//===== rAthena Documentation ================================ //= Mapflag List //===== By: ================================================== //= rAthena Dev Team //===== Last Updated: ======================================== //= 20130830 //===== Description: ========================================= //= List of available mapflags and their functions. //============================================================ This file describes the functions of mapflags, which determine the behavior of a map in various situations. For instructions on setting a mapflag, refer to the documentation in '/doc/script_commands.txt'. To search for a mapflag, write "*" before its name. The format of this file is as follows: 1. Restrictions 2. Battle-related 3. Map Effects 4. Miscellaneous =================== | 1. Restrictions | =================== --------------------------------------- *noreturn Disables usage of map-warping items on a map: - Butterfly Wing (ID 602) - Yellow/Green/Red/Blue Butterfly Wing (IDs 14582-14585) - Siege Teleport Scroll (ID 14591) - Dungeon Teleport Scroll 1/2/3 (IDs 14527, 14581, 12352) The 'warpparty' and 'warpguild' script commands are also blocked for destinations outside the player's current map. --------------------------------------- *noteleport Disables all means of teleportation within a map: - Items Fly Wing (ID 601) and Giant Fly Wing (ID 12212) are disabled. - Skills AL_TELEPORT, TK_HIGHJUMP, and SC_DIMENSIONDOOR are disabled. - Skills RG_INTIMIDATE, NPC_EXPULSION, and CG_TAROTCARD will not teleport their intended targets. - Script commands using "Random" as the destination will fail. - Script command 'warpwaitingpc' will fail with "SavePoint" as the destination. - Script command 'unitwarp' will fail for players. - Atcommand @jump is disabled. --------------------------------------- *nowarp Disables warping from a map: - Script commands 'warpparty' and 'warpguild' will not warp players on 'nowarp' maps. - Atcommands @warp, @go, @load, and @jump are disabled. - Atcommands @partyrecall, @guildrecall, and @recallall will not warp players on 'nowarp' maps. - Skill GD_EMERGENCYCALL will not warp players on 'nowarp' maps. - Unit UNT_CALLFAMILY will not warp players on 'nowarp' maps. --------------------------------------- *nowarpto Disables warping to a map: - Atcommands @warp, @go, @load, and @jump are disabled to the 'nowarpto' map. - Atcommands @partyrecall, @guildrecall, and @recallall are disabled. - Command /memo is disabled. - Skill GD_EMERGENCYCALL is disabled if flag 16 of 'emergency_call' is set in '/conf/battle/skill.conf'. This will not work for 'gvg_castle' maps. --------------------------------------- *nogo Disables usage of command @go on a map. --------------------------------------- *nosave Disables auto-saving on a map. Players who log off on the map will be warped to when they next log in. "SavePoint", without quotes, is also valid for this field. --------------------------------------- *nomemo Disables the /memo command to save a warp point on a map, and also disables usage of marriage skills WE_CALLPARTNER, WE_CALLPARENT, and WE_CALLBABY. --------------------------------------- *noitemconsumption Disables usage of items on a map. --------------------------------------- *notrade Disables trading on a map. --------------------------------------- *nodrop Disables dropping items on a map. Note that items may still be dropped if a player's inventory is full and 'item_flooritem_check' is disabled in '/conf/battle/items.conf'. --------------------------------------- *noloot *nomobloot *nomvploot Disables normal monsters and MVPs from dropping items on a map. Looted items will always drop. 'noloot' is the same as 'nomobloot' and 'nomvploot' combined. --------------------------------------- *noexp *nobaseexp *nojobexp Disables gaining base and job experience from monsters, including MVP bonuses, on a map. 'noexp' is the same as 'nobaseexp' and 'nojobexp' combined. --------------------------------------- *nopenalty *noexppenalty *nozenypenalty Disables the loss of experience and Zeny upon death on a map. 'nopenalty' is the same as 'noexppenalty' and 'nozenypenalty' combined. Notes: 'noexppenalty' also affects pets, and skills PR_REDEMPTIO and LG_INSPIRATION will not deduct EXP. 'nozenypenalty' only applies if 'zeny_penalty' is enabled in '/conf/battle/exp.conf'. --------------------------------------- *nochat Disables chatroom creation on a map. --------------------------------------- *novending Disables shop creation on a map from the MC_VENDING skill. --------------------------------------- *nobuyingstore Disables shop creation on a map from the ALL_BUYING_STORE skill. --------------------------------------- *nousecart Disables cart usage on a map. --------------------------------------- *noskill Disables skill usage on a map. --------------------------------------- *restricted Disables certain items and skills on a map through a specified zone number. The zone databases are located in 'db/(pre-)re/item_noequip.txt' and 'db/(pre-)re/skill_nocast_db.txt', both of which contain explanations and examples of how this mapflag is used. Restricted Zones: 1 - Aldebaran Turbo Track 2 - Jail 3 - Izlude Battle Arena 4 - WoE:SE Maps 5 - Sealed Shrine 6 - Instances: Endless Tower, Orc's Memory, Nidhoggr's Instance 7 - Towns 8 - WOE:TE Dungeons --------------------------------------- *monster_noteleport Prevents monsters from teleporting on a map, including through the skill RG_INTIMIDATE. --------------------------------------- *nobranch Disables usage of monster-spawning items on a map: - Dead Branch (ID 604) - Bloody Branch (ID 12103) - Poring Box (ID 12109) - Red Pouch (ID 12024) Items listed above can be modified under db/(pre-)re/item_flag.txt Note that when 'mob_warp' is enabled in '/conf/battle/monster.conf' and flag 4 is set, this will also prevent mobs from being warped onto the map (except slave mobs). --------------------------------------- *noicewall Disables skill WZ_ICEWALL on a map. --------------------------------------- *nosunmoonstarmiracle Disables Star Gladiator's "Solar, Lunar, and Stellar Miracle" from occurring on a map. --------------------------------------- *forcemineffect Forces simpler skill effects, just like the command /mineffect. --------------------------------------- *nolockon Disables attacking another player without holding shift or using /ns on a map. --------------------------------------- *nocommand Disables everyone to use command on a map. If group level is specified, only disables player who has group level below it. --------------------------------------- *nomapchannelautojoin Stops players from automatically joining the #map channel on a map. This only applies if map channels are enabled and 'map_local_channel_autojoin' is true in '/conf/channels.conf'. --------------------------------------- *notomb Disables MVP tombs from appearing on a map. --------------------------------------- *nocostume Disables costume sprites on a map. This only disables the sprites and not the effect of the items. If a player logs out on a nocostume map the costume sprites will also not be shown in the character server. --------------------------------------- *norenewaldroppenalty Disable renewal drop rate penalty due to level difference on a map. --------------------------------------- *norenewalexppenalty Disable renewal experience penalty due to level difference on a map. --------------------------------------- *nopetcapture Disable the ability to capture pets on a map. --------------------------------------- *nobank Disable Bank on a map. --------------------------------------- *norodex Disable RODex on a map. --------------------------------------- ===================== | 2. Battle-related | ===================== --------------------------------------- *pvp *pvp_noparty *pvp_noguild *pvp_nocalcrank Enables Player vs. Player mode on a map and applies the corresponding damage adjustments. 'pvp_noparty' will ignore party alliances. 'pvp_noguild' will ignore guild alliances. 'pvp_nocalcrank' will disable calculation of PvP rankings. --------------------------------------- *pvp_nightmaredrop ,, Causes players to drop items upon death. This is not grouped with the other PvP mapflags because it does not necessarily require PvP mode to be set. determines what will drop. It can be either a specific item ID or "random". specifies where items are dropped from. It can be "inventory", "equip", or "all". is the chance that an item will drop (10000 = 100%). --------------------------------------- *gvg *gvg_noparty *gvg_castle *gvg_dungeon *gvg_te *gvg_te_castle Enables Guild vs. Guild mode on a map and applies the corresponding damage adjustments. 'gvg_noparty' will ignore party alliances. 'gvg_castle' marks a guild castle. GvG mode will be active only during the War of Emperium. 'gvg_dungeon' marks a guild dungeon. Players will be warped out after two deaths. 'gvg_te' and 'gvg_te_castle' marks a WOE:TE area and special restrictions are applied. --------------------------------------- *battleground {} Enables Battlegrounds on a map and applies the corresponding damage adjustments. If is 2, a scoreboard will be shown. The default is 1 (nothing). --------------------------------------- *partylock *guildlock Prevents alteration of parties and guilds on a map. This includes creating, leaving, inviting, expelling, breaking, and changing leaders. Notes: 'partylock' will still allow party options to be changed. 'guildlock' will also block changes to guild alliances. --------------------------------------- *skill_damage {,,,{,{,{}}}} Enables skill damage adjustment on a map. All adjustments in 'db/skill_damage_db.txt' for 'Map' type 16 will be applied. This mapflag can also be used to adjust the damage of one skill by a percentage: - skill_name: Name of the skill in 'db/(pre-)re/skill_db.yml' (ex. SM_BASH). To adjust all skill damage, write "all" (without quotes). - caster: the groups for which the adjustment takes effect. (bitmask) BL_PC = Player BL_MOB = Monster BL_PET = Pet BL_HOM = Homunculus BL_MER = Mercenary BL_ELEM = Elemental - damage: percent adjustment rate (between -100 and 100000). SKILLDMG_PC = against player SKILLDMG_MOB = against normal monster SKILLDMG_BOSS = against boss monster SKILLDMG_OTHER = against other (homunculus, mercenary, pet, elemental) --------------------------------------- *skill_duration skill_name,percentage Sets skill (trap-type) time limit to n% of original duration. // Example: // Makes HT_ANKLESNARE's lifetime in the castle 4x longer than other maps. prtg_cas01 mapflag skill_duration HT_ANKLESNARE,400 --------------------------------------- ================== | 3. Map Effects | ================== --------------------------------------- *clouds *clouds2 *fireworks *fog *leaves *sakura *snow Displays a weather effect on a map. --------------------------------------- *nightenabled Displays night mode effects on a map. This is used on most outdoor maps. --------------------------------------- ==================== | 4. Miscellaneous | ==================== --------------------------------------- *town Marks a map as a town. This allows players to access their mail and disables kill stealing. --------------------------------------- *reset Allows usage of item Neuralizer (ID 12213). --------------------------------------- *bexp *jexp Changes the base and job experience rates on a map. Supports negative values to reduce EXP rates as well. is given as a percentage (i.e. 100 = 1x EXP). This takes into account the modifiers 'base_exp_rate' and 'job_exp_rate' in '/conf/battle/exp.conf'. --------------------------------------- *loadevent Triggers the label "OnPCLoadMapEvent" when players enter a map (this also includes teleporting within the map). More details can be found in '/doc/script_commands.txt'. --------------------------------------- *allowks Allows kill stealing on a map (rendering the @noks command useless). --------------------------------------- *autotrade Allows the @autotrade command on a map. This only applies if 'at_mapflag' is enabled in '/conf/battle/misc.conf'. Otherwise, the atcommand is enabled on all maps by default. --------------------------------------- *hidemobhpbar Hides monster's HP bar on a map. Ignores config value of 'monster_hp_bars_info'. --------------------------------------- *specialpopup Displays a special popup when a player enters the map. See script command "specialpopup" for details on different popup types. ---------------------------------------