//===== rAthena Documentation ================================ //= Monster Database Structure //===== By: ================================================== //= rAthena Dev Team //===== Last Updated: ======================================== //= 20201006 //===== Description: ========================================= //= Explanation of the mob_db.yml file and structure. //============================================================ --------------------------------------- ID: The ID of the monster. --------------------------------------- SpriteName: The sprite name of the monster (.act & .spr) --------------------------------------- Name: The name of the monster, this will be used when you use "--en--". --------------------------------------- JapaneseName: The name of the monster, this will be used when you use "--ja--". Defaults to Name if not defined. --------------------------------------- Level: The level of the monster. --------------------------------------- Hp: The HP of the monster. --------------------------------------- Sp: The SP of the monster. --------------------------------------- BaseExp: Base experience point of the monster. --------------------------------------- JobExp: Job experience point of the monster. --------------------------------------- MvpExp: The MVP Experience point the monster gives to the player who got the MVP reward when it is defeated. This exp is a percentage of the exp the monster gives. --------------------------------------- Attack: The minimum attack of the monster (Pre-Renewal) The base attack of the monster. (Renewal) --------------------------------------- Attack2: The maximum attack of the monster. If undefined, the value of Attack will be used as the absolute attack. (Pre-Renewal) The base magic attack of the monster. (Renewal) --------------------------------------- Defense: Physical defense of the monster, reduce melee and ranged physical attack/skill. --------------------------------------- MagicDefense: Magic defense of the monster, reduce magical skill. --------------------------------------- Resistance: Physical resistance of the monster, reduce melee and ranged physical attack/skill. --------------------------------------- MagicResistance: Magic resistance of the monster, reduce magical skill. --------------------------------------- Str: Strength of the monster. Affects ATK. --------------------------------------- Agi: Agility of the monster. Affects FLEE. --------------------------------------- Vit: Vitality of the monster. Adds additional DEF. --------------------------------------- Int: Intelligence of the monster. Adds additional MATK. --------------------------------------- Dex: Dexterity of the monster. Affects HIT rate. --------------------------------------- Luk: Luck of the monster. Affects Perfect dodge/Lucky flee/Perfect flee/Lucky dodge rate. --------------------------------------- AttackRange: Range of the monster attack. If set to 1 or 2, it will be set to melee attack. If set to 3 or more, it will be set to ranged attack. --------------------------------------- SkillRange: Maximum Skill Range. --------------------------------------- ChaseRange: Sight limit of the monster. If set to 1000 or beyond, the monster will follow you all over the map. --------------------------------------- Size: Size of the monster. Small (Default) Medium Large --------------------------------------- Race: Race of the monster. Formless (Default) Undead Brute Plant Insect Fish Demon Demihuman Angel Dragon Demihuman is not same nor includes Player. --------------------------------------- RaceGroups: Secondary race groups for special bonuses. Goblin Kobold Orc Golem Guardian Ninja Gvg Battlefield Treasure Biolab Manuk Splendide Scaraba Ogh_Atk_Def Ogh_Hidden Bio5_Swordman_Thief Bio5_Acolyte_Merchant Bio5_Mage_Archer Bio5_Mvp Clocktower Thanatos Faceworm Hearthunter Rockridge Werner_Lab Temple_Demon Illusion_Vampire --------------------------------------- Element: Element of the monster. Neutral (Default) Water Earth Fire Wind Poison Holy Dark Ghost Undead --------------------------------------- ElementLevel: Element level of the monster. --------------------------------------- WalkSpeed: Walk speed of the monster. 20 - Fastest (MIN_WALK_SPEED 150 - Normal (DEFAULT_WALK_SPEED) 1000 - Slowest (MAX_WALK_SPEED) --------------------------------------- AttackDelay: Attack Delay of the monster, also known as ASPD. Low value means faster attack speed, but don't make it too low or it will lag when a player got mobbed by several of these mobs. --------------------------------------- AttackMotion: Attack animation motion. Low value means monster's attack will be displayed in higher FPS (making it shorter, too). (Thanks to Wallex for this) --------------------------------------- ClientAttackMotion: The time from the start of a normal attack until the damage frame shows on client. At the same time you also get stopped on the client. This value is only needed if you use the "synchronize_damage" feature (battle/battle.conf). If you created a custom sprite, you want to set this value to the timing of the damage frame in your *.act file. In Act Editor you can set the damage frame by setting the frame sound to "atk". If you don't define a damage frame, it will default to the second to last frame. Also keep in mind that the Act Editor displays slightly inaccurate speed. Every 25ms in Act Editor is 24ms in reality. Example: Drops has a animation speed of 24ms per frame and the 13th frame (frame #12) is the damage frame. This means the damage shows after 12 frames. That's why Drops has a ClientAttackMotion of 24*12 = 288. --------------------------------------- DamageMotion: Damage animation motion, same as aMotion but used to display the "I am hit" animation. Coincidentally, this same value is used to determine how long it is before the monster/player can move again. Endure is dMotion = 0, obviously. --------------------------------------- DamageTaken: Rate at which the monster will recieve damage from players. --------------------------------------- Ai: Aegis Monster Type behavior. Full explanation can be found in 'doc/mob_db_mode_list.txt'. --------------------------------------- Class: Aegis Monster Class Type behavior. Full explanation can be found in 'doc/mob_db_mode_list.txt'. --------------------------------------- Modes: Behaviour that isn't defined by AI or Class of the monster. Full explanation can be found in 'doc/mob_db_mode_list.txt'. --------------------------------------- MvpDrops: List of items of the MVP drop. Maximum of 3 items (MAX_MVP_DROP). None of these items can be stolen by TF_STEAL. - Item - Item name. Rate - Drop rate of item, n/10000. RandomOptionGroup - Random Option Group applied to item on drop. (Optional) Index Index used for overwriting item. (Optional) --------------------------------------- Drops: List of items of the monster drop. Maximum of 10 items (MAX_MOB_DROP). - Item Item name. Rate Drop rate of item, n/10000. StealProtected If the item is shielded from TF_STEAL. (Default: false) RandomOptionGroup Random Option Group applied to item on drop. (Optional) Index Index used for overwriting item. (Optional)