| Particle (float x, float y, string source=null, int width=0, int height=0) |
| Create a new Particle. More...
| Particle (float x, float y, Texture texture, int width=0, int height=0) |
| Create a new Particle. More...
| Particle (float x, float y, AtlasTexture texture, int width=0, int height=0) |
| Create a new Particle. More...
| Particle (float x, float y) |
| Create a blank Particle. More...
| Particle (float x, float y, ImageSet imageSet) |
| Create a new Particle. More...
override void | Added () |
| Added to the Scene. More...
void | Start () |
| Start the Particle. More...
override void | Update () |
| Update the Particle. More...
override void | Removed () |
| Removed from the Scene. More...
override void | SceneEnd () |
| Called when the Scene ends. More...
| Entity (float x=0, float y=0, Graphic graphic=null, Collider collider=null, string name="") |
| Create an entity. More...
void | SetGraphic (Graphic g) |
| Sets the graphic to a new graphic, removing all previous graphics. More...
void | SetPosition (float xy) |
| Set the X and Y position to a value. More...
void | AddPosition (float x, float y) |
| Add to the X and Y positions of the Entity. More...
void | AddPosition (Axis axis, float multiplier=1) |
| Add to the X and Y position of the Entity. More...
void | AddPosition (Vector2 vector) |
| Add to the X and Y position of the Entity. More...
void | SetPosition (float x, float y) |
| Set the position of the Entity. More...
void | SetPosition (Entity e, float offsetX=0, float offsetY=0) |
| Set the position of the Entity to another Entity's position. More...
void | SetPosition (Vector2 v) |
| Set the position of the Entity. More...
T | AddGraphic< T > (T g) |
| Adds a Graphic to the Entity. More...
T | AddGraphic< T > (T g, float x, float y) |
| Adds a Graphic to the Entity. More...
List< Graphic > | AddGraphics (params Graphic[] graphics) |
| Adds the graphics to the Entity. More...
T | AddGraphicGUI< T > (T g) |
| Adds a graphic to the Entity and sets its Scroll value to 0. More...
T | AddGraphicGUI< T > (T g, float x, float y) |
| Adds a graphic to the Entity and sets its Scroll value to 0. More...
List< Graphic > | AddGraphicsGUI (params Graphic[] graphics) |
| Adds Graphics to the Entity and sets their Scroll values to 0. More...
T | RemoveGraphic< T > (T g) |
| Removes a Graphic from the Entity. More...
void | RemoveGraphics (params Graphic[] g) |
| Removes Graphics from the Entity. More...
void | ClearGraphics () |
| Remove all the graphics from the entity. More...
T | AddComponent< T > (T c) |
| Adds a component to the entity. More...
T | AddComponent< T > (params object[] constructorArgs) |
| Creates and adds a Component to the entity. More...
List< Component > | AddComponents (params Component[] c) |
| Add multiple components to the entity. More...
T | RemoveComponent< T > (T c) |
| Removes a component from the Entity. More...
T | RemoveComponent< T > () |
| Removes the first component of type T from the Entity. More...
void | ClearComponents () |
| Remove all components from the Entity. More...
void | AddSurface (Surface target) |
| Add a surface that the entity should render to. More...
void | RemoveSurface (Surface target) |
| Remove a surface from the list of surfaces that the entity should render to. More...
void | ClearSurfaces () |
| Remove all Surfaces from the list of Surfaces that the Entity should render to. More...
BoxCollider | SetHitbox (int width, int height, params int[] tags) |
| Shortcut to set the Collider of the entity to a BoxCollider. Using this will set the "Hitbox" field to this Collider. More...
BoxCollider | SetHitbox (int width, int height, Enum tag, params Enum[] tags) |
| Shortcut to set the Collider of the entity to a BoxCollider. Using this will set the "Hitbox" field to this Collider. More...
T | GetEntity< T > () |
| Get the first instance of an Entity of type T in this Entity's Scene. More...
List< T > | GetEntities< T > () |
| Get a list of entities of type T from this Entity's Scene. More...
T | GetComponent< T > () |
| Get the first Component of type T. More...
Component | GetComponent (Type type) |
| Get the first Component of Type type. More...
List< T > | GetComponents< T > () |
| Get all Components of type T. More...
T | GetGraphic< T > () |
| Get the first graphic of type T. More...
T | GetCollider< T > () |
| Get the first collider of type T. More...
T | AddCollider< T > (T c) |
| Add a collider to the entity. More...
T | RemoveCollider< T > (T c) |
| Remove the collider from the entity. More...
void | ClearColliders () |
| Remove all colliders from the entity. More...
T | SetCollider< T > (T c) |
| Remove all current colliders and set collider to a new one. More...
List< Collider > | AddColliders (params Collider[] colliders) |
| Adds colliders to the entity. More...
void | RemoveColliders (params Collider[] colliders) |
| Removes colliders from the entity. More...
Collider | Collide (float x, float y, params int[] tags) |
| Checks for a collision using the first available Collider. More...
Collider | Collide (float x, float y, params Enum[] tags) |
| Checks for a collision using the first available Collider. More...
List< Collider > | CollideList (float x, float y, params int[] tags) |
| Checks for a collision with the first available Collider. More...
List< Collider > | CollideList (float x, float y, params Enum[] tags) |
| Checks for a collision with the first available Collider. More...
List< Entity > | CollideEntities (float x, float y, params int[] tags) |
| Checks for a collision with the first available Collider. More...
List< Entity > | CollideEntities (float x, float y, params Enum[] tags) |
| Checks for a collision with the first available Collider. More...
List< T > | CollideEntities< T > (float x, float y, List< T > entities) |
List< T > | CollideEntities< T > (float x, float y, params int[] tags) |
List< T > | CollideEntities< T > (float x, float y, params Enum[] tags) |
bool | Overlap (float x, float y, params int[] tags) |
| Checks for an overlap using the first available collider. More...
bool | Overlap (float x, float y, params Enum[] tags) |
| Checks for an overlap using the first available collider. More...
bool | Overlap (float x, float y, Entity e) |
| Checks for an overlap using the first available collider. More...
virtual void | SceneBegin () |
| Called when the Scene begins. More...
virtual void | ScenePause () |
| Called when the Scene is paused. More...
virtual void | SceneResume () |
| Called when the Scene is resumed. More...
virtual void | Paused () |
| Called when the entity is paused by the Scene. More...
virtual void | Resumed () |
| Called when the entity is resumed by the Scene. More...
Tween | Tween (object target, object values, float duration, float delay=0) |
| Tweens a set of numeric properties on an object. More...
virtual void | UpdateFirst () |
| Called first during the update. Happens before Update. More...
virtual void | UpdateLast () |
| Called last during the update. Happens after Update. More...
virtual void | Render () |
| Called when the entity is rendering to the screen. More...
virtual void | Prerender () |
| Called before an entity is rendered. Things rendered here will appear below the Entity's Graphics. More...
void | RemoveSelf () |
| Remove this entity from the Scene it's in. More...
Color | Color [get, set] |
| The Color of the Particle. Overrides ColorR, ColorG, ColorB. More...
float | SpeedLen [get, set] |
| The magnitude of the particle's movement. Overrides SpeedX and SpeedY. More...
float | SpeedDir [get, set] |
| The direction of the particle's movement. Overrides SpeedX and SpeedY. More...
int | FrameCount [get, set] |
| How many frames are present in the ImageSet for the Particle to animate through. More...
float | FinalSpeedX [get, set] |
| The final horizontal speed of the Particle. More...
float | FinalSpeedY [get, set] |
| The final vertical speed of the Particle. More...
float | FinalScaleX [get, set] |
| The final X scale of the rendered Image. More...
float | FinalScaleY [get, set] |
| The final Y scale of the rendered Image. More...
float | FinalAngle [get, set] |
| The final angle of the rendered Image. More...
float | FinalX [get, set] |
| The final X position of the Particle. If set this overrides speed values. More...
float | FinalY [get, set] |
| The final Y position of the Particle. If set this overrides speed values. More...
float | FinalAlpha [get, set] |
| The final Alpha of the rendered Image. More...
float | FinalColorR [get, set] |
| The final Color R component of the rendered Image. More...
float | FinalColorG [get, set] |
| The final Color G component of the rendered Image. More...
float | FinalColorB [get, set] |
| The final Color B component of the rendered Image. More...
Color | FinalColor [get, set] |
| The final Color of the rendered Image. If set will override the R G B components. More...
float | FinalSpeedLen [get, set] |
| The final speed length of the Particle. If set will override SpeedX and SpeedY. More...
float | FinalSpeedDir [get, set] |
| The final speed direction of the Particle. If set will override SpeedX and SpeedY. More...
float | OriginX [get, set] |
| The X origin of the rendered Image. More...
float | OriginY [get, set] |
| The Y origin of the rendered Image. More...
bool | UpdatedOnce [get, set] |
| Is true if the Entity has been updated by the Scene at least once. More...
Component | this[int id] [get] |
List< Graphic > | Graphics [get, set] |
| The list of graphics to render. More...
List< Component > | Components [get, set] |
| The list of components to update and render. More...
List< Collider > | Colliders [get, set] |
| The list of colliders to use for collision checks. More...
List< Surface > | Surfaces [get, set] |
| The list of surfaces the entity should draw to. More...
Scene | Scene [get, set] |
| The Scene that controls and updates this entity. More...
int | InstanceId [get, set] |
| The int id of the Entity for the Scene its currently in. More...
bool | IsInScene [get] |
| Returns true if the entity is currently in a Scene, or is queued to be added to a Scene next update. More...
Surface | Surface [get, set] |
| The default Surface that the entity should render to. More...
Entity | Overlapped [get, set] |
| The currently overlapped entity. This only works when using an Overlap collision check, and there is a result. More...
BoxCollider | Hitbox [get, set] |
| Set to a collider by using the SetHitbox method. Shortcut reference. More...
Collider | Collider [get, set] |
| Returns the first available collider, or set the Collider. More...
Input | Input [get] |
| A reference to the Input object in the Game that controls the Scene. More...
Game | Game [get] |
| A reference to the Game that controls the Scene. More...
bool | IsPaused [get] |
| If the entity is currently paused by the scene. More...
float | ScreenX [get] |
| The x position in screen space of the entity. More...
float | ScreenY [get] |
| The y position in screen space of the entity. More...
Graphic | Graphic [get, set] |
| Returns the first available graphic, or set the graphic. More...
Vector2 | Position [get, set] |
| The position of the Entity represented as a Vector2 More...
Entity that is a quick way to make a particle. Has lots of parameters that can be set, so use this with that constructor where you do { } and put a bunch of properties inside. var p = new Particle(0, 0, "particle.png", 100, 100) { LifeSpan = 30, Angle = 10, FinalScaleX = 0, LockScaleRatio = true };