#!/bin/sh #source var/function . ./function.sh #read -p "WARNING: This script is experimental. Press Ctrl+C to cancel or Enter to continue." readEnterKey # NOTE: This requires GNU getopt. On Mac OS X and FreeBSD, you have to install this # separately; see below. TEMP=$(getopt -o d: -l destdir: -- "$@") if [ $? != 0 ] ; then echo "Terminating..." >&2 ; exit 1 ; fi # Note the quotes around `$TEMP': they are essential! eval set -- "${TEMP}" eval set -- "${TEMP}" while [ $# -gt 0 ] do case "$1" in (-d | --destdir) PKG_PATH="$2"; shift;; esac shift done echo "destdir = ${PKG_PATH} " check_inst_right check_files mkdir -p "${PKG_PATH}/bin/" mkdir -p "${PKG_PATH}/etc/${PKG}/" mkdir -p "${PKG_PATH}/usr/${PKG}/" mkdir -p "${PKG_PATH}/var/${PKG}/log" #we copy all file into opt/ dir and treat dir like normal unix arborescence cp -r db/ "${PKG_PATH}/var/${PKG}/db" if [ -d log ]; then cp -r log/* "${PKG_PATH}/var/${PKG}/log/"; fi cp -r conf/ "${PKG_PATH}/etc/${PKG}/conf" cp -r npc/ "${PKG_PATH}/usr/${PKG}/npc" cp athena-start "${PKG_PATH}/" cp *-server* "${PKG_PATH}/bin/" ln -fs "${PKG_PATH}/var/${PKG}/db/" "${PKG_PATH}/db" ln -fs "${PKG_PATH}/var/${PKG}/log/" "${PKG_PATH}/log" ln -fs "${PKG_PATH}/etc/${PKG}/conf/" "${PKG_PATH}/conf" ln -fs "${PKG_PATH}/usr/${PKG}/npc/" "${PKG_PATH}/npc" ln -fs "${PKG_PATH}/athena-start" "/usr/bin/${PKG}" for f in $(ls "${PKG_PATH}/bin/") ; do ln -fs "${PKG_PATH}/bin/${f}" "${PKG_PATH}/${f}"; done echo "Installation is done. You can now control the server with '${PKG} start'"