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# This file is a part of rAthena.
# Copyright(C) 2021 rAthena Development Team
# -
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
# Job Database
# Job Settings
# - Jobs: List of jobs associated to group.
# Job Job name.
# MaxWeight Base maximum weight. (Default: 20000)
# HpFactor Exponential HP increase. Per base level: [HpFactor * BaseLv / 100]. Used when macro HP_SP_TABLES is disabled. (Default: 0)
# HpIncrease Linear HP increase. Per base level: [HpIncrease / 100]. Used when macro HP_SP_TABLES is disabled. (Default: 500)
# SpIncrease Linear SP increase. Per base level: [SpIncrease / 100]. Used when macro HP_SP_TABLES is disabled. (Default: 100)
# BaseASPD: Base ASPD for each weapon type. (Default: 2000)
# Weapon Weapon type with associated ASPD.
# BonusStats: Job level bonus stats/traits.
# - Level Job level.
# Str Stength increase amount. (Default: 0)
# Agi Agility increase amount. (Default: 0)
# Vit Vitality increase amount. (Default: 0)
# Int Intelligence increase amount. (Default: 0)
# Dex Dexterity increase amount. (Default: 0)
# Luk Luck increase amount. (Default: 0)
# Pow Power increase amount. (Default: 0)
# Sta Stamina increase amount. (Default: 0)
# Wis Wisdom increase amount. (Default: 0)
# Spl Spell increase amount. (Default: 0)
# Con Concentration increase amount. (Default: 0)
# Crt Creative increase amount. (Default: 0)
# MaxStats: Maximum stats/traits applicable. (Default: battle_config::max_*_parameter)
# Str Strength.
# Agi Agility.
# Vit Vitality.
# Int Intelligence.
# Dex Dexterity.
# Luk Luck.
# Pow Power.
# Sta Stamina.
# Wis Wisdom.
# Spl Spell.
# Con Concentration.
# Crt Creative.
# MaxBaseLevel Maximum base level. (Default: MAX_LEVEL)
# BaseExp: Base experience per level.
# - Level Base level.
# Exp Base experience.
# MaxJobLevel Maximum job level. (Default: MAX_LEVEL)
# JobExp: Job experience per level.
# - Level Job level.
# Exp Job experience.
# BaseHp: Base HP per base level.
# - Level Base level.
# Hp Base HP.
# BaseSp: Base SP per base level.
# - Level Base level.
# Sp Base SP.
# BaseAp: Base AP per base level.
# - Level Base level.
# Ap Base AP.
Version: 2
# Load base information first
- Path: db/pre-re/job_stats.yml
Mode: Prerenewal
- Path: db/re/job_stats.yml
Mode: Renewal
# Next, populate with ASPD information
# If RENEWAL is defined and RENEWAL_ASPD is not defined then the pre-renewal file is loaded
- Path: db/pre-re/job_aspd.yml
Mode: Prerenewal
- Path: db/re/job_aspd.yml
Mode: Renewal
# Next, populate with experience information
- Path: db/pre-re/job_exp.yml
Mode: Prerenewal
- Path: db/re/job_exp.yml
Mode: Renewal
# Next, populate HP/SP/AP information
- Path: db/pre-re/job_basepoints.yml
Mode: Prerenewal
- Path: db/re/job_basepoints.yml
Mode: Renewal
# Finally, import custom information
- Path: db/import/job_stats.yml