# This file is a part of rAthena.
#   Copyright(C) 2023 rAthena Development Team
#   https://rathena.org - https://github.com/rathena
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Homunculus Database
# Homunculus Settings
# - BaseClass               Base class.
#   Name                    Name of homunculus.
#   EvolutionClass          Evolution class.
#   Food                    Homunculus food item. (Default: Pet_Food)
#   HungryDelay             Time interval in milliseconds after which the hunger value is altered. (Default: 60000)
#   Race                    Race. (Default: Demihuman)
#   Element                 Element. (Default: Neutral)
#   Size                    Size. (Default: Small)
#   EvolutionSize           Evolution size. (Default: Medium)
#   AttackDelay             Base ASPD. (Default: 700)
#   Status:                 Homunculus stats.
#     - Type                Type of status.
#       Base                Base value of this status. (Default: 1)
#       GrowthMinimum       Minimum growth of this status. (Default: 0)
#       GrowthMaximum       Maximum growth of this status. (Default: 0)
#       EvolutionMinimum    Minimum evolution growth of this status. Only applies for homunculus that can evolve. (Default: 0)
#       EvolutionMaximum    Maximum evolution growth of this status. Only applies for homunculus that can evolve. (Default: 0)
#   SkillTree:              Skill tree.
#     - Skill               Skill name.
#       Clear               True to remove the given skill name. (Optional)
#       MaxLevel            Maximum level of skill.
#       RequiredLevel       Required base level of homunculus to learn. (Default: 0)
#       RequiredIntimacy    Required intimacy of homunculus to learn. (Default: 0)
#       RequireEvolution    Require the homunculus to be evolved to be available. (Default: false)
#       Required:           Prerequisite skills. (Default: null)
#         - Skill           Prerequisite skill name.
#           Level           Level of prerequisite skill.
#           Clear           True to remove the given prerequisite skill name. (Optional)

  Version: 1

  - Path: db/pre-re/homunculus_db.yml
    Mode: Prerenewal
  - Path: db/re/homunculus_db.yml
    Mode: Renewal
  - Path: db/import/homunculus_db.yml