2d Game Development Framework based on SFML.Net
This is the complete list of members for Otter.Matrix, including all inherited members.
Add(Matrix matrix1, Matrix matrix2) (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | static |
Add(ref Matrix matrix1, ref Matrix matrix2, out Matrix result) (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | static |
Backward (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | |
CreateBillboard(Vector3 objectPosition, Vector3 cameraPosition, Vector3 cameraUpVector, Nullable< Vector3 > cameraForwardVector) (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | static |
CreateBillboard(ref Vector3 objectPosition, ref Vector3 cameraPosition, ref Vector3 cameraUpVector, Vector3?cameraForwardVector, out Matrix result) (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | static |
CreateConstrainedBillboard(Vector3 objectPosition, Vector3 cameraPosition, Vector3 rotateAxis, Nullable< Vector3 > cameraForwardVector, Nullable< Vector3 > objectForwardVector) (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | static |
CreateConstrainedBillboard(ref Vector3 objectPosition, ref Vector3 cameraPosition, ref Vector3 rotateAxis, Vector3?cameraForwardVector, Vector3?objectForwardVector, out Matrix result) (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | static |
CreateFromAxisAngle(Vector3 axis, float angle) (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | static |
CreateFromAxisAngle(ref Vector3 axis, float angle, out Matrix result) (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | static |
CreateFromQuaternion(Quaternion quaternion) (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | static |
CreateFromQuaternion(ref Quaternion quaternion, out Matrix result) (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | static |
CreateFromYawPitchRoll(float yaw, float pitch, float roll) (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | static |
CreateFromYawPitchRoll(float yaw, float pitch, float roll, out Matrix result) (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | static |
CreateLookAt(Vector3 cameraPosition, Vector3 cameraTarget, Vector3 cameraUpVector) (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | static |
CreateLookAt(ref Vector3 cameraPosition, ref Vector3 cameraTarget, ref Vector3 cameraUpVector, out Matrix result) (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | static |
CreateOrthographic(float width, float height, float zNearPlane, float zFarPlane) (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | static |
CreateOrthographic(float width, float height, float zNearPlane, float zFarPlane, out Matrix result) (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | static |
CreateOrthographicOffCenter(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float zNearPlane, float zFarPlane) (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | static |
CreateOrthographicOffCenter(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float zNearPlane, float zFarPlane, out Matrix result) (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | static |
CreatePerspective(float width, float height, float nearPlaneDistance, float farPlaneDistance) (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | static |
CreatePerspective(float width, float height, float nearPlaneDistance, float farPlaneDistance, out Matrix result) (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | static |
CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView(float fieldOfView, float aspectRatio, float nearPlaneDistance, float farPlaneDistance) (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | static |
CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView(float fieldOfView, float aspectRatio, float nearPlaneDistance, float farPlaneDistance, out Matrix result) (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | static |
CreatePerspectiveOffCenter(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float nearPlaneDistance, float farPlaneDistance) (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | static |
CreatePerspectiveOffCenter(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float nearPlaneDistance, float farPlaneDistance, out Matrix result) (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | static |
CreateRotationX(float radians) (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | static |
CreateRotationX(float radians, out Matrix result) (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | static |
CreateRotationY(float radians) (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | static |
CreateRotationY(float radians, out Matrix result) (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | static |
CreateRotationZ(float radians) (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | static |
CreateRotationZ(float radians, out Matrix result) (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | static |
CreateScale(float scale) (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | static |
CreateScale(float scale, out Matrix result) (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | static |
CreateScale(float xScale, float yScale, float zScale) (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | static |
CreateScale(float xScale, float yScale, float zScale, out Matrix result) (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | static |
CreateScale(Vector3 scales) (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | static |
CreateScale(ref Vector3 scales, out Matrix result) (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | static |
CreateTranslation(float xPosition, float yPosition, float zPosition) (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | static |
CreateTranslation(ref Vector3 position, out Matrix result) (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | static |
CreateTranslation(Vector3 position) (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | static |
CreateTranslation(float xPosition, float yPosition, float zPosition, out Matrix result) (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | static |
CreateWorld(Vector3 position, Vector3 forward, Vector3 up) (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | static |
CreateWorld(ref Vector3 position, ref Vector3 forward, ref Vector3 up, out Matrix result) (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | static |
Decompose(out Vector3 scale, out Quaternion rotation, out Vector3 translation) (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | |
Determinant() (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | |
Divide(Matrix matrix1, Matrix matrix2) (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | static |
Divide(ref Matrix matrix1, ref Matrix matrix2, out Matrix result) (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | static |
Divide(Matrix matrix1, float divider) (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | static |
Divide(ref Matrix matrix1, float divider, out Matrix result) (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | static |
Down (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | |
Equals(Matrix other) (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | |
Equals(object obj) (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | |
Forward (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | |
GetHashCode() (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | |
Identity (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | static |
Invert(Matrix matrix) (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | static |
Invert(ref Matrix matrix, out Matrix result) (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | static |
Left (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | |
Lerp(Matrix matrix1, Matrix matrix2, float amount) (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | static |
Lerp(ref Matrix matrix1, ref Matrix matrix2, float amount, out Matrix result) (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | static |
M11 (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | |
M12 (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | |
M13 (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | |
M14 (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | |
M21 (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | |
M22 (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | |
M23 (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | |
M24 (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | |
M31 (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | |
M32 (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | |
M33 (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | |
M34 (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | |
M41 (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | |
M42 (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | |
M43 (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | |
M44 (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | |
Matrix(float m11, float m12, float m13, float m14, float m21, float m22, float m23, float m24, float m31, float m32, float m33, float m34, float m41, float m42, float m43, float m44) (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | |
Multiply(Matrix matrix1, Matrix matrix2) (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | static |
Multiply(ref Matrix matrix1, ref Matrix matrix2, out Matrix result) (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | static |
Multiply(Matrix matrix1, float factor) (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | static |
Multiply(ref Matrix matrix1, float factor, out Matrix result) (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | static |
Negate(Matrix matrix) (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | static |
Negate(ref Matrix matrix, out Matrix result) (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | static |
operator!=(Matrix matrix1, Matrix matrix2) (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | static |
operator*(Matrix matrix1, Matrix matrix2) (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | static |
operator*(Matrix matrix, float scaleFactor) (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | static |
operator+(Matrix matrix1, Matrix matrix2) (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | static |
operator-(Matrix matrix1, Matrix matrix2) (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | static |
operator-(Matrix matrix) (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | static |
operator/(Matrix matrix1, Matrix matrix2) (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | static |
operator/(Matrix matrix, float divider) (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | static |
operator==(Matrix matrix1, Matrix matrix2) (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | static |
Right (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | |
Subtract(Matrix matrix1, Matrix matrix2) (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | static |
Subtract(ref Matrix matrix1, ref Matrix matrix2, out Matrix result) (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | static |
this[int index] (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | |
this[int row, int column] (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | |
ToFloatArray(Matrix mat) (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | static |
ToString() (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | |
Translation (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | |
Transpose(Matrix matrix) (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | static |
Transpose(ref Matrix matrix, out Matrix result) (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix | static |
Up (defined in Otter.Matrix) | Otter.Matrix |