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Otter.Rectangle Struct Reference

Struct for representing a Rectangle. More...

Inherits IEquatable< Rectangle >.

Public Member Functions

 Rectangle (int x, int y, int width, int height)
bool Contains (int x, int y)
bool Contains (Point value)
bool Contains (Rectangle value)
void Offset (Point offset)
void Offset (int offsetX, int offsetY)
void Inflate (int horizontalValue, int verticalValue)
bool Equals (Rectangle other)
override bool Equals (object obj)
override string ToString ()
override int GetHashCode ()
bool Intersects (Rectangle value)
void Intersects (ref Rectangle value, out bool result)

Static Public Member Functions

static bool operator== (Rectangle a, Rectangle b)
static bool operator!= (Rectangle a, Rectangle b)
static Rectangle Intersect (Rectangle value1, Rectangle value2)
static void Intersect (ref Rectangle value1, ref Rectangle value2, out Rectangle result)
static Rectangle Union (Rectangle value1, Rectangle value2)
static void Union (ref Rectangle value1, ref Rectangle value2, out Rectangle result)

Public Attributes

int X
int Y
int Width
int Height


static Rectangle Empty [get]
int Left [get]
int Right [get]
int Top [get]
int Bottom [get]
Point Location [get, set]
Point Center [get]
bool IsEmpty [get]

Detailed Description

Struct for representing a Rectangle.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: