int | GridX (float x) |
| Convert an X position to a tile on the grid. More...
int | GridY (float y) |
| Convert an Y position to a tile on the grid. More...
| GridCollider (int width, int height, int tileWidth, int tileHeight, params int[] tags) |
| Create a new GridCollider. More...
| GridCollider (int width, int height, int tileWidth, int tileHeight, Enum tag, params Enum[] tags) |
void | SetTile (int x, int y, bool collidable=true) |
| Set the collision status of a tile on the GridCollider. More...
void | SetRect (int x, int y, int width, int height, bool collidable=true) |
| Set the collision status of a rectangle area on the GridCollider. More...
void | Clear (bool collidable=false) |
| Clears the entire grid. More...
bool | GetTile (int x, int y) |
| Get the collision status of a tile on the GridCollider. More...
bool | GetTileAtPosition (float x, float y) |
| Get the collision status of a tile at a position in the Scene. More...
bool | GetRect (float x, float y, float x2, float y2, bool usingGrid=true) |
| Check for a collidable tile in a rectangle on the GridCollider. More...
void | LoadString (string source, char empty= '0', char filled= '1') |
| Convert a string into tiles on the GridCollider. More...
void | LoadCSV (string source, string empty="0", string filled="1", char columnSep= ',', char rowSep= '\n') |
| Convert a CSV file into tiles on the GridCollider. More...
void | LoadTilemap (Tilemap source, int layerDepth) |
| Load collision data from a Tilemap. More...
void | LoadTilemap (Tilemap source, string layerName) |
| Load collision data from a Tilemap. More...
void | LoadTilemap (Tilemap source, Enum layerName) |
| Load collision data from a Tilemap. More...
override void | Render (Color color=null) |
| Draw the collider for debug purposes. More...
bool | Overlap (float x, float y, int px, int py) |
| Checks for a collision with a specific point. More...
bool | Overlap (float x, float y, params int[] tags) |
| Checks for a collision against the specified tags and returns true or false. More...
bool | Overlap (float x, float y, Collider c) |
| Checks for a collision against a specific Collider and returns true or false. More...
bool | Overlap (float x, float y, Entity e) |
| Checks for a collision against a specific Entity and returns true or false. More...
bool | Overlap (float x, float y, List< int > tags) |
| Checks for a collision against a list of Collliders and returns true or false. More...
bool | Overlap (float x, float y, params Enum[] tags) |
| Checks for a collision against the specified tags and returns true or false. More...
bool | Overlap (float x, float y, List< Enum > tags) |
| Checks for a collision against the specified tags and returns true or false. More...
bool | Overlap (float x, float y, List< Entity > entities) |
| Checks for a collision against a list of Entities and all of their colliders. More...
bool | Overlap< T > (float x, float y, List< T > entities) |
| Checks for a collision against a list of Entities and all of their colliders. More...
Collider | Collide (float x, float y, List< Entity > entities) |
| Checks for a collision against a list of Entities and all of their colliders. More...
Collider | Collide< T > (float x, float y, List< T > entities) |
Collider | Collide (float x, float y, params int[] tags) |
| Checks for a collision against specified tags. More...
Collider | Collide (float x, float y, params Enum[] tags) |
| Checks for a collision against specified tags. More...
Collider | Collide (float x, float y, Collider c) |
| Checks for a collision with a specific collider. More...
Collider | Collide (float x, float y, Entity e) |
| Checks for a collision with a specific entity. More...
Collider | Collide (float x, float y, List< int > tags) |
| Checks for a collision with a list of tags. More...
Collider | Collide (float x, float y, List< Enum > tags) |
| Checks for a collision with a list of tags. More...
Entity | CollideEntity (float x, float y, params int[] tags) |
| Checks for a collision with a list of tags and returns an Entity. More...
T | CollideEntity< T > (float x, float y, params int[] tags) |
| Checks for a collision with a list of tags and returns an Entity. More...
Entity | CollideEntity (float x, float y, params Enum[] tags) |
| Checks for a collision with a list of tags and returns an Entity. More...
T | CollideEntity< T > (float x, float y, params Enum[] tags) |
| Checks for a collision with a list of tags and returns an Entity. More...
Entity | CollideEntity (float x, float y, Entity e) |
| Checks for a collision with a specific Entity and returns an Entity. More...
T | CollideEntity< T > (float x, float y, Entity e) |
| Checks for a collision with a specific Entity and returns an Entity. More...
Entity | CollideEntity (float x, float y, Collider c) |
| Checks for a collision with a specific Collider and returns an Entity. More...
T | CollideEntity< T > (float x, float y, Collider c) |
| Checks for a collision with a specific Collider and returns an Entity. More...
Entity | CollideEntity (float x, float y, List< int > tags) |
| Checks for a collision with a list of tags and returns an Entity. More...
T | CollideEntity< T > (float x, float y, List< int > tags) |
| Checks for a collision with a list of tags and returns an Entity. More...
Entity | CollideEntity (float x, float y, List< Entity > entities) |
| Checks for a collision with a list of Entities and returns an Entity. More...
T | CollideEntity< T > (float x, float y, List< T > entities) |
| Checks for a collision with a list of Entities and returns an Entity. More...
List< Collider > | CollideList (float x, float y, params int[] tags) |
| Creates a list of Colliders that this Collider is colliding with. More...
List< Collider > | CollideList (float x, float y, params Enum[] tags) |
| Creates a list of Colliders that this Collider is colliding with. More...
List< Collider > | CollideList (float x, float y, List< Enum > tags) |
| Creates a list of Colliders that this Collider is colliding with. More...
List< Collider > | CollideList (float x, float y, List< int > tags) |
| Creates a list of Colliders that this Collider is colliding with. More...
List< Entity > | CollideEntities (float x, float y, params int[] tags) |
| Creates a list of Entities that the Collider has collided with. More...
List< Entity > | CollideEntities (float x, float y, params Enum[] tags) |
| Creates a list of Entities that the Collider has collided with. More...
List< Entity > | CollideEntities (float x, float y, List< Enum > tags) |
| Creates a list of Entities that the Collider has collided with. More...
List< T > | CollideEntities< T > (float x, float y, params int[] tags) |
| Creates a list of Entities that the Collider has collided with. More...
List< T > | CollideEntities< T > (float x, float y, params Enum[] tags) |
| Creates a list of Entities that the Collider has collided with. More...
List< T > | CollideEntities< T > (float x, float y, List< Enum > tags) |
| Creates a list of Entities that the Collider has collided with. More...
List< T > | CollideEntities< T > (float x, float y, List< T > entities) |
| Creates a list of Entities that the Collider has collided with. More...
List< Entity > | CollideEntities (float x, float y, List< int > tags) |
| Creates a list of entities that the Collider has collided with. More...
virtual void | Added () |
| Callback for when the Collider has been added to an Entity. More...
virtual void | Removed () |
| Callback for when the Collider has been removed from an Entity. More...
Collider | AddTag (int tag) |
| Add a new tag to the Collider. More...
Collider | AddTag (params Enum[] tags) |
| Add new tags to the Collider. More...
bool | HasTag (params Enum[] tags) |
bool | HasTag (params int[] tags) |
Collider | AddTag (params int[] tags) |
| Add new tags to the Collider. More...
Collider | RemoveTag (int tag) |
| Remove a tag from the Collider. More...
Collider | RemoveTag (params int[] tags) |
| Remove tags from the Collider. More...
Collider | RemoveTag (params Enum[] tags) |
| Remove tags from the Collider. More...
virtual void | CenterOrigin () |
| Center the origin of the Collider. Based off of Width and Height. More...
void | SetPosition (float x, float y) |
| Set the positon of the Collider. More...
void | SetPosition (Vector2 xy) |
| Set the position of the Collider. More...
void | SetOrigin (float x, float y) |
| Set the origin of the Collider More...
void | SetOrigin (Vector2 xy) |
| Set the origin of the Collider. More...