float | SurfaceX (float x) |
| Convert an X position into the same position but on the Surface. TODO: Make this work with scale and rotation. More...
float | SurfaceY (float y) |
| Convert a Y position into the same position but on the Surface. TODO: Make this work with scale and rotation. More...
| Surface (int width, int height, Color color=null) |
| Creates a Surface with a specified size. More...
| Surface (int width, int height) |
| Creates a Surface of a specified size. More...
| Surface (int size) |
| Creates a Surface of a specified size. More...
| Surface (int size, Color color) |
| Creates a Surface of a specified size. More...
void | AddShader (Shader shader) |
| Add a shader to be drawn on the surface. If "Shader" is set, the shader list is ignored. More...
void | RemoveShader (Shader shader) |
| Remove a shader from the surface. More...
Shader | PopShader () |
| Remove the top most shader on the list of shaders. More...
void | Display () |
| Calls the SFML Display function on the internal render texture. Should be used before any sort of rendering, otherwise the texture will be upside down! More...
void | ClearShaders () |
| Remove all shaders from the surface. More...
void | SetShader (Shader shader) |
| Replace all shaders with a single shader. This will be ignored if "Shader" is set. More...
void | Draw (Graphic graphic, float x=0, float y=0) |
| Draws a graphic to this surface. More...
void | Fill (Color color) |
| Fills the surface with the specified color. More...
void | Clear () |
| Clears the surface with the fill color. More...
void | Clear (Color color) |
| Clears the surface with a specified color. More...
override void | Render (float x=0, float y=0) |
| Draw the Surface. More...
void | DrawToWindow (Game game) |
| Draw the surface directly to the game window. This will refresh the view, and Display the surface, as well as clear it if AutoClear is true. More...
void | DrawToWindow () |
| Draw the Surface to the Game window. More...
void | SetView (float x, float y, float angle=0, float zoom=1f) |
| Set view of the Surface. More...
Texture | GetTexture () |
| Returns a texture by getting the current render texture. I don't know if this works right yet. More...
void | SaveToFile (string path="") |
| Saves the next completed render to a file. The supported image formats are bmp, png, tga and jpg. Note that this waits until the end of the game's Render() to actually export, otherwise it will be blank! More...
void | CameraScene (Scene scene) |
| Matches the view of the surface to the same view of a Scene. More...
void | CenterCamera (float x, float y) |
| Centers the camera of the surface. More...
| Image (string source=null) |
| Creates a new Image using a filepath to a texture. More...
| Image (Texture texture) |
| Creates a new Image using a Texture. More...
| Image (AtlasTexture texture) |
| Creates a new Image using an AtlasTexture. More...
| Image (int width, int height) |
| Creates a new Image using a specified width and height. More...
Transformation | AddTransform (Transformation transform) |
Transformation | AddTransform (Vector2 translation, Vector2 scale, Vector2 origin, float rotation) |
Transformation | AddTransform () |
Transformation | RemoveTransformation (Transformation transform) |
Transformation | PopTransformation () |
virtual void | ClearShader () |
| Removes the shader from the graphic. More...
void | SetPosition (float x, float y) |
| Set the position of the Graphic. More...
void | SetPosition (Graphic g, float offsetX=0, float offsetY=0) |
| Set the position of the Graphic. More...
void | SetPosition (Vector2 xy) |
| Set the position of the Graphic. More...
void | SetOrigin (float x, float y) |
| Set the origin of the Graphic. More...
void | SetOrigin (Vector2 xy) |
| Set the origin of the Graphic. More...
void | SetTexture (string path) |
| Set the Texture that the Graphic is using (if it is using one.) More...
void | SetTexture (Texture texture) |
| Set the Texture that the Graphic is using (if it is using one.) More...
void | SetTexture (AtlasTexture atlasTexture) |
| Set the Texture that the Graphic is using (if it is using one.) More...
virtual void | Update () |
| Update the graphic. More...
virtual void | CenterOrigin () |
| Centers the graphic origin. More...
virtual void | CenterOriginZero () |
| Centers the graphic origin while retaining its relative position. More...
Game | Game [get, set] |
| The reference to the Game using this Surface (if it is the main Surface the game is rendering to!) More...
float | CameraX [get, set] |
| The camera X for the view of the surface. Note: For the game's main surface, this is controlled by the active Scene. More...
float | CameraY [get, set] |
| The camera Y for the view of the surface. Note: For the game's main surface, this is controlled by the active Scene. More...
float | CameraAngle [get, set] |
| The camera angle for the view of the surface. Note: For the game's main surface, this is controlled by the active Scene. More...
float | CameraZoom [get, set] |
| The camera zoom for the view of the surface. Note: For the game's main surface, this is controlled by the active Scene. More...
float | CameraWidth [get] |
float | CameraHeight [get] |
override Texture | Texture [get] |
| The Texture the Surface has rendered to. More...
override bool | Smooth [get, set] |
| Determines the pixel smoothing for the surface. More...
Rectangle | ClippingRegion [get, set] |
| Defines which area of the Image to show. More...
bool | FlippedX [get, set] |
| Flip the texture coordinates on the X axis. More...
bool | FlippedY [get, set] |
| Flip the texture coordinates on the Y axis. More...
Color | OutlineColor [get, set] |
| The outline color of the Image (only applies to circles and rectangles.) More...
float | OutlineThickness [get, set] |
| The outline thickness of the Image (only applies to circles and rectangles.) More...
Transformation | Transform [get] |
float | X [get, set] |
| The X position of the Graphic. More...
float | Y [get, set] |
| The Y position of the Graphic. More...
float | ScaleX [get, set] |
| The horizontal scale of the graphic. Used in the final transformation. More...
float | ScaleY [get, set] |
| The vertical scale of the graphic. Used in the final transformation. More...
float | Angle [get, set] |
| The angle of rotation of the graphic. Used in the final transformation. More...
float | OriginX [get, set] |
| The X origin point to scale and rotate the graphic with. Used in the final transformation. More...
float | OriginY [get, set] |
| The Y origin point to scale and rotate the graphic with. Used in the final transformation. More...
Color | Color [get, set] |
| The base color of the Graphic. Multiplies the vertices of the graphic by this color. More...
virtual Texture | Texture [get, set] |
| The texture that the graphic is using. More...
float | Alpha [get, set] |
| The base transparency of the graphic. A shortcut to access the base color's Alpha. More...
int | Width [get, set] |
| The width of the Graphic. More...
int | Height [get, set] |
| The height of the Graphic. More...
float | ScaledWidth [get, set] |
| The width in pixels of the image after applying the X scale. More...
float | ScaledHeight [get, set] |
| The height in pixels of the image after applying the Y scale. More...
virtual bool | Smooth [get, set] |
| Smooth the texture of a sprite image while scaling it. More...
float | Scroll [get, set] |
| Set both ScrollX and ScrollY. More...
float | HalfWidth [get] |
| Half of the width. More...
float | HalfHeight [get] |
| Half of the height. More...
float | Scale [set] |
| Sets both the ScaleX and ScaleY at the same time. More...
bool | Repeat [set] |
| Sets both RepeatX and RepeatY at the same time. More...
float | Shake [set] |
| A shortcut to set both ShakeX and ShakeY. More...
float | Left [get] |
| The X position of the left side of the Graphic. More...
float | Top [get] |
| The Y position of the top of the Graphic. More...
float | Right [get] |
| The X position of the right side of the Graphic. More...
float | Bottom [get] |
| The Y position of the bottom of the Graphic. More...
int | TextureLeft [get] |
| The X position of the left of the Texture. More...
int | TextureRight [get] |
| The X position of the right of the Texture. More...
int | TextureTop [get] |
| The Y position of the top of the Texture. More...
int | TextureBottom [get] |
| The Y position of the bottom of the Texture. More...
static Image | CreateRectangle (int width, int height, Color color) |
| Creates a rectangle. More...
static Image | CreateRectangle (Color color) |
| Creates a rectangle the size of the active Game window. More...
static Image | CreateRectangle () |
| Creates a simple black rectangle the size of the active Game window. More...
static Image | CreateRectangle (int width, int height) |
| Creates a rectangle. More...
static Image | CreateRectangle (int size) |
| Creates a rectangle. More...
static Image | CreateRectangle (int size, Color color) |
| Creates a rectangle. More...
static Image | CreateCircle (int radius, Color color) |
| Create a circle. More...
static Image | CreateCircle (int radius) |
| Create a white circle. More...
static int | CirclePointCount = 24 |
| The amount of points to use when rendering a circle shape. More...
override void | TextureChanged () |
override void | UpdateDrawable () |
| Updates the internal SFML data for rendering. More...
void | Append (float x, float y, Color color, float u, float v) |
void | Append (float x, float y, Color color=null) |
virtual void | SFMLRender (Drawable drawable, float x=0, float y=0) |
bool | flipX = false |
VertexArray | SFMLVertices = new VertexArray(PrimitiveType.Quads) |
Drawable | SFMLDrawable |
float | RepeatSizeX |
bool | roundRendering = true |
bool | Dynamic |
| If true the graphic will always update its drawable. More...
Graphic that represents a render target. By default the game uses a master surface to render the game to the window. Be aware of graphics card limiations of render textures when creating surfaces.