//===== rAthena Documentation ================================ //= rAthena Monster Availability Database Reference //===== By: ================================================== //= rAthena Dev Team //===== Last Updated: ======================================== //= 20191213 //===== Description: ========================================= //= Explanation of the mob_avail.yml file and structure. //============================================================ --------------------------------------- Mob: The AEGIS name of the monster. --------------------------------------- Sprite: The name of the sprite the monster will be changed to. This can be another mob, a player (prefixed with 'JOB_'), or an NPC. When using an NPC sprite, the prefix is not required in the mob_avail database as the script engine will strip it. Example: - Mob: POPORING Sprite: PORING # This will change the Poporing into a Poring. - Mob: PORING Sprite: JOB_STALKER # This will change the Poring into a Stalker. - Mob: WOLF Sprite: 4_M_BARBER # This will change the Wolf into the Barber NPC. These constants can be found in src/map/script_constants.hpp. --------------------------------------- Sex: The sex to be displayed if the Sprite is a player. Valid types: Female Male --------------------------------------- HairStyle: The hair style ID to be displayed if the Sprite is a player. --------------------------------------- HairColor: The hair color ID to be displayed if the Sprite is a player. --------------------------------------- ClothColor: The cloth color ID to be displayed if the Sprite is a player. --------------------------------------- Weapon: The AEGIS name of the item to be displayed if the Sprite is a player. --------------------------------------- Shield: The AEGIS name of the item to be displayed if the Sprite is a player. --------------------------------------- HeadTop: The AEGIS name of the item to be displayed if the Sprite is a player. --------------------------------------- HeadMid: The AEGIS name of the item to be displayed if the Sprite is a player. --------------------------------------- HeadLow: The AEGIS name of the item to be displayed if the Sprite is a player. --------------------------------------- PetEquip: The AEGIS name of the item to be displayed if the Mob is a valid pet. --------------------------------------- Options: The view option to be applied to the Mob. Valid types: Sight Cart1 Falcon Riding Cart2 Cart3 Cart4 Cart5 Orcish Wedding Ruwach Flying Xmas Transform Summer Dragon1 Wug WugRider MadoGear Dragon2 Dragon3 Dragon4 Dragon5 Hanbok Oktoberfest Summer2