#!/usr/bin/perl # rAthena Configuration Script # by lighta # TODO: # - Don't always override import/file, sed grep ? use lib '.'; use File::Basename; use DBI; use DBD::mysql; use YAML::XS; use Cwd; use Getopt::Long; use Net::Ping; use strict; use rA_Common; use LWP::Simple; use constant { SERV_UID => "Serv_userid", SERV_PW => "Serv_userpass", LOGIN_PRIV_IP => "login_priv_ip", CHAR_PRIV_IP => "char_priv_ip", SERV_WAN_IP => "Serv_wan_ip", MAP_PORT => "Map_port", CHAR_PORT => "Char_port", LOGIN_PORT => "Login_port", MD5_ENABLE => "enable_MD5", PINCODE_ENABLE => "enable_pincode", SQL_HOST => "SQL_host", SQL_PORT => "SQL_port", SQL_UID => "SQL_userid", SQL_PW => "SQL_userpass", SQL_MAIN_DB => "SQL_maindb", SQL_LOG_DB => ,"SQL_logdb", MAP_CONF_FILE => "map_conf.txt", CHAR_CONF_FILE => "char_conf.txt", LOGIN_CONF_FILE => "login_conf.txt", INTER_CONF_FILE => "inter_conf.txt", DESD_CONF_FILE => ".tmp-desd_conf.yml", MIN_PORT => 2000, #below are usually reserved for system MAX_PORT => 65535, }; # setup default options my $sDsdFile = DESD_CONF_FILE; my $sAutoyes = 0; my $sForce = 0; my $sClean = 0; my $sTarget = "All"; my $sHelp = 0; my $sOS; GetArgs(); Main(); sub GetArgs { GetOptions( 'f=s' => \$sDsdFile, #give desired conf file 'auto=i' => \$sAutoyes, #Force (auto-yes) 'C=i' => \$sClean, #Clean (like force but remove before adding) 'target=s' => \$sTarget, #Target (which setup to run) 'Force=i' => \$sForce, #Force (bypass verification) 'OS=s' => \$sOS, #OS (specify the OS you wish to use) 'help!' => \$sHelp, ) or $sHelp=1; #display help if invalid option my $sValidTarget = "All|Conf|DB|Inst|Dump"; if( $sHelp ) { print "Incorrect option specified. Available options are:\n" ."\t --f filename => file (specify desiredconf to use)\n" ."\t --auto => auto-yes to question? \n" ."\t --C => Clean (remove file, db, user before adding new)\n" ."\t --target => target (specify which setup to run [$sValidTarget])\n" ."\t --Force => Force (bypass verification)\n" ."\t --OS => (specify the OS you wish to use and avoid check)"; exit; } unless($sTarget =~ /$sValidTarget/i){ print "Incorrect target specified. Available targets are:\n" ."\t --target => target (specify which setup to run [(default)$sValidTarget])\n"; exit; } if($sDsdFile ne DESD_CONF_FILE && !(-e -r $sDsdFile)){ print "File '$sDsdFile' could not be read or does not exist.\n"; exit; } } sub Main { my($filename, $dir, $suffix) = fileparse($0); chdir $dir; #put ourself like was called in tools print "Running rAthena's configuration tool...\n"; #default conf my $pubip = GetPublicIP(); my %hDefConf = ( SERV_UID => "s1", SERV_PW => "p1", SERV_WAN_IP => $pubip || "localhost", LOGIN_PRIV_IP => "localhost", CHAR_PRIV_IP => "localhost", MAP_PORT => "5121", CHAR_PORT => "6121", LOGIN_PORT => "6900", MD5_ENABLE => "yes", PINCODE_ENABLE => "yes", SQL_HOST => "localhost", SQL_PORT => "3306", SQL_UID => "ragnarok", SQL_PW => "ragnarok", SQL_MAIN_DB => "ragnarok", SQL_LOG_DB => ,"ragnarok", ); my $sBasedir = getcwd; #for setupdb if($sTarget =~ /All|Inst/i){ InstallSoft(); } if($sTarget =~ /All|Conf/i) { ConfigConf(\%hDefConf); chdir "$sBasedir"; } if($sTarget =~ /All|DB/i) { ConfigDB(\%hDefConf); chdir "$sBasedir"; } if($sTarget =~ /All|Dump/i) { chdir "~"; EnableCoredump(); } print "Setup successful. You can now launch and connect to the servers.\n"; print "(Remember to update the client's 'clientinfo.xml' to match your changes.)\n"; } sub EnableCoredump { print "\n== Enabling Coredumps ==\n"; my $sCurfile = "~/.bashrc"; my @lines = (); my $sJump = .0; open PIPE,"sudo less $sCurfile |" or die $!; foreach(){ if($_ =~ /ulimit -c unlimited/){ $sJump = 1; #already in here nothing to do last; } push(@lines,$_) if /ulimit/; } if(scalar(@lines)>0){ print "ulimit instruction found in file '$sCurfile'.\n" ."\t lines= \n @lines \n" ."Are you sure you want to continue? [y/n] \n"; $sJump=1 if(GetValidAnwser("y|o|n",$sAutoyes) =~ /n/i); } system("sudo echo \"ulimit -c unlimited\" >> $sCurfile") if $sJump==0; $sJump=0; $sOS = GetOS() unless($sOS); if($sOS =~ /Fedora|CentOs/i){; open FILE, "tmp_limits.conf" || die; while(){ @lines=split(' ',$_); if($lines[2] eq "core" && $lines[3] eq "0"){ $lines[3]="unlimited"; print FILE_TMP "* hard core unlimited\n"; $sJump=1; #mark we have found it } else { print FILE_TMP $_; } } close FILE; close FILE_TMP; system("sudo mv tmp_limits.conf /etc/security/limits.conf") if $sJump==1; #don't overwrite if some config was already in there unlink "tmp_limits.conf"; } $sCurfile = "/etc/sysctl.conf"; @lines = (); open PIPE,"sudo less $sCurfile |" or die $!; foreach(){ push(@lines,$_) if /^kernel.core/; } if(scalar(@lines)>0){ print "ulimit instruction found in file '$sCurfile'.\n" ."\t line= \n @lines \n" ."Are you sure you want to continue? [y/n] \n"; $sJump=2 if(GetValidAnwser("y|o|n",$sAutoyes) =~ /n/i); } unless($sJump==2){ system('sudo su root -c "echo \"echo kernel.core_uses_pid = 1 >> /etc/sysctl.conf\" | sudo bash"'); system('sudo su root -c "echo \"echo kernel.core_pattern = /tmp/core-%e-%s-%u-%g-%p-%t >> /etc/sysctl.conf\" | sudo bash"'); system('sudo su root -c "echo \"echo fs.suid_dumpable = 1 >> /etc/sysctl.conf\" | sudo bash"'); system('sudo su root -c "sysctl -p"'); } } sub GetPublicIP { print "\n== Resolving Public IP_addr"; my $content = get("http://checkip.dyndns.org"); $content =~ s/.*Current IP Address: ([\d.]+).*/$1/; $content =~ s/\r|\n//gm; print "\n found = $content ==\n"; return $content; } sub GetOS { #yes we could $^0 or uname -r but $^0 only give perl binary build OS and uname hmm... open PIPE,"lsb_release -i |" or die $!; my $sDistri = ; if($sDistri){ my @aDist = split(":",$sDistri); $sDistri = $aDist[1]; $sDistri =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; $sOS = $sDistri; } else { my @aSupportedOS = ("Debian","Ubuntu","Fedora","CentOs","FreeBSD"); my $sOSregex = join("|",@aSupportedOS); until($sOS =~ /$sOSregex/i){ print "Please enter your OS [$sOSregex] or enter 'quit' to exit.\n"; $sOS = <>; chomp($sOS); last if($sOS eq "quit"); } } return $sOS; } sub InstallSoft { print "\n== Installing Software ==\n"; print "NOTE: This auto-install feature is experimental. Package names vary in different distributions and versions, so they may be incorrect.\n"; $sOS = GetOS() unless $sOS; if($sOS eq "quit"){ print "Skipping software installation...\n"; return; } elsif($sOS =~ /Ubuntu|Debian/i) { #tested on ubuntu 12.10,13.10 my @aListSoft = ("gcc","gdb","zlibc","zlib1g-dev","make","git","mysql-client","mysql-server","mysql-common","libmysqlclient-dev","phpmyadmin","libpcre3-dev"); print "Going to install: @aListSoft\n"; system("sudo apt-get install @aListSoft"); } elsif($sOS =~ /Fedora|CentOs/i){ #tested on fedora 18,19,20 /centos 5,6,7 my @aListSoft = ("gcc","gdb","zlib","zlib-devel","make","git","mariadb-server","mariadb","mariadb-devel","phpmyadmin","pcre-devel"); # my @aListSoft = ("gcc","gdb","zlib","zlib-devel","make","git","mysql-server","mysql-devel","phpmyadmin","pcre-devel"); system("sudo yum install @aListSoft"); } elsif($sOS =~ /FreeBSD/i){ #tested on FreeBSD 9.01 system("portsnap fetch extract && portsnap update"); #fetch port lib and extract my @aDevel = ("binutils","git","autoconf","pcre","gmake","gdb"); foreach(@aDevel){ system("cd /usr/ports/devel/$_ && make install clean"); #install devels } # system("cd /usr/ports/lang/gcc46 && make install"); #gcc4.6 use latest ? 4.8 ? system("cd /usr/ports/databases/mysql55-server && make install clean"); #other utils ? system("cd /usr/ports/www/wget && make install clean"); system("cd /usr/ports/archivers/unrar && make install clean"); } } sub ConfigConf { my ($rhDefConf) = @_; print "\n== Setting Configurations ==\n"; my $rhUserConf; while(1) { $rhUserConf = GetDesiredConf($rhDefConf); print "SetupConf using conf: \n"; ShowConfig($rhUserConf); last if($sForce || AutoCheckConf($rhUserConf)); } ApplySetupConf($rhUserConf); } sub ConfigDB { my ($rhDefConf) = @_; print "\n== Setting Up Databases ==\n"; my $rhUserConf; while(1) { $rhUserConf = GetDesiredConf($rhDefConf); print "SetupDb using conf: \n"; ShowConfig($rhUserConf); last if($sForce || AutoCheckConf($rhUserConf)); } ApplySetupDB($rhUserConf); } #conf function sub ApplySetupConf { my ($rhConfig) = @_; print "\nApplying configurations...\n"; my @aTargetfile = (MAP_CONF_FILE,CHAR_CONF_FILE,LOGIN_CONF_FILE,INTER_CONF_FILE); my $sConfDir = "conf"; my $sUserConfDir = "import"; die "'$sConfDir' doesn't seem to exist or couldn't be read/written" unless(-d -r -w "../$sConfDir"); chdir "../$sConfDir"; print "Saving tmp user-conf.\n"; YAML::XS::DumpFile(DESD_CONF_FILE,$rhConfig); unless(-d "$sUserConfDir") { print "Directory 'conf/import' doesn't exist. Create it? [y/n] (will be generated by compilation otherwise) \n"; if(GetValidAnwser("y|o|n",$sAutoyes) =~ /n/i) { die "Cannot apply configurations without 'import' folder, exiting...\n"; } mkdir "$sUserConfDir"; } chdir $sUserConfDir; if($sClean){ unlink @aTargetfile; } #deleting file before applying conf if clean opendir(DIR, ".") or die $!; my @aDirfile = grep { /\.txt/ && -f "$_" } readdir(DIR); close DIR; print "Current file in directory '@aDirfile' is target '@aTargetfile'.\n"; foreach my $sCurfile(@aTargetfile) { print "Checking if target file '$sCurfile' exists... "; if(-e -r $sCurfile) { print "Yes. Overwrite it? [y/n] \n"; if(GetValidAnwser("y|o|n",$sAutoyes) =~ /n/i) { print "Only overwrite option currently supported. File skipped...\n\n"; next; } } else { print "No.\n" }; print "\t Writing file '$sCurfile'...\n"; if($sCurfile eq MAP_CONF_FILE) { ApplyMapConf($rhConfig,$sCurfile); } elsif($sCurfile eq CHAR_CONF_FILE) { ApplyCharConf($rhConfig,$sCurfile); } elsif($sCurfile eq LOGIN_CONF_FILE) { ApplyLoginConf($rhConfig,$sCurfile); } elsif($sCurfile eq INTER_CONF_FILE) { ApplyInterConf($rhConfig,$sCurfile); } } } sub ApplyMapConf { my ($rhUserConf,$sCurfile) = @_; open FILE, "> $sCurfile" || die "Couldn't open or create file '$sCurfile'.\n"; print FILE "userid: " . $$rhUserConf{SERV_UID}."\n"; print FILE "passwd: " . $$rhUserConf{SERV_PW}."\n\n"; print FILE "map_ip: " . $$rhUserConf{SERV_WAN_IP}."\n"; print FILE "map_port: " . $$rhUserConf{MAP_PORT}."\n"; print FILE "char_ip: " . $$rhUserConf{CHAR_PRIV_IP}."\n"; print FILE "char_port: " . $$rhUserConf{CHAR_PORT}."\n"; } sub ApplyCharConf { my ($rhUserConf,$sCurfile) = @_; open FILE, "> $sCurfile" || die "Couldn't open file '$sCurfile'.\n"; print FILE "userid: " . $$rhUserConf{SERV_UID}."\n"; print FILE "passwd: " . $$rhUserConf{SERV_PW}."\n\n"; print FILE "char_ip: " . $$rhUserConf{SERV_WAN_IP}."\n"; print FILE "char_port: " . $$rhUserConf{CHAR_PORT}."\n"; print FILE "login_ip: " . $$rhUserConf{LOGIN_PRIV_IP}."\n"; print FILE "login_port: " . $$rhUserConf{LOGIN_PORT}."\n"; print FILE "pincode_enabled: " . $$rhUserConf{PINCODE_ENABLE}."\n"; } sub ApplyLoginConf { my ($rhUserConf,$sCurfile) = @_; open FILE, "> $sCurfile" || die "Couldn't open file '$sCurfile'.\n"; print FILE "login_port: " . $$rhUserConf{LOGIN_PORT}."\n"; print FILE "use_MD5_passwords: " . $$rhUserConf{MD5_ENABLE}."\n"; } sub ApplyInterConf { my ($rhUserConf,$sCurfile) = @_; open FILE, "> $sCurfile" || die "Couldn't open file '$sCurfile'.\n"; print FILE "login_server_ip: " . $$rhUserConf{SQL_HOST}."\n"; print FILE "login_server_port: " . $$rhUserConf{SQL_PORT}."\n"; print FILE "login_server_id: " . $$rhUserConf{SQL_UID}."\n"; print FILE "login_server_pw: " . $$rhUserConf{SQL_PW}."\n"; print FILE "login_server_db: " . $$rhUserConf{SQL_MAIN_DB}."\n\n"; print FILE "ipban_db_ip: " . $$rhUserConf{SQL_HOST}."\n"; print FILE "ipban_db_port: " . $$rhUserConf{SQL_PORT}."\n"; print FILE "ipban_db_id: " . $$rhUserConf{SQL_UID}."\n"; print FILE "ipban_db_pw: " . $$rhUserConf{SQL_PW}."\n"; print FILE "ipban_db_db: " . $$rhUserConf{SQL_MAIN_DB}."\n\n"; print FILE "char_server_ip: " . $$rhUserConf{SQL_HOST}."\n"; print FILE "char_server_port: " . $$rhUserConf{SQL_PORT}."\n"; print FILE "char_server_id: " . $$rhUserConf{SQL_UID}."\n"; print FILE "char_server_pw: " . $$rhUserConf{SQL_PW}."\n"; print FILE "char_server_db: " . $$rhUserConf{SQL_MAIN_DB}."\n\n"; print FILE "map_server_ip: " . $$rhUserConf{SQL_HOST}."\n"; print FILE "map_server_port: " . $$rhUserConf{SQL_PORT}."\n"; print FILE "map_server_id: " . $$rhUserConf{SQL_UID}."\n"; print FILE "map_server_pw: " . $$rhUserConf{SQL_PW}."\n"; print FILE "map_server_db: " . $$rhUserConf{SQL_MAIN_DB}."\n\n"; print FILE "log_db_ip: " . $$rhUserConf{SQL_HOST} ."\n"; print FILE "log_db_port: " . $$rhUserConf{SQL_PORT}."\n"; print FILE "log_db_id: " . $$rhUserConf{SQL_UID}."\n"; print FILE "log_db_pw: " . $$rhUserConf{SQL_PW}."\n"; print FILE "log_db_db: " . $$rhUserConf{SQL_LOG_DB}."\n\n"; } sub AutoCheckConf { my ($rhConfig) = @_; print "\n== Auto-Check Configuration ==\n"; print "NOTE: You can use option --force=1 to bypass this.\n"; foreach my $sKeys (keys %$rhConfig){ my $sVal = $$rhConfig{$sKeys}; if($sKeys =~ /PORT/) { #chek if valid port if(($sValMAX_PORT)) { warn "Invalid port specified for $sKeys => $sVal. Port must be in [".MIN_PORT.":".MAX_PORT."].\n"; return 0; } elsif(!($sKeys =~ /SQL/) && CheckUsedPort($sVal)) { #skip SQL service warn "Port '$sVal' seems to already be in use by your system.\n"; return 0; } elsif(CheckDupPort($rhConfig,$sKeys)) { warn "Port '$sVal' seems to already be used by another key in config.\n"; return 0; } } elsif($sKeys =~ /IP|HOST/){ #chek if ip valid, can we reach it ? trough SYN ACK my $p = Net::Ping->new("syn"); my $sTest = $p->ping($sVal); $p->close(); unless($sTest) { print "Invalid IP/Host, ping couldn't reach $sKeys => $sVal.\n"; print "(NOTE: ICMP may just be unallowed.)\n"; return 0; } } } return 1; } sub CheckDupPort { my ($rhConfig,$sChkKeys) = @_; my $sChkport = $$rhConfig{$sChkKeys}; foreach my $sKeys (keys %$rhConfig){ next if($sKeys eq $sChkKeys); #skip ourself my $sVal = $$rhConfig{$sKeys}; return 1 if($sChkport eq $sVal); } return 0; } #Db function sub ApplySetupDB { my($rhConfig) = @_; my $sDbH; #db handle my $sHost = $$rhConfig{SQL_HOST}; my $sPort = $$rhConfig{SQL_PORT}; my $sDsn = "dbi:mysql::$sHost:$sPort"; #don't try to auto connect to db $$rhConfig{"Dsn"} = $sDsn; $sDbH = RootCo($rhConfig); CreateDB($sDbH,$rhConfig); #create db if not exist $sDbH = CreateUser($sDbH,$rhConfig); #loged as user now LoadSqlFile($sDbH,$rhConfig); #Load .sql file into db CreateServUser($sDbH,$rhConfig); print "Database setup successful.\n"; } sub CreateDB { my($sDbH,$rhConfig) = @_; print "\n== Creating Databases ==\n"; my $sDBn = $$rhConfig{SQL_MAIN_DB}; my $sLogDBn = $$rhConfig{SQL_LOG_DB}; my @aQuery = ("create database IF NOT EXISTS $sDBn;","create database IF NOT EXISTS $sLogDBn;"); if($sClean){ #deleting database if clean unshift(@aQuery,"drop database IF EXISTS $sDBn;"); unshift(@aQuery,"drop database IF EXISTS $sLogDBn;"); } else { my $sRes = $sDbH->selectcol_arrayref('show databases'); foreach my $db (@$sRes){ #relevant later for import if($db eq "$sDBn") { ValidateDBMerge($db); } #may exit here elsif ($db eq "$sLogDBn") { ValidateDBMerge($db); } #may exit here } } ExeQuery($sDbH,@aQuery); } sub ValidateDBMerge { my($sDBn) = @_; warn "Database '$sDBn' seems to already exist.\n"; warn "Do you wish to continue loading data from the existing database? [y/n] \n"; if(GetValidAnwser("y|o|n",$sAutoyes) =~ /n/i) { print "Exiting setup, please try again with another dbname or manually...\n"; exit; } } sub CreateUser { my($sDbH,$rhConfig) = @_; print "\n== Creating User ==\n"; my $sDsn = $$rhConfig{"Dsn"}; print "My dsn = $sDsn \n"; my $sHost = $$rhConfig{SQL_HOST}; my $sPw = $$rhConfig{SQL_PW}; my $sUser = $$rhConfig{SQL_UID}; my $sDBn = $$rhConfig{SQL_MAIN_DB}; my $sLogDBn = $$rhConfig{SQL_LOG_DB}; my @aQuery= ("GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON $sDBn.* TO $sUser\@'$sHost' IDENTIFIED BY '$sPw' WITH GRANT OPTION", #maindb "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON $sLogDBn.* TO $sUser\@'$sHost' IDENTIFIED BY '$sPw' WITH GRANT OPTION"); #logdb my $sUserDbh = DBI->connect($sDsn, $sUser, $sPw, {"PrintError" => 0}); #try connect with user if($sUserDbh && !$sClean) { print "User '$sUser' seems to already exist, skipping creation...\n" ."(Please check if you have correct privileges set for database '$sDBn'.)\n"; } else { #create user only if not exist (or mode clean) if($sClean && $sUser ne "root"){ unshift(@aQuery,"DELETE FROM mysql.user WHERE User = '$sUser';"); } print "Creating user $sUser for databases '$sDBn' and '$sLogDBn' on '$sHost'.\n"; ExeQuery($sDbH,@aQuery); $sUserDbh = DBI->connect($sDsn, $sUser, $sPw); } return $sUserDbh; #drop old co and connect with user now } sub LoadSqlFile { my($sDbH,$rhConfig) = @_; print "\n== Loading SQL Files ==\n"; my $sDBn = $$rhConfig{SQL_MAIN_DB}; my $sLogDBn = $$rhConfig{SQL_LOG_DB}; my $sSqldir = "sql-files"; my @aMainFiles = ("main.sql"); #add other file to load for main db here my @aLogFiles = ("logs.sql"); #add other file to load for log db here die "$sSqldir doesn't seem to exist or couldn't be read." unless(-d -r "../$sSqldir"); chdir "../$sSqldir"; print "Checking if target files exist:\n\tMain: [@aMainFiles]\n\tLog: [@aLogFiles]\n"; CheckAndLoadSQL(\@aMainFiles,$rhConfig,$sDBn); CheckAndLoadSQL(\@aLogFiles,$rhConfig,$sLogDBn); # my $raMainQuerys = CheckAndAddQuery(\@aMainFiles,$rhConfig); # my $raLogQuerys = CheckAndAddQuery(\@aLogFiles,$rhConfig); # ExeQuery($sDbH,"use $sDBn;",@$raMainQuerys,"use $sLogDBn;", @$raLogQuerys); } # query failure atm (shitty perl) #sub CheckAndAddQuery { my ($raFiles) = @_; # my @aQuery = (); # foreach(@$raFiles) { # unless(-f -r $_){ # print "File '$_' doesn't seem to exist or was unreadable, skipped...\n"; # next; # } # my $sFileFullPath = Cwd::abs_path($_); # my $sInfileQuery = "source $sFileFullPath"; # #my $sInfileQuery = "\\. $sFileFullPath;"; # push(@aQuery,$sInfileQuery); # # } # return \@aQuery; #} sub CreateServUser { my($sDbH,$rhConfig) = @_; my $sUid = $$rhConfig{SERV_UID}; my $sUpw = $$rhConfig{SERV_PW}; my $sMD5 = $$rhConfig{MD5_ENABLE}; my $sDBn = $$rhConfig{SQL_MAIN_DB}; my @aQuery = ("use $sDBn;","DELETE FROM login WHERE sex='S';"); if($sMD5){ push(@aQuery,"INSERT INTO login(account_id, userid, user_pass, sex) values(1,'$sUid',MD5('$sUpw'),'S');"); } else { push(@aQuery,"INSERT INTO login(account_id, userid, user_pass, sex) values(1,'$sUid','$sUpw','S');"); } ExeQuery($sDbH,@aQuery); } sub GetDesiredConf { my ($rhDefConf) = @_; print "Please enter desired configuration.\n"; my $rhUserConf; my $sDesdConfFile = $sDsdFile; #if default search in conf otherwise get specified name with cwd if($sDsdFile eq DESD_CONF_FILE) { $sDesdConfFile = "../conf/".$sDsdFile; } print "Checking if there is a DesiredConf file...\n"; if(-e -r $sDesdConfFile) { print "Found DesiredConf.\n"; $rhUserConf = YAML::XS::LoadFile($sDesdConfFile); if(!($rhUserConf)){ print "DesiredConf is invalid or empty. Please check the file, and relaunch setup or enter Config.\n"; $rhUserConf=GetValidateConf($rhDefConf); } else { ShowConfig($rhUserConf); print "Would you like to apply these settings? [y/n] "; if(GetValidAnwser("y|o|n",$sAutoyes) =~ /n/i) { #no take user entry print "DesiredConf not applied. Please enter config.\n"; $rhUserConf=GetValidateConf($rhDefConf); } } } else { #no files take user entry print "No DesiredConf found. Please enter config.\n"; $rhUserConf=GetValidateConf($rhDefConf); } return $rhUserConf; }