SET_BOX); - Id: 14232 AegisName: Yggdrasilberry_Box_ Name: Yggdrasil Berry 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 607,10; - Id: 14233 AegisName: Dead_Tree_Branch_Box1 Name: Dead Branch 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 604,10; - Id: 14234 AegisName: Dead_Tree_Branch_Box2 Name: Dead Branch 25 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 604,25; - Id: 14235 AegisName: Battle_Manual50_Box Name: Field Manual 2 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12208,2; - Id: 14236 AegisName: Str_Dish20_Box Name: Steamed Tongue 20 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12202,20; - Id: 14237 AegisName: Agi_Dish20_Box Name: Steamed Desert Scorpions Box (20) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12203,20; - Id: 14238 AegisName: Vit_Dish20_Box Name: Immortal Stew 20 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12207,20; - Id: 14239 AegisName: Int_Dish20_Box Name: Dragon Breath Cocktail 20 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12204,20; - Id: 14240 AegisName: Dex_Dish20_Box Name: Hwergelmir's Tonic 20 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12205,20; - Id: 14241 AegisName: Luk_Dish20_Box Name: Nine Tail Dish 20 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12206,20; - Id: 14242 AegisName: Beholder_Ring_Box Name: Beholder Ring Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Beholder_Ring_Box); /*rentitem 2753,604800;*/ - Id: 14243 AegisName: Hallow_Ring_Box Name: Hallow Ring Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Hallow_Ring_Box); /*rentitem 2754,604800;*/ - Id: 14244 AegisName: Clamorous_Ring_Box Name: Clamorous Ring Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Clamorous_Ring_Box); /*rentitem 2755,604800;*/ - Id: 14245 AegisName: Chemical_Ring_Box Name: Chemical Ring Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Chemical_Ring_Box); /*rentitem 2756,604800;*/ - Id: 14246 AegisName: Insecticide_Ring_Box Name: Insecticide Ring Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Insecticide_Ring_Box); /*rentitem 2757,604800;*/ - Id: 14247 AegisName: Fisher_Ring_Box Name: Fisher Ring Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Fisher_Ring_Box); /*rentitem 2758,604800;*/ - Id: 14248 AegisName: Decussate_Ring_Box Name: Decussate Ring Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Decussate_Ring_Box); /*rentitem 2759,604800;*/ - Id: 14249 AegisName: Bloody_Ring_Box Name: Bloody Ring Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Bloody_Ring_Box); /*rentitem 2760,604800;*/ - Id: 14250 AegisName: Satanic_Ring_Box Name: Satanic Ring Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Satanic_Ring_Box); /*rentitem 2761,604800;*/ - Id: 14251 AegisName: Dragoon_Ring_Box Name: Dragon Ring Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Dragoon_Ring_Box); /*rentitem 2762,604800;*/ - Id: 14252 AegisName: Beholder_Ring_Box2 Name: Neutral Ring Box2 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BEHOLDER_RING_BOX2); - Id: 14253 AegisName: Hallow_Ring_Box2 Name: Hallow Ring Box2 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_HALLOW_RING_BOX2); - Id: 14254 AegisName: Clamorous_Ring_Box2 Name: Clamorous Ring Box2 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CLAMOROUS_RING_BOX2); - Id: 14255 AegisName: Chemical_Ring_Box2 Name: Chemical Ring Box2 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CHEMICAL_RING_BOX2); - Id: 14256 AegisName: Insecticide_Ring_Box2 Name: Insecticide Ring Box2 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_INSECTICIDE_RING_BOX2); - Id: 14257 AegisName: Fisher_Ring_Box2 Name: Fisher Ring Box2 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_FISHER_RING_BOX2); - Id: 14258 AegisName: Decussate_Ring_Box2 Name: Decussate Ring Box2 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_DECUSSATE_RING_BOX2); - Id: 14259 AegisName: Bloody_Ring_Box2 Name: Bloody Ring Box2 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BLOODY_RING_BOX2); - Id: 14260 AegisName: Satanic_Ring_Box2 Name: Satanic Ring Box2 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SATANIC_RING_BOX2); - Id: 14261 AegisName: Dragoon_Ring_Box2 Name: Dragon Ring Box2 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_DRAGOON_RING_BOX2); - Id: 14262 AegisName: FPicture_Diary_Box Name: Diary Magic Powder Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_FPICTURE_DIARY_BOX); - Id: 14263 AegisName: FMini_Heart_Box Name: Mini Heart Magic Powder Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_FMINI_HEART_BOX); - Id: 14264 AegisName: FNewcomer_Box Name: Freshman Magic Powder Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_FNEWCOMER_BOX); - Id: 14265 AegisName: FKid_Box Name: Kid Magic Powder Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_FKID_BOX); - Id: 14266 AegisName: FMagic_Castle_Box Name: Magic Magic Powder Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_FMAGIC_CASTLE_BOX); - Id: 14267 AegisName: FBulging_Head_Box Name: JJangu Magic Powder Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_FBULGING_HEAD_BOX); - Id: 14268 AegisName: FPicture_Diary_Box_1m Name: Diary Magic Powder Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_FPICTURE_DIARY_BOX_1M); - Id: 14269 AegisName: FMini_Heart_Box_1m Name: Mini Heart Magic Powder Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_FMINI_HEART_BOX_1M); - Id: 14270 AegisName: FNewcomer_Box_1m Name: Freshman Magic Powder Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_FNEWCOMER_BOX_1M); - Id: 14271 AegisName: FKid_Box_1m Name: Kid Magic Powder Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_FKID_BOX_1M); - Id: 14272 AegisName: FMagic_Castle_Box_1m Name: Magic Magic Powder Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_FMAGIC_CASTLE_BOX_1M); - Id: 14273 AegisName: FBulging_Head_Box_1m Name: JJangu Magic Powder Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_FBULGING_HEAD_BOX_1M); - Id: 14274 AegisName: FMP_Scroll_Box Name: Mystical Amplification Scroll 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14593,10; - Id: 14275 AegisName: FMP_Scroll_Box30 Name: Mystical Amplification Scroll 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14593,30; - Id: 14276 AegisName: FMP_Scroll_Box50 Name: Mystical Amplification Scroll 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14593,50; - Id: 14277 AegisName: FQuagmire_Scroll_Box Name: Quagmire Scroll 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14594,10; - Id: 14278 AegisName: FQuagmire_Scroll_Box30 Name: Quagmire Scroll 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14594,30; - Id: 14279 AegisName: FQuagmire_Scroll_Box50 Name: Quagmire Scroll 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14594,50; - Id: 14280 AegisName: FHealing_Staff_Box Name: Healing Staff Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_FHEALING_STAFF_BOX); - Id: 14281 AegisName: FPraxinus_Box Name: Fraxinus Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_FPRAXINUS_BOX); - Id: 14282 AegisName: Empelium_Box Name: Emperium Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 714,1; - Id: 14283 AegisName: Marriage_Covenant_Box Name: Written Oath Of Marriage Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6026,1; - Id: 14284 AegisName: Muffler_C_Box Name: Neo Muffler Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 EquipLevelMin: 95 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_MUFFLER_C_BOX); - Id: 14285 AegisName: Valkyrja's_Shield_C_Box Name: Neo Valkyrja's Shield Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 EquipLevelMin: 95 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_VALKYRJA_S_SHIELD_C_BOX); - Id: 14286 AegisName: Skul_Ring_C_Box Name: Neo Skull Ring Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 EquipLevelMin: 95 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SKUL_RING_C_BOX); - Id: 14287 AegisName: S_Barricade_Repair_Kit Name: Barricade Repair Kit Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_BARRICADE_REPAIR_KIT); - Id: 14288 AegisName: S_Gstone_Repair_Kit Name: Guardian Stone Repair Kit Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_GSTONE_REPAIR_KIT); - Id: 14289 AegisName: Cloth_Dye_Coupon_Box Name: New Clothing Dye Coupon Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6046,1; - Id: 14290 AegisName: Cloth_Dye_Coupon2_Box Name: Original Clothing Dye Coupon Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6047,1; - Id: 14291 AegisName: FCloth_Dye_Coupon_Box Name: Clothing Dye Coupon Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6046,1; - Id: 14292 AegisName: FCloth_Dye_Coupon_Box2 Name: Clothing Dye Coupon Box II Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6047,1; - Id: 14293 AegisName: Mercenary_Contract_Box Name: Mercenary Contract Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6050,1; - Id: 14294 AegisName: Mercenary_Contract_5Box Name: Mercenary Contract Box 5ea Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6050,5; - Id: 14295 AegisName: Mercenary_Con_10Box Name: Mercenary Contract Box 10ea Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6050,10; - Id: 14296 AegisName: Angel_Scroll Name: Angel Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Angel_Scroll); - Id: 14297 AegisName: Devil_Scroll Name: Devil Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Devil_Scroll); - Id: 14298 AegisName: Surprise_Scroll Name: Surprise Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Surprise_Scroll); - Id: 14299 AegisName: Evolved_Leaf_Box Name: Leaves of Grass Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5419,1; /* Leaves Of Grass */ - Id: 14300 AegisName: Mask_Of_Ifrit_Box Name: Mask Of Ifrit Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5420,1; - Id: 14301 AegisName: Ifrit's_Ear_Box Name: Ears Of Ifrit Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5421,1; - Id: 14302 AegisName: Filr_Hat_Box Name: Filir Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5405,1; /* Filir Hat */ - Id: 14303 AegisName: Angel_Spirit_Box Name: Angel Spirit Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5389,1; /* Angel Spirit */ - Id: 14304 AegisName: Scuba_Mask_Box Name: Scuba Mask Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5397,1; - Id: 14305 AegisName: Neko_Mimi_Kafra_Box Name: Neko Mimi Kafra Band Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5387,1; /* Neko Mimi Kafra */ - Id: 14306 AegisName: RWC_Special_Scroll Name: RWC Special Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_RWC_Special_Scroll); - Id: 14307 AegisName: RWC_Limited_Scroll Name: RWC Limited Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_RWC_Limited_Scroll); - Id: 14308 AegisName: Ardor_Scroll Name: Ardor Scroll Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ARDOR_SCROLL); - Id: 14309 AegisName: Gang_Scarf_Box Name: Gangster Scarf Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5361,1; /* Gangster Scarf */ - Id: 14310 AegisName: Ninja_Scroll_Box Name: Ninja's Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5362,1; /* Ninja Scroll */ - Id: 14311 AegisName: FAngel_Spirit_Box Name: Angel Spirit Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5389,1; /* Angel Spirit */ - Id: 14312 AegisName: FGang_Scarf_Box Name: Gangster Scarf Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5361,1; /* Gangster Scarf */ - Id: 14313 AegisName: FNinja_Scroll_Box Name: Ninja's Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5362,1; /* Ninja Scroll */ - Id: 14314 AegisName: PhreeoniS_Box Name: Phreeoni Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14597,10; - Id: 14315 AegisName: GhostringS_Box Name: Ghostring Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14598,10; - Id: 14316 AegisName: July7_Scroll Name: July7 Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_July7_Scroll); - Id: 14317 AegisName: Bacsojin_Scroll Name: Bacsojin Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Bacsojin_Scroll); - Id: 14318 AegisName: Radio_Antenna_Box Name: Antenna Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5333,1; /* Radio Antenna */ - Id: 14319 AegisName: Tiraya_Bonnet_Box Name: Tiraya Bonnet Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5395,1; /* Striped Hat */ - Id: 14320 AegisName: Balloon_Hat_Box Name: Balloon Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5379,1; /* Tam */ - Id: 14321 AegisName: Holy_Saber_Box Name: Holy Sabre Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_HOLY_SABER_BOX); - Id: 14322 AegisName: Book_Of_Prayer_Box Name: Book of Prayer Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BOOK_OF_PRAYER_BOX); - Id: 14323 AegisName: Phenomena_Whip_Box Name: Phenomena Whip Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_PHENOMENA_WHIP_BOX); - Id: 14324 AegisName: Staff_Of_Darkness_Box Name: Staff of Darkness Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_STAFF_OF_DARKNESS_BOX); - Id: 14325 AegisName: Monk_Knuckle_Box Name: Monk Knuckle Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_MONK_KNUCKLE_BOX); - Id: 14326 AegisName: Mace_Of_Madness_Box Name: Mace of Madness Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_MACE_OF_MADNESS_BOX); - Id: 14327 AegisName: Spear_Of_Excellent_Box Name: Spear of Excellent Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SPEAR_OF_EXCELLENT_BOX); - Id: 14328 AegisName: Bow_Of_Evil_Box Name: Bow of Evil Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BOW_OF_EVIL_BOX); - Id: 14329 AegisName: Katar_Of_Speed_Box Name: Katar of Speed Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_KATAR_OF_SPEED_BOX); - Id: 14330 AegisName: SS_Revolver_Box Name: Sharpshooter Revolver Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SS_REVOLVER_BOX); - Id: 14331 AegisName: Guildsman_Recruiter_Box Name: Guild Member Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 EquipLevelMin: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_GUILDSMAN_RECRUITER_BOX); - Id: 14332 AegisName: Party_Recruiter_Hat_Box Name: Party Member Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 EquipLevelMin: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_PARTY_RECRUITER_HAT_BOX); - Id: 14333 AegisName: Bf_Recruiter_Hat_Box Name: Boyfriend Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 EquipLevelMin: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BF_RECRUITER_HAT_BOX); - Id: 14334 AegisName: Friend_Recr_Hat_Box Name: Friend Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 EquipLevelMin: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_FRIEND_RECR_HAT_BOX); - Id: 14335 AegisName: Gf_Recruiter_Hat_Box Name: Girlfriend Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 EquipLevelMin: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_GF_RECRUITER_HAT_BOX); - Id: 14336 AegisName: Marcher_Hat_Box Name: Holy Marcher Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 EquipLevelMin: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_MARCHER_HAT_BOX); - Id: 14337 AegisName: F_Guildsman_Recr_Box Name: Guild Member Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 EquipLevelMin: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_GUILDSMAN_RECR_BOX); - Id: 14338 AegisName: F_Party_Recr_Hat_Box Name: Party Member Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 EquipLevelMin: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_PARTY_RECR_HAT_BOX); - Id: 14339 AegisName: FBf_Recruiter_Hat_Box Name: Boyfriend Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 EquipLevelMin: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_FBF_RECRUITER_HAT_BOX); - Id: 14340 AegisName: F_Friend_Recr_Hat_Box Name: Friend Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 EquipLevelMin: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_FRIEND_RECR_HAT_BOX); - Id: 14341 AegisName: FGf_Recruiter_Hat_Box Name: Girlfriend Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 EquipLevelMin: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_FGF_RECRUITER_HAT_BOX); - Id: 14342 AegisName: FMarcher_Hat_Box Name: Holy Marcher Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 14343 AegisName: Spiked_Scarf_Box Name: Spiked Scarf Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SPIKED_SCARF_BOX); - Id: 14344 AegisName: Rainbow_Scarf_Box Name: Rainbow Scarf Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_RAINBOW_SCARF_BOX); - Id: 14345 AegisName: Animal_Scroll Name: Animal Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Animal_Scroll); - Id: 14346 AegisName: Bro_Flag_Box Name: Brazilian Flag Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5477,1; /* Brazilian Flag Hat */ - Id: 14347 AegisName: Greed_Scroll_C20Box Name: Greed Scroll Box(20) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14529,20; /* Greed Scroll */ - Id: 14348 AegisName: Greed_Scroll_C50Box Name: Greed Scroll Box(50) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14529,50; /* Greed Scroll */ - Id: 14349 AegisName: Mental_Potion20_Box Name: Mental Potion 20 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14600,20; - Id: 14350 AegisName: Mental_Potion50_Box Name: Mental Potion 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14600,50; - Id: 14351 AegisName: Tyr_Blessing_Box20 Name: Tyr's Blessing 20 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14601,20; - Id: 14352 AegisName: Tyr_Blessing_Box50 Name: Tyr's Blessing 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14601,50; - Id: 14353 AegisName: F_Greed_Scroll_C20Box Name: Greed Scroll Box(20) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14529,20; /* Greed Scroll */ - Id: 14354 AegisName: F_Greed_Scroll_C50Box Name: Greed Scroll Box(50) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14529,50; /* Greed Scroll */ - Id: 14355 AegisName: F_Mental_Potion20_Box Name: Mental Potion Box(20) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14600,20; /* Mental Potion */ - Id: 14356 AegisName: F_Mental_Potion50_Box Name: Mental Potion Box(50) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14600,50; /* Mental Potion */ - Id: 14357 AegisName: F_Tyr_Blessing_Box20 Name: Tyr's Blessing Box(20) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14601,20; /* Tyr's Blessing */ - Id: 14358 AegisName: F_Tyr_Blessing_Box50 Name: Tyr's Blessing Box(50) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14601,50; /* Tyr's Blessing */ - Id: 14359 AegisName: TaogunkaS_Box Name: Tao Gunka Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14602,10; /* Tao Gunka Scroll */ - Id: 14360 AegisName: MistressS_Box Name: Mistress Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14603,10; /* Mistress Scroll */ - Id: 14361 AegisName: Orc_HeroS_Box Name: Orc HeroS Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14604,10; - Id: 14362 AegisName: Orc_LoadS_Box Name: Orc LoadS Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14605,10; - Id: 14363 AegisName: Heart_Scroll Name: Heart Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Heart_Scroll); - Id: 14364 AegisName: Job_Manual25_Box1 Name: JOB Battle Manual Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14592,1; /* JOB Battle Manual */ - Id: 14365 AegisName: Job_Manual25_Box5 Name: JOB Battle Manual Box(5) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14592,5; /* JOB Battle Manual */ - Id: 14366 AegisName: Job_Manual25_Box10 Name: JOB Battle Manual Box(10) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14592,10; /* JOB Battle Manual */ - Id: 14367 AegisName: F_Job_Manual25_Box1 Name: JOB Battle Manual Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14592,1; /* JOB Battle Manual */ - Id: 14368 AegisName: F_Job_Manual25_Box5 Name: JOB Battle Manual Box(5) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14592,5; /* JOB Battle Manual */ - Id: 14369 AegisName: F_Job_Manual25_Box10 Name: JOB Battle Manual Box(10) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14592,10; /* JOB Battle Manual */ - Id: 14370 AegisName: Goddess_Bless_Box Name: Goddess of Blessing Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12315,1; /* Goddess Of Blessing */ - Id: 14371 AegisName: Angel_Bless_Box Name: Angel of Blessing Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 5207,1; /* Angel Blessing */ - Id: 14372 AegisName: Powder_Snow_Box Name: Powder Snow Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 12317,1; - Id: 14373 AegisName: Little_Heart_Box Name: Small Hearts Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12318,1; /* Small Hearts */ - Id: 14374 AegisName: J_Firecracker_Box Name: Extravagant Firework Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12326,1; /* Large Firecracker */ - Id: 14375 AegisName: Holy_Celestial_Axe_Box Name: Celestial Axe Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 1383,1; - Id: 14376 AegisName: Angeling_Pot_Box Name: Angeling Potion Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 12350,1; - Id: 14377 AegisName: Shout_Megaphone_Box Name: Scream Megaphone Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 12351,1; - Id: 14378 AegisName: Dun_Tele_Scroll3_Box_fr Name: Dungeon Teleport Scroll 3 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12352,1; /* Dungeon Teleport Scroll 3 */ - Id: 14379 AegisName: Love_Daddy_Box Name: Love Daddy Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 5489,1; - Id: 14380 AegisName: Anubis_Helm_Box Name: Anubis Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 5490,1; - Id: 14381 AegisName: Piercing_Box_M Name: Piercing Box M Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 1644,1; - Id: 14382 AegisName: Lich_Bone_Box_M Name: Lich Bone Box M Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 1645,1; - Id: 14383 AegisName: Long_Horn_Box_M Name: Long Horn Box M Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 1428,1; - Id: 14384 AegisName: Hunting_Spear_Box_M Name: Hunting Spear Box M Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 1429,1; - Id: 14385 AegisName: Death_Note_Box_M Name: Death Note Box M Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 1579,1; - Id: 14386 AegisName: Destruction_Box_M Name: Destruction Box M Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 2003,1; - Id: 14387 AegisName: Rider_Insignia_Box_M Name: Rider Insignia Box M Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 2551,1; - Id: 14388 AegisName: Mithril_Cape_Box_M Name: Mithril Cape Box M Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 2552,1; - Id: 14389 AegisName: Sniping_Box_M Name: Sniping Box M Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 2398,1; - Id: 14390 AegisName: Orleans_Box_M Name: Orleans Box M Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 2785,1; - Id: 14391 AegisName: Spiritual_Box_M Name: Spiritual Box M Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 2786,1; - Id: 14392 AegisName: Variant_Box_M Name: Variant Box M Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 2449,1; - Id: 14393 AegisName: Almighty_Charm_Box Name: Universal Amulet Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 7945,1; - Id: 14394 AegisName: Santa_Hat_1_Box Name: Cute Santa Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5384,1; /* Twin Pompom By JB */ - Id: 14395 AegisName: J_Captain_Hat_Box Name: Master's Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5359,1; /* Ship Captain Hat */ - Id: 14396 AegisName: Coke_Hat_Box Name: Red Minstrel Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5435,1; /* Red Minstrel Hat */ - Id: 14397 AegisName: Bonus_Box01 Name: Bonus Box 01 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BONUS_BOX01); - Id: 14398 AegisName: Bonus_Box02 Name: Bonus Box 02 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BONUS_BOX02); - Id: 14399 AegisName: Bonus_Box03 Name: Bonus Box 03 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BONUS_BOX03); - Id: 14400 AegisName: Bonus_Box04 Name: Bonus Box 04 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BONUS_BOX04); - Id: 14401 AegisName: Bonus_Box05 Name: Bonus Box 05 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BONUS_BOX05); - Id: 14402 AegisName: Bonus_Box06 Name: Bonus Box 06 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BONUS_BOX06); - Id: 14403 AegisName: Bonus_Box07 Name: Bonus Box 07 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BONUS_BOX07); - Id: 14404 AegisName: Bonus_Box08 Name: Bonus Box 08 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BONUS_BOX08); - Id: 14405 AegisName: Bonus_Box09 Name: Bonus Box 09 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BONUS_BOX09); - Id: 14406 AegisName: Bonus_Box10 Name: Bonus Box 10 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BONUS_BOX10); - Id: 14407 AegisName: Xmas_Scroll Name: Xmas Scroll Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_XMAS_SCROLL); - Id: 14408 AegisName: New_Year_Scroll Name: New Year Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_New_Year_Scroll); - Id: 14409 AegisName: F_Santa_Hat_1_Box Name: Twin Pompom By JB Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5384,1; /* Twin Pompom By JB */ - Id: 14410 AegisName: F_Captain_Hat_Box Name: Ship Captain Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5359,1; /* Ship Captain Hat */ - Id: 14411 AegisName: F_Coke_Hat_Box Name: Red Minstrel Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5435,1; /* Red Minstrel Hat */ - Id: 14412 AegisName: F_Bonus_Box01 Name: Bonus Box 01 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_BONUS_BOX01); - Id: 14413 AegisName: F_Bonus_Box02 Name: Bonus Box 02 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_BONUS_BOX02); - Id: 14414 AegisName: F_Bonus_Box03 Name: Bonus Box 03 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_BONUS_BOX03); - Id: 14415 AegisName: F_Bonus_Box04 Name: Bonus Box 04 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_BONUS_BOX04); - Id: 14416 AegisName: F_Bonus_Box05 Name: Bonus Box 05 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_BONUS_BOX05); - Id: 14417 AegisName: F_Bonus_Box06 Name: Bonus Box 06 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_BONUS_BOX06); - Id: 14418 AegisName: F_Bonus_Box07 Name: Bonus Box 07 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_BONUS_BOX07); - Id: 14419 AegisName: F_Bonus_Box08 Name: Bonus Box 08 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_BONUS_BOX08); - Id: 14420 AegisName: F_Bonus_Box09 Name: Bonus Box 09 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_BONUS_BOX09); - Id: 14421 AegisName: F_Bonus_Box10 Name: Bonus Box 10 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_BONUS_BOX10); - Id: 14422 AegisName: Shaman's_Old_Paper_Box Name: Shaman's Document Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6070,1; /* Shaman's Document */ - Id: 14423 AegisName: Broken_Sword_Box Name: Broken Sword Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 14424 AegisName: Wing_Of_Bizofnil_Box Name: Bijofnil Feather Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6072,1; /* Bijofnil Feather */ - Id: 14426 AegisName: Fortune_Sword_Box_I Name: Fortune Sword Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_FORTUNE_SWORD_BOX_I); - Id: 14427 AegisName: House_Auger_Box_I Name: Ice Pick Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_HOUSE_AUGER_BOX_I); - Id: 14428 AegisName: Kamaitachi_Box_I Name: Kamaitachi Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_KAMAITACHI_BOX_I); - Id: 14429 AegisName: Berserk_Guitar_Box_I Name: Spirited Guitar Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BERSERK_GUITAR_BOX_I); - Id: 14430 AegisName: Doom_Slayer_Box_I Name: Doom Slayer Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_DOOM_SLAYER_BOX_I); - Id: 14431 AegisName: Huuma_Blaze_Box_I Name: Huuma Blaze Shuriken Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_HUUMA_BLAZE_BOX_I); - Id: 14432 AegisName: Odin's_Blessing_Box_I Name: Odin's Blessing Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ODIN_S_BLESSING_BOX_I); - Id: 14433 AegisName: Ring_Of_F_Lord_Box_I Name: Ring of Flame Lord Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_RING_OF_F_LORD_BOX_I); - Id: 14434 AegisName: Ring_Of_Reson_Box_I Name: Ring of Resonance Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_RING_OF_RESON_BOX_I); - Id: 14435 AegisName: Boy's_Cap_Box_I Name: Student Cap Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BOY_S_CAP_BOX_I); - Id: 14436 AegisName: Ulle_Cap_Box_I Name: Ulle's Cap Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ULLE_CAP_BOX_I); - Id: 14437 AegisName: Spinx_Helm_Box_I Name: Sphinx Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SPINX_HELM_BOX_I); - Id: 14438 AegisName: Honglyun's_Sword_Box Name: Honglyun's Sword Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 13420,1; - Id: 14439 AegisName: Power_Of_Thor_Box Name: Power Of Thor Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_POWER_OF_THOR_BOX); - Id: 14440 AegisName: Dice_Hat_Box Name: Dice Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5496,1; - Id: 14441 AegisName: King_Tiger_Doll_Hat_Box Name: King Tiger Doll Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5497,1; - Id: 14442 AegisName: Wondering_Wolf_Helm_Box Name: Wondering Wolf Helm Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5498,1; - Id: 14443 AegisName: Pizza_Hat_Box Name: Pizza Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5499,1; - Id: 14444 AegisName: Icecream_Hat_Box Name: Icecream Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5500,1; - Id: 14447 AegisName: Pirate's_Pride_Box Name: Pirate's Pride Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5501,1; - Id: 14448 AegisName: Necromencer's_Hood_Box Name: Necromancer's Hood Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5502,1; - Id: 14449 AegisName: Fugin_Egg01 Name: Huginn's First Egg Type: Cash Buy: 10 Weight: 2000 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_FUGIN_EGG01); - Id: 14450 AegisName: Fugin_Egg02 Name: Huginn's Second Egg Type: Cash Buy: 10 Weight: 2000 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_FUGIN_EGG02); - Id: 14451 AegisName: Fugin_Egg03 Name: Huginn's Third Egg Type: Cash Buy: 10 # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 14452 AegisName: Fugin_Egg04 Name: Huginn's Fourth Egg Type: Cash Buy: 10 # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 14453 AegisName: Fugin_Egg05 Name: Huginn's Fifth Egg Type: Cash Buy: 10 # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 14454 AegisName: Fugin_Egg06 Name: Huginn's Sixth Egg Type: Cash Buy: 10 # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 14455 AegisName: Munin_Egg01 Name: Munin's First Egg Type: Cash Buy: 10 # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 14456 AegisName: Munin_Egg02 Name: Munin's Second Egg Type: Cash Buy: 10 # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 14457 AegisName: Munin_Egg03 Name: Munin's Third Egg Type: Cash Buy: 10 # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 14458 AegisName: Munin_Egg04 Name: Munin's Fourth Egg Type: Cash Buy: 10 # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 14459 AegisName: Rabbit_Magic_Hat_Box Name: Magic Rabbit Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5503,1; - Id: 14460 AegisName: China_Wedding_Veil_Box Name: RO 5th Wedding Anniversary Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5504,1; - Id: 14461 AegisName: Asara_Fairy_Hat_Box Name: Ashura Fairy Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5505,1; - Id: 14462 AegisName: Darkness_Helm_Box2 Name: Dark Randgris Helm Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5373,1; /* Dark Randgris Helm */ - Id: 14463 AegisName: New_Cowboy_Hat_Box Name: Purple Cowboy Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5409,1; /* Purple Cowboy Hat */ - Id: 14464 AegisName: F_Darkness_Helm_Box2 Name: Dark Randgris Helm Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5373,1; /* Dark Randgris Helm */ - Id: 14465 AegisName: F_New_Cowboy_Hat_Box Name: Purple Cowboy Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5409,1; /* Purple Cowboy Hat */ - Id: 14466 AegisName: Valentine_Pledge_Box Name: Valentine's Emblem Box Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_VALENTINE_PLEDGE_BOX); - Id: 14467 AegisName: Carnival_Hat_Box Name: Carnival Hat Box Type: Cash Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 14468 AegisName: Carnival_Circlet_Box Name: Carnival Circlet Box Type: Cash Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 14469 AegisName: Ox_Tail_Scroll Name: Ox Tail Egg Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Ox_Tail_Scroll); - Id: 14470 AegisName: T_Nightmare_Box Name: Nightmare Terror Exchange Coupon Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 14471 AegisName: T_Loli_Ruri_Box Name: Loli Ruri Exchange Coupon Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 14472 AegisName: T_Goblin_Leader_Box Name: Goblin Leader Exchange Coupon Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 14473 AegisName: T_Incubus_Box Name: Incubus Exchange Coupon Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 14474 AegisName: T_Miyabi_Ningyo_Box Name: Miyabi Doll Exchange Coupon Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 14475 AegisName: T_Whisper_Box Name: Giant Whisper Exchange Coupon Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 14476 AegisName: T_Wicked_Nymph_Box Name: Evil Nymph Exchange Coupon Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 14477 AegisName: T_Medusa_Box Name: Medusa Exchange Coupon Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 14478 AegisName: T_Stoneshooter_Box Name: Stone Shooter Exchange Coupon Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 14479 AegisName: T_Marionette_Box Name: Marionette Exchange Coupon Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 14480 AegisName: T_Leafcat_Box Name: Leaf Cat Exchange Coupon Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 14481 AegisName: T_Dullahan_Box Name: Dullahan Exchange Coupon Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 14482 AegisName: T_Shinobi_Box Name: Shinobi Exchange Coupon Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 14483 AegisName: T_Golem_Box Name: Golem Exchange Coupon Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 14484 AegisName: T_Civil_Servant_Box Name: Civil Servant Exchange Coupon Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 14485 AegisName: Academy_Badge_Box Name: Academy Badge Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 2751,1; - Id: 14486 AegisName: Academy_Fresh_Hat_Box Name: Academy Fresh Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 5406,1; - Id: 14487 AegisName: Academy_Gradu_Cap_Box Name: Academy Gradu Cap Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 5407,1; - Id: 14488 AegisName: Blue_Pajamas_Hat_Box Name: Blue Pajamas Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 100 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5506,1; - Id: 14489 AegisName: Pink_Pajamas_Hat_Box Name: Pink Pajamas Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 100 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5507,1; - Id: 14490 AegisName: Shark_Hat_Box Name: Shark Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5508,1; - Id: 14491 AegisName: Sting_Hat_Box Name: Sting Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5509,1; /* Sting hat */ - Id: 14492 AegisName: FShark_Hat_Box Name: Shark Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5508,1; /* Shark Hat */ - Id: 14493 AegisName: FSting_Hat_Box Name: Sting Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5509,1; /* Sting hat */ - Id: 14494 AegisName: Samambaia_Box Name: Samambaia Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5511,1; - Id: 14495 AegisName: Aquarius_Diadem_Box Name: Aquarius Diadem Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 5512,1; - Id: 14496 AegisName: Aquarius_Crown_Box Name: Aquarius Crown Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 5513,1; - Id: 14497 AegisName: Pisces_Diadem_Box Name: Pisces Diadem Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 5514,1; - Id: 14498 AegisName: Pisces_Crown_Box Name: Pisces Crown Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 5515,1; - Id: 14499 AegisName: Peacock_Feather_Box Name: Peacock Feather Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5519,1; - Id: 14500 AegisName: Insurance60 Name: Life Insurrance Certificate Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_LIFEINSURANCE,3600000,0; - Id: 14505 AegisName: Dun_1HR_Voucher Name: Sky Fortress Ticket Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | warp "dali02",117,69; - Id: 14506 AegisName: Dun_Voucher Name: Sky Fortress Ticket Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | select("Invasion of Air Stronghold - Lv. 145 or higher"); warp "dali02",117,69; - Id: 14508 AegisName: Zeny_Scroll Name: Zeny Pet Egg Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | Zeny += rand(1000,77777); - Id: 14509 AegisName: Light_Center_Pot Name: Light Concentration Potion Type: Usable Buy: 800 Weight: 20 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_ASPDPOTION0,1800000,4; - Id: 14510 AegisName: Light_Awakening_Pot Name: Light Awakening Potion Type: Usable Buy: 1500 Weight: 20 Jobs: Alchemist: true Archer: true Assassin: true Blacksmith: true Crusader: true Gunslinger: true Hunter: true KagerouOboro: true Knight: true Mage: true Merchant: true Monk: true Ninja: true Novice: true Rebellion: true Rogue: true Sage: true SoulLinker: true StarGladiator: true Summoner: true SuperNovice: true Swordman: true Taekwon: true Thief: true Wizard: true EquipLevelMin: 40 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_ASPDPOTION1,1800000,6; - Id: 14511 AegisName: Light_Berserk_Pot Name: Light Berserk Potion Type: Usable Buy: 3000 Weight: 20 Jobs: Alchemist: true Blacksmith: true Crusader: true Gunslinger: true Knight: true Mage: true Merchant: true Rebellion: true Rogue: true SoulLinker: true StarGladiator: true Swordman: true Taekwon: true Wizard: true EquipLevelMin: 85 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_ASPDPOTION2,1800000,9; - Id: 14512 AegisName: Meteor_10_Scroll Name: Meteor Storm Scroll Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemskill "WZ_METEOR",10; - Id: 14513 AegisName: Storm_10_Scroll Name: Storm Gust Scroll Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemskill "WZ_STORMGUST",10; - Id: 14514 AegisName: Vermilion_10_Scroll Name: Lord of Vermilion Scroll Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemskill "WZ_VERMILION",10; - Id: 14515 AegisName: Lex_Aeterna_Scroll Name: Lex Aeterna Scroll Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemskill "PR_LEXAETERNA",1; - Id: 14516 AegisName: Magnificat_5_Scroll Name: Magnificat Scroll Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemskill "PR_MAGNIFICAT",5; - Id: 14517 AegisName: CP_Helm_Scroll Name: Chemical Protection Helm Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | unitskilluseid getcharid(3),"AM_CP_HELM",5; - Id: 14518 AegisName: CP_Shield_Scroll Name: Chemical Protection Shield Scrol Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | unitskilluseid getcharid(3),"AM_CP_SHIELD",5; - Id: 14519 AegisName: CP_Armor_Scroll Name: Chemical Protection Armor Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | unitskilluseid getcharid(3),"AM_CP_ARMOR",5; - Id: 14520 AegisName: CP_Weapon_Scroll Name: Chemical Protection Weapon Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | unitskilluseid getcharid(3),"AM_CP_WEAPON",5; - Id: 14521 AegisName: Repair_Scroll Name: Repair Weapon Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | unitskilluseid getcharid(3),"BS_REPAIRWEAPON",1; - Id: 14522 AegisName: Big_Bun Name: Big Bun Type: Healing Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | percentheal 100,0; - Id: 14523 AegisName: Pill_ Name: Pill Type: Healing Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | percentheal 0,100; - Id: 14524 AegisName: Superb_Fish_Slice Name: Superb Fish Slice Type: Healing Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | percentheal 100,100; - Id: 14525 AegisName: Chewy_Ricecake Name: Chewy Ricecake Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_ATKPOTION,1800000,10; - Id: 14526 AegisName: Oriental_Pastry Name: Oriental Pastry Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_MATKPOTION,1800000,10; - Id: 14527 AegisName: Dun_Tele_Scroll1 Name: Dungeon Teleport Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | callfunc "F_CashDungeon",1; - Id: 14528 AegisName: PVP_Tele_Scroll Name: PVP Teleport Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | warp "pvp_n_room",52,25; - Id: 14529 AegisName: Greed_Scroll Name: Greed Scroll Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemskill "BS_GREED",1; - Id: 14530 AegisName: Flee_30_Scroll Name: Evasion Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_FLEEFOOD,1800000,30; - Id: 14531 AegisName: Accuracy_30_Scroll Name: Concentration Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_HITFOOD,1800000,30; - Id: 14532 AegisName: Battle_Manual25 Name: Field Manual 25% Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_EXPBOOST,1800000,25; - Id: 14533 AegisName: Battle_Manual100 Name: Field Manual 100% Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_EXPBOOST,3600000,100; - Id: 14534 AegisName: Small_Life_Potion Name: Small Life Potion Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_HEAL3; sc_start2 SC_S_LIFEPOTION,600000,-5,5; - Id: 14535 AegisName: Med_Life_Potion Name: Medium Life Potion Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_HEAL3; sc_start2 SC_L_LIFEPOTION,600000,-7,4; - Id: 14536 AegisName: Abrasive Name: Abrasive Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_MAGICALATTHIT; sc_start SC_INCCRI,300000,30; - Id: 14537 AegisName: Regeneration_Potion Name: Regeneration Potion Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_LIGHTSPHERE; sc_start SC_INCHEALRATE,1800000,20; - Id: 14538 AegisName: Glass_Of_Illusion Name: Glass of Illusion Type: Usable Weight: 10 Delay: Duration: 300000 Status: Reuse_Limit_A Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_STEAL; sc_start SC_INCFLEE2,60000,20; - Id: 14539 AegisName: Shadow_Armor_S Name: Shadow Armor Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_CLOAKING; sc_start4 SC_ELEMENTALCHANGE,1800000,1,Ele_Dark,1,0; - Id: 14540 AegisName: Holy_Armor_S Name: Holy Armor Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_BENEDICTIO; sc_start4 SC_ELEMENTALCHANGE,1800000,1,Ele_Holy,1,0; - Id: 14541 AegisName: S_Def_Potion Name: Small Defense Potion Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_GUARD; sc_start SC_DEF_RATE,60000,3; - Id: 14542 AegisName: B_Def_Potion Name: Big Defense Potion Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_GUARD; sc_start SC_DEF_RATE,180000,3; - Id: 14543 AegisName: S_Mdef_Potion Name: Small Magic Defense Potion Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_SPELLBREAKER; sc_start SC_MDEF_RATE,60000,3; - Id: 14544 AegisName: B_Mdef_Potion Name: Big Magic Defense Potion Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_SPELLBREAKER; sc_start SC_MDEF_RATE,180000,3; - Id: 14545 AegisName: Battle_Manual_X3 Name: Field Manual 300% Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_EXPBOOST,1800000,300; - Id: 14546 AegisName: Fire_Cracker_Love Name: I Love You Firecracker Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 20 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 14547 AegisName: Fire_Cracker_Wday Name: Whiteday Firecracker Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 20 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 14548 AegisName: Fire_Cracker_Vday Name: Valentine's Day Firecracker Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 20 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 14549 AegisName: Fire_Cracker_Bday Name: Birthday Firecracker Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 20 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 14550 AegisName: Fire_Cracker_Xmas Name: Xmas Firecracker Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 20 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 14551 AegisName: Str_Dish01_ Name: Fried Grasshopper Legs Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_STRFOOD,1200000,1; percentheal 5,0; - Id: 14552 AegisName: Str_Dish02_ Name: Seasoned Sticky Webfoot Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_STRFOOD,1200000,2; percentheal 5,0; - Id: 14553 AegisName: Str_Dish03_ Name: Bomber Steak Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_STRFOOD,1200000,3; percentheal 5,0; - Id: 14554 AegisName: Int_Dish01_ Name: Grape Juice Herbal Tea Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_INTFOOD,1200000,1; percentheal 0,5; - Id: 14555 AegisName: Int_Dish02_ Name: Autumn Red Tea Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_INTFOOD,1200000,2; percentheal 0,5; - Id: 14556 AegisName: Int_Dish03_ Name: Honey Herbal Tea Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_INTFOOD,1200000,3; percentheal 0,5; - Id: 14557 AegisName: Vit_Dish01_ Name: Steamed Crab Nippers Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_VITFOOD,1200000,1; percentheal 5,0; - Id: 14558 AegisName: Vit_Dish02_ Name: Assorted Seafood Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_VITFOOD,1200000,2; percentheal 5,0; - Id: 14559 AegisName: Vit_Dish03_ Name: Clam Soup Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_VITFOOD,1200000,3; percentheal 5,0; - Id: 14560 AegisName: Agi_Dish01_ Name: Frog Egg Squid Ink Soup Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_AGIFOOD,1200000,1; percentheal 3,1; - Id: 14561 AegisName: Agi_Dish02_ Name: Smooth Noodle Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_AGIFOOD,1200000,2; percentheal 3,1; - Id: 14562 AegisName: Agi_Dish03_ Name: Tentacle Cheese Gratin Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_AGIFOOD,1200000,3; percentheal 3,1; - Id: 14563 AegisName: Dex_Dish01_ Name: Honey Grape Juice Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_DEXFOOD,1200000,1; percentheal 2,2; - Id: 14564 AegisName: Dex_Dish02_ Name: Chocolate Mousse Cake Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_DEXFOOD,1200000,2; percentheal 2,2; - Id: 14565 AegisName: Dex_Dish03_ Name: Fruit Mix Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_DEXFOOD,1200000,3; percentheal 2,2; - Id: 14566 AegisName: Luk_Dish01_ Name: Fried Monkey Tails Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_LUKFOOD,1200000,1; percentheal 3,2; - Id: 14567 AegisName: Luk_Dish02_ Name: Mixed Juice Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_LUKFOOD,1200000,2; percentheal 3,2; - Id: 14568 AegisName: Luk_Dish03_ Name: Fried Sweet Potato Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_LUKFOOD,1200000,3; percentheal 4,2; - Id: 14569 AegisName: Knife_Goblin_Ring Name: Knife Goblin Ring Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | pet 1122; - Id: 14570 AegisName: Flail_Goblin_Ring Name: Flail Goblin Ring Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | pet 1123; - Id: 14571 AegisName: Hammer_Goblin_Ring Name: Hammer Goblin Ring Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | pet 1125; - Id: 14572 AegisName: Holy_Marble Name: Holy Marble Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | pet 1385; - Id: 14573 AegisName: Red_Burning_Stone Name: Red Burning Stone Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | pet 1382; - Id: 14574 AegisName: Skull_Of_Vagabond Name: Vagabond's Skull Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true Script: | pet 1208; - Id: 14575 AegisName: Str_Dish05_ Name: Lutie Lady's Pancake Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_STRFOOD,1200000,5; percentheal 10,0; - Id: 14576 AegisName: Int_Dish05_ Name: Mastela Fruit Wine Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_INTFOOD,1200000,5; percentheal 0,10; - Id: 14577 AegisName: Vit_Dish05_ Name: Spicy Fried Bao Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_VITFOOD,1200000,5; percentheal 10,0; - Id: 14578 AegisName: Agi_Dish05_ Name: Steamed Bat Wing in Pumpkin Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_AGIFOOD,1200000,5; percentheal 6,2; - Id: 14579 AegisName: Dex_Dish05_ Name: Green Salad Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_DEXFOOD,1200000,5; percentheal 5,5; - Id: 14580 AegisName: Luk_Dish05_ Name: Fried Scorpion Tails Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_LUKFOOD,1200000,5; percentheal 5,2; - Id: 14581 AegisName: Dun_Tele_Scroll2 Name: Dungeon Teleport Scroll II Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | callfunc "F_CashDungeon",2; - Id: 14582 AegisName: WOB_Rune Name: Yellow Butterfly Wing Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | callfunc "F_CashCity",1; - Id: 14583 AegisName: WOB_Schwaltz Name: Green Butterfly Wing Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | callfunc "F_CashCity",2; - Id: 14584 AegisName: WOB_Rachel Name: Red Butterfly Wing Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | callfunc "F_CashCity",3; - Id: 14585 AegisName: WOB_Local Name: Blue Butterfly Wing Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | callfunc "F_CashCity",4; - Id: 14586 AegisName: Spark_Candy Name: Jumping Candy Type: Usable Weight: 10 Delay: Duration: 180000 Status: Reuse_Limit_B Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_HASTEUP; sc_start SC_SPARKCANDY,60000,0; - Id: 14587 AegisName: Repair_Scroll_ Name: Equipment Repair Spell Book Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemskill "BS_REPAIRWEAPON",1; - Id: 14588 AegisName: Pty_Blessing_Scroll Name: Party Blessing 10 Scroll Type: DelayConsume Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemskill "CASH_BLESSING",10; - Id: 14589 AegisName: Pty_Inc_Agi_Scroll Name: Party Increase Agi 10 Scroll Type: DelayConsume Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemskill "CASH_INCAGI",10; - Id: 14590 AegisName: Pty_Assumptio_Scroll Name: Party Assumptio 5 Scroll Type: DelayConsume Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemskill "CASH_ASSUMPTIO",5; - Id: 14591 AegisName: Siege_Teleport_Scroll Name: WoE Teleport Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | callfunc "F_CashSiegeTele"; - Id: 14592 AegisName: Job_Manual50 Name: JOB Battle Manual Type: Usable Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_JEXPBOOST,1800000,50; - Id: 14593 AegisName: Magic_Power_Scroll Name: Mystical Amplification Scroll Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemskill "HW_MAGICPOWER",10; - Id: 14594 AegisName: Quagmire_Scroll Name: Quagmire Scroll Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemskill "WZ_QUAGMIRE",5; - Id: 14595 AegisName: Unsealed_Magic_Spell Name: Unsealed Magic Spell Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | warp "yuno_fild09",255,127; - Id: 14596 AegisName: Pierre_Treasurebox Name: Pierre's Treasure Box Type: Usable Weight: 100 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Pierre_Treasurebox); getgroupitem(IG_Pierre_Treasurebox); getgroupitem(IG_Pierre_Treasurebox); getgroupitem(IG_Pierre_Treasurebox); getgroupitem(IG_Pierre_Treasurebox); getgroupitem(IG_Pierre_Treasurebox); - Id: 14597 AegisName: PhreeoniS Name: Phreeoni Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start2 SC_ITEMSCRIPT,180000,4121,EFST_FOOD_BASICHIT; - Id: 14598 AegisName: GhostringS Name: Ghostring Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start2 SC_ITEMSCRIPT,60000,4047,EFST_ARMOR_PROPERTY; - Id: 14599 AegisName: Greed_Scroll_C Name: Greed Scroll Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemskill "BS_GREED",1; - Id: 14600 AegisName: Mental_Potion Name: Mental Potion Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_SPELLBREAKER; sc_start SC_MENTAL_POTION,1800000,10; - Id: 14601 AegisName: Tyr's_Blessing Name: Tyr's Blessing Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_FLEEFOOD,300000,30; sc_start SC_HITFOOD,300000,30; sc_start SC_ATKPOTION,300000,20; sc_start SC_MATKPOTION,300000,20; - Id: 14602 AegisName: TaogunkaS Name: Tao Gunka Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_LIGHTSPHERE; bonus_script "{ bonus bMaxHPrate,100; bonus bDefRate,-50; bonus bMdefRate,-50; }",180,0,0,EFST_MVPCARD_TAOGUNKA; - Id: 14603 AegisName: MistressS Name: Mistress Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_SPELLBREAKER; bonus_script "{ bonus bNoGemStone; bonus bUseSPrate,25; }",180,0,0,EFST_MVPCARD_MISTRESS; - Id: 14604 AegisName: Orc_HeroS Name: Orc Hero Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_LIGHTSPHERE; bonus_script "{ bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stun,10000; }",180,0,0,EFST_MVPCARD_ORCHERO; - Id: 14605 AegisName: Orc_LoadS Name: Orc Lord Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_LIGHTSPHERE; bonus_script "{ bonus bShortWeaponDamageReturn,30; }",180,0,0,EFST_MVPCARD_ORCLORD; - Id: 14606 AegisName: Job_Manual25 Name: JOB Battle Manual Type: Usable Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_JEXPBOOST,1800000,25; - Id: 14607 AegisName: Luxurious_Dinner_W Name: Luxurious Western Food Type: Usable Buy: 10000 Weight: 600 Script: | sc_start SC_INCALLSTATUS,3600000,3; - Id: 14608 AegisName: Luxurious_Dinner_E Name: Manchu-Han Imperial Feast Type: Usable Buy: 20000 Weight: 1200 Script: | sc_start SC_INCALLSTATUS,3600000,6; - Id: 14609 AegisName: Spoiled_Cuisine Name: Spoiled Cuisine Type: Usable Buy: 5000 Weight: 300 Script: | percentheal 10,10; - Id: 14611 AegisName: M_Def_Potion Name: M Def Potion Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_GUARD; sc_start SC_DEF_RATE,120000,3; - Id: 14612 AegisName: M_Mdef_Potion Name: M Mdef Potion Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_SPELLBREAKER; sc_start SC_MDEF_RATE,120000,3; - Id: 14613 AegisName: RWC_Scroll_2012 Name: RWC Scroll 2012 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_RWC_Scroll_2012); - Id: 14614 AegisName: Ex_Def_Potion Name: Ex Def Potion Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_GUARD; sc_start SC_DEF_RATE,1800000,3; sc_start SC_MDEF_RATE,1800000,3; - Id: 14616 AegisName: STR_Biscuit_Stick Name: Bar Cookie Of Strength Type: Usable Buy: 1 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_FOOD_STR_CASH,1800000,15; sc_start SC_ATKPOTION,600000,rand(11,111); - Id: 14617 AegisName: VIT_Biscuit_Stick Name: Bar Cookie Of Vitality Type: Usable Buy: 1 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_FOOD_VIT_CASH,1800000,15; bonus_script "{ bonus bHPRecovRate,rand(11,33); }",1800,1; - Id: 14618 AegisName: AGI_Biscuit_Stick Name: Bar Cookie Of Agility Type: Usable Buy: 1 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_FOOD_AGI_CASH,1800000,15; sc_start SC_FLEEFOOD,600000,rand(11,33); - Id: 14619 AegisName: INT_Biscuit_Stick Name: Bar Cookie Of Intelligence Type: Usable Buy: 1 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_FOOD_INT_CASH,1800000,15; sc_start SC_MATKPOTION,600000,rand(11,111); - Id: 14620 AegisName: DEX_Biscuit_Stick Name: Bar Cookie Of Dexterity Type: Usable Buy: 1 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_FOOD_DEX_CASH,1800000,15; sc_start SC_HITFOOD,600000,rand(11,33); - Id: 14621 AegisName: LUK_Biscuit_Stick Name: Bar Cookie Of Lucky Type: Usable Buy: 1 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_FOOD_LUK_CASH,1800000,15; sc_start SC_CRIFOOD,600000,rand(11,33); - Id: 14623 AegisName: GoldenTreasureBox Name: Golden Treasure Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_GOLDENTREASUREBOX); - Id: 14624 AegisName: Blue_Scroll Name: Blue Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Blue_Scroll); - Id: 14626 AegisName: Indigo_Scroll Name: Indigo Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Indigo_Scroll); - Id: 14627 AegisName: Xmax_Egg_Kr Name: Christmas Scroll Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_XMAX_EGG_KR); - Id: 14628 AegisName: C_Festival_Ticket Name: Costume Festival Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_FESTIVAL_TICKET); - Id: 14629 AegisName: Enchant_Stone_Box Name: Costume Enchant Stone Box Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Enchant_Stone_Box); - Id: 14643 AegisName: Violet_Scroll Name: Violet Scroll Type: Cash Buy: 20 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Violet_Scroll); - Id: 14645 AegisName: Wing_Of_Baalzebub Name: Beelzebub Wing Type: DelayConsume Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | if (getmapflag(strcharinfo(3), mf_noteleport) == 0) { warp strcharinfo(3),0,0; } - Id: 14646 AegisName: Orleans_Full_Course Name: Orleans Full Course Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_BASH3D; sc_start SC_ALMIGHTY,1800000,10; - Id: 14663 AegisName: Sealed_D_Lord_Scroll Name: Sealed Dark Lord Scroll Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SEALED_D_LORD_SCROLL); - Id: 14664 AegisName: Bi_Hwang_Scroll Name: Bi Hwang Scroll Type: Cash Buy: 20 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Bi_Hwang_Scroll); - Id: 14665 AegisName: Jung_Bi_Scroll Name: Jung Bi Scroll Type: Cash Buy: 20 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Jung_Bi_Scroll); - Id: 14666 AegisName: Je_Un_Scroll Name: Je Un Scroll Type: Cash Buy: 20 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Je_Un_Scroll); - Id: 14667 AegisName: Yong_Kwang_Scroll Name: Yong Kwang Scroll Type: Cash Buy: 20 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Yong_Kwang_Scroll); - Id: 14672 AegisName: StealFighter_20Lv Name: Steel Fighter (20Lv) Egg Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_STEALFIGHTER_20LV); - Id: 14673 AegisName: StealFighter_25Lv Name: Steel Fighter (25Lv) Scroll Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_STEALFIGHTER_25LV); - Id: 14674 AegisName: Cup_Of_Boza Name: Cup Of Boza Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_Cup_Of_Boza,120000,0; /*aegis data 2 Minutes*/ - Id: 14675 AegisName: Shadow_Box2 Name: Shadow Stat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SHADOW_BOX2); - Id: 14679 AegisName: Sealed_Knight_WS_Scroll Name: Article Sealed Storm Scroll Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SEALED_KNIGHT_WS_SCROLL); - Id: 14681 AegisName: Enchant_Stone_Box2 Name: Costume Enchant Stone Box 2 Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Enchant_Stone_Box2); - Id: 14682 AegisName: Sealed_Berz_Scroll Name: Sealed Beelzebub Scroll Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SEALED_BERZ_SCROLL); - Id: 14689 AegisName: Sealed_Kiel_Scroll Name: Sealed Kiel-D-01 Scroll Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SEALED_KIEL_SCROLL); - Id: 14695 AegisName: Enchant_Stone_Box3 Name: Costume Enchant Stone Box 3 Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Enchant_Stone_Box3); - Id: 14696 AegisName: Sealed_Gloom_Scroll Name: Sealed Gloom Under Night Scroll Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SEALED_GLOOM_SCROLL); - Id: 14699 AegisName: Garuda_Scroll Name: Memorial Garuda Lucky Egg Type: Cash Buy: 10 Weight: 10 EquipLevelMin: 1 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Garuda_Scroll); - Id: 14701 AegisName: TW_13y_Lucky_Egg_06 Name: Midgard Immortal Lucky Egg Type: Cash Buy: 10 Weight: 10 EquipLevelMin: 1 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_TW_13y_Lucky_Egg_06); - Id: 14704 AegisName: Gemstone_Shadow_Box Name: Gemstone Shadow Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_GEMSTONE_SHADOW_BOX); - Id: 14705 AegisName: Sealed_F_Bishop_Scroll Name: Sealed Fallen Bishop Scroll Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SEALED_F_BISHOP_SCROLL); - Id: 14713 AegisName: Sealed_Ifrit_Scroll Name: Sealed Ifrit Scroll Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SEALED_IFRIT_SCROLL); - Id: 14717 AegisName: 2013_RWC_Scroll Name: 2013 RWC Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_2013_RWC_Scroll); - Id: 14718 AegisName: Sealed_TurtleG_Scroll Name: Sealed Turtle General Gachapon Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SEALED_TURTLEG_SCROLL); - Id: 14723 AegisName: LI_Neuralizer Name: (Limited)Neuralizer I Type: DelayConsume Buy: 2 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | callfunc "F_CashReset"; - Id: 14724 AegisName: LI_Neuralizer2 Name: (Limited)Neuralizer II Type: DelayConsume Buy: 2 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | callfunc "F_CashReset"; - Id: 14725 AegisName: Sealed_Bacsojin_Scroll Name: Sealed Bacsojin Scroll Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SEALED_BACSOJIN_SCROLL); - Id: 14726 AegisName: Greed_Shadow_Box Name: Greed Shadow Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_GREED_SHADOW_BOX); - Id: 14727 AegisName: Heal_Shadow_Box Name: Heal Shadow Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_HEAL_SHADOW_BOX); - Id: 14728 AegisName: Hiding_Shadow_Box Name: Hiding Shadow Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_HIDING_SHADOW_BOX); - Id: 14729 AegisName: Cloaking_Shadow_Box Name: Cloaking Shadow Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CLOAKING_SHADOW_BOX); - Id: 14730 AegisName: Costume_Festival_Box2 Name: Costume Festival Box II Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_COSTUME_FESTIVAL_BOX2); - Id: 14731 AegisName: Teleport_Shadow_Box Name: Teleport Shadow Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_TELEPORT_SHADOW_BOX); - Id: 14732 AegisName: Steal_Shadow_Box Name: Steal Shadow Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_STEAL_SHADOW_BOX); - Id: 14733 AegisName: Sealed_Pharaoh_Scroll Name: Sealed Paraoh Scroll Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SEALED_PHARAOH_SCROLL); - Id: 14735 AegisName: Costama_Egg22 Name: Shapeshifter Costume Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_COSTAMA_EGG22); - Id: 14739 AegisName: Sealed_B_Ygnizem_Scroll Name: Sealed General Egnigem Cenia Scroll Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SEALED_B_YGNIZEM_SCROLL); - Id: 14740 AegisName: Sealed_Apo_H_Scroll Name: Sealed Vesper Scroll Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SEALED_APO_H_SCROLL); - Id: 14741 AegisName: Imortal_Midgard_Scroll Name: Midgard Celebration Lucky Egg Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Imortal_Midgard_Scroll); - Id: 14753 AegisName: Hero_Midgard_Scroll Name: Hero Midgard Egg Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Hero_Midgard_Egg); - Id: 14758 AegisName: Guarantee_Relax_Scroll Name: Safe To Smelting Scroll Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_GUARANTEE_RELAX_SCROLL); - Id: 14765 AegisName: Job_Manual_Limit Name: Limited Edition JOB Battle Manual Type: Cash Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_JEXPBOOST,3600000,35; - Id: 14766 AegisName: Limit_Power_Booster Name: Limited Power Booster Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_POTION_BERSERK; sc_start SC_LIMIT_POWER_BOOSTER,1800000,30; - Id: 14780 AegisName: Pump_Of_Spirit_Scroll Name: Soul Plunger Scroll Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_PUMP_OF_SPIRIT_SCROLL); - Id: 14781 AegisName: Happy_Balloon_Scroll Name: Happy Balloon Scroll Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_HAPPY_BALLOON_SCROLL); - Id: 14799 AegisName: AID_Manual_Bubble_7d Name: "[7Day] Battle Manual & Bubble Gum" Type: Cash Buy: 10000 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 14805 AegisName: July_Lucky_Scroll Name: Almighty Lucky Egg Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_July_Lucky_Scroll); - Id: 14826 AegisName: Dungeon_Ticket Name: Dungeon Teleport Ticket Type: Healing Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 14840 AegisName: DF_Megaphone Name: "[Sale] Megaphone" Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | input .@megaphone$; announce strcharinfo(0) + ": " + .@megaphone$,bc_all,0xFF0000; - Id: 14841 AegisName: DF_Songpyun Name: "[Scroll] Korean Rice Cake" Type: Healing Buy: 2 Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | percentheal 10,0; - Id: 14843 AegisName: DF_Insurance Name: "[Scroll] Life Insurance" Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_LIFEINSURANCE,1800000,0; - Id: 14844 AegisName: DF_Kafra_Card Name: "[Scroll] Kafra Card" Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | callfunc "F_CashStore"; - Id: 14845 AegisName: DF_Blessing_10_Scroll Name: "[Scroll] Blessing Lv.10 Scroll" Type: DelayConsume Buy: 2 Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemskill "AL_BLESSING",10; - Id: 14846 AegisName: DF_Inc_Agi_10_Scroll Name: "[Scroll] Increase Agility Lv.10 Scroll" Type: DelayConsume Buy: 2 Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemskill "AL_INCAGI",10; - Id: 14847 AegisName: DF_Small_Life_Potion Name: "[Scroll] Small Life Potion" Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_HEAL3; sc_start2 SC_S_LIFEPOTION,600000,-5,5; - Id: 14849 AegisName: DF_Vit_Dish10 Name: "[Scroll] Vit Dish10" Type: Usable Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_VITFOOD,1800000,10; - Id: 14850 AegisName: DF_Luk_Dish10 Name: "[Scroll] Luk Dish10" Type: Usable Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_LUKFOOD,1800000,10; - Id: 14851 AegisName: DF_Dex_Dish10 Name: "[Scroll] Dex Dish10" Type: Usable Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_DEXFOOD,1800000,10; - Id: 14852 AegisName: DF_Int_Dish10 Name: "[Scroll] Int Dish10" Type: Usable Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_INTFOOD,1800000,10; - Id: 14853 AegisName: DF_Agi_Dish10 Name: "[Scroll] Agi Dish10" Type: Usable Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_AGIFOOD,1800000,10; - Id: 14854 AegisName: DF_Str_Dish10 Name: "[Scroll] Str Dish10" Type: Usable Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_STRFOOD,1800000,10; - Id: 14861 AegisName: DF_GhostringS Name: "[Scroll] Ghostring Scroll" Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start2 SC_ITEMSCRIPT,60000,4047,EFST_ARMOR_PROPERTY; - Id: 14862 AegisName: DF_Tyr's_Blessing Name: "[Scroll] Tyr's Blessing" Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_FLEEFOOD,300000,30; sc_start SC_HITFOOD,300000,30; sc_start SC_ATKPOTION,300000,20; sc_start SC_MATKPOTION,300000,20; - Id: 14866 AegisName: DF_Holy_Armor_S Name: "[Scroll] Holy Armor Scroll" Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_BENEDICTIO; sc_start4 SC_ELEMENTALCHANGE,1800000,1,Ele_Holy,1,0; - Id: 14869 AegisName: DF_Red_Booster Name: "[Scroll] Red Booster" Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_POTION_BERSERK; sc_start SC_2011RWC_SCROLL,600000,0; showscript "Oh My GOODNESS!!! I FEEL AWESOMELY STRONG!!! WOWOW"; - Id: 14875 AegisName: DF_Med_Life_Potion Name: "[Scroll] Medium Life potion" Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_HEAL3; sc_start2 SC_L_LIFEPOTION,600000,-7,4; - Id: 14886 AegisName: UltimateCook_S Name: "[Scroll] Ultimate Cook" Type: Usable Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_BASH3D; sc_start SC_ULTIMATECOOK,1800000,10; - Id: 14887 AegisName: EF_UltimateCook Name: "[Not For Sale] Ultimate Cook" Type: Usable Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_BASH3D; sc_start SC_ULTIMATECOOK,1800000,10; - Id: 14908 AegisName: Korea_Rice_Cake_B Name: "[Not For Sale] Korean Rice Cake" Type: Healing Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | percentheal 20,0; - Id: 16100 AegisName: Angry_Mouth_C_Box Name: Angry Mouth Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ANGRY_MOUTH_C_BOX); - Id: 16101 AegisName: KRO_Lucky_Box Name: Lucky Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_KRO_LUCKY_BOX); - Id: 16102 AegisName: Claymore_C_box Name: Claymore Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CLAYMORE_C_BOX); - Id: 16103 AegisName: Jamadhar_C_Box Name: Jamadhar Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_JAMADHAR_C_BOX); - Id: 16104 AegisName: Two_Handed_Axe_C_Box Name: Two-Handed Axe Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_TWO_HANDED_AXE_C_BOX); - Id: 16105 AegisName: Lance_C_Box Name: Lance Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LANCE_C_BOX); - Id: 16106 AegisName: Huuma_Giant_Wheel_C_Box Name: Huuma Giant Wheel Shuriken Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_HUUMA_GIANT_WHEEL_C_BOX); - Id: 16107 AegisName: Orcish_Axe_C_Box Name: Orcish Axe Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ORCISH_AXE_C_BOX); - Id: 16108 AegisName: Pike_C_Box Name: Spike Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_PIKE_C_BOX); - Id: 16109 AegisName: Encyclopedia_C_Box Name: Giant Encyclopedia Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ENCYCLOPEDIA_C_BOX); - Id: 16110 AegisName: Fist_C_Box Name: Fist Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_FIST_C_BOX); - Id: 16111 AegisName: Guitar_C_Box Name: Guitar Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_GUITAR_C_BOX); - Id: 16112 AegisName: Rante_C_Box Name: Rante Whip Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_RANTE_C_BOX); - Id: 16113 AegisName: Damascus_C_Box Name: Damascus Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_DAMASCUS_C_BOX); - Id: 16114 AegisName: Flamberge_C_Box Name: Flamberge Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_FLAMBERGE_C_BOX); - Id: 16115 AegisName: Stunner_C_Box Name: Stunner Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_STUNNER_C_BOX); - Id: 16116 AegisName: F_KRO_Lucky_Box Name: Lucky Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_KRO_LUCKY_BOX); - Id: 16117 AegisName: F_Claymore_C_box Name: Claymore Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_CLAYMORE_C_BOX); - Id: 16118 AegisName: F_Jamadhar_C_Box Name: Jamadhar Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_JAMADHAR_C_BOX); - Id: 16119 AegisName: F_Two_Handed_Axe_C_Box Name: Two-Handed Axe Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_TWO_HANDED_AXE_C_BOX); - Id: 16120 AegisName: F_Lance_C_Box Name: Lance Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_LANCE_C_BOX); - Id: 16121 AegisName: F_Huuma_Giant_C_Box Name: Huuma Giant Wheel Shuriken Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_HUUMA_GIANT_C_BOX); - Id: 16122 AegisName: F_Orcish_Axe_C_Box Name: Orcish Axe Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_ORCISH_AXE_C_BOX); - Id: 16123 AegisName: F_Pike_C_Box Name: Pike Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_PIKE_C_BOX); - Id: 16124 AegisName: F_Encyclopedia_C_Box Name: Giant Encyclopedia Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_ENCYCLOPEDIA_C_BOX); - Id: 16125 AegisName: F_Fist_C_Box Name: Fist Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_FIST_C_BOX); - Id: 16126 AegisName: F_Guitar_C_Box Name: Guitar Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_GUITAR_C_BOX); - Id: 16127 AegisName: F_Rante_C_Box Name: Rante Whip Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_RANTE_C_BOX); - Id: 16128 AegisName: F_Damascus_C_Box Name: Damascus Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_DAMASCUS_C_BOX); - Id: 16129 AegisName: F_Flamberge_C_Box Name: Flamberge Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_FLAMBERGE_C_BOX); - Id: 16130 AegisName: F_Stunner_C_Box Name: Stunner Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_STUNNER_C_BOX); - Id: 16131 AegisName: Lady_Tanee_Doll_Box Name: Lady Tanee Doll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5526,1; - Id: 16132 AegisName: Lunatic_Hat_Box Name: Lunatic Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5527,1; - Id: 16133 AegisName: G_Staff_Of_Light_Box Name: Staff Of Light Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 2006,1; - Id: 16134 AegisName: King_Frog_Hat_Box Name: Frog King Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5528,1; - Id: 16135 AegisName: Evil's_Bone_Hat_Box Name: Satanic Bone Helm Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5529,1; - Id: 16136 AegisName: Goddess_Bless10_Box Name: Goddess of Blessing Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12315,10; /* Goddess Of Blessing */ - Id: 16137 AegisName: Angel_Bless10_Box Name: Angel of Blessing Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5207,10; /* Angel Blessing */ - Id: 16138 AegisName: Powder_Snow10_Box Name: Snow Powder Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12317,10; /* Snow Powder */ - Id: 16139 AegisName: Little_Heart10_Box Name: Small Hearts Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12318,10; /* Small Hearts */ - Id: 16140 AegisName: J_Firecracker10_Box Name: Extravagant Firework Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12326,10; /* Large Firecracker */ - Id: 16141 AegisName: Golden_Earing_Box Name: Gold Earring Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 10022,1; /* Gold Earring */ - Id: 16142 AegisName: Green_Lucky_Bag_Box Name: Green Jewel Bag Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 23683,1; /* Lucky Bag */ - Id: 16143 AegisName: F_Glasses_Box Name: Fashion Glasses Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 10024,1; /* Fashion Glasses */ - Id: 16144 AegisName: Star_Hairband_Box Name: Hairband of Stars Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 10025,1; /* Hairband Of Stars */ - Id: 16145 AegisName: Wine_On_Sleeve_Box Name: Tassel for Durumagi Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 10026,1; /* Tassel for Durumagi */ - Id: 16146 AegisName: Spirit_Chain_Box Name: Pet Soul Ring Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 10027,1; /* Pet Soul Ring */ - Id: 16147 AegisName: Nice_Badge_Box Name: Beautiful Badges Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 10028,1; /* Beautiful Badges */ - Id: 16148 AegisName: Jade_Trinket_Box Name: Jade Trinket Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 10029,1; /* Jade Trinket */ - Id: 16149 AegisName: Summer_Fan_Box Name: Summer Fan Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 10030,1; /* Summer Fan */ - Id: 16150 AegisName: Death_Coil_Box Name: Ring of Death Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 2732,1; /* Death Loop */ - Id: 16151 AegisName: Queen's_Coronet_Box Name: Queen's Coronet Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 10032,1; /* Queen's Coronet */ - Id: 16152 AegisName: Apro_Hair_Box Name: Afro Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 10033,1; /* Afro */ - Id: 16153 AegisName: Ball_Mask_Box Name: Masked Ball Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 10034,1; /* Masked Ball */ - Id: 16154 AegisName: Windup_Spring_Box Name: Spring Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 10035,1; /* Spring */ - Id: 16155 AegisName: Hell_Horn_Box Name: Horn of Hell Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 10036,1; /* Horn Of Hell */ - Id: 16156 AegisName: Poring_Tck_Box Name: Poring Exchange Ticket Box Type: Cash Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6157,1; /* Poring Exchange Ticket */ - Id: 16157 AegisName: Drops_Tck_Box Name: Drops Exchange Ticket Box Type: Cash Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6158,1; /* Drops Exchange Ticket */ - Id: 16158 AegisName: Poporing_Tck_Box Name: Poporing Exchange Ticket Box Type: Cash Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6159,1; /* Poporing Exchange Ticket */ - Id: 16159 AegisName: Lunatic_Tck_Box Name: Lunatic Exchange Ticket Box Type: Cash Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6160,1; /* Lunatic Exchange Ticket */ - Id: 16160 AegisName: Picky_Tck_Box Name: Picky Exchange Ticket Box Type: Cash Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6161,1; /* Picky Exchange Ticket */ - Id: 16161 AegisName: Pecopeco_Tck_Box Name: Peco Peco Exchange Ticket Box Type: Cash Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6162,1; /* Peco Peco Exchange Ticket */ - Id: 16162 AegisName: Savage_Baby_Tck_Box Name: Savage Babe Exchange Ticket Box Type: Cash Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6163,1; /* Savage Babe Exchange Ticket */ - Id: 16163 AegisName: Spore_Tck_Box Name: Spore Exchange Ticket Box Type: Cash Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6164,1; /* Spore Exchange Ticket */ - Id: 16164 AegisName: Poison_Spore_Tck_Box Name: Poison Spore Exchange Ticket Box Type: Cash Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6165,1; /* Poison Spore Exchange Ticket */ - Id: 16165 AegisName: Chonchon_Tck_Box Name: Chonchon Exchange Ticket Box Type: Cash Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6166,1; /* Chonchon Exchange Ticket */ - Id: 16166 AegisName: Steel_Chonchon_Tck_Box Name: Steel Chonchon Exchange Ticket Box Type: Cash Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6167,1; /* Steel Chonchon Exchange Ticket */ - Id: 16167 AegisName: Petit_Tck_Box Name: Sky Petite Exchange Ticket Box Type: Cash Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6168,1; /* Sky Petite Exchange Ticket */ - Id: 16168 AegisName: Deviruchi_Tck_Box Name: Deviruchi Exchange Ticket Box Type: Cash Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6169,1; /* Deviruchi Exchange Ticket */ - Id: 16169 AegisName: Isis_Tck_Box Name: Isis Exchange Ticket Box Type: Cash Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6170,1; /* Isis Exchange Ticket */ - Id: 16170 AegisName: Smokie_Tck_Box Name: Smokie Exchange Ticket Box Type: Cash Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6171,1; /* Smokie Exchange Ticket */ - Id: 16171 AegisName: Dokebi_Tck_Box Name: Dokkaebi Exchange Ticket Box Type: Cash Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6172,1; /* Dokebi Exchange Ticket */ - Id: 16172 AegisName: Desert_Wolf_B_Tck_Box Name: Baby Desert Wolf Exchange Ticket Box Type: Cash Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6173,1; /* Baby Desert Wolf Exchange Ticket */ - Id: 16173 AegisName: Yoyo_Tck_Box Name: Yoyo Exchange Ticket Box Type: Cash Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6174,1; /* Yoyo Exchange Ticket */ - Id: 16174 AegisName: Sohee_Tck_Box Name: Sohee Exchange Ticket Box Type: Cash Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6175,1; /* Sohee Exchange Ticket */ - Id: 16175 AegisName: Rocker_Tck_Box Name: Rocker Exchange Ticket Box Type: Cash Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6176,1; /* Rocker Exchange Ticket */ - Id: 16176 AegisName: Hunter_Fly_Tck_Box Name: Hunter Fly Exchange Ticket Box Type: Cash Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6177,1; /* Hunter Fly Exchange Ticket */ - Id: 16177 AegisName: Orc_Warrior_Tck_Box Name: Orc Warrior Exchange Ticket Box Type: Cash Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6178,1; /* Orc Warrior Exchange Ticket */ - Id: 16178 AegisName: Bapho_Jr_Tck_Box Name: Bapho Jr. Exchange Ticket Box Type: Cash Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6179,1; /* Bapho Jr. Exchange Ticket */ - Id: 16179 AegisName: Munak_Tck_Box Name: Munak Exchange Ticket Box Type: Cash Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 16180 AegisName: Bongun_Tck_Box Name: Bongun Exchange Ticket Box Type: Cash Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6181,1; /* Bongun Exchange Ticket */ - Id: 16181 AegisName: Goblin_Tck_Box Name: Christmas Goblin Exchange Ticket Box Type: Cash Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6182,1; /* Christmas Goblin Exchange Ticket */ - Id: 16182 AegisName: Hardtack_Tck_Box Name: Rice Cake Exchange Ticket Box Type: Cash Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 9028,1; /* Hard Rice Cake */ - Id: 16183 AegisName: Zherlthsh_Tck_Box Name: Zherlthsh Exchange Ticket Box Type: Cash Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 16184 AegisName: Alice_Tck_Box Name: Alice Exchange Ticket Box Type: Cash Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6185,1; /* Alice Exchange Ticket */ - Id: 16185 AegisName: Raven_Cap_Box Name: Raven Cap Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5530,1; - Id: 16186 AegisName: B_Dragon_Hat_Box Name: Baby Dragon Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5531,1; - Id: 16187 AegisName: F_Angry_Mouth_C_Box Name: Angry Mouth Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_ANGRY_MOUTH_C_BOX); - Id: 16188 AegisName: Bunny_Magic_Hat_Box Name: Magic Rabbit Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5503,1; /* Rabbit Magic Hat */ - Id: 16189 AegisName: Side_Cap_Box Name: Side Cap Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5535,1; /* Side Cap */ - Id: 16190 AegisName: F_Rabbit_Magic_Hat_Box Name: Magic Rabbit Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5503,1; /* Rabbit Magic Hat */ - Id: 16191 AegisName: F_Side_Cap_Box Name: Side Cap Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5535,1; /* Side Cap */ - Id: 16192 AegisName: Quati_Hat_Box Name: Kwati Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5537,1; - Id: 16193 AegisName: Tucan_Hat_Box Name: Tucan Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5538,1; - Id: 16194 AegisName: Jaguar_Hat_Box Name: Jaguar Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5539,1; - Id: 16195 AegisName: Tw_March_Scroll Name: Tw March Scroll Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true - Id: 16196 AegisName: Freyja_Shield_Box7 Name: Freya's Spiritual Shield Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 2141,604800; /* Freyja Spirit Shield */ - Id: 16197 AegisName: Freyja_Shield_Box30 Name: Freya's Spiritual Shield Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 2141,2592000; /* Freyja Spirit Shield */ - Id: 16198 AegisName: Freyja_Shield_Box60 Name: Freya's Spiritual Shield Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 2141,5184000; /* Freyja Spirit Shield */ - Id: 16199 AegisName: Freyja_Shield_Box90 Name: Freya's Spiritual Shield Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 2141,7776000; /* Freyja Spirit Shield */ - Id: 16200 AegisName: Freyja_Robe_Box7 Name: Freya's Spiritual Robe Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 15003,604800; /* Freyja Soul Robe7 */ - Id: 16201 AegisName: Freyja_Robe_Box30 Name: Freya's Spiritual Robe Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 15003,2592000; /* Freyja Soul Robe7 */ - Id: 16202 AegisName: Freyja_Robe_Box60 Name: Freya's Spiritual Robe Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 15003,5184000; /* Freyja Soul Robe7 */ - Id: 16203 AegisName: Freyja_Robe_Box90 Name: Freya's Spiritual Robe Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 15003,7776000; /* Freyja Soul Robe7 */ - Id: 16204 AegisName: Freyja_Scarf_Box7 Name: Freya's Spiritual Scarf Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 2555,604800; /* Freyja Soul Scarf */ - Id: 16205 AegisName: Freyja_Scarf_Box30 Name: Freya's Spiritual Scarf Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 2555,2592000; /* Freyja Soul Scarf */ - Id: 16206 AegisName: Freyja_Scarf_Box60 Name: Freya's Spiritual Scarf Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 2555,5184000; /* Freyja Soul Scarf */ - Id: 16207 AegisName: Freyja_Scarf_Box90 Name: Freya's Spiritual Scarf Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 2555,7776000; /* Freyja Soul Scarf */ - Id: 16208 AegisName: Freyja_Sandal_Box7 Name: Freya's Spiritual Sandals Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 2451,604800; /* Freyja Sprit Sandals */ - Id: 16209 AegisName: Freyja_Sandal_Box30 Name: Freya's Spiritual Sandals Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 2451,2592000; /* Freyja Sprit Sandals */ - Id: 16210 AegisName: Freyja_Sandal_Box60 Name: Freya's Spiritual Sandals Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 2451,5184000; /* Freyja Sprit Sandals */ - Id: 16211 AegisName: Freyja_Sandal_Box90 Name: Freya's Spiritual Sandals Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 2451,7776000; /* Freyja Sprit Sandals */ - Id: 16212 AegisName: Freyja_Circlet_Box7 Name: Freya's Spiritual Circlet Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 5540,604800; /* Freyja SCirclet7 */ - Id: 16213 AegisName: Freyja_Circlet_Box30 Name: Freya's Spiritual Circlet Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 5540,2592000; /* Freyja SCirclet7 */ - Id: 16214 AegisName: Freyja_Circlet_Box60 Name: Freya's Spiritual Circlet Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 5540,5184000; /* Freyja SCirclet7 */ - Id: 16215 AegisName: Freyja_Circlet_Box90 Name: Freya's Spiritual Circlet Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 5540,7776000; /* Freyja SCirclet7 */ - Id: 16216 AegisName: Freyja_Bracelet_Box7 Name: Freya's Spiritual Bracelet Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 2811,604800; /* Freyja's Spirit Bracelet */ - Id: 16217 AegisName: Freyja_Bracelet_Box30 Name: Freya's Spiritual Bracelet Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 2811,2592000; /* Freyja's Spirit Bracelet */ - Id: 16218 AegisName: Freyja_Bracelet_Box60 Name: Freya's Spiritual Bracelet Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 2811,5184000; /* Freyja's Spirit Bracelet */ - Id: 16219 AegisName: Freyja_Bracelet_Box90 Name: Freya's Spiritual Bracelet Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 2811,7776000; /* Freyja's Spirit Bracelet */ - Id: 16220 AegisName: Marionette_C_Box Name: Marionette Accessory Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_MARIONETTE_C_BOX); - Id: 16221 AegisName: Whisper_C_Box Name: Whisper Accessory Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_WHISPER_C_BOX); - Id: 16222 AegisName: Incubus_C_Box Name: Incubus Accessory Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_INCUBUS_C_BOX); - Id: 16223 AegisName: F_Marionette_C_Box Name: Marionette Accessory Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_MARIONETTE_C_BOX); - Id: 16224 AegisName: F_Whisper_C_Box Name: Whisper Accessory Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_WHISPER_C_BOX); - Id: 16225 AegisName: F_Incubus_C_Box Name: Incubus Accessory Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_INCUBUS_C_BOX); - Id: 16226 AegisName: Aries_Diadem_Box Name: Aries Diadem Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5545,1; - Id: 16227 AegisName: Aries_Crown_Box Name: Aries Crown Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5546,1; - Id: 16228 AegisName: RJC_Katusa_Box Name: RJC Katusa Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5547,1; - Id: 16229 AegisName: Scarlet_Rose_Box Name: Scarlet Rose Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5548,1; - Id: 16230 AegisName: Taurus_Diadem_Box Name: Taurus Diadem Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5549,1; - Id: 16231 AegisName: Taurus_Crown_Box Name: Taurus Crown Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5550,1; - Id: 16232 AegisName: Reginleif_Box Name: Reginleif Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoSell: true NoCart: true Script: | getitem 5471,1; - Id: 16233 AegisName: Fest_Lord_Circlet_Box Name: Festival Grand Circlet Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 5552,1; /* Festival Grand Circlet */ - Id: 16234 AegisName: Fest_Bunny_Band_Box Name: Festival Bunny Band Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 5553,1; /* Festival Bunny Band */ - Id: 16235 AegisName: Octopus_Hat_Box Name: Octopus Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5554,1; - Id: 16236 AegisName: Leaf_Cat_Hat_Box Name: Leaf Cat Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5555,1; - Id: 16237 AegisName: Fur_Seal_Hat_Box Name: Fur Seal Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5556,1; - Id: 16238 AegisName: Wild_Rose_Hat_Box Name: Wild Rose Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5557,1; - Id: 16239 AegisName: Saci_Hat_Box Name: Saci Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 5558,1; - Id: 16240 AegisName: Whikebain_Ears_Box Name: Whikebain's Black Ears Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5360,1; /* Hyuke's Black Cat Ears */ - Id: 16241 AegisName: Chicken_Hat_Box Name: Chicken Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5431,1; /* Chicken Hat */ - Id: 16242 AegisName: F_Whikebain_Ears_Box Name: Whikebine's Black Cat Ears Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5360,1; /* Hyuke's Black Cat Ears */ - Id: 16243 AegisName: F_Chicken_Hat_Box Name: Chicken Hat Box Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5431,1; /* Chicken Hat */ - Id: 16244 AegisName: Dolor_Hat_Box Name: Dolor Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 5563,1; - Id: 16245 AegisName: Tw_April_Scroll Name: Tw April Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Tw_April_Scroll); - Id: 16246 AegisName: Crown_Of_Deceit_Box Name: Crown Of Deceit Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5564,1; - Id: 16247 AegisName: Dragon_Arhat_Mask_Box Name: Dragon Arhat Mask Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5565,1; - Id: 16248 AegisName: Tiger_Arhat_Mask_Box Name: Tiger Arhat Mask Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5566,1; - Id: 16249 AegisName: Knight_Gift_Box Name: Knight Gift Box Type: Usable Flags: UniqueId: true - Id: 16250 AegisName: Valkyriee_Gift Name: Valkyrie's Gift Box Type: Cash Buy: 10 EquipLevelMin: 1 Script: | getitem 5826,1; - Id: 16251 AegisName: Gemini_Diadem_Box Name: Gemini Diadem Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5569,1; - Id: 16252 AegisName: Gemini_Crown_Box Name: Gemini Crown Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5570,1; - Id: 16253 AegisName: Rabbit_Scroll Name: Rabbit Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true - Id: 16254 AegisName: Acti_Potion_Box Name: Energizing Potion Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ACTI_POTION_BOX); - Id: 16255 AegisName: F_Acti_Potion_Box Name: Energizing Potion Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_ACTI_POTION_BOX); - Id: 16256 AegisName: RO_DS_Headgear_Box Name: Rag DS Helm Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_RO_DS_HEADGEAR_BOX); - Id: 16257 AegisName: Buddah_Scroll Name: Buddah Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Buddah_Scroll); - Id: 16258 AegisName: HD_Bradium_Box5 Name: HD Bradium 5 Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6226,5; - Id: 16259 AegisName: HD_Carnium_Box5 Name: HD Carnium 5 Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6225,5; - Id: 16260 AegisName: HD_Bradium_Box10 Name: HD Bradium 10 Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6226,10; - Id: 16261 AegisName: HD_Carnium_Box10 Name: HD Carnium 10 Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6225,10; - Id: 16262 AegisName: F_HD_Bradium_Box5 Name: HD Bradium 5 Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6226,5; - Id: 16263 AegisName: F_HD_Carnium_Box5 Name: HD Carnium 5 Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6225,5; - Id: 16264 AegisName: F_HD_Bradium_Box10 Name: HD Bradium 10 Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6226,10; - Id: 16265 AegisName: F_HD_Carnium_Box10 Name: HD Carnium 10 Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6225,10; - Id: 16266 AegisName: Idn_Inde_Beret_Box Name: Indonesia Beret Box Type: Cash Buy: 10 Weight: 10 EquipLevelMin: 1 Script: | getitem 5580,1; - Id: 16267 AegisName: HE_Battle_Manual_Box Name: HE Battle Manual Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12411,10; - Id: 16268 AegisName: HE_Bubble_Gum_Box Name: HE Bubble Gum Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12412,10; - Id: 16269 AegisName: Cancer_Diadem_Box Name: Cancer Diadem Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 5581,1; - Id: 16270 AegisName: Cancer_Crown_Box Name: Cancer Crown Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 5582,1; - Id: 16271 AegisName: Hockey_Mask_Box1 Name: Hockey Mask Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 EquipLevelMin: 50 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_HOCKEY_MASK_BOX1); - Id: 16272 AegisName: Observer_Box1 Name: Observer Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 EquipLevelMin: 35 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_OBSERVER_BOX1); - Id: 16273 AegisName: All_In_One_Ring_Box1 Name: Leo Crown Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ALL_IN_ONE_RING_BOX1); - Id: 16274 AegisName: Spritual_Tunic_Box1 Name: Leo Diadem Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SPRITUAL_TUNIC_BOX1); - Id: 16275 AegisName: Recuperative_Armor_Box1 Name: Recuvative Armor Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_RECUPERATIVE_ARMOR_BOX1); - Id: 16276 AegisName: Shelter_Resist_Box1 Name: Shell of Resistance Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SHELTER_RESIST_BOX1); - Id: 16277 AegisName: Sylphid_Manteau_Box1 Name: Silf Manteau Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SYLPHID_MANTEAU_BOX1); - Id: 16278 AegisName: Refresh_Shoes_Box1 Name: Refresh Shoes Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_REFRESH_SHOES_BOX1); - Id: 16279 AegisName: Well_Baked_Toast_Box1 Name: Crunch Toast Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_WELL_BAKED_TOAST_BOX1); - Id: 16280 AegisName: Wasteland_Outlaw_Box1 Name: Western Outlaw Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_WASTELAND_OUTLAW_BOX1); - Id: 16281 AegisName: Lever_Act_Rifle_Box1 Name: Lever Action Rifle Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LEVER_ACT_RIFLE_BOX1); - Id: 16282 AegisName: Healing_Staff_Box1 Name: Staff of Healing Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_HEALING_STAFF_BOX1); - Id: 16283 AegisName: Praxinus_Box1 Name: Fraxinus Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_PRAXINUS_BOX1); - Id: 16284 AegisName: Guild_Recruit_Box1 Name: Guild Member Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 EquipLevelMin: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_GUILD_RECRUIT_BOX1); - Id: 16285 AegisName: Party_Recruit_Hat_Box1 Name: Party Member Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 EquipLevelMin: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_PARTY_RECRUIT_HAT_BOX1); - Id: 16286 AegisName: Bf_Recruit_Hat_Box1 Name: Boyfriend Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 EquipLevelMin: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BF_RECRUIT_HAT_BOX1); - Id: 16287 AegisName: Gf_Recruit_Hat_Box1 Name: Girlfriend Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 EquipLevelMin: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_GF_RECRUIT_HAT_BOX1); - Id: 16288 AegisName: Friend_Recruit_Hat_Box1 Name: Friend Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 EquipLevelMin: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_FRIEND_RECRUIT_HAT_BOX1); - Id: 16289 AegisName: Claymore_C_box1 Name: Claymore Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CLAYMORE_C_BOX1); - Id: 16290 AegisName: Two_Handed_Axe_C_Box1 Name: Two-Handed Axe Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_TWO_HANDED_AXE_C_BOX1); - Id: 16291 AegisName: Lance_C_Box1 Name: Lance Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LANCE_C_BOX1); - Id: 16292 AegisName: Jamadhar_C_Box1 Name: Jamadhar Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_JAMADHAR_C_BOX1); - Id: 16293 AegisName: Huuma_Giant_C_Box1 Name: Huuma Giant Wheel Shuriken Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_HUUMA_GIANT_C_BOX1); - Id: 16294 AegisName: Orcish_Axe_C_Box1 Name: Orcish Axe Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ORCISH_AXE_C_BOX1); - Id: 16295 AegisName: Pike_C_Box1 Name: Spike Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_PIKE_C_BOX1); - Id: 16296 AegisName: Encyclopedia_C_Box1 Name: Giant Encyclopedia Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ENCYCLOPEDIA_C_BOX1); - Id: 16297 AegisName: Fist_C_Box1 Name: Fist Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_FIST_C_BOX1); - Id: 16298 AegisName: Guitar_C_Box1 Name: Guitar Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_GUITAR_C_BOX1); - Id: 16299 AegisName: Rante_C_Box1 Name: Rante Whip Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_RANTE_C_BOX1); - Id: 16300 AegisName: Damascus_C_Box1 Name: Damascus Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_DAMASCUS_C_BOX1); - Id: 16301 AegisName: Flamberge_C_Box1 Name: Flamberge Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_FLAMBERGE_C_BOX1); - Id: 16302 AegisName: Stunner_C_Box1 Name: Stunner Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_STUNNER_C_BOX1); - Id: 16303 AegisName: Angry_Mouth_C_Box1 Name: Angry Mouth Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ANGRY_MOUTH_C_BOX1); - Id: 16304 AegisName: Evil_Incarnation_Disable Name: Evil Incarnation Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Evil_Incarnation); - Id: 16305 AegisName: Upg_Guard_Box Name: Upg Guard Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 2149,1; - Id: 16306 AegisName: F_Upg_Guard_Box Name: F Upg Guard Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 2149,1; - Id: 16307 AegisName: Upg_Buckler_Box Name: Upg Buckler Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 2150,1; - Id: 16308 AegisName: F_Upg_Buckler_Box Name: F Upg Buckler Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 2150,1; - Id: 16309 AegisName: Upg_Shield_Box Name: Upg Shield Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 2151,1; - Id: 16310 AegisName: F_Upg_Shield_Box Name: F Upg Shield Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 2151,1; - Id: 16311 AegisName: Upg_Shoes_Box Name: Upg Shoes Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 2459,1; - Id: 16312 AegisName: F_Upg_Shoes_Box Name: F Upg Shoes Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 2459,1; - Id: 16313 AegisName: Upg_Boots_Box Name: Upg Boots Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 2460,1; - Id: 16314 AegisName: F_Upg_Boots_Box Name: F Upg Boots Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 2460,1; - Id: 16315 AegisName: Upg_Greave_Box Name: Upg Greave Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 2461,1; - Id: 16316 AegisName: F_Upg_Greave_Box Name: F Upg Greave Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 2461,1; - Id: 16317 AegisName: Upg_Hood_Box Name: Upg Hood Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 2561,1; - Id: 16318 AegisName: F_Upg_Hood_Box Name: F Upg Hood Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 2561,1; - Id: 16319 AegisName: Upg_Muffler_Box Name: Upg Muffler Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 2562,1; - Id: 16320 AegisName: F_Upg_Muffler_Box Name: F Upg Muffler Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 2562,1; - Id: 16321 AegisName: Upg_Manteau_Box Name: Upg Manteau Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 2563,1; - Id: 16322 AegisName: F_Upg_Manteau_Box Name: F Upg Manteau Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 2563,1; - Id: 16323 AegisName: Upg_Clip_Box Name: Upg Clip Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 2828,1; - Id: 16324 AegisName: F_Upg_Clip_Box Name: F Upg Clip Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 2828,1; - Id: 16325 AegisName: Rune_Hairband_Box Name: Rune Hairband Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5585,1; /* Rune Cloth Circlet */ - Id: 16326 AegisName: F_Rune_Hairband_Box Name: Rune Cloth Circlet Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5585,1; /* Rune Cloth Circlet */ - Id: 16327 AegisName: Upg_Adv_Suit_Box Name: Upg Adv Suit Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 15015,1; - Id: 16328 AegisName: F_Upg_Adv_Suit_Box Name: F Upg Adv Suit Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 15015,1; - Id: 16329 AegisName: Upg_Coat_Box Name: Upg Coat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 15016,1; - Id: 16330 AegisName: F_Upg_Coat_Box Name: F Upg Coat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 15016,1; - Id: 16331 AegisName: Upg_Saint_Robe_Box Name: Upg Saint Robe Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 15017,1; - Id: 16332 AegisName: F_Upg_Saint_Robe_Box Name: F Upg Saint Robe Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 15017,1; - Id: 16333 AegisName: Upg_Tights_Box Name: Upg Tights Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 15018,1; - Id: 16334 AegisName: F_Upg_Tights_Box Name: F Upg Tights Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 15018,1; - Id: 16335 AegisName: Upg_Thief_Cloth_Box Name: Upg Thief Cloth Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 15019,1; - Id: 16336 AegisName: F_Upg_Thief_Cloth_Box Name: F Upg Thief Cloth Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 15019,1; - Id: 16337 AegisName: Upg_Mail_Box Name: Upg Mail Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 15020,1; - Id: 16338 AegisName: F_Upg_Mail_Box Name: F Upg Mail Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 15020,1; - Id: 16339 AegisName: Upg_Formal_Dress_Box Name: Upg Formal Dress Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 15021,1; - Id: 16340 AegisName: F_Upg_Formal_Dress_Box Name: F Upg Formal Dress Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 15021,1; - Id: 16341 AegisName: Greed_Clip_Box Name: Greed Clip Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 2829,1; - Id: 16342 AegisName: F_Greed_Clip_Box Name: F Greed Clip Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 2829,1; - Id: 16343 AegisName: Leo_Crown_Box Name: Leo Crown Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 5588,1; - Id: 16344 AegisName: Leo_Diadem_Box Name: Leo Diadem Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 5589,1; - Id: 16345 AegisName: F_Leo_Crown_Box Name: F Leo Crown Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 5588,1; - Id: 16346 AegisName: F_Leo_Diadem_Box Name: F Leo Diadem Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 5589,1; - Id: 16347 AegisName: Shooting_Star_C_Box Name: Shooting Star Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SHOOTING_STAR_C_BOX); - Id: 16348 AegisName: Bloody_Fear_C_Box Name: Bloody Spear Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BLOODY_FEAR_C_BOX); - Id: 16349 AegisName: Ahlspiess_C_Box Name: Ahlspiess Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_AHLSPIESS_C_BOX); - Id: 16350 AegisName: Staff_Of_Healing_C_Box Name: Healing of Staff Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_STAFF_OF_HEALING_C_BOX); - Id: 16351 AegisName: Anti_Demon_Shield_C_Box Name: Anti Demon Shield Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ANTI_DEMON_SHIELD_C_BOX); - Id: 16352 AegisName: F_Shooting_Star_C_Box Name: Shooting Star Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_SHOOTING_STAR_C_BOX); - Id: 16353 AegisName: F_Bloody_Fear_C_Box Name: Bloody Spear Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_BLOODY_FEAR_C_BOX); - Id: 16354 AegisName: F_Ahlspiess_C_Box Name: Ahlspiess Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_AHLSPIESS_C_BOX); - Id: 16355 AegisName: F_S_Healing_C_Box Name: Healing of Staff Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_S_HEALING_C_BOX); - Id: 16356 AegisName: F_A_Demon_Shield_C_Box Name: Anti Demon Shield Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_A_DEMON_SHIELD_C_BOX); - Id: 16357 AegisName: F_Evils_Bone_Hat_Box Name: Satanic Bone Helm Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5529,1; /* Satanic Bone Helm */ - Id: 16358 AegisName: Mbl_Pet_Random_Box Name: Mobile Pet Random Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_MBL_PET_RANDOM_BOX); - Id: 16359 AegisName: 7th_Anni_Random_Box Name: 7th Years Random Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_7TH_ANNI_RANDOM_BOX); - Id: 16360 AegisName: Desert_Prince_Box Name: Desert Prince Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5591,1; - Id: 16361 AegisName: FDesert_Prince_Box Name: FDesert Prince Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5591,1; - Id: 16362 AegisName: Sigrun's_Wing_Box Name: Sigrun's Wing Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5592,1; - Id: 16363 AegisName: FSigrun's_Wing_Box Name: FSigrun's Wing Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5592,1; - Id: 16364 AegisName: Sleipnir_Box Name: Sleipnir R Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 2410,86400; /* Sleipnir */ - Id: 16365 AegisName: Magingiorde_Box Name: Megingjord R Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 2629,86400; /* Megingjard */ - Id: 16366 AegisName: Brysinggamen_Box Name: Brisingamen R Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 2630,86400; /* Brisingamen */ - Id: 16367 AegisName: Mjolnir_Box Name: Mjolnir R Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 1530,86400; /* Mjolnir */ - Id: 16368 AegisName: Virgo_Crown_Box Name: Virgo Crown Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5598,1; - Id: 16369 AegisName: Freyja_Ring_Box Name: Freya Ring R Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_FREYJA_RING_BOX); - Id: 16370 AegisName: F_Freyja_Ring_Box Name: Freya Ring R Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_FREYJA_RING_BOX); - Id: 16371 AegisName: Tw_Aug_Scroll Name: Tw Aug Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Tw_Aug_Scroll); - Id: 16372 AegisName: Clover_Box_Mouth Name: Clover Box Mouth Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CLOVER_BOX_MOUTH); - Id: 16373 AegisName: F_Clover_Box_Mouth Name: Four Leaf Clover in Mouth R Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_CLOVER_BOX_MOUTH); - Id: 16374 AegisName: Bgum_Mouth_Box Name: Mouth Bubble Gum Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Mouth_Bubble_Gum_Box); /*rentitem Bubble_Gum_In_Mouth,3600;*/ - Id: 16375 AegisName: F_BGum_Box_In_Mouth Name: Chewing Bubble Gum R Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_BGUM_BOX_IN_MOUTH); - Id: 16376 AegisName: Odin's_Recall7 Name: Odin's Recall 7days Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 2833,86400; /* Odin's Recall */ - Id: 16377 AegisName: Odin's_Recall30 Name: Odin's Recall 30days Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 2833,2592000; /* Odin's Recall */ - Id: 16378 AegisName: Siege_Scroll_Box30 Name: Siege Teleport Scroll 30 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14591,30; - Id: 16379 AegisName: Tele_Scroll2_Box10 Name: Siege Teleport Scroll Silver 10Box Type: Cash Buy: 10 Weight: 10 EquipLevelMin: 1 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12415,10; - Id: 16380 AegisName: S_Tele_Scroll2_Box30 Name: Siege Teleport Scroll Silver 30Box Type: Cash Buy: 10 Weight: 10 EquipLevelMin: 1 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12415,30; - Id: 16381 AegisName: F_Siege_Tele_10Sc_Box Name: WoE Teleport Scroll 100 Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12444,100; - Id: 16382 AegisName: F_Siege_Scroll_Box1_30 Name: WoE Teleport Scroll 30 Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12444,30; - Id: 16383 AegisName: F_Siege_Scroll_Box2_10 Name: Siege Map Teleport Scroll II(10) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14591,10; /* WoE Teleport Scroll */ - Id: 16384 AegisName: F_Siege_Scroll_Box2_30 Name: Siege Map Teleport Scroll II(30) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14591,30; /* WoE Teleport Scroll */ - Id: 16385 AegisName: Clover_Box_Mouth2 Name: Clover Box Mouth2 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CLOVER_BOX_MOUTH2); - Id: 16386 AegisName: Clover_Box_Mouth4 Name: Clover Box Mouth4 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CLOVER_BOX_MOUTH4); - Id: 16387 AegisName: F_Clover_Box_Mouth2 Name: Four Leaf Clover in Mouth R Box II Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_CLOVER_BOX_MOUTH2); - Id: 16388 AegisName: F_Clover_Box_Mouth4 Name: Four Leaf Clover in Mouth Box III Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_CLOVER_BOX_MOUTH4); - Id: 16389 AegisName: BGum_Box_In_Mouth2 Name: BGum Box In Mouth2 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BGum_Box_In_Mouth2); /*rentitem Bubble_Gum_In_Mouth,7200;*/ - Id: 16390 AegisName: BGum_Box_In_Mouth4 Name: BGum Box In Mouth4 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BGum_Box_In_Mouth4); /*rentitem Bubble_Gum_In_Mouth,14400;*/ - Id: 16391 AegisName: F_BGum_Box_In_Mouth2 Name: Chewing Bubble Gum R Box II Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_BGUM_BOX_IN_MOUTH2); - Id: 16392 AegisName: F_BGum_Box_In_Mouth4 Name: Chewing Bubble Gum R Box III Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_BGUM_BOX_IN_MOUTH4); - Id: 16393 AegisName: HD_Ori_Box5 Name: HD Oridecon 5 Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6240,5; - Id: 16394 AegisName: HD_Ori_Box10 Name: HD Oridecon 10 Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6240,10; - Id: 16395 AegisName: HD_Elu_Box5 Name: HD Elunium 5 Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6241,5; - Id: 16396 AegisName: HD_Elu_Box10 Name: HD Elunium 10 Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6241,10; - Id: 16397 AegisName: Virgo_Diadem_Box Name: Virgo Diadem Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5599,1; - Id: 16398 AegisName: F_Virgo_Crown_Box Name: Virgo Crown Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5598,1; - Id: 16399 AegisName: F_Virgo_Diadem_Box Name: Virgo Diadem Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5599,1; - Id: 16400 AegisName: F_HD_Ori_Box5 Name: Purified Oridecon Box(5) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6240,5; /* HD Oridecon */ - Id: 16401 AegisName: F_HD_Ori_Box10 Name: Purified Oridecon Box(10) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6240,10; /* HD Oridecon */ - Id: 16402 AegisName: F_HD_Elu_Box5 Name: Purified Eluminium Box(5) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6241,5; /* HD Elunium */ - Id: 16403 AegisName: F_HD_Elu_Box10 Name: Purified Eluminium Box(10) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6241,10; /* HD Elunium */ - Id: 16405 AegisName: Midgard_Coin_Box Name: Midgard Coin Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6242,1; - Id: 16406 AegisName: FMidgard_Coin_Box Name: FMidgard Coin Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6242,1; - Id: 16407 AegisName: Freyja_Ring_Box2 Name: Freya Ring R Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_FREYJA_RING_BOX2); - Id: 16408 AegisName: F_Freyja_Ring_Box2 Name: Freya Ring R Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_FREYJA_RING_BOX2); - Id: 16409 AegisName: Tw_Sep_Scroll Name: Tw Sep Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Tw_Sep_Scroll); - Id: 16410 AegisName: Chung_Hairband_Box Name: Chung Hairband Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 5609,1; - Id: 16411 AegisName: FChung_Hairband_Box Name: FChung Hairband Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 5609,1; - Id: 16412 AegisName: Ice_Wing_Ear_Box Name: Ice Wing Ear Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 5610,1; - Id: 16413 AegisName: FIce_Wing_Ear_Box Name: FIce Wing Ear Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 5610,1; - Id: 16414 AegisName: Turtle_Hat_Box Name: Turtle Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 5611,1; - Id: 16415 AegisName: FTurtle_Hat_Box Name: FTurtle Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 5611,1; - Id: 16418 AegisName: F_Giant_Fly_Wing_Box500 Name: Giant Fly Wing Box 500 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 1 Script: | getitem 12212,500; - Id: 16419 AegisName: F_Greed_Box30 Name: Greed Scroll Box 30 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 1 Script: | getitem 14529,30; - Id: 16420 AegisName: F_Pet_Egg_Scroll9 Name: Adventurer Pack Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 1 Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_PET_EGG_SCROLL9); - Id: 16421 AegisName: F_Marriage_Covenant_Box Name: Written Oath Of Marriage Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 1 Script: | getitem 6026,1; - Id: 16422 AegisName: F_Magestic_Goat_Box Name: Magestic Goat Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 1 Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_MAGESTIC_GOAT_BOX); - Id: 16423 AegisName: F_Pet_Egg_Scroll3 Name: Episode 13.1 Key Package Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 1 Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_PET_EGG_SCROLL3); - Id: 16424 AegisName: F_Executioner_Box Name: Executioner Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 1 Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_EXECUTIONER_BOX); - Id: 16425 AegisName: F_Cutlas_Box Name: Cutlus Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 1 Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_CUTLAS_BOX); - Id: 16426 AegisName: F_Moonlight_Sword_Box Name: Moonlight Dagger Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 1 Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_MOONLIGHT_SWORD_BOX); - Id: 16427 AegisName: F_Spanner_Box Name: Wrench Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 1 Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_SPANNER_BOX); - Id: 16428 AegisName: F_Solar_Sword_Box Name: Solar Sword Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 1 Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_SOLAR_SWORD_BOX); - Id: 16429 AegisName: F_Tomahawk_Box Name: Tomahawk Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 1 Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_TOMAHAWK_BOX); - Id: 16430 AegisName: F_Bow_Of_Rudra_Box Name: Rudra Bow Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 1 Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_BOW_OF_RUDRA_BOX); - Id: 16431 AegisName: F_Pole_Axe_Box Name: Pole Axe Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 1 Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_POLE_AXE_BOX); - Id: 16432 AegisName: BM_Pack_Box_A Name: Battle Manual Package Box (A) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BM_PACK_BOX_A); - Id: 16433 AegisName: F_BM_Pack_Box_A Name: Battle Manual Package Box (A) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_BM_PACK_BOX_A); - Id: 16434 AegisName: BM_Pack_Box_B Name: Battle Manual Package Box (B) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BM_PACK_BOX_B); - Id: 16435 AegisName: F_BM_Pack_Box_B Name: Battle Manual Package Box (B) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_BM_PACK_BOX_B); - Id: 16436 AegisName: Libra_Crown_Box Name: Libra Crown Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 5662,1; - Id: 16437 AegisName: FLibra_Crown_Box Name: Libra Crown Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 5662,1; - Id: 16438 AegisName: Libra_Diadem_Box Name: Libra Diadem Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 5663,1; - Id: 16439 AegisName: FLibra_Diadem_Box Name: Libra Diadem Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 5663,1; - Id: 16440 AegisName: Filir_Wing_Box Name: Filir Wing Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 5664,1; - Id: 16441 AegisName: FFilir_Wing_Box Name: Filir Wings Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 5664,1; /* Filir's Pinions */ - Id: 16442 AegisName: Shaman_Hat_Box Name: Shaman Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5665,1; /* Shaman Hat */ - Id: 16443 AegisName: F_Shaman_Hat_Box Name: Shaman Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5665,1; /* Shaman Hat */ - Id: 16444 AegisName: Golden_Crown_Box Name: Crown Cap Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5666,1; /* Golden Crown */ - Id: 16445 AegisName: F_Golden_Crown_Box Name: Crown Cap Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5666,1; /* Golden Crown */ - Id: 16446 AegisName: Tw_October_Scroll Name: Tw October Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Tw_October_Scroll); - Id: 16447 AegisName: Scorpio_Crown_Box Name: Scorpio Crown Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5676,1; - Id: 16448 AegisName: Scorpio_Diadem_Box Name: Scorpio Diadem Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5677,1; - Id: 16449 AegisName: FScorpio_Crown_Box Name: Scorpio Crown Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5676,1; - Id: 16450 AegisName: FScorpio_Diadem_Box Name: FScorpio Diadem Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5677,1; - Id: 16451 AegisName: F_Raven_Cap_Box Name: Crow Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 5530,1; /* Raven Cap */ - Id: 16452 AegisName: Bright_Fury_Box Name: Rage of Luster Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5567,1; /* Bright Fury */ - Id: 16453 AegisName: Triangle_Rune_Cap_Box Name: Triangle Rune Cap Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5682,1; /* Triangle Rune Cap */ - Id: 16454 AegisName: F_Bright_Fury_Box Name: Rage of Luster Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5567,1; /* Bright Fury */ - Id: 16455 AegisName: F_Triangle_Rune_Cap_Box Name: Triangle Rune Cap Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5682,1; /* Triangle Rune Cap */ - Id: 16456 AegisName: My_Scroll1 Name: My Scroll1 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_My_Scroll1); - Id: 16457 AegisName: Tw_Nov_Scroll Name: Tw Nov Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Tw_Nov_Scroll); - Id: 16458 AegisName: 2009Love_Daddy_Box Name: Love Dad Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 5489,1; /* Love Daddy Hat */ - Id: 16459 AegisName: Queen_Ant_Diadem_Box Name: Ant Queen Crown Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 5689,1; /* Queen Ant Diadem */ - Id: 16460 AegisName: FQueen_Ant_Diadem_Box Name: Ant Queen Crown Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 5689,1; /* Queen Ant Diadem */ - Id: 16461 AegisName: Redwing_Hat_Box Name: Red Wing Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 5690,1; - Id: 16462 AegisName: FRed_Wing_Hat_Box Name: FRed Wing Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 5690,1; - Id: 16466 AegisName: My_Scroll2 Name: My Scroll2 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_My_Scroll2); - Id: 16467 AegisName: Xmas_Card_Box Name: Christmas Card Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_XMAS_CARD_BOX); - Id: 16468 AegisName: F_Xmas_Card_Box Name: Christmas Card Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_XMAS_CARD_BOX); - Id: 16469 AegisName: Xmas_Card_Box2 Name: Christmas Card Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_XMAS_CARD_BOX2); - Id: 16470 AegisName: F_Xmas_Card_Box2 Name: Christmas Card Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_XMAS_CARD_BOX2); - Id: 16481 AegisName: E_S_Life_Potion_Box Name: Small Life Potion Box (10) Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12516,10; - Id: 16483 AegisName: E_Abrasive_Box10 Name: Abrasive Box (10) Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12514,10; - Id: 16492 AegisName: E_Bunny_Band_Box Name: Bunny Band Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_E_BUNNY_BAND_BOX); - Id: 16503 AegisName: E_Insurance_Package Name: E Insurance Package Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 12209,10; - Id: 16504 AegisName: E_Bubble_Gum_Box Name: Bubble Gum Box (10) Type: Cash Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12210,10; - Id: 16505 AegisName: E_Str_Dish_Box Name: Steamed Tongue Box (10) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12501,10; - Id: 16506 AegisName: E_Agi_Dish_Box Name: Steamed Desert Scorpions Box (10) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12502,10; - Id: 16507 AegisName: E_Int_Dish_Box Name: Dragon Breath Cocktail Box (10) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12503,10; - Id: 16508 AegisName: E_Dex_Dish_Box Name: Hwergelmir's Tonic Box (10) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12504,10; - Id: 16509 AegisName: E_Luk_Dish_Box Name: Cooked Nine Tail Box (10) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12505,10; - Id: 16510 AegisName: E_Vit_Dish_Box Name: Immortal Stew Box (10) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12506,10; - Id: 16514 AegisName: E_Blessing_10_Scr_Box Name: Blessing Scroll Box (10) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12522,10; - Id: 16515 AegisName: E_Inc_Agi_10_Scr_Box Name: Increase Agility Scroll Box (10) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12523,10; - Id: 16542 AegisName: Xmas_Bless Name: Xmas Bless Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Xmas_Bless); - Id: 16543 AegisName: Snowman_Hat_Box Name: Snowman Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5738,1; - Id: 16544 AegisName: FSnowman_Hat_Box Name: FSnowman Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5738,1; - Id: 16548 AegisName: Sagittarius_Crown_Box Name: Sagittarius Crown Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 5739,1; - Id: 16549 AegisName: Sagittarius_Diadem_Box Name: Sagittarius Diadem Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 5740,1; - Id: 16550 AegisName: FSagittarius_Crown_Box Name: Sagittarius Crown Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 5739,1; - Id: 16551 AegisName: FSagittarius_Diadem_Box Name: Sagittarius Diadem Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 5740,1; - Id: 16554 AegisName: E_Elven_Sunglass_Box Name: Elven Sunglasses Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 1 Script: | getitem 5245,1; - Id: 16555 AegisName: Pr_Reset_Stone_Box Name: Pr Reset Stone Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | /*getgroupitem(IG_Pr_Reset_Stone_Box);*/ getitem 6320,1; - Id: 16556 AegisName: FPr_Reset_Stone_Box Name: Reset Stone Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | /*getgroupitem(IG_FPr_Reset_Stone_Box);*/ getitem 6320,1; - Id: 16557 AegisName: CP_Helm_Scroll10 Name: CP Helm Scroll10 Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 14517,10; - Id: 16558 AegisName: CP_Shield_Scroll10 Name: CP Shield Scroll10 Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 14518,10; - Id: 16559 AegisName: CP_Armor_Scroll10 Name: CP Armor Scroll10 Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 14519,10; - Id: 16560 AegisName: CP_Weapon_Scroll10 Name: CP Weapon Scroll10 Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 14520,10; - Id: 16561 AegisName: CP_Scroll_Package Name: CP Scroll Package Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true - Id: 16562 AegisName: Majestic_Devil_Scroll Name: Majestic Devil Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Majestic_Devil_Scroll); - Id: 16563 AegisName: BM100_Box_5 Name: BM100 Box 5 Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 14533,5; - Id: 16565 AegisName: Capricon_Crown_Box Name: Capricorn Crown Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 5744,1; - Id: 16566 AegisName: FCapricon_Crown_Box Name: Capricorn Crown Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 5744,1; - Id: 16567 AegisName: Capricon_Diadem_Box Name: Capricorn Diadem Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 5745,1; - Id: 16568 AegisName: FCapricon_Diadem_Box Name: FCapricorn Diadem Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 5745,1; - Id: 16569 AegisName: Summber_Scroll Name: Summer Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 100 Flags: UniqueId: true - Id: 16571 AegisName: Onigiri_Hat_Box Name: Rice Ball Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 10 Weight: 10 EquipLevelMin: 1 Script: | getitem 5575,1; - Id: 16573 AegisName: Skull_Hood_Box Name: Skull Hood Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5667,1; /* Skull Hood */ - Id: 16574 AegisName: F_Skull_Hood_Box Name: Skull Hood Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5667,1; /* Skull Hood */ - Id: 16576 AegisName: Illusion_Nothing Name: Illusion Nothing Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Illusion_Nothing); - Id: 16577 AegisName: Dragon_Captain Name: Dragon Captain Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true - Id: 16580 AegisName: Lacma_Box Name: Lacma Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 13049,1; /* Lacma */ - Id: 16581 AegisName: F_Lacma_Box Name: Lacma Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 13049,1; /* Lacma */ - Id: 16582 AegisName: Red_Bunny_Band_Box Name: Red Bunny Band Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 5763,1; - Id: 16584 AegisName: Sloth_Hat_Box Name: Sloth Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 5761,1; - Id: 16585 AegisName: F_Sloth_Hat_Box Name: F Sloth Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 5761,1; - Id: 16586 AegisName: Duneyrr_Helm_Box Name: Duneyrr Helm Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 5762,1; - Id: 16587 AegisName: F_Duneyrr_Helm_Box Name: F Duneyrr Helm Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 5762,1; - Id: 16588 AegisName: Thoughtful_Hat_Box Name: Thoughtful Hat Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_THOUGHTFUL_HAT_BOX); - Id: 16589 AegisName: F_Thoughtful_Hat_Box Name: Thoughtful Hat Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_THOUGHTFUL_HAT_BOX); - Id: 16590 AegisName: E_Thoughtful_Hat_Box Name: Thoughtful Hat Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_E_THOUGHTFUL_HAT_BOX); - Id: 16591 AegisName: Summer_Scroll2 Name: Overseas Care Package Remix XIII Mini Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 100 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SUMMER_SCROLL2); - Id: 16592 AegisName: Family_Hat_Box Name: Family Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 5771,1; /* Family Hat */ - Id: 16593 AegisName: F_Family_Hat_Box Name: Family Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 5771,1; /* Family Hat */ - Id: 16596 AegisName: Helm_Of_Abyss_Box Name: Helm of Abyss Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5363,1; /* Helm Of Abyss */ - Id: 16597 AegisName: F_Helm_Of_Abyss_Box Name: Helm of Abyss Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5363,1; /* Helm Of Abyss */ - Id: 16598 AegisName: Acti_Potion_Box2 Name: Energizing Potion Box II Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ACTI_POTION_BOX2); - Id: 16599 AegisName: F_Acti_Potion_Box2 Name: Energizing Potion Box II Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_ACTI_POTION_BOX2); - Id: 16600 AegisName: Spring_Flower_Scr_Tw Name: Spring Flower Scr Tw Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true - Id: 16601 AegisName: Blue_Arara_Hat_Box Name: Blue Arara Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 5778,1; - Id: 16602 AegisName: F_Blue_Arara_Hat_Box Name: F Blue Arara Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 5778,1; - Id: 16603 AegisName: Drooping_Boto_Box Name: Drooping Votto Box Type: Cash Buy: 10 Script: | /* getitem drooping votto hat,1; */ - Id: 16604 AegisName: F_Drooping_Boto_Box Name: Drooping Votto Box Type: Cash Buy: 10 Script: | /* getitem drooping votto hat[1],1; */ - Id: 16605 AegisName: Tendrilion_Hat_Box Name: Tendrilion Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 5780,1; /* Tendrilion Hat */ - Id: 16606 AegisName: F_Tendrilion_Hat_Box Name: Tendrilrion Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 5780,1; - Id: 16619 AegisName: Yellow_Bunnyband_Box Name: Yellow Bunnyband Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 5783,1; - Id: 16620 AegisName: F_Yellow_Bunnyband_Box Name: Yellow Bunny Headband Box Type: Cash Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 5783,1; - Id: 16621 AegisName: Pink_Bunnyband_Box Name: Pink Bunny Band Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 2214,1; /* Bunny Band */ - Id: 16622 AegisName: F_Pink_Bunnyband_Box Name: Pink Bunny Band Box Type: Cash Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 5784,1; - Id: 16623 AegisName: Green_Bunnyband_Box Name: Green Bunny Band Box Type: Cash Buy: 10 Script: | getitem 5785,1; - Id: 16624 AegisName: F_Green_Bunnyrband_Box Name: Green Bunnyband Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 2214,1; /* Bunny Band */ - Id: 16625 AegisName: Half_Asprika_Box Name: Half Asprika Box 7days Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 EquipLevelMin: 47 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_HALF_ASPRIKA_BOX); - Id: 16626 AegisName: Half_Megin_Box Name: Half Megin Box 7days Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 EquipLevelMin: 47 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_HALF_MEGIN_BOX); - Id: 16627 AegisName: Half_Brysing_Box Name: Half Brysing Box 7days Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 EquipLevelMin: 47 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_HALF_BRYSING_BOX); - Id: 16628 AegisName: Half_Brynhild_Box Name: Half Brynhild Box 7days Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 EquipLevelMin: 47 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_HALF_BRYNHILD_BOX); - Id: 16629 AegisName: Granpeco_Hairband_Box Name: Grand Peco Headdress Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 800 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5476,1; /* Grand Peco Hairband */ - Id: 16630 AegisName: F_Granpeco_Hairband_Box Name: Grand Peco Headdress Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 800 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5476,1; /* Grand Peco Hairband */ - Id: 16631 AegisName: Aributa_Scroll Name: Aributa Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true - Id: 16632 AegisName: test_3 Name: Closed Mind Box Type: Usable # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 16633 AegisName: Bubble_Gum_Plus_10Box Name: Bubble Gum Plus Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 12562,10; - Id: 16634 AegisName: Spiked_Scarf_Box2 Name: Spiked Scarf BoxII Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SPIKED_SCARF_BOX2); - Id: 16635 AegisName: Rainbow_Scarf_Box2 Name: Rainbow Scarf BoxII Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_RAINBOW_SCARF_BOX2); - Id: 16636 AegisName: Spiked_Scarf_Box3 Name: Spiked Scarf BoxIII Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SPIKED_SCARF_BOX3); - Id: 16637 AegisName: Rainbow_Scarf_Box3 Name: Rainbow Scarf BoxIII Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_RAINBOW_SCARF_BOX3); - Id: 16638 AegisName: Ribbon_Of_Life_Box Name: Life Ribbon Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Life_Ribbon_Box); - Id: 16639 AegisName: Ribbon_Of_Life_Box2 Name: Life Ribbon Box2 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Life_Ribbon_Box2); - Id: 16640 AegisName: Ribbon_Of_Life_Box3 Name: Life Ribbon Box3 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Life_Ribbon_Box3); - Id: 16641 AegisName: F_Spiked_Scarf_Box Name: Spiked Scarf Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_SPIKED_SCARF_BOX); - Id: 16642 AegisName: F_Rainbow_Scarf_Box Name: Rainbow Scarf Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_RAINBOW_SCARF_BOX); - Id: 16643 AegisName: F_Spiked_Scarf_Box2 Name: Spiked Scarf BoxII Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_SPIKED_SCARF_BOX2); - Id: 16644 AegisName: F_Rainbow_Scarf_Box2 Name: Rainbow Scarf BoxII Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_RAINBOW_SCARF_BOX2); - Id: 16645 AegisName: F_Spiked_Scarf_Box3 Name: Spiked Scarf BoxIII Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_SPIKED_SCARF_BOX3); - Id: 16646 AegisName: F_Rainbow_Scarf_Box3 Name: Rainbow Scarf BoxIII Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_RAINBOW_SCARF_BOX3); - Id: 16647 AegisName: F_Ribbon_Of_Life_Box Name: Life Ribbon Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_RIBBON_OF_LIFE_BOX); - Id: 16648 AegisName: F_Ribbon_Of_Life_Box2 Name: Life Ribbon BoxII Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_RIBBON_OF_LIFE_BOX2); - Id: 16649 AegisName: F_Ribbon_Of_Life_Box3 Name: Life Ribbon BoxIII Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_RIBBON_OF_LIFE_BOX3); - Id: 16650 AegisName: F_Gemini_Diadem_Box Name: Gemini Diadem Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5569,1; /* Gemini Diadem */ - Id: 16651 AegisName: F_Gemini_Crown_Box Name: Gemini Crown Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5570,1; /* Gemini Crown */ - Id: 16652 AegisName: Flame_Light Name: Flame Light Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Flame_Light); - Id: 16653 AegisName: BM75_10Box Name: BM75 10Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 12563,10; - Id: 16654 AegisName: Valiant_Will Name: Valiant Will Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true - Id: 16655 AegisName: Rapid_Life_Water_Box Name: Rapid Life Potion 10 Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_RAPID_LIFE_WATER_BOX); - Id: 16656 AegisName: F_Rapid_Life_Water_Box Name: Rapid Life Potion Box (10) Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_RAPID_LIFE_WATER_BOX); - Id: 16657 AegisName: Rapid_Life_Water_Box2 Name: Rapid Life Water Box10 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12578,10; /* Rapid Life Water */ - Id: 16658 AegisName: F_Rapid_Life_Water_Box2 Name: Rapid Water Box (10) Type: Cash Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12578,10; - Id: 16659 AegisName: Zodiac_Diadem_Pack Name: Zodiac Diadem Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 1 Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ZODIAC_DIADEM_PACK); - Id: 16660 AegisName: Auger_Of_Spirit_Box Name: Spiritual Auger Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6396,1; /* Auger Of Spirit */ - Id: 16661 AegisName: F_Auger_Of_Spirit_Box Name: Spiritual Auger Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6396,1; /* Auger Of Spirit */ - Id: 16662 AegisName: F_Aries_Diadem_Box Name: Aries Diadem Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5545,1; /* Aries Diadem */ - Id: 16663 AegisName: F_Aries_Crown_Box Name: Aries Crown Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5546,1; /* Aries Crown */ - Id: 16664 AegisName: Leo_Scroll Name: Leo Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true - Id: 16665 AegisName: Virgo_Scroll Name: Virgo Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true - Id: 16666 AegisName: Magic_Candy_Box10 Name: Magic Candy Box10 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Magic_Candy_Box10); /*getitem Magic_Candy,10;*/ - Id: 16667 AegisName: F_Magic_Candy_Box10 Name: Magic Candy Box (10) Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_MAGIC_CANDY_BOX10); - Id: 16668 AegisName: Colorful_Ketupat_Box Name: Kotak Ketupat Warna Warni Type: Cash Buy: 10 Weight: 10 EquipLevelMin: 1 Script: | rentitem 2869,20160000; - Id: 16670 AegisName: Battle_Manual_Box_A Name: Field Manual Box A Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 14532,10; if (!rand(10)) getitem callfunc("F_Rand",603,617),1; - Id: 16671 AegisName: Magic_Candy_Box10_2 Name: Magic Candy Box(10) Type: Usable Buy: 20 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 16672 AegisName: F_Magic_Candy_Box10_2 Name: Magic Candy Box(10) Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 16673 AegisName: Libra_Scroll Name: Libra Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Libra_Scroll); - Id: 16674 AegisName: New_Insurance_Box Name: 10 New Life Insurance Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 6413,10; - Id: 16675 AegisName: Splash_Scroll Name: Splash Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Splash_Scroll); - Id: 16676 AegisName: Zodiac_Crown_Pack Name: Zodiac Crown Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ZODIAC_CROWN_PACK); - Id: 16677 AegisName: Vending_Scroll2_Box10 Name: Universal Catalog Gold 10 Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12581,10; - Id: 16678 AegisName: Vending_Scroll2_Box50 Name: Universal Catalog Gold 50 Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12581,50; - Id: 16679 AegisName: F_Vending_Scroll2_Box10 Name: Universal Catalog Gold 10 Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12581,10; - Id: 16680 AegisName: F_Vending_Scroll2_Box50 Name: Universal Catalog Gold 50 Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12581,50; - Id: 16681 AegisName: BR_Independence_Scrol Name: BR Independence Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BR_Independence_Scroll); - Id: 16682 AegisName: Boarding_Halter_Box Name: Boarding Halter Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Boarding_Halter_Box); - Id: 16683 AegisName: B_Halter_Box_30Days Name: Halter Lead 30 Day Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_B_HALTER_BOX_30DAYS); - Id: 16684 AegisName: Wing_Of_Fly_Box10 Name: Wing Of Fly Box10 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 601,10; - Id: 16685 AegisName: Wing_Of_Fly_Box50 Name: Wing Of Fly Box50 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 601,50; - Id: 16686 AegisName: Wing_Of_Fly_Box100 Name: Wing Of Fly Box100 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 601,100; - Id: 16687 AegisName: RWC2010_SuitcaseA Name: RWC2010 SuitcaseA Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_RWC2010_SuitcaseA); - Id: 16688 AegisName: RWC2010_SuitcaseB Name: RWC2010 SuitcaseB Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_RWC2010_SuitcaseB); - Id: 16689 AegisName: Garuda_Hat_Box Name: Garuda Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 18508,1; /* Garuda Hat */ - Id: 16690 AegisName: F_Garuda_Hat_Box Name: Garuda Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 18508,1; /* Garuda Hat */ - Id: 16691 AegisName: Scorpio_Scroll Name: Scorpius Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true - Id: 16692 AegisName: FAlice_Hat_Box Name: Alice Hat Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 5137,1; - Id: 16693 AegisName: Crescent_Helm_Box Name: Crescent Helm Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 5142,1; - Id: 16694 AegisName: FCrescent_Helm_Box Name: Crescent Helm Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 5142,1; - Id: 16695 AegisName: Dragon_Skull_Box Name: Dragon Skull Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 5292,1; - Id: 16696 AegisName: FDragon_Skull_Box Name: Dragon Skull Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 5292,1; - Id: 16697 AegisName: Drooping_Bunny_Box Name: Drooping Bunny Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 5290,1; - Id: 16698 AegisName: FDrooping_Bunny_Box Name: Drooping Bunny Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 5290,1; - Id: 16699 AegisName: Fish_On_Head_Box Name: Evolved Blue Fish Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 5222,1; - Id: 16701 AegisName: Pair_Ribbon_Box Name: Evolved Pair of Red Ribbon Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 5221,1; - Id: 16702 AegisName: FPair_Ribbon_Box Name: Evolved Pair of Red Ribbon Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 5221,1; - Id: 16703 AegisName: Smoking_Pipe_Box Name: Evolved Pipe Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 5220,1; - Id: 16704 AegisName: FSmoking_Pipe_Box Name: Evolved Pipe Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 5220,1; - Id: 16705 AegisName: Hibiscus_Bpx Name: Hibiscus Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 5139,1; - Id: 16706 AegisName: F_Hibiscus_Bpx Name: Hibiscus Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 5139,1; - Id: 16707 AegisName: Jumping_Poring_Box Name: Jumping Poring Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 5335,1; - Id: 16708 AegisName: FJumping_Poring_Box Name: Jumping Poring Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 5335,1; - Id: 16709 AegisName: Kettle_Hat_Box Name: Kettle Hat Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 5291,1; - Id: 16710 AegisName: FKettle_Hat_Box Name: Kettle Hat Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 5291,1; - Id: 16711 AegisName: Magic_Eyes_Box Name: Magic Eyes Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 5138,1; - Id: 16712 AegisName: FMagic_Eyes_Box Name: Magic Eyes Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 5138,1; - Id: 16713 AegisName: Propeller_Box Name: Mini Propeller Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 5226,1; - Id: 16714 AegisName: F_Propeller_Box Name: Mini Propeller Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 5226,1; - Id: 16715 AegisName: Dog_Hat_Box Name: Puppy Hat Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 5182,1; - Id: 16716 AegisName: F_Dog_Hat_Box Name: Puppy Hat Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 5182,1; - Id: 16717 AegisName: Sheep_Hat_Box Name: Sheep Hat Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 5133,1; - Id: 16718 AegisName: FSheep_Hat_Box Name: Sheep Hat Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 5133,1; - Id: 16719 AegisName: FTiger_Mask_Box Name: Tiger Mask Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 5098,1; - Id: 16720 AegisName: Vacation_Hat_Box Name: Tiger Mask Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 5098,1; - Id: 16721 AegisName: FVacation_Hat_Box Name: Vacation Hat Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 5629,1; - Id: 16722 AegisName: Vane_Hairpin_Box Name: Vane Hairpin Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 5285,1; - Id: 16723 AegisName: FVane_Hairpin_Box Name: Vane Hairpin Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 5285,1; - Id: 16724 AegisName: Vanilmirth_Hat_Box Name: Vanilmirth Hat Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 5289,1; - Id: 16725 AegisName: FVanilmirth_Hat_Box Name: Vanilmirth Hat Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 5289,1; - Id: 16726 AegisName: Water_Lily_Crown_Box Name: Water Lily Crown Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 5284,1; - Id: 16727 AegisName: FWater_Lily_Crown_Box Name: Water Lily Crown Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 5284,1; - Id: 16728 AegisName: Pink_Fur_Hat_Box Name: Pink Beanie Hat Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 5237,1; - Id: 16729 AegisName: F_Pink_Fur_Hat_Box Name: Pink Beanie Hat Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 5237,1; - Id: 16730 AegisName: Ribbon_Green_Box Name: Green Ribbon Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 5193,1; - Id: 16731 AegisName: F_Ribbon_Green_Box Name: Green Ribbon Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 5193,1; - Id: 16732 AegisName: Wh_Deviruchi_Cap_Box Name: Gray Deviruchi Hat Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 5229,1; - Id: 16733 AegisName: F_Wh_Deviruchi_Cap_Box Name: Gray Deviruchi Hat Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 5229,1; - Id: 16734 AegisName: Blu_Drooping_Kitty_Box Name: Blue Drooping Cat Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 5233,1; - Id: 16735 AegisName: FBlu_Drooping_Kitty_Box Name: Blue Drooping Cat Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 5233,1; - Id: 16736 AegisName: Fantastic_Wig_Box Name: Fantastic Wig Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 5276,1; - Id: 16737 AegisName: F_Fantastic_Wig_Box Name: Fantastic Wig Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 5276,1; - Id: 16738 AegisName: Yellow_Wizard_Hat_Box Name: Yellow Mage Hat Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 5242,1; - Id: 16739 AegisName: F_Yellow_Wizard_Hat_Box Name: Yellow Mage Hat Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 5242,1; - Id: 16740 AegisName: Ptotection_Seagod_Box Name: Seagod's Protection Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_PTOTECTION_SEAGOD_BOX); - Id: 16741 AegisName: Hairtail_Box1 Name: Hairtail Box(1hr) Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 EquipLevelMin: 50 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_HAIRTAIL_BOX1); - Id: 16742 AegisName: Hairtail_Box2 Name: Hairtail Box(7day) Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 EquipLevelMin: 50 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_HAIRTAIL_BOX2); - Id: 16743 AegisName: Spearfish_Box1 Name: Marlin Box(1hr) Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 EquipLevelMin: 50 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SPEARFISH_BOX1); - Id: 16744 AegisName: Spearfish_Box2 Name: Marlin Box(7day) Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 EquipLevelMin: 50 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SPEARFISH_BOX2); - Id: 16745 AegisName: Saurel_Box1 Name: Saurel Box(1hr) Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 EquipLevelMin: 50 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SAUREL_BOX1); - Id: 16746 AegisName: Saurel_Box2 Name: Saurel Box(7day) Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 EquipLevelMin: 50 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SAUREL_BOX2); - Id: 16747 AegisName: Tuna_Box1 Name: Tuna Box(1hr) Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 EquipLevelMin: 50 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_TUNA_BOX1); - Id: 16748 AegisName: Tuna_Box2 Name: Tuna Box(7day) Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 EquipLevelMin: 50 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_TUNA_BOX2); - Id: 16749 AegisName: Malang_Crab_Box1 Name: Malangdo Crab Box(1hr) Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 EquipLevelMin: 50 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_MALANG_CRAB_BOX1); - Id: 16750 AegisName: Malang_Crab_Box2 Name: Malangdo Crab Box(7day) Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 EquipLevelMin: 50 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_MALANG_CRAB_BOX2); - Id: 16751 AegisName: Brindle_Eel_Box1 Name: Spotty Eel Box1 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 EquipLevelMin: 50 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BRINDLE_EEL_BOX1); - Id: 16752 AegisName: Brindle_Eel_Box2 Name: Spotty Eel Box2 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 EquipLevelMin: 50 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BRINDLE_EEL_BOX2); - Id: 16753 AegisName: Unbreak_Weap_Box Name: Unbreakable Weapon Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 6438,1; - Id: 16754 AegisName: F_Unbreak_Weap_Box Name: Unbreakable Weapon Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 6438,1; - Id: 16755 AegisName: Unbreak_Def_Box Name: Unbreakable Armor Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 6439,1; - Id: 16756 AegisName: F_Unbreak_Def_Box Name: Unbreakable Armor Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 6439,1; - Id: 16757 AegisName: Hallo_Scroll Name: Hallo Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Hallo_Scroll); - Id: 16758 AegisName: Umbala_Spirit_Box Name: Umbala Spirit Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_UMBALA_SPIRIT_BOX); - Id: 16759 AegisName: F_Umbala_Spirit_Box Name: Umbala Spirit Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_UMBALA_SPIRIT_BOX); - Id: 16760 AegisName: Umbala_Spirit_Box2 Name: Umbala Spirit Box2 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Umbala_Spirit_Box2); /*rentitem Umbala_Spirit,604800;*/ - Id: 16761 AegisName: F_Umbala_Spirit_Box2 Name: F Umbala Spirit Box2 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_Umbala_Spirit_Box2); /*rentitem Umbala_Spirit,604800;*/ - Id: 16762 AegisName: Umbala_Spirit_Box_7day Name: Umbala Spirit 7days Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_UMBALA_SPIRIT_BOX_7DAY); - Id: 16763 AegisName: Ptotection_Seagod_Box2 Name: Seagod's Protection Box2 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_PTOTECTION_SEAGOD_BOX2); - Id: 16764 AegisName: Ptotection_Seagod_Box3 Name: Seagod's Protection Box3 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_PTOTECTION_SEAGOD_BOX3); - Id: 16765 AegisName: Octo_Hstick_Box Name: Octopus Hstick Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_OCTO_HSTICK_BOX); - Id: 16766 AegisName: Octo_Hstick_Box2 Name: Octopus Hstick Box2 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_OCTO_HSTICK_BOX2); - Id: 16767 AegisName: Octo_Hstick_Box3 Name: Octopus Hstick Box3 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_OCTO_HSTICK_BOX3); - Id: 16770 AegisName: Silvervine_Fruit_Box10 Name: Silvervine 10 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SILVERVINE_FRUIT_BOX10); - Id: 16771 AegisName: Silvervine_Fruit_Box40 Name: Silvervine 40 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SILVERVINE_FRUIT_BOX40); - Id: 16774 AegisName: Asgard_Scroll Name: Asgard Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Asgard_Scroll); - Id: 16775 AegisName: Sagittarius_Scroll Name: Sagittarius Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Sagittarius_Scroll); - Id: 16776 AegisName: C_Vending_Scroll2_Box10 Name: Universal Catalog Gold 10 Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12581,10; - Id: 16777 AegisName: C_Vending_Scroll2_Box50 Name: Universal Catalog Gold 50 Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12581,50; - Id: 16778 AegisName: C_Str_Dish_Box Name: Steamed Tongue Box(10) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 16779 AegisName: C_Str_Dish_Box50 Name: Steamed Tongue Box(50) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 16780 AegisName: C_Agi_Dish_Box Name: Steamed Desert Scorpions Box(10) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 16781 AegisName: C_Agi_Dish_Box50 Name: Steamed Desert Scorpions Box(50) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 16782 AegisName: C_Vit_Dish_Box Name: Stew of Immortality Box(10) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 16783 AegisName: C_Vit_Dish_Box50 Name: Stew of Immortality Box(50) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 16784 AegisName: C_Int_Dish_Box Name: Dragon Breath Cocktail Box(10) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 16785 AegisName: C_Int_Dish_Box50 Name: Dragon Breath Cocktail Box(50) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 16786 AegisName: C_Dex_Dish_Box Name: Hwergelmir's Tonic Box(10) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 16787 AegisName: C_Dex_Dish_Box50 Name: Hwergelmir's Tonic Box(50) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 16788 AegisName: C_Luk_Dish_Box Name: Cooked Nine Tail's Tails Box(10) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 16789 AegisName: C_Luk_Dish_Box50 Name: Cooked Nine Tail's Tails Box(50) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 16790 AegisName: C_Insurance_Package Name: Life Insurrance Certificate Box(10) Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_INSURANCE_PACKAGE); - Id: 16791 AegisName: C_Insurance_Package50 Name: Life Insurrance Certificate Box(50) Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_INSURANCE_PACKAGE50); - Id: 16792 AegisName: C_Kafra_Card_Box Name: Kafra Card Box(10) Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 16793 AegisName: C_Kafra_Card_Box50 Name: Kafra Card Box(50) Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 16794 AegisName: C_Giant_Fly_Wing_Box Name: Giant Flywing 500 Box Type: Cash Sell: 10 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_GIANT_FLY_WING_BOX); - Id: 16795 AegisName: C_Giant_Fly_Wing_Box100 Name: Giant Fly Wing Box(100) Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_GIANT_FLY_WING_BOX100); - Id: 16796 AegisName: C_Siegfried_Box5 Name: Token of Siegfried Box(5) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_SIEGFRIED_BOX5); - Id: 16797 AegisName: C_Siegfried_Box20 Name: Token of Siegfried Box(20) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_SIEGFRIED_BOX20); - Id: 16798 AegisName: C_Convex_Mirror_Box5 Name: Convex Mirror Box 5 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12214,5; /* Convex Mirror */ - Id: 16799 AegisName: C_Convex_Mirror_Box30 Name: Convex Mirror Box(30) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_CONVEX_MIRROR_BOX30); - Id: 16800 AegisName: C_Blessing_10_Box Name: Blessing Scroll Box(10) Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 16801 AegisName: C_Blessing_10_Box50 Name: Blessing Scroll Box(50) Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_BLESSING_10_BOX50); - Id: 16802 AegisName: C_Inc_Agi_10_Scroll_Box Name: Increase Agility Scroll Box(10) Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 16803 AegisName: C_Inc_Agi_10_Box50 Name: Increase Agility Scroll Box(50) Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_INC_AGI_10_BOX50); - Id: 16804 AegisName: C_Adrenaline_5_box Name: Adrenaline Rush Scroll Box(10) Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 16805 AegisName: C_Adrenaline_5_box50 Name: Adrenaline Rush Scroll Box(50) Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 16806 AegisName: C_Aspersio_5_Scroll_Box Name: Aspersio Scroll Box(10) Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 16807 AegisName: C_Aspersio_5_Box50 Name: Aspersio Scroll Box(50) Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_ASPERSIO_5_BOX50); - Id: 16808 AegisName: C_Battle_Manual_Box Name: Battle Manual Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_BATTLE_MANUAL_BOX); - Id: 16809 AegisName: C_Battle_Manual_Box10 Name: Battle Manual Box(10) Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_BATTLE_MANUAL_BOX10); - Id: 16810 AegisName: C_Bubble_Gum_Box Name: Bubble Gum Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_BUBBLE_GUM_BOX); - Id: 16811 AegisName: C_Bubble_Gum_Box10 Name: Bubble Gum Box(10) Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_BUBBLE_GUM_BOX10); - Id: 16812 AegisName: C_Megaphone_Box Name: Megaphone Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 7040,1; /* Megaphone */ - Id: 16813 AegisName: C_Megaphone_Box10 Name: Megaphone Box(10) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_MEGAPHONE_BOX10); - Id: 16814 AegisName: C_Enriched_Elunium_Box Name: Enriched Elunium Box(10) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_ENRICHED_ELUNIUM_BOX); - Id: 16815 AegisName: C_Enriched_Elunium_Box5 Name: Enriched Elunium Box(5) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_ENRICHED_ELUNIUM_BOX5); - Id: 16816 AegisName: C_Enriched_Oridecon_Box Name: Enriched Oridecon Box(10) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_ENRICHED_ORIDECON_BOX); - Id: 16817 AegisName: C_Enc_Oridecon_Box5 Name: Enriched Oridecon Box(5) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_ENC_ORIDECON_BOX5); - Id: 16818 AegisName: C_Neuralizer_Box Name: Neuralizer Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_NEURALIZER_BOX); - Id: 16819 AegisName: C_Abrasive_Box5 Name: Abrasive Box(5) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14536,5; /* Abrasive */ - Id: 16820 AegisName: C_Abrasive_Box10 Name: Abrasive Box(10) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_ABRASIVE_BOX10); - Id: 16821 AegisName: C_Dun_Tele_Scroll_Box5 Name: Dungeon Teleport Scroll Box (5) Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 16822 AegisName: C_Dun_Tele_Scroll_Box10 Name: Dungeon Teleport Scroll Box (10) Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 16823 AegisName: C_Max_Weight_Up_Box Name: Gym Pass Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_MAX_WEIGHT_UP_BOX); - Id: 16824 AegisName: C_Regeneration_Box5 Name: Regeneration Potion Box(5) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14537,5; /* Regeneration Potion */ - Id: 16825 AegisName: C_Regeneration_Box10 Name: Regeneration Potion Box(10) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_REGENERATION_BOX10); - Id: 16826 AegisName: Sagittarius_Scr_Box Name: Sagittarius Scr Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Sagittarius_Scr_Box); - Id: 16827 AegisName: C_Small_Life_Potion_Box Name: Small Life Potion Box(10) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14534,10; /* Small Life Potion */ - Id: 16828 AegisName: C_S_Life_Potion_Box50 Name: Small Life Potion Box(50) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_S_LIFE_POTION_BOX50); - Id: 16829 AegisName: C_Med_Life_Potion_Box Name: Medium Life Potion Box(10) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14535,10; /* Medium Life Potion */ - Id: 16830 AegisName: C_Med_Life_Potion_Box50 Name: Medium Life Potion Box(50) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_MED_LIFE_POTION_BOX50); - Id: 16831 AegisName: C_G_Illusion_Box5 Name: Glass of Illusion Box(5) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14538,5; /* Glass of Illusion */ - Id: 16832 AegisName: C_G_Illusion_Box10 Name: Glass of Illusion Box(10) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14538,10; /* Glass of Illusion */ - Id: 16833 AegisName: C_S_ArmorBox5 Name: Shadow Armor Scroll Box(5) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14539,5; /* Shadow Armor Scroll */ - Id: 16834 AegisName: C_S_ArmorBox10 Name: Shadow Armor Scroll Box(30) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_S_ARMORBOX10); - Id: 16835 AegisName: C_Holy_Armor_S_Box5 Name: Holy Armor Scroll Box(5) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14540,5; /* Holy Armor Scroll */ - Id: 16836 AegisName: C_Holy_Armor_S_Box30 Name: Holy Armor Scroll Box(30) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_HOLY_ARMOR_S_BOX30); - Id: 16837 AegisName: C_Dun_Tele_Scroll2_Box5 Name: Dungeon Teleport Scroll II Box (5) Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 16838 AegisName: C_Dun_Tele_S2_Box10 Name: Dungeon Teleport Scroll II Box (10) Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 16839 AegisName: C_Spark_Candy_Box5 Name: Toktok Candy Box(5) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 529,5; /* Candy */ - Id: 16840 AegisName: C_Spark_Candy_Box10 Name: Toktok Candy Box(10) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 529,10; /* Candy */ - Id: 16841 AegisName: C_Repair_Scroll_Box Name: Weapon Repair Scroll Box (5) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_REPAIR_SCROLL_BOX); - Id: 16842 AegisName: C_Repair_Scroll_Box10 Name: Weapon Repair Scroll Box (10) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_REPAIR_SCROLL_BOX10); - Id: 16843 AegisName: C_New_Style_Box Name: Hairstyle Coupon Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_NEW_STYLE_BOX); - Id: 16844 AegisName: C_Alice_Scroll_Box5 Name: Alice Summon Book Box(5) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 16845 AegisName: C_Alice_Scroll_Box10 Name: Alice Summon Book Box(10) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_ALICE_SCROLL_BOX10); - Id: 16846 AegisName: C_Mimic_Scroll_Box5 Name: Mimic Summon Book Box(5) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 16847 AegisName: C_Mimic_Scroll_Box10 Name: Mimic Summon Book Box(10) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_MIMIC_SCROLL_BOX10); - Id: 16848 AegisName: C_Disguise_Croll_Box5 Name: Disguise Summon Book Box(5) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 16849 AegisName: C_Disguise_Croll_Box10 Name: Disguise Summon Book Box(10) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_DISGUISE_CROLL_BOX10); - Id: 16850 AegisName: C_MP_Scroll_Box Name: Mystical Amplification Scroll Box(10) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 16851 AegisName: C_MP_Scroll_Box50 Name: Mystical Amplification Scroll Box(50) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_MP_SCROLL_BOX50); - Id: 16852 AegisName: C_Quagmire_Scroll_Box Name: Quake Scroll Box(10) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 16853 AegisName: C_Quagmire_Scroll_Box50 Name: Quake Scroll Box(50) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 16854 AegisName: CCloth_Dye_Coupon_Box Name: Clothing Dye Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CCLOTH_DYE_COUPON_BOX); - Id: 16855 AegisName: CCloth_Dye_Coupon2_Box Name: Clothing Dye Orig Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CCLOTH_DYE_COUPON2_BOX); - Id: 16856 AegisName: C_Greed_Scroll_C20Box Name: Greed Scroll Box(20) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14529,20; /* Greed Scroll */ - Id: 16857 AegisName: C_Greed_Scroll_C50Box Name: Greed Scroll Box(50) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14529,50; /* Greed Scroll */ - Id: 16858 AegisName: C_Mental_Potion20_Box Name: Mental Potion Box(20) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14600,20; /* Mental Potion */ - Id: 16859 AegisName: C_Mental_Potion50_Box Name: Mental Potion Box(50) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_MENTAL_POTION50_BOX); - Id: 16860 AegisName: C_Tyr_Blessing_Box20 Name: Tyr's Blessing Box(20) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14601,20; /* Tyr's Blessing */ - Id: 16861 AegisName: C_Tyr_Blessing_Box50 Name: Tyr's Blessing Box(50) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14601,50; /* Tyr's Blessing */ - Id: 16862 AegisName: C_Job_Manual25_Box1 Name: JOB Battle Manual Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_JOB_MANUAL25_BOX1); - Id: 16863 AegisName: C_Job_Manual25_Box10 Name: JOB Battle Manual Box(10) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_JOB_MANUAL25_BOX10); - Id: 16864 AegisName: C_Siege_Scroll_Box1_10 Name: Siege Map Teleport Scroll Box (10) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_SIEGE_SCROLL_BOX1_10); - Id: 16865 AegisName: C_Siege_Scroll_Box1_30 Name: Siege Map Teleport Box(30) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_SIEGE_SCROLL_BOX1_30); - Id: 16866 AegisName: C_Siege_Scroll_Box2_10 Name: Siege Map Teleport Scroll II Box (10) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14591,10; - Id: 16867 AegisName: C_Siege_Scroll_Box2_30 Name: Siege Map Teleport Scroll II Box (30) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_SIEGE_SCROLL_BOX2_30); - Id: 16868 AegisName: C_HD_Bradium_Box5 Name: HD Bradium Box(5) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_HD_BRADIUM_BOX5); - Id: 16869 AegisName: C_HD_Bradium_Box10 Name: HD Bradium Box(10) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_HD_BRADIUM_BOX10); - Id: 16870 AegisName: C_HD_Carnium_Box5 Name: HD Cranium Box(5) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_HD_CARNIUM_BOX5); - Id: 16871 AegisName: C_HD_Carnium_Box10 Name: HD Cranium Box(10) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_HD_CARNIUM_BOX10); - Id: 16872 AegisName: C_HD_Ori_Box5 Name: HD Oridecon Box(5) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_HD_ORI_BOX5); - Id: 16873 AegisName: C_HD_Ori_Box10 Name: HD Oridecon Box(10) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_HD_ORI_BOX10); - Id: 16874 AegisName: C_HD_Elu_Box5 Name: HD Elunium Box(5) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_HD_ELU_BOX5); - Id: 16875 AegisName: C_HD_Elu_Box10 Name: HD Elunium Box(10) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_HD_ELU_BOX10); - Id: 16876 AegisName: C_Rapid_Life_Water_Box2 Name: Rapid Life Potion Box(10) Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_RAPID_LIFE_WATER_BOX2); - Id: 16877 AegisName: C_Magic_Candy_Box102 Name: Magic Candy Box(10) Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 16878 AegisName: C_Umbala_Spirit_Box2 Name: Umbala Spirit Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_UMBALA_SPIRIT_BOX2); - Id: 16879 AegisName: C_Muramasa_Box Name: Muramasa Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_MURAMASA_BOX); - Id: 16880 AegisName: C_Excalibur_Box Name: Excalibur Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_EXCALIBUR_BOX); - Id: 16881 AegisName: C_Combat_Knife_Box Name: Combat Knife Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_COMBAT_KNIFE_BOX); - Id: 16882 AegisName: C_Counter_Dagger_Box Name: Dagger of Counter Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_COUNTER_DAGGER_BOX); - Id: 16883 AegisName: C_Mighty_Staff_Box Name: Mighty Staff Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_MIGHTY_STAFF_BOX); - Id: 16884 AegisName: C_Right_Epsilon_Box Name: Light Epsilon Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_RIGHT_EPSILON_BOX); - Id: 16885 AegisName: C_Balistar_Box Name: Ballista Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_BALISTAR_BOX); - Id: 16886 AegisName: C_D_Great_Sage_Box Name: Sage's Diary Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_D_GREAT_SAGE_BOX); - Id: 16887 AegisName: C_Asura_Box Name: Ashura Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_ASURA_BOX); - Id: 16888 AegisName: C_Brooch_Box Name: Brooch Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_BROOCH_BOX); - Id: 16889 AegisName: C_Safety_Ring_Box Name: Safety Ring Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_SAFETY_RING_BOX); - Id: 16890 AegisName: C_Pecopeco_Hairband_Box Name: Pecopeco Headband Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_PECOPECO_HAIRBAND_BOX); - Id: 16891 AegisName: C_Nagan_Box Name: Nagan Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_NAGAN_BOX); - Id: 16892 AegisName: C_Skewer_Box Name: Brocca Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_SKEWER_BOX); - Id: 16893 AegisName: C_Quadrille_Box Name: Quadrille Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_QUADRILLE_BOX); - Id: 16894 AegisName: C_Fire_Brand_Box Name: Fire Brand Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_FIRE_BRAND_BOX); - Id: 16895 AegisName: C_Masquerade_Box Name: Butterfly Mask Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_MASQUERADE_BOX); - Id: 16896 AegisName: C_Orc_Hero_Helm_Box Name: Orc Hero's Helm Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_ORC_HERO_HELM_BOX); - Id: 16897 AegisName: C_KRO_D_Kitty_Box Name: Drooping Kitty Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_KRO_D_KITTY_BOX); - Id: 16898 AegisName: C_Bloody_Iron_Ball_Box Name: Bloody Iron Ball Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_BLOODY_IRON_BALL_BOX); - Id: 16899 AegisName: C_Hockey_Mask_Box Name: Hockey Mask Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 EquipLevelMin: 50 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_HOCKEY_MASK_BOX); - Id: 16900 AegisName: C_Observer_Box Name: Observer Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 EquipLevelMin: 35 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_OBSERVER_BOX); - Id: 16901 AegisName: C_All_In_One_Ring_Box Name: All in One Ring Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_ALL_IN_ONE_RING_BOX); - Id: 16902 AegisName: C_Spiritual_Tunic_Box Name: Spiritual Tunic Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_SPIRITUAL_TUNIC_BOX); - Id: 16903 AegisName: C_Recup_Armor_Box Name: Recuperative Armor Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_RECUP_ARMOR_BOX); - Id: 16904 AegisName: C_Shelter_Resist_Box Name: "Costume: Shelter Resist Box" Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_SHELTER_RESIST_BOX); - Id: 16905 AegisName: C_Sylphid_Manteau_Box Name: Sylphid Manteau Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_SYLPHID_MANTEAU_BOX); - Id: 16906 AegisName: C_Refresh_Shoes_Box Name: Refresh Shoes Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_REFRESH_SHOES_BOX); - Id: 16907 AegisName: C_Wasteland_Outlaw_Box Name: Wasteland's Outlaw Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_WASTELAND_OUTLAW_BOX); - Id: 16908 AegisName: C_Lever_Act_Rifle_Box Name: Lever Action Rifle Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_LEVER_ACT_RIFLE_BOX); - Id: 16909 AegisName: C_Claymore_C_box Name: Claymore Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_CLAYMORE_C_BOX); - Id: 16910 AegisName: C_Jamadhar_C_Box Name: Jamadhar Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_JAMADHAR_C_BOX); - Id: 16911 AegisName: C_Two_Handed_Axe_C_Box Name: Two-Handed Axe Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_TWO_HANDED_AXE_C_BOX); - Id: 16912 AegisName: C_Lance_C_Box Name: Lance Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_LANCE_C_BOX); - Id: 16913 AegisName: C_Orcish_Axe_C_Box Name: Orcish Axe Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_ORCISH_AXE_C_BOX); - Id: 16914 AegisName: C_Encyclopedia_C_Box Name: Giant Encyclopedia Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_ENCYCLOPEDIA_C_BOX); - Id: 16915 AegisName: C_Pike_C_Box Name: Fist Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_PIKE_C_BOX); - Id: 16916 AegisName: C_Fist_C_Box Name: Guitar Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_FIST_C_BOX); - Id: 16917 AegisName: C_Damascus_C_Box Name: Damascus Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_DAMASCUS_C_BOX); - Id: 16918 AegisName: C_Flamberge_C_Box Name: Flamberge Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_FLAMBERGE_C_BOX); - Id: 16919 AegisName: C_Stunner_C_Box Name: Stunner Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_STUNNER_C_BOX); - Id: 16920 AegisName: C_Marriage_Covenant_Box Name: Written Oath of Marriage Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 16921 AegisName: C_Shooting_Star_C_Box Name: Shooting Star Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_SHOOTING_STAR_C_BOX); - Id: 16922 AegisName: C_Bloody_Fear_C_Box Name: Bloody Fear Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_BLOODY_FEAR_C_BOX); - Id: 16923 AegisName: C_Staff_Healing_C_Box Name: Staff of Healing Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_STAFF_HEALING_C_BOX); - Id: 16924 AegisName: C_Clover_Box_Mouth Name: Four Leaf Clover Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_CLOVER_BOX_MOUTH); - Id: 16925 AegisName: C_Clover_Box_Mouth2 Name: Four Leaf Clover Box II Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_CLOVER_BOX_MOUTH2); - Id: 16926 AegisName: C_Clover_Box_Mouth4 Name: Four Leaf Clover BoxIII Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_CLOVER_BOX_MOUTH4); - Id: 16927 AegisName: C_BGum_Box_In_Mouth Name: Chewing Gum Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_BGUM_BOX_IN_MOUTH); - Id: 16928 AegisName: C_BGum_Box_In_Mouth2 Name: Chewing Gum Gum Box II Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_BGUM_BOX_IN_MOUTH2); - Id: 16929 AegisName: C_BGum_Box_In_Mouth4 Name: Chewing Gum Gum Box III Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_BGUM_BOX_IN_MOUTH4); - Id: 16930 AegisName: C_Spiked_Scarf_Box Name: Spiked Scarf Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_SPIKED_SCARF_BOX); - Id: 16931 AegisName: C_Spiked_Scarf_Box2 Name: Spiked Scarf Box II Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_SPIKED_SCARF_BOX2); - Id: 16932 AegisName: C_Spiked_Scarf_Box3 Name: Spiked Scarf Box III Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_SPIKED_SCARF_BOX3); - Id: 16933 AegisName: C_Rainbow_Scarf_Box Name: Rainbow Scarf Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_RAINBOW_SCARF_BOX); - Id: 16934 AegisName: C_Rainbow_Scarf_Box2 Name: Rainbow Scarf Box II Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_RAINBOW_SCARF_BOX2); - Id: 16935 AegisName: C_Rainbow_Scarf_Box3 Name: Rainbow Scarf Box III Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_RAINBOW_SCARF_BOX3); - Id: 16936 AegisName: C_Ribbon_Of_Life_Box Name: Life Ribbon Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_RIBBON_OF_LIFE_BOX); - Id: 16937 AegisName: C_Ribbon_Of_Life_Box2 Name: Life Ribbon Box II Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_RIBBON_OF_LIFE_BOX2); - Id: 16938 AegisName: C_Ribbon_Of_Life_Box3 Name: Life Ribbon Box III Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_RIBBON_OF_LIFE_BOX3); - Id: 16939 AegisName: C_Love_Angel_Box Name: Love Angel Magic Powder Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_LOVE_ANGEL_BOX); - Id: 16940 AegisName: C_Love_Angel_Box_1m Name: Love Angel Magic Powder Box (30 days) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_LOVE_ANGEL_BOX_1M); - Id: 16941 AegisName: C_Squirrel_Box Name: Squirrel Magic Powder Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_SQUIRREL_BOX); - Id: 16942 AegisName: C_Squirrel_Box_1m Name: Squirrel Magic Powder (30 days) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_SQUIRREL_BOX_1M); - Id: 16943 AegisName: C_Picture_Diary_Box Name: Diary Magic Powder Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_PICTURE_DIARY_BOX); - Id: 16944 AegisName: C_Picture_Diary_Box_1m Name: Diary Magic Powder Box (30 days) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_PICTURE_DIARY_BOX_1M); - Id: 16945 AegisName: C_Mini_Heart_Box Name: Mini Heart Magic Powder Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_MINI_HEART_BOX); - Id: 16946 AegisName: C_Mini_Heart_Box_1m Name: Mini Heart Magic Powder Box (30 days) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_MINI_HEART_BOX_1M); - Id: 16947 AegisName: C_Newcomer_Box Name: Freshman Powder Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_NEWCOMER_BOX); - Id: 16948 AegisName: C_Newcomer_Box_1m Name: Freshman Powder Box (30 days) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_NEWCOMER_BOX_1M); - Id: 16949 AegisName: C_Kid_Box Name: Freshman Powder Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_KID_BOX); - Id: 16950 AegisName: C_Kid_Box_1m Name: Freshman Powder Box (30 days) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_KID_BOX_1M); - Id: 16951 AegisName: C_Magic_Castle_Box Name: Magic Magic Powder Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_MAGIC_CASTLE_BOX); - Id: 16952 AegisName: C_Magic_Castle_Box_1m Name: Magic Magic Powder Box (30 days) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_MAGIC_CASTLE_BOX_1M); - Id: 16953 AegisName: C_Bulging_Head_Box Name: JJangu Magic Powder Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_BULGING_HEAD_BOX); - Id: 16954 AegisName: C_Bulging_Head_Box_1m Name: JJangu Magic Powder Box (30 days) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_BULGING_HEAD_BOX_1M); - Id: 16955 AegisName: P_Upg_Guard_Box Name: Upgrade Guard Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 2149,1; /* Upg Guard */ - Id: 16956 AegisName: C_Upg_Buckler_Box Name: Upgrade Buckler Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 2150,1; /* Upg Buckler */ - Id: 16957 AegisName: C_Upg_Shield_Box Name: Upgrade Shield Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 2151,1; /* Upg Shield */ - Id: 16958 AegisName: C_Upg_Shoes_Box Name: Upgrade Shoes Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 2459,1; /* Upg Shoes */ - Id: 16959 AegisName: C_Upg_Boots_Box Name: Upgrade Boots Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 2460,1; /* Upg Boots */ - Id: 16960 AegisName: C_Upg_Greave_Box Name: Upgrade Greaves Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 2460,1; /* Upg Boots */ - Id: 16961 AegisName: C_Upg_Hood_Box Name: Upgrade Hood Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 2561,1; /* Upg Hood */ - Id: 16962 AegisName: C_Upg_Muffler_Box Name: Upgrade Muffler Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 2562,1; /* Upg Muffler */ - Id: 16963 AegisName: C_Upg_Manteau_Box Name: Upgrade Manteau Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 2563,1; /* Upg Manteau */ - Id: 16964 AegisName: C_Upg_Clip_Box Name: Upgrade Clip Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 2828,1; /* Upg Clip */ - Id: 16965 AegisName: C_Upg_Adv_Suit_Box Name: Upgrade Adventure Suit Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 16966 AegisName: C_Upg_Coat_Box Name: Upgrade Coat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 15016,1; /* Upg Coat */ - Id: 16967 AegisName: C_Upg_Saint_Robe_Box Name: Upgrade Saint Robe Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 15017,1; /* Upg Saint Robe */ - Id: 16968 AegisName: C_Upg_Tights_Box Name: Upgrade Tight Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 15018,1; /* Upg Tights */ - Id: 16969 AegisName: C_Upg_Thief_Cloth_Box Name: Upgrade Thief Clothes Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 15019,1; /* Upg Thief Cloth */ - Id: 16970 AegisName: C_Upg_Mail_Box Name: Upgrade Mail Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 15020,1; /* Upg Mail */ - Id: 16971 AegisName: C_Upg_Formal_Dress_Box Name: Upgrade Formal Suit Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 15021,1; /* Upg Formal Dress */ - Id: 16972 AegisName: Weather_Report_Box Name: Weather Report Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_WEATHER_REPORT_BOX); - Id: 16973 AegisName: Yellow_Hat_Box Name: Yellow Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 19515,1; - Id: 16974 AegisName: Comin_Actor_Box Name: "Costume: Old-Timey Box" Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_COMIN_ACTOR_BOX); - Id: 16975 AegisName: Singing_Bird_Box Name: Singing Bird Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 19516,1; - Id: 16976 AegisName: Hen_Set_Box Name: "Costume: Chicken Box" Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_HEN_SET_BOX); - Id: 16977 AegisName: Red_Minicrown_Box Name: Red Minicrown Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 19522,1; - Id: 16978 AegisName: C_Green_FoxtailBox Name: Foxtail Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 18536,1; /* Foxtail */ - Id: 16979 AegisName: Silvervine_Fruit_Box4 Name: Silvervine 4 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SILVERVINE_FRUIT_BOX4); - Id: 16990 AegisName: Sagittar_Diadem_Scroll Name: Sagittar Diadem Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Sagittar_Diadem_Scroll); - Id: 16991 AegisName: Sagittar_Di_Scroll_Box Name: Sagittar Di Scroll Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Sagittar_Di_Scroll_Box); - Id: 16992 AegisName: Butterfly_Wing_Box20 Name: Butterfly Wing Box20 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 602,20; - Id: 16993 AegisName: Butterfly_Wing_Box50 Name: Butterfly Wing Box50 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 602,50; - Id: 16995 AegisName: Old_Hat_Box Name: Old Hat Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_OLD_HAT_BOX); - Id: 16996 AegisName: Capri_Crown_Scroll Name: Capri Crown Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Capri_Crown_Scroll); - Id: 16997 AegisName: Capri_Crown_Scroll_Box Name: Capri Crown Scroll Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Capri_Crown_Scroll_Box); - Id: 16998 AegisName: Archangel_Wing_Box Name: Archangel Wing Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ARCHANGEL_WING_BOX); - Id: 16999 AegisName: Bravery_Bag_Box Name: Bravery Bag Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 2576,1; - Id: 17000 AegisName: Wander_Man_Box5 Name: Wander Man Box5 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 12626,5; - Id: 17001 AegisName: Wander_Man_Box10 Name: Wander Man Box10 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 12626,10; - Id: 17002 AegisName: Wicked_Nymph_Box5 Name: Wicked Nymph Box5 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 12627,5; - Id: 17003 AegisName: Wicked_Nymph_Box10 Name: Wicked Nymph Box10 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 12627,10; - Id: 17004 AegisName: Kasa_Scroll_Box5 Name: Kasa Scroll Box5 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 12628,5; - Id: 17005 AegisName: Kasa_Scroll_Box10 Name: Kasa Scroll Box10 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 12628,10; - Id: 17006 AegisName: Salamander_Box5 Name: Salamander Box5 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 12629,5; - Id: 17007 AegisName: Salamander_Box10 Name: Salamander Box10 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 12629,10; - Id: 17008 AegisName: Teddy_Bear_Box5 Name: Teddy Bear Box5 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 12630,5; - Id: 17009 AegisName: Teddy_Bear_Box10 Name: Teddy Bear Box10 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 12630,10; - Id: 17011 AegisName: Capricon_Di_Scroll Name: Capricon Di Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Capricon_Di_Scroll); - Id: 17012 AegisName: Capricon_Di_Scroll_Box Name: Capricon Di Scroll Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Capricon_Di_Scroll_Box); - Id: 17013 AegisName: Malang_Woe_Encard_Box Name: Malangdo Woe Encard Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_MALANG_WOE_ENCARD_BOX); - Id: 17014 AegisName: Butterfly_ear_Box Name: Butterfly ear Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 19509,1; - Id: 17015 AegisName: Stuckhead_Screw_Box Name: Stuckhead Screw Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 19510,1; - Id: 17016 AegisName: Aquarius_Diadem_Scroll Name: Aquarius Diadem Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Aquarius_Diadem_Scroll); - Id: 17017 AegisName: Aquarius_Di_Scroll_Box Name: Aquarius Di Scroll Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Aquarius_Di_Scroll_Box); - Id: 17018 AegisName: Libra_Scroll2 Name: Libra Scroll2 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true - Id: 17019 AegisName: Scorpio_Scroll2 Name: Scorpio Scroll2 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true - Id: 17020 AegisName: Tw_Nov_Scroll2 Name: Tw Nov Scroll2 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Tw_Nov_Scroll2); - Id: 17021 AegisName: Summer_Scroll3 Name: Summer Scroll3 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 100 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Summer_Scroll3); - Id: 17022 AegisName: Super_Pet_Egg1_2 Name: Super Pet Egg1 2 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Super_Pet_Egg1_2); - Id: 17023 AegisName: Super_Pet_Egg4_2 Name: Super Pet Egg4 2 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Super_Pet_Egg4_2); - Id: 17024 AegisName: Lovely_Aquarius_Scroll Name: Lovely Aquarius Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Lovely_Aquarius_Scroll); - Id: 17025 AegisName: Lovely_Aquarius_Box Name: Lovely Aquarius Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Lovely_Aquarius_Box); - Id: 17026 AegisName: Boitata_Scroll Name: Boitata Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Boitata_Scroll); - Id: 17027 AegisName: Refine_Ore_Box Name: Enriched Ores Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_REFINE_ORE_BOX); - Id: 17028 AegisName: Pisces_Diadem_Scroll Name: Pisces Diadem Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Pisces_Diadem_Scroll); - Id: 17029 AegisName: Pisces_Diadem_S_Box Name: Pisces Diadem Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Pisces_Diadem_Box); - Id: 17030 AegisName: St_Pat_Hat_box Name: St Pat Hat box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 100 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 18565,1; - Id: 17035 AegisName: Energetic_Pisces_Scroll Name: Energetic Pisces Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Energetic_Pisces_Scroll); - Id: 17036 AegisName: Energetic_Pisces_Box Name: Energetic Pisces Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Energetic_Pisces_Box); - Id: 17037 AegisName: Trans_Box_Devi Name: Transform Deviruchi 10pcs Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_TRANS_BOX_DEVI); - Id: 17038 AegisName: Trans_Box_Ray_Arch Name: Transform R Archer 10pcs Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_TRANS_BOX_RAY_ARCH); - Id: 17039 AegisName: Trans_Box_Mavka Name: Transform Mavke 10pcs Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_TRANS_BOX_MAVKA); - Id: 17040 AegisName: Trans_Box_Marduk Name: Transform Marduk 10pcs Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_TRANS_BOX_MARDUK); - Id: 17041 AegisName: Trans_Box_Banshee Name: Transform Banshee 10pcs Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_TRANS_BOX_BANSHEE); - Id: 17042 AegisName: Trans_Box_Poring Name: Trans Box Poring Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12663,10; - Id: 17043 AegisName: Trans_Box_Golem Name: Transform Golem 10pcs Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_TRANS_BOX_GOLEM); - Id: 17044 AegisName: Donation_Ribbon_Box Name: Green Ribbon Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5193,1; /* Green Ribbon */ - Id: 17045 AegisName: Korean_Judge_Hat_Box Name: Judge Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5371,1; /* Judge Hat */ - Id: 17046 AegisName: Attend_C_Box Name: Attendance Costume Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ATTEND_C_BOX); - Id: 17050 AegisName: Aries_Scroll_ Name: Aries Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Aries_Scroll); - Id: 17051 AegisName: Aries_Scroll_box Name: Aries Scroll Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Aries_Scroll_Box); - Id: 17052 AegisName: Holy_Mom_Blaze_Box Name: Holy Mom Blaze Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 6472,1; - Id: 17056 AegisName: Wiz_Card_Album Name: Wiz Card Album Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true - Id: 17057 AegisName: Swordman_Card_Album Name: Swordman Card Album Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true - Id: 17058 AegisName: Thief_Card_Album Name: Thief Card Album Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true - Id: 17059 AegisName: Acolyte_Card_Album Name: Acolyte Card Album Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true - Id: 17060 AegisName: Merchant_Card_Album Name: Merchant Card Album Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true - Id: 17061 AegisName: Archer_Card_Album Name: Archer Card Album Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true - Id: 17062 AegisName: Taurus_Diadem_Scroll Name: Taurus Diadem Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Taurus_Diadem_Scroll); - Id: 17063 AegisName: Taurus_Di_Scroll_Box Name: Taurus Di Scroll Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Taurus_Di_Scroll_Box); - Id: 17064 AegisName: Tw_Sagitt_Scroll Name: Tw Sagitt Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true - Id: 17065 AegisName: Mbl_Taurus_Crown_Box Name: Taurus Crown Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 17066 AegisName: Poison_Bottle_Box50 Name: Poison Bottle Box50 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 678,50; - Id: 17067 AegisName: Poison_Bottle_Box100 Name: Poison Bottle Box100 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 678,100; - Id: 17068 AegisName: Acidbomb_Box50 Name: Acidbomb Box50 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ACIDBOMB_BOX50); - Id: 17069 AegisName: Acidbomb_Box100 Name: Acidbomb Box100 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 7135,100; getitem 7136,100; - Id: 17070 AegisName: Acidbomb_Box500 Name: Acidbomb Box500 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 7135,500; getitem 7136,500; - Id: 17071 AegisName: Superb_Fish_Box50 Name: Superb Fish Box50 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 14524,50; - Id: 17072 AegisName: Superb_Fish_Box100 Name: Superb Fish Box100 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 14524,100; - Id: 17073 AegisName: Superb_Fish_Box500 Name: Superb Fish Box500 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 14524,500; - Id: 17074 AegisName: Empty_Bottle_Box10 Name: Empty Bottle Box10 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 713,10; - Id: 17075 AegisName: Empty_Bottle_Box100 Name: Empty Bottle Box100 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 713,100; - Id: 17076 AegisName: Empty_Bottle_Box500 Name: Empty Bottle Box500 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 713,500; - Id: 17077 AegisName: Taurus_Crown_Scroll Name: Taurus Crown Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Taurus_Crown_Scroll); - Id: 17078 AegisName: Taurus_Crown_Scroll_Box Name: Taurus Crown Scroll Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Taurus_Crown_Scroll_Box); - Id: 17079 AegisName: Indonesian_Box2 Name: Indonesia Box2 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 602,5; getitem 601,50; getitem 12118,3; getitem 12119,3; getitem 12120,3; getitem 12121,3; - Id: 17080 AegisName: Scorpio_Scroll3 Name: Scorpio Scroll3 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true - Id: 17081 AegisName: Yggdrasil_Crown_Box Name: Yggdrasil Crown Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 18580,1; - Id: 17082 AegisName: Gemi_Diadem_Scroll Name: Gemi Diadem Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Gemi_Diadem_Scroll); - Id: 17083 AegisName: Gemi_Diadem_Scroll_Box Name: Gemi Diadem Scroll Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Gemi_Diadem_Scroll_Box); - Id: 17084 AegisName: Upg_Katar_Box Name: Upg Katar Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 1292,1; - Id: 17085 AegisName: Upg_Two_Handed_Axe_Box Name: Upg Two Handed Axe Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 1394,1; - Id: 17086 AegisName: Upg_Lance_Box Name: Upg Lance Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 1491,1; - Id: 17087 AegisName: Upg_Book_Box Name: Upg Book Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 1585,1; - Id: 17088 AegisName: Upg_Staff_Box Name: Upg Staff Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 2015,1; - Id: 17089 AegisName: Upg_Dagger_Box Name: Upg Dagger Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 13071,1; - Id: 17090 AegisName: Upg_Revolver_Box Name: Upg Revolver Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 13115,1; - Id: 17091 AegisName: Upg_Mace_Box Name: Upg Mace Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 16019,1; - Id: 17092 AegisName: Upg_Bow_Box Name: Upg Bow Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 18112,1; - Id: 17093 AegisName: Upg_Twohand_Sword_Box Name: Upg Two-Handed Sword Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 21000,1; - Id: 17094 AegisName: Upg_Katar_Box2 Name: Upgrade Katar Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_UPG_KATAR_BOX2); - Id: 17095 AegisName: Upg_Two_Handed_Axe_Box2 Name: Upgrade Two-Handed Axe Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_UPG_TWO_HANDED_AXE_BOX2); - Id: 17096 AegisName: Upg_Lance_Box2 Name: Upgrade Two-Handed Spear Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_UPG_LANCE_BOX2); - Id: 17097 AegisName: Upg_Book_Box2 Name: Upgrade Book Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_UPG_BOOK_BOX2); - Id: 17098 AegisName: Upg_Staff_Box2 Name: Upgrade Two-Handed Staff Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_UPG_STAFF_BOX2); - Id: 17099 AegisName: Upg_Dagger_Box2 Name: Upgrade Dagger Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_UPG_DAGGER_BOX2); - Id: 17100 AegisName: Upg_Revolver_Box2 Name: Upgrade Revolver Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_UPG_REVOLVER_BOX2); - Id: 17101 AegisName: Upg_Mace_Box2 Name: Upgrade Mace Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_UPG_MACE_BOX2); - Id: 17102 AegisName: Upg_Bow_Box2 Name: Upgrade Bow Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_UPG_BOW_BOX2); - Id: 17103 AegisName: Upg_Twohand_Sword_Box2 Name: Upgrade Two-Handed Sword Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_UPG_TWOHAND_SWORD_BOX2); - Id: 17104 AegisName: HD_Oridecon_50Box Name: HD Oridecon 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 6240,50; - Id: 17105 AegisName: HD_Elunium_50Box Name: HD Elunium 50 Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 6241,50; - Id: 17106 AegisName: Max_Weight_Up_10Box Name: Heavy Lifter Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 7776,10; - Id: 17107 AegisName: Gemi_Crown_Scroll Name: Gemi Crown Scroll Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Gemi_Crown_Scroll); - Id: 17108 AegisName: Gemi_Crown_Scroll_Box Name: Gemi Crown Scroll Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Gemi_Crown_Scroll_Box); - Id: 17109 AegisName: Capri_Scroll Name: Capri Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true - Id: 17110 AegisName: Aquarius_Scroll Name: Aquarius Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true - Id: 17113 AegisName: Pisces_Scroll Name: Pisces Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true - Id: 17114 AegisName: Horn_Of_Ancient_Box Name: Horn Of Ancient Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 18595,1; - Id: 17115 AegisName: Sprout_Hat_Box Name: Sprout Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 18596,1; - Id: 17116 AegisName: Mercury_Helm_Box Name: Mercury Helm Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 18597,1; - Id: 17117 AegisName: Aries_Scroll Name: Aries Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true - Id: 17118 AegisName: ASPD_Potion_Box10 Name: ASPD Intensifying Potion Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ASPD_POTION_BOX10); - Id: 17120 AegisName: Taurus_Scroll Name: Taurus Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true - Id: 17121 AegisName: Starry_Scroll Name: Starry Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true - Id: 17122 AegisName: Immuned_Shield_Box Name: Immuned Shield Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 2168,1; - Id: 17123 AegisName: Black_Devil_Mask_Box Name: Black Devil Mask Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 18599,1; - Id: 17124 AegisName: Cat_Ears_Beret_Box Name: Cat Ears Beret Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 18600,1; - Id: 17125 AegisName: Red_Bread_Hat_Box Name: Red Bread Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 18601,1; - Id: 17126 AegisName: ASPD_Potion_Box10_2 Name: ASPD Enhanced Potion Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12684,10; - Id: 17127 AegisName: Leo_Scroll2 Name: Leo Scroll2 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true - Id: 17134 AegisName: RWC_Scroll Name: RWC Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true - Id: 17135 AegisName: Trans_A_Set Name: Monster Transformation Set A Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_TRANS_A_SET); - Id: 17136 AegisName: Trans_B_Set Name: Monster Transformation Set B Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_TRANS_B_SET); - Id: 17137 AegisName: Trans_C_Set Name: Monster Transformation Set C Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_TRANS_C_SET); - Id: 17138 AegisName: Ms_Cancer_Scroll Name: Ms Cancer Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Ms_Cancer_Scroll); - Id: 17139 AegisName: Ms_RWC_Super_Scroll Name: RWC Super Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_RWC_Super_Scroll); - Id: 17140 AegisName: Ms_Leo_Scroll Name: Leo Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Leo_Scroll); - Id: 17141 AegisName: Ms_Virgo_Scroll Name: Ms Virgo Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Ms_Virgo_Scroll); - Id: 17143 AegisName: Ms_Scorpio_Scroll Name: Ms Scorpio Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Ms_Scorpio_Scroll); - Id: 17144 AegisName: Made_Dish_Set Name: Assorted Cuisine Set Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_MADE_DISH_SET); - Id: 17145 AegisName: Made_Dish_Box Name: Assorted Cooking Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_MADE_DISH_BOX); - Id: 17146 AegisName: Dep_Alice_Hat_Box Name: Dep Alice Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 18630,1; - Id: 17147 AegisName: Ribbon_Chef_Hat_Box Name: Ribbon Chef Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 18631,1; - Id: 17152 AegisName: Bridal_Ribbon_Box Name: Bridal Ribbon Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 18636,1; - Id: 17153 AegisName: Red_Booster_Box20 Name: Red Booster Box20 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12796,20; /* Red Booster */ - Id: 17154 AegisName: Red_Booster_Box20_2 Name: Red Booster Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_RED_BOOSTER_BOX20_2); - Id: 17155 AegisName: Upg_Huuma_Shuriken_Box Name: Upg Huuma Shuriken Box Type: Usable Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 13316,86400; - Id: 17156 AegisName: TCG_Card_Scroll Name: Bossnia Ticket Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_TCG_Card_Scroll); - Id: 17157 AegisName: Vital_Flower_Box Name: Vital Flower Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 6113,10; - Id: 17158 AegisName: Flame_Gemstone_Box Name: Flame Gemstone Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 6114,10; - Id: 17159 AegisName: Change_Name_Card_Box Name: Name Change Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CHANGE_NAME_CARD_BOX); - Id: 17160 AegisName: Change_Name_Card_Box2 Name: Name Change Card Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CHANGE_NAME_CARD_BOX2); - Id: 17162 AegisName: Boarding_Halter_Box7 Name: Boarding Halter Box7 Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BOARDING_HALTER_BOX7); - Id: 17163 AegisName: Mystic_Powder_Box30 Name: Mystic Powder Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12805,1; /* Mystic Powder */ - Id: 17164 AegisName: Mystic_Powder_Box30_2 Name: Mystic Powder Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_MYSTIC_POWDER_BOX30_2); - Id: 17165 AegisName: Challenge_Kit Name: Challenge Kit Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Challenge_Kit); /*getitem Blessing_10_Scroll,20; getitem Inc_Agi_10_Scroll,20;*/ - Id: 17166 AegisName: Hellomother_Hat_Box Name: Arc Angeling Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5319,1; /* Hello Mother Hat */ - Id: 17171 AegisName: EC_Battle_Manual_Box Name: Battle Manual Box (10) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_EC_BATTLE_MANUAL_BOX); - Id: 17172 AegisName: EC_Job_Manual25_Box10 Name: JOB Battle Manual Box (10) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_EC_JOB_MANUAL25_BOX10); - Id: 17173 AegisName: Global_Hat_Fes_Box Name: Global Hat Festival Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_GLOBAL_HAT_FES_BOX); - Id: 17174 AegisName: Global_Hat_Fes_5_Box Name: Global Festival Packages (5) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_GLOBAL_HAT_FES_5_BOX); - Id: 17175 AegisName: Global_Hat_Fes_Box2 Name: Global Hat Festival Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_GLOBAL_HAT_FES_BOX2); - Id: 17176 AegisName: Boarding_Halter_Box3 Name: Boarding Halter Box 3days Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BOARDING_HALTER_BOX3); - Id: 17177 AegisName: Made_Dish_Box1 Name: "Assorted Cooking Box [Trail]" Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_MADE_DISH_BOX1); - Id: 17178 AegisName: Mysterious_Water_Box50 Name: Mysterious Life Potion Box (Undead) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_MYSTERIOUS_WATER_BOX50); - Id: 17179 AegisName: C_Myst_Water_Box50 Name: Mysterious Water Box50 Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_MYST_WATER_BOX50); - Id: 17180 AegisName: Mysterious_Water_Box50_ Name: Mysterious Life Potion Box (Girl) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_MYSTERIOUS_WATER_BOX50_); - Id: 17181 AegisName: Jan_Groove_Box Name: Jan Groove Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true - Id: 17182 AegisName: Fallen_Angel_Wing_Box Name: Fallen Angel Wings Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 2589,1; /* Fallen Angel Wing */ - Id: 17184 AegisName: 3rd_Test_Pass_Box Name: 3rd Test Pass Box Type: Cash Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getitem 6583,1; - Id: 17193 AegisName: Refine_Ore_Box2 Name: Refining Ore Box II Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_REFINE_ORE_BOX2); - Id: 17194 AegisName: Red_Potion_RG_Box Name: RG Red Potion Box Type: Cash Weight: 400 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_RED_POTION_RG_BOX); - Id: 17195 AegisName: Blue_Potion_RG_Box Name: RG Blue Potion Box Type: Cash Weight: 900 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BLUE_POTION_RG_BOX); - Id: 17196 AegisName: GoldenApple_P_RG_Box Name: RG Golden Apple Slice Box Type: Cash Weight: 3000 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_GOLDENAPPLE_P_RG_BOX); - Id: 17197 AegisName: GoldenApple_RG_Box Name: RG Golden Apple Box Type: Cash Weight: 3000 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_GOLDENAPPLE_RG_BOX); - Id: 17198 AegisName: Golden_Potion_RG_Box Name: RG Golden Potion Box Type: Cash Weight: 300 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_GOLDEN_POTION_RG_BOX); - Id: 17200 AegisName: RG_Noble_Hat_Box Name: RG Noble Hat Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5469,1; /* Musketeer Hat */ - Id: 17201 AegisName: RG_Soft_Sheep_Hat_Box Name: RG Soft Sheep Hat Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 18569,1; /* Soft Sheep Hat */ - Id: 17202 AegisName: Baksojin_Hat_Box Name: Baksojin Hat Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5464,1; - Id: 17203 AegisName: Free_Pass_Box Name: Free Pass Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true - Id: 17204 AegisName: Miraculous_Egg Name: Shining Egg Type: Cash Buy: 10 Weight: 10 EquipLevelMin: 1 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Shining_Egg); - Id: 17205 AegisName: Special_Po_Box Name: Poring's Special Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SPECIAL_PO_BOX); - Id: 17206 AegisName: Battle_Manual_Limit_Box Name: Battle Manual Limit Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BATTLE_MANUAL_LIMIT_BOX); - Id: 17207 AegisName: Idn_Heart_Scroll Name: Idn Heart Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Idn_Heart_Scroll); - Id: 17209 AegisName: Tw_Rainbow_Scroll Name: Tw Rainbow Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Tw_Rainbow_Scroll); - Id: 17210 AegisName: Tw_Red_Scroll Name: Tw Red Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Tw_Red_Scroll); - Id: 17211 AegisName: Tw_Orange_Scroll Name: Tw Orange Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Tw_Orange_Scroll); - Id: 17212 AegisName: Tw_Yellow_Scroll Name: Tw Yellow Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Tw_Yellow_Scroll); - Id: 17224 AegisName: Almighty_Box Name: Almighty Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12883,10; /* Almighty */ - Id: 17226 AegisName: C_Center_Pot_Box Name: Infinite Concentration Potion Type: Cash Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_CENTER_POT_BOX); - Id: 17227 AegisName: C_Awakening_Pot_Box Name: Infinite Awakening Potion Type: Cash Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_AWAKENING_POT_BOX); - Id: 17228 AegisName: C_Berserk_Pot_Box Name: Infinite Berserk Potion Type: Cash Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_BERSERK_POT_BOX); - Id: 17229 AegisName: C_Wing_Of_Fly_Box Name: Unlimited Fly Wing 7 Day Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_WING_OF_FLY_BOX); - Id: 17230 AegisName: Valerian_Scroll Name: Valerian Egg Type: Cash Buy: 10 Weight: 10 EquipLevelMin: 1 Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Valerian_Scroll); - Id: 17231 AegisName: Refine_Ore_Box3 Name: Refining Ore Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_REFINE_ORE_BOX3); - Id: 17232 AegisName: Guarantee7_Box Name: Safe to 7 Certificate Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_GUARANTEE7_BOX); - Id: 17233 AegisName: Scroll_Of_Death Name: Scroll Of Death Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Scroll_Of_Death); - Id: 17234 AegisName: Scroll_Of_Life Name: Scroll Of Life Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Scroll_Of_Life); - Id: 17235 AegisName: Scroll_Of_Magic Name: Scroll Of Magic Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Scroll_Of_Magic); - Id: 17236 AegisName: Scroll_Of_Thews Name: Scroll Of Thews Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Scroll_Of_Thews); - Id: 17237 AegisName: Scroll_Of_Darkness Name: Scroll Of Darkness Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Scroll_Of_Darkness); - Id: 17238 AegisName: Scroll_Of_Holiness Name: Scroll Of Holiness Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Scroll_Of_Holiness); - Id: 17239 AegisName: Horned_Scroll Name: Horned Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Horned_Scroll); - Id: 17240 AegisName: Mercury_Scroll Name: Mercury Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Mercury_Scroll); - Id: 17241 AegisName: Amistr_Cap_Box Name: Amistir Cap Box Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 5766,1; - Id: 17242 AegisName: Immortal_Egg Name: Immortal Egg Type: Cash Buy: 10 Weight: 10 EquipLevelMin: 1 Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Immortal_Egg); - Id: 17244 AegisName: Almighty_Box2 Name: Event Almighty Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ALMIGHTY_BOX2); - Id: 17245 AegisName: Idn_Independ_Scroll Name: Idn Independ Scroll Type: Cash Buy: 20 Flags: UniqueId: true - Id: 17246 AegisName: HD_Elunium_Box30 Name: HD Elunium Box(30) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_HD_ELUNIUM_BOX30); - Id: 17247 AegisName: HD_Oridecon_Box30 Name: HD Oridecon Box(30) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_HD_ORIDECON_BOX30); - Id: 17251 AegisName: C_Wing_Of_Fly_3Day_Box Name: C Wing Of Fly 3Day Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_Wing_Of_Fly_3Day_Box); - Id: 17252 AegisName: RWC_2012_Set_Box Name: RWC 2012 Set Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_RWC_2012_Set_Box); - Id: 17253 AegisName: RWC_2012_Ring_Box Name: RWC 2012 Ring Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 2966,1; - Id: 17254 AegisName: RWC_2012_Pendant_Box Name: RWC 2012 Pendant Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 2968,1; - Id: 17255 AegisName: Sapphire_Egg Name: Sapphire Egg Type: Cash Buy: 10 Weight: 10 EquipLevelMin: 1 Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Sapphire_Egg); - Id: 17256 AegisName: Good_Student_Gift_Box Name: Good Student Gift Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Good_Student_Gift_Box); - Id: 17257 AegisName: Bad_Student_Gift_Box Name: Bad Student Gift Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Bad_Student_Gift_Box); - Id: 17262 AegisName: Ex_Def_Potion_Box Name: Special Defense Potion Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Ex_Def_Potion_Box); /*getitem Ex_Def_Potion,5; getitem RWC_Scroll_2012,1;*/ - Id: 17263 AegisName: C_Center_Pot_3d_Box Name: 3 days Infinite Concentration Potion Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_CENTER_POT_3D_BOX); - Id: 17264 AegisName: C_Awakening_Pot_3d_Box Name: 3 days Infinite Awakening Potion Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_AWAKENING_POT_3D_BOX); - Id: 17265 AegisName: C_Berserk_Pot_3d_Box Name: 3 days Infinite Berserk Potion Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_BERSERK_POT_3D_BOX); - Id: 17266 AegisName: BM_Limit_Pack Name: Battle Manual Limited Package Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BM_LIMIT_PACK); - Id: 17270 AegisName: STR_Biscuit_Stick_Box Name: Bar Cookie Of Strength Box Type: Cash Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14616,20; - Id: 17271 AegisName: VIT_Biscuit_Stick_Box Name: Bar Cookie Of Vitality Box Type: Cash Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14617,20; - Id: 17272 AegisName: AGI_Biscuit_Stick_Box Name: Bar Cookie Of Agility Box Type: Cash Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14618,20; - Id: 17273 AegisName: INT_Biscuit_Stick_Box Name: Bar Cookie Of Intellgence Box Type: Cash Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14619,20; - Id: 17274 AegisName: DEX_Biscuit_Stick_Box Name: Bar Cookie Of Dexterity Box Type: Cash Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14620,20; - Id: 17275 AegisName: LUK_Biscuit_Stick_Box Name: Bar Cookie Of Luck Box Type: Cash Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14621,20; - Id: 17277 AegisName: Unlimited_Box Name: Unlimited Box Type: Cash Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Unlimited_Box); - Id: 17278 AegisName: Unlimited_10_Box Name: Unlimited Set of 10 boxes Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_UNLIMITED_10_BOX); - Id: 17279 AegisName: Unlimited_20_Box Name: Unlimited 20 Set of Boxes Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_UNLIMITED_20_BOX); - Id: 17281 AegisName: Refine_Ore_Box4 Name: Refining Ore Box IV Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_REFINE_ORE_BOX4); - Id: 17282 AegisName: Refine_Ore_Box4_Set10 Name: Refining Ore Box IV (10) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_REFINE_ORE_BOX4_SET10); - Id: 17283 AegisName: Refine_Ore_Box4_Set20 Name: Refining Ore Box IV (20 Sets) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_REFINE_ORE_BOX4_SET20); - Id: 17284 AegisName: E_Change_Name_Card_Box Name: "Event: Change the name box" Type: Cash Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 17285 AegisName: E_New_Style_Box Name: Events Beauty Gift Box Type: Cash Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Classes: All: false Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | /*TODO*/ - Id: 17286 AegisName: E_Cloth_Dye_Coupon_Box Name: "Event: Clothes Dye Coupon Box" Type: Cash Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6046,1; /* Clothing Dye Coupon */ - Id: 17287 AegisName: E_Cloth_Dye_Coupon_Box2 Name: "Event: Clothes Dye Coupon Box II" Type: Cash Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 17288 AegisName: Customizing_Box Name: Customization Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CUSTOMIZING_BOX); - Id: 17289 AegisName: Wing_Of_Baalzebub_Box Name: Beelzebub Wing Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_WING_OF_BAALZEBUB_BOX); - Id: 17290 AegisName: Orleans_Full_Course_Box Name: Orleans Full Course Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14646,5; - Id: 17292 AegisName: Shadow_Box Name: Shadow Box Type: Cash Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SHADOW_BOX); - Id: 17293 AegisName: Physical_S_Package Name: Shadow Physical Package Type: Cash Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_PHYSICAL_S_PACKAGE); - Id: 17294 AegisName: Magical_S_Package Name: Shadow Magical Package Type: Cash Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_MAGICAL_S_PACKAGE); - Id: 17298 AegisName: Vigorgra_Package Name: Support Package Type: Cash Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Support_Package); - Id: 17299 AegisName: Vigorgra_Package_Set Name: Support Package(10) Type: Cash Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Support_Package_10); - Id: 17302 AegisName: Shadow_Box2_Box Name: Shadow Box II Type: Cash Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 17303 AegisName: Shadow_Box2_Set Name: Shadow Set Box II Type: Cash Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 17304 AegisName: Neuralizer_Box_3 Name: Neuralizer Box 3 Type: Cash Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12213,3; - Id: 17306 AegisName: Status_Reset_Coupon_Box Name: Status Reset Coupon Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_STATUS_RESET_COUPON_BOX); - Id: 17307 AegisName: Midgard_Scroll Name: Midgard Egg Type: Cash Buy: 10 Weight: 10 EquipLevelMin: 1 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Midgard_Scroll); - Id: 17308 AegisName: Half_Asprika_Box_1 Name: Half Asprika box1 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 2566,86400; - Id: 17311 AegisName: Half_Brynhild_Box_1 Name: Half Brynhild box1 Type: Usable Buy: 20 EquipLevelMin: 47 Script: | rentitem 15023,86400; - Id: 17314 AegisName: C_Wing_Of_Fly_1Day_Box Name: Unlimited Fly Wing 1 Day Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_WING_OF_FLY_1DAY_BOX); - Id: 17315 AegisName: Silvervine_Box10_ Name: Lucky Silvervine Fruit Box (10) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SILVERVINE_BOX10_); - Id: 17316 AegisName: Silvervine_Box110 Name: Lucky Silvervine Fruit Box (110) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SILVERVINE_BOX110); - Id: 17317 AegisName: Sweet_Midgard_Scroll Name: Sweet Midgard Egg Type: Cash Buy: 10 Weight: 10 EquipLevelMin: 1 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Sweet_Midgard_Scroll); - Id: 17320 AegisName: Brithday_IdRO10th_Scr Name: Birthday IdRO10th Scroll Type: Cash Buy: 10 Weight: 10 EquipLevelMin: 1 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_IdRO10th_Scroll); - Id: 17321 AegisName: 3_Life_Potion_pack Name: Three Master Package Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_3_LIFE_POTION_PACK); - Id: 17322 AegisName: 3_Life_Potion_10pack Name: Three Master Package(10) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_3_LIFE_POTION_10PACK); - Id: 17326 AegisName: Requiem_Scroll Name: Requiem Egg Type: Cash Buy: 10 Weight: 10 EquipLevelMin: 1 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Requiem_Scroll); - Id: 17331 AegisName: Almighty_Box3 Name: Event Almighty Box Type: Cash Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Event_Almighty_Box); - Id: 17332 AegisName: Almighty100_Box Name: Event Almighty Box (100) Type: Cash Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Event_Almighty_Box_100); - Id: 17336 AegisName: J_Shop_Coupon_Box Name: Cash Hair Coupon Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6707,1; - Id: 17337 AegisName: Holy_Spirit_Scroll Name: Holy Spirit Egg Type: Cash Buy: 10 Weight: 10 EquipLevelMin: 1 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Holy_Spirit_Scroll); - Id: 17338 AegisName: Refine_Ore_Box5 Name: Ore Box V Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_REFINE_ORE_BOX5); - Id: 17339 AegisName: Refine_Ore_Box5_Set10 Name: Ore Box V(10) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_REFINE_ORE_BOX5_SET10); - Id: 17394 AegisName: Old_Hat_Box_ Name: "[Event] Old Headgear Box" Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_OLD_HAT_BOX_); - Id: 17396 AegisName: Half_L_Maje_Box_1day Name: Half L Magestic Goat Box1 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 5887,86400; - Id: 17397 AegisName: Half_L_Maje_Box_7day Name: Half L Magestic Goat Box7 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 5887,604800; - Id: 17398 AegisName: Half_BF_Spear1_Box_1day Name: Half BF Spear1 Box1 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 1439,86400; - Id: 17399 AegisName: Half_BF_Spear1_Box_7day Name: Half BF Spear1 Box7 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 1439,604800; - Id: 17400 AegisName: Half_BF_Book2_Box_1day Name: Half BF Book2 Box1 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 1597,86400; - Id: 17401 AegisName: Half_BF_Book2_Box_7day Name: Half BF Book2 Box7 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 1597,604800; - Id: 17402 AegisName: Half_BF_Staff4_Box_1day Name: Half BF Staff4 Box1 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 1673,86400; - Id: 17403 AegisName: Half_BF_Staff4_Box_7day Name: Half BF Staff4 Box7 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 1673,604800; - Id: 17404 AegisName: Half_BF_Staff2_Box_1day Name: Half BF Staff2 Box1 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 1674,86400; - Id: 17405 AegisName: Half_BF_Staff2_Box_7day Name: Half BF Staff2 Box7 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 1674,604800; - Id: 17406 AegisName: Half_BF_Knuc1_Box_1day Name: Half BF Knuckle1 Box1 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 1838,86400; - Id: 17407 AegisName: Half_BF_Knuc1_Box_7day Name: Half BF Knuckle1 Box7 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 1838,604800; - Id: 17408 AegisName: Half_BF_Dag2_Box_1day Name: Half BF Dagger2 Box1 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 13096,86400; - Id: 17409 AegisName: Half_BF_Dag2_Box_7day Name: Half BF Dagger2 Box1s Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 13096,604800; - Id: 17410 AegisName: Half_BF_HuShu2_Box_1day Name: Half BF Huuma Shuriken2 Box1 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 13321,86400; - Id: 17411 AegisName: Half_BF_HuShu2_Box_7day Name: Half BF Huuma Shuriken2 Box7 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 13321,604800; - Id: 17412 AegisName: Half_BF_Sword1_Box_1day Name: Half BF Sword1 Box1 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 13445,86400; - Id: 17413 AegisName: Half_BF_Sword1_Box_7day Name: Half BF Sword1 Box7 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 13445,604800; - Id: 17414 AegisName: Half_Mjolnir_Box_1day Name: Half Mjolnir Box1 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 16034,86400; - Id: 17415 AegisName: Half_Mjolnir_Box_7day Name: Half Mjolnir Box7 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 16034,604800; - Id: 17416 AegisName: Half_BF_MStar1_Box_1day Name: Half BF Morning Star1 Box1 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 16035,86400; - Id: 17417 AegisName: Half_BF_MStar1_Box_7day Name: Half BF Morning Star1 Box1 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 16035,604800; - Id: 17418 AegisName: Half_BF_Bow1_Box_1day Name: Half BF Bow1 Box1 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 18124,86400; - Id: 17419 AegisName: Half_BF_Bow1_Box_7day Name: Half BF Bow1 Box7 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 18124,604800; - Id: 17420 AegisName: Half_BF_Katar2_Box_1day Name: Half BF Katar2 Box1 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 28002,86400; - Id: 17421 AegisName: Half_BF_Katar2_Box_7day Name: Half BF Katar2 Box7 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 28002,604800; - Id: 17422 AegisName: Half_BF_THAxe1_Box_1day Name: Half BF Two Handed Axe1Box1 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 28102,86400; - Id: 17423 AegisName: Half_BF_THAxe1_Box_7day Name: Half BF Two Handed Axe1Box7 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 28102,604800; - Id: 17424 AegisName: Half_BF_Rifle1_Box_1day Name: Half BF Rifle1 Box1 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 28203,86400; - Id: 17425 AegisName: Half_BF_Rifle1_Box_7day Name: Half BF Rifle1 Box7 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 28203,604800; - Id: 17426 AegisName: Half_BF_Shgun1_Box_1day Name: Half BF Shotgun1 Box1 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 28204,86400; - Id: 17427 AegisName: Half_BF_Shgun1_Box_7day Name: Half BF Shotgun1 Box7 Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | rentitem 28204,604800; - Id: 17429 AegisName: Shadow_Box3 Name: 11 Anniversary Shadow Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SHADOW_BOX3); - Id: 17430 AegisName: 11th_S_Package Name: 11 Anniversary Shadow Package Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_11TH_S_PACKAGE); - Id: 17431 AegisName: Thanks_Giving_Scroll Name: Miracle Lucky Egg Type: Cash Buy: 10 Weight: 10 EquipLevelMin: 1 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Thanks_Giving_Scroll); - Id: 17432 AegisName: Silvervine_Box10_2 Name: Lucky Silvervine Fruit Box II(10) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SILVERVINE_BOX10_2); - Id: 17433 AegisName: Silvervine_Box110_2 Name: Lucky Silvervine Fruit Box II(110) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SILVERVINE_BOX110_2); - Id: 17435 AegisName: ID_Legend_hero_Scroll Name: Legend Hero Lucky Egg Type: Cash Buy: 10 Weight: 10 EquipLevelMin: 1 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Idn_Legend_Hero_Scroll); - Id: 17438 AegisName: 3_Life_Potion_pack2 Name: Three Master Package II Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_3_LIFE_POTION_PACK2); - Id: 17439 AegisName: 3_Life_Potion_10pack2 Name: Three Master Package II(10) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_3_LIFE_POTION_10PACK2); - Id: 17440 AegisName: LI_Change_Name_Box Name: Name Change Card Box Type: Cash Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12790,1; - Id: 17441 AegisName: LI_Boarding_Halter_Box Name: Halter Lead Box Type: Cash Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12622,1; - Id: 17442 AegisName: LI_Empelium_Box Name: Emperium G Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LI_EMPELIUM_BOX); - Id: 17443 AegisName: LI_Upg_Buckler_BOX Name: Reinforcement Buckler Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LI_UPG_BUCKLER_BOX); - Id: 17447 AegisName: Blessing_Midgard_Scroll Name: Blessing Midgard Lucky Egg Type: Cash Buy: 10 EquipLevelMin: 1 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Blessing_Midgard_Scroll); - Id: 17449 AegisName: Biscuit_Stick_Set Name: Set Bar Cookies Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BISCUIT_STICK_SET); - Id: 17455 AegisName: Premium_Book_Box Name: Premium Battle Manual Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_PREMIUM_BOOK_BOX); - Id: 17456 AegisName: Vigorgra_Package_v2 Name: Support Package II Type: Cash Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Support_Package_II); - Id: 17457 AegisName: Vigorgra_Package_Set_V2 Name: Support Package II(10) Type: Cash Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Support_Package_II_10); - Id: 17461 AegisName: Costama_Egg18 Name: Frozen Egg Costume Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Costama_Egg18); - Id: 17464 AegisName: Winter_Midgard_Scroll Name: Winter Midgard Egg Type: Cash Buy: 10 Weight: 10 EquipLevelMin: 1 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Winter_Midgard_Scroll); - Id: 17465 AegisName: Refine_Ore_Box6 Name: Refine Ore Box VI Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_REFINE_ORE_BOX6); - Id: 17466 AegisName: Refine_Ore_Box6_Set10 Name: Refine Ore Box VI 10 Set Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_REFINE_ORE_BOX6_SET10); - Id: 17467 AegisName: C_Siegfried_Box50 Name: (Limited) Token of Ziegfried Box (50) Type: Cash Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6833,50; - Id: 17468 AegisName: LI_Neuralizer_3Box Name: Neuralizer II Box (3) Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14724,3; - Id: 17469 AegisName: LI_Neuralizer_1Box Name: Neuralizer I Box Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 14723,1; - Id: 17470 AegisName: Costama_Egg19 Name: Headgear Costume Scroll Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Costama_Egg19); - Id: 17471 AegisName: Spring_Festival_Scroll Name: Spring Festival Lucky Egg Type: Cash Buy: 10 Weight: 10 EquipLevelMin: 1 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Spring_Festival_Scroll); - Id: 17472 AegisName: Vigorgra_Package_v3 Name: Support Package III Type: Cash Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Support_Package_III); - Id: 17473 AegisName: Vigorgra_Package_Set_V3 Name: Support Package III(10) Type: Cash Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Support_Package_III_10); - Id: 17474 AegisName: C_Wing_Of_Fly_5Day_Box Name: Unlimited Fly Wing 5 Day Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_WING_OF_FLY_5DAY_BOX); - Id: 17475 AegisName: LC_Max_Weight_Up_10Box Name: (Limited)Gym Membership Card Box (10) Type: Cash Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 17475,10; - Id: 17477 AegisName: Unlimited_Box2 Name: Unlimited Box II Type: Cash Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Unlimited_Box_II); - Id: 17478 AegisName: Unlimited_10_Box2 Name: Unlimited Box II(10) Type: Cash Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Unlimited_Box_II_10); - Id: 17479 AegisName: Midgard_Fes_Scroll Name: Midgard Festival Egg Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Midgard_Fes_Scroll); - Id: 17481 AegisName: Costama_Egg21 Name: Flower Blossom Scroll Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_COSTAMA_EGG21); - Id: 17482 AegisName: Solaris_Festival_Scroll Name: Solaris Festival Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Solaris_Festival_Scroll); - Id: 17483 AegisName: 3_Life_Potion_pack3 Name: Three Master Package III Type: Cash Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Three_Master_Package_III); - Id: 17484 AegisName: 3_Life_Potion_10pack3 Name: Three Master Package III(10) Type: Cash Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Three_Master_Package_III_10); - Id: 17490 AegisName: Time_Travel_Scroll Name: Time Travel Lucky Egg Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Time_Travel_Scroll); - Id: 17491 AegisName: Refine_Ore_Box7 Name: Smelting Ore Box VII Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_REFINE_ORE_BOX7); - Id: 17492 AegisName: Refine_Ore_Box7_Set10 Name: Smelting Ore Box VII(10) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_REFINE_ORE_BOX7_SET10); - Id: 17493 AegisName: Costama_Egg23 Name: Burning Feather Costume Scroll Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Costama_Egg23); - Id: 17494 AegisName: Happy_Time_Scroll Name: Rise Midgard Lucky Egg Type: Cash Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Happy_Time_Scroll); - Id: 17495 AegisName: Silvervine_Box10_3 Name: Lucky Silvervine Fruit Box III(10) Type: Cash Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Lucky_Silvervine_Fruit_Box_III10); - Id: 17496 AegisName: Silvervine_Box110_3 Name: Lucky Silvervine Fruit Box III(110) Type: Cash Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Lucky_Silvervine_Fruit_Box_III110); - Id: 17497 AegisName: Costama_Egg24 Name: Seaside Costume Scroll Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Costama_Egg24); - Id: 17498 AegisName: 3_Life_Potion_pack4 Name: Three Master Package IV Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_3_LIFE_POTION_PACK4); - Id: 17499 AegisName: 3_Life_Potion_10pack4 Name: Three Master Package IV(10) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_3_LIFE_POTION_10PACK4); - Id: 17501 AegisName: Vigorgra_Package_v4 Name: Support Package IV Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_VIGORGRA_PACKAGE_V4); - Id: 17502 AegisName: Vigorgra_Package_Set_V4 Name: Support Package IV(10) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_VIGORGRA_PACKAGE_SET_V4); - Id: 17507 AegisName: Nyangvine_Box4 Name: Kit Costume Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_NYANGVINE_BOX4); - Id: 17508 AegisName: Nyangvine_Box10 Name: Kitcoin Purse Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_NYANGVINE_BOX10); - Id: 17509 AegisName: Nyangvine_Box40 Name: Nyangvine 40 Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_NYANGVINE_BOX40); - Id: 17510 AegisName: Refine_Ore_Box8 Name: Smelting Ore Box VIII Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_REFINE_ORE_BOX8); - Id: 17511 AegisName: Refine_Ore_Box8_Set10 Name: Smelting Ore Box VIII(10) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_REFINE_ORE_BOX8_SET10); - Id: 17512 AegisName: LI_HD_Elunium_Box30 Name: (Limited)Purified Eluminium Box(30) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LI_HD_ELUNIUM_BOX30); - Id: 17513 AegisName: LI_HD_Oridecon_Box30 Name: (Limited)Purified Oridecon Box(30) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LI_HD_ORIDECON_BOX30); - Id: 17515 AegisName: Unlimited_Box3 Name: Unlimited Box III Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_UNLIMITED_BOX3); - Id: 17516 AegisName: Unlimited_10_Box3 Name: Unlimited Box III(10) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_UNLIMITED_10_BOX3); - Id: 17517 AegisName: Costama_Egg28 Name: Animal Costume Scroll Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Costama_Egg28); - Id: 17519 AegisName: Epic_Heroes_Scroll Name: Epic Heroes Scroll Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Epic_Heroes_Lucky_Egg); - Id: 17520 AegisName: Limit_Manual_Box Name: Limited Edition Manual Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LIMIT_MANUAL_BOX); - Id: 17521 AegisName: 3_Life_Potion_pack5 Name: Three Master Package V Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_3_LIFE_POTION_PACK5); - Id: 17522 AegisName: 3_Life_Potion_10pack5 Name: Three Master Package V(10) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_3_LIFE_POTION_10PACK5); - Id: 17523 AegisName: Costama_Egg29 Name: Mystical Costume Scroll Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Costama_Egg29); - Id: 17524 AegisName: Limit_Power_Booster_Box Name: Limited Power Booster Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LIMIT_POWER_BOOSTER_BOX); - Id: 17525 AegisName: Limit_Power_Booster100 Name: Limited Power Booster Box(100) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LIMIT_POWER_BOOSTER100); - Id: 17526 AegisName: Majestic_Lucky_Scroll Name: Majestic Lucky Egg Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Majestic_Lucky_Scroll); - Id: 17527 AegisName: Nyangvine_Box200 Name: Silvervine Cat Fruit Box(200) Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_NYANGVINE_BOX200); - Id: 17532 AegisName: Blessing_Lucky_Scroll Name: Blessing Lucky Egg Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Blessing_Lucky_Scroll); - Id: 17544 AegisName: Refine_Ore_Box9 Name: Refining Ore Box IX Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_REFINE_ORE_BOX9); - Id: 17545 AegisName: Refine_Ore_Box9_Set10 Name: Refining Ore Box IX (10) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_REFINE_ORE_BOX9_SET10); - Id: 17547 AegisName: 2015LI_NeuralizerBox Name: (Limited)2015 Neuralizer Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 22894,1; - Id: 17548 AegisName: 2015LI_S_R_C_Box Name: (Limited)2015 Status Initialization Volume Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 22895,1; - Id: 17549 AegisName: LI_HD_BradiumBox30 Name: (Limited)High Density Bradium Box (30) Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6327,30; - Id: 17550 AegisName: LI_HD_CarniumBox30 Name: (Limited)High Density Kalunium Box (30) Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6906,30; - Id: 17552 AegisName: Garnet_Lucky_Scroll Name: Garnet Lucky Egg Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Garnet_Lucky_Scroll); - Id: 17567 AegisName: Almighty_Box4 Name: Event Almighty Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ALMIGHTY_BOX4); - Id: 17568 AegisName: Almighty100_Box2 Name: Event Almighty Box (100) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ALMIGHTY100_BOX2); - Id: 17569 AegisName: Dun_Voucher_Box1 Name: Sky Fortress Ticket 1 Hour Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_DUN_VOUCHER_BOX1); - Id: 17570 AegisName: Dun_Voucher_Box2 Name: Sky Fortress Ticket 3 Hours Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_DUN_VOUCHER_BOX2); - Id: 17572 AegisName: Erzulie_Lucky_Scroll Name: Erzulie Lucky Egg Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Erzulie_Lucky_Scroll); - Id: 17573 AegisName: Nyangvine_Box10_ Name: Lucky Silvervine Cat Fruit Box (10) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_NYANGVINE_BOX10_); - Id: 17574 AegisName: Nyangvine_Box100 Name: Lucky Silvervine Cat Fruit Box (100) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_NYANGVINE_BOX100); - Id: 17575 AegisName: Service30_M_01_Box Name: Edward Zonda Owner Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SERVICE30_M_01_BOX); - Id: 17576 AegisName: Service30_F_01_Box Name: Elysee Zonda Owner Box Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SERVICE30_F_01_BOX); - Id: 17582 AegisName: 3_Life_Potion_pack6 Name: Three Master Package IV Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_3_LIFE_POTION_PACK6); - Id: 17583 AegisName: 3_Life_Potion_10pack6 Name: Three Master Package IV (10) Type: Cash Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_3_LIFE_POTION_10PACK6); - Id: 17584 AegisName: Venus_Lucky_Scroll Name: Venus Lucky Egg Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Venus_Lucky_Scroll); - Id: 17586 AegisName: Refine_Ore_Box10 Name: Smelting Ore Box X Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_REFINE_ORE_BOX10); - Id: 17587 AegisName: Refine_Ore_Box10_Set10 Name: Smelting Ore Box X (10) Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_REFINE_ORE_BOX10_SET10); - Id: 17588 AegisName: Amora_Lucky_Scroll Name: Amora Lucky Egg Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Amora_Lucky_Scroll); - Id: 17590 AegisName: Service30P_M_01_Box Name: Edward Zonda Service Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SERVICE30P_M_01_BOX); - Id: 17591 AegisName: Service30P_F_01_Box Name: Elysee Zonda Owner EX Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SERVICE30P_F_01_BOX); - Id: 17592 AegisName: Vigorgra_Package_v5 Name: Cheer Up Package V Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_VIGORGRA_PACKAGE_V5); - Id: 17593 AegisName: Vigorgra_Package_Set_V5 Name: Cheer Up Package V (10) Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_VIGORGRA_PACKAGE_SET_V5); - Id: 17598 AegisName: Sograt_Lucky_Scroll Name: Sograt Lucky Scroll Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Sograt_Lucky_Scroll); - Id: 17599 AegisName: C_Greed_1Hour_Box Name: Endless Greed Scroll Box (1h) Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_GREED_1HOUR_BOX); - Id: 17600 AegisName: C_CatPaw_1Day_Box Name: Infinite Cat's Hand Ticket Box (1 day) Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_CATPAW_1DAY_BOX); - Id: 17601 AegisName: Unlimited_Box4 Name: Unlimited Box IV Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_UNLIMITED_BOX4); - Id: 17602 AegisName: Unlimited_10_Box4 Name: Unlimited Box IV (10) Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_UNLIMITED_10_BOX4); - Id: 17607 AegisName: Sanctuary_Lucky_Scroll Name: Sanctuary Lucky Egg Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Sanctuary_Lucky_Scroll); - Id: 17608 AegisName: C_Giant_Fly_1Day_Box Name: Infinite Giant Fly Wing Box 1Day Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_GIANT_FLY_1DAY_BOX); - Id: 17609 AegisName: Refine_Ore_Box11 Name: Refine Ore Box XI Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_REFINE_ORE_BOX11); - Id: 17610 AegisName: Refine_Ore_Box11_Set10 Name: Refine Ore Box XI(10) Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_REFINE_ORE_BOX11_SET10); - Id: 17613 AegisName: Chronosian_Lucky_Scroll Name: Chronosian Lucky Egg Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Chronosian_Lucky_Scroll); - Id: 17616 AegisName: 3_Life_Potion_pack7 Name: Three Master Package VII Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_3_LIFE_POTION_PACK7); - Id: 17617 AegisName: 3_Life_Potion_10pack7 Name: Three Master Package VII (10) Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_3_LIFE_POTION_10PACK7); - Id: 17628 AegisName: Cyborg_Lucky_Scroll Name: Cyborg Lucky Egg Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Cyborg_Lucky_Scroll); - Id: 17631 AegisName: Almighty_Plus_Box Name: Almighty Plus Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ALMIGHTY_PLUS_BOX); - Id: 17632 AegisName: Almighty100_PlusBox Name: Almighty Plus Box (10) Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ALMIGHTY100_PLUSBOX); - Id: 17633 AegisName: Undine_Lucky_Scroll Name: Undine Lucky Egg Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Undine_Lucky_Scroll); - Id: 17639 AegisName: Limit_Power_Booster2 Name: Limited Power Booster Box 2 Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LIMIT_POWER_BOOSTER2); - Id: 17640 AegisName: LimitPowerBooster2_100 Name: Limited Power Booster Box 2 (100) Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LIMITPOWERBOOSTER2_100); - Id: 17646 AegisName: LC_Boarding_Halter_Box Name: Halter Lead Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LC_BOARDING_HALTER_BOX); - Id: 17648 AegisName: Smithy_Lucky_Scroll Name: Smithy Lucky Egg Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Smithy_Lucky_Scroll); - Id: 17650 AegisName: Refine_Ore_Box12 Name: Refining Ore Box XII Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_REFINE_ORE_BOX12); - Id: 17651 AegisName: Refine_Ore_Box12_Set10 Name: Refining Ore Box XII (10) Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_REFINE_ORE_BOX12_SET10); - Id: 17659 AegisName: Ganymede_Lucky_Scroll Name: Ganymede Lucky Egg Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Ganymede_Lucky_Scroll); - Id: 17662 AegisName: Vigorgra_Plus_Package Name: Cheer Up Plus Package Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_VIGORGRA_PLUS_PACKAGE); - Id: 17663 AegisName: Vigorgra_Plus_Set Name: Cheer Up Plus Package (10) Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_VIGORGRA_PLUS_SET); - Id: 17665 AegisName: LastAngel_LuckyScroll Name: LastAngel LuckyScroll Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LastAngel_LuckyScroll); - Id: 17668 AegisName: 3_Life_Potion_pack8 Name: Three Master Package VIII Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_3_LIFE_POTION_PACK8); - Id: 17669 AegisName: 3_Life_Potion_10pack8 Name: Three Master Package VIII (10) Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_3_LIFE_POTION_10PACK8); - Id: 17671 AegisName: Valkyrie_Lucky_Scroll Name: Valkyrie Lucky Egg Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Valkyrie_Lucky_Scroll); - Id: 17672 AegisName: Unlimited_Box5 Name: Unlimited Box V Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_UNLIMITED_BOX5); - Id: 17673 AegisName: Unlimited_10_Box5 Name: Ultimate Box V (10) Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_UNLIMITED_10_BOX5); - Id: 17674 AegisName: Rainbow_Lucky_Scroll Name: Splash Rainbow Lucky Egg Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Splash_Rainbow_Lucky_Scroll); - Id: 17675 AegisName: Refine_Ore_Box13 Name: Refining Ore Box XIII Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_REFINE_ORE_BOX13); - Id: 17676 AegisName: Refine_Ore_Box13_Set10 Name: Refining Ore Box XIII (10) Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_REFINE_ORE_BOX13_SET10); - Id: 17677 AegisName: HD_Refine_Ore_Box Name: HD Refining Ore Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_HD_REFINE_ORE_BOX); - Id: 17681 AegisName: Midgard_Lucky_Scroll Name: Midgard Lucky Scroll Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Midgard_Lucky_Scroll); - Id: 17683 AegisName: Nyangvine_Box10_2 Name: Lucky Silvervine Cat Fruit Box II (10) Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_NYANGVINE_BOX10_2); - Id: 17684 AegisName: Nyangvine_Box100_2 Name: Lucky Silvervine Cat Fruit Box II (100) Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_NYANGVINE_BOX100_2); - Id: 17689 AegisName: AID_Buff_Box Name: Premium Buff Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_AID_BUFF_BOX); - Id: 17690 AegisName: Vigorgra_Plus_Package2 Name: Cheer Up Plus Package II Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_VIGORGRA_PLUS_PACKAGE2); - Id: 17691 AegisName: Vigorgra_Plus_Set2 Name: Cheer Up Plus Package II (10) Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_VIGORGRA_PLUS_SET2); - Id: 17692 AegisName: June_Lucky_Scroll Name: Blessing Scarlet Egg Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Blessing_Scarlet_Scroll); - Id: 17712 AegisName: 3_Life_Potion_pack9 Name: Three Master Package IX Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_3_LIFE_POTION_PACK9); - Id: 17713 AegisName: 3_Life_Potion_10pack9 Name: Three Master Package IX (10) Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_3_LIFE_POTION_10PACK9); - Id: 17716 AegisName: Refine_Ore_Box14 Name: Refining Ore Box XIV Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_REFINE_ORE_BOX14); - Id: 17717 AegisName: Refine_Ore_Box14_Set10 Name: Refining Ore Box XIV (10) Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_REFINE_ORE_BOX14_SET10); - Id: 17718 AegisName: HD_Refine_Ore_Box2 Name: HD Refining Ore Box II Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_HD_REFINE_ORE_BOX2); - Id: 17726 AegisName: Almighty_Plus_Box2 Name: Almighty Plus Box II Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ALMIGHTY_PLUS_BOX2); - Id: 17727 AegisName: Almighty100_PlusBox2 Name: Almighty Plus Box II (10) Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ALMIGHTY100_PLUSBOX2); - Id: 17742 AegisName: DEF_Scroll_Box Name: Defense Scroll Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_DEF_SCROLL_BOX); - Id: 17743 AegisName: DEF_Scroll_Box_Set Name: Defense Scroll Box (10) Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_DEF_SCROLL_BOX_SET); - Id: 17748 AegisName: Limit_Power_Booster3 Name: Limited Power Booster 3 Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LIMIT_POWER_BOOSTER3); - Id: 17749 AegisName: LimitPowerBooster3_100 Name: Limited Power Booster 3 (100) Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LIMITPOWERBOOSTER3_100); - Id: 17756 AegisName: HD_High_Refine_Box Name: HD Refine Ore Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_HD_HIGH_REFINE_BOX); - Id: 17759 AegisName: Refine_Ore_Box15_Set10 Name: Refine Ore XV Box (10) Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_REFINE_ORE_BOX15_SET10); - Id: 17760 AegisName: Refine_Ore_Box15 Name: Refine Ore XV Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_REFINE_ORE_BOX15); - Id: 17761 AegisName: HD_Refine_Ore_Box3 Name: HD Refine Ore Box III Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_HD_REFINE_ORE_BOX3); - Id: 17764 AegisName: Vigorgra_Plus_Package3 Name: Cheer Up Plus Package III Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_VIGORGRA_PLUS_PACKAGE3); - Id: 17765 AegisName: Vigorgra_Plus_Set3 Name: Cheer Up Plus Package III (10) Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_VIGORGRA_PLUS_SET3); - Id: 17766 AegisName: C_CatPaw_7Day_Box Name: Infinite Cat's Hand Ticket Box (7 days) Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_CATPAW_7DAY_BOX); - Id: 17774 AegisName: Almighty_Plus_Box3 Name: Almighty Plus Box III Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ALMIGHTY_PLUS_BOX3); - Id: 17775 AegisName: Almighty100_PlusBox3 Name: Almighty Plus Box III (10) Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ALMIGHTY100_PLUSBOX3); - Id: 17776 AegisName: 3_Life_Potion_pack10 Name: Three Master Package X Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_3_LIFE_POTION_PACK10); - Id: 17777 AegisName: 3_Life_Potion_10pack10 Name: Three Master Package X (10) Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_3_LIFE_POTION_10PACK10); - Id: 17780 AegisName: Cash_Can_Box Name: Cash Can Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 25308,1; - Id: 17783 AegisName: Unlimited_10_Box6 Name: Unlimited Box VI (10) Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_UNLIMITED_10_BOX6); - Id: 17784 AegisName: Unlimited_Box6 Name: Unlimited Box VI Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_UNLIMITED_BOX6); - Id: 17792 AegisName: Refine_Ore_Box16 Name: Refining Ore Box XVI Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_REFINE_ORE_BOX16); - Id: 17793 AegisName: Refine_Ore_Box16_Set10 Name: Refining Ore Box XVI (10) Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_REFINE_ORE_BOX16_SET10); - Id: 17794 AegisName: HD_Refine_Ore_Box4 Name: HD Refining Ore Box IV Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_HD_REFINE_ORE_BOX4); - Id: 17795 AegisName: HD_High_Refine_Box2 Name: HD Refine Ore Box II Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_HD_HIGH_REFINE_BOX2); - Id: 17799 AegisName: DEF_Scroll_Box2 Name: Defense Scroll Box II Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_DEF_SCROLL_BOX2); - Id: 17800 AegisName: DEF_Scroll_Box_Set2 Name: Defense Scroll Box II (10) Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_DEF_SCROLL_BOX_SET2); - Id: 17832 AegisName: 3_Life_Potion_pack11 Name: Three Master Package XI Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_3_LIFE_POTION_PACK11); - Id: 17833 AegisName: 3_Life_Potion_10pack11 Name: Three Master Package XI (10) Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_3_LIFE_POTION_10PACK11); - Id: 17881 AegisName: RTC_Anniv_Box Name: 2017 Ragnarok RTC Participaton Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_RTC_ANNIV_BOX); - Id: 17882 AegisName: Refine_Ore_Box17_Set10 Name: Refining Ore Box XVII (10) Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_REFINE_ORE_BOX17_SET10); - Id: 17883 AegisName: Refine_Ore_Box17 Name: Refining Ore Box XVII Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_REFINE_ORE_BOX17); - Id: 17884 AegisName: HD_Refine_Ore_Box5 Name: HD Refining Ore Box V Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_HD_REFINE_ORE_BOX5); - Id: 17885 AegisName: HD_High_Refine_Box3 Name: HD Refine Ore Box III Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_HD_HIGH_REFINE_BOX3); - Id: 17886 AegisName: Infinity_Box Name: Infinity Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_INFINITY_BOX); - Id: 17887 AegisName: Infinity_10_Box Name: Infinity Box (10) Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_INFINITY_10_BOX); - Id: 17888 AegisName: Comp_Kafra_Card_Box Name: "[Not For Sale] Kafra Card Box (10)" Type: Cash Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 12211,10; - Id: 17894 AegisName: New_Vigorgra_Package Name: New Cheer Up Package Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_NEW_VIGORGRA_PACKAGE); - Id: 17895 AegisName: New_Vigorgra_Set Name: New Cheer Up Package (10) Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_NEW_VIGORGRA_SET); - Id: 17901 AegisName: LimitPowerBooster4_100 Name: Limited Power Booster IV (100) Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LIMITPOWERBOOSTER4_100); - Id: 17902 AegisName: Limit_Power_Booster4 Name: Limited Power Booster IV Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LIMIT_POWER_BOOSTER4); - Id: 17914 AegisName: 2017_GStar_CostumeBox Name: G-STAR 2017 Ragnarok Memorial Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_2017_GSTAR_COSTUMEBOX); - Id: 17920 AegisName: Zero_Merchant_Bell_Box Name: Tool Dealer Bell Box Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ZERO_MERCHANT_BELL_BOX); - Id: 17921 AegisName: Zero_Kafra_Bell_Box Name: Kafra Storage Bell Box Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ZERO_KAFRA_BELL_BOX); - Id: 17923 AegisName: Refine_Ore_Box18 Name: Refining Ore Box XVIII Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_REFINE_ORE_BOX18); - Id: 17924 AegisName: Refine_Ore_Box18_Set10 Name: Refining Ore Box XVIII (10) Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_REFINE_ORE_BOX18_SET10); - Id: 17925 AegisName: HD_Refine_Ore_Box6 Name: HD Refining Ore Box VI Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_HD_REFINE_ORE_BOX6); - Id: 17926 AegisName: HD_High_Refine_Box4 Name: HD Refine Ore Box IV Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_HD_HIGH_REFINE_BOX4); - Id: 17935 AegisName: New_3_Potion_pack Name: New Three Master Package Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_NEW_3_POTION_PACK); - Id: 17936 AegisName: New_3_Potion_10pack Name: New Three Master Package (10) Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_NEW_3_POTION_10PACK); - Id: 17940 AegisName: Nyangvine_Box10_3 Name: Lucky Silvervine Cat Fruit Box III (10) Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_NYANGVINE_BOX10_3); - Id: 17941 AegisName: Nyangvine_Box100_3 Name: Lucky Silvervine Cat Fruit Box III (100) Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_NYANGVINE_BOX100_3); - Id: 17944 AegisName: Almighty_Plus_Box4 Name: Almighty Plus Box IV Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ALMIGHTY_PLUS_BOX4); - Id: 17945 AegisName: Almighty100_PlusBox4 Name: Almighty Plus Box IV (10) Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ALMIGHTY100_PLUSBOX4); - Id: 17948 AegisName: Refine_Ore_Box19_Set10 Name: Refining Ore Box XIX (10) Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_REFINE_ORE_BOX19_SET10); - Id: 17949 AegisName: Refine_Ore_Box19 Name: Refining Ore Box XIX Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_REFINE_ORE_BOX19); - Id: 17950 AegisName: HD_Refine_Ore_Box7 Name: HD Refining Ore Box VII Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_HD_REFINE_ORE_BOX7); - Id: 17951 AegisName: HD_High_Refine_Box5 Name: HD Refine Ore Box V Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_HD_HIGH_REFINE_BOX5); - Id: 17959 AegisName: DEF_Scroll_Box3 Name: Defense Scroll Box III Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_DEF_SCROLL_BOX3); - Id: 17960 AegisName: DEF_Scroll_Box_Set3 Name: Defense Scroll Box III (10) Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_DEF_SCROLL_BOX_SET3); - Id: 17961 AegisName: 3_Life_Potion_pack12 Name: Three Master Package XII Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_3_LIFE_POTION_PACK12); - Id: 17962 AegisName: 3_Life_Potion_10pack12 Name: Three Master Package XII (10) Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_3_LIFE_POTION_10PACK12); - Id: 17967 AegisName: Infinity_Box2 Name: Infinity Box II Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_INFINITY_BOX2); - Id: 17968 AegisName: Infinity_10_Box2 Name: Infinity Box II 10 sets # !todo check english name Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_INFINITY_10_BOX2); - Id: 17969 AegisName: A_Vigorgra_Set Name: Cheer Up Package (10) Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_A_VIGORGRA_SET); - Id: 17970 AegisName: A_Vigorgra_Package Name: Cheer Up Package Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_A_VIGORGRA_PACKAGE); - Id: 17971 AegisName: A_3_Life_Potion_10pack Name: Life Potion Sampler 10 Crate Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_A_3_LIFE_POTION_10PACK); - Id: 17972 AegisName: A_3_Life_Potion_pack Name: Life Potion Sampler Crate Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_A_3_LIFE_POTION_PACK); - Id: 17973 AegisName: A_Almighty100_Box Name: Almighty package 10set Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_A_ALMIGHTY100_BOX); - Id: 17974 AegisName: A_Almighty_Box Name: Almighty package Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_A_ALMIGHTY_BOX); - Id: 17975 AegisName: A_Refine_Ore_Box_Set Name: Enriched ore package 10 set Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_A_REFINE_ORE_BOX_SET); - Id: 17976 AegisName: A_Refine_Ore_Box Name: Enriched ore package set Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_A_REFINE_ORE_BOX); - Id: 17977 AegisName: A_HD_Refine_Ore_Box Name: HD ore package Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_A_HD_REFINE_ORE_BOX); - Id: 17978 AegisName: A_HD_High_Refine_Box Name: High density ore package Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_A_HD_HIGH_REFINE_BOX); - Id: 17979 AegisName: A_LimitPowerBooster_100 Name: Limit Power Booster Package 10 set Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_A_LIMITPOWERBOOSTER_100); - Id: 17980 AegisName: A_LimitPowerBooster Name: LimitPowerBooster package Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_A_LIMITPOWERBOOSTER); - Id: 17981 AegisName: A_Infinity_10_Box Name: Infinity Drink 200 Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_A_INFINITY_10_BOX); - Id: 17982 AegisName: A_Infinity_Box Name: Infinity Drink 20 Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_A_INFINITY_BOX); - Id: 17983 AegisName: A_DEF_Scroll_Box_Set Name: Defense Scroll Box (10) Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_A_DEF_SCROLL_BOX_SET); - Id: 17984 AegisName: A_DEF_Scroll_Box Name: Defense Scroll Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_A_DEF_SCROLL_BOX); - Id: 17985 AegisName: A_Unlimited_10_Box Name: Unlimited Box (10) Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_A_UNLIMITED_10_BOX); - Id: 17986 AegisName: A_Unlimited_Box Name: Unlimited Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_A_UNLIMITED_BOX); - Id: 17999 AegisName: Inventory_Ex_Box Name: Inventory Expansion Voucher Box(1) Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_INVENTORY_EX_BOX); - Id: 22507 AegisName: ShabbyOldScroll Name: Old Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Script: | callfunc "F_22507"; - Id: 22508 AegisName: Para_Team_Mark_ Name: Eden Group Mark Type: Usable Flags: NoConsume: true Delay: Duration: 1200000 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | warp "moc_para01",171,115; - Id: 22510 AegisName: WolfKing_Scroll Name: King Wolf Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_WOLFKING_SCROLL); - Id: 22511 AegisName: Fenrir_Card__ Name: Fenrir's Power Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | bonus_script "{ bonus bMatk,25; bonus bFixedCastRate,-50; }",300,1025; - Id: 22513 AegisName: Kings_Gift Name: King of Gift Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 100 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_KINGS_GIFT); - Id: 22514 AegisName: Candy_Holder Name: Candy Holder Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Candy_Holder); getgroupitem(IG_Candy_Holder); getgroupitem(IG_Candy_Holder); - Id: 22515 AegisName: Key_Of_Twisted_Time Name: Twisted Key of Time Type: DelayConsume Buy: 10 Weight: 300 Script: | itemskill "NPC_WIDECURSE",2; - Id: 22516 AegisName: Dark_Red_Clot Name: Black As Night Piece Type: Usable Buy: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_CURSE,4000,0,1500,0; - Id: 22517 AegisName: Loki_Summon_Scroll Name: Rocker Summoning Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | mercenary_create 2937,1800000; - Id: 22518 AegisName: Idn_Wisdom_Egg Name: Egg Of Wisdom Type: Cash Buy: 10 Weight: 10 EquipLevelMin: 1 Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Idn_Wisdom_Egg); - Id: 22521 AegisName: 80LVUP Name: Level Up Box (80) Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 80 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_80LVUP); - Id: 22522 AegisName: 100LVUP Name: Level Up Box (100) Type: Cash Buy: 10 EquipLevelMin: 100 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Level_Up_Box100); - Id: 22523 AegisName: 120LVUP Name: Level Up Box (120) Type: Cash Buy: 10 EquipLevelMin: 120 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Level_Up_Box120); - Id: 22524 AegisName: 130LVUP Name: Level Up Box (130) Type: Cash Buy: 10 EquipLevelMin: 130 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Level_Up_Box130); - Id: 22525 AegisName: 140LVUP Name: Level Up Box (140) Type: Cash Buy: 10 EquipLevelMin: 140 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Level_Up_Box140); - Id: 22526 AegisName: 150LVUP Name: Level Up Box (150) Type: Cash Buy: 10 EquipLevelMin: 150 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Level_Up_Box150); - Id: 22527 AegisName: 160LVUP Name: Level Up Box (160) Type: Cash Buy: 10 EquipLevelMin: 160 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Level_Up_Box160); - Id: 22528 AegisName: Pet_Ticket_Box Name: Pet Exchange Ticket Box Type: Cash Buy: 10 Weight: 20 Classes: All: false Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | /*TODO*/ - Id: 22529 AegisName: Shadow_Mix_Recipe Name: Shadow Exchange SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 22530 AegisName: Christmas_Box Name: Christmas Box Type: Cash Buy: 10 Weight: 200 EquipLevelMin: 1 Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Christmas_Box); - Id: 22531 AegisName: Special_Christmas_Box Name: Special Christmas Box Type: Cash Buy: 10 Weight: 200 EquipLevelMin: 1 Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Special_Christmas_Box); - Id: 22532 AegisName: Santa_Gift Name: Santa Gift Type: Cash Buy: 10 Weight: 200 EquipLevelMin: 1 Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Santa_Gift); - Id: 22533 AegisName: New_Year_Gift_Box Name: New Year Gift Box Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_NEW_YEAR_GIFT_BOX); - Id: 22534 AegisName: Closedmind_Box Name: Closed Mind Box Type: Cash Buy: 10 Weight: 1000 EquipLevelMin: 1 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CLOSEDMIND_BOX); - Id: 22535 AegisName: WorkerScroll_A Name: Scroll Summoning Workers(Male) Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # mercenary_create 3024,1800000; - Id: 22536 AegisName: WorkerScroll_B Name: Scroll Summoning Workers(Female) Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # mercenary_create 3025,1800000; - Id: 22537 AegisName: PrizeOfHero Name: Prize Of Hero Type: Usable Weight: 100 EquipLevelMin: 1 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_PrizeOfHero); - Id: 22538 AegisName: Hanbok_bag Name: Hanbok bag Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_HANBOK,600000,0; - Id: 22539 AegisName: Made_Dish_Box2 Name: Special Box of Cooked Dishes Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_MADE_DISH_BOX2); - Id: 22540 AegisName: Runstone_Lux Name: Lux Anima Runestone Type: DelayConsume Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Classes: All_Third: true Fourth: true Delay: Duration: 5000 Status: Reuse_Limit_Luxanima Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | if ((eaclass()&EAJ_THIRDMASK) == EAJ_RUNE_KNIGHT) itemskill "RK_LUXANIMA",1; - Id: 22541 AegisName: PCBang_Coupon_Box6 Name: PC Room Coupon Box VI Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_PCBANG_COUPON_BOX6); - Id: 22542 AegisName: Center_Potion_B Name: "[Not For Sale] Concentration Potion" Type: Usable Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_ASPDPOTION0,1800000,4; - Id: 22543 AegisName: Berserk_Potion_B Name: "[Not For Sale] Berserk Potion" Type: Usable Weight: 200 Jobs: Alchemist: true Blacksmith: true Crusader: true Gunslinger: true Knight: true Mage: true Merchant: true Rebellion: true Rogue: true SoulLinker: true StarGladiator: true Swordman: true Taekwon: true Wizard: true EquipLevelMin: 85 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_ASPDPOTION2,1800000,9; - Id: 22544 AegisName: Awakening_Potion_B Name: "[Not For Sale] Awakening Potion" Type: Usable Weight: 150 Jobs: Alchemist: true Archer: true Assassin: true Blacksmith: true Crusader: true Gunslinger: true Hunter: true KagerouOboro: true Knight: true Mage: true Merchant: true Monk: true Ninja: true Novice: true Rebellion: true Rogue: true Sage: true SoulLinker: true StarGladiator: true Summoner: true SuperNovice: true Swordman: true Taekwon: true Thief: true Wizard: true EquipLevelMin: 40 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_ASPDPOTION1,1800000,6; - Id: 22545 AegisName: Speed_Up_Potion_B Name: Speed Potion Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_SPEEDUP1,5000,50; - Id: 22546 AegisName: Slow_Down_Potion_B Name: Slow Potion Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_SLOWDOWN,5000,100; - Id: 22547 AegisName: Anodyne_B Name: Anti-Payne Moment Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 22548 AegisName: Water_Of_Darkness_B Name: Wed Cursed Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 30 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 22549 AegisName: Poison_Bottle_B Name: Poison Bottle Type: Usable Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | if ((eaclass()&EAJ_ASSASSIN_CROSS)==EAJ_ASSASSIN_CROSS) { sc_start SC_DPOISON,60000,0; sc_start SC_ASPDPOTION3,60000,9; } else percentheal -100,-100; - Id: 22550 AegisName: Cookie_Bag_B Name: Cookie Bag Type: Usable Weight: 70 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_COOKIE_BAG_B); - Id: 22551 AegisName: Sesame_Pastry_B Name: Teacake Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 70 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 22552 AegisName: Honey_Pastry_B Name: Fried Pastry Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 70 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 22553 AegisName: Rainbow_Cake_B Name: Rainbow Bread Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 70 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_BATKFOOD,60000,10; sc_start SC_MATKFOOD,60000,10; - Id: 22554 AegisName: First_Aid_Kit_B Name: First Aid Box Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 200 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_FIRST_AID_KIT_B); - Id: 22555 AegisName: HQ_Chocolate Name: Gourmet Chocolate Type: Healing Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Trade: NoSell: true NoCart: true - Id: 22556 AegisName: LuxuryChocolate Name: Luxury Chocolate Type: Healing Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Trade: NoSell: true NoCart: true - Id: 22557 AegisName: ArtisanChocolate Name: Masterpieces of Artisan Chocolate Type: Healing Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Trade: NoSell: true NoCart: true - Id: 22558 AegisName: Lucky_Bag Name: Lucky Bag Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Lucky_Bag); - Id: 22559 AegisName: Mock_Strawberry Name: Mock Strawberry Type: DelayConsume Buy: 20 Weight: 100 Delay: Duration: 3000 Status: Reuse_Limit_G Script: | percentheal 50,50; itemskill "SM_ENDURE",3; - Id: 22563 AegisName: Lucky_Bag_Of_New_Era Name: Lucky Bag Of New Era Type: Usable Script: | /* TODO */ - Id: 22566 AegisName: Frost_Crystal Name: Last Year's Frost Type: Usable Buy: 10 Trade: NoCart: true NoStorage: true Script: | sc_start SC_CHILL,10000,0; - Id: 22567 AegisName: Squad_Prize Name: Expedition Award Box Type: Usable Buy: 5000 Weight: 100 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Squad_Prize1); getgroupitem(IG_Squad_Prize2); - Id: 22568 AegisName: Nyd_Summon_Scroll Name: Nidhoggur Summon Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 100 # Script: | # mercenary_create 3087,1800000; - Id: 22569 AegisName: Kings_Gift2 Name: Gift New start Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 100 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_KINGS_GIFT2); - Id: 22571 AegisName: Easter_Egg Name: Easter Egg Type: DelayConsume Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_EASTER_EGG); - Id: 22592 AegisName: Happy_Call_Box Name: Happy Call Box Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_HAPPY_CALL_BOX); - Id: 22605 AegisName: Gingerbread2 Name: Ginger Bread Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 10 - Id: 22610 AegisName: Beginning_Box Name: New Beginnings Box Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12803,1; getitem 12802,1; getitem 12809,1; - Id: 22611 AegisName: Packing_Envelope Name: Packed Envelope Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Script: | .@rnd = rand(1,10); if (.@rnd == 1) sc_start SC_PACKING_ENVELOPE1,30000,33; // +atk else if (.@rnd == 2) sc_start SC_PACKING_ENVELOPE2,30000,33; // +matk else if (.@rnd == 3) sc_start SC_PACKING_ENVELOPE3,30000,3; // +hp% else if (.@rnd == 4) sc_start SC_PACKING_ENVELOPE4,30000,3; // +sp% else if (.@rnd == 5) sc_start SC_PACKING_ENVELOPE5,30000,33; // +flee else if (.@rnd == 6) sc_start SC_PACKING_ENVELOPE6,30000,3; // +aspd else if (.@rnd == 7) sc_start SC_PACKING_ENVELOPE7,30000,33; // +def else if (.@rnd == 8) sc_start SC_PACKING_ENVELOPE8,30000,33; // +mdef else if (.@rnd == 9) sc_start SC_PACKING_ENVELOPE9,30000,33; // +crit else sc_start SC_PACKING_ENVELOPE10,30000,33; // +hit if (getequipid(EQI_HEAD_MID) == 15385) warp "verus04",115,243; /* todo check map x y */ - Id: 22612 AegisName: Decomposition_Potion Name: Corrupt Reagents Type: DelayConsume Buy: 10 Weight: 50 Script: | specialeffect2 EF_VENOMDUST; showscript "Yeah! Zombie night! Yeah!!"; # transform 1015,60000,SC_GLASTHEIM_TRANS; /* todo */ - Id: 22613 AegisName: Polluted_Potion Name: Contaminated Reagents Type: DelayConsume Buy: 10 Weight: 50 Script: | /* TODO */ - Id: 22614 AegisName: Premium_Manual Name: Premium Manual Type: Usable Buy: 2 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_EXPBOOST,8640000,50; sc_start SC_ITEMBOOST,8640000,100; - Id: 22617 AegisName: ClearBox_S Name: Clear Box S Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CLEARBOX_S); - Id: 22618 AegisName: ClearBox_A Name: Clear Box A Type: Cash Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 22619 AegisName: Ghost_Summon_Scroll Name: Ghost Scroll Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | /* mercenary_create M_E_DEVILING,1800000; */ - Id: 22620 AegisName: Memorial_Box Name: Memorial Box Type: Usable Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_MEMORIAL_BOX); - Id: 22621 AegisName: Squid_Bbq Name: Barbecued Squid Type: Usable Buy: 5000 Weight: 250 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_EXIT; sc_start SC_JP_EVENT04,300000,25; percentheal 5,5; - Id: 22623 AegisName: Beginning_Box2 Name: New Start Box Type: Cash Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12803,1; getitem 12802,1; getitem 12809,1; - Id: 22624 AegisName: Riesen_Bretzel Name: Riesen Bretzel Type: Healing Script: | percentheal 100,0; - Id: 22625 AegisName: Oktoberfest_Bag Name: Oktoberfest Bag Type: Usable Weight: 100 Script: | sc_start SC_OKTOBERFEST,600000,0; - Id: 22626 AegisName: JanuaryGiftBox_ Name: January Gift Box Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_JANUARYGIFTBOX_); - Id: 22627 AegisName: FebruaryGiftBox_ Name: February Gift Box Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_FEBRUARYGIFTBOX_); - Id: 22628 AegisName: Green_Package Name: Green Package Type: Cash Weight: 100 Script: | getitem 17162,1; getitem 14534,5; getitem 12323,20; getitem 12324,20; getitem 12325,10; getitem 14533,2; getitem 22629,1; - Id: 22629 AegisName: Green_Package40 Name: Green Package 40 Type: Cash Weight: 100 Script: | getitem 14289,1; getitem 12215,10; getitem 12216,10; getitem 14534,10; getitem 14533,5; getitem 12766,5; getitem 22630,1; - Id: 22630 AegisName: Green_Package80 Name: Green Package 80 Type: Cash Weight: 100 Script: | getitem 7621,5; getitem 12209,5; getitem 14527,10; getitem 14533,5; getitem 12766,5; getitem 22631,1; - Id: 22631 AegisName: Green_Package99 Name: Green Package 99 Type: Cash Weight: 100 Script: | getitem 12213,1; getitem 7676,1; getitem 5883,1; - Id: 22640 AegisName: 17173_Green_Package Name: Green Package Type: Cash Weight: 100 Script: | getitem 17162,1; getitem 14534,5; getitem 12323,20; getitem 12324,20; getitem 12325,10; getitem 14533,2; getitem 22641,1; - Id: 22641 AegisName: 17173_Green_Package40 Name: Green Package 40 Type: Cash Weight: 100 Script: | getitem 14289,1; getitem 12215,10; getitem 12216,10; getitem 14534,10; getitem 14533,5; getitem 12766,5; getitem 22642,1; - Id: 22642 AegisName: 17173_Green_Package80 Name: Green Package 80 Type: Cash Weight: 100 Script: | getitem 7621,5; getitem 12209,5; getitem 14527,10; getitem 14533,5; getitem 12766,5; getitem 22643,1; - Id: 22643 AegisName: 17173_Green_Package99 Name: Green Package 99 Type: Cash Weight: 100 Script: | getitem 12213,1; getitem 7676,1; getitem 5883,1; - Id: 22644 AegisName: S_Green_Package Name: Green Package Type: Cash Weight: 100 Script: | getitem 17162,1; getitem 14534,5; getitem 12323,20; getitem 12324,20; getitem 12325,10; getitem 14533,2; getitem 22645,1; - Id: 22645 AegisName: S_Green_Package40 Name: Green Package 40 Type: Cash Weight: 100 Script: | getitem 14289,1; getitem 12215,10; getitem 12216,10; getitem 14534,10; getitem 14533,5; getitem 12766,5; getitem 22646,1; - Id: 22646 AegisName: S_Green_Package80 Name: Green Package 80 Type: Cash Weight: 100 Script: | getitem 7621,5; getitem 12209,5; getitem 14527,10; getitem 14533,5; getitem 12766,5; getitem 22647,1; - Id: 22647 AegisName: S_Green_Package99 Name: Green Package 99 Type: Cash Weight: 100 Script: | getitem 12213,1; getitem 7676,1; getitem 5883,1; - Id: 22648 AegisName: Angeling_Package Name: Angeling Package Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ANGELING_PACKAGE); - Id: 22649 AegisName: Deviling_Package Name: Deviling Package Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_DEVILING_PACKAGE); - Id: 22652 AegisName: Brilliant_Hat_Box Name: Brilliant Hat Box Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 200 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | /* TODO */ - Id: 22653 AegisName: Wet_CardAlbum Name: Wet Card Album Type: Usable Weight: 50 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_WET_CARDALBUM); - Id: 22654 AegisName: Golden_Card Name: Golden Seal Card Type: Usable Weight: 50 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_GOLDEN_CARD); - Id: 22657 AegisName: Honey_Rice_Cake_ Name: Honey Songpyun Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 200 Script: | percentheal 20,0; - Id: 22658 AegisName: BraisedShortRibs Name: Cow Steamed Ribs Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_ENHANCE; sc_start SC_BEEF_RIB_STEW,180000,0; /*aegis data 3 Minutes*/ - Id: 22659 AegisName: BraisedSpareribs Name: Pig Steamed Ribs Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 100 Script: | specialeffect2 EF_ENHANCE; sc_start SC_PORK_RIB_STEW,180000,0; /*aegis data 3 Minutes*/ - Id: 22660 AegisName: Sealed_Letter Name: Sealed Envelope Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | /* TODO */ - Id: 22668 AegisName: Guyak_Pudding_20_Box Name: Guyak Pudding Box Type: Usable Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12710,20; - Id: 22669 AegisName: HALLOWEEN_G_BOX Name: Halloween Box Type: Usable Weight: 200 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_HALLOWEEN_G_BOX); - Id: 22670 AegisName: DARK_INVITATION Name: Invitation of Darkness Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Script: | .@rnd = rand(1,3); if (.@rnd == 1) { specialeffect2 EF_DEVIL; warp "niflheim",193,186; } else if (.@rnd == 2) { heal -500,-1000; sc_start SC_STUN,3000,0; } else { specialeffect2 EF_DEVIL; warp "niflheim",347,255; } - Id: 22671 AegisName: MarchGiftBox_ Name: March Gift Box Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_MARCHGIFTBOX_); - Id: 22672 AegisName: AprilGiftBox_ Name: April Gift Box Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_APRILGIFTBOX_); - Id: 22673 AegisName: MayGiftBox_ Name: May Gift Box Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_MAYGIFTBOX_); - Id: 22674 AegisName: JuneGiftBox_ Name: June Gift Box Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_JUNEGIFTBOX_); - Id: 22675 AegisName: Mystery_Scroll Name: Mysterious Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_INTFOOD,3600000,30; - Id: 22676 AegisName: HangulDay_Box Name: Hangul Day Event Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_HANGULDAY_BOX); - Id: 22679 AegisName: Chest_Of_Death Name: Death's Chest Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 170 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | getitem rand(6814,6819),1; - Id: 22685 AegisName: Solo_Christmas_Gift Name: Single Union Christmas Gift Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Solo_Christmas_Gift); - Id: 22686 AegisName: Solo_Cookie Name: Single Cookie Type: Healing Weight: 50 Script: | percentheal 5,5; - Id: 22687 AegisName: Pieces_Of_Sentiment Name: Sentimental Fragment Type: DelayConsume Weight: 1 EquipLevelMin: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Delay: Duration: 5000 Status: Reuse_Limit_F Script: | callfunc("F_Pieces_Of_Sentiment"); - Id: 22691 AegisName: Piece_Of_Record1 Name: Record Fragment Type: Healing Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | warp "un_bk_q",98,143; - Id: 22692 AegisName: Piece_Of_Record2 Name: Record Fragment Type: Healing Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | warp "un_bk_q",45,276; - Id: 22693 AegisName: Piece_Of_Record3 Name: Record Fragment Type: Healing Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | warp "un_bk_q",217,346; - Id: 22694 AegisName: Piece_Of_Record4 Name: Record Fragment Type: Healing Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | warp "un_bk_q",273,235; - Id: 22695 AegisName: Piece_Of_Record5 Name: Record Fragment Type: Healing Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | warp "un_bk_q",275,290; - Id: 22699 AegisName: Test_Reagent Name: Test Reagent Type: Usable Weight: 30 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | bonus_script "bonus bFlee,100;",5,9; sc_start SC_BLIND,5000,0,10000,0; - Id: 22700 AegisName: Jumping_Kit_Box Name: Jumping Support Box Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_JUMPING_KIT_BOX); - Id: 22701 AegisName: Pegasus_Cotton_Candy Name: Pegasus Cotton Candy Type: Usable Weight: 50 Script: | percentheal 40,40; - Id: 22702 AegisName: Minus_Str Name: STR Reduction Potion Type: DelayConsume Buy: 10 Script: | callfunc "F_CashReduceStat",bStr,-1,22702; - Id: 22703 AegisName: Minus_Agi Name: AGI Reduction Potion Type: DelayConsume Buy: 10 Script: | callfunc "F_CashReduceStat",bAgi,-1,22703; - Id: 22704 AegisName: Minus_Vit Name: VIT Reduction Potion Type: DelayConsume Buy: 10 Script: | callfunc "F_CashReduceStat",bVit,-1,22704; - Id: 22705 AegisName: Minus_Int Name: INT Reduction Potion Type: DelayConsume Buy: 10 Script: | callfunc "F_CashReduceStat",bInt,-1,22705; - Id: 22706 AegisName: Minus_Dex Name: DEX Reduction Potion Type: DelayConsume Buy: 10 Script: | callfunc "F_CashReduceStat",bDex,-1,22706; - Id: 22707 AegisName: Minus_Luk Name: LUK Reduction Potion Type: DelayConsume Buy: 10 Script: | callfunc "F_CashReduceStat",bLuk,-1,22707; - Id: 22708 AegisName: Pitapat_Box Name: Thrilling Box Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 100 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_PITAPAT_BOX); - Id: 22721 AegisName: Question_Box Name: "? Box" Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_QUESTION_BOX); - Id: 22734 AegisName: QuizRevol_Box Name: Revolution Quiz Box Type: Cash Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6635,2; getitem 6423,1; /*1x Enchanted Letter Introduction*/ - Id: 22735 AegisName: Sealed_M_Flower_Scroll Name: Sealed Moonlight Flower Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SEALED_M_FLOWER_SCROLL); - Id: 22736 AegisName: JulyGiftBox_ Name: July Gift Box Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_JULYGIFTBOX_); - Id: 22737 AegisName: Bullet_Case_Blood_ Name: Bloody Cartridge Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 250 Script: | getitem 13222,500; - Id: 22738 AegisName: Bullet_Case_Silver_ Name: Silver Cartridge Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 250 Script: | getitem 13221,500; - Id: 22739 AegisName: Sphere_Case_Wind_ Name: Lightning Sphere Pack Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 350 Script: | getitem 13224,500; - Id: 22740 AegisName: Sphere_Case_Darkness_ Name: Blind Sphere Pack Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 350 Script: | getitem 13226,500; - Id: 22741 AegisName: Sphere_Case_Poison_ Name: Poison Sphere Pack Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 350 Script: | getitem 13225,500; - Id: 22742 AegisName: Sphere_Case_Water_ Name: Freezing Sphere Pack Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 350 Script: | getitem 13227,500; - Id: 22743 AegisName: Sphere_Case_Fire_ Name: Flare Sphere Pack Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 350 Script: | getitem 13223,500; - Id: 22744 AegisName: Bullet_Case_AP Name: Armor-Piercing Cartridge Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 250 Script: | getitem 13215,500; - Id: 22745 AegisName: Bullet_Case_Blaze Name: Incandescence Shot Cartridge Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 250 Script: | getitem 13216,500; - Id: 22746 AegisName: Bullet_Case_Fleeze Name: Glaciation Shot Cartridge Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 250 Script: | getitem 13217,500; - Id: 22747 AegisName: Bullet_Case_Electric Name: Dengeki Shot Cartridge Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 250 Script: | getitem 13218,500; - Id: 22748 AegisName: Bullet_Case_Stone Name: Hearthstone Shot Cartridge Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 250 Script: | getitem 13219,500; - Id: 22749 AegisName: Sanctified_Bullet_Case Name: Purification Shot Cartridge Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 250 Script: | getitem 13220,500; - Id: 22750 AegisName: Trans_Scroll_Sca Name: Transformation Scroll(Horn Scaraba) Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Script: | transform 2161,1200000,SC_MTF_ASPD2,2,10; - Id: 22751 AegisName: Trans_Scroll_Wander Name: Transformation Scroll(Wanderer) Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Script: | transform 1208,1200000,SC_MTF_ASPD2,2,10; - Id: 22752 AegisName: Trans_Scroll_Gazeti Name: Transformation Scroll(Gazeti) Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Script: | transform 1778,1200000,SC_MTF_RANGEATK2,30; - Id: 22753 AegisName: Trans_Scroll_Karcher Name: Transformation Scroll(Kobold Archer) Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Script: | transform 1282,1200000,SC_MTF_RANGEATK2,30; - Id: 22754 AegisName: Trans_Scroll_Necro Name: Transformation Scroll(Necromancer) Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Script: | transform 1870,1200000,SC_MTF_RANGEATK2,30; - Id: 22755 AegisName: Trans_Scroll_Wghost Name: Transformation Scroll(Wind Ghost) Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Script: | transform 1263,1200000,SC_MTF_MATK2,50; - Id: 22756 AegisName: AugustGiftBox_ Name: August Gift Box Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_AUGUSTGIFTBOX_); - Id: 22757 AegisName: Matk_Trans_Scroll Name: Collection Of Scrolls Magical Transformation Type: Cash Buy: 10 Weight: 200 Script: | getitem 22755,1; getitem 22754,1; - Id: 22758 AegisName: Ratk_Trans_Scroll Name: Collection Of Scrolls Shooting Transformation Type: Cash Buy: 10 Weight: 200 Script: | getitem 22753,1; getitem 22752,1; - Id: 22759 AegisName: Aspd_Trans_Scroll Name: Collection Of Scrolls Attack Speed Transformation Type: Cash Buy: 10 Script: | getitem 22751,1; getitem 22750,1; - Id: 22760 AegisName: Argiope_CaptureBox Name: Argiope Transportin Type: Usable Buy: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | /*No Info*/ - Id: 22761 AegisName: LuciolaVespa_CaptureBox Name: Luciola Vespa Transportin Type: Usable Buy: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | /*No Info*/ - Id: 22762 AegisName: Centipede_CaptureBox Name: Centipede Transportin Type: Usable Buy: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | /*No Info*/ - Id: 22764 AegisName: PetTradeTicket_Box Name: Pet Exchange Ticket Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_PETTRADETICKET_BOX); - Id: 22770 AegisName: Shark_Skewered Name: Shark Skewer Type: Healing Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | /*No Info*/ - Id: 22771 AegisName: Tuna_Skewered Name: Bluefin Tuna Skewer Type: Healing Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_INCATKRATE,5000,30; - Id: 22772 AegisName: Snapper_Skwered Name: Sea Bream Skewer Type: Healing Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_INCMATKRATE,5000,30; - Id: 22773 AegisName: Piranha_Skewered Name: Piranha Skewer Type: Healing Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_ASPDPOTION0,5000,5; - Id: 22774 AegisName: Salmon_Skewered Name: Salmon Skewer Type: Healing Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_SPEEDUP0,5000,25; - Id: 22775 AegisName: Eel_Skewered Name: Eels Skewer Type: Healing Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_DEF_RATE,5000,30; - Id: 22776 AegisName: Carp_Skewered Name: Carp Skewer Type: Healing Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_MDEF_RATE,5000,30; - Id: 22777 AegisName: BuffGiftBox Name: Gift Buff Set Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 100 EquipLevelMin: 1 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Gift_Buff_Set); - Id: 22781 AegisName: PC_NomalBox Name: PC Bang Normal Box Type: Usable Weight: 200 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_PC_NOMALBOX); - Id: 22782 AegisName: PC_WoodenBox Name: PC Bang Wooden Box Type: Usable Weight: 200 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_PC_WOODENBOX); - Id: 22783 AegisName: PC_GoldenBox Name: PC Bang Golden Box Type: Usable Weight: 200 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_PC_GOLDENBOX); - Id: 22784 AegisName: PC_PlatinumBox Name: PC Bang Platinum Box Type: Usable Weight: 200 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_PC_PLATINUMBOX); - Id: 22808 AegisName: NoviceBox Name: Special Gift Box Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 100 Classes: All: false Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 7444,1; getitem 12610,1; getitem 12265,5; getitem 22979,5; - Id: 22812 AegisName: Sealed_Dracula_Scroll Name: Sealed Dracula Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SEALED_DRACULA_SCROLL); - Id: 22813 AegisName: Bearers_Shadow_Box Name: Bearer's Shadow Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BEARERS_SHADOW_BOX); - Id: 22814 AegisName: CatPaw_Ticket Name: Cat Hand Ticket Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Script: | callfunc "F_CashStore"; - Id: 22816 AegisName: G_Mysterious_Water Name: True Mysterious Life Potion Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_HEAL3; sc_start2 SC_M_LIFEPOTION,3600000,-4,3; sc_start SC_SPEEDUP0,600000,25; - Id: 22817 AegisName: G_Small_Life_Potion Name: True Small Life Potion Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_HEAL3; sc_start2 SC_S_LIFEPOTION,3600000,-5,5; sc_start SC_SPEEDUP0,600000,25; - Id: 22818 AegisName: G_Med_Life_Potion Name: True Medium Life Potion Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_HEAL3; sc_start2 SC_L_LIFEPOTION,3600000,-7,4; sc_start SC_SPEEDUP0,600000,25; - Id: 22819 AegisName: G_Almighty Name: True Almighty Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_BASH3D; sc_start SC_ALMIGHTY,3600000,10; sc_start SC_FOOD_STR_CASH,3600000,10; sc_start SC_FOOD_AGI_CASH,3600000,10; sc_start SC_FOOD_INT_CASH,3600000,10; sc_start SC_FOOD_DEX_CASH,3600000,10; sc_start SC_FOOD_LUK_CASH,3600000,10; sc_start SC_FOOD_VIT_CASH,3600000,10; sc_start SC_SPEEDUP0,600000,25; - Id: 22820 AegisName: G_ASPD_Potion Name: True Enhanced ASPD Potion Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | sc_start SC_ATTHASTE_CASH,3600000,3; sc_start SC_SPEEDUP0,600000,25; - Id: 22821 AegisName: G_Red_Booster Name: True Red Booster Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_POTION_BERSERK; sc_start SC_2011RWC_SCROLL,3600000,0; sc_start SC_SPEEDUP0,600000,25; - Id: 22822 AegisName: SW_Wear2014 Name: Summer Vacation Costumes Type: Usable Weight: 100 EquipLevelMin: 1 Script: | sc_start SC_DRESSUP,600000,1; - Id: 22823 AegisName: Sealed_B_Shecil_Scroll Name: Sealed Sniper Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SEALED_B_SHECIL_SCROLL); - Id: 22825 AegisName: Costume_Set1_Kr Name: Heidam Fellow Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_COSTUME_SET1_KR); - Id: 22826 AegisName: Enchant_Stone_Box4 Name: Costume Enchant Stone Box 4 Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Enchant_Stone_Box4); - Id: 22827 AegisName: Shadow_Cube Name: Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SHADOW_CUBE); - Id: 22828 AegisName: Sealed_Scroll Name: Sealed Album Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 10 EquipLevelMin: 1 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SEALED_SCROLL); - Id: 22829 AegisName: Sealed_Card Name: Sealed Card Album Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SEALED_CARD); - Id: 22837 AegisName: Essence_Of_Time Name: Integer Time Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 50 EquipLevelMin: 50 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 673,5; - Id: 22838 AegisName: Something_Candy_Holder Name: Something Candy Holders Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 10 EquipLevelMin: 1 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Something_Candy_Holder); - Id: 22839 AegisName: Happy_Box_J Name: Happy Box Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 200 EquipLevelMin: 1 Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Happy_Box_J); - Id: 22841 AegisName: Pumpkin_Candy Name: Pumpkin Candy Type: Usable Weight: 50 Script: | percentheal 0,25; - Id: 22842 AegisName: Sealed_Dracula_Scroll2 Name: Sealed Dracula Scroll II Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SEALED_DRACULA_SCROLL2); - Id: 22843 AegisName: superstar_cake Name: Superstar Snack Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Script: | bonus_script "{ bonus bAtk2,50; bonus bMatk,50; }",300; - Id: 22844 AegisName: Sealed_Dracula_Album Name: Sealed Dracula Card Album Type: Usable Weight: 50 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SEALED_DRACULA_ALBUM); - Id: 22845 AegisName: Sealed_Mysterious_Egg Name: Sealed Fortune Egg Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SEALED_MYSTERIOUS_EGG); - Id: 22846 AegisName: Sealed_Dracula_Card_ Name: Sealed Dracula Card Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | bonus_script "{ bonus2 bSPDrainRate,50,5; }",300; - Id: 22847 AegisName: BadgeOfProntera Name: Prontera Badge Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | warp "prontera",159,192; - Id: 22848 AegisName: KeysPrison Name: Prison Key Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | warp "prt_prison",188,23; - Id: 22849 AegisName: P_Temporal_Crystal Name: Prontera Time Crystal Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | warp "prt_q",155,27; - Id: 22850 AegisName: JanuaryGiftBox Name: January Gift Box Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | rentitem 19052,604800; - Id: 22851 AegisName: FebruaryGiftBox Name: February Gift Box Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12105,2; - Id: 22852 AegisName: MarchGiftBox Name: March Gift Box Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | /*2 Lucky Eggs*/ - Id: 22853 AegisName: AprilGiftBox Name: April Gift Box Type: Usable Weight: 100 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_APRILGIFTBOX); - Id: 22854 AegisName: MayGiftBox Name: May Gift Box Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 22777,2; - Id: 22855 AegisName: JuneGiftBox Name: June Gift Box Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | /*1 Potion Box*/ - Id: 22856 AegisName: JulyGiftBox Name: July Gift Box Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 20212,1; - Id: 22857 AegisName: AugustGiftBox Name: August Gift Box Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12246,1; - Id: 22858 AegisName: SeptemberGiftBox Name: September Gift Box Type: Cash Weight: 100 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SEPTEMBERGIFTBOX); - Id: 22859 AegisName: OctoberGiftBox Name: October Gift Box Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12529,5; - Id: 22860 AegisName: NovemberGiftBox Name: November Gift Box Type: Usable Weight: 100 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_NOVEMBERGIFTBOX); - Id: 22861 AegisName: DecemberGiftBox Name: December Gift Box Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 22869,10; - Id: 22868 AegisName: Enchant_Stone_Box5 Name: Costume Enchant Stone Box 5 Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Enchant_Stone_Box5); - Id: 22869 AegisName: LuckyRouletteTickets Name: Lucky Roulette Ticket Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 100 EquipLevelMin: 50 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | RouletteBronze++; - Id: 22870 AegisName: Xmas_Package_14 Name: Christmas Package Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_XMAS_PACKAGE_14); - Id: 22873 AegisName: Sealed_Berz_Scroll2 Name: Sealed Beelzebub Scroll II Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SEALED_BERZ_SCROLL2); - Id: 22874 AegisName: Sealed_Berz_Album Name: Sealed Beelzebub Card Album Type: Usable Weight: 50 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SEALED_BERZ_ALBUM); - Id: 22876 AegisName: Shabby_Purse Name: Old Money Pocket Type: Usable Script: | specialeffect2 EF_STEAL; Zeny += rand(100,1000); - Id: 22881 AegisName: Binding_Rope Name: Rope Gallows Type: Usable Buy: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | /*Used to catch a Lost Sheep*/ - Id: 22882 AegisName: Choco_Tteokguk Name: Chocolate Rice Cake Soup Type: Usable Buy: 10 Script: | percentheal 10,10; - Id: 22883 AegisName: SeptemberGiftBox_ Name: September Gift Box Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SEPTEMBERGIFTBOX_); - Id: 22884 AegisName: OctoberGiftBox_ Name: October Gift Box Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_OCTOBERGIFTBOX_); - Id: 22885 AegisName: NovemberGiftBox_ Name: November Gift Box Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_NOVEMBERGIFTBOX_); - Id: 22886 AegisName: DecemberGiftBox_ Name: December Gift Box Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_DECEMBERGIFTBOX_); - Id: 22887 AegisName: 2015GoldPCBox Name: Gold PC Cafe Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_2015GOLDPCBOX); - Id: 22888 AegisName: 2015_New_Year_Scroll Name: New Year's Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_2015_NEW_YEAR_SCROLL); - Id: 22893 AegisName: New_Year_Shadow_Cube Name: New Year Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_NEW_YEAR_SHADOW_CUBE); - Id: 22894 AegisName: 2015LI_Neuralizer Name: (Limited)2015 Neuralizer Type: Usable Buy: 20 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | callfunc "F_CashReset"; - Id: 22895 AegisName: 2015LI_R_S_C Name: (Limited)2015 Status Initialization Volume Type: Usable Buy: 20 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | /*Works like item 6320, can reset up to 3x within 1 hour*/ - Id: 22896 AegisName: 2015LI_R_S_C_ Name: (Limited)Old Status Initialization Volume Type: Usable Buy: 20 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | /*Works like item 6320, can reset up to 3x within 1 hour*/ - Id: 22899 AegisName: DowntownMap Name: Parchment City Type: DelayConsume Buy: 20 Script: | itemskill "AL_INCAGI",1; heal -15,0; - Id: 22901 AegisName: BlueboxOfQuestions Name: Mysterious Blue Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BLUEBOXOFQUESTIONS); - Id: 22902 AegisName: Sealed_Scroll2 Name: Sealed Seal Scroll II Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SEALED_SCROLL2); - Id: 22905 AegisName: Enchant_Stone_Box6 Name: Costume Enchant Stone Box 6 Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Enchant_Stone_Box6); - Id: 22906 AegisName: Sealed_Scroll3 Name: Sealed Seal Scroll III Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SEALED_SCROLL3); - Id: 22907 AegisName: Service30_M_01_Call Name: Edward Zonda Calling Bell Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | /* TODO dynamic NPC */ - Id: 22908 AegisName: Service30_F_01_Call Name: Elysee Zonda Calling Bell Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | /* TODO dynamic NPC */ - Id: 22909 AegisName: Weapon_5Up_Box Name: +5 Weapon Upgrade Certificate Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 6456,1; /* +5 Weapon Refine Ticket */ - Id: 22910 AegisName: Weapon_6Up_Box Name: +6 Weapon Upgrade Certificate Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 6231,1; /* +6 Weapon Refine Ticket */ - Id: 22911 AegisName: Weapon_7Up_Box Name: Weapon +7 Refine Ticket Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 6230,1; /* Safe to 7 Weapon Certificate */ - Id: 22912 AegisName: Weapon_8Up_Box Name: Weapon +8 Refine Ticket Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 6229,1; /* +8 Weapon Refine Ticket */ - Id: 22913 AegisName: Weapon_9Up_Box Name: Weapon +9 Refine Ticket Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 6228,1; /* +9 Weapon refine deed */ - Id: 22914 AegisName: Bubble_Gum_24h Name: Bubble Gum 24h Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 22915 AegisName: Weapon_11Up_Box Name: Weapon +11 Refine Ticket Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 6238,1; /* +11 Weapon refine deed */ - Id: 22916 AegisName: Weapon_12Up_Box Name: Weapon +12 Refine Ticket Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 6584,1; /* +12 Weapon Certificate */ - Id: 22917 AegisName: Weapon_13Up_Box Name: +13 Weapon Upgrade Certificate Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 6870,1; /* Safe to 13 Weapon Certificate */ - Id: 22918 AegisName: Weapon_14Up_Box Name: +14 Weapon Upgrade Certificate Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 6871,1; /* Safe to 14 Weapon Certificate */ - Id: 22919 AegisName: Weapon_15Up_Box Name: +15 Weapon Upgrade Certificate Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 6872,1; /* Safe to 15 Weapon Certificate */ - Id: 22920 AegisName: Weapon_16Up_Box Name: +16 Weapon Upgrade Certificate Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 6873,1; /* Safe to 16 Weapon Certificate */ - Id: 22921 AegisName: Weapon_17Up_Box Name: +17 Weapon Upgrade Certificate Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 6874,1; /* Safe to 17 Weapon Certificate */ - Id: 22922 AegisName: Weapon_18Up_Box Name: +18 Weapon Upgrade Certificate Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 6875,1; /* Safe to 18 Weapon Certificate */ - Id: 22923 AegisName: Weapon_19Up_Box Name: +19 Weapon Upgrade Certificate Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 6864,1; /* Safe to 19 Weapon Certificate */ - Id: 22924 AegisName: Armor_5Up_Box Name: +5 Armor Upgrade Certificate Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 6457,1; /* +5 Armor Refine Ticket */ - Id: 22925 AegisName: Armor_6Up_Box Name: +6 Armor Upgrade Certificate Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 6235,1; /* +6 Armor Refine Ticket */ - Id: 22926 AegisName: Armor_7Up_Box Name: Armor +7 Refine Ticket Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 6234,1; /* Safe to 7 Body Armor Certificate */ - Id: 22927 AegisName: Armor_8Up_Box Name: Armor +8 Refine Ticket Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 6233,1; /* +8 Armor Refine Ticket */ - Id: 22928 AegisName: Armor_9Up_Box Name: Armor +9 Refine Ticket Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 6232,1; /* +9 Armor refine deed */ - Id: 22929 AegisName: Job_Manual25_24h Name: Job Battle Manual 24h Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 22930 AegisName: Armor_11Up_Box Name: Armor +11 Refine Ticket Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 6239,1; /* +11 Armor refine deed */ - Id: 22931 AegisName: Armor_12Up_Box Name: Armor +12 Refine Ticket Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 6585,1; /* +12 Armor Certificate */ - Id: 22932 AegisName: Armor_13Up_Box Name: +13 Armor Upgrade Certificate Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 6876,1; /* Safe to 13 Armor Certificate */ - Id: 22933 AegisName: Armor_14Up_Box Name: +14 Armor Upgrade Certificate Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 6877,1; /* Safe to 14 Armor Certificate */ - Id: 22934 AegisName: Armor_15Up_Box Name: +15 Armor Upgrade Certificate Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 6878,1; /* Safe to 15 Armor Certificate */ - Id: 22935 AegisName: Armor_16Up_Box Name: +16 Armor Upgrade Certificate Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 6879,1; /* Safe to 16 Armor Certificate */ - Id: 22936 AegisName: Armor_17Up_Box Name: +17 Armor Upgrade Certificate Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 6880,1; /* Safe to 17 Armor Certificate */ - Id: 22937 AegisName: Armor_18Up_Box Name: +18 Armor Upgrade Certificate Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 6881,1; /* Safe to 18 Armor Certificate */ - Id: 22938 AegisName: Armor_19Up_Box Name: +19 Armor Upgrade Certificate Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 6865,1; /* Safe to 19 Armor Certificate */ - Id: 22943 AegisName: Armor_10Up_Box Name: Armor +10 Refine Ticket Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 6994,1; /* +10 Armor Certificate */ - Id: 22944 AegisName: Weapon_10Up_Box Name: Weapon +10 Refine Ticket Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 6993,1; /* +10 Weapon Certificate */ - Id: 22945 AegisName: Cherry_Blossom_Cake Name: Cherry Blossom Rice Cake Type: Usable Weight: 30 Script: | percentheal 30,30; /* TODO Increases damage against small, medium and large enemies by 5% for 5 minutes. */ - Id: 22946 AegisName: Status_Decrease_Scroll Name: Stats Reduction Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_STATUS_DECREASE_SCROLL); - Id: 22947 AegisName: Minus_Str_Box Name: Strength Soul Potion Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 22702,5; /* STR Soul Potion */ - Id: 22948 AegisName: Minus_Agi_Box Name: Agility Soul Potion Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 22703,5; /* AGI Soul Potion */ - Id: 22949 AegisName: Minus_Vit_Box Name: Vitality Soul Potion Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 22704,5; /* VIT Soul Potion */ - Id: 22950 AegisName: Minus_Int_Box Name: Intelligence Soul Potion Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 22705,5; /* INT Soul Potion */ - Id: 22951 AegisName: Minus_Dex_Box Name: Dexterity Soul Potion Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 22706,5; /* DEX Soul Potion */ - Id: 22952 AegisName: Minus_Luk_Box Name: Lucky Soul Potion Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 22707,5; /* LUK Soul Potion */ - Id: 22953 AegisName: Enchant_Stone_Box7 Name: Costume Enchant Stone Box 7 Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Enchant_Stone_Box7); - Id: 22971 AegisName: Mad_Bunny_Scroll Name: Mad Bunny Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_MAD_BUNNY_SCROLL); - Id: 22972 AegisName: Sealed_Hat_Box Name: Sealed Hat Box I Type: Usable Weight: 200 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SEALED_HAT_BOX); - Id: 22973 AegisName: Shadow_Cube_Weapon Name: Shadow Cube (Weapon) Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SHADOW_CUBE_WEAPON); - Id: 22974 AegisName: Shadow_Cube_Armor Name: Shadow Cube (Armor) Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SHADOW_CUBE_ARMOR); - Id: 22975 AegisName: Shadow_Cube_Shield Name: Shadow Cube (Shield) Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SHADOW_CUBE_SHIELD); - Id: 22976 AegisName: Shadow_Cube_Shoes Name: Shadow Cube (Shoes) Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SHADOW_CUBE_SHOES); - Id: 22977 AegisName: Shadow_Cube_Pendant Name: Shadow Cube (Pendant) Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SHADOW_CUBE_PENDANT); - Id: 22978 AegisName: Shadow_Cube_Earing Name: Shadow Cube (Earing) Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SHADOW_CUBE_EARING); - Id: 22979 AegisName: Comp_Battle_Bubble Name: "[Sale] Battle Manual and Bubble Gum" Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_EXPBOOST,1800000,50; sc_start SC_ITEMBOOST,1800000,100; - Id: 22980 AegisName: InfinityD_ReturnScroll Name: Return of Infinite Dungeon Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | warp "cmd_fild07",83,270; - Id: 22982 AegisName: Service30P_M_01_Call Name: Edward Zonda Owner EX Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | /* TODO dynamic NPC */ - Id: 22983 AegisName: Service30P_F_01_Call Name: Elysee Zonda Owner EX Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | /* TODO dynamic NPC */ - Id: 22984 AegisName: Dr_Life_Potion_01 Name: Kahluna Milk Type: Healing Buy: 6 Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_DORAM_BUF_01, 180000, 0; - Id: 22985 AegisName: Dr_Life_Potion_02 Name: Basil Type: Healing Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_DORAM_BUF_02, 180000, 0; - Id: 22988 AegisName: Sealed_Hat_Box2 Name: Sealed Hat Box II Type: Usable Weight: 200 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SEALED_HAT_BOX2); - Id: 22989 AegisName: Improved_NomalBox Name: Improved PC Cafe Normal Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_IMPROVED_NOMALBOX); - Id: 22991 AegisName: Soccer_Cake Name: Soccer Cake Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | percentheal 30,30; - Id: 22996 AegisName: Comp_Neuralizer Name: "[Gift] Neuralizer" Type: Usable Script: | callfunc "F_CashReset"; - Id: 22997 AegisName: C_Greed_Scroll Name: Endless Greed Scroll Type: DelayConsume Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemskill "BS_GREED",1; - Id: 22998 AegisName: C_CatPaw_Ticket Name: Infinite Cat Hand Ticket Type: DelayConsume Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | callfunc "F_CashStore"; - Id: 22999 AegisName: Comp_Trans_Scroll Name: "[Event] Transformation Pack" Type: Usable Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_COMP_TRANS_SCROLL); - Id: 23001 AegisName: Enchant_Stone_Box8 Name: Costume Enchant Stone Box 8 Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Enchant_Stone_Box8); - Id: 23007 AegisName: Improved_WoodenBox Name: Improved PC Cafe Wooden Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_IMPROVED_WOODENBOX); - Id: 23008 AegisName: AID_Bubble_Gum_24h Name: "[24H] Bubble Gum" Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 23010 AegisName: AID_Manual_24h Name: "[24H] Battle Manual" Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 23011 AegisName: AID_Insurance_24h Name: "[24H] Life Insurance" Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 23012 AegisName: Comp_Small_Mana_Potion Name: "[Not For Sale] Small Mana Potion" Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_HEAL3; sc_start2 SC_S_MANAPOTION,600000,-5,5; - Id: 23013 AegisName: Improved_GoldenBox Name: Improved PC Cafe Golden Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_IMPROVED_GOLDENBOX); - Id: 23014 AegisName: Improved_PlatinumBox Name: Improved PC Cafe Platinum Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_IMPROVED_PLATINUMBOX); - Id: 23015 AegisName: Red_Slim_Pot_Box Name: Red Slim Potion Box Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 23016 AegisName: Pieces_Of_Grudge Name: Cursed Fragment Type: Usable Buy: 1 Weight: 1 Flags: BuyingStore: true DropEffect: CLIENT Script: | callfunc("F_Cursed_Fragment"); - Id: 23021 AegisName: 13thCelebrateBox Name: 15th Anniversary Box Type: Usable Weight: 100 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_13THCELEBRATEBOX); - Id: 23022 AegisName: CrossEventBox Name: Cross Event Box Type: Usable Weight: 100 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CROSSEVENTBOX); - Id: 23023 AegisName: C_Giant_Fly_Wing Name: Infinite Giant Flywing Type: DelayConsume Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | callfunc "F_CashPartyCall"; - Id: 23024 AegisName: Piamette_Scroll Name: Piamette Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_PIAMETTE_SCROLL); - Id: 23025 AegisName: Pope_Merc_Scroll Name: Pope Mercenary Scroll Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 23026 AegisName: CasualPope_Merc_Scroll Name: Casual Pope Mercenary Scroll Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 23027 AegisName: Dandelion_Ring Name: Dandelion Ring Type: Usable Flags: NoConsume: true Delay: Duration: 3600000 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | warp "rachel",120,125; - Id: 23028 AegisName: Capture_Rope Name: Capture Rope Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 23029 AegisName: Cowlick_Box Name: Ponytail Gift Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_COWLICK_BOX); - Id: 23030 AegisName: Straight_Pony_Box Name: Straight Pony Gift Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_STRAIGHT_PONY_BOX); - Id: 23031 AegisName: Loose_Wave_Twin_Box Name: Loose Wave Twintail Gift Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LOOSE_WAVE_TWIN_BOX); - Id: 23032 AegisName: Minus_Status_Box Name: Stats Soul Potion Box Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_MINUS_STATUS_BOX); - Id: 23033 AegisName: Invisible_Box Name: Invisible Box Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_INVISIBLE_BOX); - Id: 23034 AegisName: Invisible_Scroll Name: Invisible Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_INVISIBLE_SCROLL); - Id: 23036 AegisName: Pope_Merc_Scroll2 Name: Pope Mercenary Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 0 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | mercenary_create 3527,1800000; - Id: 23037 AegisName: CasualPope_Merc_Scroll2 Name: Casual Pope Mercenary Scroll Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 0 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | mercenary_create 3528,1800000; - Id: 23038 AegisName: White_Slim_Potion_Box_ Name: "[Sale] Slim White Potion Box" Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 11573,200; - Id: 23039 AegisName: Mastela_Fruit_Box_ Name: "[NotForSale] Mastela Fruit Box" Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 522,200; /* Mastela Fruit */ - Id: 23040 AegisName: White_Potion_Box_ Name: "[NotForSale] White Potion Box" Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 23041 AegisName: Royal_Jelly_Box2_ Name: "[NotForSale] Royal Jelly Box" Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 526,100; /* Royal Jelly */ - Id: 23042 AegisName: Seed_Of_Yggdrasil_ Name: "[Not For Sale] Yggdrasil Seed" Type: Healing Weight: 300 Delay: Duration: 3000 Status: Reuse_Limit_G Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | percentheal 50,50; - Id: 23043 AegisName: Yggdrasil_Seed_Box_ Name: "[Sale] Yggdrasil Seed Box" Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 23042,30; - Id: 23044 AegisName: Elvira_Candy Name: Elvira Candy Type: Usable Weight: 10 Delay: Duration: 60000 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_HEAL3; sc_end SC_CURSEDCIRCLE; sc_end SC_SLOWCAST; sc_end SC_CRITICALWOUND; sc_end SC_CRYSTALIZE; /*Todo Howling Effect And Sit Effect From Skill*/ - Id: 23045 AegisName: Mont_Blanc_Cake Name: Mont Blanc Type: DelayConsume Weight: 50 NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | percentheal 20,20; itemskill "AC_CONCENTRATION",5; - Id: 23046 AegisName: Comp_Mystic_Powder Name: "[Sale] Mystic Powder" Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_WIND; sc_start SC_MYSTICPOWDER,300000,0; - Id: 23047 AegisName: Comp_Tyr's_Blessing Name: "[Sale] Blessing of Tyr" Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_FLEEFOOD,300000,30; sc_start SC_HITFOOD,300000,30; sc_start SC_ATKPOTION,300000,20; sc_start SC_MATKPOTION,300000,20; - Id: 23048 AegisName: Comp_Regenerate_Potion Name: "[Sale] Resilience Enhancement Potion" Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_LIGHTSPHERE; sc_start SC_INCHEALRATE,1800000,20; - Id: 23049 AegisName: Comp_Spark_Candy Name: "[Not For Sale] Sparkling Candy" Type: Usable Weight: 10 Delay: Duration: 180000 Status: Reuse_Limit_B Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_HASTEUP; sc_start SC_SPARKCANDY,60000,0; - Id: 23050 AegisName: Comp_Magic_Candy Name: "[Not For Sale] Magic Candy" Type: Usable Weight: 10 Delay: Duration: 180000 Status: Reuse_Limit_B Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_HASTEUP; sc_start SC_MAGICCANDY,60000,0; - Id: 23051 AegisName: New_Hat_Scroll Name: Liberty Cap Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_NEW_HAT_SCROLL); - Id: 23052 AegisName: New_Hat_Box Name: Liberty Statue Hat Box Type: Usable Weight: 200 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_NEW_HAT_BOX); - Id: 23058 AegisName: Enchant_Stone_Box9 Name: Costume Enchant Stone Box 9 Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Enchant_Stone_Box9); - Id: 23061 AegisName: Incisive_Arrow_Cntr Name: Sharp Arrow Quiver Type: Usable Buy: 20 Weight: 250 Script: | getitem 1764,500; /* Sharp Arrow */ - Id: 23062 AegisName: CokingOpenBox Name: Cooking Open Memorial Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_COKINGOPENBOX); - Id: 23063 AegisName: Freeze_Dream Name: Frozen Dream Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_FREEZE_DREAM); - Id: 23069 AegisName: 2015_Special_Scroll Name: 2015 Special Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_2015_SPECIAL_SCROLL); - Id: 23070 AegisName: 2015_Special_Box Name: 2015 Special Box Type: Usable Weight: 200 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_2015_SPECIAL_BOX); - Id: 23072 AegisName: 2015_Angel_Scroll Name: Angel Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_2015_ANGEL_SCROLL); - Id: 23073 AegisName: AngelPoring_Box Name: Angel Poring Shoes Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ANGELPORING_BOX); - Id: 23074 AegisName: DecemberGiftBox_2016 Name: December Gift Box Type: Usable Weight: 100 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_DECEMBERGIFTBOX_2016); - Id: 23075 AegisName: NovemberGiftBox_2016 Name: November Gift Box Type: Usable Weight: 100 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_NOVEMBERGIFTBOX_2016); - Id: 23076 AegisName: Build_Up_Potion_SS Name: Build Up Potion SS Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Script: | if (strcharinfo(3) == "slabw01") { sc_start SC_EP16_2_BUFF_SS,10000,0; } - Id: 23077 AegisName: Build_Up_Potion_SC Name: Build Up Potion SC Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Script: | if (strcharinfo(3) == "slabw01") { sc_start SC_EP16_2_BUFF_SC,10000,0; } - Id: 23078 AegisName: Build_Up_Potion_AC Name: Build Up Potion AC Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Script: | if (strcharinfo(3) == "slabw01") { sc_start SC_EP16_2_BUFF_AC,10000,0; } - Id: 23079 AegisName: Strawberry_CreamCake Name: Strawberry Cream Cake Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | percentheal 10,10; itemskill "HP_ASSUMPTIO",3; - Id: 23080 AegisName: Crystal_Of_Grudge Name: Cursed Crystal Type: Usable Buy: 1 Weight: 500 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CRYSTAL_OF_GRUDGE); - Id: 23081 AegisName: Kunai_Scroll_Of_Flame Name: Kunai Scroll of Flame Type: Usable Weight: 250 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_KUNAI_SCROLL_OF_FLAME); - Id: 23082 AegisName: Kunai_Scroll_Of_Icicle Name: Kunai Scroll of Icicle Type: Usable Weight: 250 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_KUNAI_SCROLL_OF_ICICLE); - Id: 23083 AegisName: Kunai_Scroll_Of_Wind Name: Kunai Scroll of Storm Type: Usable Weight: 250 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_KUNAI_SCROLL_OF_WIND); - Id: 23084 AegisName: Kunai_Scroll_Of_Soil Name: Kunai Scroll of Sand Type: Usable Weight: 250 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_KUNAI_SCROLL_OF_SOIL); - Id: 23085 AegisName: Kunai_Scroll_Of_Poison Name: Kunai Scroll of Poison Type: Usable Weight: 250 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_KUNAI_SCROLL_OF_POISON); - Id: 23086 AegisName: Enchant_Stone_Box10 Name: Costume Enchant Stone Box 10 Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Enchant_Stone_Box10); - Id: 23087 AegisName: Small_Leather_Bag Name: Small Leather Bag Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 25180,1; getitem 25181,1; getitem 25182,1; getitem 25183,1; getitem 25184,1; getitem 25185,1; - Id: 23094 AegisName: Comp_Glass_Of_Illusion Name: "[Not For Sale] Glass of Illusion" Type: Usable Weight: 10 Delay: Duration: 300000 Status: Reuse_Limit_A Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_STEAL; sc_start SC_INCFLEE2,60000,20; - Id: 23095 AegisName: Poring_Scroll Name: Poring Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_PORING_SCROLL); - Id: 23096 AegisName: MOBI_Support_Box Name: MOBI Support Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_MOBI_SUPPORT_BOX); - Id: 23097 AegisName: Time_Guardian_Box2 Name: Greater Time Guardian Box Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_TIME_GUARDIAN_BOX2); - Id: 23098 AegisName: Assorted_ShdowBox Name: Shadow Assortment Box Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ASSORTED_SHDOWBOX); - Id: 23100 AegisName: Gunslinger_Enchant Name: Drooping Gunslinger Scroll Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23106 AegisName: Amistr_Scroll Name: Amistr Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_AMISTR_SCROLL); - Id: 23107 AegisName: Amistr_Box Name: Amistr Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_AMISTR_BOX); - Id: 23115 AegisName: Class_Shadow_Cube Name: Class Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CLASS_SHADOW_CUBE); - Id: 23116 AegisName: Shadow_Scroll Name: Shadow Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SHADOW_SCROLL); - Id: 23119 AegisName: Spirit_Scroll Name: Soul Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SPIRIT_SCROLL); - Id: 23120 AegisName: Sealed_Hat_Box3 Name: Sealed Hat Box III Type: Usable Weight: 200 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SEALED_HAT_BOX3); - Id: 23123 AegisName: Bullet_Case_Flare Name: Flare Bullet Cartridge Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 250 Script: | getitem 13228,500; - Id: 23124 AegisName: Bullet_Case_Lighting Name: Lightning Bullet Cartridge Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 250 Script: | getitem 13229,500; - Id: 23125 AegisName: Bullet_Case_Ice Name: Ice Bullet Cartridge Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 250 Script: | getitem 13230,500; - Id: 23126 AegisName: Bullet_Case_Poison Name: Poison Bullet Cartridge Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 250 Script: | getitem 13231,500; - Id: 23127 AegisName: Bullet_Case_Blind Name: Blind Bullet Cartridge Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 250 Script: | getitem 13232,500; - Id: 23128 AegisName: Cachua_Weapon Name: Kachua Weapon Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CACHUA_WEAPON,true); - Id: 23129 AegisName: Cachua_Robe Name: Kachua Garment Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CACHUA_ROBE,true); - Id: 23130 AegisName: Cachua_Mail Name: Kachua Armor Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CACHUA_MAIL,true); - Id: 23131 AegisName: Cachua_Shoes Name: Kachua Shoes Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CACHUA_SHOES,true); - Id: 23132 AegisName: Cachua_Shield Name: Kachua Shield Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CACHUA_SHIELD,true); - Id: 23133 AegisName: Cachua_Helm Name: Kachua Helm Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CACHUA_HELM,true); - Id: 23134 AegisName: Balloon_Scroll Name: Balloon Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BALLOON_SCROLL); - Id: 23135 AegisName: Poring_Balloon_Box Name: Poring Capsule Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_PORING_BALLOON_BOX); - Id: 23136 AegisName: WOB_Box Name: Butterfly Wing Box Type: Usable Buy: 10 Weight: 20 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | getitem 12507,3; getitem 12508,3; getitem 12509,3; getitem 12510,3; - Id: 23137 AegisName: Ribel_Jumping_Box Name: Rebellion Jumping Support Box Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 100 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_RIBEL_JUMPING_BOX); - Id: 23142 AegisName: EXPUP_Potion1 Name: Minor Growth Elixir Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Override: 100 Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Script: | getexp (BaseLevel < 100)?15000:1500,0; - Id: 23143 AegisName: JEXPUP_Potion1 Name: Minor Job Elixir Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Override: 100 Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Script: | getexp 0,(BaseLevel < 100)?15000:1500; - Id: 23144 AegisName: EXPUP_Potion1Box Name: Minor Growth Elixir Box Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 23142,5; - Id: 23145 AegisName: JEXPUP_Potion1Box Name: Minor Job Elixir Box Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Script: | getitem 23143,5; - Id: 23148 AegisName: Premium_Box_2d Name: "[2Day] Premium Subscription Box" Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 23149 AegisName: Premium_Box_3d Name: "[3Day] Premium Subscription Box" Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 23150 AegisName: Lapine_DdukddakBox Name: Lapine Big Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LAPINE_DDUKDDAKBOX); - Id: 23151 AegisName: EnchantStone_Recipe Name: Enchant Stone Recipe Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23152 AegisName: EventItem_Recipe Name: Collectibles SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23153 AegisName: PetEgg_Recipe Name: Pet Egg SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23154 AegisName: Nyang_Costume_Recipe Name: Costume Exchange SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23159 AegisName: Poison_Pack2 Name: Poison Bottle Pack Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 678,10; /* Poison Bottle */ - Id: 23160 AegisName: Shadow_Cube_Sak Name: Shadow Cube Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | /* TODO */ - Id: 23161 AegisName: Gunslinger_Box Name: Gunslinger Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_GUNSLINGER_BOX); - Id: 23162 AegisName: Gunslinger_Scroll Name: Gunslinger Scoll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_GUNSLINGER_SCROLL); - Id: 23165 AegisName: Service30_AID_Buff Name: Premium Service Personnel Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 23167 AegisName: Green_Scroll_K Name: July Green Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_GREEN_SCROLL_K); - Id: 23168 AegisName: Mini_Fan_Box Name: Mini Fan Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_MINI_FAN_BOX); - Id: 23169 AegisName: Alchemist_Box Name: Alchemist box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ALCHEMIST_BOX); - Id: 23170 AegisName: Fan_Upgrade_Kit Name: Fan Modification Kit Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23171 AegisName: Sealed_Gloom_Card_ Name: Sealed Gloom Under Night Card Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 23172 AegisName: Sealed_Pharaoh_Card_ Name: Sealed Pharaoh Card Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 23173 AegisName: Sealed_Kiel_Card_ Name: Sealed Kiel-D-01 Card Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 23174 AegisName: Enchant_Stone_Box11 Name: Costume Enchant Stone Box 11 Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Enchant_Stone_Box11); - Id: 23175 AegisName: Suit_Upgrade_Kit Name: Uniform Repair Kit Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23176 AegisName: Kafra_Scroll Name: Kafra Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_KAFRA_SCROLL); - Id: 23177 AegisName: Comp_Kafra_Card Name: "[Not For Sale] Kafra Card" Type: Usable Buy: 2 Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | callfunc "F_CashStore"; - Id: 23178 AegisName: Kafra_Box Name: Kafra Box Type: Usable Weight: 510 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_KAFRA_BOX); - Id: 23187 AegisName: Sap_Jelly Name: Sap Liquid Type: Usable Buy: 10 Script: | pet 1180; - Id: 23188 AegisName: Airship_Part Name: Unprocessed Parts Type: Usable Buy: 10 Script: | pet 1632; - Id: 23189 AegisName: Little_Dall_Needle Name: Small Needle Kit Type: Usable Buy: 10 Script: | pet 1622; - Id: 23191 AegisName: Varetyr_5_Scroll Name: Level 5 Varetyr Spear Type: DelayConsume Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Script: | itemskill "SO_VARETYR_SPEAR",5; - Id: 23192 AegisName: DiamondDust5_Scroll Name: Level 5 Diamond Dust Type: DelayConsume Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Script: | itemskill "SO_DIAMONDDUST",5; - Id: 23193 AegisName: CrimsonRock_5_Scroll Name: Level 5 Crimson Rock Type: DelayConsume Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Script: | itemskill "WL_CRIMSONROCK",5; - Id: 23194 AegisName: Sienna_5_Scroll Name: Level 5 Sienna Execrate Type: DelayConsume Buy: 10 Weight: 10 Script: | itemskill "WL_SIENNAEXECRATE",5,true; - Id: 23195 AegisName: Sigrun_Scroll Name: Sigrun Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SIGRUN_SCROLL); - Id: 23196 AegisName: Agust_Lucky_Scroll Name: Shining Blue Lucky Egg Type: Cash Buy: 10 Weight: 10 EquipLevelMin: 1 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Agust_Lucky_Scroll); - Id: 23198 AegisName: PremiumWoodenBox Name: Premium Wooden Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_PREMIUMWOODENBOX); - Id: 23199 AegisName: PremiumGoldenBox Name: Premium Golden Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_PREMIUMGOLDENBOX); - Id: 23200 AegisName: PremiumPlatinumBox Name: Premium Platinum Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_PREMIUMPLATINUMBOX); - Id: 23201 AegisName: PremiumNomalBox Name: Premium Normal Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_PREMIUMNOMALBOX); - Id: 23202 AegisName: Vin_Chaud Name: Mulled Wine Type: Usable Weight: 40 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 23203 AegisName: Small_Mana_Potion Name: Small Mana Potion Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_HEAL3; sc_start2 SC_S_MANAPOTION,600000,-5,5; - Id: 23204 AegisName: M_DEFScroll Name: Shining Defense Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 NoUse: Sitting: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_HEAL3; sc_start2 SC_M_DEFSCROLL,600000,500,200; - Id: 23205 AegisName: New_Hat_Scroll2 Name: New Hat Scroll II Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_NEW_HAT_SCROLL2); - Id: 23206 AegisName: New_Hat_Box2 Name: New Hat Box II Type: Usable Weight: 200 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_NEW_HAT_BOX2); - Id: 23207 AegisName: Premium_Box Name: "[30Day] Premium Subscription Box" Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | /* TODO */ - Id: 23209 AegisName: Premium_Box_1d Name: "[1Day] Premium Subscription Box" Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 23210 AegisName: Premium_Box_4d Name: "[4Day] Premium Subscription Box" Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 23211 AegisName: Premium_Box_5d Name: "[5Day] Premium Subscription Box" Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 23212 AegisName: Premium_Box_6d Name: "[6Day] Premium Subscription Box" Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 23213 AegisName: Premium_Box_5d7 Name: "[7Day] Premium Subscription Box" Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | /* TODO */ - Id: 23214 AegisName: Premium_Box_8d Name: "[8Day] Premium Subscription Box" Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 23215 AegisName: Premium_Box_9d Name: "[9Day] Premium Subscription Box" Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 23216 AegisName: Premium_Box_10d Name: "[10Day] Premium Subscription" Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 23217 AegisName: 2016_Special_Scroll Name: 2016 Special Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_2016_SPECIAL_SCROLL); - Id: 23218 AegisName: 2016_Special_Box Name: 2016 Special Box Type: Usable Weight: 200 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_2016_SPECIAL_BOX); - Id: 23221 AegisName: EF_DEX_Biscuit_Stick Name: "[Not For Sale] DEX Biscuit Stick" Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_FOOD_DEX_CASH,1800000,15; sc_start SC_HITFOOD,600000,rand(11,33); - Id: 23222 AegisName: EF_LUK_Biscuit_Stick Name: "[Not For Sale] LUK Biscuit Stick" Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_FOOD_LUK_CASH,1800000,15; sc_start SC_CRIFOOD,600000,rand(11,33); - Id: 23223 AegisName: EF_STR_Biscuit_Stick Name: "[Not For Sale] STR Biscuit Stick" Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_FOOD_STR_CASH,1800000,15; sc_start SC_ATKPOTION,600000,rand(11,111); - Id: 23224 AegisName: EF_VIT_Biscuit_Stick Name: "[Not For Sale] VIT Biscuit Stick" Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_FOOD_VIT_CASH,1800000,15; bonus_script "{ bonus bHPRecovRate,rand(11,33); }",1800,1; - Id: 23225 AegisName: EF_AGI_Biscuit_Stick Name: "[Not For Sale] AGI Biscuit Stick" Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_FOOD_AGI_CASH,1800000,15; sc_start SC_FLEEFOOD,600000,rand(11,33); - Id: 23226 AegisName: EF_INT_Biscuit_Stick Name: "[Not For Sale] INT Biscuit Stick" Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_FOOD_INT_CASH,1800000,15; sc_start SC_MATKPOTION,600000,rand(11,111); - Id: 23227 AegisName: Biscuit_Stick_2Set Name: Biscuit Stick (2) Type: Usable Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BISCUIT_STICK_2SET); - Id: 23228 AegisName: HazyMooncake Name: Hazy Mooncake Type: Healing Buy: 768 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | /* unknown */ - Id: 23229 AegisName: FallenAngelWing_Reset Name: Scroll of Fallen Angel Wings Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23234 AegisName: Racing_Exchange Name: Mysterious Medal Crane Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_RACING_EXCHANGE); - Id: 23235 AegisName: Candlelight_Scroll Name: Mad Bunny Scroll II Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CANDLELIGHT_SCROLL); - Id: 23236 AegisName: JobShadow_Mix_Weapon Name: Class Shadow Box (Weapon) Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23237 AegisName: JobShadow_Mix_Armor Name: Class Shadow Box (Armor) Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23238 AegisName: JobShadow_Mix_Shoes Name: Class Shadow Box (Shoes) Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23239 AegisName: JobShadow_Mix_Shield Name: Class Shadow Box (Shield) Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23240 AegisName: JobShadow_Mix_Pendant Name: Class Shadow Box (Pendant) Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23241 AegisName: JobShadow_Mix_Earing Name: Class Shadow Box (Earring) Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23242 AegisName: Fried_Chicken Name: Assorted Fried Chicken Type: Usable Weight: 100 # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 23243 AegisName: Fried_Chicken_1 Name: Deep-fried Chicken Type: Usable Weight: 100 # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 23245 AegisName: Lapine_Scroll Name: Lapine Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LAPINE_SCROLL); - Id: 23246 AegisName: LI_Lapine_DdukddakBox Name: "[Limited] Lapine's Thump Box" Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LI_LAPINE_DDUKDDAKBOX); - Id: 23247 AegisName: StatusShadow_Mix Name: StatusShadow Mix Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23248 AegisName: GemstoneShadow_Mix Name: GemstoneShadow Mix Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23249 AegisName: BearersShadow_Mix Name: BearerShadow Mix Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23250 AegisName: ComposeShadow_Mix Name: ComposerShadow Mix Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23251 AegisName: Rose_Bundle_A Name: Rose Bundle A Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ROSE_BUNDLE_A); - Id: 23252 AegisName: Orleans_Bundle_A Name: Orleans's Bundle A Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ORLEANS_BUNDLE_A); - Id: 23253 AegisName: Black_Shiba_Bundle_A Name: Black Shiba Inu Bundle A Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BLACK_SHIBA_BUNDLE_A); - Id: 23254 AegisName: Valkyrie_Bundle_A Name: Valkyrie Bundle A Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_VALKYRIE_BUNDLE_A); - Id: 23255 AegisName: Kardui_Bundle_A Name: Kardui Bundle A Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_KARDUI_BUNDLE_A); - Id: 23256 AegisName: Elixir_Bandage Name: Elixir Bandages Type: Usable Buy: 10 Script: | pet 1041; - Id: 23257 AegisName: Dew_Of_Old_Tree Name: Old Tree's Dew Type: Usable Buy: 2500 Weight: 50 NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | /* TODO pet 2019; */ - Id: 23258 AegisName: Foul_Rotten_Meat Name: Stinky Rotten Meat Type: Usable Buy: 2500 Weight: 50 NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | /* TODO pet 1782; */ - Id: 23259 AegisName: St_Cupcake Name: Strawberry Cream Cupcake Type: Usable Weight: 100 Script: | percentheal 0,5; specialeffect2 EF_HEAL3; sc_start SC_BLESSING,240000,5; - Id: 23260 AegisName: Parfait Name: Fruit Parfait Type: Usable Weight: 100 Script: | specialeffect2 EF_POTION3; percentheal 20,0; - Id: 23261 AegisName: Macaron Name: Chewy Macaron Type: Usable Weight: 100 Script: | specialeffect2 EF_POTION7; percentheal 5,0; sc_start SC_ANGELUS,240000,5; - Id: 23262 AegisName: Hair_Bun_Box Name: Tango Hair Gift Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_HAIR_BUN_BOX); - Id: 23263 AegisName: Roll_Twin_Box Name: Roll Twin Gift Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ROLL_TWIN_BOX); - Id: 23264 AegisName: Long_Pony_Box Name: Long Pony Gift Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LONG_PONY_BOX); - Id: 23265 AegisName: Sprint_Bundle_A Name: Sprint Bundle A Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SPRINT_BUNDLE_A); - Id: 23266 AegisName: Etran_Bundle_A Name: Etran Bundle A Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ETRAN_BUNDLE_A); - Id: 23267 AegisName: 1LVUP Name: Level Up Box (1) Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_1LVUP); - Id: 23268 AegisName: 10LVUP Name: Level Up Box (10) Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_10LVUP); - Id: 23269 AegisName: 20LVUP Name: Level Up Box (20) Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 20 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_20LVUP); - Id: 23270 AegisName: 30LVUP Name: Level Up Box (30) Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 30 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_30LVUP); - Id: 23271 AegisName: 40LVUP Name: Level Up Box (40) Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 40 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_40LVUP); - Id: 23272 AegisName: 50LVUP Name: Level Up Box (50) Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 50 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_50LVUP); - Id: 23273 AegisName: 60LVUP Name: Level Up Box (60) Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 60 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_60LVUP); - Id: 23274 AegisName: 70LVUP Name: Level Up Box (70) Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 70 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_70LVUP); - Id: 23275 AegisName: 90LVUP Name: Level Up Box (90) Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 90 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_90LVUP); - Id: 23276 AegisName: 175LVUP Name: Level Up Box (175) Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 175 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_175LVUP); - Id: 23277 AegisName: Mado_Box Name: Emergency Magic Gear Type: Usable Buy: 10000 Weight: 300 Jobs: Blacksmith: true Classes: All_Third: true Fourth: true EquipLevelMin: 100 Delay: Duration: 180000 Script: | specialeffect2 EF_CLAYMORE; setmadogear true; - Id: 23278 AegisName: HelpmeShorty Name: Help Me Shorty Type: DelayConsume Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | duplicate_dynamic("Shorty#fgtg01"); - Id: 23280 AegisName: N_Fly_Wing2 Name: Novice Fly Wing Type: DelayConsume Buy: 10 EquipLevelMin: 1 EquipLevelMax: 98 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemskill "AL_TELEPORT",1; - Id: 23281 AegisName: RaceShadow_Mix Name: RaceShadow Mix Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23282 AegisName: Biscuit_Stick_2Set_ Name: Biscuit Stick (2) Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BISCUIT_STICK_2SET_); - Id: 23283 AegisName: Love_Scroll Name: Love Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LOVE_SCROLL); - Id: 23284 AegisName: Advanced_Taiming_Item Name: Premium Taming Gift Set Type: Usable Weight: 200 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ADVANCED_TAIMING_ITEM); - Id: 23285 AegisName: Candy_Box_Melee Name: Candy Pouch Box(Physical) Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CANDY_BOX_MELEE); - Id: 23286 AegisName: Candy_Box_Range Name: Candy Pouch Box(Ranged) Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CANDY_BOX_RANGE); - Id: 23287 AegisName: Candy_Box_Magic Name: Candy Pouch Box(Magic) Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CANDY_BOX_MAGIC); - Id: 23288 AegisName: Cps_Fly_Wing Name: Compressed Fly Wing Type: DelayConsume Buy: 1000 Weight: 10 Script: | itemskill "AL_TELEPORT",1; - Id: 23289 AegisName: Candy_Bag_Scroll_Melee Name: Candy Bag Blessing Scroll(Physical) Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23290 AegisName: Candy_Bag_Scroll_Range Name: Candy Bag Blessing Scroll(Ranged) Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23291 AegisName: Candy_Bag_Scroll_Magic Name: Candy Bag Blessing Scroll(Magic) Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23294 AegisName: Pororoca_Shoes_Bundle_A Name: Pororoca Shoes Bundle A Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_POROROCA_SHOES_BUNDLE_A); - Id: 23295 AegisName: Lian_Bundle_B Name: Lian Bundle A Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LIAN_BUNDLE_B); - Id: 23296 AegisName: D_Buger Name: D.Burger Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 23297 AegisName: Lovely_Egg_Box Name: Lovely Egg Box Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LOVELY_EGG_BOX); - Id: 23299 AegisName: Enchant_Stone_Box12 Name: Costume Enchant Stone Box 12 Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Enchant_Stone_Box12); - Id: 23302 AegisName: PoringsPreciousBox Name: Poring Treasure Box Type: Usable Weight: 200 EquipLevelMin: 30 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_PORINGSPRECIOUSBOX); - Id: 23303 AegisName: C_CatPaw_1Day_Para Name: Infinite Cat Hand Ticket Box (1 Day) Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_CATPAW_1DAY_PARA); - Id: 23304 AegisName: C_Wing_Of_Fly_1Day_Para Name: Infinite Fly Wing Box (1 Day) Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_WING_OF_FLY_1DAY_PARA); - Id: 23305 AegisName: Cat_Scroll Name: Cat Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CAT_SCROLL); - Id: 23307 AegisName: Comp_M_DEFScroll Name: "[Not For Sale] Shining Defense Scroll" Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_HEAL3; sc_start2 SC_M_DEFSCROLL,600000,500,200; - Id: 23308 AegisName: Booster_Amplifier Name: Booster Amplifier Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23309 AegisName: Magical_Booster_Box Name: Magical Booster Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_MAGICAL_BOOSTER_BOX); - Id: 23310 AegisName: Cat_Head_Dress_Basket Name: Cat Headdress Gift Basket Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CAT_HEAD_DRESS_BASKET); - Id: 23311 AegisName: Magical_Cat_Hand Name: Magic Cat Hand Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23312 AegisName: Chemicals_Bag Name: Chemical Bag Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CHEMICALS_BAG); - Id: 23317 AegisName: Comp_Cherryblossom_C Name: "[NotForSale] Cherry Blossom Cake" Type: Usable Weight: 30 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | percentheal 30,30; - Id: 23318 AegisName: Shadow_Scroll2 Name: Shadow Scroll II Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SHADOW_SCROLL2); - Id: 23320 AegisName: Melon_Juice Name: Melon Juice Type: Usable Weight: 50 Script: | percentheal 10,10; sc_start SC_HITFOOD,180000,30; - Id: 23321 AegisName: Sweet_Melon_Juice Name: Sweet Melon Juice Type: Usable Weight: 100 Script: | percentheal 30,30; - Id: 23322 AegisName: Melon_Parfait Name: Melon Parfait Type: Usable Weight: 150 Delay: Duration: 5000 Status: Reuse_Limit_F Script: | percentheal 100,100; itemskill "PR_KYRIE",10; - Id: 23323 AegisName: C_Wing_Of_Fly_3Day_Box_ Name: Unlimited Wing Of Fly 3D Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_WING_OF_FLY_3DAY_BOX_); - Id: 23324 AegisName: StabilityShadow_Mix Name: StabilityShadow Mix Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23325 AegisName: Mobile_Novice_Box Name: Beginner Level Up Package Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_MOBILE_NOVICE_BOX); - Id: 23328 AegisName: Asha_Vahishta Name: Asha Bahishta Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 23329 AegisName: C_Wing_Of_Fly_5Day_Box_ Name: Infinite Fly Wing Box (5 Days) Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_WING_OF_FLY_5DAY_BOX_); - Id: 23330 AegisName: C_Giant_Fly_1Day_Box_ Name: Infinite Giant Fly Wing Box (1 Day) Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_GIANT_FLY_1DAY_BOX_); - Id: 23331 AegisName: C_Wing_Of_Fly_Box_ Name: Infinite Fly Wing Box (1 Week) Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_WING_OF_FLY_BOX_); - Id: 23332 AegisName: May_Gold_Scroll Name: May's Golden Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_MAY_GOLD_SCROLL); - Id: 23333 AegisName: New_Hat_Box3 Name: New Hat Box III Type: Usable Weight: 200 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_NEW_HAT_BOX3); - Id: 23334 AegisName: ExShadow_DdukddakBox Name: Exchange Shadow Thump Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_EXSHADOW_DDUKDDAKBOX); - Id: 23335 AegisName: Material_Shadow_Cube Name: Material Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_MATERIAL_SHADOW_CUBE); - Id: 23336 AegisName: Mysterious_Medal_Box Name: Mysterious Medal Piggy Bank Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_MYSTERIOUS_MEDAL_BOX); - Id: 23338 AegisName: Comp_Wing_Of_Fly Name: Compressed Fly Wing Type: DelayConsume Weight: 0 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemskill "AL_TELEPORT",1; - Id: 23340 AegisName: Comp_Megaphone Name: "[Sale] Megaphone" Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | input .@megaphone$; announce strcharinfo(0) + ": " + .@megaphone$,bc_all,0xFF0000; - Id: 23342 AegisName: Vend_Arbeit1_1Lv Name: "[1 Day] Consignment Merchant Envelope Lv1" Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_VEND_ARBEIT1_1LV); - Id: 23343 AegisName: Vend_Arbeit1_2Lv Name: "[1 Day] Consignment Merchant Envelope Lv2" Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_VEND_ARBEIT1_2LV); - Id: 23344 AegisName: Vend_Arbeit1_3Lv Name: "[1 Day] Consignment Merchant Envelope Lv3" Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_VEND_ARBEIT1_3LV); - Id: 23345 AegisName: Buy_Arbeit1_1Lv Name: "[1 Day] Personal Shopper Envelope Lv1" Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BUY_ARBEIT1_1LV); - Id: 23346 AegisName: Buy_Arbeit1_2Lv Name: "[1 Day] Personal Shopper Envelope Lv2" Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BUY_ARBEIT1_2LV); - Id: 23347 AegisName: Buy_Arbeit1_3Lv Name: "[1 Day] Personal Shopper Envelope Lv3" Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BUY_ARBEIT1_3LV); - Id: 23348 AegisName: Vend_Arbeit_1Lv Name: Consignment Merchant Voucher Lv1 Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | /* TODO */ - Id: 23349 AegisName: Vend_Arbeit_2Lv Name: Consignment Merchant Voucher Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | /* TODO */ - Id: 23350 AegisName: Vend_Arbeit_3Lv Name: Consignment Merchant Voucher Lv3 Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | /* TODO */ - Id: 23351 AegisName: Buy_Arbeit_1Lv Name: Personal Shopper Voucher Lv1 Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | /* TODO */ - Id: 23352 AegisName: Buy_Arbeit_2Lv Name: Personal Shopper Voucher Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | /* TODO */ - Id: 23353 AegisName: Buy_Arbeit_3Lv Name: Personal Shopper Voucher Lv3 Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | /* TODO */ - Id: 23354 AegisName: Vend_Arbeit3_1Lv Name: "[3 Day] Consignment Merchant Envelope Lv1" Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_VEND_ARBEIT3_1LV); - Id: 23355 AegisName: Vend_Arbeit3_2Lv Name: Consignment Merchant Envelope Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_VEND_ARBEIT3_2LV); - Id: 23356 AegisName: Vend_Arbeit3_3Lv Name: "[3 Day] Consignment Merchant Envelope Lv3" Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_VEND_ARBEIT3_3LV); - Id: 23357 AegisName: Buy_Arbeit3_1Lv Name: "[3 Day] Personal Shopper Envelope Lv1" Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BUY_ARBEIT3_1LV); - Id: 23358 AegisName: Buy_Arbeit3_2Lv Name: Personal Shopper Envelope Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BUY_ARBEIT3_2LV); - Id: 23359 AegisName: Buy_Arbeit3_3Lv Name: "[3 Day] Personal Shopper Envelope Lv3" Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BUY_ARBEIT3_3LV); - Id: 23360 AegisName: Psychotropic Name: Psychotropic Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 EquipLevelMin: 100 NoUse: Sitting: true Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | itemskill "WM_GLOOMYDAY",5; - Id: 23361 AegisName: Serum Name: Serum Type: Healing Weight: 100 EquipLevelMin: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Delay: Duration: 60000 Script: | sc_end SC_PARALYSE; sc_end SC_PYREXIA; sc_end SC_DEATHHURT; sc_end SC_LEECHESEND; sc_end SC_VENOMBLEED; sc_end SC_TOXIN; sc_end SC_MAGICMUSHROOM; sc_end SC_OBLIVIONCURSE; - Id: 23362 AegisName: Pig_Potato Name: Meatball Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | percentheal 10,10; - Id: 23363 AegisName: E_Watermelon_Pudding Name: Watermelon Pudding Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | percentheal 30,30; - Id: 23364 AegisName: Cryptura_Cookie Name: Critatura Pope Cookie Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | /* TODO */ - Id: 23365 AegisName: Cryptura_Giftbox Name: Critatura Souvenir Box Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CRYPTURA_GIFTBOX); - Id: 23367 AegisName: Tamato_Noodle Name: Spaghetti and Sauce Type: Usable Weight: 100 Script: | percentheal 30,30; - Id: 23368 AegisName: Store_Search1 Name: Special Shopper Catalog Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | searchstores 3, SEARCHSTORE_EFFECT_NORMAL; - Id: 23374 AegisName: Fire_Armor_S Name: Fire Armor Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | specialeffect2 EF_FIREHIT; sc_start4 SC_ELEMENTALCHANGE,1800000,1,Ele_Fire,1,0; - Id: 23375 AegisName: Cold_Armor_S Name: Water Armor Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | specialeffect2 EF_COLDHIT; sc_start4 SC_ELEMENTALCHANGE,1800000,1,Ele_Water,1,0; - Id: 23376 AegisName: Wind_Armor_S Name: Wind Armor Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | specialeffect2 EF_WINDHIT; sc_start4 SC_ELEMENTALCHANGE,1800000,1,Ele_Wind,1,0; - Id: 23377 AegisName: Earth_Armor_S Name: Earth Armor Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | specialeffect2 EF_EARTHHIT; sc_start4 SC_ELEMENTALCHANGE,1800000,1,Ele_Earth,1,0; - Id: 23383 AegisName: General_Scroll Name: Warlord's Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_GENERAL_SCROLL); - Id: 23388 AegisName: CookingBox10 Name: "[Scroll] Food Box" Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | .@rnd = rand(1,3); if (.@rnd == 1) getitem callfunc("F_Rand",14849,14850,14851,14852,14853,14854),10; else if (.@rnd == 2) getitem 14841,50; else getitem 14886,2; - Id: 23405 AegisName: Green_Scroll_K2 Name: July Green Scroll II Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_GREEN_SCROLL_K2); - Id: 23436 AegisName: Shadow_Refine_Hammer Name: Shadow Refine Hammer Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 23438 AegisName: New_Shadow_Cube Name: New Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_NEW_SHADOW_CUBE); - Id: 23440 AegisName: Sentimental_Scroll Name: Sentimental Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SENTIMENTAL_SCROLL); - Id: 23444 AegisName: July_Hair_Box Name: July Payment Event Special Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_JULY_HAIR_BOX); - Id: 23445 AegisName: Grilled_Turkey Name: Home Food Type: Usable Weight: 100 Script: | percentheal 20,20; - Id: 23446 AegisName: Savage_Trap Name: Savage Trap Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 23473 AegisName: Infinity_Scroll Name: Infinity Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_INFINITY_SCROLL); - Id: 23474 AegisName: InfinityShadow_Mix Name: InfinityShadow Mix Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23475 AegisName: Infinity_Drink Name: Infinity Drink Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_POTION_BERSERK; sc_start SC_INFINITY_DRINK,1800000,0; - Id: 23484 AegisName: Firstaid_Box_5 Name: First aid Box (5) Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 5 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 11518,10; getitem 11614,20; getitem 12325,15; getitem 22542,1; getitem 23485,1; - Id: 23485 AegisName: Firstaid_Box_10 Name: First aid Box (10) Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 11518,15; getitem 11614,40; getitem 12325,15; getitem 22542,1; getitem 23486,1; - Id: 23486 AegisName: Firstaid_Box_15 Name: First aid Box (15) Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 15 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 11518,20; getitem 11614,60; getitem 12325,10; getitem 22542,2; getitem 23487,1; - Id: 23487 AegisName: Firstaid_Box_20 Name: First aid Box (20) Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 20 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 11518,15; getitem 11615,80; getitem 12325,10; getitem 22542,2; getitem 23488,1; - Id: 23488 AegisName: Firstaid_Box_25 Name: First aid Box (25) Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 25 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 11518,20; getitem 11615,100; getitem 12325,5; getitem 22542,3; getitem 23489,1; - Id: 23489 AegisName: Firstaid_Box_30 Name: First aid Box (30) Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 30 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 11518,25; getitem 11615,120; getitem 12325,5; getitem 22542,3; getitem 23490,1; - Id: 23490 AegisName: Firstaid_Box_35 Name: First aid Box (35) Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 35 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 11572,15; getitem 22542,3; getitem 23491,1; getitem 23503,5; - Id: 23491 AegisName: Firstaid_Box_40 Name: First aid Box (40) Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 40 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 11572,15; getitem 22544,2; getitem 23492,1; getitem 23503,6; - Id: 23492 AegisName: Firstaid_Box_45 Name: First aid Box (45) Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 45 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 11572,20; getitem 22544,2; getitem 23493,1; getitem 23503,7; - Id: 23493 AegisName: Firstaid_Box_50 Name: First aid Box (50) Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 50 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 11572,20; getitem 22544,2; getitem 23494,1; getitem 23504,7; - Id: 23494 AegisName: Firstaid_Box_55 Name: First aid Box (55) Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 55 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 11572,25; getitem 22544,2; getitem 23495,1; getitem 23504,8; - Id: 23495 AegisName: Firstaid_Box_60 Name: First aid Box (60) Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 60 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 11572,25; getitem 23496,1; getitem 23504,9; - Id: 23496 AegisName: Firstaid_Box_65 Name: First aid Box (65) Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 65 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 11572,30; getitem 23497,1; getitem 23505,5; - Id: 23497 AegisName: Firstaid_Box_70 Name: First aid Box (70) Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 70 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 11572,30; getitem 23498,1; getitem 23505,6; - Id: 23498 AegisName: Firstaid_Box_75 Name: First aid Box (75) Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 75 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 11572,35; getitem 23499,1; getitem 23505,7; - Id: 23499 AegisName: Firstaid_Box_80 Name: First aid Box (80) Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 80 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 11572,35; getitem 23500,1; getitem 23505,8; - Id: 23500 AegisName: Firstaid_Box_85 Name: First aid Box (85) Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 85 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 11572,40; getitem 22543,2; getitem 23501,1; getitem 23506,7; - Id: 23501 AegisName: Firstaid_Box_90 Name: First aid Box (90) Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 90 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 11572,40; getitem 22543,2; getitem 23502,1; getitem 23506,8; - Id: 23502 AegisName: Firstaid_Box_95 Name: First aid Box (95) Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 95 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 11572,45; getitem 22543,2; getitem 23506,8; - Id: 23503 AegisName: Red_Potion_B_20 Name: "[Not For Sale] Crate of 20 Red Potions" Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 11570,20; - Id: 23504 AegisName: Orange_Potion_B_20 Name: "[Not For Sale] Crate of 20 Orange Potions" Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 11569,20; - Id: 23505 AegisName: Yellow_Potion_B_20 Name: "[Not For Sale] Crate of 20 Yellow Potions" Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 11566,20; - Id: 23506 AegisName: White_Potion_B_20 Name: "[Not For Sale] Box of 20 White Potion" Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 11565,20; - Id: 23524 AegisName: Enchant_Stone_Box13 Name: Costume Enchant Stone Box 13 Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Enchant_Stone_Box13); - Id: 23533 AegisName: Vote_Rose Name: Rose of Choice Type: Usable Flags: BuyingStore: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 23537 AegisName: Bloody_Scroll Name: Bloody Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BLOODY_SCROLL); - Id: 23538 AegisName: BloodyKnight_Shield_Box Name: Cursed Knight's Shield Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BLOODYKNIGHT_SHIELD_BOX); - Id: 23545 AegisName: Silver_Statue Name: Silver Statue Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23546 AegisName: Cursed_Blood Name: Cursed Blood Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 23547 AegisName: Gold_Statue Name: Gold Statue Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 23548 AegisName: Ice_Candy Name: Snow Candy Type: Usable Weight: 20 Script: | percentheal 5,5; sc_start SC_FREEZE,3000,0,10000,0; - Id: 23549 AegisName: Snow_Cookie Name: Snow Cookie Type: Usable Weight: 50 Script: | percentheal 5,0; sc_start SC_HITFOOD,600000,30; - Id: 23550 AegisName: Winter_Cookie Name: Winter Cookie Type: Usable Weight: 50 Script: | percentheal 5,0; sc_start SC_ATKPOTION,600000,3; - Id: 23551 AegisName: Festi_Cookie Name: Festi Cookie Type: Usable Weight: 50 Script: | percentheal 5,0; sc_start SC_ASPDPOTION0,600000,10; - Id: 23552 AegisName: Flora_Cookie Name: Flora Cookie Type: Usable Weight: 50 Script: | percentheal 5,0; sc_start SC_MATKPOTION,600000,3; - Id: 23553 AegisName: Snow_Festa_Box Name: Snow Flower Festival Giftbox Type: Usable Weight: 100 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SNOW_FESTA_BOX); - Id: 23554 AegisName: Snow_Festa_CardPack Name: Snow Festa Card Pack Type: Usable Weight: 50 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SNOW_FESTA_CARDPACK); - Id: 23556 AegisName: Hunter_Food Name: Dinner for Hunter Type: Usable # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 23575 AegisName: Adventurer_Box_1 Name: Adventurer Box (1) Type: Usable Weight: 0 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 11567,100; getitem 12265,5; getitem 22979,5; getitem 23338,50; getitem 23576,1; - Id: 23576 AegisName: Adventurer_Box_15 Name: Adventurer Box (15) Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 15 Weight: 0 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 11567,150; getitem 23338,50; getitem 23577,1; - Id: 23577 AegisName: Adventurer_Box_30 Name: Adventurer Box (30) Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 30 Weight: 0 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 23338,50; getitem 23503,20; getitem 23578,1; - Id: 23578 AegisName: Adventurer_Box_45 Name: Adventurer Box (45) Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 45 Weight: 0 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 23338,50; getitem 23503,25; getitem 23579,1; - Id: 23579 AegisName: Adventurer_Box_60 Name: Adventurer Box (60) Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 60 Weight: 0 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 23338,50; getitem 23504,20; getitem 23580,1; - Id: 23580 AegisName: Adventurer_Box_75 Name: Adventurer Box (75) Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 75 Weight: 0 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 23338,50; getitem 23504,25; getitem 23581,1; - Id: 23581 AegisName: Adventurer_Box_90 Name: Adventurer Box (90) Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 90 Weight: 0 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 23505,20; getitem 23338,50; - Id: 23582 AegisName: E_Wing_Of_Fly_3Day_Box Name: "[Gift] Unlimited Fly Wing 3 Day Box" Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_E_WING_OF_FLY_3DAY_BOX); - Id: 23583 AegisName: Rebeginer_Box Name: Beginner's Armor Box Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 100 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_REBEGINER_BOX); - Id: 23584 AegisName: Rebeginer_S_Box Name: Beginner's Shadow Box Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 120 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_REBEGINER_S_BOX); - Id: 23585 AegisName: Rebeginer_Box_100 Name: Beginner Support Box (100) Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 23505,25; getitem 23583,1; getitem 23582,1; getitem 23427,1; getitem 23586,1; - Id: 23586 AegisName: Rebeginer_Box_110 Name: Beginner Support Box (110) Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 110 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 23506,20; getitem 23582,2; getitem 23428,1; getitem 23587,1; - Id: 23587 AegisName: Rebeginer_Box_120 Name: Beginner Support Box (120) Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 120 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 23506,25; getitem 23582,3; getitem 23584,1; - Id: 23604 AegisName: Main_Dish_Course Name: Main Dish Course Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_BASH3D; sc_start SC_ALMIGHTY,1800000,10; - Id: 23605 AegisName: Challenge_Drink Name: Challenger Drink Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_POTION_BERSERK; sc_start SC_LIMIT_POWER_BOOSTER,1800000,30; - Id: 23606 AegisName: Power_Drink Name: Power Drink Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_POTION_BERSERK; sc_start SC_2011RWC_SCROLL,1800000,0; - Id: 23607 AegisName: Unlimited_Drink Name: Unlimited Drink Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_POTION_BERSERK; sc_start SC_INFINITY_DRINK,1800000,0; - Id: 23611 AegisName: Mimir_Spring_Water Name: Mimir's Spring Water Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_INCREASE_MAXSP,1800000,10; sc_start SC_SPCOST_RATE,1800000,10; - Id: 23612 AegisName: Baldrs_Blessing Name: Baldur's Blessing Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_FLEEFOOD,300000,30; sc_start SC_HITFOOD,300000,30; sc_start SC_ATKPOTION,300000,20; sc_start SC_MATKPOTION,300000,20; - Id: 23618 AegisName: 2017_Special_Scroll Name: 2017 Special Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_2017_SPECIAL_SCROLL); - Id: 23619 AegisName: 2017_Special_Box Name: 2017 Special Box Type: Usable Weight: 200 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_2017_SPECIAL_BOX); - Id: 23629 AegisName: Enchant_Stone_Box14 Name: Costume Enchant Stone Box 14 Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Enchant_Stone_Box14); - Id: 23647 AegisName: Zero_Merchant_Bell Name: Tool Dealer Bell Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | /* TODO dynamic npc */ - Id: 23648 AegisName: Zero_Kafra_Bell Name: Kafra Storage Bell Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | /* TODO dynamic npc */ - Id: 23650 AegisName: Ice_Scroll Name: Ice Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ICE_SCROLL); - Id: 23660 AegisName: Dogly_Bottle_Z Name: Dogly Bottle Z Type: Healing Weight: 180 Script: | percentheal 18,18; - Id: 23661 AegisName: 2018_New_Year_Scroll Name: 2018 New Year Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_2018_NEW_YEAR_SCROLL); - Id: 23662 AegisName: 2018_Year_Shadow_Cube Name: New Year Shadow Cube 2018 Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_2018_YEAR_SHADOW_CUBE); - Id: 23663 AegisName: 2018_Material_Cube Name: 2018 Material Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_2018_MATERIAL_CUBE); - Id: 23664 AegisName: 2018_Lapine_DdukddakBox Name: "[Limited] Lapine's Thump Box 2018" Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_2018_LAPINE_DDUKDDAKBOX); - Id: 23665 AegisName: PhysicalMagical_Mix Name: PhysicalMagical Mix Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23666 AegisName: ImmunedAthena_Mix Name: ImmunedAthena Mix Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23667 AegisName: HardChamption_Mix Name: HardChampion Mix Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23668 AegisName: KingbirdAncient_Mix Name: KingbirdAncient Mix Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23669 AegisName: CriticalHit_Mix Name: CriticalHit Mix Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23674 AegisName: Sweets_Evt_Box Name: Sweets Festival Box Type: Usable Weight: 100 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SWEETS_EVT_BOX); - Id: 23675 AegisName: Geffen_Magic_Scroll Name: Geffen Magic Armor Order Form Type: DelayConsume Weight: 100 Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 23676 AegisName: Gray_Charcoal_Melee Name: Grey Abrasive (physical) Type: DelayConsume Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 23677 AegisName: Gray_Charcoal_Magic Name: Grey Abrasive (magical) Type: DelayConsume Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 23678 AegisName: Gray_Charcoal_Range Name: Grey Abrasive (distance) Type: DelayConsume Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 23679 AegisName: Geffen_Magic_Scroll2 Name: Geffen Magic Accessory Order Form Type: DelayConsume Weight: 100 Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 23682 AegisName: Enchant_Stone_Box15 Name: Costume Enchant Stone Box 15 Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Enchant_Stone_Box15); - Id: 23683 AegisName: EVT_JAN02KR Name: Lucky Bag Type: Usable Weight: 100 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_EVT_JAN02KR); - Id: 23684 AegisName: 2018_Visionary_Card Name: Phantom's Spirit Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_2018_VISIONARY_CARD); - Id: 23700 AegisName: Lunar_New_Year_Scroll Name: New Year Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LUNAR_NEW_YEAR_SCROLL); - Id: 23706 AegisName: Charleston_Parts_W Name: Charleston Upgrade Parts (Physical) Type: DelayConsume Weight: 50 Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 23707 AegisName: Charleston_Parts_R Name: Charleston Upgrade Parts (Ranged) Type: DelayConsume Weight: 50 Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 23708 AegisName: February_Hair_Box Name: February Special Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_FEBRUARY_HAIR_BOX); - Id: 23710 AegisName: 2018_Spring_Scroll Name: Spring's Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_2018_SPRING_SCROLL); - Id: 23711 AegisName: Booby_Trap_Box Name: Trap Box Type: Usable Buy: 20 Sell: 0 Weight: 250 Script: | getitem "Booby_Trap",500; - Id: 23718 AegisName: 2018_Sakura_Scroll Name: Spring Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_2018_SAKURA_SCROLL); - Id: 23719 AegisName: Sealed_Card2 Name: Sealed Card Album II Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SEALED_CARD2); - Id: 23720 AegisName: Shadow_Random_Mix Name: Shadow Random Mix Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 23723 AegisName: Melon_Bread Name: Melon Bread Type: Usable Weight: 50 # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 23724 AegisName: Celebrate_Egg Name: Memorial Egg Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CELEBRATE_EGG); - Id: 23725 AegisName: E_Main_Dish_C Name: "[Event] Main Dish Course" Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_BASH3D; sc_start SC_ALMIGHTY,1800000,10; - Id: 23726 AegisName: E_Challenge_Drink Name: "[Event] Challenger Drink" Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_POTION_BERSERK; sc_start SC_LIMIT_POWER_BOOSTER,1800000,30; - Id: 23727 AegisName: E_Unlimited_Drink Name: "[Event] Unlimited Drink" Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_POTION_BERSERK; sc_start SC_INFINITY_DRINK,1800000,0; - Id: 23728 AegisName: E_Power_Drink Name: "[Event] Power Drink" Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_POTION_BERSERK; sc_start SC_2011RWC_SCROLL,1800000,0; - Id: 23732 AegisName: E_Mimir_Spring_W Name: "[Event] Mimir's Spring Water" Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_INCREASE_MAXSP,1800000,10; sc_start SC_SPCOST_RATE,1800000,10; - Id: 23733 AegisName: E_Baldrs_Blessing Name: "[Event] Baldur's Blessing" Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_FLEEFOOD,300000,30; sc_start SC_HITFOOD,300000,30; sc_start SC_ATKPOTION,300000,20; sc_start SC_MATKPOTION,300000,20; - Id: 23743 AegisName: Noodle_Festa_Can Name: Festa Commemorative Can Type: Usable Weight: 50 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_NOODLE_FESTA_CAN); - Id: 23744 AegisName: Cream_Noodle Name: Cream Noodles Type: Usable Weight: 40 # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 23751 AegisName: Comp_AID_Buff_Box Name: "[Not For Sale] Premium Buff Box" Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_COMP_AID_BUFF_BOX); - Id: 23752 AegisName: Comp_Box Name: Gift of Apology Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_COMP_BOX); - Id: 23754 AegisName: Comp_All_Ring_Box Name: Apology Ring Box Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_COMP_ALL_RING_BOX); - Id: 23761 AegisName: Advanced_Taiming_Item2 Name: Premium Taming Gift Set II Type: Usable Weight: 200 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ADVANCED_TAIMING_ITEM2); - Id: 23763 AegisName: Mysterious_Egg3 Name: Mysterious Egg III Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_MYSTERIOUS_EGG3); - Id: 23764 AegisName: Comp_Box2 Name: A gift with an Apple Heart Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_COMP_BOX2); - Id: 23765 AegisName: May_Rainbow_Scroll Name: May's Rainbow Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_MAY_RAINBOW_SCROLL); - Id: 23766 AegisName: Overwhelm_Armor_Box Name: Overwhelm Armor Box Type: Usable Weight: 2000 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_OVERWHELM_ARMOR_BOX); - Id: 23767 AegisName: Powerful_Helm_Box Name: Strong Helmet Box Type: Usable Weight: 800 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_POWERFUL_HELM_BOX); - Id: 23770 AegisName: Enchant_Stone_Box16 Name: Costume Enchant Stone Box 16 Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Enchant_Stone_Box16); - Id: 23771 AegisName: Mysterious_Plastic Name: Mysterious Plastic Bag Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_MYSTERIOUS_PLASTIC); - Id: 23772 AegisName: EP17_1_SPC01 Name: OS Weapon Chest Type: Usable Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_EP17_1_SPC01); - Id: 23773 AegisName: EP17_1_SPC02 Name: Weapon Modification Device Chest (Physical) Type: Usable Weight: 750 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_EP17_1_SPC02); - Id: 23774 AegisName: EP17_1_SPC03 Name: Weapon Modification Device Chest (Magic) Type: Usable Weight: 750 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_EP17_1_SPC03); - Id: 23775 AegisName: EP17_1_SPC04 Name: Modification Module Chest Type: Usable Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_EP17_1_SPC04); - Id: 23776 AegisName: EP17_1_SPC05 Name: Weapon Modifier (Physical) Type: DelayConsume Weight: 50 Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 23777 AegisName: EP17_1_SPC06 Name: Advanced Weapon Modifier (Physical) Type: DelayConsume Weight: 50 Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 23778 AegisName: EP17_1_SPC07 Name: Super Weapon Modifier (Physical) Type: DelayConsume Weight: 50 Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 23779 AegisName: EP17_1_SPC08 Name: Weapon Modifier (Magic) Type: DelayConsume Weight: 50 Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 23780 AegisName: EP17_1_SPC09 Name: Advanced Weapon Modifier (Magic) Type: DelayConsume Weight: 50 Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 23781 AegisName: EP17_1_SPC10 Name: Super Weapon Modifier (Magic) Type: DelayConsume Weight: 50 Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 23784 AegisName: Sweet_Candy_Box Name: Sweet Candy Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SWEET_CANDY_BOX); - Id: 23804 AegisName: Pump_Of_Spirit_Scroll2 Name: Soul Plunger Scroll II Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_PUMP_OF_SPIRIT_SCROLL2); - Id: 23805 AegisName: Spirit_Hat_Box Name: Soul Hat Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SPIRIT_HAT_BOX); - Id: 23806 AegisName: Hero_Weapon_Box Name: Ancient Heros Weapon Box Type: Usable Weight: 2000 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_HERO_WEAPON_BOX); - Id: 23815 AegisName: Magma_Essence Name: Lava Essence Type: DelayConsume Weight: 50 Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 23817 AegisName: Bs_Making_S Name: Mysterious Combination Bundle Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BS_MAKING_S); - Id: 23818 AegisName: Bs_Item_M_S_2 Name: Giant Orc Helm Combination SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23819 AegisName: Bs_Item_M_S_8 Name: Crimson Rose SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23820 AegisName: Bs_Item_M_S_10 Name: Grand Peco Hairband SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23821 AegisName: Bs_Item_M_S_11 Name: Moonflower Hair Hat SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23822 AegisName: Bs_Item_M_S_34 Name: Wings of 8 Purgatories SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23823 AegisName: Bs_Item_M_S_41 Name: Tare Neko Cru SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23824 AegisName: Bs_Item_M_S_42 Name: Glory Soccer Ball Hat SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23825 AegisName: Bs_Item_M_S_43 Name: Wicket marching Hat SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23826 AegisName: Bs_Item_M_S_44 Name: Wandering Wolf Hat SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23827 AegisName: Bs_Sha_M_S_1 Name: Status Shadow SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23828 AegisName: Bs_Sha_M_S_17 Name: Elegant Shadow SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23829 AegisName: Bs_Sha_M_S_18 Name: Tension Shadow SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23830 AegisName: Bs_Sha_M_S_19 Name: Restore Shadow SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23831 AegisName: Bs_Sha_M_S_20 Name: Healing Shadow SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23832 AegisName: Bs_Item_M_S_4 Name: Amistr Cap SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23833 AegisName: Bs_Item_M_S_6 Name: Tiger King Doll Hat SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23834 AegisName: Bs_Item_M_S_7 Name: Bacsojin Doll SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23835 AegisName: Bs_Item_M_S_12 Name: Candy Pouch Bag SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23836 AegisName: Bs_Item_M_S_13 Name: Gold Fish Head Hat SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23837 AegisName: Bs_Item_M_S_15 Name: Survival SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23838 AegisName: Bs_Item_M_S_28 Name: Toy Sringe SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23839 AegisName: Bs_Item_M_S_29 Name: Indigor Rear Ribbon SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23840 AegisName: Bs_Item_M_S_31 Name: Magical Booster SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23841 AegisName: Bs_Item_M_S_32 Name: Rosario's Necklace SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23842 AegisName: Bs_Item_M_S_33 Name: Spirit Crown SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23843 AegisName: Bs_Item_M_S_36 Name: Guard's Cap SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23844 AegisName: Bs_Item_M_S_37 Name: Bandit's Hood SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23845 AegisName: Bs_Item_M_S_38 Name: Angel's Blessing SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23846 AegisName: Bs_Item_M_S_39 Name: Rabbit Magic Hat SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23847 AegisName: Bs_Item_M_S_40 Name: Anubis Helm SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23848 AegisName: Bs_Item_M_S_45 Name: Imp Hat SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23849 AegisName: Bs_Item_M_S_46 Name: Red Marching Hat SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23850 AegisName: Bs_Item_M_S_47 Name: Ifrit Mask SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23851 AegisName: Bs_Item_M_S_48 Name: Incarnation Of Morocc Doll SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23852 AegisName: Bs_Item_M_S_49 Name: Samambaia SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23853 AegisName: Bs_Item_M_S_50 Name: Chick Hat SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23854 AegisName: Bs_Sha_M_S_2 Name: Class Shadow SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23855 AegisName: Bs_Sha_M_S_5 Name: Spell Shadow SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23856 AegisName: Bs_Sha_M_S_6 Name: Size Shadow SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23857 AegisName: Bs_Sha_M_S_7 Name: Race Shadow SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23858 AegisName: Bs_Sha_M_S_8 Name: Stability Shadow SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23859 AegisName: Bs_Sha_M_S_13 Name: Special Shadow SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23860 AegisName: Bs_Sha_M_S_15 Name: Physical Shadow SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23861 AegisName: Bs_Sha_M_S_16 Name: Magical Shadow SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23862 AegisName: Bs_Sha_M_S_23 Name: EXP Shadow SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23863 AegisName: Bs_Item_M_S_5 Name: Mad Bunny SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23864 AegisName: Bs_Item_M_S_9 Name: Archangel's Wings SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23865 AegisName: Bs_Item_M_S_14 Name: Smokie's Transformation Leaf SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23866 AegisName: Bs_Item_M_S_16 Name: Ifrit's Ear SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23867 AegisName: Bs_Item_M_S_17 Name: Heartwing Band SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23868 AegisName: Bs_Item_M_S_19 Name: Sigrun's Wings SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23869 AegisName: Bs_Item_M_S_27 Name: Cat Headdress SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23870 AegisName: Bs_Item_M_S_35 Name: Noble Mask SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23871 AegisName: Bs_Sha_M_S_9 Name: Gemstone Shadow SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23872 AegisName: Bs_Sha_M_S_10 Name: Bearers Shadow SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23873 AegisName: Bs_Sha_M_S_11 Name: Hasty Shadow SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23874 AegisName: Bs_Sha_M_S_21 Name: Critical Shadow SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23875 AegisName: Bs_Sha_M_S_22 Name: Mortal Blow Shadow SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23876 AegisName: Bs_Item_M_S_1 Name: Fallen Angel Wings SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23877 AegisName: Bs_Item_M_S_3 Name: Adventurer's Backpack SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23878 AegisName: StarSoul_Scroll Name: Star and Soul Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_STARSOUL_SCROLL); - Id: 23879 AegisName: Bs_Item_M_S_18 Name: Spell Circuit SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23880 AegisName: Bs_Item_M_S_20 Name: New Wave Sunglasses SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23881 AegisName: Bs_Item_M_S_21 Name: Giant Snake Breath SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23882 AegisName: Bs_Item_M_S_22 Name: Judge Hat SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23883 AegisName: Bs_Item_M_S_23 Name: Dog Officer SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23884 AegisName: Bs_Item_M_S_24 Name: Fancy Feather Hat SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23885 AegisName: Bs_Item_M_S_25 Name: Amistr Beret SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23886 AegisName: Bs_Item_M_S_26 Name: General Helm SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23887 AegisName: Bs_Item_M_S_30 Name: Cursed Knight's Shield SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23888 AegisName: Bs_Sha_M_S_3 Name: Penetration Shadow SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23889 AegisName: Bs_Sha_M_S_4 Name: Tempest Shadow SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23890 AegisName: Bs_Sha_M_S_12 Name: Blitz Shadow SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23891 AegisName: Bs_Sha_M_S_14 Name: Reload Shadow SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23892 AegisName: Bs_Sha_M_S_24 Name: Force and Spirit Shadow SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23893 AegisName: Bs_Sha_M_S_25 Name: Infinity Shadow SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23894 AegisName: Bs_Item_M_S_51 Name: Wickebine's Black Cat's Ear SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23896 AegisName: Comp_ConnectError Name: Recertification Thank You Box Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_COMP_CONNECTERROR); - Id: 23897 AegisName: 2018_Jump_Thx_Box Name: 2018 Jumping Reservation Appreciation Box Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_2018_JUMP_THX_BOX); - Id: 23898 AegisName: Comp_Power_Booster Name: "[Not For Sale] Power Booster" Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_POTION_BERSERK; sc_start SC_LIMIT_POWER_BOOSTER,1800000,30; - Id: 23899 AegisName: Comp_Almighty Name: "[Not For Sale] Almighty" Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_BASH3D; sc_start SC_ALMIGHTY,1800000,10; sc_start SC_FOOD_STR_CASH,1800000,10; sc_start SC_FOOD_AGI_CASH,1800000,10; sc_start SC_FOOD_INT_CASH,1800000,10; sc_start SC_FOOD_DEX_CASH,1800000,10; sc_start SC_FOOD_LUK_CASH,1800000,10; sc_start SC_FOOD_VIT_CASH,1800000,10; - Id: 23900 AegisName: Time_Overload_Box Name: Temporal Transcendence Box Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_TIME_OVERLOAD_BOX); - Id: 23901 AegisName: 110LVUP Name: Level Up Box (110) Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 110 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_110LVUP); - Id: 23905 AegisName: Season_Evt_Reward_3 Name: March Event Reward Box Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SEASON_EVT_REWARD_3); - Id: 23906 AegisName: Season_Evt_Reward_4 Name: April Event Reward Box Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SEASON_EVT_REWARD_4); - Id: 23907 AegisName: Season_Evt_Reward_5 Name: Melon Festival Reward Box Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SEASON_EVT_REWARD_5); - Id: 23913 AegisName: Job_Enchant_Stone_Box Name: Class Enchant Stone Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_JOB_ENCHANT_STONE_BOX); - Id: 23914 AegisName: Main_Lucky_Box Name: Kachua's Secret Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_MAIN_LUCKY_BOX,true); - Id: 23919 AegisName: K_Secret_Key Name: Kachua's Secret Key Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | /* callfunc "F_Kachua_Key"; */ - Id: 23921 AegisName: Season_Evt_Reward Name: Event Reward Box Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SEASON_EVT_REWARD); - Id: 23922 AegisName: Candy_Box Name: Candy Pouch Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CANDY_BOX); - Id: 23923 AegisName: Poring_Sunglasses_Box Name: Poring Sunglasses Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_PORING_SUNGLASSES_BOX); - Id: 23924 AegisName: Sigrun_Shadow_Box Name: Sigrun Shadow Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SIGRUN_SHADOW_BOX); - Id: 23925 AegisName: Mad_Bunny_Box Name: Mad Bunny Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_MAD_BUNNY_BOX); - Id: 23926 AegisName: Shadow_9_Refine_Hammer Name: Shadow 9 Refine Hammer Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 23949 AegisName: Level_Achievement_Box Name: Level Achievement Box Type: Usable Weight: 200 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LEVEL_ACHIEVEMENT_BOX); - Id: 23952 AegisName: Sillit_Pong_Box Name: Silit Pong Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SILLIT_PONG_BOX); - Id: 23962 AegisName: Malang_Cat_Can2 Name: Upgraded Malangdo Cat Can Type: Usable Weight: 50 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 23967 AegisName: EnchantStone_Recipe_9m Name: Enchant Stone Recipe 9m Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 23981 AegisName: Abyss_Ddbox Name: Turbulence Dragon's Power Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 23985 AegisName: Abyss_itembox Name: Dragon Treasure Type: Usable Weight: 100 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ABYSS_ITEMBOX); - Id: 23986 AegisName: Odin_itembox Name: Odin Relic Type: Usable Weight: 100 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ODIN_ITEMBOX); - Id: 23992 AegisName: Bio_W_Box Name: Experimental Weapon Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BIO_W_BOX); - Id: 23993 AegisName: Bio_Docu_Box Name: Bio Lab Material Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BIO_DOCU_BOX); - Id: 23994 AegisName: Bio_Reactant_Box Name: Bio Reactor Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BIO_REACTANT_BOX); - Id: 100000 AegisName: IDTest_Special Name: IDTest Special Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 100002 AegisName: PayPromotion_Box Name: Payment Promotion Reward Box Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_PAYPROMOTION_BOX); - Id: 100003 AegisName: ILL_Piece_A Name: Red Phantom Resonance Stone Type: DelayConsume Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100004 AegisName: ILL_Piece_B Name: Azure Mirage Resonance Stone Type: DelayConsume Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100005 AegisName: G_Small_Mana_Potion Name: True Small Mana Potion Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_HEAL3; sc_start2 SC_S_MANAPOTION,3600000,-5,5; sc_start SC_SPEEDUP0,600000,25; - Id: 100006 AegisName: G_M_DEFScroll Name: True Shining Defense Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_HEAL3; sc_start2 SC_M_DEFSCROLL,3600000,500,200; sc_start SC_SPEEDUP0,600000,25; - Id: 100007 AegisName: G_Limit_Power_Booster Name: True Limited Power Booster Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_POTION_BERSERK; sc_start SC_LIMIT_POWER_BOOSTER,3600000,30; sc_start SC_SPEEDUP0,600000,25; - Id: 100008 AegisName: G_Infinity_Drink Name: True Infinity Drink Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_POTION_BERSERK; sc_start SC_INFINITY_DRINK,3600000,0; sc_start SC_SPEEDUP0,600000,25; - Id: 100009 AegisName: Joy_Of_Victory Name: Victorious Happiness Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100010 AegisName: PerfectSize_Mix Name: Perfect Size Shadow SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 100011 AegisName: MagicPiercing_Mix Name: Magic Piercing Shadow SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 100019 AegisName: Enchant_Stone_Box18 Name: Costume Enchant Stone Box 18 Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Enchant_Stone_Box18); - Id: 100020 AegisName: E_Bcrystal_Box Name: Don Cristal Chino Box Type: Usable Weight: 100 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_E_BCRYSTAL_BOX); - Id: 100021 AegisName: E_Mcrystal_Box Name: Family Crystal Box Type: Usable Weight: 100 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_E_MCRYSTAL_BOX); - Id: 100022 AegisName: E_Scrystal_Box Name: Minions Crystal Box Type: Usable Weight: 100 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_E_SCRYSTAL_BOX); - Id: 100023 AegisName: Ancient_Hero_Bravery Name: Ancient Hero Bravery Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100024 AegisName: TimeExtension1 Name: Time Extension (Account) Type: Usable # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 100025 AegisName: Ancient_Hero_Wisdom Name: Ancient Hero Wisdom Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100026 AegisName: TimeExtension2 Name: Time Extension(Character) Type: Usable # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 100029 AegisName: Booster_Pack_1 Name: Booster Pack(1) Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BOOSTER_PACK_1,true); - Id: 100030 AegisName: Booster_Pack_15 Name: Booster Pack (15) Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 15 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BOOSTER_PACK_15); - Id: 100031 AegisName: Booster_Pack_30 Name: Booster Pack(30) Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 30 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BOOSTER_PACK_30); - Id: 100032 AegisName: Booster_Pack_45 Name: Booster Pack(45) Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 45 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BOOSTER_PACK_45); - Id: 100033 AegisName: Booster_Pack_60 Name: Booster Pack(60) Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 60 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BOOSTER_PACK_60); - Id: 100034 AegisName: Booster_Pack_75 Name: Booster Pack(75) Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 75 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BOOSTER_PACK_75); - Id: 100035 AegisName: Booster_Pack_90 Name: Booster Pack(90) Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 90 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BOOSTER_PACK_90); - Id: 100036 AegisName: Booster_Pack_100 Name: Booster Pack(100) Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 100 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BOOSTER_PACK_100,true); - Id: 100037 AegisName: Booster_Pack_115 Name: Booster Pack(115) Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 115 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BOOSTER_PACK_115); - Id: 100038 AegisName: Booster_Pack_130 Name: Booster Pack(130) Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 130 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BOOSTER_PACK_130); - Id: 100039 AegisName: Booster_Pack_145 Name: Booster Pack(145) Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 145 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BOOSTER_PACK_145); - Id: 100040 AegisName: Booster_Pack_160 Name: Booster Pack(160) Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 160 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BOOSTER_PACK_160); - Id: 100041 AegisName: Booster_Pack_175 Name: Booster Pack(175) Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 175 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BOOSTER_PACK_175); - Id: 100043 AegisName: Boost_Up_1 Name: Booster Armor UpgradeBox Type: DelayConsume Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100044 AegisName: Boost_Up_2 Name: Booster Weapon UpgradeBox Type: DelayConsume Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100045 AegisName: Stater_A_Box Name: Starter Armor Crate Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_STATER_A_BOX,true); - Id: 100046 AegisName: Boost_Atk_Box Name: Attacker Booster Armor Crate Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 100 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BOOST_ATK_BOX); - Id: 100047 AegisName: Boost_Ran_Box Name: Ranged Booster Crate Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 100 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BOOST_RAN_BOX); - Id: 100048 AegisName: Boost_Ele_Box Name: Elemental Booster Crate Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 100 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BOOST_ELE_BOX); - Id: 100049 AegisName: Boost_Defn_Box Name: Defiant Booster Crate Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 100 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BOOST_DEFN_BOX); - Id: 100050 AegisName: Goal_Gift_Box Name: Goal Achievement Gift Box Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_GOAL_GIFT_BOX); - Id: 100051 AegisName: Booster_Pack_Preorder Name: Booster Promotion Thank you Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BOOSTER_PACK_PREORDER); - Id: 100052 AegisName: Enchant_Stone_Box19 Name: Costume Enchant Stone Box 19 Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Enchant_Stone_Box19); - Id: 100053 AegisName: Piercing_Mix Name: Piercing Shadow SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 100054 AegisName: Time_Over_S_Box Name: Shadow Transcendental Time Crate Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_TIME_OVER_S_BOX,true); - Id: 100058 AegisName: Hasty_Mix Name: Hasty Shadow SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 100060 AegisName: EnchantStone_Recipe_4m Name: 4m Enchant Stone Recipe SynthesisBox Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 100061 AegisName: E_Red_Booster Name: "[Event] Red Booster" Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_POTION_BERSERK; sc_start SC_2011RWC_SCROLL,600000,0; showscript "Oh My GOODNESS!!! I FEEL AWESOMELY STRONG!!! WOWOW"; - Id: 100065 AegisName: WL_MB_SG Name: Spell Book (Storm Gust) Type: DelayConsume Flags: NoConsume: true Script: | itemskill "WL_READING_SB_READING",1; - Id: 100066 AegisName: WL_MB_LOV Name: Spell Book (Lord of Vermilion) Type: DelayConsume Flags: NoConsume: true Script: | itemskill "WL_READING_SB_READING",2; - Id: 100067 AegisName: WL_MB_MS Name: Spell Book (Meteor Storm) Type: DelayConsume Flags: NoConsume: true Script: | itemskill "WL_READING_SB_READING",3; - Id: 100068 AegisName: WL_MB_DL Name: Spell Book (Drain Life) Type: DelayConsume Flags: NoConsume: true Script: | itemskill "WL_READING_SB_READING",4; - Id: 100069 AegisName: WL_MB_JF Name: Spell Book (Jack Frost) Type: DelayConsume Flags: NoConsume: true Script: | itemskill "WL_READING_SB_READING",5; - Id: 100070 AegisName: WL_MB_ES Name: Spell Book (Earth Strain) Type: DelayConsume Flags: NoConsume: true Script: | itemskill "WL_READING_SB_READING",6; - Id: 100071 AegisName: WL_MB_CR Name: Spell Book (Crimson Rock) Type: DelayConsume Flags: NoConsume: true Script: | itemskill "WL_READING_SB_READING",7; - Id: 100072 AegisName: WL_MB_CL Name: Spell Book (Chain Lightning) Type: DelayConsume Flags: NoConsume: true Script: | itemskill "WL_READING_SB_READING",8; - Id: 100073 AegisName: WL_MB_CM Name: Spell Book (Comet) Type: DelayConsume Flags: NoConsume: true Script: | itemskill "WL_READING_SB_READING",9; - Id: 100074 AegisName: WL_MB_TV Name: Spell Book (Tetra Vortex) Type: DelayConsume Flags: NoConsume: true Script: | itemskill "WL_READING_SB_READING",10; - Id: 100075 AegisName: DishSet05 Name: Level 5 Dishes Type: Usable Weight: 50 NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | sc_start SC_STRFOOD,600000,5; sc_start SC_AGIFOOD,600000,5; sc_start SC_VITFOOD,600000,5; sc_start SC_INTFOOD,600000,5; sc_start SC_DEXFOOD,600000,5; sc_start SC_LUKFOOD,600000,5; percentheal 5,5; - Id: 100076 AegisName: DishSet06 Name: Level 6 Dishes Type: Usable Weight: 50 NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | sc_start SC_STRFOOD,600000,6; sc_start SC_AGIFOOD,600000,6; sc_start SC_VITFOOD,600000,6; sc_start SC_INTFOOD,600000,6; sc_start SC_DEXFOOD,600000,6; sc_start SC_LUKFOOD,600000,6; percentheal 6,6; - Id: 100077 AegisName: DishSet07 Name: Level 7 Dishes Type: Usable Weight: 50 NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | sc_start SC_STRFOOD,600000,7; sc_start SC_AGIFOOD,600000,7; sc_start SC_VITFOOD,600000,7; sc_start SC_INTFOOD,600000,7; sc_start SC_DEXFOOD,600000,7; sc_start SC_LUKFOOD,600000,7; percentheal 7,7; - Id: 100078 AegisName: DishSet08 Name: Level 8 Dishes Type: Usable Weight: 50 NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | sc_start SC_STRFOOD,600000,8; sc_start SC_AGIFOOD,600000,8; sc_start SC_VITFOOD,600000,8; sc_start SC_INTFOOD,600000,8; sc_start SC_DEXFOOD,600000,8; sc_start SC_LUKFOOD,600000,8; percentheal 8,8; - Id: 100079 AegisName: DishSet09 Name: Level 9 Dishes Type: Usable Weight: 50 NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | sc_start SC_STRFOOD,600000,9; sc_start SC_AGIFOOD,600000,9; sc_start SC_VITFOOD,600000,9; sc_start SC_INTFOOD,600000,9; sc_start SC_DEXFOOD,600000,9; sc_start SC_LUKFOOD,600000,9; percentheal 9,9; - Id: 100080 AegisName: DishSet10 Name: Level 10 Dishes Type: Usable Weight: 50 NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | sc_start SC_STRFOOD,600000,10; sc_start SC_AGIFOOD,600000,10; sc_start SC_VITFOOD,600000,10; sc_start SC_INTFOOD,600000,10; sc_start SC_DEXFOOD,600000,10; sc_start SC_LUKFOOD,600000,10; percentheal 10,10; - Id: 100081 AegisName: Kr_B_Special01 Name: "[Not For Sale] Advanced Combat Manual" Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_EXPBOOST,3600000,200; - Id: 100083 AegisName: BackSignon_Box_TW Name: Korean Style Apple Hair Box (Middle) Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getitem callfunc("F_Rand",31754,31755,31756,31757,31758,31759,31760,31761),1; - Id: 100087 AegisName: Boarding_Halter_Box30_Z Name: "[Not For Sale] Boarding Halter (30 Days)" Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BOARDING_HALTER_BOX30_Z); - Id: 100098 AegisName: RTC_EnergyDrink_TW Name: Vitality Stimulant Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_INCALLSTATUS,300000,20; - Id: 100100 AegisName: Temporal_Manteau_Box Name: Temporal Manteau Box Type: Usable Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_TEMPORAL_MANTEAU_BOX); - Id: 100109 AegisName: Lapine_DdukddakBox2 Name: Lapine Thump Box II Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LAPINE_DDUKDDAKBOX2); - Id: 100125 AegisName: Metal_7_Ticket Name: Metal Weapon +7 Refinement Ticket Type: DelayConsume Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100127 AegisName: Kr_B_Special02 Name: 17th Anniversary Box Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_KR_B_SPECIAL02); - Id: 100128 AegisName: Noblesse_Rifine_Ticket Name: Noblesses Refine Ticket Type: DelayConsume Buy: 20 EquipLevelMin: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100129 AegisName: Imperial_Rifine_Ticket Name: Imperial Refine Ticket Type: DelayConsume Buy: 20 EquipLevelMin: 125 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100130 AegisName: Grace_Rifine_Ticket Name: Grace Refine Ticket Type: DelayConsume Buy: 20 EquipLevelMin: 150 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100131 AegisName: Imperial_Convert1 Name: Imperial Physical Modification Permit (Garment) Type: DelayConsume Buy: 20 EquipLevelMin: 125 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100132 AegisName: Imperial_Convert2 Name: Imperial Magical Modification Permit (Garment) Type: DelayConsume Buy: 20 EquipLevelMin: 125 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100133 AegisName: Grace_Convert1 Name: Grace Physical Modification Permit (Garment) Type: DelayConsume Buy: 20 EquipLevelMin: 150 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100134 AegisName: Grace_Convert2 Name: Grace Magical Modification Permit (Garment) Type: DelayConsume Buy: 20 EquipLevelMin: 150 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100135 AegisName: Imperial_Convert3 Name: Imperial Physical Modification Permit (Armor) Type: DelayConsume Buy: 20 EquipLevelMin: 125 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100136 AegisName: Imperial_Convert4 Name: Imperial Magical Modification Permit (Armor) Type: DelayConsume Buy: 20 EquipLevelMin: 125 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100137 AegisName: Grace_Convert3 Name: Grace Physical Modification Permit (Armor) Type: DelayConsume Buy: 20 EquipLevelMin: 150 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100138 AegisName: Grace_Convert4 Name: Grace Magical Modification Permit (Armor) Type: DelayConsume Buy: 20 EquipLevelMin: 150 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100142 AegisName: Abyss_Ddbox2 Name: Stable Dragon's Power Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100144 AegisName: Abyss_Ddbox3 Name: Burning Dragon's Power Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100145 AegisName: Abyss_Ddbox4 Name: Hot Dragon's Power Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100147 AegisName: Bath_Foam_A Name: Bath Foam A Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoStorage: true NoCart: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | bonus_script "{ bonus2 bAddRace2,RC2_EP172BATH,5; }",900,1,0,EFST_BATH_FOAM_A; - Id: 100148 AegisName: Bath_Foam_B Name: Bath Foam B Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoStorage: true NoCart: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | bonus_script "{ bonus2 bAddRace2,RC2_EP172BATH,10; }",900,1,0,EFST_BATH_FOAM_B; - Id: 100149 AegisName: Bath_Foam_C Name: Bath Foam C Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoStorage: true NoCart: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | bonus_script "{ bonus2 bAddRace2,RC2_EP172BATH,15; }",900,1,0,EFST_BATH_FOAM_C; - Id: 100150 AegisName: Aroma_Oil Name: Aromatherapy Oil Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 100151 AegisName: Skill_Sha_M_S_Weapon Name: Skill Shadow Weapon Recipe Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 100152 AegisName: GoldPCBang_ShieldBox Name: Gold PC Room Sield Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_GOLDPCBANG_SHIELDBOX); - Id: 100153 AegisName: Set_Of_Taiming_Item2 Name: Taming Gift Set II Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SET_OF_TAIMING_ITEM2); - Id: 100158 AegisName: Mado_Box02 Name: Mado Strengthening Suit Type: Usable Buy: 10000 Weight: 300 Jobs: Blacksmith: true Classes: All_Third: true Fourth: true EquipLevelMin: 100 Delay: Duration: 180000 Script: | specialeffect2 EF_CLAYMORE; setmadogear true,MADO_SUIT; - Id: 100160 AegisName: Auto_M_Box Name: Automatic Module Box Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoStorage: true NoCart: true NoSell: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_AUTOMATIC_MODULE_MIX); - Id: 100161 AegisName: Epic_M_Box Name: Epic Module Box Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoStorage: true NoCart: true NoSell: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_EPIC_MODULE_MIX); - Id: 100162 AegisName: Auto_M_I_Box_A Name: Automatic Improvement Device Physical Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoStorage: true NoCart: true NoSell: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_AUTO_M_I_BOX_A); - Id: 100163 AegisName: Auto_M_I_Box_B Name: Automatic Improvement Device Magical Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoStorage: true NoCart: true NoSell: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true NoGuildStorage: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_AUTO_M_I_BOX_B); - Id: 100164 AegisName: Auto_Imp_Melee_1 Name: Normal Automatic Improvement Device (Physical) Type: DelayConsume Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100165 AegisName: Auto_Imp_Melee_2 Name: Advanced Automatic Improvement Device (Physical) Type: DelayConsume Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100166 AegisName: Auto_Imp_Melee_3 Name: Premium Automatic Improvement Device (Physical) Type: DelayConsume Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100167 AegisName: Auto_Imp_Magic_1 Name: Normal Automatic Improvement Device (Magical) Type: DelayConsume Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100168 AegisName: Auto_Imp_Magic_2 Name: Advanced Automatic Improvement Device (Magical) Type: DelayConsume Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100169 AegisName: Auto_Imp_Magic_3 Name: Premium Automatic Improvement Device (Magical) Type: DelayConsume Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100170 AegisName: GoldPCBang_MileageBox Name: PC Room Mileage Costume Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_GOLDPCBANG_MILEAGEBOX); - Id: 100171 AegisName: Cannon_Ball_Box Name: Cannon Ball Box Type: Usable Weight: 250 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CANNON_BALL_BOX); - Id: 100172 AegisName: Iron_Cannon_Ball_Box Name: Iron Cannon Ball Box Type: Usable Weight: 250 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_IRON_CANNON_BALL_BOX); - Id: 100173 AegisName: Soul_Cannon_Ball_Box Name: Soul Cannon Ball Box Type: Usable Weight: 250 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SOUL_CANNON_BALL_BOX); - Id: 100174 AegisName: Poi_Arrow_Container Name: Poison Arrow Quiver Type: Usable Buy: 20 Sell: 0 Weight: 250 Script: | getitem "Poison_Arrow",500; - Id: 100176 AegisName: Dark_Cannon_Ball_Box Name: Dark Cannon Ball Box Type: Usable Weight: 250 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_DARK_CANNON_BALL_BOX); - Id: 100177 AegisName: Holy_Cannon_Ball_Box Name: Holy Cannon Ball Box Type: Usable Weight: 250 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_HOLY_CANNON_BALL_BOX); - Id: 100178 AegisName: Cannon_Box_6 Name: Liquid Condensed Bullet Box Type: Usable Weight: 250 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CANNON_BOX_6); - Id: 100179 AegisName: Magic_Gear_Fuel_Box Name: Large Madogear Fuel Tank Type: Usable Weight: 250 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_MAGIC_GEAR_FUEL_BOX); - Id: 100180 AegisName: RepairA_Box Name: Repair A Box Type: Usable Weight: 250 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_REPAIRA_BOX); - Id: 100181 AegisName: RepairB_Box Name: Repair B Box Type: Usable Weight: 250 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_REPAIRB_BOX); - Id: 100182 AegisName: RepairC_Box Name: Repair C Box Type: Usable Weight: 250 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_REPAIRC_BOX); - Id: 100183 AegisName: Flame_Stone_Bundle Name: Flame Stone Bundle Type: Usable Weight: 250 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_FLAME_STONE_BUNDLE); - Id: 100184 AegisName: Ice_Stone_Bundle Name: Ice Stone Bundle Type: Usable Weight: 250 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ICE_STONE_BUNDLE); - Id: 100185 AegisName: Wind_Stone_Bundle Name: Wind Stone Bundle Type: Usable Weight: 250 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_WIND_STONE_BUNDLE); - Id: 100186 AegisName: Shadow_Orb_Bundle Name: Shadow Orb Bundle Type: Usable Weight: 250 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SHADOW_ORB_BUNDLE); - Id: 100187 AegisName: Charm_Fire_Bundle Name: Fire Charm Bundle Type: Usable Weight: 250 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CHARM_FIRE_BUNDLE); - Id: 100188 AegisName: Charm_Ice_Bundle Name: Ice Charm Bundle Type: Usable Weight: 250 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CHARM_ICE_BUNDLE); - Id: 100189 AegisName: Charm_Wind_Bundle Name: Wind Charm Bundle Type: Usable Weight: 250 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CHARM_WIND_BUNDLE); - Id: 100190 AegisName: Charm_Earth_Bundle Name: Earth Charm Bundle Type: Usable Weight: 250 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CHARM_EARTH_BUNDLE); - Id: 100191 AegisName: Kunai_Scroll_Explosive Name: Explosive Kunai Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 250 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_KUNAI_SCROLL_EXPLOSIVE); - Id: 100192 AegisName: Gemstone_Blue Name: Blue Gemstone Pouch Type: Usable Weight: 250 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_GEMSTONE_BLUE); - Id: 100193 AegisName: Gemstone_YL Name: Yellow Gemstone Pouch Type: Usable Weight: 250 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_GEMSTONE_YL); - Id: 100194 AegisName: Gemstone_Red Name: Red Gemstone Pouch Type: Usable Weight: 250 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_GEMSTONE_RED); - Id: 100195 AegisName: Bullet_Case_Full Name: Full Metal Jacket Case Type: Usable Weight: 250 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BULLET_CASE_FULL); - Id: 100196 AegisName: Bullet_Case_Mine Name: Projectile Mine Case Type: Usable Weight: 250 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BULLET_CASE_MINE); - Id: 100197 AegisName: Bullet_Case_Tail Name: Dragon Tail Missile Case Type: Usable Weight: 250 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BULLET_CASE_TAIL); - Id: 100198 AegisName: Skill_Shadow_Cube Name: Skill Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SKILL_SHADOW_CUBE); - Id: 100202 AegisName: Enchant_Stone_Box20 Name: Costume Enchant Stone Box 20 Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Enchant_Stone_Box20); - Id: 100205 AegisName: Class_Sha_R_M_Melee Name: Class Shadow Spellbook (Melee) Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100206 AegisName: Class_Sha_R_M_Magic Name: Class Shadow Spellbook (Magic) Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100207 AegisName: Skill_Sha_R_M_Melee Name: Skill Shadow Spellbook (Melee) Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100208 AegisName: Skill_Sha_R_M_Magic Name: Skill Shadow Spellbook (Magic) Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100209 AegisName: Skill_Sha_M_S_Shield Name: Skill Shadow Shield Recipe Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 100210 AegisName: Skill_Sha_M_S_Pendant Name: Skill Shadow Pendant Recipe Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 100211 AegisName: Skill_Sha_M_S_Earing Name: Skill Shadow Earring Recipe Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 100212 AegisName: Skill_Sha_M_S_Shoes Name: Skill Shadow Shoes Recipe Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 100213 AegisName: Skill_Sha_M_S_Armor Name: Skill Shadow Armor Recipe Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 100214 AegisName: Shadowdecon_Ore_Box Name: Shadowdecon Gemstone Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SHADOWDECON_ORE_BOX); - Id: 100215 AegisName: Zelunium_Ore_Box Name: Rough Zelunium Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ZELUNIUM_ORE_BOX); - Id: 100231 AegisName: Ref_T_Potion Name: Golden X Type: Healing Buy: 10 Weight: 30 Script: | sc_start SC_REF_T_POTION,30000,0; - Id: 100232 AegisName: Add_Atk_Potion Name: Red Herb Activator Type: Healing Buy: 10 Weight: 30 Script: | sc_start SC_ADD_ATK_DAMAGE,500000,15; - Id: 100233 AegisName: Add_Matk_Potion Name: Blue Herb Activator Type: Healing Buy: 10 Weight: 30 Script: | sc_start SC_ADD_MATK_DAMAGE,500000,15; - Id: 100251 AegisName: Illu_Enhance_Cube Name: Illusion Reinforcement Cube Type: DelayConsume Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100252 AegisName: Auto_Enhance_Cube Name: Automatic Reinforcement Cube Type: DelayConsume Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100253 AegisName: Gstar2019Box Name: G STAR Event Box Type: Usable Weight: 100 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_GSTAR2019BOX); - Id: 100268 AegisName: Temporal_Refine_Cube Name: Temporal Equipment 11 Refine Cube Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100269 AegisName: Geffen_Refine_Cube Name: Geffen Magic Tournament 12 Refine Cube Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100270 AegisName: Old_Refine_Cube Name: Fallen Warrior's Headgear 12 Refine Cube Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100271 AegisName: Refine_Hero_Weapon Name: Ancient Hero Weapon 9 Refine Permission Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100272 AegisName: Refine_Hero_Boots Name: Ancient Hero Boots 9 Refine Permission Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100273 AegisName: Remodel_Hero_Boots Name: Ancient Hero Boots Modification Cube Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 100274 AegisName: Oriental_Sword_Cube Name: Oriental Sword Modification Cube Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 100275 AegisName: Dragonic_Slayer_Cube Name: Dragonic Slayer Modification Cube Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 100276 AegisName: Shiver_Katar_K_Cube Name: Shiver Katar Modification Cube Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 100277 AegisName: Blade_Katar_Cube Name: Blade Katar Modification Cube Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 100314 AegisName: Enchant_Stone_Box21 Name: Costume Enchant Stone Box 21 Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Enchant_Stone_Box21); - Id: 100316 AegisName: G_Tyrs_Blessing Name: True Tyr's Blessing Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | sc_start SC_FLEEFOOD,3600000,30; sc_start SC_HITFOOD,3600000,30; sc_start SC_ATKPOTION,3600000,20; sc_start SC_MATKPOTION,3600000,20; sc_start SC_SPEEDUP0,600000,25; - Id: 100317 AegisName: G_Mental_Potion Name: True Mental Potion Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_SPELLBREAKER; sc_start SC_MENTAL_POTION,3600000,10; sc_start SC_SPEEDUP0,600000,25; - Id: 100319 AegisName: Exotic_Bob_Box Name: Himelmez's Wig Box Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_EXOTIC_BOB_BOX); - Id: 100321 AegisName: OS_Weapon_Refine_Cube Name: OS Weapon +11 Refinement Cube Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100322 AegisName: Racecap_Refine_Cube Name: Racing Cap +11 Refinement Cube Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100323 AegisName: Runeknight_S_Cube Name: Rune Knight Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_RUNEKNIGHT_S_CUBE); - Id: 100324 AegisName: Guillotinecross_S_Cube Name: Guillotine Cross Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_GUILLOTINECROSS_S_CUBE); - Id: 100325 AegisName: Archbishop_S_Cube Name: Archbishop Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ARCHBISHOP_S_CUBE); - Id: 100326 AegisName: Sura_S_Cube Name: Sura Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SURA_S_CUBE); - Id: 100327 AegisName: Sword_Of_Bluefire_Cube Name: Red Lotus Sword Remodeling Cube Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 100328 AegisName: Slate_Sword_Cube Name: Slate Sword Remodeling Cube Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 100329 AegisName: Narcis_Bow_Cube Name: Narcissus Bow Remodeling Cube Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 100330 AegisName: Trumpet_Shell_K_Cube Name: Trumpet Shell Remodeling Cube Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 100331 AegisName: Barb_Wire_K_Cube Name: Barbed Wire Whip Remodeling Cube Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 100332 AegisName: 2019_Chrismas_Present Name: Chrismas Gift Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_2019_CHRISMAS_PRESENT); - Id: 100333 AegisName: E_Infinity_Drink Name: "[Not For Sale] Infinity Drink" Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_POTION_BERSERK; sc_start SC_INFINITY_DRINK,1800000,0; - Id: 100335 AegisName: Booster_Pack_190 Name: Booster Pack(190) Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 190 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BOOSTER_PACK_190); - Id: 100336 AegisName: Booster_Pack_200 Name: Booster Pack(200) Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 200 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BOOSTER_PACK_200); - Id: 100337 AegisName: Booster_Call Name: Booster Call Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | /* TODO */ - Id: 100338 AegisName: Booster_W_Up_1 Name: Booster Weapon Phase 1 Upgrade Package Type: DelayConsume Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100339 AegisName: Booster_W_Up_2 Name: Booster Weapon Phase 2 Upgrade Package Type: DelayConsume Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100340 AegisName: Booster_W_Up_3 Name: Booster Weapon Upgrade Package Type: DelayConsume EquipLevelMin: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100341 AegisName: E_ILL_Up Name: Illusion (Bound) Upgrade Package Type: DelayConsume EquipLevelMin: 130 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100342 AegisName: Exp_Up_1 Name: Growth Potion (Small) Type: Usable EquipLevelMax: 50 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getexp2 1650,0; - Id: 100343 AegisName: Exp_Up_2 Name: Growth Potion (Medium) Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 50 EquipLevelMax: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getexp2 4060,0; - Id: 100344 AegisName: Exp_Up_3 Name: Growth Potion (Advanced) # !todo check english name Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 100 EquipLevelMax: 160 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getexp2 127280,0; - Id: 100345 AegisName: Exp_Up_4 Name: Growth Potion(Superior) Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 160 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getexp2 9736480,0; - Id: 100346 AegisName: Jexp_Up_1 Name: Job Potion (Small) Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | /* TODO */ - Id: 100347 AegisName: 2020_Goal_Gift_Box Name: 2021 Booster Goal Achievement Gift Box Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_2020_GOAL_GIFT_BOX); - Id: 100351 AegisName: Core_Battle_Manual Name: Core Combat Manual Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_EXPBOOST,900000,100; - Id: 100352 AegisName: Real_Battle_Manual Name: Real Combat Manual Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | sc_start SC_EXPBOOST,3600000,100; sc_start SC_SPEEDUP0,600000,25; - Id: 100354 AegisName: Auto_Armor_Refine_Cube Name: Automatic Armor +11 Refinement Cube Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100355 AegisName: Bio_Weapon_Refine_Cube Name: Bio Lab Weapon +11 Refinement Cube Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100356 AegisName: Ranger_S_Cube Name: Ranger Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_RANGER_S_CUBE); - Id: 100357 AegisName: Warlock_S_Cube Name: Warlock Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_WARLOCK_S_CUBE); - Id: 100358 AegisName: Sorcerer_S_Cube Name: Sorcerer Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SORCERER_S_CUBE); - Id: 100359 AegisName: WanderMins_S_Cube Name: Minstrel Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_WANDERMINS_S_CUBE); - Id: 100360 AegisName: Avenger_Cube Name: Avenger Remodeling Cube Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 100361 AegisName: Meteor_Striker_Cube Name: Meteor Striker Remodeling Cube Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 100362 AegisName: Magic_Sword_Cube Name: Mado Sword Remodeling Cube Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 100363 AegisName: Fatalist_Cube Name: Fatalist Remodeling Cube Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 100365 AegisName: MD_Geffen_Rarmor Name: MD Geffen Refine Armor Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100366 AegisName: MD_Geffen_Rhood Name: MD Geffen Refine Hood Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100367 AegisName: MD_Geffen_Racc Name: MD Geffen Refine Accessory Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100368 AegisName: MD_Geffen_Rsheild Name: MD Geffen Refine Shield Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100371 AegisName: Homun_F_Tablet Name: Homunculus Nutritional Supplement Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | addhomintimacy 100; // !TODO: Confirm increase amount - Id: 100372 AegisName: RoyalGuard_S_Cube Name: Royal Guard Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ROYALGUARD_S_CUBE); - Id: 100373 AegisName: ShadowChaser_S_Cube Name: Shadow Chaser Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SHADOWCHASER_S_CUBE); - Id: 100374 AegisName: Mechanic_S_Cube Name: Mechanic Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_MECHANIC_S_CUBE); - Id: 100375 AegisName: Genetic_S_Cube Name: Genetic Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_GENETIC_S_CUBE); - Id: 100376 AegisName: Royal_Bow_K_Cube Name: Royal Bow Remodeling Cube Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 100377 AegisName: Scalet_Dragon_L_Cube Name: Scarlet Dragon Leather Bow Remodeling Cube Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 100378 AegisName: Shadow_Staff_K_Cube Name: Shadow Staff Remodeling Cube Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 100379 AegisName: Freezing_Rod_Cube Name: Chilling Cane Remodeling Cube Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 100381 AegisName: 3Lv_9Refine_Weapon_7Gu Name: +9 Lv3 Weapon Refine Permission Exchange Hammer Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 100382 AegisName: 3Lv_10Refine_Weapon_8Gu Name: +10 Lv3 Weapon Refine Permission Exchange Hammer Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 100383 AegisName: 3Lv_11Refine_Weapon_9Gu Name: +11 Lv3 Weapon Refine Permission Exchange Hammer Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 100384 AegisName: 3Lv_12Refine_Weapon_10G Name: +12 Lv3 Weapon Refine Permission Exchange Hammer Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 100385 AegisName: 4Lv_9Refine_Weapon_8Gu Name: +9 Lv4 Weapon Refine Permission Exchange Hammer Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 100386 AegisName: 4Lv_10Refine_Weapon_9Gu Name: +10 Lv4 Weapon Refine Permission Exchange Hammer Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 100387 AegisName: 4Lv_11Refine_Weapon_10G Name: +11 Lv4 Weapon Refine Permission Exchange Hammer Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 100388 AegisName: Iron_Nail_K_Cube Name: Iron Nail Remodeling Cube Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 100390 AegisName: Ray_Knuckle_Cube Name: Ray Knuckle Remodeling Cube Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 100391 AegisName: Moonlight_Box_IL Name: Moonlight Refine Box Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100392 AegisName: S_Moonlight_Box_IL Name: Special Moonlight Refine Box Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100393 AegisName: Undine_Spear_K_Cube Name: Aquatic Spear Remodeling Cube Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 100394 AegisName: Light_Blade_Cube Name: Light Blade Remodeling Cube Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 100395 AegisName: Iron_Staff_Cube Name: Iron Staff Remodeling Cube Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 100396 AegisName: Blue_Crystal_Staff_Cube Name: Blue Crystal Staff Remodeling Cube Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 100397 AegisName: Demon_Hunt_Bible_Cube Name: Exorcist's Bible Remodeling Cube Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 100398 AegisName: Saint_Hall_Cube Name: Saint Scepter Remodeling Cube Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 100399 AegisName: MeawFoxtail_Cube Name: Meowmeow Foxtail Remodeling Cube Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 100400 AegisName: Fog_Dew_Sword_Cube Name: Kiri no Tsuyu Remodeling Cube Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 100401 AegisName: Humma_Clear_Cube Name: Clarity Huuma Shuriken Remodeling Cube Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 100402 AegisName: OneSkyOneSun_Cube Name: Thousand Sun Modification Cube Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 100403 AegisName: SoulWeight_Cube Name: Spirit Pendulum Modification Cube Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 100404 AegisName: Crimson_Rose_Cube Name: Crimson Rose Modification Cube Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 100405 AegisName: Master_Soul_Rifle_Cube Name: Master Soul Rifle Modification Cube Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 100406 AegisName: Golden_L_Launcher_Cube Name: Golden Lord Launcher Modification Cube Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 100407 AegisName: The_Black_Gatling_Cube Name: The Black Modification Cube Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 100408 AegisName: Demon_S_Shot_Cube Name: Demon Slayer Shot Modification Cube Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 100412 AegisName: Great_Hero_Bravery Name: Great Hero's Bravery Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100413 AegisName: Great_Hero_Wisdom Name: Great Hero's Wisdom Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100414 AegisName: Vampire_Box_IL Name: Vampire Refine Box Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100415 AegisName: S_Vampire_Box_IL Name: Special Vampire Refine Box Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100416 AegisName: S_Frozen_Box_IL Name: Special Frozen Refine Box Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100417 AegisName: Turtle_Is_Box_IL Name: Turtle Island Refine Box Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100418 AegisName: S_Turtle_Is_Box_IL Name: Special Turtle Island Refine Box Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100419 AegisName: Teddy_Bear_Box_IL Name: Teddy Bear Refine Box Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100420 AegisName: S_Teddy_Bear_Box_IL Name: Special Teddy Bear Refine Box Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100421 AegisName: Luanda_Box_IL Name: Luanda Refine Box Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100422 AegisName: S_Luanda_Box_IL Name: Special Luanda Refine Box Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100423 AegisName: Labyrinth_Box_IL Name: Labyrinth Refine Box Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100424 AegisName: S_Teddy_Labyrinth_IL Name: Special Labyrinth Refine Box Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100425 AegisName: Underwater_Box_IL Name: Underwater Refine Box Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100426 AegisName: S_Underwater_Box_IL Name: Special Underwater Refine Box Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100428 AegisName: Signon_Prin_Wave_Box Name: Costume Signon Princess Wave Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SIGNON_PRIN_WAVE_BOX); - Id: 100433 AegisName: EnchantStone_Recipe_3m Name: March Costume Enchant Stone Thump Box Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 100436 AegisName: Circlet_Refine_Cube Name: Temporal Circlet +11 Refine Cube Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100437 AegisName: Hero_Weapon_Cube Name: Ancient Heros Weapon Modification Cube Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_HERO_WEAPON_CUBE); - Id: 100442 AegisName: New_S_Weapon_Cube Name: New Shadow Weapon Cube Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_NEW_S_WEAPON_CUBE); - Id: 100443 AegisName: New_S_Shield_Cube Name: New Shadow Shield Cube Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_NEW_S_SHIELD_CUBE); - Id: 100444 AegisName: New_S_Armor_Cube Name: New Shadow Armor Cube Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_NEW_S_ARMOR_CUBE); - Id: 100445 AegisName: New_S_Shoes_Cube Name: New Shadow Shoes Cube Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_NEW_S_SHOES_CUBE); - Id: 100446 AegisName: New_S_Earring_Cube Name: New Shadow Earring Cube Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_NEW_S_EARRING_CUBE); - Id: 100447 AegisName: New_S_Pendant_Cube Name: New Shadow Pendant Cube Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_NEW_S_PENDANT_CUBE); - Id: 100452 AegisName: Minus_Pow Name: POW Reduction Potion Type: DelayConsume Buy: 10 Script: | callfunc "F_CashReduceTraitStat",bPow,-1,100452; - Id: 100453 AegisName: Minus_Spl Name: SPL Reduction Potion Type: DelayConsume Buy: 10 Script: | callfunc "F_CashReduceTraitStat",bSpl,-1,100453; - Id: 100454 AegisName: Minus_Sta Name: STA Reduction Potion Type: DelayConsume Buy: 10 Script: | callfunc "F_CashReduceTraitStat",bSta,-1,100454; - Id: 100455 AegisName: Minus_Wis Name: WIS Reduction Potion Type: DelayConsume Buy: 10 Script: | callfunc "F_CashReduceTraitStat",bWis,-1,100455; - Id: 100456 AegisName: Minus_Con Name: CON Reduction Potion Type: DelayConsume Buy: 10 Script: | callfunc "F_CashReduceTraitStat",bCon,-1,100456; - Id: 100457 AegisName: Minus_Crt Name: CRT Reduction Potion Type: DelayConsume Buy: 10 Script: | callfunc "F_CashReduceTraitStat",bCrt,-1,100457; - Id: 100460 AegisName: MD_Airboat_Bexp Name: Purified Growth Elixier Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 200 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 100462 AegisName: MD_Airboat_Reward Name: Contaminated Card Book Type: Usable Weight: 15 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_MD_AIRBOAT_REWARD); - Id: 100465 AegisName: Stone_Robe_Box Name: 3rd/Expanded Stone (Garment) Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_THIRD_JOB_STONE_GARMENT_BOX); - Id: 100466 AegisName: Egir_Power_Box Name: Aegir's Power Box Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100467 AegisName: Egir_Magic_Box Name: Aegir's Magical Power Box Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100468 AegisName: Egirnion_Box Name: Aegirnian Box Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 100469 AegisName: OS_Helm_Box Name: OS Weapon Helmet Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_OS_HELM_BOX); - Id: 100470 AegisName: Famous_Hat_Box Name: Variety Hat Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_FAMOUS_HAT_BOX); - Id: 100475 AegisName: MD_Airboat_Expbox Name: Purple Special Storage Device Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_MD_AIRBOAT_EXPBOX); - Id: 100476 AegisName: MD_Airboat_Random Name: Ymir Beads Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100477 AegisName: Poenetentia_Box1 Name: Poenitentia Gladius Set Box Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_POENETENTIA_BOX1); - Id: 100478 AegisName: Poenetentia_Box2 Name: Poenitentia Asta Set Box Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_POENETENTIA_BOX2); - Id: 100479 AegisName: Sakray_Fury Name: Sakrai's Wraith Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100480 AegisName: Sakray_Fury2 Name: Condensed Sakrai's Wrath Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100481 AegisName: Overclocker Name: Battle Processor Accelerator Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100485 AegisName: Sakray_Regret Name: Sakrai's Regret Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100486 AegisName: Sakray_Regret2 Name: Condensed Sakrai's Regret Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100487 AegisName: Loki_Coin_2 Name: Tiara's Loss Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100488 AegisName: Loki_Advice_2 Name: Condensed Tiara's Loss Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100495 AegisName: Stone_Robe2_Box Name: 3rd/Expanded Stone II (Garment) Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_THIRD_JOB_STONE_GARMENT_BOX2); - Id: 100496 AegisName: Stone_Top_Box Name: Rebirth/Expanded Stone (Top) Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_THIRD_JOB_STONE_TOP_BOX); - Id: 100497 AegisName: Stone_Top2_Box Name: Rebirth/Expanded Stone II (Top) Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_THIRD_JOB_STONE_TOP_BOX2); - Id: 100498 AegisName: Stone_Middle_Box Name: Rebirth/Expanded Stone (Middle) Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_THIRD_JOB_STONE_MIDDLE_BOX); - Id: 100499 AegisName: Stone_Middle2_Box Name: Rebirth/Expanded Stone II (Middle) Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_THIRD_JOB_STONE_MIDDLE_BOX2); - Id: 100500 AegisName: Stone_Bottom_Box Name: Rebirth/Expanded Stone (Bottom) Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_THIRD_JOB_STONE_BOTTOM_BOX); - Id: 100501 AegisName: Stone_Bottom2_Box Name: Rebirth/Expanded Stone II (Bottom) Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_THIRD_JOB_STONE_BOTTOM_BOX2); - Id: 100502 AegisName: Enchant_Stone_Box22 Name: Costume Enchant Stone Box 22 Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Enchant_Stone_Box22); - Id: 100508 AegisName: Exp_Up_1_S Name: Special Growth Potion (Lower) Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 35 EquipLevelMax: 50 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 100509 AegisName: Exp_Up_2_S Name: Special Growth Potion (Intermediate) Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 85 EquipLevelMax: 99 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 100510 AegisName: Exp_Up_3_S Name: Special Growth Potion (Advanced) Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 130 EquipLevelMax: 160 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 100511 AegisName: Exp_Up_4_S Name: Special Growth Potion (Superior) Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 175 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 100512 AegisName: Ex_Skill_Shadow_Cube Name: Extended Class Skill Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_EX_SKILL_SHADOW_CUBE); - Id: 100515 AegisName: Cachua_Costume_Box Name: Kachua's Costume Box Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CACHUA_COSTUME_BOX); - Id: 100516 AegisName: Eye_Cleaner Name: Eye Cleaner Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Script: | sc_end SC_HANDICAPSTATE_DEEPBLIND; - Id: 100517 AegisName: Ear_Cleaner Name: Ear Cleaner Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Script: | sc_end SC_HANDICAPSTATE_DEEPSILENCE; - Id: 100518 AegisName: Tonics Name: Tonics Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Script: | sc_end SC_HANDICAPSTATE_LASSITUDE; - Id: 100519 AegisName: Mini_Extinguisher Name: Mini Extinguisher Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Script: | sc_end SC_HANDICAPSTATE_CONFLAGRATION; - Id: 100520 AegisName: Water_Of_Lucky Name: Water Of Lucky Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Script: | sc_end SC_HANDICAPSTATE_MISFORTUNE; - Id: 100521 AegisName: Strong_Antidote Name: Strong Antidote Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Script: | sc_end SC_HANDICAPSTATE_DEADLYPOISON; - Id: 100522 AegisName: High_Energy_Chocolate Name: High Energy Chocolate Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Script: | sc_end SC_HANDICAPSTATE_DEPRESSION; - Id: 100523 AegisName: Refined_Holy_Water Name: Refined Holy Water Type: Healing Buy: 20 Weight: 50 Script: | sc_end SC_HANDICAPSTATE_HOLYFLAME; - Id: 100534 AegisName: Kr_B_Special03 Name: 18th Anniversary Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_KR_B_SPECIAL03); - Id: 100537 AegisName: Class_Shadow_WP_Cube Name: Class Weapon Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CLASS_SHADOW_WP_CUBE); - Id: 100538 AegisName: Class_Shadow_AM_Cube Name: Class Armor Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CLASS_SHADOW_AM_CUBE); - Id: 100539 AegisName: Class_Shadow_SU_Cube Name: Class Shoes Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CLASS_SHADOW_SU_CUBE); - Id: 100540 AegisName: Class_Shadow_SD_Cube Name: Class Shield Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CLASS_SHADOW_SD_CUBE); - Id: 100541 AegisName: Class_Shadow_PD_Cube Name: Class Pendant Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CLASS_SHADOW_PD_CUBE); - Id: 100542 AegisName: Class_Shadow_EA_Cube Name: Class Earring Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CLASS_SHADOW_EA_CUBE); - Id: 100547 AegisName: BioWeapon_Helm_Box Name: Biological Lab Helmet Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BIOWEAPON_HELM_BOX); - Id: 100553 AegisName: Tree_Of_Sprout_Box Name: Young Leaf Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_TREE_OF_SPROUT_BOX); - Id: 100569 AegisName: Special_Costume_Box Name: Special Costume Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SPECIAL_COSTUME_BOX); - Id: 100570 AegisName: Special_Costume_Box_ Name: Special Costume Box+ Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SPECIAL_COSTUME_BOX_); - Id: 100572 AegisName: FullPeneShadow_Mix Name: Full Penetration Shadow Thump Box Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 100573 AegisName: Rag_Inven_Box Name: Ragnarok Inven Event Support Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_RAG_INVEN_BOX); - Id: 100574 AegisName: AID_Manual_1h Name: Premium Expierence Pass (1 Hour) Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 100575 AegisName: AID_Bubble_Gum_1h Name: Premium Drop Rate Pass (1 Hour) Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 100576 AegisName: AID_Insurance_1h Name: Premium Death Penalty Reduction Pass (1 Hour) Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 100577 AegisName: AID_Special_1h Name: Premium Special Offer Pass (1 Hour) Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 100579 AegisName: PendantStoneForWork Name: Pendant Gemstone of Force Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 100580 AegisName: Dark_Stone Name: Dark Stone Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100585 AegisName: Thanatos_Pendant_Box Name: Thanatos Necklace Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_THANATOS_PENDANT_BOX); - Id: 100591 AegisName: Thanos_W_Reform_1 Name: Thanos Weapon Reform Cube (Lower) Type: DelayConsume Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 100592 AegisName: Thanos_W_Reform_2 Name: Thanos Weapon Reform Cube (Middle) Type: DelayConsume Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 100596 AegisName: FullTempShadow_Mix Name: Full Tempest Shadow Thump Box Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 100600 AegisName: Shadow_Mix_Recipe2 Name: New Shadow Thump Box Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 100601 AegisName: Illusion_Module_Mix Name: Illusion Module Thump Box Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 100602 AegisName: Automatic_Module_Mix Name: Automatic Module Thump Box Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 100603 AegisName: Lapine_DdukddakBox3 Name: New Lapine Thump Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LAPINE_DDUKDDAKBOX3); - Id: 100616 AegisName: Auction_Promotion Name: Donation Participaton Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_AUCTION_PROMOTION); - Id: 100619 AegisName: Thanos_Refine_Hammer Name: Modified Thanos Refinement Hammer Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 100620 AegisName: True_GemShadow_Mix Name: True Gemstone Shadow Thump Box Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 100621 AegisName: Mammoth_Mix Name: Maximum Mammonth Shadow Thump Box Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 100623 AegisName: Shadow_Mix_Recipe_TH Name: Lapine Box (Shadow) Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | /* laphine_synthesis(); */ - Id: 100626 AegisName: GrayWolf_7_Ticket Name: Gray Wolf +7 Refinement Box Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100627 AegisName: GrayWolf_9_Ticket Name: Gray Wolf +9 Refinement Box Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100648 AegisName: Consecrate_Weapon_1 Name: Purification Ritual Type: DelayConsume Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 100649 AegisName: Consecrate_Weapon_2 Name: Advanced Purification Ritual Type: DelayConsume Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 100650 AegisName: Pontifex_Courage Name: Pontifex Courage Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 EquipLevelMin: 180 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100651 AegisName: Pontifex_Wisdom Name: Pontifex Wisdom Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 EquipLevelMin: 180 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100652 AegisName: Pontifex_Tenacity Name: Pontifex Tenacity Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 EquipLevelMin: 180 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100653 AegisName: Pontifex_Belief Name: Pontifex Belief Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 EquipLevelMin: 180 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100655 AegisName: Blue_Prints_Scroll Name: Cleansing Blueprint Bundle Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BLUE_PRINTS_SCROLL); - Id: 100661 AegisName: EXPShadow_Mix Name: Experience Shadow Thump Box Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 100684 AegisName: Bio_Helm_Refine_Cube Name: Biological Lab Helmet +11 Refinement Cube Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100690 AegisName: Material_Shadow_CubeII Name: Material Shadow Cube II Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_MATERIAL_SHADOW_CUBEII); - Id: 100691 AegisName: AbsorbShadow_Mix Name: Absolve Shadow Thump Box Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 100694 AegisName: C_Armor_Reform_1 Name: Armor Modification Box (Lower) Type: DelayConsume Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 100695 AegisName: C_Armor_Reform_2 Name: Armor Modification Box (Middle) Type: DelayConsume Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 100699 AegisName: Twins_Box_IL Name: Twins Refinement Box Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100700 AegisName: S_Twins_Box_IL Name: Special Twins Refinement Box Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100706 AegisName: Ancient_Hero_Will Name: Will of Ancient Hero Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ANCIENT_HERO_WILL); - Id: 100707 AegisName: Mammoth_Shadow_Box Name: Mammoth Shadow Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_MAMMOTH_SHADOW_BOX); - Id: 100708 AegisName: Shadow_R_M_Box Name: Shadow Spellbook Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SHADOW_R_M_BOX); - Id: 100709 AegisName: All_Shadow_Cube Name: All Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ALL_SHADOW_CUBE); - Id: 100710 AegisName: EXP_Overclocker Name: EXP Overclocker Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100717 AegisName: Fluffy_Semi_Long_Box Name: Semi-Long Costume Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_FLUFFY_SEMI_LONG_BOX); - Id: 100721 AegisName: Enchant_Stone_Box23 Name: Costume Enchant Stone Box 23 Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Enchant_Stone_Box23); - Id: 100722 AegisName: Booster_RandomOpt_P Name: Booster Modification Stone(Physical) Type: DelayConsume Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100723 AegisName: Booster_RandomOpt_M Name: Booster Modification Stone(Magical) Type: DelayConsume Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100724 AegisName: Spring_Energy Name: Spring Energy Type: Usable # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 100726 AegisName: Booster_Pack_215 Name: Booster Pack(215) Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 215 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BOOSTER_PACK_215); - Id: 100727 AegisName: Booster_Pack_230 Name: Booster Pack(230) Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 230 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BOOSTER_PACK_230); - Id: 100728 AegisName: AngelPoringJewel_Box Name: Angel Poring Boots Stone Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ANGELPORINGJEWEL_BOX); - Id: 100742 AegisName: Up_Hero_Weapon_Box Name: Awakened Ancient Heros Weapon Box Type: Usable Weight: 2000 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_UP_HERO_WEAPON_BOX); - Id: 100744 AegisName: Hero_LT_Refine_Melee Name: Hero's Weapon Modifier(Physical) Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100745 AegisName: Hero_LT_Refine_Magic Name: Hero's Weapon Modifier(Magical) Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100746 AegisName: C_Weapon_Reform_1 Name: Weapon Modification Box (Lower) Type: DelayConsume Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 100747 AegisName: C_Weapon_Reform_2 Name: Weapon Modification Box (Middle) Type: DelayConsume Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 100748 AegisName: C_Weapon_Reform_3 Name: Weapon Modification Box (Upper) Type: DelayConsume Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 100750 AegisName: High_Refine_Guarantee Name: Advanced Refining Certificate Envelope Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_HIGH_REFINE_GUARANTEE); - Id: 100751 AegisName: Refine_Guarantee Name: Refining Certificate Envelope Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_REFINE_GUARANTEE); - Id: 100752 AegisName: Special_Refine_Cube Name: Special Refinement Cube Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SPECIAL_REFINE_CUBE); - Id: 100753 AegisName: Hero_Equipment_Cube Name: Ancient Hero's Release Cube Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 100754 AegisName: Kr_B_Special04 Name: Brilliant Soda Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_KR_B_SPECIAL04); - Id: 100783 AegisName: MajorAutoSpell_Mix Name: Auto Spell Shadow Thump Box Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 100784 AegisName: Shadow_Changer_W_Shi Name: Shadow Changer (Weapon→Shield) Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 100785 AegisName: AutoSpell_Shadow_Box Name: Auto Spell Shadow Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_AUTOSPELL_SHADOW_BOX); - Id: 100786 AegisName: C_Armor_Reform_3 Name: Armor Modification Box (Upper) Type: DelayConsume Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 100796 AegisName: Darkness_Bible Name: Dark Bible Type: Usable Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | pet 1198; - Id: 100810 AegisName: BroadcastBox_ Name: Broadcast Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BROADCASTBOX_); - Id: 100816 AegisName: Summer_Energy Name: Summer Vibes Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 100817 AegisName: Thanos_Upgrade_Box Name: Thanos Upgrade Box Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 100819 AegisName: Hero_Weapon_Up_Box_1 Name: Hero's Weapon Modification Box I Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 100820 AegisName: Hero_Weapon_Up_Box_2 Name: Hero's Weapon Modification Box II Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 100821 AegisName: Hero_Weapon_Hammer_1 Name: Modified Hero's Weapon Refinement Hammer I Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 100822 AegisName: Hero_Weapon_Hammer_2 Name: Modified Hero's Weapon Refinement Hammer II Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 100823 AegisName: Lens_Craft_Stone Name: Lens Craft Stone Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 100829 AegisName: Farfalle Name: Farfalle Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 100830 AegisName: Cream_Noodle2 Name: Creamy Shrimp Pasta Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 100831 AegisName: Festival_Noodle2 Name: Feast Noodles Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 100832 AegisName: Tamato_Noodle2 Name: Tomato Noodles Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 100833 AegisName: Oil_Noodle Name: Soy Sauce Bibim Noodles Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 200 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 100834 AegisName: Hero_Weapon_Up_Box_3 Name: Hero's Weapon Modification Box III Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 100835 AegisName: Hero_Weapon_Hammer_3 Name: Modified Hero's Weapon Refinement Hammer III Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 100848 AegisName: Watermelon_Pudding_J Name: Watermelon Pudding # !todo check english name Type: Healing Weight: 30 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | percentheal 3,3; specialeffect2 999; specialeffect2 572; /* TODO check effect */ - Id: 100870 AegisName: S_Enchant_Stone_Box Name: Special Costume Enchant Stone Box Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_ENCHANT_STONE_BOX); - Id: 100874 AegisName: C_Giant_Fly_1Day_Box__ Name: Infinite Giant Fly Wings Daily Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_GIANT_FLY_1DAY_BOX__); - Id: 100875 AegisName: C_Wing_Of_Fly_3Day_B__ Name: ?nfinite Fly Wings Box (3 Days) Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_WING_OF_FLY_3DAY_B__); - Id: 100880 AegisName: S_Piercing_Box Name: Piercing Shadow Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getitem callfunc("F_Rand",24157,24163,24164,24156,24160,24159,24165,24161,24162,24158),1; - Id: 100886 AegisName: PhyMag_Shadow_Box Name: Physical Magical Shadow Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_PHYMAG_SHADOW_BOX); - Id: 100887 AegisName: MagicalShadow_Mix Name: Clever Shadow Thump Box Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 100888 AegisName: PhysicalShadow_Mix Name: Durable Shadow Pick-Up Box Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 100890 AegisName: Shadow_Changer_A_W Name: Shadow Changer (Armor→Weapon) Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 100900 AegisName: Teleport_Ep19_01 Name: Ice Castle Transport Wing Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | warp "icas_in",175,63; - Id: 100901 AegisName: Teleport_Ep18_01 Name: Gray Wolf Village Transport Wing Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | warp "wolfvill",164,141; - Id: 100902 AegisName: Teleport_Ep17_02 Name: Barmund Mansion Transport Wing Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | warp "ba_in",87,389; - Id: 100903 AegisName: Teleport_Ep17_01 Name: Border Area Cor Transport Wing Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | warp "sp_cor",152,158; - Id: 100904 AegisName: Teleport_Ep16_01 Name: Military Base Transport Wing Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | warp "rebel_in",100,40; - Id: 100906 AegisName: E_All_In_One_Buff Name: "[Not For Sale] 21st Anniversary All in One Potion" Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_POTION_BERSERK; sc_start2 SC_S_LIFEPOTION,3600000,-5,5; sc_start2 SC_L_LIFEPOTION,3600000,-7,4; sc_start2 SC_M_LIFEPOTION,3600000,-4,3; sc_start2 SC_M_DEFSCROLL,3600000,500,200; sc_start2 SC_S_MANAPOTION,3600000,-5,5; sc_start SC_ALMIGHTY,3600000,10; sc_start SC_INFINITY_DRINK,3600000,0; sc_start SC_FOOD_STR_CASH,3600000,20; sc_start SC_FOOD_AGI_CASH,3600000,20; sc_start SC_FOOD_VIT_CASH,3600000,20; sc_start SC_FOOD_INT_CASH,3600000,20; sc_start SC_FOOD_DEX_CASH,3600000,20; sc_start SC_FOOD_LUK_CASH,3600000,20; sc_start SC_FLEEFOOD,3600000,30; sc_start SC_HITFOOD,3600000,30; sc_start SC_ATKPOTION,3600000,20; sc_start SC_MATKPOTION,3600000,20; sc_start SC_LIMIT_POWER_BOOSTER,3600000,30; sc_start SC_SPEEDUP0,3600000,25; - Id: 100908 AegisName: S_M_Piercing_Box Name: Magic Piercing Shadow Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getitem callfunc("F_Rand",24177,24171,24178,24170,24174,24173,24179,24175,24176,24172),1; - Id: 100910 AegisName: S_Dual_Stone_Box Name: Special Dual Enchant Stone Box Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_DUAL_STONE_BOX); - Id: 100911 AegisName: S_Costume_Box Name: Special Outfit Package Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_COSTUME_BOX); - Id: 100913 AegisName: EXP_Drop_Up_7days Name: Kafra Buff(7 Days) Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_PERIOD_RECEIVEITEM_2ND,604800000,50; sc_start SC_PERIOD_PLUSEXP_2ND,604800000,50; - Id: 100914 AegisName: EXP_Drop_Up_1Hours Name: Kafra Buff(1 Hour) Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_PERIOD_RECEIVEITEM_2ND,86400000,50; sc_start SC_PERIOD_PLUSEXP_2ND,86400000,50; - Id: 100917 AegisName: Hero_Weapon_Hammer_4 Name: Modified Hero's Weapon Refinement Hammer IV Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 100918 AegisName: Hero_Weapon_Up_Box_4 Name: Hero's Weapon Modification Box IV Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 100920 AegisName: Enchant_Stone_Box24 Name: Costume Enchant Stone Box 24 Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Enchant_Stone_Box24); - Id: 100929 AegisName: GM_Lost_Bagpack Name: GM Bigfoot Bag Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_GM_LOST_BAGPACK); - Id: 100933 AegisName: E_Potion_Box Name: "[Gift] Potion Box" Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_E_POTION_BOX); - Id: 100934 AegisName: Buff_Scroll_Box Name: "[Not For Sale] Buff Scroll Box" Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BUFF_SCROLL_BOX); - Id: 100938 AegisName: Hero_Weapon_Hammer_5 Name: Modified Hero's Weapon Refinement Hammer V Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 100939 AegisName: Hero_Weapon_Up_Box_5 Name: Hero's Weapon Modification Box V Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 100943 AegisName: Season_Evt_Reward_9 Name: Thanksgiving Package Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SEASON_EVT_REWARD_9); - Id: 100949 AegisName: EXP_Drop_Up_1day Name: "[Security Campaign] Kafra Buff(1 Day)" Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_PERIOD_RECEIVEITEM_2ND,86400000,50; sc_start SC_PERIOD_PLUSEXP_2ND,86400000,50; - Id: 100950 AegisName: Evt_RagFes_Box Name: Ragfest Commemorative Box Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_EVT_RAGFES_BOX); - Id: 100951 AegisName: S_Ignition_Cube Name: Ignition Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Ignition_Cube); - Id: 100952 AegisName: S_W_Breath_Cube Name: Cold Breath Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_W_Breath_Cube); - Id: 100954 AegisName: S_F_Breath_Cube Name: Fire Breath Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_F_Breath_Cube); - Id: 100955 AegisName: S_Sonic_Cube Name: Sonic Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Sonic_Cube); - Id: 100956 AegisName: S_Banish_Cannon_Cube Name: Vanishing Cannon Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Banish_Cannon_Cube); - Id: 100957 AegisName: S_Brand_Cube Name: Brand Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Brand_Cube); - Id: 100958 AegisName: S_Genesis_Cube Name: Genesis Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Genesis_Cube); - Id: 100959 AegisName: S_Chain_Press_Cube Name: Chain Press Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Chain_Press_Cube); - Id: 100960 AegisName: S_Strain_Cube Name: Strain Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Strain_Cube); - Id: 100961 AegisName: S_Jack_Cube Name: Jack Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Jack_Cube); - Id: 100962 AegisName: S_Chain_Cube Name: Chain Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Chain_Cube); - Id: 100963 AegisName: S_Crimson_Cube Name: Crimson Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Crimson_Cube); - Id: 100964 AegisName: S_Grave_Cube Name: Grave Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Grave_Cube); - Id: 100965 AegisName: S_Dust_Cube Name: Dust Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Dust_Cube); - Id: 100966 AegisName: S_Varetyr_Cube Name: Varetyr Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Varetyr_Cube); - Id: 100967 AegisName: S_Psychic_Cube Name: Psychic Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Psychic_Cube); - Id: 100968 AegisName: S_Vulcan_Cube Name: Vulcan Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Vulcan_Cube); - Id: 100969 AegisName: S_Boomerang_Cube Name: Boomerang Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Boomerang_Cube); - Id: 100970 AegisName: S_Arms_Cube Name: Arm Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Arms_Cube); - Id: 100971 AegisName: S_Tornado_Cube Name: Tornado Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Tornado_Cube); - Id: 100972 AegisName: S_Spore_Bomb_Cube Name: Spore Bomb Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Spore_Bomb_Cube); - Id: 100973 AegisName: S_Cannon_Cart_Cube Name: Cannon Cart Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Cannon_Cart_Cube); - Id: 100974 AegisName: S_Crazy_Cube Name: Crazy Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Crazy_Cube); - Id: 100975 AegisName: S_Cart_Tornado_Cube Name: Tornado Cart Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Cart_Tornado_Cube); - Id: 100976 AegisName: S_Duplelight_Cube Name: Duple Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Duplelight_Cube); - Id: 100977 AegisName: S_Magnus_Cube Name: Magnus Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Magnus_Cube); - Id: 100978 AegisName: S_Adoramus_Cube Name: Adora Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Adoramus_Cube); - Id: 100979 AegisName: S_Judex_Cube Name: Judex Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Judex_Cube); - Id: 100980 AegisName: S_Knucklearrow_Cube Name: Knuckle Arrow Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Knucklearrow_Cube); - Id: 100981 AegisName: S_Skynetblow_Cube Name: Sky Blow Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Skynetblow_Cube); - Id: 100982 AegisName: S_Rampage_Cube Name: Rampage Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Rampage_Cube); - Id: 100983 AegisName: S_TigerCannon_Cube Name: Tiger Cannon Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_TigerCannon_Cube); - Id: 100984 AegisName: S_Rolling_Cube Name: Rolling Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Rolling_Cube); - Id: 100985 AegisName: S_Ripper_Cube Name: Ripper Slasher Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Ripper_Cube); - Id: 100986 AegisName: S_Slash_Cube Name: Slash Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Slash_Cube); - Id: 100987 AegisName: S_Katar_Cube Name: Katar Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Katar_Cube); - Id: 100988 AegisName: S_Menace_Cube Name: Menace Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Menace_Cube); - Id: 100989 AegisName: S_Shadowspell_Cube Name: Shadow Spell Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Shadowspell_Cube); - Id: 100990 AegisName: S_Triangle_Cube Name: Triangle Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Triangle_Cube); - Id: 100991 AegisName: S_Paint_Cube Name: Feint Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Paint_Cube); - Id: 100992 AegisName: S_Shooting_Cube Name: Katar Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Shooting_Cube); - Id: 100994 AegisName: S_Arrow_Cube Name: Arrow Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Arrow_Cube); - Id: 100995 AegisName: S_Aimed_Cube Name: Aimed Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Aimed_Cube); - Id: 100996 AegisName: S_Cluster_Cube Name: Cluster Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Cluster_Cube); - Id: 100997 AegisName: S_Rainstorm_Cube Name: Rainstorm Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Rainstorm_Cube); - Id: 100998 AegisName: S_Metalic_Cube Name: Metallic Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Metalic_Cube); - Id: 100999 AegisName: S_Arrowvulcan_Cube Name: Arrow Vulcan Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Arrowvulcan_Cube); - Id: 101000 AegisName: S_Reverberation_Cube Name: Reverberation Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Reverberation_Cube); - Id: 101001 AegisName: S_Moonlight_Cube Name: Moonlight Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Moonlight_Cube); - Id: 101002 AegisName: S_Sunshine_Cube Name: Sunshine Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Sunshine_Cube); - Id: 101003 AegisName: S_Stardust_Cube Name: Stardust Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Stardust_Cube); - Id: 101004 AegisName: S_S_Cube Name: Es Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_S_Cube); - Id: 101005 AegisName: S_Evilcurse_Cube Name: Evil Curse Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Evilcurse_Cube); - Id: 101006 AegisName: S_Syuriken_Cube Name: Cross Shuriken Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Syuriken_Cube); - Id: 101007 AegisName: S_Kunai_Cube Name: Kunai Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Kunai_Cube); - Id: 101008 AegisName: S_Huusouka_Cube Name: Wind Spear Petal Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Huusouka_Cube); - Id: 101009 AegisName: S_Kamaenraku_Cube Name: First Exploding Draft Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Kamaenraku_Cube); - Id: 101010 AegisName: S_God_Hammer_Cube Name: God Hammer Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_God_Hammer_Cube); - Id: 101011 AegisName: S_Shatter_Buster_Cube Name: Shatter Buster Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Shatter_Buster_Cube); - Id: 101012 AegisName: S_Tail_Dragon_Cube Name: Tail Dragon Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Tail_Dragon_Cube); - Id: 101013 AegisName: S_Trip_Cube Name: Trip Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Trip_Cube); - Id: 101014 AegisName: S_Flare_Dance_Cube Name: Flare Dance Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Flare_Dance_Cube); - Id: 101015 AegisName: S_Super_Magic_Cube Name: Super Magic Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Super_Magic_Cube); - Id: 101016 AegisName: S_Super_Power_Cube Name: Super Power Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Super_Power_Cube); - Id: 101017 AegisName: S_Silvervine_Cube Name: Silvervine Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Silvervine_Cube); - Id: 101018 AegisName: S_Catnip_Cube Name: Catnip Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Catnip_Cube); - Id: 101019 AegisName: S_SavageRabbit_Cube Name: Savage Rabbit Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_SavageRabbit_Cube); - Id: 101020 AegisName: S_Pickyrush_Cube Name: Picky Rush Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Pickyrush_Cube); - Id: 101021 AegisName: S_RuneKnight_Cube Name: Rune Knight Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_RuneKnight_Cube); - Id: 101022 AegisName: S_RoyalGuard_Cube Name: Royal Guard Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_RoyalGuard_Cube); - Id: 101023 AegisName: S_Warlock_Cube Name: Warlock Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Warlock_Cube); - Id: 101024 AegisName: S_Sorcerer_Cube Name: Sorcerer Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Sorcerer_Cube); - Id: 101025 AegisName: S_Mechanic_Cube Name: Mechanic Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Mechanic_Cube); - Id: 101026 AegisName: S_Generic_Cube Name: Genetic Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Generic_Cube); - Id: 101027 AegisName: S_ArchBishop_Cube Name: Arch Bishop Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_ArchBishop_Cube); - Id: 101028 AegisName: S_Sura_Cube Name: Sura Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Sura_Cube); - Id: 101029 AegisName: S_GuillotineCross_Cube Name: Guillotine Cross Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_GuillotineCross_Cube); - Id: 101030 AegisName: S_ShadowChaser_Cube Name: Shadow Chaser Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_ShadowChaser_Cube); - Id: 101031 AegisName: S_Ranger_Cube Name: Ranger Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Ranger_Cube); - Id: 101032 AegisName: S_Wanderer_Cube Name: Wanderer Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Wanderer_Cube); - Id: 101033 AegisName: S_Minstrel_Cube Name: Minstrel Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Minstrel_Cube); - Id: 101034 AegisName: S_Star_Emperor_Cube Name: Star Emperor Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Star_Emperor_Cube); - Id: 101035 AegisName: S_Soul_Reaper_Cube Name: Soul Reaper Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Soul_Reaper_Cube); - Id: 101036 AegisName: S_Kagerou_Cube Name: Kagerou Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Kagerou_Cube); - Id: 101037 AegisName: S_Oboro_Cube Name: Oboro Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Oboro_Cube); - Id: 101038 AegisName: S_Rebellion_Cube Name: Rebellion Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Rebellion_Cube); - Id: 101039 AegisName: S_SuperNovice_Cube Name: Super Novice Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_SuperNovice_Cube); - Id: 101040 AegisName: S_Doram_Cube Name: Doram Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Doram_Cube); - Id: 101041 AegisName: S_Mammoth_Cube Name: Mammoth Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Mammoth_Cube); - Id: 101042 AegisName: S_Gemstone_Cube Name: Gemstone Shadow Cube Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Gemstone_Cube); - Id: 101043 AegisName: S_Pene1_Cube Name: Penetration Shadow Cube I Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Pene1_Cube); - Id: 101044 AegisName: S_Pene2_Cube Name: Penetration Shadow Cube II Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Pene2_Cube); - Id: 101045 AegisName: S_Temp1_Cube Name: Tempest Shadow Cube I Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Temp1_Cube); - Id: 101046 AegisName: S_Temp2_Cube Name: Tempest Shadow Cube II Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_Temp2_Cube); - Id: 101047 AegisName: Blacksmith_Bless_Box_3 Name: Blacksmith Blessing Box 3 Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Blacksmith_Bless_Box_3); - Id: 101048 AegisName: Shadow_Hammer_Box_3 Name: Holgren's Shadow Smelting Hammer Box 3 Type: Usable Weight: 0 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Shadow_Hammer_Box_3); - Id: 101060 AegisName: Select_Example1 Name: TestA Type: DelayConsume Flags: BuyingStore: true - Id: 101062 AegisName: Select_Example2 Name: TestB Type: DelayConsume Flags: BuyingStore: true - Id: 101067 AegisName: Barmund_Rune_Box Name: Varmundt's Rune Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BARMUND_RUNE_BOX); - Id: 101070 AegisName: Chuseog_Present_Box Name: Chuseok Event Box Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CHUSEOG_PRESENT_BOX); - Id: 101074 AegisName: Sealed_Card3 Name: Sealed Seal Card III Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SEALED_CARD3); - Id: 101075 AegisName: SLD_Card_Recipe Name: Sealed Boss Card Thump Box Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 101077 AegisName: Vivatus_Weapon_Hammer Name: Vivatus Weapon Refinement Hammer Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 101078 AegisName: Adulter_Weapon_Up_Box Name: Adulter Weapon Modification Box Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 101097 AegisName: DF_Infinity_Drink Name: "[Scroll] Unlimited Drink" Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | specialeffect2 EF_POTION_BERSERK; sc_start SC_INFINITY_DRINK,1800000,0; - Id: 101099 AegisName: ClockTower_Regulator Name: Spring Regulator Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | item_enchant(24); - Id: 101100 AegisName: Poenetentia_Box3 Name: Poenitentia Two Swords Set Box Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_POENETENTIA_BOX3); - Id: 101101 AegisName: Poenetentia_Box4 Name: Poenitentia Firearm Set Box Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_POENETENTIA_BOX4); - Id: 101103 AegisName: Enchant_Stone_Box25 Name: Costume Enchant Stone Box 25 Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Enchant_Stone_Box25); - Id: 101107 AegisName: Cannon_Box_Ice Name: Ice Cannon Ball Box Type: Usable Weight: 250 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CANNON_BOX_ICE); - Id: 101108 AegisName: Cannon_Box_Lightning Name: Lightning Cannon Ball Box Type: Usable Weight: 250 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CANNON_BOX_LIGHTNING); - Id: 101109 AegisName: Cannon_Box_Stone Name: Stone Cannon Ball Box Type: Usable Weight: 250 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CANNON_BOX_STONE); - Id: 101110 AegisName: Cannon_Box_Flare Name: Flare Cannon Ball Box Type: Usable Weight: 250 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CANNON_BOX_FLARE); - Id: 101111 AegisName: Cannon_Box_Poisoning Name: Poisoning Cannon Ball Box Type: Usable Weight: 250 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CANNON_BOX_POISONING); - Id: 101112 AegisName: Kunai_Scroll Name: Kunai Summon Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 250 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_KUNAI_SCROLL); - Id: 101113 AegisName: Kunai_Scroll_Nothing Name: Formless Kunai Summon Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 250 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_KUNAI_SCROLL_NOTHING); - Id: 101114 AegisName: Kunai_Scroll_Shadow Name: Shadow Kunai Summon Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 250 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_KUNAI_SCROLL_SHADOW); - Id: 101115 AegisName: Kunai_Scroll_Hamaya Name: Hamaya Kunai Summon Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 250 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_KUNAI_SCROLL_HAMAYA); - Id: 101116 AegisName: Nw_Grenade_Box Name: Throwing Grenade Box Type: Usable Weight: 250 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_NW_GRENADE_BOX); - Id: 101117 AegisName: Soa_Charm_Bundle Name: Soul Talisman Bundle Type: Usable Weight: 250 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SOA_CHARM_BUNDLE); - Id: 101118 AegisName: SS_Charm_Box Name: Haze of Pitch Darkness Box Type: Usable Weight: 250 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SS_CHARM_BOX); - Id: 101119 AegisName: SS_Charm_F_Box Name: Haze of Prominence Box Type: Usable Weight: 250 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SS_CHARM_F_BOX); - Id: 101120 AegisName: SS_Charm_W_Box Name: Haze of Icy Snow Box Type: Usable Weight: 250 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SS_CHARM_W_BOX); - Id: 101121 AegisName: SS_Charm_G_Box Name: Haze of Mother Earth Box Type: Usable Weight: 250 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SS_CHARM_G_BOX); - Id: 101122 AegisName: SS_Charm_L_Box Name: Haze of North Wind Box Type: Usable Weight: 250 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SS_CHARM_L_BOX); - Id: 101123 AegisName: RO_Live_Shop_Box Name: RO Live Shop Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_RO_LIVE_SHOP_BOX); - Id: 101124 AegisName: RO_Live_Shop_Ex_Box Name: RO Live Shop Luxury Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_RO_LIVE_SHOP_EX_BOX); - Id: 101126 AegisName: DF_Halloween_Candy Name: "[Scroll] Halloween Candy" Type: Healing Weight: 10 Script: | percentheal 30,30; - Id: 101128 AegisName: Season_Evt_Reward_11 Name: Royal Reward Box Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SEASON_EVT_REWARD_11); - Id: 101129 AegisName: Payment_Costume_Box1 Name: Random Costume Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_PAYMENT_COSTUME_BOX1); - Id: 101130 AegisName: Payment_Costume_Box2 Name: Confirmed Costume Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_PAYMENT_COSTUME_BOX2); - Id: 101139 AegisName: E_Boarding_Halter_Box Name: Riding Halter Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_E_BOARDING_HALTER_BOX); - Id: 101148 AegisName: Security_Campaign_Box Name: "[Security Campaign Reward Box]" Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SECURITY_CAMPAIGN_BOX); - Id: 101159 AegisName: C_Braid_Half_Up_Box Name: Costume Pigtails Half Up Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_BRAID_HALF_UP_BOX); - Id: 101161 AegisName: Season_Evt_Reward_12 Name: Snowflake Reward Box Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SEASON_EVT_REWARD_12); - Id: 101162 AegisName: Ep19_Rgan_Scroll Name: Transformation Scroll (Rgan) Type: Usable Buy: 20 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | transform 21530,1200000; /* Confirm time */ bonus_script " bonus2 bAddItemHealRate,1100006,100; ",120,1,1; - Id: 101166 AegisName: Kr_B_Special05 Name: G-Star RO Shop Box Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_KR_B_SPECIAL05); - Id: 101167 AegisName: Kr_B_Special06 Name: 2021 G-Star Commemorative Box Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_KR_B_SPECIAL06); - Id: 101168 AegisName: Kr_B_Special07 Name: "[NotForSale] Special Potion" Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 101169 AegisName: Kr_B_Special09 Name: Exhibition Hall Movement Scroll Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_KR_B_SPECIAL09); - Id: 101170 AegisName: Kr_B_Special08 Name: 2021 Quiz Reward Box Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_KR_B_SPECIAL08); - Id: 101177 AegisName: FullPenest_Shadow_Up Name: Full Temperament Shadow Spellbook Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 101178 AegisName: Reload_Shadow_Up Name: Reload Shadow Spellbook Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 101179 AegisName: SpellCaster_Shadow_Up Name: Spell Caster Shadow Spellbook Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 101180 AegisName: Ex_Status_Shadow_Up Name: Trait Status Shadow Spellbook Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 101181 AegisName: ReloadShadow_Mix Name: Reload Shadow Thump Box Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 101182 AegisName: SpellCasterShadow_Mix Name: Spell Caster Shadow Thump Box Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 101183 AegisName: Ice_F_Stone_Box Name: Snow Flower Manastone Extractor Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ICE_F_STONE_BOX); - Id: 101184 AegisName: Ice_F_Stone_Box2 Name: Ice Magic Stone Box 2 Type: DelayConsume Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 101185 AegisName: Snow_F_Enchant Name: Snowflower Armor Enchant (Armor) Type: DelayConsume Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | item_enchant(26); - Id: 101186 AegisName: Glacier_W_Enchant Name: Glacier Weapon Enchantment Type: DelayConsume Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | item_enchant(31); - Id: 101187 AegisName: Snow_F_Refine Name: Snow Flower Armor +9 Refinement Cube Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 101188 AegisName: Glacier_W_Refine Name: Glacier Weapon +9 Refinement Cube Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 101189 AegisName: Hero_Weapon_Hammer_6 Name: Modified Hero's Weapon Refinement Hammer VI Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 101190 AegisName: Hero_Weapon_Up_Box_6 Name: Hero's Weapon Modification Box VI Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 101194 AegisName: Hero_Token_Box Name: Heroic Token Egg Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_HERO_TOKEN_BOX); - Id: 101200 AegisName: Motp_Potion Name: "[Security Campaign] Special Energy Drink" Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 101217 AegisName: Snow_F_Enchant2 Name: Snowflower Armor Enchant (Garment) Type: DelayConsume Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | item_enchant(27); - Id: 101218 AegisName: Snow_F_Enchant3 Name: Snowflower Armor Enchant (Shoes) Type: DelayConsume Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | item_enchant(28); - Id: 101219 AegisName: Snow_F_Enchant4 Name: Snowflower Armor Enchant (Accessory A) Type: DelayConsume Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | item_enchant(29); - Id: 101220 AegisName: Snow_F_Enchant5 Name: Snowflower Armor Enchant (Accessory B) Type: DelayConsume Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | item_enchant(30); - Id: 101234 AegisName: Booster_Pack_120 Name: Booster Pack(120) # !todo check english name Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 120 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BOOSTER_PACK_120); - Id: 101236 AegisName: Booster_Pack_150 Name: Booster Pack(150) # !todo check english name Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 150 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BOOSTER_PACK_150); - Id: 101238 AegisName: E_EXP_Drop_Up_7days Name: "[NotForSale] Kafra Buff(7 Days)" Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_PERIOD_RECEIVEITEM_2ND,604800000,50; sc_start SC_PERIOD_PLUSEXP_2ND,604800000,50; - Id: 101240 AegisName: Season_Evt_Reward_1 Name: January Event's Reward Box Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SEASON_EVT_REWARD_1); - Id: 101241 AegisName: Strange_Tteokguk Name: Hyul's Special Rice Cake Soup Type: Usable # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 101243 AegisName: Shadow_Changer_NPC Name: Shadow Changer Type: DelayConsume Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 101257 AegisName: R_BearersShadow_Mix Name: Lord Bearer's Shadow Thump Box Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 101258 AegisName: M_BlitzShadow_Mix Name: Mega Blitz Shadow Thump Box Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 101259 AegisName: Special_Hat_Hammer Name: Refinement Hammer for Special Hats Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 101260 AegisName: R_Bearers_Shadow_Up Name: Lord Bearer's Shadow Spellbook Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 101261 AegisName: M_Blitz_Shadow_Up Name: Mega Blitz Shadow Spellbook Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 101262 AegisName: Absorb_Shadow_Up Name: Absorb Shadow Spellbook Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 101264 AegisName: Mammoth_Shadow_Up Name: Maximum Mammoth Shadow Spellbook Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 101268 AegisName: 2021_Winter_Event_Box1 Name: Winter Event Costume Basket Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_2021_WINTER_EVENT_BOX1); - Id: 101269 AegisName: 2021_Winter_Event_Box2 Name: Winter Event Costume Box Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_2021_WINTER_EVENT_BOX2); - Id: 101271 AegisName: Enchant_Stone_Box26 Name: Costume Enchant Stone Box 26 Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Enchant_Stone_Box26); - Id: 101276 AegisName: New_Year_Rice_Soup Name: New Year Rice Soup Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | percentheal 30,30; - Id: 101279 AegisName: 2022_LunarNewYears_box Name: New Year Gift Box Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_2022_LUNARNEWYEARS_BOX); - Id: 101306 AegisName: Poenitentia_Hammer Name: Poenitentia Refining Hammer Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 101307 AegisName: Barmund_Hammer Name: Barmund Refining Hammer Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 101308 AegisName: True_GemShadow_Up Name: True Gemstone Shadow Spellbook Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 101309 AegisName: EXPShadow_Up Name: Experience Shadow Spellbook Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 101310 AegisName: MagicalShadow_Up Name: Clever Shadow Spellbook Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 101311 AegisName: InfinityShadow_Up Name: Infinity Shadow Spellbook Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 101314 AegisName: aegis_101314 Name: Helm of Faith Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_HELM_OF_FAITH_BOX); - Id: 101321 AegisName: 2022Reward_Box Name: Event Error Compensation Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_2020_REWARD_BOX); - Id: 101322 AegisName: aegis_101322 Name: Love Confession Chocolate Type: Healing Script: | percentheal 30,30; - Id: 101331 AegisName: Fruits_Set_Trap Name: Fruit Set Trap Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | /* TODO : pet 21632; */ pet 1005; - Id: 101336 AegisName: aegis_101336 Name: "[Scroll] DEX Biscuit Stick" Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: Script: | sc_start SC_FOOD_DEX_CASH,1800000,15; sc_start SC_HITFOOD,600000,rand(11,33); - Id: 101337 AegisName: aegis_101337 Name: "[Scroll] VIT Biscuit Stick" Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: Script: | sc_start SC_FOOD_VIT_CASH,1800000,15; bonus_script "{ bonus bHPRecovRate,rand(11,33); }",1800,1; - Id: 101340 AegisName: Bs_Item_M_S_52 Name: Blacksmith's Blessing Recipe Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 101341 AegisName: Bs_Item_M_S_53 Name: Hollgrehenn's Shadow Refine Hammer Recipe Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 101342 AegisName: Bs_Item_M_S_54 Name: Powerful Soul Essence Recipe Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 101343 AegisName: Bs_Item_M_S_55 Name: Powerful Dimension Essence Recipe Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 101344 AegisName: Bs_Item_M_S_56 Name: Enchantment Ticket Recipe Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 101345 AegisName: Bs_Item_M_S_57 Name: Beast's Leather Shoes Recipe Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 101346 AegisName: Bs_Item_M_S_58 Name: Pirate Captain's Coat Recipe Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 101347 AegisName: Bs_Item_M_S_59 Name: Phreeoni Wing Suit Recipe Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 101352 AegisName: E_Bubble_Gum_Box10 Name: "[Not For Sale] Bubble Gum Box" Type: Cash Weight: 100 Flags: UniqueId: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 12264,10; - Id: 101355 AegisName: OS_Weapon_Reform Name: OS Weapon Modification Box Type: DelayConsume Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 101357 AegisName: BlessOfRabbit Name: Rabbit's Blessed Egg Type: Delayconsume Script: | itemskill "AL_BLESSING",10; - Id: 101359 AegisName: MajorAutoSpell_Up Name: Major Auto Spell Shadow Spellbook Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 101360 AegisName: Hasty_Up Name: Hasty Shadow Spellbook Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 101361 AegisName: PhysicalShadow_Up Name: Durable Shadow Spellbook Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 101362 AegisName: PerfectSize_Up Name: Perfect Size Shadow Spellbook Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 101363 AegisName: OS_Helm_Hammer Name: Upgraded OS Helmet Refine Hammer Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 101364 AegisName: OS_Weapon_Hammer Name: Upgraded OS Weapon Refine Hammer Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 101389 AegisName: Helm_Of_Faith_Hammer Name: Helm of Faith Refine Hammer Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 101390 AegisName: Clock_Tower_W_Hammer Name: Clock Tower Basement Refine Hammer Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 101391 AegisName: VR_Books001 Name: Scientist's Escape Log Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 101393 AegisName: aegis_101393 Name: Mugwort Rice Cake Type: Healing Weight: 10 Script: | percentheal 0,20; itemskill "PR_MAGNIFICAT",3; - Id: 101394 AegisName: aegis_101394 Name: Azalea Wine Type: Healing Weight: 10 Script: | percentheal 10,0; skilleffect "AL_INCAGI",0; sc_start SC_INCREASEAGI,60000,3; - Id: 101399 AegisName: Enchant_Ticket_3 Name: Enchantment Ticket Envelope Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ENCHANT_TICKET_3); - Id: 101404 AegisName: aegis_101404 Name: Fantasy Growth Potion Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 101406 AegisName: aegis_101406 Name: Fantasy Job Growth Potion Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 101407 AegisName: aegis_101407 Name: Move Scroll(Convenience) Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 101408 AegisName: aegis_101408 Name: Move Scroll(Danger Areas) Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 101416 AegisName: aegis_101416 Name: Costume Enchant Stone Box 27 Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Enchant_Stone_Box27); - Id: 101423 AegisName: Boost_Armor_Box Name: Boost Armor Box # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume EquipLevelMin: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 101453 AegisName: Special_Coin_Pack Name: Special Coin Pack # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume EquipLevelMin: 200 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 101454 AegisName: Metal_W_Box Name: Metal Weapon Box # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 101455 AegisName: E_Auto_Up Name: Automatic (bound) upgrade package # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume EquipLevelMin: 160 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 101456 AegisName: Memento_Box Name: Souvenir Box # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 101457 AegisName: P_Memento_Box Name: Premium Souvenir Box # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 101458 AegisName: Booster_Hat_Box Name: Booster Costume Helmet Box # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 101459 AegisName: Booster_Back_Box Name: Booster Costume Backpack Box # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 101460 AegisName: P_Booster230_Gift Name: Premium Booster Gift Box # !todo check english name Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_P_BOOSTER230_GIFT); - Id: 101461 AegisName: Fan_Greed_1Hour_Box Name: Fantasy Series Greed Scroll Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_FAN_GREED_1HOUR_BOX); - Id: 101463 AegisName: HD_Elunium_10Box_MSP Name: (Limited) HD Elunium 10 Box Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6241,10; getitembound 23919,11,Bound_Account; - Id: 101465 AegisName: HD_Oridecon_10Box_MSP Name: (Limited) HD Oridecon 10 Box Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 6240,10; getitembound 23919,11,Bound_Account; - Id: 101470 AegisName: Minus_Status_Box_ Name: Stats Soul Potion Selection Box Type: DelayConsume Flags: BuyingStore: true - Id: 101471 AegisName: Alchemist_Box_ Name: Alchemist Selection Box Type: DelayConsume Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true - Id: 101473 AegisName: P_Booster_Call Name: Premium Booster Call # !todo check english name Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 101474 AegisName: Booster_B_M_1 Name: Booster Combat Manual # !todo check english name Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 101475 AegisName: Booster_B_M_2 Name: Booster Advanced Combat Manual # !todo check english name Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 101476 AegisName: Booster230_Gift Name: Booster Gift Box # !todo check english name Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BOOSTER230_GIFT); - Id: 101482 AegisName: Freedom_Stick_Cube Name: Freedom Stick Remodeling Cube Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 101483 AegisName: Blessed_Knife_Cube Name: Blessed Knife Remodeling Cube Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 101490 AegisName: Booster_Pack_10 Name: Booster Pack(10) # !todo check english name Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BOOSTER_PACK_10); - Id: 101491 AegisName: Booster_Pack_20 Name: Booster Pack(20) # !todo check english name Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 20 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BOOSTER_PACK_20); - Id: 101492 AegisName: Booster_Pack_40 Name: Booster Pack(40) # !todo check english name Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 40 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BOOSTER_PACK_40); - Id: 101493 AegisName: Booster_Pack_50 Name: Booster Pack(50) # !todo check english name Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 50 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BOOSTER_PACK_50); - Id: 101494 AegisName: Booster_Pack_70 Name: Booster Pack(70) # !todo check english name Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 70 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BOOSTER_PACK_70); - Id: 101495 AegisName: Booster_Pack_80 Name: Booster Pack (80) # !todo check english name Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 80 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BOOSTER_PACK_80); - Id: 101496 AegisName: Booster_Pack_110 Name: Booster Pack(110) # !todo check english name Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 110 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BOOSTER_PACK_110); - Id: 101497 AegisName: Booster_Pack_140 Name: Booster Pack(140) # !todo check english name Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 140 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BOOSTER_PACK_140); - Id: 101498 AegisName: Booster_Pack_170 Name: Booster Pack(170) # !todo check english name Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 170 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BOOSTER_PACK_170); - Id: 101499 AegisName: Booster_Pack_180 Name: Booster Pack (180) # !todo check english name Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 180 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BOOSTER_PACK_180); - Id: 101500 AegisName: Booster_Pack_210 Name: Booster Pack(210) # !todo check english name Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 210 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BOOSTER_PACK_210); - Id: 101501 AegisName: Booster_Pack_220 Name: Booster Pack(220) # !todo check english name Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 220 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BOOSTER_PACK_220); - Id: 101502 AegisName: Booster_Pack_240 Name: Booster Pack(240) # !todo check english name Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 240 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BOOSTER_PACK_240); - Id: 101503 AegisName: Booster_Pack_250 Name: Booster Pack (250) # !todo check english name Type: Usable EquipLevelMin: 250 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BOOSTER_PACK_250); - Id: 101512 AegisName: aegis_101512 Name: Ancient Hero Box 1 # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 200 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Ancient_Hero_Box_1); - Id: 101513 AegisName: aegis_101513 Name: "[Scroll] STR Biscuit Stick" Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_FOOD_STR_CASH,1800000,15; sc_start SC_ATKPOTION,600000,rand(11,111); - Id: 101514 AegisName: aegis_101514 Name: "[Scroll] INT Biscuit Stick" Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_FOOD_INT_CASH,1800000,15; sc_start SC_MATKPOTION,600000,rand(11,111); - Id: 101522 AegisName: F_VR_Book001 Name: Fantasy Series 001 Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 101523 AegisName: F_VR_Book002 Name: Fantasy Series 002 Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 101524 AegisName: F_VR_Book003 Name: Fantasy Series 003 Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 101525 AegisName: F_VR_Book004 Name: Fantasy Series 004 Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 101538 AegisName: Booster_Call_Package Name: Booster box # !todo check english name Type: Usable EquipLevelMax: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BOOSTER_CALL_PACKAGE); - Id: 101542 AegisName: FullPene_Select_Box Name: Full Penetration Shadow Selection Box Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true - Id: 101543 AegisName: FullPene_Earring_Box Name: Full Penetration Shadow Earring Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_FULLPENE_EARRING,true); - Id: 101544 AegisName: FullPene_Pendant_Box Name: Full Penetration Shadow Pendant Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_FULLPENE_PENDANT,true); - Id: 101545 AegisName: FullPene_Armor_Box Name: Full Penetration Shadow Armor Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_FULLPENE_ARMOR,true); - Id: 101546 AegisName: FullPene_Shoes_Box Name: Full Penetration Shadow Shoes Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_FULLPENE_SHOES,true); - Id: 101547 AegisName: FullTemp_Select_Box Name: Full Tempest Shadow Selection Box Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true - Id: 101548 AegisName: FullTemp_Earring_Box Name: Full Tempest Shadow Earring Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_FULLTEMP_EARRING,true); - Id: 101549 AegisName: FullTemp_Pendant_Box Name: Full Tempest Shadow Pendant Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_FULLTEMP_PENDANT,true); - Id: 101550 AegisName: FullTemp_Armor_Box Name: Full Tempest Shadow Armor Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_FULLTEMP_ARMOR,true); - Id: 101551 AegisName: FullTemp_Shoes_Box Name: Full Tempest Shadow Shoes Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_FULLTEMP_SHOES,true); - Id: 101552 AegisName: Durable_Select_Box Name: Durable Shadow Selection Box Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true - Id: 101553 AegisName: Durable_Weapon_Box Name: Durable Shadow Weapon Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_DURABLE_WEAPON,true); - Id: 101554 AegisName: Durable_Shield_Box Name: Durable Shadow Shield Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_DURABLE_SHIELD,true); - Id: 101555 AegisName: Clever_Select_Box Name: Clever Shadow Selection Box Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true - Id: 101556 AegisName: Clever_Weapon_Box Name: Clever Shadow Weapon Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_CLEVER_WEAPON,true); - Id: 101557 AegisName: Clever_Shield_Box Name: Clever Shadow Shield Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_CLEVER_SHIELD,true); - Id: 101563 AegisName: OS_Helm_Box_ Name: Helmet Selection Box for OS Weapons Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true - Id: 101564 AegisName: AllMighty_Up Name: Almighty Shadow Spellbook Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 101565 AegisName: Shadow_R_M_Box_ Name: Shadow Spellbook Selection Box Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true - Id: 101567 AegisName: KAKAO_Plus_Box Name: Gravity Fluffy Gift Box Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_KAKAO_PLUS_BOX,true); - Id: 101589 AegisName: E_Boarding_Halter_Box2 Name: "[Not for Sale] Boarding Rein Box" # !todo check english name Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_E_BOARDING_HALTER_BOX2); - Id: 101596 AegisName: Evt_20th_Shield Name: Kingdom Shield # !todo check english name Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 101597 AegisName: Evt_20th_Protector Name: Guardians of the Kingdom # !todo check english name Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 101599 AegisName: Evt_Makingmaterials_Box Name: "[Event] Equipment Crafting Material Box" # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_EVT_MAKINGMATERIALS_BOX); - Id: 101600 AegisName: Evt_20th_Whitegold Name: Merit Box (Platinum Class) # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 100 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_EVT_20TH_WHITEGOLD); - Id: 101601 AegisName: Evt_20th_Gold Name: Merit Box (Gold Class) # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 100 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_EVT_20TH_GOLD); - Id: 101602 AegisName: Evt_20th_Silver Name: Merit Box (Silver grade) # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 100 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_EVT_20TH_SILVER); - Id: 101603 AegisName: Evt_20th_Bronze Name: Merit Box (Equivalent level) # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 100 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_EVT_20TH_BRONZE); - Id: 101604 AegisName: Evt_20th_Return Name: Commander's Return # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 100 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_EVT_20TH_RETURN); - Id: 101605 AegisName: Evt_20th_Return2 Name: Commander's Advanced Answers # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 100 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_EVT_20TH_RETURN2); - Id: 101637 AegisName: EP19_DGW_Refine Name: Dim Glacier Reinforcement Device # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true DropEffect: CLIENT Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 101638 AegisName: D_Glacier_W_Enchant Name: Dim Glacia Weapon Enhancement # !todo check english name Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 101639 AegisName: D_Gw_Extractor Name: Dim Glacier Extractor # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 101645 AegisName: GMT_Robe_Stone Name: Geffen Secret Stone Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 101649 AegisName: Mjo_Ein_Enchant Name: Upgrade Mining Equipment Enchantments # !todo check english name Type: Usable # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 101653 AegisName: Viva_Adul_Hat_Box_11 Name: +11 Helm of Face Chest # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_VIVA_ADUL_HAT_BOX_11,true); - Id: 101654 AegisName: AllMighty_Select_Box Name: Almighty Shadow Selection Box # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true - Id: 101655 AegisName: AllMighty_Earring_Box Name: Almighty Shadow Earring Box # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_ALLMIGHTY_EARRING,true); - Id: 101656 AegisName: AllMighty_Pendant_Box Name: Almighty Shadow Pendant Box # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_ALLMIGHTY_PENDANT,true); - Id: 101657 AegisName: TrueGem_Select_Box Name: True Gemstone Shadow Selection Box # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true - Id: 101658 AegisName: TrueGem_Earring_Box Name: True Gemstone Shadow Earring Box # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_TRUEGEM_EARRING,true); - Id: 101659 AegisName: TrueGem_Pendant_Box Name: True Gemstone Shadow Pendant Box # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_TRUEGEM_PENDANT,true); - Id: 101660 AegisName: TrueGem_Shoes_Box Name: True Gemstone Shadow Shoes Box # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_TRUEGEM_SHOES,true); - Id: 101661 AegisName: TrueGem_Armor_Box Name: True Gemstone Shadow Armor Box # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_TRUEGEM_ARMOR,true); - Id: 101662 AegisName: PerfectSize_Select_Box Name: Perfect Size Shadow Selection Box # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true - Id: 101663 AegisName: PerfectSize_Weapon_Box Name: Perfect Size Shadow Weapon Box # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_PERFECTSIZE_WEAPON,true); - Id: 101664 AegisName: PerfectSize_Armor_Box Name: Perfect Size Shadow Armor Box # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_PERFECTSIZE_ARMOR,true); - Id: 101665 AegisName: EXPShadow_Mix2 Name: Experience Shadow Pickbox (Weapon) # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 101666 AegisName: Shadow_Up_Box Name: Special Shadow Spellbook Box # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SHADOW_UP_BOX); - Id: 101675 AegisName: aegis_101675 Name: Costume Enchant Stone Box 28 Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Enchant_Stone_Box28); - Id: 101705 AegisName: F_VR_Book006 Name: Fantasy Series 006 # !todo check english name Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 101706 AegisName: F_VR_Book007 Name: Fantasy Series 007 # !todo check english name Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 101717 AegisName: Mammoth_Earring_Box Name: Maximum Mammoth Shadow Earring Box # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_M_MAMMOTH_EARRING,true); - Id: 101718 AegisName: Mammoth_Pendant_Box Name: Maximum Mammoth Shadow Pendant Box # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_M_MAMMOTH_PENDANT,true); - Id: 101719 AegisName: Mammoth_Armor_Box Name: Maximum Mammoth Shadow Armor Box # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_M_MAMMOTH_ARMOR,true); - Id: 101720 AegisName: Mammoth_Shoes_Box Name: Maximum Mammoth Shadow Shoes Box # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_M_MAMMOTH_SHOES,true); - Id: 101721 AegisName: SpellCaster_Earring_Box Name: Spell Caster Shadow Earring Box # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_SPELLCASTER_EARRING,true); - Id: 101722 AegisName: SpellCaster_Pendant_Box Name: Spell Caster Shadow Pendant Box # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_SPELLCASTER_PENDANT,true); - Id: 101723 AegisName: SpellCaster_Armor_Box Name: Spell Caster Shadow Armor Box # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_SPELLCASTER_ARMOR,true); - Id: 101724 AegisName: SpellCaster_Shoes_Box Name: Spell Caster Shadow Shoes Box # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_SPELLCASTER_SHOES,true); - Id: 101725 AegisName: Absorb_Weapon_Box Name: Absorb Shadow Weapon Box # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_ABSORB_WEAPON,true); - Id: 101726 AegisName: Absorb_Shield_Box Name: Absorb Shadow Shield Box # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_ABSORB_SHIELD,true); - Id: 101727 AegisName: Mammoth_Select_Box Name: Maximum Mammoth Shadow Selection Box # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true - Id: 101728 AegisName: SpellCaster_Select_Box Name: Spell Caster Shadow Selection Box # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true - Id: 101729 AegisName: Absorb_Select_Box Name: Absorb Shadow Selection Box # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true - Id: 101744 AegisName: E_Cloth_Dye_Box Name: "[Non-sale] Clothes dyeing Coupon Box" # !todo check english name Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_E_CLOTH_DYE_BOX); - Id: 101745 AegisName: Dimmen_A_Reform Name: Unsealing the dimension # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 101746 AegisName: Dimmen_A_Enchant Name: Dimensional Enchantment Box # !todo check english name Type: Usable # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 101750 AegisName: Herosria_Gift Name: Heroria's Gift # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_HEROSRIA_GIFT,true); - Id: 101752 AegisName: RO_Festival_Box Name: Ragnarok Festival Box # !todo check english name Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_RO_FESTIVAL_BOX); - Id: 101753 AegisName: Heros_Purple_H_Jam Name: Heroria Purple Herb Jam # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 101754 AegisName: Heros_Red_H_Jam Name: Heroria Red Herb Jam # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 101755 AegisName: Heros_Blue_H_Jam Name: Heroria Blue Herb Jam # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 101756 AegisName: Heros_Yellow_H_Jam Name: Heroria Yellow Herb Jam # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 101757 AegisName: Heros_White_H_Jam Name: Heroria White Herb Jam # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 101759 AegisName: Plain_Rune_Box5 Name: Plain Rune 5ea Box Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_PLAIN_RUNE_BOX5); - Id: 101760 AegisName: Flame_Rune_Box5 Name: Flame Rune 5ea Box Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_FLAME_RUNE_BOX5); - Id: 101761 AegisName: Ice_Rune_Box5 Name: Ice Rune 5ea Box Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ICE_RUNE_BOX5); - Id: 101762 AegisName: Death_Rune_Box5 Name: Death Rune 5ea Box Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_DEATH_RUNE_BOX5); - Id: 101765 AegisName: Barmund_P_Enchant Name: Meadow Rune Enchantment # !todo check english name Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 101766 AegisName: Barmund_D_Enchant Name: Death Rune Enchantment # !todo check english name Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 101767 AegisName: Barmund_F_Enchant Name: Fire Rune Enchantment # !todo check english name Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 101768 AegisName: Barmund_I_Enchant Name: Ice Rune Enchantment # !todo check english name Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 101769 AegisName: Barmund_Plain_Reform Name: Grassland Rune Upgrade # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 101770 AegisName: Barmund_Death_Reform Name: Death Rune Upgrade # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 101771 AegisName: Barmund_Flame_Reform Name: Fire Rune Upgrade # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 101772 AegisName: Barmund_Ice_Reform Name: Ice Rune Upgrade # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 101774 AegisName: Service1_M_01_Box Name: Edward Zonda Owner's Box (1 Day) # !todo check english name Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SERVICE1_M_01_BOX); - Id: 101775 AegisName: Service1_M_05_Box Name: Edward Zonda Owner's Box (5 Days) # !todo check english name Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SERVICE1_M_05_BOX); - Id: 101776 AegisName: Service1_M_07_Box Name: Edward Zonda Your Own Box (7 Days) # !todo check english name Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SERVICE1_M_07_BOX); - Id: 101777 AegisName: Service1_M_10_Box Name: Edward Zonda Owner's Box (10 Days) # !todo check english name Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SERVICE1_M_10_BOX); - Id: 101778 AegisName: Service1P_M_01_Box Name: Edward Zonda Ownerra EX Box (1 Day) # !todo check english name Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SERVICE1P_M_01_BOX); - Id: 101779 AegisName: Service1P_M_05_Box Name: Edward Zonda Owra EX Box (5 days) # !todo check english name Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SERVICE1P_M_05_BOX); - Id: 101780 AegisName: Service1P_M_07_Box Name: Edward Zonda Ownerra EX Box (7 Days) # !todo check english name Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SERVICE1P_M_07_BOX); - Id: 101781 AegisName: Service1P_M_10_Box Name: Edward Zonda Ownerra EX Box (10 Days) # !todo check english name Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SERVICE1P_M_10_BOX); - Id: 101782 AegisName: Service1_F_01_Box Name: Elysee Zonda Come on Box (1 day) # !todo check english name Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SERVICE1_F_01_BOX); - Id: 101783 AegisName: Service1_F_05_Box Name: Elise Zonda Come Box (5 Days) # !todo check english name Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SERVICE1_F_05_BOX); - Id: 101784 AegisName: Service1_F_07_Box Name: Elysee Zonda Come Box (7 Days) # !todo check english name Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SERVICE1_F_07_BOX); - Id: 101785 AegisName: Service1_F_10_Box Name: Elysee Zonda Come Box (10 Days) # !todo check english name Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SERVICE1_F_10_BOX); - Id: 101786 AegisName: Service1P_F_01_Box Name: Elysee Zonda Own EX Box (1 day) # !todo check english name Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SERVICE1P_F_01_BOX); - Id: 101787 AegisName: Service1P_F_05_Box Name: Elysee Zonda Own EX Box (5 days) # !todo check english name Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SERVICE1P_F_05_BOX); - Id: 101788 AegisName: Service1P_F_07_Box Name: Elysee Zonda Own EX Box (7 days) # !todo check english name Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SERVICE1P_F_07_BOX); - Id: 101789 AegisName: Service1P_F_10_Box Name: Elysee Zonda Own EX Box (10 days) # !todo check english name Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SERVICE1P_F_10_BOX); - Id: 101792 AegisName: SubjectCape_Refine_Cube Name: Subject Manteau 12 Refine Cube Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 101801 AegisName: R_Bearers_Select_Box Name: Road Bearers Shadow Selection Box # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true - Id: 101802 AegisName: R_Bearers_Earring_Box Name: Rod Bearers Earring Shadow Box # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_R_BEARERS_EARRING_BOX,true); - Id: 101803 AegisName: R_Bearers_Pendant_Box Name: Rod Bearers Pendant Shadow Box # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_R_BEARERS_PENDANT_BOX,true); - Id: 101804 AegisName: R_Bearers_Armor_Box Name: Lord Bearers Armor Shadow Box # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_R_BEARERS_ARMOR_BOX,true); - Id: 101805 AegisName: R_Bearers_Shoes_Box Name: Road Bearers Shoes Shadow Box # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_R_BEARERS_SHOES_BOX,true); - Id: 101806 AegisName: Hasty_Select_Box Name: Hasty Shadow Selection Box # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true - Id: 101807 AegisName: Hasty_Weapon_Box Name: Hasty Weapon Shadow Box # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_HASTY_WEAPON_BOX,true); - Id: 101808 AegisName: Hasty_Shield_Box Name: Hasty Shield Shadow Box # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_HASTY_SHIELD_BOX,true); - Id: 101809 AegisName: S_Reload_Shield_Box Name: Separate Reload Shield Shadow Box # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_RELOAD_SHIELD_BOX,true); - Id: 101816 AegisName: Dimmen_A_Refine Name: Dimension Enhancer # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 101834 AegisName: F_VR_Book009 Name: Fantasy Series 009 # !todo check english name Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 101835 AegisName: F_VR_Book005 Name: Fantasy Series 005 # !todo check english name Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 101837 AegisName: F_VR_Book008 Name: Fantasy Series 008 # !todo check english name Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 101839 AegisName: RO_Arena_Box Name: Ragnarok Arena Pre-Order Reward Box # !todo check english name Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_RO_ARENA_BOX,true); - Id: 101840 AegisName: RO_Arena_Box2 Name: Ragnarok Arena Level 7 Achievement Reward Box # !todo check english name Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_RO_ARENA_BOX2); - Id: 101856 AegisName: MAutoSpell_Select_Box Name: Major Auto Spell Shadow Selection Box # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true - Id: 101858 AegisName: MAutoSpell_Earring_Box Name: Major Auto Spell Earring Shadow Box # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_MAUTOSPELL_EARRING_BOX,true); - Id: 101859 AegisName: MAutoSpell_Pendant_Box Name: Major Auto Spell Pendant Shadow Box # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_MAUTOSPELL_PENDANT_BOX,true); - Id: 101860 AegisName: MAutoSpell_Armor_Box Name: Major Auto Spell Armor Shadow Box # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_MAUTOSPELL_ARMOR_BOX,true); - Id: 101861 AegisName: MAutoSpell_Shoes_Box Name: Major Auto Spell Shoes Shadow Box # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_MAUTOSPELL_SHOES_BOX,true); - Id: 101862 AegisName: Infinity_Select_Box Name: Infinity Shadow Selection Box # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true - Id: 101863 AegisName: Infinity_Weapon_Box Name: Infinity Weapon Shadow Box # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_INFINITY_WEAPON_BOX,true); - Id: 101864 AegisName: Infinity_Shield_Box Name: Infinity Shield Shadow Box # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_INFINITY_SHIELD_BOX,true); - Id: 101869 AegisName: Luxurious_Blue_Box Name: Luxury blue box # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 50 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LUXURIOUS_BLUE_BOX); - Id: 101876 AegisName: aegis_101876 Name: Costume Enchant Stone Box 29 Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Enchant_Stone_Box29); - Id: 101889 AegisName: Vr_Book_Event Name: Fantasy Collection Collection Box # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_VR_BOOK_EVENT); - Id: 101912 AegisName: Temple_Rune_Box5 Name: Holy Rune Box 5 # !todo check english name Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_TEMPLE_RUNE_BOX5); - Id: 101913 AegisName: Venom_Rune_Box5 Name: Poison Rune x5 Box # !todo check english name Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_VENOM_RUNE_BOX5); - Id: 101914 AegisName: Soul_Rune_Box5 Name: Box of 5 Soul Runes # !todo check english name Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SOUL_RUNE_BOX5); - Id: 101919 AegisName: EXP_Select_Box Name: Experience Shadow Selection Box # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true - Id: 101920 AegisName: EXP_Weapon_Box Name: Experience Weapon Shadow Box # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_EXP_WEAPON_BOX,true); - Id: 101921 AegisName: EXP_Shield_Box Name: Experience Shield Shadow Box # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_EXP_SHIELD_BOX,true); - Id: 101922 AegisName: M_Blitz_Select_Box Name: Mega Blitz Shadow Selection Box # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true - Id: 101923 AegisName: M_Blitz_Weapon_Box Name: Mega Blitz Weapon Shadow Box # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_M_BLITZ_WEAPON_BOX,true); - Id: 101924 AegisName: M_Blitz_Shield_Box Name: Mega Blitz Shield Shadow Box # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_M_BLITZ_SHIELD_BOX,true); - Id: 101925 AegisName: Cvt_Wing_Box Name: Convertible Wing Box # !todo check english name Type: Usable Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CVT_WING_BOX,true); - Id: 101930 AegisName: Barmund_S_Enchant Name: Soul Rune Enchantment # !todo check english name Type: Usable # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 101931 AegisName: Barmund_V_Enchant Name: Poison Rune Enchantment # !todo check english name Type: Usable # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 101932 AegisName: Barmund_T_Enchant Name: Crusade Rune Enchantment # !todo check english name Type: Usable # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 101933 AegisName: Barmund_Soul_Reform Name: Soul Rune Upgrade # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 101934 AegisName: Barmund_Venom_Reform Name: Poison Rune Upgrade # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 101935 AegisName: Barmund_Temple_Reform Name: Crusade Rune Upgrade # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 101936 AegisName: Barmund_S_Reform Name: Soul Magic Upgrade # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 101937 AegisName: Barmund_V_Reform Name: Poison Magic Upgrade # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 101938 AegisName: Barmund_T_Reform Name: Temple Magic Upgrade # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 101947 AegisName: A_Bubble_Gum Name: "[Achievement] Bubble Gum" # !todo check english name Type: Usable Delay: Duration: 60000 Status: Reuse_Limit_D Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | sc_start SC_ITEMBOOST,1800000,100; - Id: 101948 AegisName: A_Bubble_Gum_Box10 Name: "[Achievement] 10 boxes of bubble gum" # !todo check english name Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_A_BUBBLE_GUM_BOX10); - Id: 101954 AegisName: Intake_Hair_Box Name: Intake Hair Gift Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Intake_Hair_Box); - Id: 102015 AegisName: Mocadas_Enchant_Box Name: Mocadas Equipment Enchantment # !todo check english name Type: Usable # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 102016 AegisName: F_Ein_1HDAGGER_Box Name: Metal Detector Box # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 50 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_EIN_1HDAGGER_BOX); - Id: 102017 AegisName: Mocadas_Refine_Box Name: Smelting Mocadas Equipment 9~10 # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 102018 AegisName: Amp_Blueprint1 Name: Amplification Schematic (Metal Detector MK47) # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 1250 Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 102019 AegisName: Amp_Blueprint3 Name: Amplification Blueprint (Safety Saver) # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 1250 Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 102020 AegisName: Amp_Blueprint2 Name: Amplification Schematic (Gem Detector Mk47) # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 1250 Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 102021 AegisName: Amp_Blueprint4 Name: Amplification Schematic (Safety Foxtail) # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 1250 Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 102022 AegisName: Amp_Blueprint6 Name: Amplification Blueprint (Crowsword) # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 1250 Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 102023 AegisName: Amp_Blueprint5 Name: Amplification Schematic (Blocking Spear) # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 1250 Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 102024 AegisName: Amp_Blueprint7 Name: Amplification Schematic (Rubber Hammer) # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 1250 Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 102025 AegisName: Amp_Blueprint8 Name: Amplification Blueprint (Saw Ax) # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 1250 Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 102026 AegisName: Amp_Blueprint9 Name: Amplification Schematic (Safety Knuckle) # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 1250 Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 102027 AegisName: Amp_Blueprint10 Name: Amplification Schematic (Safety Manual) # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 1250 Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 102028 AegisName: Amp_Blueprint11 Name: Amplification Schematic (Welding Wand) # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 1250 Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 102029 AegisName: Amp_Blueprint12 Name: Amplification Blueprint (Detecting Staff) # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 1250 Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 102030 AegisName: Amp_Blueprint13 Name: Amplification Blueprint (Grinder Fengma Shuriken) # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 1250 Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 102031 AegisName: Amp_Blueprint14 Name: Amplification Schematic (Volt Shooter) # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 1250 Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 102032 AegisName: Amp_Blueprint15 Name: Amplified Blueprint (Bolt Crusher) # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 1250 Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 102033 AegisName: Amp_Blueprint16 Name: Amplified Schematic (Volt Revolver) # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 1250 Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 102034 AegisName: Amp_Blueprint17 Name: Amplified Schematic (Safety Whip) # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 1250 Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 102035 AegisName: Amp_Blueprint18 Name: Amplification Schematic (Safety Lute) # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 1250 Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 102040 AegisName: Mocadas_Slabs1 Name: Mocadas Slate (Sashir) # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 1250 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 102041 AegisName: Mocadas_Slabs2 Name: Mocadas Slate (Panjira) # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 1250 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 102042 AegisName: Mocadas_Slabs3 Name: Mocadas Slate (Jedogar) # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 1250 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 102043 AegisName: Mocadas_Slabs4 Name: Mocadas Slate (Kiteb) # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 1250 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 102044 AegisName: Mocadas_Slabs5 Name: Mocadas Slate (Tasiripati) # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 1250 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 102045 AegisName: Mocadas_Slabs6 Name: Mocadas Slate (Dest) # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 1250 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 102046 AegisName: Mocadas_Slabs7 Name: Mocadas Slate (Tavar) # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 1250 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 102047 AegisName: Mocadas_Slabs8 Name: Mocadas Slate (Dawablunt) # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 1250 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 102048 AegisName: Mocadas_Slabs9 Name: Mocadas Slate (Mesht) # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 1250 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 102049 AegisName: Mocadas_Slabs10 Name: Mocadas Slate (Baru) # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 1250 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 102050 AegisName: Mocadas_Slabs11 Name: Mocadas Slate (Blessing) # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 1250 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 102051 AegisName: Mocadas_Slabs12 Name: Mocadas Slate (Saz) # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 1250 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 102052 AegisName: Mocadas_Slabs13 Name: Mocadas Slate (Sharrak) # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 1250 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 102053 AegisName: Mocadas_Slabs14 Name: Mocadas Slate (Tea Man) # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 1250 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 102054 AegisName: Mocadas_Slabs15 Name: Mocadas Slate (Gross) # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 1250 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 102055 AegisName: Mocadas_Slabs16 Name: Mocadas Slate (Kaguaz) # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 1250 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 102056 AegisName: Mocadas_Slabs17 Name: Mocadas Slate (Nazal) # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 1250 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 102057 AegisName: Mocadas_Slabs18 Name: Mocadas Slate (Kanjar) # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 1250 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 102058 AegisName: Mocadas_Slabs19 Name: Mocadas Slate (Eisa) # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 1250 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 102059 AegisName: Mocadas_Slabs20 Name: Mocadas Slate (Naraenzac) # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 1250 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 102060 AegisName: Mocadas_Slabs21 Name: Mocadas Slate (Tapang) # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 1250 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 102061 AegisName: Mocadas_Slabs22 Name: Mocadas Slate (Saka) # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 1250 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 102062 AegisName: Mocadas_Slabs23 Name: Mocadas Slate (Thelin) # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 1250 Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 102067 AegisName: Pene_Set_Cube Name: Refined Penetration Shadow Cube # !todo check english name Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_PENE_SET_CUBE,true); - Id: 102068 AegisName: S_Bearers_Cube Name: Bearers Shadow Cube # !todo check english name Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_BEARERS_CUBE); - Id: 102069 AegisName: Temp_Set_Cube Name: Refined Tempest Shadow Cube # !todo check english name Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_TEMP_SET_CUBE,true); - Id: 102070 AegisName: Justice_Weapon_Box Name: Good Weapon Box # !todo check english name Type: Usable Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_JUSTICE_WEAPON_BOX,true); - Id: 102071 AegisName: Injustice_Weapon_Box Name: Evil Weapon Box # !todo check english name Type: Usable Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_INJUSTICE_WEAPON_BOX,true); - Id: 102072 AegisName: Justice_Weapon_Hammer Name: Good Weapon Smelting Hammer # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 102073 AegisName: Injustice_Weapon_Hammer Name: Evil Weapon Forge Hammer # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 102074 AegisName: GoodnEvil_Helm_Box Name: Crown of Good and Evil Box # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_GOODNEVIL_HELM_BOX,true); - Id: 102075 AegisName: GoodnEvil_Helm_Hammer Name: Crown of Good and Evil Smelting Hammer # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 102084 AegisName: GoodnEvil_Circlet_Box Name: Crown of Good and Evil (Night Watch) Selection Box # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 - Id: 102121 AegisName: aegis_102121 Name: "[Scroll] AGI Biscuit Stick" Type: Usable Weight: 10 Script: | sc_start SC_FOOD_AGI_CASH,1800000,15; sc_start SC_FLEEFOOD,600000,rand(11,33); - Id: 102123 AegisName: Shadow_Select_Box_Set Name: Shadow Random Box Set # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SHADOW_SELECT_BOX_SET); - Id: 102124 AegisName: F_Ein_Weapon_Hammer Name: Flush Weapon Smelting Hammer # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 102125 AegisName: Refine_Hammer_Box Name: Smelting Hammer Random Set # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_REFINE_HAMMER_BOX); - Id: 102126 AegisName: Amp_Blueprint19 Name: Amplification Schematic (Metal Detector MK47-2) # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 1250 Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 102128 AegisName: All_In_One_buff Name: All-in-One Buff Potion # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_POTION_BERSERK; sc_start SC_M_DEFSCROLL,3600000,0; sc_start SC_LIMIT_POWER_BOOSTER,3600000,30; sc_start SC_INFINITY_DRINK,3600000,0; sc_start SC_SPEEDUP0,600000,25; - Id: 102129 AegisName: All_In_One_Healing Name: All-in-one Healing Potion # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | specialeffect2 EF_HEAL3; sc_start2 SC_S_LIFEPOTION,3600000,-5,5; sc_start2 SC_L_LIFEPOTION,3600000,-7,4; sc_start2 SC_M_LIFEPOTION,3600000,-4,3; sc_start SC_SPEEDUP0,600000,25; - Id: 102193 AegisName: aegis_102193 Name: Costume Enchant Stone Box 30 Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Enchant_Stone_Box30); - Id: 102202 AegisName: Ep20_Fatty_Icegangu Name: Chubby Ice Steel Ball # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 50 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | pet 21965; - Id: 102213 AegisName: Hero_Weapon_Up_S_Box Name: Hero's Weapon Mod Selection Box # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 - Id: 102214 AegisName: Hero_Weapon_Hammer_S Name: Modified Hero's Weapon Refining Hammer S # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 - Id: 102215 AegisName: aegis_102215 Name: 12 refine selection cube # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 - Id: 102216 AegisName: aegis_102216 Name: 11 refine selection cube # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 - Id: 102217 AegisName: Hero_Weapon_S_Box_1 Name: Ancient Hero's Weapon Selector I # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 - Id: 102218 AegisName: Hero_Weapon_S_Box_2 Name: Ancient Hero's Weapon Selector II # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 - Id: 102219 AegisName: Hero_Weapon_S_Box_3 Name: Ancient Hero's Weapon Selector III # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 - Id: 102220 AegisName: Hero_Weapon_S_Box_4 Name: Ancient Hero's Weapon Selector IV # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 - Id: 102221 AegisName: Hero_Weapon_S_Box_5 Name: Ancient Hero's Weapon Selection Box V # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 - Id: 102222 AegisName: Hero_Weapon_S_Box_6 Name: Ancient Hero's Weapon Selection Box VI # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 - Id: 102223 AegisName: Hero_Weapon_S_Box_7 Name: Ancient Hero's Weapon Selection Box VII # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 - Id: 102224 AegisName: Hero_Up_Cube_11 Name: +11 Ancient Hero Armor Opening Cube # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 102226 AegisName: SLD_Boss_Card_Album Name: Sealed Boss Card Album # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SLD_BOSS_CARD_ALBUM); - Id: 102227 AegisName: Glacier_Armor_9Refine Name: Glaceon Armor 9 refine cube # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 102228 AegisName: EP20_DGA_Refine Name: Dim Glaceon Armor Enhancer # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true DropEffect: CLIENT Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 102238 AegisName: Isgard_Crown_Hammer Name: Isgard Crown Smelting Hammer # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 102246 AegisName: VIP_Black_Card Name: Premium Black Card # !todo check english name Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 102247 AegisName: VIP_Gift Name: VIP Gift Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_VIP_GIFT); - Id: 102248 AegisName: VVIP_Gift Name: VVIP Gift Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_VVIP_GIFT); - Id: 102249 AegisName: SVIP_Gift Name: SVIP Gift Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SVIP_GIFT); - Id: 102277 AegisName: Loki_Advice Name: Loki's Advice (Melee Physical) Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 102278 AegisName: Loki_Coin Name: Loki's Coin Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 102295 AegisName: Bs_Item_M_S_60 Name: Voitata Hat Recipe # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 EquipLevelMin: 240 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 102306 AegisName: 2023_Spring_Select Name: 2023 Spring Reward Outfit Selection Box # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 102307 AegisName: 2023_Spring_Collection Name: 2023 Spring Reward Costume Collection Box # !todo check english name Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_2023_SPRING_COLLECTION); - Id: 102308 AegisName: Bs_Item_M_S_61 Name: Beelzebub's Crown Recipe Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 EquipLevelMin: 240 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 102310 AegisName: Bs_Item_M_S_62 Name: Vesper Headgear Recipe Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 EquipLevelMin: 240 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 102311 AegisName: Bs_Item_M_S_63 Name: Moan of Corruption Recipe Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 EquipLevelMin: 240 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 102332 AegisName: aegis_102332 Name: Costume Enchant Stone Box 31 Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Enchant_Stone_Box31); - Id: 102333 AegisName: Stone_Robe3_Box Name: 3rd Expansion Stone III (Drapping) Box # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_STONE_ROBE3_BOX); - Id: 102337 AegisName: RO_Concert_Scroll Name: RO Concert Costume Box # !todo check english name Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_RO_CONCERT_SCROLL); - Id: 102338 AegisName: RO_Concert_Scroll2 Name: RO Concert Costume Selection Box # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 102340 AegisName: RO_Concert_Scroll_Box Name: RO Concert Outfit Selection Box x2 # !todo check english name Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_RO_CONCERT_SCROLL_BOX); - Id: 102342 AegisName: Loki_Advice_3 Name: Loki's advice (distance physics) # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 102343 AegisName: Loki_Coin_3 Name: Loki's Black Coin # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 102344 AegisName: Fan_Upgrade_Kit_EX Name: Fan Modification Kit EX # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 102345 AegisName: Fan_Upgrade_Kit_EX_10 Name: Fan Modification Kit EX 10 sets # !todo check english name Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_FAN_UPGRADE_KIT_EX_10); - Id: 102353 AegisName: CatPaw_1Day_Box Name: Cat Hand Ticket 1 Day Box # !todo check english name Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CATPAW_1DAY_BOX); - Id: 102373 AegisName: Bar_D_A_Seal Name: Deep Runic Armor Inscription # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 102374 AegisName: Bar_D_A_Unseal Name: Depth Rune Armor Unengraved # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 102396 # note: item doesn't exist in itemInfo_true but exists in itemreformsystem AegisName: FA_Armor_Reform_1 Name: FA_Armor_Reform_1 Type: DelayConsume Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 102397 # note: item doesn't exist in itemInfo_true but exists in itemreformsystem AegisName: FA_Armor_Reform_2 Name: FA_Armor_Reform_1 Type: DelayConsume Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 102404 AegisName: Maya_Scroll_TW Name: Maya Purple Scroll (Egg) Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true NoUse: Sitting: true Script: | sc_start SC_Intravision,60000,0; - Id: 102413 AegisName: aegis_102413 Name: Ancient Hero Box 2 Type: Usable Weight: 200 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Ancient_Hero_Box_2); - Id: 102414 AegisName: aegis_102414 Name: Ancient Hero Box 3 Type: Usable Weight: 200 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Ancient_Hero_Box_3); - Id: 102419 AegisName: Melody_Card_191 Name: Special Melody Card # !todo check english name Type: Usable - Id: 102420 AegisName: Music_Box_191 Name: Dimensional Crystal Music Box # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 50 # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 102421 AegisName: Season_Evt_Reward_8 Name: Night Market Blue Box # !todo check english name Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SEASON_EVT_REWARD_8); - Id: 102433 AegisName: Unsealing_Scroll Name: Unsealing Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 102434 AegisName: Warm_Shield_Scroll Name: Warm Shield Scroll Type: Usable Weight: 100 Flags: BuyingStore: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 102440 AegisName: R_Ep17_Box Name: Rune Tablet Engraving # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 102441 AegisName: aegis_102441 Name: Costume Enchant Stone Box 32 Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Enchant_Stone_Box32); - Id: 102450 AegisName: 21th_Present_Box Name: 21st anniversary gift box # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_21TH_PRESENT_BOX); - Id: 102451 AegisName: Mileage_Coupon Name: Mileage Voucher Envelope # !todo check english name Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_MILEAGE_COUPON); - Id: 102454 AegisName: All_In_One_buff_B Name: "[Not for Sale] All-in-One Buff Potion" # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 102455 AegisName: All_In_One_Healing_B Name: "[Not for Sale] All-in-One Healing Potion" # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 102467 AegisName: 21th_Costume_Select Name: 21st Anniversary Costume Selection Box # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 102468 AegisName: 21th_Costume_Collection Name: 21st Anniversary Costume Collection Box # !todo check english name Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_21TH_COSTUME_COLLECTION,true); - Id: 102482 AegisName: FateSin_Boots_Hammer Name: Boots of Good and Evil Smelting Hammer # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 102485 AegisName: S_Enchant_Essence_Box_3 Name: Shadow Essence 3 Boxes # !todo check english name Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_ENCHANT_ESSENCE_BOX_3); - Id: 102514 AegisName: Season_H_Upgrade Name: Granting the truth of the Circulation of life Type: DelayConsume Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 102540 AegisName: M_Armor_Box Name: M. Armor Shadow Box # !todo check english name Type: Usable Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_M_ARMOR_BOX); - Id: 102541 AegisName: M_Shoes_Box Name: M.Shoes Shadow Box # !todo check english name Type: Usable Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_M_SHOES_BOX); - Id: 102542 AegisName: M_Pendant_Box Name: M.Pendant Shadow Box # !todo check english name Type: Usable Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_M_PENDANT_BOX); - Id: 102543 AegisName: M_Earring_Box Name: M.Earring Shadow Box # !todo check english name Type: Usable Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_M_EARRING_BOX); - Id: 102544 AegisName: Ein_Ore_Box Name: Einbeh Ore Box # !todo check english name Type: Usable Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_EIN_ORE_BOX); - Id: 102545 AegisName: Fate_Fragment_Box Name: Goodwill Box # !todo check english name Type: Usable Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_FATE_FRAGMENT_BOX); - Id: 102546 AegisName: Sin_Fragment_Box Name: Box of Sin # !todo check english name Type: Usable Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SIN_FRAGMENT_BOX); - Id: 102547 AegisName: Amethyst_Fragment_Box Name: Amethyst Piece Box # !todo check english name Type: Usable Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_AMETHYST_FRAGMENT_BOX); - Id: 102548 AegisName: Snow_F_Ore_Box Name: Snowflake Manastone Box # !todo check english name Type: Usable Flags: BuyingStore: true Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SNOW_F_ORE_BOX); - Id: 102550 AegisName: Schmidt_Antiquity Name: Antiquity Glast Heim (Curse-swallowed King) Type: Usable Weight: 200 Flags: Container: true DropEffect: CLIENT Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SCHMIDT_ANTIQUITY,true); - Id: 102551 AegisName: Schmidt_Antiquity2 # Name: Antiquity Glast Heim (Curse-swallowed King (Hard)) Name: Antiquity Glast Heim (Curse-swallowed King (Hard) Type: Usable Weight: 200 Flags: Container: true DropEffect: CLIENT Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SCHMIDT_ANTIQUITY2,true); - Id: 102552 AegisName: C_Amdarais_Antiquity Name: Antiquity Glast Heim (Phantom of Amdarais) Type: Usable Weight: 200 Flags: Container: true DropEffect: CLIENT Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_AMDARAIS_ANTIQUITY,true); - Id: 102553 AegisName: C_Himel_Antiquity Name: Antiquity Glast Heim (Phantom of Himmelmez) Type: Usable Weight: 200 Flags: Container: true DropEffect: CLIENT Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_HIMEL_ANTIQUITY,true); - Id: 102554 AegisName: Amdarais_Antiquity Name: Antiquity Glast Heim (Amdarais) Type: Usable Weight: 200 Flags: Container: true DropEffect: CLIENT Script: | getgroupitem(IG_AMDARAIS_ANTIQUITY,true); - Id: 102555 AegisName: Amdarais_Antiquity2 Name: Antiquity Glast Heim (Realized Amdarais) Type: Usable Weight: 200 Flags: Container: true DropEffect: CLIENT Script: | getgroupitem(IG_AMDARAIS_ANTIQUITY2,true); - Id: 102556 AegisName: Miguel_Antiquity Name: Antiquity Cor (Miguel) Type: Usable Weight: 200 Flags: Container: true DropEffect: CLIENT Script: | getgroupitem(IG_MIGUEL_ANTIQUITY,true); - Id: 102557 AegisName: EL_A17T_Antiquity Name: Antiquity Cor (EL-A17T) Type: Usable Flags: Container: true DropEffect: CLIENT Script: | getgroupitem(IG_EL_A17T_ANTIQUITY,true); - Id: 102558 AegisName: Pitaya_Boss_Antiquity Name: Antiquity Mansion (Meow) Type: Usable Weight: 200 Flags: Container: true DropEffect: CLIENT Script: | getgroupitem(IG_PITAYA_BOSS_ANTIQUITY,true); - Id: 102559 AegisName: Sweety_Antiquity Name: Antiquity Mansion (Sweety) Type: Usable Weight: 200 Flags: Container: true DropEffect: CLIENT Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SWEETY_ANTIQUITY,true); - Id: 102560 AegisName: Redpepper_Antiquity Name: Antiquity Mansion (Red Pepper (Kappa)) Type: Usable Weight: 200 Flags: Container: true DropEffect: CLIENT Script: | getgroupitem(IG_REDPEPPER_ANTIQUITY,true); - Id: 102561 AegisName: Redpepper_Antiquity2 Name: Antiquity Mansion (Red Pepper (Lambda)) Type: Usable Weight: 200 Flags: Container: true DropEffect: CLIENT Script: | getgroupitem(IG_REDPEPPER_ANTIQUITY2,true); - Id: 102562 AegisName: Demi_Freyja_Antiquity Name: Antiquity Villa (Twisted God) Type: Usable Weight: 200 Flags: Container: true DropEffect: CLIENT Script: | getgroupitem(IG_DEMI_FREYJA_ANTIQUITY,true); - Id: 102563 AegisName: Juncea_Antiquity Name: Antiquity Issgard (Juncea) Type: Usable Weight: 200 Flags: Container: true DropEffect: CLIENT Script: | getgroupitem(IG_JUNCEA_ANTIQUITY,true); - Id: 102564 AegisName: Aquila_Antiquity Name: Antiquity Issgard (Aquila) Type: Usable Weight: 200 Flags: Container: true DropEffect: CLIENT Script: | getgroupitem(IG_AQUILA_ANTIQUITY,true); - Id: 102565 AegisName: Aquila_Antiquity2 Name: Antiquity Issgard (Aquila (First Class)) Type: Usable Weight: 200 Flags: Container: true DropEffect: CLIENT Script: | getgroupitem(IG_AQUILA_ANTIQUITY2,true); - Id: 102566 AegisName: F_Iceslug_Antiquiy Name: Antiquity Issgard (Fallen Angel Slug) Type: Usable Weight: 200 Flags: Container: true DropEffect: CLIENT Script: | getgroupitem(IG_F_ICESLUG_ANTIQUIY,true); - Id: 102567 AegisName: Lasgand_Antiquity Name: Antiquity Issgard (Ultimate Lasgand) Type: Usable Weight: 200 Flags: Container: true DropEffect: CLIENT Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LASGAND_ANTIQUITY,true); - Id: 102568 AegisName: Lasgand_Antiquity2 Name: Antiquity Issgard (Ultimate Lasgand (Hard)) Type: Usable Weight: 200 Flags: Container: true DropEffect: CLIENT Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LASGAND_ANTIQUITY2,true); - Id: 102569 AegisName: Celine_Kimi_Antiquity Name: Antiquity Toy Factory (Celine Kimi) Type: Usable Weight: 200 Flags: Container: true DropEffect: CLIENT Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CELINE_KIMI_ANTIQUITY,true); - Id: 102570 AegisName: Sakray_Antiquity Name: Antiquity Remorse (Sakray) Type: Usable Weight: 200 Flags: Container: true DropEffect: CLIENT Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SAKRAY_ANTIQUITY,true); - Id: 102571 AegisName: Unknown_Antiquity Name: Antiquity Somatology Dungeon (Unknown Swordsman) Type: Usable Weight: 200 Flags: Container: true DropEffect: CLIENT Script: | getgroupitem(IG_UNKNOWN_ANTIQUITY,true); - Id: 102572 AegisName: Thanatos_Antiquity Name: Antiquity Thanatos Tower (Memory of Thanatos) Type: Usable Weight: 200 Flags: Container: true DropEffect: CLIENT Script: | getgroupitem(IG_THANATOS_ANTIQUITY,true); - Id: 102573 AegisName: Airboat_Antiquity Name: Antiquity Crash Site (Unidentified Creature) Type: Usable Weight: 200 Flags: Container: true DropEffect: CLIENT Script: | getgroupitem(IG_AIRBOAT_ANTIQUITY,true); - Id: 102580 AegisName: aegis_102580 Name: Ponytail Gift Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Ponytail_Hair_Box); - Id: 102593 AegisName: Honey_Songpyun_E Name: "[Event] Honey Songpyeon" Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 102605 AegisName: aegis_102605 Name: Costume Enchant Stone Box 33 Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_Enchant_Stone_Box33); - Id: 102624 AegisName: T_Garden_Ev_1 Name: Energy Box of Spirit Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_T_GARDEN_EV_1); - Id: 102625 AegisName: T_Garden_Ev_2 Name: Energy Box of Season Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_T_GARDEN_EV_2); - Id: 102626 AegisName: T_Garden_Ev_3 Name: Box of Life Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_T_GARDEN_EV_3); - Id: 102631 AegisName: Cinnamon_Costume_Box Name: Cinnamoroll Costume Selection Box Type: DelayConsume Weight: 100 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 102632 AegisName: Cos_EnchantStone_Box1 Name: Costume Stone Mix I Box Type: Usable Weight: 30 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_COS_ENCHANTSTONE_BOX1); - Id: 102633 AegisName: Cos_EnchantStone_Box2 Name: Costume Stone Mix II Box Type: Usable Weight: 30 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_COS_ENCHANTSTONE_BOX2); - Id: 102634 AegisName: Cos_EnchantStone_Box3 Name: Costume Stone Mix III Box Type: Usable Weight: 30 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_COS_ENCHANTSTONE_BOX3); - Id: 102638 AegisName: S_Badge_pack Name: Sonic Badge Package Type: Usable Weight: 100 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_BADGE_PACK); - Id: 102668 AegisName: Dimen_W_Refine Name: Dimensions Weapon Refinement Device Type: DelayConsume Weight: 200 EquipLevelMin: 250 Flags: BuyingStore: true DropEffect: CLIENT Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 102676 AegisName: Loki_Coin_4 Name: Loki's Golden Coin Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 102677 AegisName: Loki_Advice_4 Name: Loki's Advice (Defense) Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | laphine_upgrade(); - Id: 102701 AegisName: Main_Lucky_Box_ Name: "[Reward] Kachua's Secret Key" Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_MAIN_LUCKY_BOX_,true); - Id: 102716 AegisName: Bl_Depth_Ev_1 Name: Deep Rune Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BL_DEPTH_EV_1); - Id: 102717 AegisName: Bl_Depth_Ev_2 Name: Deep Abyss Rune Box Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BL_DEPTH_EV_2); - Id: 102732 AegisName: IsgardCrown_Box Name: Issgard Crown Selection Box Type: DelayConsume Flags: BuyingStore: true - Id: 102733 AegisName: AceCard_Box Name: Ace Card in Mouth Selection Box Type: DelayConsume Flags: BuyingStore: true - Id: 102734 AegisName: Loki_Coin_Box Name: Loki's Coin Selection Box Type: DelayConsume Flags: BuyingStore: true - Id: 102735 AegisName: Loki_Advice_Box Name: Loki's Advice Selection Box Type: DelayConsume Flags: BuyingStore: true - Id: 102738 AegisName: Brown_Dia_Box Name: Golden Diamond 15 ea Box Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BROWN_DIA_BOX); - Id: 102740 AegisName: PresentBox_EP17_2 Name: Episode 17.2 Gift Box Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_PRESENTBOX_EP17_2); - Id: 102741 AegisName: PresentBox_EP18 Name: Episode 18 Gift Box Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_PRESENTBOX_EP18); - Id: 102742 AegisName: Refine_Event_Box Name: Refine Event Box Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_REFINE_EVENT_BOX); - Id: 102745 AegisName: PresentBox_EP19 Name: Episode 19 Gift Box Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_PRESENTBOX_EP19); - Id: 102746 AegisName: PresentBox_EP20 Name: Episode 20 Gift Box Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_PRESENTBOX_EP20); - Id: 102747 AegisName: PresentBox_GlastHeim Name: Glast Heim Gift Box Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_PRESENTBOX_GLASTHEIM); - Id: 102750 AegisName: Black_Dia_3_Box Name: Black Diamond 3 ea Box Type: Cash Weight: 900 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BLACK_DIA_3_BOX); - Id: 102767 AegisName: R_Ep17_Album Name: Episode 17-18 Card Album Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_R_EP17_ALBUM); - Id: 102771 AegisName: 2023_Xmas_Costume Name: Christmas Costume Selection Package Type: DelayConsume Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 102780 AegisName: 2401_ev_LinTteok Name: Inverse Scale Glutinous Rice Cake Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 102781 AegisName: 2401_ev_Galbi Name: New Year Galbi-jjim Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 102782 AegisName: 2401_ev_Rice_Soup Name: New Year Rice Cake Soup Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 102783 AegisName: 2401_ev_Lunch_Box Name: Sulki's Lunch Box Type: Usable Weight: 50 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_2401_EV_LUNCH_BOX); - Id: 102795 AegisName: Forgotten_Crystal_1 Name: Crystal of Forgotten Time (Area 1) Type: Usable Weight: 30 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 102796 AegisName: Forgotten_Crystal_2 Name: Crystal of Forgotten Time (Area 2) Type: Usable Weight: 30 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 102797 AegisName: Super_Sonic_pack Name: Super Sonic Package Type: Usable Weight: 100 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SUPER_SONIC_PACK); - Id: 102798 AegisName: Chaos_Emerald_pack Name: Chaos Emerald Package Type: Usable Weight: 100 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CHAOS_EMERALD_PACK); - Id: 102800 AegisName: VR_High_Speed Name: High Speed Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 102801 AegisName: VR_1UP Name: 1UP Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 102803 AegisName: Force_Booster Name: Force Booster Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 102806 AegisName: Brown_Dia_Box_3_7 Name: Golden Diamond Box Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_BROWN_DIA_BOX_3_7); - Id: 102812 AegisName: 10AllMighty_Select_Box Name: +10 Almighty Shadow Selection Box Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true - Id: 102813 AegisName: R_Ep178_boss Name: Episode 17-18 Boss Card Album Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_R_EP178_BOSS); - Id: 102815 AegisName: R_Sealed_Card Name: Sealed Card Converter Type: DelayConsume Script: | laphine_synthesis(); - Id: 102820 AegisName: Enchant_Stone_Box34 Name: Costume Enchant Stone Box 34 Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ENCHANT_STONE_BOX34); - Id: 102858 AegisName: VIP_Birthday_Box Name: Birthday Gift Box Type: Usable Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_VIP_BIRTHDAY_BOX); - Id: 102869 AegisName: Ep21_Fatty_Shrimp Name: Fatty Lunaforma Shrimp Type: Usable Weight: 50 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | pet 22318; - Id: 102881 AegisName: Gaebolg_A_Hammer_1 Name: +9 Gaebolg Equipment Refine Hammer Type: DelayConsume Weight: 100 EquipLevelMin: 245 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 102882 AegisName: Gaebolg_A_Hammer_2 Name: +10 Gaebolg Equipment Refine Hammer Type: DelayConsume Weight: 100 EquipLevelMin: 245 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 102883 AegisName: Gaebolg_A_Hammer_3 Name: +11 Gaebolg Equipment Refine Hammer Type: DelayConsume Weight: 100 EquipLevelMin: 245 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 102900 AegisName: Refine_Furious Name: Furious Refine Stone Type: DelayConsume Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | item_reform(); - Id: 102908 AegisName: 2403_ev_Parfait Name: Fruit Parfait # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 1 Flags: BuyingStore: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | percentheal 20,20; - Id: 102910 AegisName: 2403_ev_Berry_Cake Name: Strawberry Cream Cake # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 1 Flags: BuyingStore: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | percentheal 50,50; - Id: 102911 AegisName: 2403_ev_Mont_Blanc Name: Mont Blanc Cake # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 1 Flags: BuyingStore: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 102912 AegisName: 2403_ev_Cherry_Blossom Name: Cherry Blossom Rice Cake # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 1 Flags: BuyingStore: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 102913 AegisName: 2403_ev_Spray_1 Name: Abundant flower branches # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 1 Flags: BuyingStore: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 102924 AegisName: 2403_ev_Crepe Name: Sweet Crepe # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 1 Flags: BuyingStore: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 102925 AegisName: 2403_ev_Melon_Parfait Name: Melon Parfait # !todo check english name Type: Usable Weight: 1 Flags: BuyingStore: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | percentheal 100,100; - Id: 102947 AegisName: aegis_102947 Name: Antiquity of Ghost Ship (Ghost Ship Captain) Type: Usable Weight: 200 Flags: Container: true DropEffect: CLIENT Script: | getgroupitem(IG_AEGIS_102947); - Id: 102948 AegisName: aegis_102948 Name: Antiquity of Giant Snake (Devouring Tan) Type: Usable Weight: 200 Flags: Container: true DropEffect: CLIENT Script: | getgroupitem(IG_AEGIS_102948); - Id: 102949 AegisName: Sonic_Costume_Pack Name: Sonic Costume Selection Box # !todo check english name Type: DelayConsume Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 102964 AegisName: Teleport_Ep21 Name: Lunaforma Travel Wing Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 102985 AegisName: Speed_Booster Name: Speed Booster Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 103033 AegisName: aegis_103033 Name: Furious Lance Shield Box Type: Usable Weight: 100 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_AEGIS_103033); - Id: 103034 AegisName: aegis_103034 Name: Furious Dual Dagger Box Type: Usable Weight: 100 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_AEGIS_103034); - Id: 103048 AegisName: P_Booster_Call_Package Name: "[Not For Sale] Premium Booster Box" Type: Usable EquipLevelMax: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_P_BOOSTER_CALL_PACKAGE); - Id: 103049 AegisName: P_Compensation_Box Name: Probability Disclosure Conpensation Box Type: Usable Weight: 100 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_P_COMPENSATION_BOX); - Id: 103050 AegisName: E_EXP_Drop_Up_1days Name: "[Not For Sale] Kafra Buff (1 day)" Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 103051 AegisName: E_EXP_Drop_Up_2days Name: "[Not For Sale] Kafra Buff (2 days)" Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 103052 AegisName: E_EXP_Drop_Up_3days Name: "[Not For Sale] Kafra Buff (3 days)" Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 103053 AegisName: E_EXP_Drop_Up_4days Name: "[Not For Sale] Kafra Buff (4 days)" Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 103054 AegisName: E_EXP_Drop_Up_5days Name: "[Not For Sale] Kafra Buff (5 days)" Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 103055 AegisName: E_EXP_Drop_Up_6days Name: "[Not For Sale] Kafra Buff (6 days)" Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 103063 AegisName: Enchant_Stone_Box35 Name: Costume Enchant Stone Box 35 Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_ENCHANT_STONE_BOX35); - Id: 103065 AegisName: 24_S_Ev_Noodle Name: Summer Festival Noodle Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 103066 AegisName: 24_S_Ev_Grilled Name: Herb Calamari Barbecue Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 103067 AegisName: 24_S_Ev_Podding Name: Sweet Watermelon Pudding Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 103068 AegisName: 24_S_Ev_Juice Name: Cool Watermelon Juice Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 103069 AegisName: 24_S_Ev_IceFlake Name: Cool Red Beans Bingsu Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 103070 AegisName: 24_S_Ev_Pop_Corn Name: Gourmet Butter Popcorn Type: Usable Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 103071 AegisName: 24_S_Ev_Ripe_Melon Name: Ripe Golden Melon Type: Usable Weight: 50 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | percentheal 100,100; - Id: 103095 AegisName: Kr_B_Special10 Name: Love Cake Type: Usable Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true - Id: 103106 AegisName: Stove_Channeling_Box_1 Name: Channeling Commemoration Box I Type: Usable Weight: 400 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_STOVE_CHANNELING_BOX_1); - Id: 103107 AegisName: Stove_Channeling_Box_2 Name: Channeling Commemoration Box II Type: Usable Weight: 400 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_STOVE_CHANNELING_BOX_2); - Id: 103108 AegisName: Stove_Channeling_Box_3 Name: Channeling Commemoration Box III Type: Usable Weight: 400 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_STOVE_CHANNELING_BOX_3); - Id: 103109 AegisName: Stove_Channeling_Box_4 Name: Channeling Commemoration Box IV Type: Usable Weight: 400 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoStorage: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_STOVE_CHANNELING_BOX_4); - Id: 200000 AegisName: IDTest_Cash Name: IDTest Cash Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true - Id: 200001 AegisName: Inventory_Ex_10Box Name: Inventory Expansion Voucher Box (10) Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_INVENTORY_EX_10BOX); - Id: 200002 AegisName: Inventory_Ex_Dis_10Box Name: (Limited) Inventory Expansion Voucher Box (10) Type: Cash Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getitem 25793,10; /* Inventory Expansion Coupon */ - Id: 200003 AegisName: LI_HD_Oridecon_Box2 Name: (Limited) HD Oridecon Box (Blacksmith)(30) Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LI_HD_ORIDECON_BOX2); - Id: 200004 AegisName: LI_HD_Elunium_Box2 Name: (Limited) HD Elunium Box (Blacksmith)(30) Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LI_HD_ELUNIUM_BOX2); - Id: 200005 AegisName: LI_HD_BradiumBox2 Name: (Limited) HD Bradium Box (Blacksmith)(30) Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LI_HD_BRADIUMBOX2); - Id: 200006 AegisName: LI_HD_CarniumBox2 Name: (Limited) HD Carnium Box (Blacksmith)(30) Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LI_HD_CARNIUMBOX2); - Id: 200031 AegisName: LI_Nyangvine_Box100 Name: (Limited) Silvervine Cat Fruit Package I Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LI_NYANGVINE_BOX100); - Id: 200032 AegisName: LI_A_3_Potion_pack Name: (Limited) Three Master Package Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LI_A_3_POTION_PACK); - Id: 200049 AegisName: Stone_Coin_PackageI Name: Stoin Coin Package I Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_STONE_COIN_PACKAGEI); - Id: 200050 AegisName: Stone_Coin_PackageII Name: Stoin Coin Package II Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_STONE_COIN_PACKAGEII); - Id: 200051 AegisName: Stone_Coin_PackageIII Name: Stoin Coin Package III Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_STONE_COIN_PACKAGEIII); - Id: 200055 AegisName: C_Acid_B_50Box Name: Acid Bomb 50 Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_ACID_B_50BOX); - Id: 200056 AegisName: C_Acid_B_500_Box Name: Acid Bomb 500 Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_C_ACID_B_500_BOX); - Id: 200064 AegisName: Giant_Fly_Wing_2500 Name: Giant Flywing 2500 Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_GIANT_FLY_WING_2500); - Id: 200069 AegisName: A_HD_Elunium_Box Name: HD Elunium Package Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_A_HD_ELUNIUM_BOX); - Id: 200070 AegisName: A_HD_Oridecon_Box Name: HD Oridecon Package Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_A_HD_ORIDECON_BOX); - Id: 200071 AegisName: A_HD_Carnium_Box Name: HD Carnium Package Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_A_HD_CARNIUM_BOX); - Id: 200072 AegisName: A_HD_Bradium_Box Name: HD Bradium Package Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_A_HD_BRADIUM_BOX); - Id: 200074 AegisName: L_Battle_Manual_Pack Name: (Limited) Battle Manual Package Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_L_BATTLE_MANUAL_PACK); - Id: 200090 AegisName: LI_Mana_Potion_Box Name: (Limited) Mana Potion Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LI_MANA_POTION_BOX); - Id: 200091 AegisName: LI_Nyangvine_Box_II Name: (Limited) Silvervine Cat Fruit Package II Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LI_NYANGVINE_BOX_II); - Id: 200092 AegisName: LI_Nyangvine_Box_III Name: (Limited) Silvervine Cat Fruit Package III Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LI_NYANGVINE_BOX_III); - Id: 200093 AegisName: LI_HD_Oridecon_Box3 Name: (Limited) HD Oridecon Box (Hollgrehenn)(30) Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LI_HD_ORIDECON_BOX3); - Id: 200094 AegisName: LI_HD_Elunium_Box3 Name: (Limited) HD Elunium Box (Hollgrehenn)(30) Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LI_HD_ELUNIUM_BOX3); - Id: 200108 AegisName: LI_Nyangvine_Stone_Box # Name: (Limited) Silvervine Cat Fruit Package (Stone Box 23) Name: (Limited) Silvervine Cat Fruit Package Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LI_NYANGVINE_STONE_BOX); - Id: 200109 AegisName: LI_A_Refine_Ore_Box Name: Limited Refinement Ore Package Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LI_A_REFINE_ORE_BOX); - Id: 200110 AegisName: LI_A_HD_Elunium_Box Name: Limited HD Elunium Package Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LI_A_HD_ELUNIUM_BOX); - Id: 200111 AegisName: LI_A_HD_Oridecon_Box Name: Limited HD Oridecon Package Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LI_A_HD_ORIDECON_BOX); - Id: 200112 AegisName: LI_A_HD_Carnium_Box Name: Limited HD Carnium Package Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LI_A_HD_CARNIUM_BOX); - Id: 200113 AegisName: LI_A_HD_Bradium_Box Name: Limited HD Bradium Package Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LI_A_HD_BRADIUM_BOX); - Id: 200123 AegisName: Thanos_Upgrade_Package Name: Thanos Upgrade Package Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_THANOS_UPGRADE_PACKAGE); - Id: 200124 AegisName: Hero_Up_Package_1 Name: Hero's Weapon Modification Package I Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_HERO_UP_PACKAGE_1); - Id: 200125 AegisName: Hero_Up_Package_2 Name: Hero's Weapon Modification Package II Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_HERO_UP_PACKAGE_2); - Id: 200126 AegisName: Hero_Hammer_Package_1 Name: Modified Hero's Weapon Refine Hammer Package I Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_HERO_HAMMER_PACKAGE_1); - Id: 200127 AegisName: Hero_Hammer_Package_2 Name: Modified Hero's Weapon Refine Hammer Package II Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_HERO_HAMMER_PACKAGE_2); - Id: 200128 AegisName: Hero_Up_Package_3 Name: Hero's Weapon Modification Package III Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_HERO_UP_PACKAGE_3); - Id: 200129 AegisName: Hero_Hammer_Package_3 Name: Modified Hero's Weapon Refine Hammer Package III Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_HERO_HAMMER_PACKAGE_3); - Id: 200136 AegisName: EXP_Drop_Up_Box Name: Kafra Buff Box (7 Days) Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_EXP_DROP_UP_BOX); - Id: 200137 AegisName: Hero_Hammer_Package_4 Name: Modified Hero's Weapon Refine Hammer Package IV Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_HERO_HAMMER_PACKAGE_4); - Id: 200138 AegisName: Hero_Up_Package_4 Name: Hero's Weapon Modification Package IV Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_HERO_UP_PACKAGE_4); - Id: 200140 AegisName: LI_Nyangvine_Stone_Box2 # Name: (Limited) Silvervine Cat Fruit Package(Stone Box 24) Name: (Limited) Silvervine Cat Fruit Package Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LI_NYANGVINE_STONE_BOX2); - Id: 200141 AegisName: Hero_Up_Package_5 Name: Hero's Weapon Modification Package V Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_HERO_UP_PACKAGE_5); - Id: 200144 AegisName: CostumeMileage_Package1 Name: Silvervine Costume Mileage Package I Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_COSTUMEMILEAGE_PACKAGE1); - Id: 200145 AegisName: CostumeMileage_Package2 Name: Silvervine Costume Mileage Package II Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_COSTUMEMILEAGE_PACKAGE2); - Id: 200146 AegisName: CostumeMileage_Package3 Name: Silvervine Costume Mileage Package III Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_COSTUMEMILEAGE_PACKAGE3); - Id: 200155 AegisName: LI_Nyangvine_Box100_2 Name: (Limited) Silvervine Cat Fruit Package IV Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LI_NYANGVINE_BOX100_2); - Id: 200163 AegisName: LI_Nyangvine_Stone_Box3 # Name: (Limited) Silvervine Cat Fruit Package(Stone Box 25) Name: (Limited) Silvervine Cat Fruit Package(Stone Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LI_NYANGVINE_STONE_BOX3); - Id: 200168 AegisName: 2021_Promo_Package_1 Name: 2021 Promotional Commemorative Package I Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_2021_PROMO_PACKAGE_1); - Id: 200169 AegisName: 2021_Promo_Package_2 Name: 2021 Promotional Commemorative Package II Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_2021_PROMO_PACKAGE_2); - Id: 200170 AegisName: CostumeMileage_Package4 Name: Silvervine Costume Mileage Package IV Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_COSTUMEMILEAGE_PACKAGE4); - Id: 200171 AegisName: CostumeMileage_Package5 Name: Silvervine Costume Mileage Package V Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_COSTUMEMILEAGE_PACKAGE5); - Id: 200172 AegisName: CostumeMileage_Package6 Name: Silvervine Costume Mileage Package VI Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_COSTUMEMILEAGE_PACKAGE6); - Id: 200174 AegisName: Hero_Hammer_Package_6 Name: Modified Hero's Weapon Refine Hammer Package VI Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_HERO_HAMMER_PACKAGE_6); - Id: 200175 AegisName: Hero_Up_Package_6 Name: Hero's Weapon Modification Package VI Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_HERO_UP_PACKAGE_6); - Id: 200185 AegisName: LI_Nyangvine_Box1_26 # Name: (Limited) Actinidia Cat Fruit Box I (Stone Box 26) Name: (Limited) Actinidia Cat Fruit Box I Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LI_Nyangvine_Box1_26); - Id: 200186 AegisName: LI_Nyangvine_Box2_26 # Name: (Limited) Actinidia Cat Fruit Box II (Stone Box 26) Name: (Limited) Actinidia Cat Fruit Box II Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LI_Nyangvine_Box2_26); - Id: 200187 AegisName: LI_Nyangvine_Box3_26 # Name: (Limited) Actinidia Cat Fruit Box III (Stone Box 26) Name: (Limited) Actinidia Cat Fruit Box III Type: Usable Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LI_Nyangvine_Box3_26); - Id: 200191 AegisName: CostumeMilePack_26_1 # Name: Actinidia Costume Mileage Package I (Stone Box 26) Name: Actinidia Costume Mileage Package I Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_COSTUME_MILE_PACK_26_1); - Id: 200193 AegisName: CostumeMilePack_26_2 # Name: Actinidia Costume Mileage Package II (Stone Box 26) Name: Actinidia Costume Mileage Package II Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_COSTUME_MILE_PACK_26_2); - Id: 200194 AegisName: CostumeMilePack_26_3 # Name: Actinidia Costume Mileage Package III (Stone Box 26) Name: Actinidia Costume Mileage Package III Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_COSTUME_MILE_PACK_26_3); - Id: 200195 AegisName: Monthly_Package_1 Name: Monthly Supply Package I Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_MONTHLY_PACKAGE_1); - Id: 200196 AegisName: Monthly_Package_2 Name: Monthly Supply Package II Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_MONTHLY_PACKAGE_2); - Id: 200197 AegisName: Monthly_Package_3 Name: Monthly Supply Package III Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_MONTHLY_PACKAGE_3); - Id: 200198 AegisName: Monthly_Buff_Package Name: Monthly Premium Buff Package Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_MONTHLY_BUFF_PACKAGE); - Id: 200199 AegisName: Monthly_Battle_Package Name: Monthly Combat Manual Package Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_MONTHLY_BATTLE_PACKAGE); - Id: 200214 AegisName: CostumeMilePack_27_1 # Name: Nyangdarae Costume Mileage Package I (Stone Box 27) Name: Nyangdarae Costume Mileage Package I (Stone Box 2 # !todo check english name Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_COSTUMEMILEPACK_27_1); - Id: 200215 AegisName: CostumeMilePack_27_2 # Name: Nyangdarae Costume Mileage Package II (Stone Box 27) Name: Nyangdarae Costume Mileage Package II (Stone Box # !todo check english name Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_COSTUMEMILEPACK_27_2); - Id: 200216 AegisName: CostumeMilePack_27_3 # Name: Nyangdarae Costume Mileage Package III (Stone Box 27) Name: Nyangdarae Costume Mileage Package III (Stone Box # !todo check english name Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_COSTUMEMILEPACK_27_3); - Id: 200219 AegisName: LI_Nyangvine_Box1_28 # Name: (Limited) Nutcracker Fruit Package I (Stone Box 28) Name: (Limited) Nutcracker Fruit Package I (Stone Box 2 # !todo check english name Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LI_NYANGVINE_BOX1_28); - Id: 200220 AegisName: LI_Nyangvine_Box2_28 # Name: (Limited) Nutcracker Fruit Package II (Stone Box 28) Name: (Limited) Nutcracker Fruit Package II (Stone Box # !todo check english name Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LI_NYANGVINE_BOX2_28); - Id: 200221 AegisName: LI_Nyangvine_Box3_28 # Name: (Limited) Nutcracker Fruit Package III (Stone Box 28) Name: (Limited) Nutcracker Fruit Package III (Stone Box # !todo check english name Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LI_NYANGVINE_BOX3_28); - Id: 200236 AegisName: LI_Nyangvine_Box1_29 # Name: (Limited) Nyangdarae Fruit Package I (29 Stone Boxes) Name: (Limited) Nyangdarae Fruit Package I (29 Stone Bo # !todo check english name Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LI_NYANGVINE_BOX1_29); - Id: 200237 AegisName: LI_Nyangvine_Box2_29 # Name: (Limited) Nyandarae Fruit Package II (29 Stone Boxes) Name: (Limited) Nyandarae Fruit Package II (29 Stone Bo # !todo check english name Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LI_NYANGVINE_BOX2_29); - Id: 200238 AegisName: LI_Nyangvine_Box3_29 # Name: (Limited) Nyandarae Fruit Package III (29 Stone Boxes) Name: (Limited) Nyandarae Fruit Package III (29 Stone B # !todo check english name Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LI_NYANGVINE_BOX3_29); - Id: 200247 AegisName: Cash_Booster_Box Name: Growth Support Package # !todo check english name Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CASH_BOOSTER_BOX); - Id: 200256 AegisName: CostumeMilePack_29_1 # Name: Nyangdarae Costume Mileage Package I (Stone Box 29) Name: Nyangdarae Costume Mileage Package I (Stone Box 2 # !todo check english name Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_COSTUMEMILEPACK_29_1); - Id: 200257 AegisName: CostumeMilePack_29_2 # Name: Nyangdarae Costume Mileage Package II (Stone Box 29) Name: Nyangdarae Costume Mileage Package II (Stone Box # !todo check english name Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_COSTUMEMILEPACK_29_2); - Id: 200258 AegisName: CostumeMilePack_29_3 # Name: Nyangdarae Costume Mileage Package III (Stone Box 29) Name: Nyangdarae Costume Mileage Package III (Stone Box # !todo check english name Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_COSTUMEMILEPACK_29_3); - Id: 200287 AegisName: LI_Nyangvine_Box1_30 # Name: (Limited) Nyangdarae Fruit Package I (30 Stone Boxes) Name: (Limited) Nyangdarae Fruit Package I (30 Stone Bo # !todo check english name Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LI_NYANGVINE_BOX1_30); - Id: 200288 AegisName: LI_Nyangvine_Box2_30 # Name: (Limited) Nyandarae Fruit Package II (30 Stone Boxes) Name: (Limited) Nyandarae Fruit Package II (30 Stone Bo # !todo check english name Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LI_NYANGVINE_BOX2_30); - Id: 200289 AegisName: LI_Nyangvine_Box3_30 # Name: (Limited) Nyandarae Fruit Package III (Stone Box 30) Name: (Limited) Nyandarae Fruit Package III (Stone Box # !todo check english name Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LI_NYANGVINE_BOX3_30); - Id: 200291 AegisName: CostumeMilePack_30_1 # Name: Nyangdarae Costume Mileage Package I (30 Stone Box) Name: Nyangdarae Costume Mileage Package I (30 Stone Bo # !todo check english name Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_COSTUMEMILEPACK_30_1); - Id: 200292 AegisName: CostumeMilePack_30_2 # Name: Nyangdarae Costume Mileage Package II (Stone Box 30) Name: Nyangdarae Costume Mileage Package II (Stone Box # !todo check english name Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_COSTUMEMILEPACK_30_2); - Id: 200293 AegisName: CostumeMilePack_30_3 # Name: Nyangdarae Costume Mileage Package III (Stone Box 30) Name: Nyangdarae Costume Mileage Package III (Stone Box # !todo check english name Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_COSTUMEMILEPACK_30_3); - Id: 200305 AegisName: LI_Nyangvine_Box1_31 # Name: (Limited) Nyandarae Fruit Package I (Stone Box 31) Name: (Limited) Nyandarae Fruit Package I (Stone Box 31 # !todo check english name Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LI_NYANGVINE_BOX1_31); - Id: 200306 AegisName: LI_Nyangvine_Box2_31 # Name: (Limited) Nyangdarae Fruit Package II (Stone Box 31) Name: (Limited) Nyangdarae Fruit Package II (Stone Box # !todo check english name Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LI_NYANGVINE_BOX2_31); - Id: 200307 AegisName: LI_Nyangvine_Box3_31 # Name: (Limited) Nyandarae Fruit Package III (Stone Box 31) Name: (Limited) Nyandarae Fruit Package III (Stone Box # !todo check english name Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LI_NYANGVINE_BOX3_31); - Id: 200312 AegisName: CostumeMilePack_31_1 # Name: Nyangdarae Costume Mileage Package I (Stone Box 31) Name: Nyangdarae Costume Mileage Package I (Stone Box 3 # !todo check english name Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_COSTUMEMILEPACK_31_1); - Id: 200313 AegisName: CostumeMilePack_31_2 # Name: Nyangdarae Costume Mileage Package II (Stone Box 31) Name: Nyangdarae Costume Mileage Package II (Stone Box # !todo check english name Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_COSTUMEMILEPACK_31_2); - Id: 200314 AegisName: CostumeMilePack_31_3 # Name: Nyangdarae Costume Mileage Package III (Stone Box 31) Name: Nyangdarae Costume Mileage Package III (Stone Box # !todo check english name Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_COSTUMEMILEPACK_31_3); - Id: 200321 AegisName: LI_Nyangvine_Box1_32 Name: "[Limited] Silvervine Package I (Stone Box 32)" Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LI_NYANGVINE_BOX1_32); - Id: 200322 AegisName: LI_Nyangvine_Box2_32 Name: "[Limited] Silvervine Package II (Stone Box 32)" Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LI_NYANGVINE_BOX2_32); - Id: 200323 AegisName: LI_Nyangvine_Box3_32 Name: "[Limited] Silvervine Package III (Stone Box 32)" Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LI_NYANGVINE_BOX3_32); - Id: 200325 AegisName: CostumeMilePack_32_1 # Name: Nyangdarae Costume Mileage Package I (Stone Box 32) Name: Nyangdarae Costume Mileage Package I (Stone Box 3 # !todo check english name Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_COSTUMEMILEPACK_32_1); - Id: 200326 AegisName: CostumeMilePack_32_2 # Name: Nyangdarae Costume Mileage Package II (Stone Box 32) Name: Nyangdarae Costume Mileage Package II (Stone Box # !todo check english name Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_COSTUMEMILEPACK_32_2); - Id: 200327 AegisName: CostumeMilePack_32_3 # Name: Nyangdarae Costume Mileage Package III (Stone Box 32) Name: Nyangdarae Costume Mileage Package III (Stone Box # !todo check english name Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_COSTUMEMILEPACK_32_3); - Id: 200330 AegisName: LI_Nyangvine_Box1_33 # Name: (Limited) Nyangvine Fruit Package I (Stone Box 33) Name: (Limited) Nyangvine Fruit Package I (Stone Box 33 Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LI_NYANGVINE_BOX1_33); - Id: 200331 AegisName: LI_Nyangvine_Box2_33 # Name: (Limited) Nyangvine Fruit Package II (Stone Box 33) Name: (Limited) Nyangvine Fruit Package II (Stone Box 3 Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LI_NYANGVINE_BOX2_33); - Id: 200332 AegisName: LI_Nyangvine_Box3_33 # Name: (Limited) Nyangvine Fruit Package III (Stone Box 33) Name: (Limited) Nyangvine Fruit Package III (Stone Box Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LI_NYANGVINE_BOX3_33); - Id: 200333 AegisName: Cinnamon_Pack1 Name: Cinnamoroll Collaboration Package I Type: Cash Weight: 200 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CINNAMON_PACK1); - Id: 200334 AegisName: Cinnamon_Pack2 Name: Cinnamoroll Collaboration Package II Type: Cash Weight: 200 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CINNAMON_PACK2); - Id: 200335 AegisName: Cinnamon_Pack3 Name: Cinnamoroll Collaboration Package III Type: Cash Weight: 200 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CINNAMON_PACK3); - Id: 200336 AegisName: Cinnamon_Pack4 Name: RO x Cinnamoroll Box Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CINNAMON_PACK4,true); - Id: 200340 AegisName: LI_Nyang_Cinna_Box1_33 # Name: (Limited) Cinnamoroll Nyangvine Fruit Package I (Stone Box 33) Name: (Limited) Cinnamoroll Nyangvine Fruit Package I ( Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LI_NYANG_CINNA_BOX1_33); - Id: 200341 AegisName: LI_Nyang_Cinna_Box2_33 # Name: (Limited) Cinnamoroll Nyangvine Fruit Package II (Stone Box 33) Name: (Limited) Cinnamoroll Nyangvine Fruit Package II Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LI_NYANG_CINNA_BOX2_33); - Id: 200342 AegisName: LI_Nyang_Cinna_Box3_33 # Name: (Limited) Cinnamoroll Nyatarae Fruit Package III (Stone Box 33) Name: (Limited) Cinnamoroll Nyatarae Fruit Package III # !todo check english name Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LI_NYANG_CINNA_BOX3_33); - Id: 200349 AegisName: LI_A_Elunium_Box Name: Enriched Elunium Account-limited Package Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LI_A_ELUNIUM_BOX); - Id: 200350 AegisName: LI_A_Oridecon_Box Name: Enriched Oridecon Account-limited Package Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LI_A_ORIDECON_BOX); - Id: 200351 AegisName: CostumeMilePack_33_1 # Name: Nyangvine Costume Mileage Package I (Stone Box 33) Name: Nyangvine Costume Mileage Package I (Stone Box 33 Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_COSTUMEMILEPACK_33_1); - Id: 200352 AegisName: CostumeMilePack_33_2 # Name: Nyangvine Costume Mileage Package II (Stone Box 33) Name: Nyangvine Costume Mileage Package II (Stone Box 3 Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_COSTUMEMILEPACK_33_2); - Id: 200353 AegisName: CostumeMilePack_33_3 # Name: Nyangvine Costume Mileage Package III (Stone Box 33) Name: Nyangvine Costume Mileage Package III (Stone Box Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_COSTUMEMILEPACK_33_3); - Id: 200354 AegisName: 2023_Xmax_Pack_1 Name: Christmas Account Limited Package I Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_2023_XMAX_PACK_1); - Id: 200355 AegisName: 2023_Xmax_Pack_2 Name: Christmas Account Limited Package II Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_2023_XMAX_PACK_2); - Id: 200366 AegisName: A_Force_Booster_Box Name: Force Booster Package (10) Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_A_FORCE_BOOSTER_BOX); - Id: 200367 AegisName: A_Force_Booster_10_Box Name: Force Booster Package (100) Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_A_FORCE_BOOSTER_10_BOX); - Id: 200368 AegisName: LI_Nyangvine_Box1_34 # Name: (Limited) Nyangvine Fruit Package I (Stone Box 34) Name: (Limited) Nyangvine Fruit Package I (Stone Box 34 Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LI_NYANGVINE_BOX1_34); - Id: 200369 AegisName: LI_Nyangvine_Box2_34 # Name: (Limited) Nyangvine Fruit Package II (Stone Box 34) Name: (Limited) Nyangvine Fruit Package II (Stone Box 3 Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LI_NYANGVINE_BOX2_34); - Id: 200370 AegisName: LI_Nyangvine_Box3_34 # Name: (Limited) Nyangvine Fruit Package III (Stone Box 34) Name: (Limited) Nyangvine Fruit Package III (Stone Box Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LI_NYANGVINE_BOX3_34); - Id: 200375 AegisName: Sonic_Premium_Pack1 Name: Sonic Premium Package I Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SONIC_PREMIUM_PACK1); - Id: 200376 AegisName: Sonic_Premium_Pack2 Name: Sonic Premium Package II Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SONIC_PREMIUM_PACK2); - Id: 200377 AegisName: S_Badge_pack_ Name: Sonic Badge Package Type: Cash Weight: 100 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_S_BADGE_PACK_); - Id: 200378 AegisName: Super_Sonic_pack_ Name: Super Sonic Package Type: Cash Weight: 100 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_SUPER_SONIC_PACK_); - Id: 200379 AegisName: Chaos_Emerald_pack_ Name: Chaos Emerald Package Type: Cash Weight: 100 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_CHAOS_EMERALD_PACK_); - Id: 200385 AegisName: CostumeMilePack_34_1 # Name: Nyandarae Costume Mileage Package I (Stone Box 34) Name: Nyandarae Costume Mileage Package I (Stone Box 34 # !todo check english name Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_COSTUMEMILEPACK_34_1); - Id: 200386 AegisName: CostumeMilePack_34_2 # Name: Nyandarae Costume Mileage Package II (Stone Box 34) Name: Nyandarae Costume Mileage Package II (Stone Box 3 # !todo check english name Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_COSTUMEMILEPACK_34_2); - Id: 200387 AegisName: CostumeMilePack_34_3 # Name: Nyandarae Costume Mileage Package III (Stone Box 34) Name: Nyandarae Costume Mileage Package III (Stone Box # !todo check english name Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_COSTUMEMILEPACK_34_3); - Id: 200405 AegisName: LI_Nyangvine_Box1_35 # Name: (Limited) Nyangvine Fruit Package I (Stone Box 35) Name: (Limited) Nyangvine Fruit Package I (Stone Box 35 Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LI_NYANGVINE_BOX1_35); - Id: 200406 AegisName: LI_Nyangvine_Box2_35 # Name: (Limited) Nyangvine Fruit Package II (Stone Box 35) Name: (Limited) Nyangvine Fruit Package II (Stone Box 3 Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LI_NYANGVINE_BOX2_35); - Id: 200407 AegisName: LI_Nyangvine_Box3_35 # Name: (Limited) Nyangvine Fruit Package III (Stone Box 35) Name: (Limited) Nyangvine Fruit Package III (Stone Box Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_LI_NYANGVINE_BOX3_35); - Id: 200411 AegisName: A_Speed_Booster_Box Name: Speed Booster Package Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_A_SPEED_BOOSTER_BOX); - Id: 200412 AegisName: A_Speed_Booster_10_Box Name: Speed Booster Package 10 Sets Type: Cash Weight: 10 Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_A_SPEED_BOOSTER_10_BOX); - Id: 200415 AegisName: L_Infinity_Power_Pack Name: (Limited) Infinity Power Package Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_L_INFINITY_POWER_PACK); - Id: 200416 AegisName: L_All_Red_Pack Name: (Limited) All Red Package Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_L_ALL_RED_PACK); - Id: 200417 AegisName: L_Defense_Potion_Pack Name: (Limited) Defender Package Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_L_DEFENSE_POTION_PACK); - Id: 200418 AegisName: L_Speed_Force_Pack Name: (Limited) Speed Force Package Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_L_SPEED_FORCE_PACK); - Id: 200419 AegisName: L_Special_Speed_Pack Name: (Limited) Speed Booster Special Package Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_L_SPECIAL_SPEED_PACK); - Id: 200420 AegisName: L_Special_Force_Pack Name: (Limited) Force Booster Special Package Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_L_SPECIAL_FORCE_PACK); - Id: 200425 AegisName: CostumeMilePack_35_1 # Name: Nyangvine Costume Mileage Package I (Stone Box 35) Name: Nyangvine Costume Mileage Package I (Stone Box 35 Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_COSTUMEMILEPACK_35_1); - Id: 200426 AegisName: CostumeMilePack_35_2 # Name: Nyangvine Costume Mileage Package II (Stone Box 35) Name: Nyangvine Costume Mileage Package II (Stone Box 3 Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_COSTUMEMILEPACK_35_2); - Id: 200427 AegisName: CostumeMilePack_35_3 # Name: Nyangvine Costume Mileage Package III (Stone Box 35) Name: Nyangvine Costume Mileage Package III (Stone Box Type: Cash Flags: Container: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | getgroupitem(IG_COSTUMEMILEPACK_35_3); - Id: 1100000 AegisName: IDTest_heal Name: IDTest heal Type: Healing Weight: 10 Flags: BuyingStore: true - Id: 1100003 AegisName: Concentrated_R_P Name: Concentrated Red Potion Type: Healing Buy: 10 Weight: 2 EquipLevelMin: 120 Script: | itemheal rand(655,675),0; - Id: 1100004 AegisName: Concentrated_B_P Name: Concentrated Blue Potion Type: Healing Buy: 10 Weight: 2 EquipLevelMin: 120 Script: | itemheal 0,rand(340,360); - Id: 1100005 AegisName: Concentrated_G_P Name: Concentrated Gold Potion Type: Healing Buy: 10 Weight: 2 EquipLevelMin: 180 Script: | itemheal rand(2730,2750),0; - Id: 1100006 AegisName: Ep19_Dry_Icegangu Name: Dried Ice Gangu Type: Healing Buy: 10 Weight: 5 EquipLevelMin: 200 Script: | itemheal 1925,0; - Id: 1100007 AegisName: Fried_Sausage Name: Roasted sausages # !todo check english name Type: Healing Weight: 50 # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 1100008 AegisName: Juicy_Sausage Name: Juicy Pang Pang Sausage # !todo check english name Type: Healing Weight: 300 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true # Script: | # /* TODO */ - Id: 1100009 AegisName: South_Pork_Ricebowl Name: Southern Style Roast Pork with Rice Bowl Type: Healing Weight: 30 EquipLevelMin: 180 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemskill "PR_KYRIE",0; - Id: 1100010 AegisName: Poring_Kombucha Name: Poring Kombucha Type: Healing Weight: 5 EquipLevelMin: 180 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemheal 0,350; /* average value */ - Id: 1100011 AegisName: Monster_Bread Name: Monster Bread Type: Healing Weight: 3 EquipLevelMin: 180 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemheal 4500,0; /* average value */ - Id: 1100012 AegisName: Monster_Bread_ Name: Forbidden Monster Bread Type: Healing Weight: 3 EquipLevelMin: 180 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemheal 0,450; /* average value */ - Id: 1100013 AegisName: South_Pork_Slice Name: Southern Style Pork Head Meat Type: Healing Weight: 20 EquipLevelMin: 120 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | percentheal 30,30; itemskill "AC_CONCENTRATION",5; - Id: 1100014 AegisName: Grilled_Fish Name: Fire-grilled Fish Type: Healing Weight: 2 EquipLevelMin: 60 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemheal 0,40; /* average value */ - Id: 1100015 AegisName: Grilled_Veg_Skewers_ Name: Fire-grilled Suspicious Skewers Type: Healing Weight: 10 EquipLevelMin: 60 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | percentheal 10,10; - Id: 1100016 AegisName: Night_M_Ice_Flakes Name: Night Market Bingsu Type: Healing Weight: 3 EquipLevelMin: 120 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemheal 0,150; /* average value */ - Id: 1100017 AegisName: Night_M_Ice_Cream Name: Night Market Ice Cream Type: Healing Weight: 2 EquipLevelMin: 120 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemheal 2500,0; /* average value */ - Id: 1100018 AegisName: Night_M_Cotton_Candy Name: Night Market Cotton Candy Type: Healing Weight: 2 EquipLevelMin: 120 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemheal 0,250; /* average value */ - Id: 1100019 AegisName: Grilled_Veg_Skewers Name: Fire-grilled Vegetable Skewers Type: Healing Weight: 1 EquipLevelMin: 60 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemheal 1200,0; /* average value */ - Id: 1100020 AegisName: Grilled_Hm_Sausage Name: Fire-grilled Homemade Sausage Type: Healing Weight: 1 EquipLevelMin: 60 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemheal 0,120; /* average value */ - Id: 1100021 AegisName: 2403_ev_Berry_Cup Name: Strawberry whipped cream cupcake # !todo check english name Type: Healing Weight: 1 Flags: BuyingStore: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemheal 0,200; /* average value */ - Id: 1100022 AegisName: 2403_ev_Macaron Name: Moist Macaron # !todo check english name Type: Healing Weight: 1 EquipLevelMin: 60 Flags: BuyingStore: true Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | itemheal 2000,0; /* average value */