//===== rAthena Script ======================================= //= BattleGround System - KvM 80-99 //===== Description: ========================================= //= [Official Conversion] //= Kreiger Von Midgard Battleground for levels 80 to 99 //= - Winning Team: 5 points //= - Losing Team: 1 point //===== Changelogs: ========================================== //= 1.0 First Version. [L0ne_W0lf] //= 1.1 Updated using official Aegis files. [L0ne_W0lf] //= 1.2 Upated some announces and dialogs from iRO. //= Changed how the scoreboard works slightly. //= Removed the areapercentheals, and minor things. //= 1.3 Added battle_config checks to allow this script to use the new queue interface or the previous method. [Aleos] //============================================================ // Waiting Room NPCs //============================================================ bat_room,169,226,5 script KVM Waiting Room#a::KvM01R_Guillaume 418,{ end; OnInit: waitingroom "Battle Station 5 Players",6,"KvM01_BG_Out::OnGuillaumeJoin",1; end; OnEnterBG: set $@KvM01BG_id1, waitingroom2bg("bat_c01",52,129,"KvM01_BG::OnGuillaumeQuit","KvM01_BG::OnGuillaumeDie"); end; } bat_room,169,205,3 script KVM Waiting Room#b::KvM01R_Croix 414,{ end; OnInit: waitingroom "Battle Station 5 Players",6,"KvM01_BG_Out::OnCroixJoin",1; end; OnEnterBG: set $@KvM01BG_id2, waitingroom2bg("bat_c01",147,55,"KvM01_BG::OnCroixQuit","KvM01_BG::OnCroixDie"); end; } bat_room,169,220,0 warp2 #kvm801 2,2,bat_room,154,150 bat_room,169,211,0 warp2 #kvm802 2,2,bat_room,154,150 // Starting Line //============================================================ - script KVM01::CellEffect -1,{ end; OnKvM01One: specialeffect EF_CHANGECOLD; end; OnKvM01Two: specialeffect EF_CHANGEPOISON; end; } bat_c01,54,124,3 duplicate(CellEffect) #RedcellA1-1 139 bat_c01,55,124,3 duplicate(CellEffect) #RedcellA2-1 139 bat_c01,56,124,3 duplicate(CellEffect) #RedcellA3-1 139 bat_c01,57,124,3 duplicate(CellEffect) #RedcellA4-1 139 bat_c01,57,125,3 duplicate(CellEffect) #RedcellA5-1 139 bat_c01,57,126,3 duplicate(CellEffect) #RedcellA6-1 139 bat_c01,57,127,3 duplicate(CellEffect) #RedcellA7-1 139 bat_c01,145,59,3 duplicate(CellEffect) #RedcellB1-1 139 bat_c01,144,59,3 duplicate(CellEffect) #RedcellB2-1 139 bat_c01,143,59,3 duplicate(CellEffect) #RedcellB3-1 139 bat_c01,142,59,3 duplicate(CellEffect) #RedcellB4-1 139 bat_c01,142,56,3 duplicate(CellEffect) #RedcellB5-1 139 bat_c01,142,57,3 duplicate(CellEffect) #RedcellB6-1 139 bat_c01,142,58,3 duplicate(CellEffect) #RedcellB7-1 139 bat_c01,54,128,3 script #A_camp_start01 139,4,4,{ end; OnInit: disablenpc "#A_camp_start01"; end; OnEnable: enablenpc "#A_camp_start01"; end; OnDisable: disablenpc "#A_camp_start01"; end; OnTouch: set Bat_Team,1; if (!getbattleflag("feature.bgqueue")) setquest 6025; end; } bat_c01,146,56,3 script #B_camp_start01 139,4,4,{ end; OnInit: disablenpc "#B_camp_start01"; end; OnEnable: enablenpc "#B_camp_start01"; end; OnDisable: disablenpc "#B_camp_start01"; end; OnTouch: set Bat_Team,2; if (!getbattleflag("feature.bgqueue")) setquest 6025; end; } // Battleground Engine //============================================================ - script KvM01_BG -1,{ end; OnInit: if (getbattleflag("feature.bgqueue")) bg_unbook "bat_c01"; mapwarp "bat_c01","bat_room",154,150; setwall "bat_c01",54,122,6,7,0,"batc01wall_a"; setwall "bat_c01",55,122,5,7,0,"batc01wall_b"; setwall "bat_c01",140,56,6,7,0,"batc01wall_c"; setwall "bat_c01",140,57,5,7,0,"batc01wall_d"; disablenpc "KVM Officer#KVM01A"; disablenpc "KVM Officer#KVM01B"; end; OnGuillaumeQuit: if (getbattleflag("feature.bgqueue")) bg_desert; // else // set BG_Delay_Tick, gettimetick(2) + 1200; OnGuillaumeDie: if( $@KvM01BG == 2 ) { set .Guillaume_Count, .Guillaume_Count - 1; bg_updatescore "bat_c01",.Guillaume_Count,.Croix_Count; if( .Guillaume_Count < 1 ) donpcevent "KvM01_BG::OnCroixWin"; else { mapannounce "bat_c01", "The number of Guillaumes is "+.Guillaume_Count+".",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; mapannounce "bat_c01", "The number of Croixes is "+.Croix_Count+".",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; } } end; OnCroixQuit: if (getbattleflag("feature.bgqueue")) bg_desert; // else // set BG_Delay_Tick, gettimetick(2) + 1200; OnCroixDie: if( $@KvM01BG == 2 ) { set .Croix_Count, .Croix_Count - 1; bg_updatescore "bat_c01",.Guillaume_Count,.Croix_Count; if( .Croix_Count < 1 ) donpcevent "KvM01_BG::OnGuillaumeWin"; else { mapannounce "bat_c01", "The number of Guillaumes is "+.Guillaume_Count+".",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; mapannounce "bat_c01", "The number of Croixes is "+.Croix_Count+".",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; } } end; OnGuillaumeActive: warp "bat_c01",61,120; end; OnCroixActive: warp "bat_c01",138,63; end; OnStart: disablenpc "KVM Officer#KVM01A"; disablenpc "KVM Officer#KVM01B"; set $@KvM01BG_Victory, 0; // Warp Teams bg_warp $@KvM01BG_id1,"bat_c01",53,128; bg_warp $@KvM01BG_id2,"bat_c01",146,55; initnpctimer; end; OnTimer1000: mapannounce "bat_c01", "In 1 minute, KVM will start.",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; end; OnTimer3000: mapannounce "bat_c01", "The maximum time for a KVM battle is 5 minutes.",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; end; OnTimer6000: mapannounce "bat_c01", "Please prepare for the KVM battle.",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; mapannounce "bat_c01", "You can buff your people.",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; donpcevent "#A_camp_start01::OnEnable"; donpcevent "#B_camp_start01::OnEnable"; end; OnTimer13000: donpcevent "#A_camp_start01::OnDisable"; donpcevent "#B_camp_start01::OnDisable"; end; OnTimer30000: mapannounce "bat_c01", "30 seconds remaining to start KVM battle.",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; end; OnTimer45000: mapannounce "bat_c01", "15 seconds remaining to start KVM battle.",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; donpcevent "::OnKvM01One"; end; OnTimer50000: mapannounce "bat_c01", "10 seconds remaining to start KVM battle.",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; donpcevent "::OnKvM01Two"; end; OnTimer55000: mapannounce "bat_c01", "5 seconds remaining to start KVM battle.",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; donpcevent "::OnKvM01One"; end; OnTimer59000: mapannounce "bat_c01", "KVM is now commencing.",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; donpcevent "::OnKvM01Two"; end; OnTimer61000: // Team Members set .Guillaume_Count, bg_get_data($@KvM01BG_id1, 0); set .Croix_Count, bg_get_data($@KvM01BG_id2, 0); if (!getbattleflag("feature.bgqueue")) { if (.Guillaume_Count < 5 || .Croix_Count < 5) { set $@KvM01BG_Victory, 3; set $@KvM01BG, 3; mapannounce "bat_c01","There are not enough players to start the battle",1,0x696969; stopnpctimer; donpcevent "KvM01_BG::OnStop"; end; } } bg_updatescore "bat_c01",.Guillaume_Count,.Croix_Count; set $@KvM01BG, 2; // Playing bg_warp $@KvM01BG_id1,"bat_c01",61,120; bg_warp $@KvM01BG_id2,"bat_c01",138,63; end; OnTimer300000: mapannounce "bat_c01", "1 minute remaining to finish the KVM battle.",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; end; OnTimer330000: mapannounce "bat_c01", "30 seconds remaining to finish the KVM battle.",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; end; OnTimer345000: mapannounce "bat_c01", "15 seconds remaining to finish the KVM battle.",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; end; OnTimer350000: mapannounce "bat_c01", "10 seconds remaining to finish the KVM battle.",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; end; OnTimer355000: mapannounce "bat_c01", "5 seconds remaining to finish the KVM battle.",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; end; OnTimer360000: mapannounce "bat_c01", "The KVM battle is over.",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; if( .Croix_Count > .Guillaume_Count ) donpcevent "KvM01_BG::OnCroixWin"; else if( .Croix_Count < .Guillaume_Count ) donpcevent "KvM01_BG::OnGuillaumeWin"; else { // Draw Game set $@KvM01BG, 3; set $@KvM01BG_Victory, 3; mapannounce "bat_c01", "The number of Guillaumes is "+.Guillaume_Count+".",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; mapannounce "bat_c01", "The number of Croixes is "+.Croix_Count+".",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; mapannounce "bat_c01", "This battle has ended in a draw.",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; donpcevent "KvM01_BG::OnStop"; } end; OnGuillaumeWin: set $@KvM01BG, 3; set $@KvM01BG_Victory, 1; mapannounce "bat_c01", "Guillaume wins!",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; mapannounce "bat_c01", "Congratulations to Guillaume members.",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; mapannounce "bat_c01", "Everyone will be moved to the start point.",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; donpcevent "KvM01_BG::OnStop"; end; OnCroixWin: set $@KvM01BG, 3; set $@KvM01BG_Victory, 2; mapannounce "bat_c01", "Croix wins!",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; mapannounce "bat_c01", "Congratulations to Croix members.",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; mapannounce "bat_c01", "Everyone will be moved to the start point.",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; donpcevent "KvM01_BG::OnStop"; end; OnStop: stopnpctimer; enablenpc "KVM Officer#KVM01A"; enablenpc "KVM Officer#KVM01B"; // Warp Teams bg_warp $@KvM01BG_id1,"bat_c01",53,128; bg_warp $@KvM01BG_id2,"bat_c01",146,55; donpcevent "KvM01_BG_Out::OnBegin"; if (getbattleflag("feature.bgqueue")) bg_reserve "bat_c01", true; end; } - script KvM01_BG_Out -1,{ end; OnBegin: initnpctimer; end; OnTimer1000: mapannounce "bat_c01", "Please apply with the Officer to acquire KVM points.",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; end; OnTimer3000: mapannounce "bat_c01", "The Officer will grant you the points for 30 seconds.",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; mapannounce "bat_c01", "In 30 seconds, the Officer will be sent away.",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; end; OnTimer5000: mapannounce "bat_c01", "Unless you talk to the Officer, you cannot gain the points.",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; mapannounce "bat_c01", "Please be careful.",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; end; OnTimer55000: mapannounce "bat_c01", "You will be sent back.",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; end; OnTimer60000: stopnpctimer; if (getbattleflag("feature.bgqueue")) bg_reserve "bat_c01", true; mapwarp "bat_c01","bat_room",154,150; set getvariableofnpc(.Croix_Count,"KvM01_BG"), 0; set getvariableofnpc(.Guillaume_Count,"KvM01_BG"), 0; set $@KvM01BG_Victory, 0; if( $@KvM01BG_id1 ) { bg_destroy $@KvM01BG_id1; set $@KvM01BG_id1, 0; } if( $@KvM01BG_id2 ) { bg_destroy $@KvM01BG_id2; set $@KvM01BG_id2, 0; } if (getbattleflag("feature.bgqueue")) bg_unbook "bat_c01"; disablenpc "KVM Officer#KVM01A"; disablenpc "KVM Officer#KVM01B"; set $@KvM01BG, 0; end; OnGuillaumeJoin: OnCroixJoin: if( $@KvM01BG ) end; set .@Guillaume, getwaitingroomstate(0,"KvM01R_Guillaume"); set .@Croix, getwaitingroomstate(0,"KvM01R_Croix"); if( .@Guillaume < 5 || .@Croix < 5 ) end; set $@KvM01BG, 1; // Starting donpcevent "KvM01R_Croix::OnEnterBG"; donpcevent "KvM01R_Guillaume::OnEnterBG"; donpcevent "KvM01_BG::OnStart"; end; } // Battleground rewards //============================================================ bat_c01,51,130,5 script KVM Officer#KVM01A 419,{ if( $@KvM01BG_Victory ) { mes "[KVM Officer]"; if( $@KvM01BG_Victory == Bat_Team ) { mes "Good Game."; mes "May the glory of KVM be with you."; mes "You aquire the winning points: 5"; close2; set kvm_point,kvm_point + 5; } else { mes "I am so sorry."; mes "I wish you better luck next time."; mes "You aquire the losing points: 1"; close2; set kvm_point,kvm_point + 1; } bg_leave; set Bat_Team,0; if (!getbattleflag("feature.bgqueue")) warp "bat_room",154,150; } end; } bat_c01,148,53,1 duplicate(KVM Officer#KVM01A) KVM Officer#KVM01B 415 // BG Queue makes these scripts useless - script BGQueueInit#kvm01 -1,{ end; OnInit: if (getbattleflag("feature.bgqueue")) { unloadnpc "KvM01R_Guillaume"; unloadnpc "KvM01R_Croix"; unloadnpc "#kvm801"; unloadnpc "#kvm802"; } end; }