//===== rAthena Documentation ================================ //= Source Documentation //===== By: ================================================== //= rAthena Dev Team //===== Last Updated: ======================================== //= 20180924 //===== Description: ========================================= //= List of all packets used by login-server (A), char-server //= (H), and map-server (Z) to communicate with each other. //= See packet_client.txt for communication to client (C). //============================================================ This file provides information about rAthena's packets, ordered by number. This assumes knowledge of packet notation, which is detailed in 'doc/packet_struct_notation.txt'. The format of this file is as follows: 1. Notes 2. Login-Char Packets 3. Char/Inter Packets - 3.1 Inter-Map Packets - 3.2 Char-Map Packets ============ | 1. Notes | ============ Currently the max packet size is 0xFFFF (see 'WFIFOSET()' in 'src/common/socket.cpp'). ========================= | 2. Login-Char Packets | ========================= 0x2712: Type: HA Structure: .W .L .L .L .B .L .L index: 0,2,6,10,14,15,19 len: 23 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x2712) - aid : account identification - login_id1: unknown @FIXME - login_id2: unknown @FIXME - sex: the sex of the account - ip: the ip of the connection (obsolete) - request_id: unknown @FIXME desc: - Request from char-server to authenticate an account. 0x2713: Type: AH Structure: .W .L .L .L .B .B .L .B index: 0,2,6,10,14,15,16,20 len: 21 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x2713) - aid : account identification - login_id1: unknown @FIXME - login_id2: unknown @FIXME - sex: the sex of the account - ok : 1=auth failed, 1=ok - request_id: unknown @FIXME - clienttype: unknown @FIXME desc: - Acknowledge the authentication request from char-server 0x2714: Type: HA Structure: .W .L index: 0,2 len: 6 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x2714) - user_count: number of user present on the char-server desc: - Retrieve the number of user present on a char-server 0x2715: free 0x2716: Type: HA Structure: .W .L index: 0,2 len: 6 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x2716) - aid: account identification desc: - Request the account information of aid (see 0x2717) 0x2717 Type: AH Structure: .W .L .40B .L .B .B .11B .5B .L .B .B .B index: 0,2,6,46,50,51,52,63,68,72,73,74 len: 75 parameter: - cmd: packet identification (0x2717) - aid: account identification - email: email of aid - expiration_time: unknow @FIXME - group_id: the group the aid belong too - char_slots: number of slot available the account have (will be displayed on client) - birthdate: birthdate of aid - pincode: current pincode of aid - pincode_change: new pincode of aid - isvip: if this aid is currently vip or not - char_vip: number of charslot that are vip (could only do creation on if you are vip) - MAX_CHAR_BILLING: number of charslort that are for billing desc: - Request account data 0x2718 Type: AH Structure: .W index: 0 len: 2 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x2718) desc: - Keep alive packet, (confirm we are still connected) 0x2719: Type: HA Structure: .W index: 0,2 len: 2 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x2719) desc: - Ping request from char-server 0x2720: Type: HA Structure: .W .L .L .L .L index: 0,2,6,10,14 len: 18 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x2720) - map_fd : - u_fd : - u_aid : - account_id : desc: - 0x2721: Type: AH Structure: .W .L .L .L .L .B .33B .40B .16B .24B .L .L .L .11B .?B index: 0,2,6,10,18,19,52,92,108,132,136,140,144,122+NAME_LENGTH len: 122 + NAME_LENGTH parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x2721) - map_fd - u_fd - u_aid - account_id - status: 0 - Failed - password - email - last_ip - last_login - group_id - logincount - state - birthdate - userid desc: - 0x2722: Type: HA Structure: .W .L .40B .40B index: 0,2,6,46 len: 86 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x2722) - aid: account identification - actual_email: current email address - new_email: new email address desc: - Map-server sends information to change an email of an account via char-server 0x2723: Type: AH Structure: .W .L .B index: 0,2,6 len: 7 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x2723) - aid: account identification - sex: sex of account 0 = SEX_FEMALE 1= SEX_MALE 2=SEX_SERVER desc: - Acknowledge sex update 0x2724: Type: HA Structure: .W .L .L index: 0,2,6 len: 10 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x2724) - t_aid: account identification of target - state: state of account - 0 : unblock - 5 : block (Connection refused) desc: - Receiving an account state update request from a map-server (relayed via char-server) 0x2725: Type: HA Structure: .W .L .L index: 0,2,6 len: 10 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x2725) - t_aid: account identification of target - timediff: tick to add or remove to a timestamp desc: - Receiving of map-server via char-server a ban request (alter the ban time) 0x2726: Type: AH Structure: .W .W .L .L .B .B .W { .B . .L .B . }* index: 0,2,4,8,12,13,14,16,... len: variable parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x2726) - ? - aid - cid - type - count - keyLength - key - index - val - valLength desc: - Send global account registry 0x2727: Type: HA Structure: .W .L index: 0,2 len: 6 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x2727) - aid: account identification desc: - Receive a request to change sex (sex is reversed) 0x2728: Type: HA Structure: .W .W .L .L { .B . .L .B .?B } index: 0,2,4,8,13 len: variable (reg size+4) parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x2728) - len: pakcet size - aid: account identification - cid : char identification - keyLength - key - index - type - value desc: - Receive a request to fetch account_reg2 from a char-server, see packet 0x3004 (mapif_parse_Registry) 0x2729: Type: AH Structure: .W .L .L .L .B { .?B .?B } index: 0,2,4,8,12,13 len: variable (reg2 size+13) parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x2729) - len: pakcet size - aid: account identification - cid : char identification -type: -type: 1: account2 registry (only one used atm) 2: account registry 3: char registry - str : name of variable in registry - value : value of varaible in registry desc: - Receive account_reg2 registry, forward to map-server. 0x272a: Type: HA Structure: .W .L index: 0,2 len: 6 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x272a) - t_aid: account identification desc: - request unban account 0x272b: Type: HA Structure: .W .L index: 0,2 len: 6 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x272b) - t_aid: account identification desc: - Add aid to list of online user on login-server (setacconline). 0x272c: Type: HA Structure: .W .L index: 0,2 len: 6 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x272c) - t_aid: account identification desc: - Remove aid to the list of online user (setaccoffline). 0x272d: Type: HA Structure: .W .W .L {.L}* index: 0,2,4,8 len: 8+users*4 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x272d) - len : size of packet - users: number of users connected to char-server - aid: account identification desc: - receive account list from char-server 0x272e: Type: HA Structure: .W .L .L index: 0,2,4,6 len: 10 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x272e) - aid: account identification - cid: char identification desc: - request accreg2 to login 0x272f: 0x2730: free 0x2731: Type: AH Structure: .W .L .B .L index: 0,2,6,7 len: 11 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x2731) - aid: account identification - state: 0=change of status, 1=ban - status|date: status or final date of a banishment desc: - Notify char-server of a state change or ban (accbannotification). 0x2732: 0x2733: free 0x2734: Type: AH Structure: .W .L index: 0,2, len: 6 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x2734) - aid: account identification desc: - Account is already marked as online. (Login-server request to kick a character out). 0x2735: Type: AH Structure: .W index: 0 len: 2 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x2735) desc: - IP address update signal from login-server. - Send back the IP of char-server to login-server if IP was changed. 0x2736: Type: HA Structure: .W .L index: 0,2 len: 6 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x2736) - ip: ip of char-server desc: - IP update for char-server 0x2737: Type: HA Structure: .W index: 0 len: 2 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x2737) desc: - Request to set all account as offline from char-server 0x2738: Type: HA Structure: .W .L .?B index: 0,2,6 len: variable: 11+PINCODE_LENGTH+1 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x2738) - aid : account identification - pincode : new pincode code desc: - Change PIN Code of an account 0x2739: Type: HA Structure: .W .L index: 0,2 len: 6 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x2739) - aid : account identification desc: - Login-server notifies char-server for too many wrong PIN code entered. (fail auth) 0x273a 0x273b 0x273c 0x273d 0x273e 0x273f free 0x2740 0x2741 free 0x2742: Type: HA Structure: .W .L .B .L .L index: 0,2,6,7,11 len: 15 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x2742) - aid: account identification - flag: 0x1 ack vip data to char-server, 0x2 add duration, 0x8 First request on player login - timediff: tick to add to viptime - mapfd: map-server link to ack if type&1 desc: - Received a VIP data request from char 0x2743: Type: AH Structure: .W .L .L .B .L .L index: 0,2,6,10,11,15 len: 19 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x2743) - aid: account identification - vip_time: timestamp of vip_time if he is vip - flag: 0x1: isvip, is this account in vip mode atm, 0x2: isgm, 0x4: show rates on player - groupid: group id of account - mapfd: map-server link to ack desc: - Transmit vip specific data to char-server (will be transfered to map-server) ========================= | 3.1 Inter-Map Packets | ========================= 0x3000 Type: ZI Structure: .W .W .L .W .W .W .W .?B index: 0,2,4,8,10,12,14,16 len: 16+msglen parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3000) - len : packet size - fontColor: (standard broadcast color=0xFF000000) - fontType: - fontSize: - fontAlign: - fontY: - mes: message to send desc: - Broadcasts a message to all map-servers connected to this char-server 0x3001 Type: ZI Structure: .W .W (NAME_LENGTH)B (NAME_LENGTH)B .?B index: 0,2,4,4+NAME_LENGTH,4+2*NAME_LENGTH len: 52+mes_len parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3001) - len: packet size - name : sender name of msg - nick : receiver name of msg - mes : message to send desc: - Send a whisper to another player 0x3002 Type: ZI Structure: .W < index: 0,2,6 len: 7 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3002) - id: whisper id, identifier to match current whisper session that store in inter.cpp::wis_db - flag: 0=success, 1=target not found, 2=ignored by target desc: - Inform the char-server of the result of the whisper 0x3003 Type: ZI Structure: .W .W .?B .L .?B index: 0,2,4,4+NAME_LENGTH,8+NAME_LENGTH len: variable: mes_len + 8 + NAME_LENGTH parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3003) - packet_len: mes_len + 8 + NAME_LENGTH - wisp_name - permission - message desc: - Transmission of GM only Wisp/Page from server to inter-server 0x3004 Type: ZI Structure: .W .L .L .B { .?B .?B }? index: 0,4,8,12,13 len: variable : 13+regnum*(len variable name+len value) (max=288 * MAX_REG_NUM+13) parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3004) - aid: account identification - cid: char identification -type: 1: account2 registry 2: account registry 3: char registry -str: register variable identity, (variable name) -value: variable value desc: - Map-server is requesting char-server to save registry values. (type=1 will forward data to login-server) 0x3005 Type: ZI Structure: .W .L .L .B .B .B index: 0,2,6,10,11,12 len: 13 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3005) - aid: - cid: -acc_reg2 : request account registry (permanent variable of account, save on login-server) -acc_reg : request account registry (permanent variable of account , save on char-server) -ch_reg : request char registry (permanent variable of char) desc: - Request the registries for this player. 0x3006 Type: ZI Structure: .W .L .L .B .? index: 0,2,6,10,11 len: 12+NAME_LENGTH parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3006) - aid - cid - type - NAME_LENGTH desc 0x3007 Type: ZI Structure: .W .L .L .L .B .?B index: 0,2,6,10,14,15 len: 15+NAME_LENGTH parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3007) - u_fd - aid - group_lv - type : 0 - Full account info. 1 - Return as clif_account_name - query : name or aid of player we want info desc: - Request acc info 0x3009 Type: ZI Structure: .W .W .W .W .B .24B .24B index: 0,2,6,4,8,9,24 len: 9+NAME_LENGTH+NAME_LENGTH parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3009) - len : Packet length - nameid : ID of obtained item - source : Source from where the item obtained - type : Obtained type. 0: Box/Package, 1: Monster, 2: NPC - name : Name of player who obtained the item - srcname : Source name as alternative of source id desc: - Send broadcasts request if player get special items. 0x3018 Type: ZI Structure: .W .L .L index 0,2,6 len: 10 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3018) - aid - gid desc: - Request guild storage 0x3019 Type: ZI Structure: .W .W .L .L index: 0,2,4,8,12 len: 12+guild_storage parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3019) - guild_storage - aid - gid desc: - Send guild storage 0x3020 Type: ZI Structure: .W .W .24B .B .B .?B index: 0,2,4,28,29,30 len: variable: 28+party_member (max=64) parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3020) - party_member - name - item - item2 - member desc: - Party creation request 0x3021 Type: ZI Structure: .W .L .L index: 0,2,6 len: 10 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3021) - party_id - cid desc: - Party information request 0x3022 Type: ZI Structure: .W .W .L .?B index: 0,2,4,8 len: variable: 8+party_member (Max=42) parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3022) - party_member - party_id - member desc: - Request to add a member to party 0x3023 Type: ZI Structure: .W .L .L .W .W index: 0,2,6,10,12,14 len: 14 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3023) - party_id - aid - exp - item desc: - Request to change party configuration (exp,item share) 0x3024 Type: ZI Structure: .W .L .L .L .24B .B index: 0,2,6,10,14,48 len: 49 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3024) - party_id : Party ID - aid : Account ID - cid : Character ID - name : Character Name - type : Leave (PARTY_MEMBER_WITHDRAW_LEAVE) or kick (PARTY_MEMBER_WITHDRAW_EXPEL) the player desc: - Request to leave party or kick party member 0x3025 Type: ZI Structure: .W .L .L .L .W .B .W index: 0,2,6,10,14,16,17 len: 19 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3025) - party_id - aid - cid - mapindex - online - base_level desc: - Party change map 0x3026 Type: ZI Structure: .W .L index: 0,2 len: 6 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3026) - party_id desc: - Request breaking party 0x3027 Type: ZI Structure: .W .W .L .L .?B index: 0,2,4,8,12 len: variable: 12+len parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3027) - len - party_id - aid - mes desc: - Sending party chat 0x3029 Type: ZI Structure: .W .L .L .L index: 0,2,6,10 len: 14 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3029) - party_id - aid - cid desc: - Request a new leader for party 0x302A Type: ZI Structure: .W .L index: 0,2 len: 6 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x302a) - share_lvl desc: - Request to update party share level 0x3030 Type: ZI Structure: .W .W .L .?B .?B index: 0,2,4,8,8+NAME_LENGTH len: parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3030) - guild_member - aid - name - master desc: - Request a Guild creation 0x3031 Type: ZI Structure: .W .L index: 0,2 len: 6 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3031) - guild_id desc: - Request Guild information 0x3032 Type: ZI Structure: .W .W .L .?B index: 0,2,4,8 len: variable: 8+guild_member parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3032) desc: - Request to add member to the guild 0x3033 Type: ZI Structure: .W .W .L .?B index: 0,2,4,8 len: variable: 8+len parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3033) - len - guild_id - name desc: - Request a new leader for guild 0x3034 Type: ZI Structure: .W .L .L .L .B .40B index: 0,2,6,10,14,15 len: 55 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3034) - guild_id - aid - cid - flag - mes desc: - Request to leave guild 0x3035 Type: ZI Structure: .W .L .L .L .B .W .W index: 0,2,6,10,14,15,17 len: 19 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3035) - guild_id - aid - cid - online - lv - class_ desc: - Update request / Lv online status of the guild members 0x3036 Type: ZI Structure: .W .L index: 0,2 len: 6 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3036) - guild_id desc: - Guild disbanded notification 0x3037 Type: ZI Structure: .W .W .L .L .?B index: 0,2,4,8,12 len: variable: 12+len parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3037) - len - guild_id - aid - mes desc: - Send a guild message 0x3039 Type: ZI Structure: .W .W .L .W .?B index: 0,2,4,8,10 len: variable: 10+len parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3039) - len - guild_id - type - data desc: - Request a change of Guild basic information 0x303a Type: ZI Structure: .W .W .L .L .L .W .?B index: 0,2,4,8,12,16,18 len: variable: 18+len parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x303a) - len - guild_id - aid - cid - type - data desc: - Request a change of Guild member information 0x303b Type: ZI Structure: .W .W .L .L

.?B index: 0,2,4,8,12 len: variable: 12+guild_position parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x303b) - guild_position - guild_id - idx - p desc: - Request a change of Guild title 0x303c Type: ZI Structure: .W .L .L .L .L index: 0,2,6,10,14 len: 18 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x303c) - guild_id - skill_id - aid - max desc: - Request an update of Guild skill skill_id 0x303d Type: ZI Structure: .W .L .L .L .L .B index: 0,2,6,10,14,18 len: 19 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x303d) - guild_id1 - guild_id2 - account_id1 - account_id2 - flag desc: - Request a new guild alliance 0x303e Type: ZI Structure: .W .L .60B .120B index: 0,2,6,66 len: 186 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x303e) - guild_id - mes1 - mes2 desc: - Request to change guild notice 0x303f Type: ZI Structure: .W .W .L <0>.L .?B index: 0,2,4,8,12 len: variable: 12+len (Max=2012) parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x303f) desc: - Request to change guild emblem 0x3040 Type: ZI Structure: .W .W .?B index: 0,2,4 len: variable: 4 + num * 2,147,483,647 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3040) - num - castle_ids desc: - Requests guild castles data from char-server 0x3041 Type: ZI Structure: .W .W .B .L index: 0,2,4,5 len: 9 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3041) - castle_ids - index - value desc: - Request change castle guild owner and save data 0x3048 Type: ZI Structure: .W .L .B .B index: 0,2,6,7 len: 8 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3048) - cid - flag - mail_type desc: - Inbox request 0x3049 Type: ZI Structure: .W .L index: 0,2 len: 6 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3049) - mail_id desc: - Mail read 0x304a Type: ZI Structure: .W .L .L .B index: 0,2,6,10 len: 11 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x304a) - cid - mail_id - attachment_type desc: - Mail get attachment 0x304b Type: ZI Structure: .W .L .L index: 0,2,6 len: 10 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x304b) - cid - mail_id desc: - Mail delete 0x304c Type: ZI Structure: .W .L .L index: 0,2,6 len: 10 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x304c) - cid - mail_id desc: - Mail return 0x304d Type: ZI Structure: .W .W .L .?B index: 0,2,4,8 len: variable: 8+mail_message parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x304d) - len - aid - msg desc: - Mail send 0x304e Type: ZI Structure: .W .L .24B index: 0,2,6 len: 30 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x304e) - cid - name desc: - Checks if a character with the given name exists. 0x3050 Type: ZI Structure: .W .W .L .W .L .W .?B index: 0,2,4,8,10,14,16 len: variable: 16+NAME_LENGTH parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3050) - len - cid - type - price - page - searchtext desc: - Auction request list 0x3051 Type: ZI Structure: .W .W .?B index: 0,2,4 len: variable: 4+auction_data parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3051) - len - auction_data desc: - Auction register 0x3052 Type: ZI Structure: .W .L .L index: 0,2,6 len: 10 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3052) - cid - auction_id desc: - Auction cancel 0x3053 Type: ZI Structure: .W .L .L index: 0,2,6 len: 10 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3053) - cid - auction_id desc: - Auction close 0x3055 Type: ZI Structure: .W .W .L .L .L .?B index: 0,2,4,8,12,16 len: variable: 16+NAME_LENGTH parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3055) - len - cid - auction_id - bid desc: - Auction bid 0x3056 Type: ZI Structure: .W .L .L .W index: 0,2,6,10 len: 12 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3056) - cid - aid - guild_id desc: - Itembound request 0x3060 Type: ZI Structure: .W .L index: 0,2 len: 6 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3060) - cid desc: - Requests a character's quest log entries to the inter-server. 0x3061 Type: ZI Structure: .W .W .L .?B index: 0,2,4,8 len: variable: 8+num_quests parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3061) desc: - Requests to the inter-server to save a character's quest log entries. 0x3062 Type: ZI Structure: .W .L index: 0,2 len: 6 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3062) - cid desc: - Requests a character's achievement log entries to the inter-server. 0x3063 Type: ZI Structure: .W .W .L .?B index: 0,2,4,8 len: variable: 8+count parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3063) desc: - Requests to the inter-server to save a character's achievement log entries. 0x3070 Type: ZI Structure: .W .W .?B index: 0,2,4 len: variable: 4+s_mercenary parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3070) - size - merc desc: - Mercenary create 0x3071 Type: ZI Structure: .W .L .L index: 0,2,6 len: 10 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3071) - merc_id - cid desc: - Mercenary request 0x3072 Type: ZI Structure: .W .L index: 0,2 len: 6 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3072) - merc_id desc: - Mercenary delete 0x3073 Type: ZI Structure: .W .W .?B index: 0,2,4 len: variable: 4+s_mercenary parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3073) - size - merc desc: - Mercenary save 0x307c Type: ZI Structure: .W .W .?B index: 0,2,4 len: variable: 4+s_elemental parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x307c) - size - ele desc: - Elemental create 0x307d Type: ZI Structure: .W .L .L index: 0,2,6 len: 10 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x307d) - ele_id - cid desc: - Elemental request 0x307e Type: ZI Structure: .W .L index: 0,2 len: 6 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x307e) - ele_id desc: - Elemental delete 0x307f Type: ZI Structure: .W .W .?B index: 0,2,4 len: variable: 4+s_elemental parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x307f) - size - ele desc: - Elemental save 0x3080 Type: ZI Structure: .W .L .L .W .W .W .W .W .W .B .B index: 0,2,6,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,23,24 len: variable: 24+NAME_LENGTH parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3080) - aid - cid - pet_class - pet_lv - pet_egg_id -pet_equip - intimate - hungry - rename_flag - incubate desc: - Pet create 0x3081 Type: ZI Structure: .W .L .L .L index: 0,2,6,10 len: 14 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3081) - aid - cid - pet_id desc: - Request pet data 0x3082 Type: ZI Structure: .W .W .L .?B index: 0,2,4,8 len: variable: 8+s_pet parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3082) - size - aid - s_pet: Pet data desc: - Save pet data 0x3083 Type: ZI Structure: .W .L index: 0,2 len 6: parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3083) - pet_id desc: - Delete pet data 0x308a Type: ZI Structure: .W .B .L .L index: 0,2,3,7 len: 11 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x308a) - type : 0 - TABLE_INVENTORY, 1 - TABLE_CART, 2 - TABLE_STORAGE - account_id - char_id desc: - Request inventory/cart/storage data for a player/guild if type = 3 0x308b Type: ZI Structure: .W .B .L .L .?B index: 0,2,4,5,9,13 len: 11 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x308b) - type : 0 - TABLE_INVENTORY, 1 - TABLE_CART, 2 - TABLE_STORAGE - account_id - char_id - entries : Inventory/cart/storage entries that will be saved desc: - Request to save inventory/cart/storage entries 0x3090: Type: ZI Structure: .W .W .L .?B index: 0,2,4,8 len: variable: 8+s_homunculus parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3090) - s_homunculus - aid - sh desc: - Homunculus create 0x3091: Type: ZI Structure: .W .L .L index: 0,2,6 len: 10 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3091) - aid - homun_id desc: - Homunculus request load 0x3092: Type: ZI Structure: .W .W .L .?B index: 0,2,4,8 len: variable: 8+s_homunculus parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3092) - s_homunculus - aid - sh desc: - Homunculus request save 0x3093: Type: ZI Structure: .W .L index: 0,2 len: 6 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3093) - homun_id desc: - Homunculus request delete 0x3094: Type: ZI Structure: .W .L .L .?B index: 0,2,6,10 len: variable: 10+name parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3094) - aid - cid - name desc: - Homunculus rename 0x30A0: Type: ZI Structure: .W index: 0 len: 2 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x30A0) desc: - Requests the loaded clans from the inter-server 0x30A1 Type: ZI Structure: .W .W .L .L .?B index: 0,2,4,8,12 len: variable: 12+message parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x30A1) - size - clan id : the clan id the message is sent to - account id : the account id of the sender - message : the message to be sent desc: - Sends a clan message to the inter-server to relay it to all other map-servers 0x30A2: Type: ZI Structure: .W .L index: 0,2 len: 6 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x30A2) - clan id : the clan id desc: - Notifies the inter-server that a player has left the clan or disconnected 0x30A3: Type: ZI Structure: .W .L index: 0,2 len: 6 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x30A3) - clan id : the clan id desc: - Notifies the inter-server that a player has joined the clan or connected 0x3800: Type: IZ Structure: .W .W .L .W .W .W .W .?B index: 0,2,4,8,10,12,14,16 len: variable: 16+len parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3800) - len - fontColor - fontType - fontSize - fontAlign - fontY - mes desc: - Send broadcast message 0x3801 Type: IZ Structure: .W .W .L .24B .24B .?B index: 0,2,4,8,32,56 len: variable: 56+len (Max=1991) parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3801) - len - id - src - dst - msg desc: - Send whisper message 0x3802 Type: IZ Structure: .W .24B .B index: 0,2,26 len: 27 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3802) - src - flag desc: - Whisper sending result 0x3803 Type: IZ Structure: .W .W .?B .L .?B index: 0,2,4,4+NAME_LENGTH,8+NAME_LENGTH len: variable: mes_len + 8 + NAME_LENGTH parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3803) - packet_len: mes_len + 8 + NAME_LENGTH - wisp_name - permission - message desc: - Parse whisper to GM 0x3804 Type: HZ Structure: .W .W .L .L .B .B .W { .B . .L .B . }* index: 0,2,4,8,12,13,14,16,... len: variable parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3804) - ? - aid - cid - type - count - keyLength - key - index - val - valLength desc: - Send global account registry to map-server from login-server 0x3806 Type: IZ Structure: .W .L .L .B .B .B index: 0,2,6,10,11,12 len: 13 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3806) - aid - cid - type - flag - name desc: - mapif_namechange_ack 0x3807 Type: IZ Structure: .W .W .L .L .?B index: 0,2,4,8,12 len: variable: 12+len parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3807) - len - u_fd - aid - msg_out desc: - sends a message to map-server (fd) to a user (u_fd) although we use fd we keep aid for safe-check 0x3808 Type: IZ Structure: .W .L .L .?B index: 0,2,6,10 len: variable: 10+NAME+LENGTH parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3808) - u_fd - aid - acc_name desc: - Transmit the result of a account_information request from map-server, with type 1 0x3809 Type: IZ Structure: .W .W .W .W .B .24B .24B index: 0,2,6,4,8,9,24 len: 9+NAME_LENGTH+NAME_LENGTH parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3809) - len : Packet length - nameid : ID of obtained item - source : Source from where the item obtained - type : Obtained type. 0: Box/Package, 1: Monster, 2: NPC - name : Name of player who obtained the item - srcname : Source name as alternative of source desc: - Broadcasts if player get special items. 0x3818 Type: IZ Structure: .W .W .L .L .B .?B index: 0,2,4,8,12,13 len: variable: 13+guild_storage parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3818) - len - aid - guild_id - flag - guild_storage desc: - mapif_load_guild_storage 0x3819 Type: IZ Structure: .W .L .L .B index: 0,2,6,10 len: 11 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3819) - aid - guild_id - fail desc: - mapif_save_guild_storage_ack 0x3820 Type: IZ Structure: .W .L .L .B .L .?B index: 0,2,6,10,11,15 len: 39 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3820) - aid - char_id - ? - party_id - name desc: - ACK party creation 0x3821 Type: IZ Structure: .W .W .L .L index: 0,2,4,8 len: 12 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3821) - ? - char_id - party_id desc: - Party information not found 0x3822 Type: IZ Structure: .W .L .L .L .B index: 0,2,6,10,14 len: 15 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3822) - party_id - account_id - char_id - flag desc: - mapif_party_memberadded 0x3823 Type: IZ Structure: .W .L .L .W .W .B index: 0,2,6,10,12,14,15? len: 16? parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3823) - party_id - account_id - exp - item - flag - ? desc: - Party setting change notification 0x3824 Type: IZ Structure: .W .L .L .L .24B .B index: 0,2,6,10,14,48 len: 49 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3824) - party_id : Party ID - account_id : Account ID - char_id : Character ID - name : Character Name - type : Leaving reason/result desc: - Withdrawal notification party 0x3825 Type: IZ Structure: .W .L .L .L .W .B .W .?B index: 0,2,6,10,14,16,17,19 len: 20? parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3825) - party_id - account_id - char_id - map - online - lv - ? desc: - Party map update notification 0x3826 Type: IZ Structure: .W .L .B .?B index: 0,2,6,7 len: 16 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3826) - party_id - flag - ? desc: - Dissolution party notification 0x3827 Type: IZ Structure: .W .W .L .L .?B index: 0,2,4,8,12 len: variable: 12+len (max=512) parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3827) - len - party_id - account_id - mes desc: - mapif_party_message 0x3830 Type: IZ Structure: .W .L .L index: 0,2,6 len: 10 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3830) - account_id - guild_id desc: - mapif_guild_created 0x3831 Type: IZ Structure: .W .W .L .?B index: 0,2,4,8 len: 12 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3831) - ? - guild_id - ? desc: - mapif_guild_noinfo 0x3832 Type: IZ Structure: .W .L .L .L .B index: 0,2,6,10,14 len: 15 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3832) - guild_id - account_id - char_id - flag desc: - ACK member add 0x3834 Type: IZ Structure: .W .L .L .L .B .40B .?B index: 0,2,6,10,14,15,55 len: variable: 55+NAME_LENGTH parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3834) - guild_id - account_id - char_id - flag - mes - name desc: - mapif_guild_withdraw 0x3835 Type: IZ Structure: .W .L .L .L .B .W .W index: 0,2,6,10,14,15,17 len: 19 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3835) - guild_id - account_id - char_id - online - lv - class_ desc: - Send short guild member's info 0x3836 Type: IZ Structure: .W .L .B index: 0,2,6 len: 7 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3836) - guild_id - flag desc: - mapif_guild_broken 0x3837 Type: IZ Structure: .W .W .L .L .?B index: 0,2,4,8,12 len: variable: 12+len (max=512) parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3837) - len - guild_id - account_id - mes desc: - Send guild message 0x3839 Type: IZ Structure: .W .W .L .W .?B index: 0,2,4,8,10 len: variable: 10+len (Max=2048) parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3839) - len - guild_id - type - data desc: - mapif_guild_basicinfochanged 0x383a Type: IZ Structure: .W .W .L .L .L .W .?B index: 0,2,4,8,12,16,18 len: variable: 18+len (Max=2048) parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x383a) - len - guild_id - account_id - char_id - type - data desc: - mapif_guild_memberinfochanged 0x383b Type: IZ Structure: .W .W .L .L .?B index: 0,2,4,8,12 len: variable: 12+guild_position parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x383b) - len - guild_id - idx - position desc: - mapif_guild_position 0x383c Type: IZ Structure: .W .L .L .L index: 0,2,6,10 len: 14 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x383c) - guild_id - skill_id - account_id desc: - ACK guild skill up 0x383d Type: IZ Structure: .W .L .L .L .L .B .?B .?B index: 0,2,6,10,14,18,19 len: variable: 19+2*NAME_LENGTH parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x383d) - guild_id1 - guild_id2 - account_id1 - account_id2 desc: - ACK guild alliance 0x383e Type: IZ Structure: .W .L .60B .120B .?B index: 0,2,6,66,186 len: 256 parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x383e) - guild_id - mes1 - mes2 - ? desc: - Send the guild notice 0x383f Type: IZ Structure: .W .W .L .L .?B index: 0,2,4,8,12 len: variable: 12+emblem_data parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x383f) - len - guild_id - emblem_id - emblem_data desc: - Send emblem data 0x3840 Type: IZ Structure: .W .W .?B index: 0,2,4 len: variable: 4+num*gc parameter: - cmd : packet identification (0x3840) - len - gc desc: - mapif_guild_castle_dataload 0x3843 Type: IZ Structure: .W .L .L .L